April 2015 Newsletter - Markham Woods Presbyterian Church

Growing the Faith of the Whole Family of God
Inwardly Strong, Outwardly Focused
A word from…
Markham Woods Presbyterian Church
5210 Markham Woods Road ,
Lake Mary, Florida 32746
April 2015
“How Long Will Your Vision Take?”
Who was that person? Who was the creative person or persons who
so aptly distilled down the great truths of life into those legendary
idiomatic sayings we all know so well? Here are a few examples: hog
heaven, burning a candle at both ends, high cotton, that’s gonna leave
a mark, and one of the most famous, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Each
phrase expresses what deep down we all know, yet often fail to
incorporate in our day to day lives.
Four years in today’s world may as well be an eternity. Who wants to
wait four years for anything? You can have a baby in nine months and a
drive-through meal in 90 seconds or a confession forgiven by smart
phone in 20 seconds. But anything really important not only takes
time, but is worth waiting for. How long does it take a really big vision
to become real – fully completed?
Four years ago the leadership of Markham Woods encountered a vision. It was a vision that would be difficult on
multiple levels. It would transform our church and campus, but there would be a cost – a sacrificial cost. The vision
included renovation of our sanctuary lighting and air conditioning system, replacing the old house between the
sanctuary and fellowship hall with a modern administration center with meeting rooms, and replacing the preschool
trailer with a strong, safe and fully functioning Christian education center to house our newly named Heathrow
Christian Academy. I should not forget the vision also included paying off the two original outstanding mortgages from
the previous building programs! The cost of the vision in dollars? The total was well in excess of three million! The cost
in people hours? Thousands and thousands of working hours from a majority of our membership and friends.
How long would a vision this big take, and when would we be able to say, “It is finished.” As you are reading this
article, you can join me in a celebration of a vision that wasn’t built in a day, but has been fully completed. We
recently closed the books on our campus expansion project! We have successfully converted our construction loan to
a fixed mortgage that is approximately $3,000.00 less per month than the original mortgages before the vision! This is
due to the overwhelming support of our congregation in raising over half of the total cost in cash! Because of this our
permanent loan came in under our fixed ceiling which guaranteed a low interest rate.
Many of you remember the promises we made as a leadership vision team; we would not spend more than we
budgeted based on the financial support of the congregation, and we would do everything we could as good stewards
to reduce the indebtedness of our church as quickly as possible. Lowering our monthly mortgage rate allows us, by
continuing to pay the old amount of $11,000, to pay an additional $3,000 per month directly to principle thus shorting
the amount and the life of the loan to just 13 years. This means in 13 years, our church could be completely debt free!
The vision was not just creating a campus to support current and future ministry; it was also to eliminate indebtedness
and redirect those funds to mission and ministry. The path is set and each month we will see our mortgage shrink!
There are two legacies to celebrate. First, together we have created a future for our church by improving the ability
for the campus to support the ministry of Jesus Christ. The second will not be built in a day, but it is not far off that our
community and future leadership will not be supporting a mortgage, only ministry!
… Continued on Page 5 ...
The Markham Messenger
April 2015
by Charlotte Smith
Recently, the Session has taken the following action:
Markham Woods
Presbyterian Church (PCUSA)
E-mail: church@mwpcusa.org
Pastor, Head of Staff
Joe Wendorph, M. Div.
Received new members, transferred some members to other churches and
removed members from the active member roll.
Learned of new mission project with an organization called CRU, which used to
be Campus Crusade.
Received reports from the various committees.
Learned that supper and fellowship group is now to be called Supper Socials, so
it is not confused with the Sunday fellowship.
Approved a Mother's Tea for May 9 and a Dads and Doughnuts event for June
20, both from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Learned of a gift of new Presbyterian hymnal in the form of a projection
Associate Pastor
Karen Greenawalt, M. Div.
Choir Director
Alisa Elliott
Worship Leader
Terry O’Neal, Jr.
Director of Children’s
Ministry & Preschool
Cheryl Beck
Director of Student
Bobby Brolliar
Director of Adult Ministry
Chris Leinenkugel
by Scott Beaton
The Building Campaign has come to a successful conclusion! Over the past 3+
years, our church received gifts of over $1.8 million toward the new offices,
preschool, and sanctuary renovations. Our construction loan rolled over to a
permanent mortgage on March 3, 2015, with a principal balance of only $1.346
million, and a mortgage payment requirement of $7,804 through the first 10 years.
We will be committing an additional payment of $3,196 toward principle reduction
each month to maintain our budgeted debt service at $11,000 monthly. Please see
below for a brief summary of the financial status through February 2015.
For the Two Months Ended February 28, 2015
Actual 2015
Budget 2015
Tithes & Offerings
Other Income
Total Income
Total Expenses
2015 Overall
$3,074 $22,405
(Income minus expenses)
by Cheryl Beck
9:00 a.m. - Contemporary
11:00 a.m. - Traditional
10:00 a.m.
We will be offering four summer camps during the month of July! Themes include:
Growing up Wild!—Nature theme
Creative Art—Creating art in many forms
Science—Exploring science activities
Move it! Move it! Movie it!—Sports and dance theme
We will be building an igloo during summer camps. We need to gather 550 clean
gallon jugs for this feat! Please save your jugs for us. You can drop them off at the
school. Thank you in advance for helping us to build our igloo!
Contact Cheryl Beck at cbeck@mwpcusa.org or 407.333.2045 for more information
The Markham Messenger
A Word from…
April 2015
by Dr. Burt Perinchief
“A Witness To the Resurrection”
Although we know
Easter is much more than
sometimes seems a distant
story and we may wonder
how it impacts us today. In
Luke, Jesus tell the
disciples when he appears
to them after he is
resurrected, "You are
witnesses of these things."
They were the eye
witnesses. But what about
us? We often hear how we are to be witnesses. What will we witness this
Easter 2015? What will our witness be? What can we name as our empty
tomb experiences? Where have you witnessed resurrection?
Recently I was reading a book by Anne Lamott, Small Victories. In one
chapter she talks about forgiveness being the evidence of God “being
real”. I think another way to say that is that forgiveness is a sign of
resurrection in our lives. A sign that Jesus lives through and in us. I can
think of other signs like lives that have changed that once were lost to
alcohol or another addiction. Or what about marriages that seemed dead
but are now alive? People who were sick and are now well? What about
families estranged that are now living in harmony? We may not only get
to witness such resurrection events, but with Christ Jesus working in and
through us we may be able to offer the resurrected Christ to those who
need Him today.
This Eastertide I invite you to be on alert to share resurrection and for
the signs of resurrection. Be ready with light and hope so that we may
begin to see more tombs that were once full of death and decay but now
are empty and show signs of life, lives that were broken and wilted now
show the touch of the risen Christ. People who have begun to take hold
of eternal life and you are a witness!
As we take notice in our own lives or in the lives of those around us,
we can share these triumphs whether they are ours or ones we've
witnessed to help others know the truth of Easter: Jesus is alive! All that
would defeat us has been overcome on the cross and the Resurrection of
our Lord. You and I really can be witnesses to the Risen Christ Jesus in our
lives if we would but open our eyes and believe Christ is at work all
around us and in us today.
The April activity for Primetimers
will be a scenic boat ride on the lakes
of Winter Park on Thursday, April 9.
The buses will leave from Anderson
Hall at 9:15 a.m. for the excursion set
for 10 a.m. Admission fees of $10 per
person will be collected by the
Ketelhuts at the time of signing up
following worship on March 29 or April
5. A "Dutch treat" luncheon is
scheduled for 11:45 a.m. at the
Cheesecake Factory in Winter Park
by Bobby Brolliar
A baby will cover its eyes and think
they have disappeared! They think that
you can’t see them anymore just
because the eyes are covered up. It’s
the cutest thing and is always funny to
see. They almost look back at you with
this skewed look as if to say “what do
you mean you can still see me when I
cover my eyes”. I still think we do this
today: I call it the disappearing act. We
put our hands over our eyes and we
think that the world can’t see what’s
really going on in our lives. Even more
importantly, we think God can’t see it. I
will tell you if there is any
unsettledness in your heart no amount
of beauty, fame, achievements,
popularity, charm or social status will
ever hide it. Put on Jesus. Ask him to
peer inside and reveal. May we see on
your face with joy that you follow the
one true king. Psalm 34:5 “Those who
look to him are radiant with joy; their
faces will never be ashamed”.
Come on out and join the youth on a
Wednesday night (middle school) or
Sunday night (high school) youth
group. I’m so excited for the new
things that are coming!
The Markham Messenger
April 2015
by Geoff Nanton
Faith Circle
will meet April 6 at 10 a.m. in room
2. Joan Stewart is the chairperson.
“Personal Faith: A Deacon’s Perspective”
John 3:16 (You know this one, so just say it to yourself.)
Hope Circle
True faith is belief without reservation. Everyone has their own flavor
of beliefs based on their understandings and experiences. As Christians,
will meet April 1 at 10 a.m. in Doshi our ideas and concepts will vary somewhat according to our experiences
Room 101. Nel Schickofke is the
and understanding, but this does not mean we shouldn’t agree on basic
tenets, even if we see them from a different perspective. There is at least
one very good reason our God wants us to be personally involved in our
faith: we have to make our own changes.
Grace Circle
will meet April 1 at 6:30 p.m. They
begin with dinner. Helen Nanton is
facilitator and Debbie Emmert is
the chairperson.
PWCT Meeting
will meet on April 21 at 10 a.m.
Donations Needed!
Our circles are collecting a fund for
planting a tree or bush in honor and
remembrance of Connie Williams. If
anyone would like to contribute
funds can be sent to Mavis Miller,
our Treasurer, marked with
Connie’s name.
Over the years, we have been taught about discipleship and selfdevelopment. More recently at MWPC, we have been looking at our faith
from the analogy of the plough. There are areas in our hearts and minds
where the proverbial soil needs to be improved by turning over the
“crusty” soil – to allow the seed to take root and bear fruit. Yes, we still
have lots to learn.
In this Lenten period, members of our Christian faith wish to move
closer to and better understand our Lord and Savior. Many of us want a
deeper understanding of our faith. How do we do it? We may not know
all the answers, but it’s all in our personal motivation. Deacons, like all
other church leaders, elders and members, wish to understand and fulfill
our purpose and mission – especially in helping and serving others
around us. Again, this is a personal mission for us – we can make a
difference in the manner we are best able to. We cannot, and are not
expected to, do it all on our own. Small groups, anyone?
Perhaps it should be pointed out that our faith is not a lonely pastime.
In fact, our humanity makes us love company. God did not drop Adam in
without Eve. Of course, there are many times that we don’t see eye-toeye with others on a subject, but we have been told to love one another
– which is as big a task sometimes as to forgive one another. The
difference we can make is to heed those admonitions and move towards
Thank you, Valerie Swadling, for reconciliation with our Father as well as each other. We have been told
making the beautiful arrangements
to ask Him for forgiveness so we can move forward without the
for February. I know the people
hindrance of our laden backpack of sins – a heavy backpack at times.
by Susan Greenhut
receiving them enjoyed them very
Anyone wishing to sign up for
flowers for Sunday morning
worship services will find the chart
on the bulletin board in Anderson
Hall. The cost is $35.
Thank You.
Remember -- Say it with flowers.
While faith is a personal responsibility, we know that it is God who
does the saving. Quoting from Ephesians 2:8-9 “For by Grace you have
been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of
God – not the result of works, so that no one can boast.” However, we
know from John 3:16 that because of His love for us, He gave us His Son,
so that “whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal
life.” This tells us that everyone can have eternal life by believing in Him.
He does not leave anyone out! How wonderful is that? To use a
contemporary expression – it doesn’t get better than that.
The Markham Messenger
April 2015
A Word from…
(Continued from Page 1)
I wish to thank the entire congregation who stood with sacrificial faith
to accomplish what was thought by some to be impossible. Many of you
sacrificed through hard work by volunteering on the capital campaign,
both as leaders and committees so that our vision was given financial
life. For others it was the giving of labor and materials. There was, of
course, those who worked behind the scenes from the beginning on the
building committee including the financial team who managed the
capital campaign, securing a construction loan and managing the
financials for the entire project; the architectural design team, which
considered everything possible to create an ascetically pleasing yet
practical God-honoring design; the team that dealt with all the state and
local regulations and permitting; the prayer team who bathed the
project in prayer and prayer activities during construction; the Christian
education team who incorporated our theme into daily studies and
giving opportunities for all ages; and our staff who encountered daily
interruptions for three years of the project. Most of all we thank God for
the blessings that flow through this congregation.
I want to personally thank all of you who stood with us during these
vision actualizing years. In today’s culture, many want to jump to the
next new thing or place because it is totally ready and often requires
little but our attendance. We know that Rome was not built in a day and
neither is true discipleship. In fact it’s a life-long process. Every vision
that becomes a reality is enabled by those who stand with the vision,
and in the vision, to see it completed. What is your vision? How long will
you give for it to be accomplished? What could God do in your life in four
years if you step out with sacrificial faith? I will make you another
promise. If you let God guide your vision and you give God the time to
accomplish the goal, it will be more spectacular than any church
Easter Cel “EGG” bration
Date: April 4, 2015
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 11 a.m.
Children 5th grade and under are invited to join us
for our annual Easter Cel”EGG”bration.
It will be held on Saturday, April 4th, from 9 a.m. to
11 a.m. We begin in Anderson Hall and dismiss by
ages for the hunt. We will have over 1500 filled eggs
for the children to hunt. We will also have crafts,
snacks, stories and more! If you would like to donate
a bag of candy for the event, you can drop it in the
basket in Anderson Hall.
To my
I want to thank all of you for
the cards, phone calls, emails,
visits, and flowers. Most of all, I
want to thank you for your
faithfulness in continuing to pray
for me during this long period in
the wilderness. Your support has
sustained me through the hard
Much love to you all!
Linda Lucas
Dear MWPC Family,
I would like to thank Joe,
Karen, and all who said prayers
before, during and after my
surgery. Thank you to all who
work on the arrangement of
flowers. Mine have lasted such a
long time! Thank you to Julie for
delivering the flowers.
The cards that I received were
a bright spot in my day!
Karen Sutton
The Markham Messenger
April 2015
Church Member Registration Form
2015 Vacation Bible School
June 15 - 19 9:00 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Student Registration Form
Please complete the form(s) below and return to Markham Woods Presbyterian Church by June 1, 2015. Please
remember the ages are three years (by January 31, 2015 and potty-trained), through 5th grade and a fee of $30.00 per
child with a maximum of $80.00 per family of three children is requested to help defray the cost of supplies. (For
families with 4 or more children participating, the additional fee per child will be $20.)
Child’s Name: _________________________________________________________ Birth Date: ____/____/______
Grade Completing: _________________________________ Age: _____________ T-shirt Size: __________________
Parent’s Name:___________________________________________________________________________________
Street Address:___________________________________________________________________________________
Home Phone: _____________________________________ Cell Phone:_____________________________________
Emergency Contact:_______________________________________________________________________________
Known Allergies/Medical Concerns:___________________________________________________________________
Volunteer Registration Form
Volunteer’s Name:_________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip:_________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________
Email: _______________________________________________ Adult Volunteer_____ Youth Volunteer_____
__________________________ I can work entire week of June 15 – 19, 2015
__________________________Days I can work if not entire week:
M T W Th F
I would like to help with VBS in the following areas marked below. (Two to three volunteers are needed for each area)
______3 yr olds
______4 yr olds
______Kindergarten ______1st grade
______2nd grade
______3rd grade
______4th grade
______5th grade
______Daily Clean Up Crew
______Refreshments ______Lesson Time
______Anywhere Needed
The Markham Messenger
April 2015
HCA Fall Registration
Fall 2015 registration continues for HCA. We have
limited spots left in our 3 year old and 4 year old classes.
We also offer classes for children age 2, along with our
Kindergarten class.
Please call the school office for more information:
Vacation Bible School Volunteers Needed!
We are looking for lead volunteers for the following
 Story Time
 Games
 Individual Classrooms
 Kitchen
 Nursery – for Volunteers’  Daily Clean Up
Volunteers for other areas:
 Music Assistants
 Classroom Assistants
 Playground Assistants
 Craft Assistants
 Daily Clean Up Assistants  Kitchen Assistants
If you have questions regarding VBS please contact Cheryl
Beck for more information: cbeck@mwpcusa.org or
Kindergarten Graduation
Everyone is invited to the inaugural graduation of our
first Kindergarten Class. We will be holding the ceremony
on Friday, May 22 at 7 p.m. We will be holding a reception
in Anderson Hall after the ceremony.
Saturday, April 18, 8 a.m.
Cracker Barrel, Hickman Dr. just off SR 46 in Sanford.
Call Jack Murdock (407-321-5150) or Dick Siegrist
(407-323-8549) for more info.
1 Karen Greenawalt
2 Valery Bouck
Dawn Pedersen
3 John Drakesmith
4 Lynn Klahn
5 Ann Spellman
Tiffany Thornton
6 Dave Klovstad
7 Alexis Ronske
Jeff Ward
8 Heidi Thompson
Abby Stahl
9 Tracy Hall
10 Sydney Kuca
Alex Monahan
Betty Powers
11 Luc LeRoy
12 Andre DeGraaff
Shay Goldschmidt
Shirley Mack
13 Alice Ann Nilsen
14 Chris Leinenkugel
16 Matt Goldschmidt
Mavis Miller
17 Michelle Bryan
18 Jennifer Lanier
Joan Stewart
Sara Tusek
19 Angela Jordan
20 Christina Mullins
Matthew Funicello
21 Anne Andrews
22 Cheryl Beck
Kurt Leinenkugel
Aizhan Etchison
23 Kaitlyn Cornish
Edward Jones
24 Delora Campbell
Jackson Snedaker
26 Joanne Simmons
27 Robert Keck
28 Jerry Bouck
Jean Clarke
Jill Jordan
Maggie Pinnock
30 Gareth Goldschmidt
Norma Hawkes
Chris & Stefanie Lollis
Rich & Patti Lovette
Robert & Anne Bell
Ret & Julie Thompson
Tom & Karen Greenawalt
Tom & Cindy Haller
Frank & Janice Funicello
Julius & Debra Hajas
18 years
24 years
17 years
49 years
21 years
22 years
28 years
30 years
Markham Woods Presbyterian Church
5210 Markham Woods Road
Lake Mary, Florida 32746
Growing the Faith of the Whole Family of God
Inwardly Strong, Outwardly Focused
PERMIT #0064
April Dates to Note:
Wednesday, April 1
Hope Circle & Grace Circle
Thursday, April 2
Maundy Thursday Service
Friday, April 3
Tennebrae Service
Saturday, April 4
Easter Cel”EGG”bration
Sunday, April 5
Monday, April 6
Faith Circle
Wednesday, April 8
Deacons & Committee Night
Thursday, April 9
Sunday, April 12
Communion/ 2 Cents Per Meal
Wednesday, April 15
Church Community Dinner
Saturday, April 18
Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Tuesday, April 21
PWCT Meeting
Saturday, April 25
IDignity Rummage Sale
Wednesday, April 29
Church polo shirts are available for $50 each! There is a limited
amount in stock and also available to order.
Please contact Cheryl Beck for more details, 407.333.2045 or