Martha's Vineyard Transportation Plan 2015 Transportation Survey In relation to the preparation of the 2015 Martha's Vineyard Regional Transportation Plan, the Martha's Vineyard Commission carried out an on-line transportation survey. This document summarizes the results of the analysis of the 119 responses and includes all the comments. June 2, 2015 Q1 TRANSPORTATION CONCERNS How high a priority is it to you that each of the following be improved or protected from deterioration? Ferry service. Road safety. Pedestrian facilities. Bicycle accommodations off road. Scenic impacts of roadside viewscapes (vistas, fences, buildings, stone walls, fields). Bus (VTA) service. Scenic impacts of roadways (lane and shoulder widths, guardrails, road signs). Road and bridge maintenance and repair. Bicycle accommodations on road. Road congestion. Roadside vegetation. Harbors and boating. Roadside utility poles. Airport and air travel. Taxis. Low Medium High Very High 8 6 3 11 15 17 22 15 25 32 39 34 68 58 52 54 Rating Average 3.32 3.26 3.21 3.15 6 20 41 47 3.13 9 21 37 50 3.09 9 22 40 44 3.03 6 13 15 12 13 26 32 35 25 19 30 33 38 34 30 43 46 39 27 35 36 27 30 19 38 43 42 34 26 25 19 16 3.01 2.98 2.84 2.80 2.66 2.46 2.32 2.14 Q2 TRANSPORTATION POLICIES To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Rating Average 4 2 14 47 50 4.17 4 4 27 46 34 3.89 Roundabouts should be installed at some intersections to facilitate traffic flow. 12 7 22 39 34 3.67 Road shoulders in rural areas should be widened to better accommodate bicyclists and pedestrians. 12 15 13 39 35 3.61 Turning lanes should be added in some congested stretches of roads. 13 5 28 45 23 3.53 Traffic signal lights should not be installed on Martha's Vineyard to preserve the Island’s distinct character. 14 16 23 21 41 3.51 In most areas where speed limits are 45 mph, they should be reduced to 35 mph. 18 39 20 16 23 2.89 Road shoulders in rural areas should be as narrow as possible to preserve scenic values. 26 29 22 25 12 2.72 Traffic signal lights should be installed at some intersections to facilitate traffic flow. 39 26 22 14 9 2.35 Parking meters should be installed on major shopping streets. 41 31 23 4 16 2.33 Free shuttle bus service should be expanded, linking downtowns to their park-and-rides and newer commercial areas. Park-and-ride lots should be added and/or expanded. Q3 BICYCLE ACCOMMODATION To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Strongly Disgree Disgree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Rating Average 3 1 7 25 77 4.52 Bicyclists are best accommodated in bike paths or Shared Use Paths that are physically separated from the roadway. 4 6 10 36 58 4.21 There should be good bicycle accommodation both on-road and with off-road paths. 4 11 19 32 47 3.95 19 29 26 24 13 2.85 The network of off-road bike paths (Shared Use Paths) should be completed so the centers of Vineyard Haven, Oak Bluffs, and Edgartown are linked to each other. Bicyclists are best accommodated in wide shoulders. Q4 ROAD CONGESTION How much of a problem is congestion on the following roadway sections or intersections? Rarely a problem Occasional Serious Very Serious Rating Average Beach Road, Five Corners Intersection and Ferry Terminal Area, Tisbury 2 13 33 65 3.42 Intersection of Edgartown-Vineyard Haven Road / State Road / Look Street, Tisbury. 1 24 34 53 3.24 Beach Road / Edgartown - Vineyard Haven Road Intersection (The Triangle), Edgartown 2 30 31 43 3.08 Upper Main Street, Edgartown 4 26 51 26 2.93 Downtown Edgartown 6 38 38 26 2.78 Intersection of Main Street and State Road, Tisbury 3 42 45 21 2.76 Downtown Oak Bluffs (Circuit Avenue, Harbor, ferry area, Seaview), Oak Bluffs 9 46 36 17 2.56 Upper State Road, Tisbury. 17 61 24 6 2.18 Edgartown - Vineyard Haven Road / Barnes Road Intersection (roundabout), Oak Bluffs. 50 43 16 1 1.71 Q5 SAFETY What do you feel are the most dangerous intersections and stretches of roadway, for cars, bikes, and/or pedestrians. Five Corners in Vineyard Haven Response Percent 82% Look / State / Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road Intersection in Vineyard Haven 76% The Triangle in Edgartown 51% Beach Road (drawbridge to Five Corners) in Vineyard Haven 45% Vineyard Haven Ferry Terminal and Water Street 38% State Road / Main Street Intersection in Vineyard Haven 38% Oak Bluffs Ferry Terminal Area 28% Upper State Road in Vineyard Haven 21% Old County / State Road Intersection in West Tisbury 20% Upper Main Street in Edgartown 19% State Road / Edgartown West Tisbury Road Intersection in West Tisbury 11% Beach Road in Edgartown 3% Q6 SCENIC ROADS What do you feel are the most scenic roadways or areas to be protected: Response Percent 75% Response Count 67 Lamberts Cove Road, West Tisbury 70% 62 Beach Road between Edgartown and Oak Bluffs 66% 59 Moshup Trail, Aquinnah State Road from Beetlebung Corner to Gay Head Cliffs, Chilmark and Aquinnah 65% 58 64% 57 South Road, Chilmark 58% 52 North Road, Chilmark 58% 52 Tashmoo Overlook, Tisbury 54% 48 West Tisbury Town Center 46% 41 Chappaquiddick Road, Edgartown 42% 37 Quitsa (Clam Cove) Overlook, Chilmark 37% 33 Katama Road, Edgartown 33% 29 Beach Road between the Hospital and Vineyard Haven 33% 29 State Road from Tashmoo Overlook to West Tisbury 27% 24 Edgartown – West Tisbury Road 19% 17 Barnes Road (roundabout to County Road), Oak Bluffs 12% 11 Edgartown – Vineyard Haven Road 10% 9 Middle Road, Chilmark Q7 OTHER TRANSPORTATION SUGGESTIONS Please indicate what concerns, comments, or suggestions you have about transportation to or on Martha's Vineyard. Answer Options Response Count 44 Q8 How high a priority should the Martha's Vineyard Commission place on dealing with the following issues? Low Medium High Very High Water Quality in Coastal Ponds 6 11 28 64 Rating Average 3.38 Transportation - as covered by this survey , y, Housing 7 17 48 37 3.06 10 24 30 48 3.04 Open Space Protection 14 17 39 42 2.97 Smart Growth 10 25 34 37 2.92 Sea-Level Rise and Climate Change 15 28 22 48 2.91 Energy including wind and solar power 10 27 40 36 2.90 Built Environment - building design, scenic values 14 29 43 24 2.70 Economic Development 18 42 31 19 2.46 Social Issues 41 27 21 20 2.18 Q9 What type of resident / visitor are you? Response Percent Response Count Permanent resident 85.0% 91 Seasonal resident (on the Vineyard a month or more) 15.0% 16 0.0% 0 Visitor (on the Vineyard less than a month, including day visitors and commuters) Other or add detail 11 Q10 In what town is your permanent home? Response Percent Response Count Aquinnah 0.9% 1 Chilmark 9.2% 10 Edgartown 16.5% 18 Oak Bluffs 28.4% 31 Tisbury (Vineyard Haven) 17.4% 19 West Tisbury 15.6% 17 Off-Island (please indicate where) 11.9% 13 Q11 In what town do you live/stay on Martha's Vineyard in the summer? Response Percent Response Count Aquinnah 1.1% 1 Chilmark 15.6% 14 Edgartown 22.2% 20 Oak Bluffs 27.8% 25 Tisbury (Vineyard Haven) 17.8% 16 West Tisbury 15.6% 14 Q12 In the summer, how often per week do you ride a bike? 0 Response Percent 30.2% Response Count 32 1 17.0% 18 2 11.3% 12 3 13.2% 14 4 4.7% 5 23.6% 25 5 or more Q13 On average, how often per week do you take a VTA bus? Response Percent Response Count 0 64% 68 1 18% 19 2 6% 6 3 7% 7 4 3% 3 5 or more 4% 4 Q14 What is your age? Response Percent Response Count Under 18 0% 0 18-30 7% 8 31-40 3% 3 41-50 13% 14 51-60 24% 26 61-70 38% 42 over 70. 16% 17 Q15 Are you a member of a town, other public board, or employee on the Vineyard related directly or indirectly to transportation? Response Response Percent Count 36.4% 12 3.0% 1 21.2% 7 Conservation Commission 9.1% 3 Town or Other Public Employee 27.3% 9 Working in Field Related to Transportation 21.2% 7 Martha's Vineyard Commission Board of Selectmen Planning Board Other (please specify) 17 Transportation Survey Comments Q1 TRANSPORTATION CONCERNS How high a priority is it to you that each of the following be improved or protected from deterioration? • • • • • • • Accessibility to the island is critical. On island we want to keep the quality of life here on the island which includes less congestion, lovely scene scapes, safe places to walk, bike, appropriate signage and preservation of historically significant farms, building, venues. Accommodations for bicycles on all parts of the Island is very important. Bicycle trails take a hit during winter months creating frost heaves, etc. which have proven dangerous. As households move toward reducing emissions, safe places to walk and bicycle will be essential. Our beautiful island loses its rural character when we thoughtlessly cut back vegetation along scenic roadways and home and business owners erect sterile white fences. Preserved, or well planned, scenic vistas define us as a high quality destination. Statistics have shown that our population of senior citizens will be growing at a rate faster than many places in the country. This will require planning on many levels, including transportation. There is a likelihood that emerging businesses will provide increased shuttle and taxing services for seniors with a need for safe parking and disembarkation. Bike lanes need to be better maintained as well as extended, Meshakett Road for example. The SSA facility should move from Water St. to Beach Rd. as soon as possible. Turning lanes should be considered at the 5 corners. A roundabout should be considered at the Edgartown triangle. Could there be taxi vouchers for elderly full time residents? Could VTA "ride" be nicer to their customers? Elders do not wish to be treated as naughty children just because they are old. Dignity would be so nice. Coupon books for Ride? Could taxis not be so competitive, fast, cow Boyish? Enforcement and education about safe use of public roadways to all users, motorist, bicyclist and pedestrian will go a long way to making it all work better. Motor vehicles should not be given priority. Creating bike and pedestrian friendly roadways and downtown areas will improve safety and the economy. SSA should charge by the size of vehicles, bikes, electric and hybrid cars free, large SUVs and pickup trucks pay by the pound or foot! Also they need to make it easier to travel on ferry without car. Transporting baggage, groceries, etc. is not easy, encouraging unnecessary car transport. First concern--Island residents Martha's Vineyard Transportation Plan 2015 – Comments 17 • • • • • • • • • • • Given the realities of our weather and that many people live far from a main road often down a long dirt road, the automobile is a necessity. Face it and deal with it. Don't pretend otherwise and spend a lot of money for empty busses and bike lines. Even if your personal bias is against the car, you are at the MVC for the real greater good and not some fictional utopian good. Make the Vineyard work better for cars, that is what we need. I can't believe you did not even mention municipal parking, that demonstrates your bias and blindness right there. In 2002 the MVC had an "expert" from New Hampshire review the future of cars on the Island and he said we would all be driving small little cars, WRONG! Look at any parking lot. 90% at trucks or SUVs. You need those types of vehicles to live on MV. In the future they may be electric or hydrogen but still automobiles. Work to make the real Vineyard a better place and not some fictitious fantasy where you expect others take the bus. Hard to compare some of these on a single scale, and they don't all matter from the same point of view. For example, taxis don't (currently) affect me strongly, personally, but they do affect road congestion and safety. VTA likewise, but of far greater community importance. I do not think that scenic roads should take priority over safety and access for all users (bikes, walkers and buses). I have a concern about the growth of air travel. I do not want to see more and more private and public carrier jets flying into the airport. Bicycles and large trucks and buses do not match, especially up island. I have two shops at the 5 corners as well as living there for 30 years. I have seen it all. No one cares what speed your buses go through this intersection. It's 20 MPH and there travels over 30-40. One day they will kill someone. I see them so close to the sidewalk it's frightening. You also have no set pick up or drop off any more it's a free for all on Beach RD. Nothing is marked. When the bus stops outside of the gas station (Citgo) I've seen cars and trucks go up into the gas station driveway around the people standing there and then go out in front of the bus. Tell me that's not against the law. Slow down those buses at the five corners. There the reason bikers don't want to get out in the road at the corner and they proceed down the sidewalk. Someone needs to listen...SOON. I hope we can keep the small town, country quality of our roads. I live on Tradewinds Road in Oak Bluffs. There is a multi use path built to accommodate school children traveling to school. The number of bikes that use the path during the summer, particularly by non school children frequently I feel presents a danger to residents and others when either driving or walking. I strongly urge and recommend to direct the non school children bike traffic to remain on County, Barnes, and Wing Road. Let's fix our stone walls up island all along the roads. Let's cut down the weeds and bamboo along Chilmark's scenic part of State Road so one gets a water view. Other island eyesores: Trees at airport should be watered, trimmed and tended to - the airport looks a mess And the toilets are usually filthy - NOT a good first impression of our island More signs needed--the kind that are smaller, fit in with views--but are helpful for directions and public safety Need Bicycle/Pedestrian paths No eminent domain Martha's Vineyard Transportation Plan 2015 – Comments 18 • • • • • • • Permit unlicensed taxis to pick up and drop off without restrictions in all towns, at any time! Public transportation should take priority over taxis. That way people can rely on consistent fares and schedules Road, transportation and structural development on the island and especially along all public ways have a significant impact on the rural character of the island. The coastal and roadside DCPC's were created to protect this character. Has the intent of all DCPC's been successfully achieved 40 years later? If not, why not? What is the MVC trying to preserve? We live in a very special place. What makes it so special are its features that distinguish it from the mainland. Our varying real estate values by town are a direct result of these similarities and differences versus the mainland. We live in a finite area and do not need traditional improvements or solutions to deal with increased congestion, population growth and natural resource depletion. We need change that reduces the causes of the pressures on our island and its rural and coastal heritage. We do not need change that is designed to adapt to these increasing pressures. Ease of access is at the root of all of the current pressures we are facing--from larger airport runways, larger ferries, wider roads all of which bring more automobiles in the summer. We now need to deal with larger grocery stores, roundabouts, nitrogen loading in our water and coastal resources and many other consequences. All of the proposed changes and issues outlined in the survey are to serve a brief 3 month period of excess congestion. Internet access and to a lesser degree mobile communications have taken a regional planning back burner to the visible and polluting problems we are facing and the subsequent issues outlined in the survey. While ease of digital access will contribute to congestion it will help the island's economy evolve and provide needed essential communications services to the year-round population. The MVC has been silent on these regional communications needs leaving each Town to fend for themselves for these basic public utility needs with the large providers. NStar's recent utility pole upgrades would go unnoticed on the mainland. What were the Town responses to this? This leads us back to how do we best preserve what we have? Ancient European cities, towns, villages and communities have protected their cultures and character for time periods much longer than the island's age since settlement. They are also far more advanced than we on renewable energy. Solar power seems to have less controversy on-island than wind--for whatever reasons. While there's mention of solar power in this survey why is there no substantial mention of solar power in the island plan? Taxis - we need better seasonal transportation. Taxis are wonderful. Forget making better roads, what makes the Vineyard distinct is no improvements. Who wants to be the mainland. Any change in roads will eventually end in putting I 93 between Tisbury and every other location. Fuck um (please translate to ridiculous if for public consumption). This is not what the Vineyard is about. How ludicrous to do studies and pay monies to leave the environment alone????? Taxis need to be regulated/supervised island wide, not just by individual towns. The Current Experiences of the public transport, pedestrian routes, congestions by car, or driving-pedestrian safety, and the general satisfaction of the road experience, per season, can be collected first, as general consensus, before these questions. The impact of jets concerns me re: noise & flight path, frequency. There is little to no control over this. Road Safety -bicyclists riding on the "wrong side", nothing is done about it. Poor signage for some areas (i.e., from OB in front of hospital, Martha's Vineyard Transportation Plan 2015 – Comments 19 • • • • • • • • crossing bridge to VH -- which side do they ride on, when should they cross back to the "correct" side of the road). Ferry service -- size of boats. New terminal in WH. Again, this is an independent board who is not accountable to anyone. Not really. FIVE CORNERS!!! The Island is suffering the effects of huge growth imposed on an infrastructure built a hundred years ago. Roads are too narrow to accommodate bike lanes; congestion at key points (we know where those are) is virtually unfixable for both geographic and political reasons; utility poles are there to enable Islanders to enjoy modern life- are we going to start paying to place the poles underground? I don't think so. Air travel to and fro is essentially for the wealthy only- not sure why aside from possibly the lack of competition. The Island will succeed or fail at street level. when biking, hiking, walking, taking VTA or even driving - that is the beauty folks will see when they visit or live The VTA service is very important as is the off Island van to Boston on Tuesdays. Our population is aging and we need these services. underground the utilities - begin in downtowns We don't really have taxis here. We have van shuttles. On one trip a driver can make over $100 since they charge the same fare no matter how many people they can cram in. Some years ago in the winter I bought a year long VTA Bus pass. The first hot summer day I boarded the bus and nearly passed out since there is no air conditioning. I got off at the next stop walked back to my car and that was the end of the VTA for me. We need to implement more traffic calming measures. Reduce road widths and slow traffic. We should do everything possible to keep and improve the rural characteristics of our roads. Is it possible to create bike paths up island on our ancient trails? While the Island's "multi-use" paths are a huge asset, critical links need to be closed in order for the system to function well as a means of serious transportation. In particular, the gaps in pedestrian/bike ways between County Road OB and Five Corners, and along State Road in VH, are appalling: in places there are no paths, and in other places, the paths that exist are worse than nothing (I mean, they look like they're designed with the intent of exposing bicyclists to risk). Q2 TRANSPORTATION POLICIES To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Comment to clarify or suggest locations.) Martha's Vineyard Transportation Plan 2015 – Comments 20 Free shuttle bus service should be expanded, linking downtowns to their park-and-rides and newer commercial areas. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • "free"? a priority needs to be to minimize traffic--more buses, etc. An overall plan first -- define the "newer commercial areas". If it is free it should be a service provided by the SSA and paid from w/in their already inflated budget. and the park and rides should be less expensive than parking "downtown" But not free...have Charlie Cards @ $1 per ride Comments: Commercial/Retail and Town employees should use park-and-ride to allow for customers to use in town parking. develop Menemsha sunset bus system - excellent idea which nobody really knows about Downtown areas should have limited vehicle access. Especially in the summer months, when demand is the highest fewer cars, more walkable will make downtowns more enjoyable - gridlock is an environmental and aesthetic disaster free is excellent, but I would also use it on a 'buy x number of rides (reasonable-$1.00ish) in book or some electronic pay option. Many of us commute for work purposes on the boat, which is expensive due to SSA costs to include tickets, parking fees, and the cost of an off island car. Not free, rather very low cost Only in high season People should pay, "free" means heavy burdens to the tax payers as a whole. Give concessions instead to the locals who join "island (club) cards" type. Seems sufficient no? shuttle service to the new Edgartown library from Chappy ferry and park n ride. very often people give up after circling a Main Street several times and not stop and shop Who will pay for this free service? Yes, yes, yes. In most areas where speed limits are 45 mph, they should be reduced to 35 mph. • 40 mph seems most reasonable • 45 may be fast if one is walking but too slow for modern, skilled drivers in modern cars • Comments: Martha's Vineyard Transportation Plan 2015 – Comments 21 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Drive traffic away except for the tunnel traffic leaving the Vineyard :-) five corners is 20MPH keep it and obey the speed limit get rid of mopeds - up island can be a bit faster Has to be enforced otherwise who cares. I cannot comment. What problem are you trying to solve? If you actually drive 45, it is fine where posted in a number of cases, you could then safely narrow the road in question, and add a bike path lower it to 40mph Maybe in summer. Probably -- except for the Edgartown-WT Road -- in winter increase to 60. The speed limit before and after the high school "school-zone" needs to be better marked The visitors still look at the straight sections of the inter-town routes as I-90. They have to learn to drive slowly. Who will enforce? State DOT determines limits based on observed traffic flow. Yes, I don't think there is any need to go faster than 35 on the island. Park-and-ride lots should be added and/or expanded. • Are they filled now? • expanded if you want greater use of the service • I don't know whether they are used to capacity. • in theory good idea, but don't want to induce more cars, would prefer folks take VTA more or bike • it would be nice to have more frequent bus to downtown VH from Park and Ride parking and back • Just puts more cars on the road and adds to traffic problems • Many times the starting and stopping of busses creates more congestion than cars • more importantly maintain the two we have • Oak Bluffs is lacking park and ride. • Probably -- would like to hear a plan and the options first. • The current Park-n-Ride is for the people who "leave" the island currently. And, we need the park-n-ride for town visitors and workers instead. The current use of Park-n-Ride for many nights are simply wrong. Convert the use for the in-town visitors on the island, then we will see if we need more places. It has not been tested yet for the rightful purpose yet. Martha's Vineyard Transportation Plan 2015 – Comments 22 • • • • We have parking issues in OB and we are going ahead with a small park-and-ride lot. I will be watching to see what effect the new lot will have. But I have to add that when the entire focus of the business community is to bring more people (cars) to the Island, the new lot will likely only have a negligible effect. We need an parking area in Oak Bluffs and a road (other than State Rd) to access the VH Parking area. yes and made more attractive to use Yes if park the car and give up the car while on island, otherwise no. off islanders basically wanting more transportation space so they can drive here Parking meters should be installed on major shopping streets. • Again, more like a mainland solution. Confirms our similarities. Does not punctuate our differences • Comments: • don’t know think this is a town issue for each town, hate the idea more mechanical presence, but limit use to 1 hour • don't nickel and dime the residents or the tourists! • I think this is rude, not at all in keeping with the Vineyard life. • I think this should be up to the town. • I view parking meters as a potential revenue-raising measure for my town, but there is much sentiment against it (as if the Vineyard's "character" was a never-changing notion). • If enforcement was consistent no need for meters • If installed, they should only be used during the tourist season • make it easier to leave the car up on the hill in VH and bus downtown • NEVER the meter maid has a job. • never please • parking meters would only encourage higher turnover - which is already done w/ two hour limit • The digital parking meter, funded by the manufacturing companies, according to Smart Parking convention 2014, can be used to charge per peak/off-peak hours, and, remotely controlled for flexible strategic operations. I have not seen MVC staff at that convention back in 2014. See the video on-line. • This would be very unpopular • Yes with technological emphasis. Eliminate all day and overnight on-street parking on residential streets affected by metered parking • You're kidding . . . right? Road shoulders in rural areas should be as narrow as possible to preserve scenic values. • A classic conundrum Martha's Vineyard Transportation Plan 2015 – Comments 23 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Road • • • absolutely - broader shoulders, increased speeds An adequate shoulder can be a significant safety asset. Bike safety. but easements must be sought for walk ways for pedestrian safety Craig Whitaker's Holy Grail Depends on the road and town I do not agree with the narrow shoulder will be the opposition to the scenic values. The overridden hacking of the trees and messy shrubs, salt in the winter season are the ones that need to be controlled first. I will not support any narrowed shoulder, unless there are other measures being executed together. Nothing will succeed as a black-or-white approach. In areas where bike paths as alternative to roadway exist. it's already impossible up island why look for more many people need to be killed jogging walking and biking. leave room for pedestrians and cyclists!! Most people are ill-equipped to drive the very large trucks & SUVs they now feel compelled to own. They are anxious & unable to pass a bicyclist AND stay in their lane -- even though it is completely possible to do so. A better definition of "as narrow as possible" would yield a more educated answer. Need to provide safe space for bike paths and pedestrians nothing scenic about cyclists, scooter riders, and pedestrians fighting for passage on narrow roads overwhelmed with high speed vehicles Part of traffic calming. Provided there are provisions to accommodate bicyclists and pedestrians. Safety of walkers and bikers need to be considered Shoulders provide some safety and do not distract from the beauty. Shoulders should be narrow with separated bike paths. There should always be room for a bicyclist to travel from town to town and/or car to pull over safely. they should be as narrow as they need to be to make sure nonmotorized travelers are SAFE! This will also calm traffic speeds shoulders in rural areas should be widened to better accommodate bicyclists and pedestrians. absolutely. Speeds reduced, shoulders maintained free of debris. Reclaim the roads for people, Again -- too broad a statement. It would be nice if all of the Chilmark roads had 18 inch shoulders on both sides. Again, present "how things will work in drawings and diagrams" then ask this question again. It is not one or the other as I mentioned above. Martha's Vineyard Transportation Plan 2015 – Comments 24 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • bike paths are a better Bike paths are better. Comments: Depends on the road and town focus on building off-road SUP I am not in favor of wider shoulders - is there no alternative (ie walking paths???) I hope that there will be bike paths that are separate from roads. I never let my kids ride our roads. Only on a bike path. In areas where off-road bike trails don't exist. In some areas for safety purposes... you want people out of their cars, right? Just makes cars go faster and ignore the cyclist. Not in my lane -- no problem leave things alone and mark the road with biker stencils telling people what direction their supposed to be going in "picture words" make dedicated bike lane No comment on this solution. You need a more creative solution. off-road bicycle paths should be expanded to accommodate bicyclists and pedestrians. They don't necessarily have to parallel the road. OK then Once again unsafe drivers of both bikes and motor vehicles should be reprimanded Only on major roads. Bike paths on side roads are a problem. perhaps occasional turnouts would be useful... purely a safety consideration; a problem if area to widen is not publicly owned separate path This is not a black and white issue. In some places there is not room to widen shoulders without serious scenic and property damage. I say limit when bikers can use these roads to the spring and fall. this is the only way we can increase "active transportation" options up-Island. no barriers, no curbs, no paths: just cut back the brush a bit more and level the shoulder yes but where and how. now more infrastructure for bull shit - get the cars off the roads for summer months everything else will be fine Roundabouts should be installed at some intersections to facilitate traffic flow. • 5 corners is the obvious candidate. Martha's Vineyard Transportation Plan 2015 – Comments 25 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Are you kidding me? Where?? Five corners? What a joke Barnes and West Tisbury Road should be next Depends on specific circumstances and traffic study duuuuhhh Especially at both ends of the Vineyard Haven - Edgartown Road Especially at the Edgartown triangle ET triangle; ET/West Tis Road Existing site works great, other sites more problematic. Five corners and Edg Triangle Five corners in Vineyard Haven must be addressed! Five corners, end of Edg/State Rd. Tisbury, Triangle Edg. top priorities I like the one. Not sure they will work everywhere. 5 Corners, State/VH-EDG Rd, Triangle, County/VH-EGD Rd need attention I somewhat agree. But will the roundabout be the solution, without the education of the drivers? I noticed the new roundabout was helping, but making the drivers a bit more nervous, and the worst is, some of the buses (VTA, School) and the larger trucks totally ignore the direction and override the white strips and the round flower beds many times. The stricter control, i.e. CCTV (for any incident), and fining system should be enforced. in theory yes, but the less cars the better off you are Just encourages more traffic. We need to stop accommodating the motor vehicle. not sure that roundabouts are the only solution but 5 corners, edg/vh road onto state rd and the triangle all need help in some fashion not sure where you are considering, but the one at Barnes Road is a home run! Oak Bluffs one is great........perhaps is only forstalls the backup elsewhere, but maybe the spacing of the inevitable traffic can be the Edg/ Square Rigger mess. one is enough repeat above Study them one at a generalization Very common in Europe Where? the present one works well Work on the cause of the problem. Yes -- at Beetlebung Corner. That intersection is confusing to anyone who DOESN'T pass through on a regular basis. (which is most of us) Yes, yes, yes. It has worked beautifully at Barnes/Edg./VH roads, why not at least look into it elsewhere? Martha's Vineyard Transportation Plan 2015 – Comments 26 Traffic signal lights should be installed at some intersections to facilitate traffic flow. • a possibility. see above • a possibility for County/VH-EDG Rd, stop and enter signs for Triangle, both approaches toward EDG. Had signals long ago in OB. Have them now on Lagoon Bridge. Why not? • Certainly the roundabout at the blinker has turned out to work pretty well. • Help is needed at the State Road intersection w/Edgartown Road. • I grew up in Palm Springs, Calif when there was ONE stop light and the city worked well. Making Palm Springs like LA hurt it. Now they are everywhere and the city is not as pretty. • If you install one red light there will be half dozen others before long. How about more yield signs. stop lights are paralyzing gas wasters! • Intersection of State Road with Edgartown/Vineyard Haven Road • Is the island Cape Cod? Again, preserve our wonderful differences. Work on the problem.. • I've spoken the State rep in charge of traffic and he totally agrees we need one at the five corners. • never - ruin island charm - and also would not really help that much • repeat above • Sensor-based system with ground lights that you can see upon approach to show that the intersection is clear or not. • This is not a popular alternative, but probably the best solution in some cases. • What most people really think • When roundabouts are not feasible I think traffic light should be used in highly congested areas. • Yes, But Seasonal Operations! For Example, we could have the better use of the lights at Beach Road, VH (Mansion House area) And, no left turn (seasonal halt during the summer season) to Tisbury USPS site on Same Beach Road will help to ease the traffic jam Traffic signal lights should not be installed on Martha's Vineyard to preserve the Island’s distinct character. • Analysis of traffic patterns should be the guidance, not nostalgia • I feel a bit silly for agreeing with this, but there you have it! I value the Island's rural backwardness. • If traffic is a problem, we should limit cars on the island. Leave the cars on the Cape. We should not start from the premise that we need to tolerate all the cars that people want to bring. • If we don't have the manpower to handle the traffic flow or a roundabout in the critical spots then we may need to have traffic signals. • If your character is defined by not having a stop light that is pathetic. Martha's Vineyard Transportation Plan 2015 – Comments 27 • • • • • • • • • • In Some places, it is needed. Designing the crafted-vintage European quality will be better fitted than derelict and heavy congested areas. If done with poor designs and locations, it will be worse than not having any. Again, please, don't throw the black-and-white question without showing any good case studies and references. Instead: Sensor-based system with ground lights that you can see upon approach to show that the intersection is clear or not. Oh, get over it. ruin island charm - and also would not really help that much Rural............not "distinct" There are several "distinct" Vineyard Characters. They can be gently educated on how to use traffic signals. They really don't help. The roundabout works so well. They should be used where congestion/capacity is an issue. They shouldn't be over-used in the same way intersections shouldn't be over-engineered - that said, there are probably some instances where a signalized intersection would benefit a lot of things (congestion, air quality, safety, etc.) This is not the Vineyard car situation of 60 years ago We have had to put up with schools, library's, fire, police, EMT's all building new and better buildings. Buying bigger equipment but now we want to keep the island's character? We've lost it already. Now with the amount of large cars over sized trucks on our streets and people walking around with phones in their ears...someone has to low sown the traffic. They can be operated according to the boat schedule so there isn't problem. Turning lanes should be added in some congested stretches of roads. • 4-way stops should be 4-way stops, not 8-way stops • A bypass route might be a better idea. • Difficult to do without expensive legal takings in many situations • especially at the 5 corners • Five corners is the only problem area • focus on building roundabouts • hate the idea, but it would sure help for State Road in the summer... then again, so long as we're nice and let each other in, it's kind of nice to sit in traffic: it's the only time you see your friends and have time to say "hi" • if you make easier to drive - more folks will - don't want more cars • no • not necessary except a few weeks a year, less cars would be better • Possibly but not as the only solution. • Probably . . . sigh. Especially at the State Road/Old County Road in WT -- with a passing lane on the right. Martha's Vineyard Transportation Plan 2015 – Comments 28 • • • • • • • • • Roundabouts and turning lanes are essential. Stop and Shop Edgartown This could be helpful Turning lanes may increase traffic flow but also speed in congested areas - increasing danger, distractedness of drivers thinking they can zip through, make pedestrians and bicyclists at risk, and generally increasing the pace of driving unnecessarily speed and flow at the expense of moderate and careful which increase traffic flows We don't have that much traffic issues and still the driver's courtesy should be practiced to discourage reckless drivers in the future. What's wrong with slowing down a bit. We're no longer off island. Where possible Who's going to pay for our property to be used up for roads. I'm on the sidewalk I'm not giving up an inch. NO This island needs to keep what little charm we have left. If people don't like it the way it is them they need to go somewhere else. Rent their houses and move off island for 4-6 months. Why are we in such a hurry? Q3 BICYCLE ACCOMODATION To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Bicyclists are best accommodated in wide shoulders. • A little more room on the pavement but outside the fog line would be good for bikes. • As long as they meet minimum standards as suggested in NACTO. If shoulders are designed for cyclists they should be signed/designated/maintained. • Bicyclists are best accommodated with wider travel lanes and smaller gutter lanes • Bicyclists, especially in groups should be discouraged off island during July-August. • Comments: • dedicated lanes are best - wide shoulders - increase traffic speed • depends on the nature of the roadway, above all, the SPEED of the roadway and visibility. • for young riders this doesn't keep them safe Martha's Vineyard Transportation Plan 2015 – Comments 29 • • • • • • • • • • • • I "conditionally" support this when the wide sidewalk or SUP are no longer existent between the towns. Again, this question should be brought with segment of the locations. No one simple rule can be applicable : Think of the segments of 1 inner-town, 2. rural scenic routes. 3 .entering, and exiting towns from rural routes. 4. where the bus stops are. I've been at the 5 corners for 30 years...mopeds were not allowed to go up island...bikers were told the same. Then all of a sudden in the Clinton days everyone was making money hand over fist and all the rules went out the window. re instate the rules... no get own pat no more macadam Noise and closeness to traffic make them unpleasant and dangerous Only on major roads. Not side roads. see comment below There are places for wide shoulders - but not at the expense of scenic roadways. Unless the shoulders are maintained and kept free of sand (which they aren't) no width is safe enough. Use road design to control traffic speed of motor vehicles. Wide-ish. with few exceptions, the SUP or bike paths on the Vineyard are less safe than wide shoulders. Cross traffic, driveways, tree limbs, glass, parked vehicles are typical on many SUPs. I like the SUP between OB and Edgartown along the water and from Roundabout to Airport, and W Tisbury Road. The remainder are hazardous for the reasons above Bicyclists are best accommodated in bike paths or Shared Use Paths that are physically separated from the roadway. • • • • • • • • Absolutely! and still need good shoulders. Bicyclists are ALWAYS going to ride in the road. We should just figure it out. Cyclists fair best when they are part of traffic Depends on road layout and topography Get creative. I like the SUP between OB and Edgartown along the water and from Roundabout to Airport, and W Tisbury Road. The remainder are hazardous for the reasons above I support it "Conditionally" for entering/exiting town segments, and if there is no width to create SUP, in town, walk the bicycles on the steep slopes, with signs. Otherwise, allow it to be on the designated road in-town. The streets were originally made for the pedestrians and cars together without separation in old days. Slowness should be practiced in town. Martha's Vineyard Transportation Plan 2015 – Comments 30 • • • • • • • • • • • • • Ideally, this would be true. But there is neither the space or the money or the political will to do this. It depends on the location and circumstance...a bike lane could be an alternative. only if there is a strong commitment to adequately maintain these paths once constructed Only on major roads. Bikes and multi-use paths should not be constructed on side roads. safer for youth and families cycling together The important thing is to get bicyclists to use the bike paths that already exist. It is dangerous to have bikes on the road when there is a bike path next to the road; cars are not expecting bikes on those roads. The paths are too narrow for 2 way traffic in spots and unsafe at speeds many road bikers want to ride at because of other, more touristy bike traffic. The shared use paths are dangerous for all These are obviously safest, but if people are using bicycles for transportation the SUP can't be too far off the most traveled destinations. Where feasible, I agree. Where it' snot feasible, education of both bicyclists and drivers is necessary. where possible wide shoulders for slow roads, shared use for fast roads (which the "Speedo-guys" won't use anyway) -- I just changed my answer on reducing the speed limit to "strongly agree" YES - father away from cars, better everyone is There should be good bicycle accommodation both on-road and with off-road paths. • 100%. As we move into a world where multi-modal transportation is key to the success (economic, environmental, and social) of places! • absolutely and every road should be clearly marked "Share the Road" and "Change Lanes to Pass" • Bikes are a good thing....we ought to encourage more as an alternative form of transportation that doesn't pollute! • Depends on the off road paths • EDUCATION. Printed information -- maps, safety instruction. Ticketing for those riding the "wrong way". • focus, focus, focus! We can't have everything - off road AND on road. • I ride mostly on-road but I mostly don't use SUPS because they are too congested in summer as well as having too much sand which makes them dangerous for narrow tires. • I think it is safer to keep the cars and the bikes as far apart as we can. • I'm a bit concerned about erosion and use-conflict problems stemming from off-road biking. • No comment. This is location specific. • No way to answer if I agree with off road but disagree with on road Martha's Vineyard Transportation Plan 2015 – Comments 31 • • • • • • • • • • • Off road bicyclists will do fine if they are allowed to use walking paths off road only Off road paths only where they do not parallel the roads Off-road should have priority. Only expert cyclists should attempt the up-Island roads. We need a system to warn people. Only if they are in separate areas. Giving bikes room both in the road and off the road in the same location is to confusing. There will always be the speedo folks who refuse to use the bike paths. This would be the ideal, if the current roads can accommodate both. there is no room for cars, VTA trucks and bike, get them off the roads before someone else dies We have two types of bicyclists, Those who want to go fast and/or commuters need good on road facilities. Families, older folks and recreational bikers may do better on sike paths. yes - in denser areas - a side lane would work The network of off-road bike paths (Shared Use Paths) should be completed so the centers of Vineyard Haven, Oak Bluffs, and Edgartown are linked to each other. • Absolutely. This is KEY to the development of the nonmotorized transportation system on island. If people can't access key destinations (all town centers) on a bicycle, we aren't doing our job of accommodating all modes. • As long as they are solely constructed on main NOT side roads. • Beach Road from 5 Corners to Lagoon Bridge is a failed road. It would make sense to build wide shoulders on both sides for bikes, walkers. Sidewalks and SUPs that shift sides are USELESS. • Bikes are here for 3-4 shops will all have to move.???? Mark the lanes we have first try it before making more expense for everyone. • bikes should only be in designated areas that should be made very clear • Comments: • Duh. • I have mixed feelings about this. If these were new towns being constructed, sure. But trying to shoehorn SUPs where roads are narrow and congested, where trees and other "obstructions" have been allowed to "block" contemplated routes, makes this a difficult issue. People are always for progress except when it comes to their neighborhood. • If safe bike routes were connected to towns we could encourage less car use. • only if there is a strong commitment to adequately maintain these paths once constructed • probably impossible • Shared use paths are generally dangerous, and Holland does not build any. Bike lanes do make sense. No SUPs Martha's Vineyard Transportation Plan 2015 – Comments 32 • • • • • • • • • • • • The first two are leading questions. You should have wide shoulders in some spots and bike lanes in others depending upon the situation. You simply cannot fit a bike land or SUP in some places. The SUP should take you to the center of each down-island town This is a loaded question in my opinion. This is critical if the goal is to get more people thinking of a bike as a primary means of transport. This will attract more usage, bring more bike riders to the Island, and support bike shops. this would be fantastic. it'd be safer and more convenient. it'd be good for the environment, the tourists who cycle, and the residents who enjoy long rides to town. We cannot and do not take care of what we have. Where will all the bikes be parked in Vineyard Haven, OB and Edgartown? There is a wonderful bike path along state beach into Edgartown. Would need to see "the" plan. I generally think bicyclists need to be accommodated in the road. yes - get more cars off road - let folks enjoy the Island Yes these would be nice but the reality with our weather bikes are mostly recreation vehicles. Yes, But, the most of the locals, who even never attempted to ride the bicycle to other towns and they will never understand how dangerous the current road settings are. Many of them will still vote NO. How can you make the current safety issues presented to the public? And, Are all the road slope %s met for the safe Bicycle riding actually? Q4 ROAD CONGESTION How much of a problem is congestion on the following roadway sections or intersections? Other Congested Locations • • • • Bikes on Tradewinds Road Oak Bluffs during the summer months. Bike travel on this road needs to directed to remain on the main aka County/Barnes/Wing Road particularly during the summer months. Basically we have a troublesome traffic thing for 2 months out of the year. I would never recommend making the island a better road place for what are essentially outlying areas. force then to take a bus. building roads will never end the problem in a limited space environment Can only comment on the areas I frequent Comment: above marks are for summer traffic. Martha's Vineyard Transportation Plan 2015 – Comments 33 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Congestion is part of life the only way to reduce it is to stop accommodating the motor vehicle. Improved roads only make traffic worse. Roads are like black holes the bigger they are the more traffic they encourage County-EDG/VH Road at Mahoney's Would be helped by lower speed limits, now says 45 from VH to EDG :-( EDG/WTisState on Saturdays during summer Five corners (VH) is the single worst traffic problem on the vineyard that must be addressed followed by the "triangle" in Edgartown. I avoid congestion and use alternative hours/routes I chose occasional as seasons are occasional. I would not label these congested, just slow like most places in other parts of America. We expect too much in being "different" - in fact most people from elsewhere don't see anything unusual or to complain about at these intersections. intersection Barnes and WT-Edgartown road Lacking any other solutions traffic police should be brought back at 5 Corners (not just the ferry exit) and EVH-State Road-Look Street intersection. Let's build a bridge or two across the Lagoon to facilitate traffic flow! Or, make Beach Rd. between OB and Edg one way, and Edg/VH Rd to the roundabout one way in the opposite direction. But seriously, why not consider a roundabout for the awful place where those two roads meet, at the Triangle? I don't see any solution for Tisbury's congestion problems, as the people have voted down the linking road between VH/Edg and State Rds. Oh, let's ban cars! Menemsha Beach at Sunset Menemsha Village Menemsha....but how can you find more space there???? Oak Bluffs is the easiest town to get in and out of -- please don't make this public information. As long as Edgartown wants to grow, grow, grow then they now have the congestion they deserve. However, people are generally pretty civil at The Triangle intersection -- more so than in VH -- allowing every other car to move forward. This moves better than people realize. AIRPORT INTERSECTION -- WT/Edgartown Road and Barnes Road -- summer is horrible. People are driving fast, more & more difficult to turn left. Other congested locations: Roundabout made other ends of the route worse! The Barnes Rd roundabout has improved flow considerably The problem is concentric to Tisbury, where other towner/drivers all heavily use, Somehow it is only impactic Tisbury locals mostly, and the negative traffic experience is not shared or compensated. Can SSA or Landbank step in to fund the remedy, along with the state funding? This traffic congestion (by other towners, passing through, or arriving or exiting SSA) is the no.1. Martha's Vineyard Transportation Plan 2015 – Comments 34 • • • • negative factor for Tisbury town to grow freely. The balance of the island growth is failing right there, in my opinion. Please, focus on Tisbury Traffic Congestion as the top priority, Other issues, seem to be less urgent than this. This is all seasonal, and no matter what is done, it will still be congested in the summer. The price we pay to live and WORK here supported by a tourist economy. can it be improved? Yes, but only so much. Vineyard Haven is impossible in the summer We have one problem here and that is: all these off islanders who have moved here and want the island to be like their old neighborhoods. Boston is having a lot of trouble with bikers and other large cities as well so why do we want to do the same things here...keep it small and simple. What time of year? If you're talking about the summer months, this is just an inconvenience. Q5 SAFETY What do you feel are the most dangerous intersections and stretches of roadway, for cars, bikes, and/or pedestrians (up to eight). Other Locations • Accident reports should define this. If there are not enough accidents for a reliable sample, is there a problem? Brief congestion and delay promotes safety. • ALL of State Road from 5 Corners to Cranes Appliance. The cars move too slow on Beach Road (VH) to have a safety problem. :-) Barnes Road from roundabout to airport -- I believe that stretch of road has had the most serious accidents in recent memory. TOO MANY CURB CUTS -- Edgartown, State Road - Tisbury, WEST TISBURY -- impacts safety tremendously. Bikes on sidewalks & shared paths are difficult to see, no one pays attention -- would be better IN the road. Difficult to turn left. This is probably the single most ignored planning blind spot. • Barnes Road • Barnes Road (bikes) from Wing to VH-Edgartown road; restrict bikes and pedestrians, cars only; create bike path from County to Barnes via historic trail system along old camp area/Featherstone (or from Southern Woodlands) to Lagoon • Barnes Road from Roundabout to County Rd • County Road, Oak Bluffs intersection with Edgartown/Vineyard Haven Road • Dangerous, i.e. carnage or failed like "thank God I am on a bicycle or I wouldn't go there at this time of day for "name your favorite person" The list is very different. I think the 4 I picked qualify for both. • Does this survey really have a point? • drawbridge to Mone Insurance MV 'Shipyard area Martha's Vineyard Transportation Plan 2015 – Comments 35 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Five corners is the worst! For bicyclers, all of up island State road. lambert's cove road and state road in Tisbury Lamberts Cove Road for bicyclists with no shoulder, blind curves, and speeding Cottle's trucks Left turns should not be allowed from Look Street on to State Road. None getting the cars off the roads will end the problem OB ferry because the traffic pattern is complex. From the bicyclist's perspective, the short stretch of bike path from County Road to the Hospital is a fatality waiting to happen -- heading toward VH, you bike toward oncoming traffic that is often blinded by the sun in the morning. I've come close to dying here several times. Old County / State Road WT has been vastly improved with those lane markers, crossing preventers. Other (please specify) South Road from West Tisbury village to Aquinnah The greater the traffic mixture and the faster the flow, the greater the danger. This is a useless survey question the way it is laid out. Tisbury needs the by-pass connector. Tradewinds Road Oak Bluffs Up Island Roads Q6 SCENIC ROADWAYS What do you feel are the most scenic roadways or areas to be protected? Other Locations • All this question is self proving and ridiculous. • Basin Road- Menemsha • Christiantown Road Kind of too late for some of these . . . even Katama. But it would be nice not to let it get worse. • Define protected • Did you mean to ask for "the scenic roadways which most need to be protected"? The ones that perhaps seem less scenic now are so because of lack of protection, e.g. Edg.-VH road. This phrasing suggests we give up on them. • East Chop avenue; Eastville avenue • East Chop Bluff Rd. Martha's Vineyard Transportation Plan 2015 – Comments 36 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • every inch of this island needs protecting I have to say all these listed routes are important to be protected and enhanced as scenic routes. some of them are just perfect as the way they are, but many of them need some strategies in place with a meticulous maintenance. Don't give the job to the untrained staff or contractors. Indian Hill Road from Christiantown to Norton Circle No scenic roads should be "protected" to the detriment of safety. There is always some compromise or artfully engineered solution that can be made. None of them are so scenic that they should not be modified with well engineered plans Of course they are all important, but in the face of the inevitable development, what is to be done? Old County Road, West Tisbury Please STOP Nstar from cutting out the core of the roadside trees in order to protect the wires. BURY THE conduits once and for all. Or cut down the trees completely and look like any other place on the mainland! Protect them all as much as possible Really all the up-Island roads are worth preserving. Gorgeous countryside. State Road from North Road to West Tisbury town center is the most scenic road on the island. The entire island. Several of the roads on this list have been developed to a point of having virtually no scenic value. State Rd. in West Tisbury and North Tisbury is an example of development creep. They are all mostly protected now with zoning and other measures. I don't see the further issue here. Though I agree with the protection of scenic roadways, I believe the primary importance is accommodating all modes. With good planning and enforcement, every roadway should be scenic. There's no reason for them not to be. As for UpIsland, scenic viewshed protection needs to be put into place and enforced. The invasive plants are taking over everything and views of the harbors, ponds, coves, and farms are being lost. As for down-Island -- bury those utility lines and remove the utility poles. Remove Packer's empty fuel storage tanks. Q7 OTHER TRANSPORTATION SUGGESTIONS Please indicate what concerns, comments, or suggestions you have about transportation to or on Martha's Vineyard. Martha's Vineyard Transportation Plan 2015 – Comments 37 • • • • • • • • • • • • Ban from public roads Mopeds or any other non-Farm vehicles which cannot travel at the Speed Limit. 2) The new Island Home ferry is a is continually out of service. There are many ferries being built today all around the world that put the SSA to shame. Why can't the SSA explore newer designs that would bring its ferry service into the 21st Century? Identifying the matters should come first, instead of the pre-set lead questions from the beginning next time. 2. Have a short-term goal and long-term goal and present to the public. 3. Images are better than words. give some carefully chosen images as options. Ask people again where those images should apply in the mentioned locations. That will give more accurate survey result. Although people freak out about our relatively rare bicycle/moped fatalities, I do not believe that we need infrastructure enhancements as much as we need rigorously enforced lower speed limits and extensive education efforts about sharing the road. Cars and large trucks should learn to be careful and patient and bicycles need to learn basic safety. Parents who take wobbly small children on the roads should be warned by the police. Bike and Moped rental stores should give thorough warnings of the dangers of the roads and instructions about how to share safely. Large trucks that drive aggressively should be shown zero tolerance and fined severely. Ditto for hostile car drivers. bus stops for kids should not be on main drags, or at least have safe shelters. Kids should not have to cross main streets to take the bus to school. Thanks for putting together this survey. Concerns checked are too dependent on personal / business requirements. How can responses be weighted to be meaningful in the aggregate? Expand the VTA service and have it ready and waiting for ferries Expanding infrastructure to accommodate more private vehicular traffic is not the answer. Five Corners and Look/State/Edgartown intersections are particularly dangerous. Many drivers either do not know the rules of the road or regularly choose to ignore them. At both of these intersections, drivers at stop signs frequently cut in front of drivers on Beach Road / State Road who have no stop signs. Both intersections are very dangerous at all times of day, all times of year. The rotary on Edgartown-VH Road has been successful, and I think something similar, if it would be possible to implement, would be beneficial to the traffic flow at both of these most dangerous and frequently congested intersections. GET RID OF the D___ MOPEDS! They are dangerous to the ones who rent them (unskilled drivers, at best...) and to those of us trying to overtake them, since their speed/power is so limited. If people want to come for the day and see the island, let them pay for the sightseeing buses :-) Gigantic Tour buses should be prohibited or seriously limited as to which Roads they are permitted to drive on. I think this is true to some extent-- the list should be periodically reviewed. NO on the Panhandle. Greater accessibility to homes on dirt roads where seniors reside and where undercarriages of cars are destroyed. I am concerned people do not look at nonmotorized modes as "transportation" methods. This is crazy. Ensuring nonmotorized users have safe, accessible, and maintained infrastructure is crucial for the Vineyard. Martha's Vineyard Transportation Plan 2015 – Comments 38 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I know it's beyond your scope but serious consideration to a "bridge-tunnel" would solve a host of problems like housing, parking, workforce, gas prices, and probably the MacMansion proliferation I'm very concerned about the always rising SSA ferry cost. I'm not receiving better service in return for the increased fee. More boats are being cancelled more than ever, the SSA terminals and boats are dirty, and the installation of TVs on the boat and terminals is annoying and not in keeping with MV. Improve bike/walking paths. Passing lanes (for mopeds) wherever possible on state road It's time to connect State Road to Edgartown-VH Rd! Ferry terminal in VH should be moved closer to Net Result area. I've written endless letters to the MVC and no one ever listens. Put stencil biker signs in the road at the bridge so people will cross to the right side where they belong. NOT on our sidewalks. Start with a simple fix for a year. I also think bike shops should have to show videos tell people the rules of our roads . For years moped shops had to then no one was looking and they stopped. Our local police should be in every school every springtime and teach classes on bike rules. We grew up with being done and at 67 I still remember those rules. It's a free for all here. Limit number of cars on the Island much the way Bermuda has done. Limit number of cars to each household. MOPEDS -- not ONE question about these horrible little machines? It is time to get them off the roads -- at least the up-island roads. PLEASE. People are unable to pass bicyclists? They will never see their way around a moped. People ride mopeds wearing FLIP-FLOPS for god’s sake. Size of trucks & truck speed -- by & large these are year-rounders. Too fast. Too big. Civility -- or lack thereof -- from tailgating to inappropriate passing. Everyone needs to allow people to turn into traffic or onto another busy street. Patience & kindness go a long way. mopeds are over, get rid of them before someone else dies we have a responsibility to the public to provide safe fun on our island not possible death or worse. More Municipal parking in all towns. A gas station on Upper State Road, near Cronigs, Tisbury. Maybe with hydrogen tanks and electric chargers. Don't send us through 5 corners for gas. We are already at Cronigs or Shirleys, etc... The reality is we need cars, Deal with cars. Don't pretend that we don't need them. Get Real. Thank you. Need more Off road "Bicycle/Pedestrian" paths No scenic roads should be "protected" to the detriment of safety. (Not to say scenic is not important) There is always some compromise or artfully engineered solution that can be made. Our current lack of bicycle accommodation up-island is short sighted and extremely dangerous. Open-Ended Response People drive too fast. And it’s not the visitors or the summer people - its the tradespeople. Particularly large trucks need to go far more slowly and not careen past bicyclists. Preservation does not me that NO change can happen, upgrades can happen with as little impact as possible. Martha's Vineyard Transportation Plan 2015 – Comments 39 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Preservation of our rural roads. Replacing electric/telephone poles with underground conduits Beautifying and reruralizing Edgartown- Vineyard Haven road Read Power Broker by Robert Caro - great book about urban planning. Get folks out of cars and onto bikes, VTA or walk Sea level rise, storm surge and erosion are critical transportation concerns for our low-lying coastal roads. Planning is necessary address adaptation for these coastal roads where possible to protect them, and also to consider transportation impacts of the loss of some coastal roads, either during storms or permanently - how will it affect traffic on inland roads? How will it affect access to the hospital? See previous comments. Sounding like 'Back to the Future', please look at allowing Ferry traffic going UP from the dock to Main St. this may only be West Chop and Tisbury traffic, but it could relieve Main St......and pursue the 'cut-through' from Edg/VH Rd. to upper Tisbury to alleviate the Look St. mess. It seems that OB has multiple ways 'around downtown' and doesn't seem to have the back-ups as VH and Edg do. Stripe the roads and light them. County Road and Barnes Road are very difficult to navigate if not alright dangerous to drive in inclement conditions at night. The use of "bots" dots would be recommended. Summer use of bikes on Tradewinds Road, Oak Bluffs SUPs are a bad idea, eminent domain is a bad idea. The biggest problem is too many vehicles. This could be remedied by a two part plan; 1. Increase ease and accessibility of public transportation 2. Significantly increase the cost of non-residents to bring their vehicles over to the island. The most pressing concern for the future of transportation is the growing elder population and the transportation needs that are not being met today, let alone with future growth of this population The number of cars on the Island during the season is the root of many of our transportation problems. I would love to see more emphasis on alternative transportation so people could drive less, and I'd even support measures to limit the number of cars registered on the island or the number of non-resident cars allowed on the Island. The roundabout actually works in OB! Something must be done at the Edgartown-State Road intersection in VH and the Five Corners. Bike paths up-island would be very nice and make bike travel up-island much safer. There should be free park in rides in both OB and VH, aside for the lot in VH which is used for car storage and very long term... there is no parking for more than 1 or two hours. OB is the worse, day and night. The towns and business owners should pay 3/4 of the costs, it should not fall on the VTA or sate/federal money. Up-Island bike riding is very hazardous due to narrow shoulders and lack of off-road trails. VTA is doing a great job with very challenging circumstances (variable demand). Help them get better and keep down costs while increasing service... How about having a fleet of smaller vehicles or even vans in the winter? Maybe they could be Martha's Vineyard Transportation Plan 2015 – Comments 40 • • • • leased out to taxi companies or hotels or others who need the extra capacity in the summer. this would be complicated, but innovative and make use of resources? We should be discussing ways to decrease vehicle traffic in the summer season. Specifically tourist vehicles coming over on the boat. We should be expanding bus and taxi services on Island, improve our bike and pedestrian lanes, reduce the parking costs in woods hole and raise the vehicle fares for non Island residents. We should have a standard policy for regulating metered cabs on the island. We could simply follow the decisions that NYC has made, but with our own rates. Our goal should be to reduce the number of private vehicles on our roads. Yes put them on a bus - get rid of cars and make this a Catalina Island with buses and no cars or limited amount of cars. You are doing a great job. Thank you. Martha's Vineyard Transportation Plan 2015 – Comments 41 Martha's Vineyard Transportation Plan 2015 – Comments 42
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