2015 Senior Class Party News!

2015 Senior Class Party News!
Dear Parents and Guardians of MWHS Class of 2015 Seniors:
Before we know it, the Class of 2015 will be graduating! Parent volunteers are planning for the 2015
Senior Class Party and want to provide you with an overview of planning activities and what we need
from you!
WHAT IT IS: The Senior Class Party is a fun, safe, alcohol/drug--‐free “overnight” party for ALL MWHS
seniors. The party will take place after the graduation ceremony on Sunday, May 31st, 2015. The students
are bussed to and from the surprise venue for the party where they will enjoy entertainment, food, and
prizes. It’s a last hurrah for the seniors to hang out with their entire class!
WHAT IS THE COST? The cost is partially covered through the Fall Powder Puff game, attendance cost per
student, and generous parent and business donations. The immediate concern at this point is making
sure every senior who wants to attend the party has submitted their attendance fee. The fee per student is
$100. This fee covers all expenses including the venue rental, transportation to and from the venue, food,
a variety of entertainment, and fabulous prizes! Checks for the student cost should be made payable to
the Class of 2015 and can be mailed to Class of 2015, PO Box 93, Spring Park, MN 55384 Please send
payment, along with the registration form below, by May 1, 2015. If you would like to break the student
cost into installments, please contact Nella or Teresa directly to make arrangements. There are also
limited scholarships available for the Senior Party. Please contact Marty Fischer, MWHS Assistant
Principle, 952-491‐8102, fischerm@westonka.k12.mn.us.com to discuss scholarships.
We would like to simplify and reduce the postage cost of notices to parents by communicating Senior
Party information to parents by email as much as possible. If you are receiving this notice by regular mail
it means we do not have your email address. Please send your email address along with your senior’s
name to nwitczek@yahoo.com so we can add it to our email list. We will not share your email address
with anyone else.
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES The senior party is a group effort of parent volunteers. We can use
additional help on the following committees:
Security Committee o Co--‐chairs:
Prize Committee o Co--‐chairs: Jill Abrams, jill.abrams@target.com
If you are interested in volunteering on any of these committees, or for additional information about
volunteering in other areas, please contact Nella Witczek @ nwitczek@yahoo.com
For monetary donations to help with funding, or prize donations, please see contacts below.
The prize committee is working on brainstorming creative ways to obtain prizes for the senior party and
will be communicating further with you over the next few months. That said, we ask you to keep in mind
any possible connections to anyone (businesses, grandparents, aunts & uncles, etc.) with resources
willing to donate prizes appropriate for the senior class party. Monetary donations or gift cards would
also be appreciated. If you have any business contact information or donations for the benefit of the
senior class party, please contact:
Prizes or donations for prizes- Jill Abrams @ jill.abrams@target.com
Sponsor/Funds/Donations- Amy Taggart @ taggart52001@yahoo.com , Linda Levens @ l.levens@mchsi.com
or Tamra Leif @ TLeif@gnresound.com
We appreciate your help! Thank you for your help in making the 2015 Senior Class Party a success!
The 2015 MWHS Senior Class Party Steering Committee:
Nella Witczek- nwitczek@yahoo.com 952-657-4537
Teresa Boser- teresaboser@yahoo.com
Cheryl Dahl- cheryl.dahl2@gmail.com
2015 Senior Class Party Registration
Student Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Parent Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Parent E--‐Mail: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Amount Enclosed: _______________________________
Payment Plan-
4 payments of $25
Full Payment?
2 payments of $50
Send payment and registration form to:
Class of 2015
Spring Park, MN 55384