MVDHS Newsletter 3 4 1 J O H N H W Y . S T R E E T S O U T H , 6 2 , R . R . 1 B A R R Y ’ S B A Y , O N , P H O N E : 6 1 3 - 7 5 6 - 3 0 4 8 F A X : 6 1 3 - 7 5 6 - 1 7 8 3 Principal’s Message Dear Parents / Guardians of MVDHS students, K 0 J 1 B 0 As usual our sports teams and clubs have had an active year. Jonathan Stoppa qualified for OFSSAA in cross country running and finished 5th in the province. Thomas Yandernoll headed to EOSSAA for golf. We have athletes heading to EOSSAA in tennis, and Jake Yantha is headed to the regional races in Alpine Skiing. We hope everyone is surviving another cold winter. With the days getting longer we hope that the warmer temperatures aren’t very far away. The first semester has Mrs. Sweeney has been busy preparing for flown by though as we have been busy with course selections for next year. The grade 9 students have made their choices, and academics, sports, clubs and more. the other students will be making their selections over the month of February. Our grade 10 students are busy with preparations for the Ontario Secondary School This is an exciting time for graduating Literacy Test. This year we have an oppor- students as they complete their applicatunity to participate in a Field Test of the tions for their post-secondary choices. Just new electronic version of the OSSLT. It remember to get your community hours in takes place on February 26, and it will give as soon as possible, and if there is any our students some practice with test condi- doubt about eligibility please see adminitions and test materials. stration. The real OSSLT takes place on March 26 and our literacy co-ordinator, Mrs Fretz, is available for supporting students in preparation for the test. We will be offering afterschool sessions for extra support for the literacy test. Please see the handout in this package for more information. Children’s Fitness Tax Receipt For eligible extracurricular programs, parents/ guardians can request a Child Fitness Tax Receipt from the school. Please contact the school office (613)7563048 or mvdhs_office@rcdsb.on. ca for more details on getting a receipt. . The planning for the amalgamation of MVDHS and Sherwood public school has been moving forward. The board is still waiting on financial approval from the ministry, but our staff has been busy reviewing the architectural drawings and recommending changes to best suit the F E B R U A RY 2015 needs of the students. We are hoping that the community will finally get access to the school fitness room for after school use sometime this semester. An agreement has been signed, and the township is waiting on a response to a Trillium grant request. The school would get free access to the ball diamonds and tennis courts and would get a reduced rate for renting the arena. I would like to acknowledge and thank Ms. Hollie Afelskie for her time as the Pastoral Counsellor and religion teacher at MV. She has moved on to another school for this semester, but we may see her again in the fall. I would also like to thank Ms. Samantha Buttler for joining our staff to teach math part way through last semester. We would also like to welcome Mr. Jesse Silver here for this semester as an English teacher. I want to thank the community for the continued support of our programs and activities. We have had great help from a number of sources this year, and it is appreciated. Please feel free to call me with any questions or concerns. Dave Bishop The Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test will be written on March 26, 2015 It is essential that all Grade 10 students and anyone else eligible to write be in school on that day. We expect that after school Literacy Instruction sessions will begin in the near future. Stay tuned for more information! For more information on the OSSLT please visit the Resources for Parents section of the EQAO Website ( There you will find Planning and Preparation Guides, Sample Tests and information about the purpose and administration of the test. If you have any concerns about your child and the OSSLT, please get in touch with Jenny Smith, Vice-Principal. School News 2014-2015 Math–Scientific Calculators Scientific Calculators Needed for Math Class Yearbook News Just a reminder that you can prepre-order your 20142014-15 yearbook for $35. If you prepre-order your yearbook, you are guaranteed a copy when they arrive next fall. There are still a few copies of the 20132013-14 yearbook left for those who may not have ordered one. Please see Mrs. Olsheski in B210 or contact her at 613613-756756-3048 ext 210 to purchase your yearbook. Drama Club News: Student members have filmed interviews with participants in the Terry Fox Run, Thomas Yandernoll (about his golfing successes), and several members of the community who are helping us increase the visibility of literacy needs in the workplace. Members also performed a Christmas Carol skit at the final Christmas Assembly. Madonna House has kindly donated a MAC computer with special film editing software, and members are quite excited about learning to use this once more filming takes place. New members are always welcome!! WEBSITE ATTENDANCE We are now offering another convenient option for notifying the school of your child/ren’s absence(s). Parents/Guardians can now email the school at the attendance secretary email address on our school website. Please go to the Staff Contact Tab to access the link. All students taking a math course must have a scientific calculator. Those models that have a fraction button [ tend to have all the other requirements. There are some available from the math department for $10; just ask your teacher. These calculators, if still in good condition at the end of the semester, can be returned to the math department and your money refunded. Please note: calculators on your phone, iPad or other electronic devices typically do not have all the necessary function. E-Learning Students **************** If a student is taking an eLearning course taught by a teacher from a school other than MVDHS they would be receiving a separate report card from that school at a slightly later date. Are You Interested in Humanitarian Work ? MVDHS and Family Life Christian Centre are organizing a humanitarian trip to Mexico in March Break 2016, to build a house for a Mexican family in need. This would be through the same organization; Live Different, who hosted our trips in 2012 and 2014. This organization has been hosting ‘Live Different Builds’ for many years and have a number of areas where they work. Check out their web site at . We will be going to Baja, Mexico to a small community called Vincente Guerrero. This is where we visited before and were able to build four houses for families in nearby communities. The cost of the trip is approximately $2100 per person, all inclusive (cost varies according to flight costs). This figure will reduce as the group does fundraising activities. Money paid by you personally can be claimed as donations on your (or your parent’s) tax return. Both students and adults are welcome on this trip. If you are interested or have questions, please email Pam McCallum at This does not mean you have committed to the trip, just that you are interested and would like more information. There will be an information meeting after March break. Guidance and Career Education - Winter 2015 COURSE REQUEST PROCEDURE for going into 2015-2016: Students log in to their Course Planner using (from anywhere) or via the Career Cruising icon on the Novell screen of our school computers. The initial username and password use student number and birth date. The MVDHS Student Course Guide is accessible from that screen or at: CP_CourseCalendar.aspx?SID=13203 The 2015-2016 RCDSB Secondary Course Calendar is at: Secondary_Course_Calendar-2015-2016.pdf Please return a paper copy of the course requests with parent signature after you have entered your final choices into the Course Planner of Career Cruising. Students have a copy of this form or may print another one from Career Cruising. DUE: by end of February Grade 9 students completed the process for 2015-2016 course requests before Christmas; parents of Grade 9 students are asked to sign your son/ daughters’ course request sheet and return to Student Services if you have not already done so. Grade 10, 11, and any returning Grade 12 students have received at least preliminary information and instructions and will finish the process with Ms. Sweeney in February (dates/ times TBD). Students in the Grade 10 Careers course are also getting help with this process in that class. You may log in at any time on your own to modify your entries up until the “lock-in” date in late February (date TBA). After that date, any further changes would need to be made through Student Services (and should be minimal by that point). The OSSLT (Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test) will be written on March 26 by Grade 10 students and students who have previously not been successful in their writing of the test. Students are encouraged to take advantage of all the supports we offer in preparation for this, both during and after school hours. Completion of the Literacy requirement is necessary to earn the OSSD (Ontario Secondary School Diploma). Also necessary for the OSSD is proof of completion of 40 hours of Community Involvement. A list of suggested places to earn these hours is available in Student Services and new opportunities are announced periodically. Don’t wait until the last minute to get these. Students in any grade who might be interested in taking part in enrichment opportunities should contact Student Services or Special Education for information. A reminder that full disclosure applies to all Grade 11 and 12 courses. This means that if a student withdraws from, repeats, or fails a senior course it must be recorded on the OST (Ontario Student Transcript). If a student withdraws from a course before the deadline of 5 instructional days following the first report card, it will not appear on the OST. Scholarships and bursaries for all destinations have year-round due dates. Check out and/or Local award information is e-mailed out to those who have provided their address to Ms. Sweeney for this purpose as it becomes available. There really is something for everyone. Students applying for scholarships/ bursaries/awards sometimes require official transcripts and/or letters of reference from staff. To avoid disappointment, these should be requested 10 business days before you require them. Each graduating student should have received an important four page package in January. Please read the covering memo and three forms carefully, complete the forms accurately and completely, and return them to the main office as soon as possible. Please note that due to increasingly stringent, “applicant-centric” privacy legislation, once college and university applications have been processed, secondary school staff is permitted only very limited access to applicant information. At this point, the institutions must communicate only with the applicant and anyone who the applicant has designated as authorized for second consent. Once students know which college or university they will be attending, they can/should apply for OSAP (Ontario Student Assistance Program) to assist with the costs of their education. Check out You will also be able to attend a presentation here on that in the spring (date TBD). Students are encouraged to sign up for an appointment in Student Services if Ms. Sweeney can be of assistance. You may also reach her at or at phone extension 506. Reminder of GR. 10 STUDENT/ PARENT INFO SESSION ON PATHWAYS-FEB 11 PATHWAYS--FEB Special Olympics Bocce Ball Tournament The Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) Program The Life Skills class participated in a Special Olympics Bocce ball tournament in Ottawa. We were part of a 30 team competition at the Louis Riel Dome in Ottawa in early December. Bocce might be a game you've only played outside in warm weather, but the indoor version is fun! The team showed sportsmanship cheering on our opponents in every game. We won two of the three games we played and had a great time. In Semester 2 we'll be training for the basketball tournament. Triangulation of Evidence: How your child’s learning is assessed and evaluated In 2010, the Ministry of Education released a document called “Growing Success” which gave guidelines about how the learning of our students should be assessed and evaluated. One of the main ideas from this document is that the evidence a teacher collects about the learning should be “triangulated”. This means that it should include evidence from products, observations and conversations. Products are tasks that a student creates or completes. This might include assignments, projects, tests, quizzes, etc. Observations are what the teacher is able to see and hear as the students are in the class and participating in activities. Conversations that a teacher might use to assess or evaluate learning are conversations with the teacher and student or even when students are talking to each other about their thoughts and ideas. Efforts are made to use a variety of strategies to collect this evidence of student learning over time from all three sources: Products, Observation and Conversation. This makes being in class regularly and participating as fully as possible very important. If you have any questions about how evidence of student learning is being triangulated in your child’s classes, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the teacher. For more information on Assessment and Evaluation, visit THANK YOU KILLALOE OPP! Thanks to our local detachment for the donation of several bicycles to our school. Plans are underway for using the bicycles to support the learning in our Technological Education Program.
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