5259 S. Major Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60638 The Messenger April 2015 The Messenger Volume 44 Issue 4 Gloria Dei Lutheran Church and School and School 5259 S. Major Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60638 (773)767-2771 Fax: (773) 767-4670 www.mygloriadei.com Reverend Steven J. Anderson, Pastor Sunday Worship 9:30am Holy Communion Celebrated Every Sunday Bible Class 8:15am Wednesday Chapel 9am School Office (773) 581-5259 Junior Kindergarten (4 years) - 8th Grade LCMS Missionaries - Singapore Team Adoptive Family Reverend Thomas and Brenda Chryst www.lcms.org/Chryst Easter Blessings in every Divine Service “Alleluia! Christ is Risen!” “He is risen indeed! Alleluia!” That’s how we greet each other on Easter as we celebrate our Lord’s resurrection from the dead. What a glorious celebration it is as we hear the Easter Gospel and sing the Easter hymns once again! It is the message of life after death, not only for Christ, but also for you! We now live in a very post-modern, post-church age. It can certainly be easy to get discouraged about this. The church probably won’t be as full as it once was or as you remember it from your childhood, though it will still be full of God’s people along with the angels and archangels and the whole company of heaven. And this is no small matter. For what is more glorious than joining the angels and the living and departed saints to celebrate the new life we have in Christ Jesus? That’s why it is important for you to be in God’s House on Easter, and indeed every Sunday for that matter. After all, the greatest privilege and joy of being a Christian is to go to Church and actively participate in her worship life—confessing sins and receiving absolution, hearing God’s Word read and proclaimed, eating and drinking our Lord’s true Body and Blood, singing His praises, and praying with the saints. Have you ever wondered what you missed when you didn’t attend the Divine Service one week? Consider what it would have been like to be St. Thomas during that week after our Lord’s Resurrection. Imagine being told that your beloved Jesus, whom you had seen dragged away in the Garden of Gethsemane, condemned, dead on the Cross, and buried in a tomb, was alive. The others said they had seen Him with their own eyes, but you wouldn’t believe it unless you saw Jesus for yourself. It was inconceivable and too good to be true. (St. John 20:19-25) Then imagine being in that room with the disciples the next Sunday evening when Jesus appeared to them again. Imagine the shock, the bewilderment, and the joy at seeing your Savior alive. Then think of the great blessing you missed by not being with the other disciples that night when Jesus first appeared. You missed the forgiveness, the blessing, and the joy that came from being in the presence of the risen Lord Jesus! You were deprived of the peace that came from seeing Him and receiving His gifts. That is what happens when you miss the Divine Service: you miss being in the Lord’s House in the very Presence of the risen Lord Jesus to receive His gifts of forgiveness, life, and salvation. You miss the joy and gladness of gathering with fellow believers, fellow members of the body of Christ, to be blessed by His Word, forgiven of all your sins, fed and nourished with Christ’s very Body and Blood, refreshed for another week of trials and temptations and loving service to your neighbor. And you miss the opportunity to encourage your fellow Christians in their faith and life by your very presence. That is why the author to the Hebrews writes: Let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. (Heb. 10:24-25) 2 Not only do you miss Jesus and His gifts, your fellow members miss you. They miss hearing your singing of the hymns, confessing the Faith, and responding with your “Amen.” They miss the encouragement you provide as together we struggle through this life ever looking forward to the life to come. God grant you to be in His House every Sunday, including Easter, because this is where you belong. God gives you this great privilege and it flows from your baptismal identity and your confession of the Faith. Yes, it greatly pleases your heavenly Father to have His children in His House. And if you don’t believe you need to come to Church for yourself, then come for the sake of the others who sit in the pews with you as well as to give witness to the people you pass on the way. Christ is risen indeed! Let us rejoice and be glad and come into His courts with singing! In the Name of the Risen and Living Christ our Lord, Pastor Steven J. Anderson APRIL ELDER/ASSISTANT CREW ACOLYTE GREETERS ORGANIST 7:00PM Dan Sedory 2 Elizabeth Wardean R&E Krause Sharon Voight 7:00PM Don Voight 3 Richard Nambo Linda Mantegna Sharon Voight 7:00PM John Misovic 4 Charlie Maida R&G Sandrik Sharon Voight 7:00AM Tom Hartwig 1 Elizabeth Wardean Liz Gall Sharon Voight 9:30AM Dan Sedory 2 Neil Mackza R&E Krause Sharon Voight 12 9:30AM John Misovic 3 Jennifer Keefe Linda Mantegna Sharon Voight 19 9:30AM Scott Schilling 4 D’Angelo May R&G Sandrik Sharon Voight 26 9:30AM Don Voight 1 Richard Nambo Liz Gall Sharon Voight 2 TIME Maundy Thursday 3 Good Friday 4 Easter Vigil 5 Easter Sunrise Service 5 Easter Sunday 1 2 3 4 Thomas Hartwig, Jason Talbot, Laura Barajaz James Cieply, John Moore, Donald Voight James Talbot Douglas Lessentien, Richard Sandrik 3 APRIL David Leno Sr. 4/1 Deborah Cieply 4/2 Melanie Glowacki 4/2 ANNIVERSARIES Gus Habersat 4/2 Carl Mantegna 4/2 Pauline Valenti 4/3 William Nambo 4/6 Carol & Laurence Barajaz Lynda & Ernst Montonera Terrence & Courtney Moy John & Phyllis Moore Aidan Trevino 4/6 Verla Ziebarth 4/6 Kaite Schroeder 4/11 OUR LOVE IN DEVOTION Ellen Lenke 4/14 WORSHIP COMMUNED BIBLE CLASS Sharon Voight 4/18 John Maciejewski Jr. 4/19 Arthur Fredericks 4/20 Jonathan Keffe 4/20 Roberth Schroeder 4/21 Amy Granat 4/24 Donald Kratz 4/26 Robert Carstens 4/27 Jill Chambers 4/28 Brenden Wanda 4/28 Dale Rodrigues 4/29 Frank Geschrey 4/30 THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts to all the staff and my friends at Gloria Dei for all the prayers, support, phone calls, cards, and warm wishes during Serenity’s surgery. Your concerns have been truly heart warming. I’m sure the prayers are what made the surgery and recovery successful. We will never forget your many kind expressions. Heather & Serenity. 3/1 3/4 3/8 3/11 3/15 3/18 3/22 3/25 3/29 82 85 65 82 57 86 106 86 103 APRIL MEETINGS 6 Trustee Mtg Education Mtg Elders Mtg 13 Church Council Mtg DATE YEARS 4/5 4/6 4/12 4/27 34 24 12 52 59 6 54 8 47 6 70 7 79 7 3pm 6pm 7:30pm 6pm ORGANIZATION MEETINGS 8 Ladies Aid 6pm Congratulations to former students of Gloria Dei for making the Honor Roll at Walther Christian Academy Zachary Clark—Principal’s List Briana Zawila—Principal’s List Laura Barajaz—Honor Roll Chloe Tominac—Honorable Mention 4 Spring Luncheon Thursday, April 9th at Noon Donation $10.00 Donations of salads or sweets appreciated. Seating is limited. Tickets required. Tickets available in the church and school offices or see Linda Mantegna or Liz Gall. **PLEASE NOTE THAT THE REFRIDGERATER HAS DIED. PLEASE BRING YOUR SALADS ON THURSDAY MORNING!** St. Paul Lutheran Church, 4660 W. 94th St. Oak Lawn, Il cordially invites you, your family, and friends to come and experience the splendor of Germany at our annual German Fest fundraiser on Saturday April 18, 2015 from 4:30pm to 9:00pm. The admission fee at the door is $7.00. Food and beverage tickets will also be available for purchase. Our pre-sale ticket is $14 and includes the price of admission and $9 in food and refreshment tickets. That’s a savings of $2! Doors open at 4:30pm. Entertainment will be provided by the German band Paloma and dinner will be served from 5-7pm. Come early and get a good seat! It’s going to be Wunderbar! For more information or to order tickets, please call the church office at (708) 423-1040 5 Thrivent Financial and Holy Trinity Lutheran Church is having a rummage Sale 8659 S. Sayre Ave, Burbank, Il Friday May 1 9am to 3pm & Saturday May 2 9am to noon ($3.50 a bag day) Anyone wishing to donate rummage may drop it off any afternoon from 1pm to 5pm. Monday thru Wednesday the week of the sale and Thurs April 30th 1pm to 8pm The Southwest Lutheran Chorus invites you to attend its annual Spring Concert on Sunday, May 3 2015, at 3:00pm at St. Paul Lutheran Church, 4660 W. 94th St., Oak Lawn, Il. For further details, please call Ruth Sievers, Director at (708) 952-9902 or Jeanne Simovic, President, at (708) 422-0721 P.T.L. Board President—Kristen Zawila Vice President-Barbara Montgomery Treasurer-Kathy Blecha Secretary-Amanda Prado GLORIA DEI LUTHERAN SCHOOL 773-581-5259 Confessing the Christian Faith Cultivating the Intellect Refining the Character P.T. L. Dates Mar. 10 May 20 www.mygloriadei.com School Hours Kindergarten: 8:30a.m. Grades 1-8: 8:35a.m. Tardy 8:45 a.m. Report Periods Mar. 23—June 5 Decades of Dresses Featuring Special Occasion dresses from 1905 - 1991 2:00 p.m. Sunday, April 26, 2015 A light lunch will be served. Dress attire is welcome (not required) whether it is old or new…we invite you to share your story or just come as you are. Tickets $10 in advance ($12 at the door) Tables of 10 reserved. Call 773-767-2771 or 773-581-5259. This event is sponsored by The Gloria Dei P.T.L. 2nd Quarter Honor Roll Congratulations to the following students for achieving the Honor Roll. Certificates will be presented on April 15. Calendar dates this month: APRIL 2 3 13 15 16 22 23 26 29 30 9am Chapel Maundy Thursday No School Easter Recess Begins Classes Resume April 13 4-8pm McDonalds BN 9am Chapel 3:30pm JCC Market Day Orders Due 9am Chapel 1:30pm Market Day PU 3:30pm JCC 2:00pm Decades of Dresses 4/29-5/1 - 5&6 trip to Walcamp 9am Chapel 3:30pm JCC A HONOR ROLL Marlene Carreno 5th Grade Armando Salazar 5th Grade Andrew Clark 6th Grade A-B HONOR ROLL May Prado 3rd Grade Emily Sikora 3rd Grade Karina Garibay 3rd Grade Zachary Zawila 4th Grade Desiree Gaffron 4th Grade Tamara Ward 4th Grade Jennifer Salazar 5th Grade Victoria Rodriguez 6th Grade Gia Maida 8th Grade 6 The Lutheran Hour Sundays 6am WGN radio 720AM www.lutheranhour.org WORSHIP FOR SHUT-INS is a 30minute, weekly television program, featuring classic Lutheran Worship for individuals, congregations, and groups. April 2015 April 5 "One Step Ahead" Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz Your future is not a mystery. Our risen Savior is one step ahead and He leads you to eternal life. (Mark 16:1-8) April 12 "God Always Shows Up" Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz Jesus shows up in your life today with His gifts of forgiveness and new life. (John 20:19-38) April 19 "It's Not Over 'til Jesus Says It's Over" Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz Our risen Savior enables us to hold on when troubled times tempt us to bail out. (Luke 24:36-49) April 26 "Open-Minded and Accepting" Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz Tolerance and open-mindedness are values much touted, but truth is even better. (Acts 4:12) Sunday 11:30 am [TLN] Comcast 138 [TCT] DirecTV 377 REMEMBER IN PRAYER Emily Brower Debbie Cieply Debra Falittie Donald Kratz Ellen Lenke Martha Leno Florence Lessentien Edna Lindgren Siri O’Sullivan Pauline Schultz Carol Waltemath Dorothy Whitecoe Verla Ziebarth Polly Meier Pick up a new address list from the narthex . An occasional thinking of you card is greatly appreciated. Gloria Dei Lutheran Church and School 2015 Officers and Board Members * Chairperson CONGREGATION CHAIRMAN: Scott Schilling VICE-CHAIRMAN: Timothy Jacob SECRETARY: TREASURER: Deann Nambo FINANCIAL SECRETARY: BOARD OF ELDERS: *Thomas Hartwig, John Misovic, Raymond Krause, Daniel Sedory BOARD OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: Elizabeth Gall, Lilas Borcherding, *Linda Mantegna BOARD OF STEWARDSHIP: BOARD OF TRUSTEES: *Kathleen Blecha, Timothy Jacob, Lynda Montonera, Scott Schilling BOARD OF PARISH FELLOWSHIP: Lilas Borcherding, Elizabeth Gall, Raymond Krause, *Lynda Montonera 7
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