~y±X Boond 2014-15 KILBIL- DAY CARE CENTRE Near AECS No. 4, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai - 400094 Tel.: 25570055/25570054/25597707 e-mail: aewskilbil@gmail.com website: www.mykilbil.org Governing Council, AEWS Shri. S. G. Markandeya, Managing Committee, AEWS Chairman Shri . V. Govindankutty Controller, BARC Shri. V. Govindankutty, CAO (P), BARC. Secretary Shri P. V. Jagdeesan, DCA, CAO (P), BARC. Shri P. V. Jagdeesan, DCA, Chairman Member Works, BARC Treasurer Smt. Padma Ranji Member Works, BARC Smt. Rosaline Mishra Shri. Pradeep Dongre, Member Parent Member (Kislay Section) AGM (C&MM), NPCIL Smt. Monica Abhishek Tiwari Shri. Pradeep Agarwal, (Alternate) Member Chief Engineer (C1), DCS&EM Shri Purushottam T. Ghare Parent Member (Kiran Section) Dr. (Smt.) Alpa Amin, Member Head, Pediatric Unit, BARC Hospital Shri. A. K. Behera Member Smt. Namita Singh (Alternate) Smt. Sheetal Uppal Parent Member Internal Financial Advisor, DPS Shri. V. M. Thomas, (Kinjal Section) Member Smt. Harneel Kamal Deep Kaur (Alternate) Chief Administrative Officer, HWB Shri. Rajendra Venkatesh Hawaldar Parent Member Smt. Padma Ranji, Member Kishore Section) Medical Social Welfare Officer, BARC Hospital Shri. N.V.S.V. Prasad, Smt. Mala N. Rao Member (Alternate) Smt. Shashi Prabha Under Secretary (IR&W), DAE Manager, Kilbil 2 Secretary CONTENTS FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK ................................... 4 WORDS OF WISDOM ............................................... 5 JOKES AND RIDDLES ........................................... 10 CROSSWORDS ...................................................... 12 OUR BUDDING ARTISTS ....................................... 13 OUR LITTLE POETS ............................................... 20 KILBIL SPORT'S (2014) .......................................... 22 BALANCE SHEET – 2013 - 2014 ............................ 26 Front Cover Design By: SHREYA REPAKA Back Cover Design By: SHIV SHREERAM 3 Dear All, As famous English writer George bernard Shaw once said "We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing !!" Play is often talked about as if it's a relief from serious learning. But for children, play is serious learning. Unstructured, free play is really the work of childhood. While it may look like mere child's play to you, there is a lot of work going on behind the scenes. As they play, children learn to solve problems and to get along with others. The enhance their creativity and develop healthy personalities. As a child learns to reach, grasp, crawl, run climb and balance, physical skills are developed. Dexterity develops when the child handles toys or other objects. Learning to cooperate & share, negotiate, take turns and play by the rules are important interpersonal lifetime skills, all of which play fosters. Play also offers an ideal opportunity for parents to engage fully with their children. However, despite the huge benefits, time for free unstructured play has been markedly reduced for some children. This may be due to a hurried lifestyle, changes in family structure and increased attention to academics & enrichment activities at the expense of recess or free child-centered play. Too often these days, parents feel they have no choice but to pack their child's schedules with adult-supervised, adult-driven activities such as organized sports. Have the courage to say No. Be honest with yourself and your children. Instead of feeling guilty and worrying that if you don't to everything possible, don't go the extra mile, your kids will suffer, will be deprived, or will fall behind their peers, understand that sometimes the best thing a parent can do for a child is - nothing. Children are not miniature adults - there will be plenty of time for them to be stressed and overworked when they actually are adults. In short, don't forget to let your child be a child. We appreciate all the parents and teachers of KILBIL who understand that children need the freedom and time to play; who ensure that our children do not "just play"; they develop life skills. So keep playing.......... Anu Ghosh Shashi Prabha 4 Goodbye dear KILBIL.... Dear KILBIL, It's time to say goodbye, My heart feels sad and, there are tears in my eyes. I have to leave my best friends, and all the wonderful games will now come to an end. When mummy and daddy were away Kilbil kept me safe. Eating, sleeping, playing together with Yashoda, Kimaya, Tanu and Reeya I never missed father or mother. Sometimes I fought, sometimes I cried, and sometimes I laughed and sometimes I tried ! Annual day, sports day and water play were all my favorite days. All the teachers and aunties who gave me so much care and love, I can never thank them enough. So long, farewell, it's time to say goodbye, Adieu, adieu to you and you and you...... Shreya Repaka, Kinjal Section 5 Thoughts ( The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of overflow of his heart his mouth speaks. ( Strong people are made by opposition, like kites that go up against wind. ( Bad events occur to good people to make them better not bitter. ( Take risks in your life. If you win, you can lead. If you loose, you can guide. ( Show respect for everyone who works for a living, regardless of how trivial is their job. ( The true measure of success is how many times you can bounce from failure. ( For every minute you are angry, you loose sixty seconds of happiness. ( Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time. ( Count your age by friends, not years. Count your life by smiles, not tears. ( Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony. By Vidushi Kalra (KISHORE Section) 6 hmo{e¶ma hmWr Am¡a eoa EH$ {XZ EH$ O§Jb ‘| hmWr H$m Pw§S> ñZmZ H$a ahm Wm. V~ dhm§na EH$ eoa Am¡a CgHo$ gmWr Am J¶o. O¡gohr CÝh| EH$ hmWrZo XoIm dh Omoa go {M„mZo bJm, eoa eoa eoa, ^mJmo, ^mJmo. na ~mH$s hm{W¶m| Zo CgH$s Am¡a ܶmZ Zhr {X¶m. CÝh| bJm H$s dh PyR> ~mob ahm h¡. ³¶m|{H$ O~ ~mH$s hm{W¶m|Zo ~mOy‘| XoIm V~ VH$ eoa PmS>r ‘o Nw>n J¶o Wo. dh hmWr AnZo gm{W¶m|H$mo g‘Pm ahm Wm {H$ eoa gM‘wM h¡ na CgHo$ gmWr Zht ‘mZo. ~mH$s hmWr ‘mZ Zhr aho Wo Bg{bE dh ~mH$s hm{W¶m|go AbJ hmo J¶m. O¡go hr dh hmWr Mbm J¶m eoa ~mha Am JE. ~mH$s hmWr bo{H$Z gmdYmZ Wo. O¡go hr CÝhm|Zo eoa H$mo XoIm do OëXrgo ^mJ J¶o. Hw$N> g‘¶ ~mX CÝhm|Zo AnZo XmoñV go ‘m’$s ‘m§Jr Am¡a H$hm CÝhm|go CgH$s ~mV ‘mZZr Mm{hE Wr. Neerav More, Kinjal Section ‘oam gnZm ‘oao Ka ‘| ‘oao OÝ‘{XZ H$s nmQ>u Wr. ‘oao g^r XmoñV Ka AmE Wo. g~ gw§Xa bJ aho Wo. h‘ Zo Ho$H$ H$mQ>m. g~ Zo Ho$H$ Am¡a ImZm Im¶m. ImZo Ho$ ~mX ‘¢Zo AnZo XmoñVm| H$mo n§I {X¶m. ‘¢ n§I bJmH$a CS>Zo bJr. ‘oao XmoñVm| Zo ^r n§I bJmH$a CS>Zo H$s H$mo{ee H$s, na§Vw do CS> Zht nm aho Wo. ‘¢Zo CZgo H$hm ""Vw‘ Am¡a H$mo{ee H$amo''. CÝhmoZo ~hþV H$mo{ee H$s, {’$a dmo CS>Zo bJo. CS>Vo CS>Vo h‘ Xÿa {ZH$b J¶o. ZrMo ’y$bm| H$m EH$ ~JrMm Wm. ‘¢Zo H$hm ""Mbmo Cg ~JrMo ‘| MbVo h¢''. O~ h‘ dhm°§ nhþ§Mo Vmo h‘Zo XoIm {H$ dhm§° Mm°H$boQ> H$m Ka h¡. Mmam| Amoa a§J {~a§Jo ’y$b {Ibo Wo. dhm°§ Oyg H$s ZXr ~h ahr Wr. h‘ ~hþV ‘Oo H$a aho Wo. V^r AMmZH$ EH$ amjg Am¶m Am¡a ‘oar EH$ XmoñV H$mo CR>mo bo J¶m. h‘ g~ Cgo ~MmZo H$s VaH$s~ gmoMZo bJo. ‘oao XmoñVm| Zo H$hm {H$ ‘wPo {H$gr Vah amjg H$mo EHo$ noS>H$s Amoa bmZm h¡. ‘oao XmoñV Cg noS> na MT>H$a ~¡R>|Jo Am¡a O~ amjg Cg Amoa Am¶oJm, g~ EH$ gmW Cgna Hy$X OmE§Jo Am¡a dh nmg ~h aho Oyg H$s ZXr ‘| {Ja OmEJm. O¡gm CÝhm|Zo H$hm d¡gm hr ‘¢Zo {H$¶m. O¡go hr amjg ZXr ‘| {Jam h‘ g~ AnZo XmoñV H$mo boH$a ^mJZo bJ|. AMmZH$ AmdmO AmB© ""CR>mo eaʶm XÿY nr H$a Amo{S>gr ³bmg Ho$ {b¶o V¡¶ma hmo OmAmo'', Am°§Io Iwbr Vmo IwX H$mo {H$b{~b ‘| nm¶m. ‘¡Zo gmoMm, ""Amoh ¶h g~ EH$ gnZm Wm!'' - eaʶm ñVw{V qH$Ob 7 The Flying Elephant Once upon a time, there lived a farmer. He took good care of his sugarcane fields. One night when he was sleeping, an elephant came from the sky and ate all his sugarcane. When the farmer saw in the morning that his sugarcane field was destroyed, he became very sad. He thought, 'Today night I will see who is destroying my sugarcane field.' When it became dark, he sat near his window and began to watch his fields. After sometime, he saw an elephant coming from the sky. When the elephant finished eating the sugarcane, he started going back to the sky. The farmer ran behind him and caught hold of his tail and began to go up into the sky with the elephant. Soon they reached God's palace. There, God asked him, “Why did you come here?” He replied, “This elephant was eating my sugarcane.” God said, “I will give you whatever you want, but you have to leave my elephant”. The farmer asked for lots of money. With this money he made a big house. The villagers were very surprised to see the farmer's big house and wondered from where he got so much money. They asked the farmer's wife, “From where did you get all this money?” The farmer's wife told them everything. The villagers also wanted to get money from God. So they also prepared a sugarcane field. When it became dark, they say an elephant coming down from the sky. When the elephant had finished eating sugarcane, he began to go back to the sky. A man ran behind him and caught hold of his tail. The other villagers ran behind the man and caught hold of the man's feet. Soon they were all going up with the elephant. They started thinking what they would ask from God. The man who was holding the elephant's tail forgot that he was holding it. He let go of the tail and along with him all the villagers fell down. They thought that the elephant will come back again and waited for many days. But the elephant didn't come back because God had made a sugarcane field outside His palace and when the elephant wanted to eat sugarcane he ate from God's field. By Aarushi Mudgal (KISHORE Section) 8 MY TRIP TO AURANGABAD Hi friends! You all must know about the Ajanta and Ellora caves. But do you know why they are famous? I will tell you why. I went to Aurangabad for two days. On the first day I went to Ajanta caves. They are famous for their paintings but the sculptures also very nice. The colours were made from flowers, leaves, minerals etc. the paintings are based on Gautama Buddha and stories of his life. These caves were made around 2nd century BC. It is amazing to see that in those times also people could do so difficult paintings and carvings. After the caves were made they were abandoned and forest grown over it. The caves were afterwards found by a British John Smith in the year 1819. The next day I went to Ellora caves. It is famous for the sculptures and carvings. Ellora is the only place in India which has temples of three religions together which are: Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. The Buddhist caves have very beautiful statue of Buddha. The Hindu caves are mainly based on lord Shiva. This is the biggest monolith Hindu cave. This temple has been named Kailash. These two places have been declared as world heritage site by archeological survey of India. Many national and international tourists come here every year. I liked this trip very much and you should also visit once. By-Archita Y. (KISHORE Section) Facts * Did you know that human nose can remember up to 50000 different types of scents. * Do you know that on average, men have larger noses than women ! * You know, you have no sense of smell when you're sleeping ! * You know you can see your nose all the time but somehow your brain always ignores it ! * Do you know the similarity between human body and a banana ? You will be amazed to know that 50% of human DNA is same as in banana ! * The human body has enough iron in it to make 3 inches long nail. Maths Magic From 0 to 1,000, the letter "A" only appears in 1,000 ("one thousand") 12,345,678,987,654,321 is the product of 111,111,111 x 111, 111, 111. Notice the sequence of the number in the English language that is spelt with the same number of letters as the number itself. By Sheev Shree Ram (Kishore) 9 ............... Jokes and Riddles Jokes — Father : son, there is a life beyond facebook. Son : Really, please share the link to it. — A boy slept on his book while studying. His father saw him and said, “Few minutes ago, he was on facebook and now his face is on book. — School Life Most irritating moment- morning alarm Most difficult task- to find socks' Most dreadful journey- way to class Most lovely time- meeting friends Most tragic moments- surprise test in Ist period Most wonderful news- Teacher is absent Riddles 1. It keeps you nice and very neat, Has lots of teeth but cannot eat. 2. It runs all night, and runs all day, But never, ever runs away. 3. Sits on the table by your plate and cup, If it falls down, it might stuck up. 4. Sometimes curly, sometimes flat. It's over the head and under the hat. Answers : 1. Comb 2. Clock 3. Fork 4. Hair By-Vidushi (KISHORE Section) 10 ............... Jokes and Riddles RIDDLES Q1 : What has one head, one foot and four legs? Q2 : David's father had three sons: Snap, Crackle, and? Q3 : If you were in a race and passed the person in 2nd place, what place would you be in? Q4 : What goes up, but never comes down? Q5 : How many books can you put into an empty backpack? Q6 : Which weighs more, a ton of feathers or a ton of bricks? Q7 : How many months have 28 days? Q8 : What has two hands, a round face, always runs, but stays in place? Q9 : Where does success come before work? Q10 : What breaks when you say it? Answers 1) A Bed, 2) David, 3) 2nd place, 4)your age, 5) One! After that it's not empty, 6) Neither, they both weigh a ton, 7) All of them, 8) A clock, 9) In the dictionary, 10) Silence By - Pranav Ghate Kinjal Section 11 ............... Crosswords Transport 2 1 3 5 4 7 6 8 9 10 11 12 Vidushi Kalra Kishore Section Across: Down: 3. Boat which sails underwater. 1. Small boat which tugs big ships into the harbour. 5. The 'Titanic' was a __________ on 2. Heavy metal object used to keep boats from whom a movie was made. 6. Narrow boat with pointed ends. 7. A structure made across a river or road so that people can pass over it. 11. A vehicle which travels across the water without touching it. 12. A soil boat. drifting. 4. Boats which move at great speed and are used for sports 8. Boatmen _________ people across the water. Rhymes with 'merry' 9. A flat piece of wood used to row a boat. Rhymes with 'boar' 10. A person who works on a ship and is a member of Answers: the crew. Across : 3. Submarine, 5. Ship, Answers: 6. Canoe, 7. Bridge, 11. Hovercraft, Down : 1. Tugboat, 2. Anchor, 4. Speedboat, 12. Yatch 8 Ferry, 9. Oar, 10. Sailor 12 ..... Our Budding Artists Reeya Pancholi Kishore Section Priyansh Shreyan - Manna Karmanya 13 ..... Our Budding Artists Day Care Cartoons As a mother it is very difficult to send a child to any day care. We are quite fortunate to have Kilbil. I am sharing few cartoons on 'day care' with all of you through this annual magazine of Kilbil. This must be experienced by many Moms ! Even this can happen!!! 14 ..... Our Budding Artists Dracula will send his children to….. 15 ..... Our Budding Artists Source: www.cartoonstock.com Dhanashree (Yashoda's Mother, Kishore) Ashvi A. Shreyan - Manna Shreyan - Manna 16 ............... Crosswords On the Rainy Day 2 1 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 Vatsal Kalra Kinjal Section 11 Down: 1. Moisture of the atmosphere falling in Across: drops of water. Rhymes with “gain”. 3. Due to heavy rains water collects in low lying areas. 2. Mass of condensed water vapour floating in the sky. Rhymes with “proud”. 6. Very heavy rain. 3. Fling water. Rhymes with “lash”. 7. A folding objects which we use to protect 8. Waterproof garment we wear during rains. ourselves during rain. 10. Boat made by folding paper. 9. Opposite of light. 11. Collecting and overflowing of rainwater especially in rivers. Answers: Answers: Across : 3. Waterlogging, 6. Downpour, Down : 1. Rain, 2. Cloud, 4. Splash, 7. Umbrella, 9. Heavy, 11. Flooding. 8 Raincoat, 10. Paper boat. 17 ............... Crosswords PUZZLE We all are there in Kilbil, to help you, nurture you and take care of you. Of course we all love you a lot. But Yashoda has encrypted us!! Do a little favour by decoding our names. SHASHI PRABHA AARTI NEERU RAJANI LATHIKA KAVITHA SUNAYANA SHAKEELA SHRUTI SAYRABANO JYOTI ANITA JYOTI VAISHALI MANI SUJATA MAMBADEVI JAYASHTREE MARY PRAGATI SUMITRA BHAGWAN NANDA SANGEETA VIJAYA RAKESH SUREKHA FARAH SUNITA ASHOK K A B C D E F G H I J K L M E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Y 16 18 17 120 9 1 19 8 15 11 6 1 18 1 8 14 5 5 18 21 19 8 18 21 9 19 21 14 1 25 1 14 1 10 25 15 20 9 10 25 15 20 1 13 1 13 2 1 4 5 22 9 13 1 14 9 19 21 13 9 20 18 1 13 1 18 25 22 9 10 1 25 1 14 1 14 4 1 19 21 14 9 20 1 19 21 18 5 11 8 1 1 1 18 20 9 18 1 10 1 14 9 11 1 22 9 20 8 1 19 8 1 11 5 5 12 1 19 1 24 18 12 1 14 15 1 14 9 20 1 22 1 9 19 8 1 12 9 19 21 10 1 20 1 10 1 25 1 19 8 18 5 5 19 8 1 19 8 9 16 18 1 2 8 1 2 8 1 7 23 1 14 19 1 14 7 5 5 18 1 11 5 19 8 12 1 20 8 9 11 1 Yashoda (Kishore Section) 18 ……Our Budding Artist SANURAAG MISHRA Class-VI (Kishore Section) Thakarshi Jayandha Class-III G AECS-4 19 ............... Our Little Poets FUN RHYME This is a popular nursery rhyme retold scientifically. Can you guess what is it? Both sides of the face below the eyes are flabby, the protruding part of the lower jaw is hallow, both the fleshy folds of tissue that surround the mouth are crimson in colour and small whitish structures found inside the jaws of many vertebrates are inside. A dense growth of threadlike structures on the human head is coiled, the human is extremely pale, the organs of sight are of the colour of sapphire, yet is exquisite. Are you the preference of a person whose occupation is educating? Agreed thrice! Answer: Chubby cheeks, dimple chin DATRIK.JAYANI (Kinjal Section) The Zebra Crossing The zebra crossing, Is made for us. Traffic will stop, As if we're the boss. Look to your left, Look to your right, Wait for your green light, Then step on the lines. Black and White, black and white ! Wait for your green light, Then step on the lines. Sahishnu Pal, (Kinjal Section) 20 ............... Our Little Poets KOI BAAT NAHI We Indians do what We know we should not! We might fight with auto driver for Rs.2/But we have set records in giving donations at Religious places And everytime we say just one thing Koi baat nahi.....! And we say Koi baat nahi.....! We leave the poor starving And we feed the statues We say Koi baat nahi.....! We do not allow anyone to Break the queue in a temple But we ourselves break queues at Railway reservation counters! And we all say we say Koi baat nahi.....! We clean our homes But we throw garbage on roads And we say Koi baat nahi.....! We want to end corruption And we bribe every day Still we say Koi baat nahi.....! We want a green India And we are cutting the trees But we say Koi baat nahi.....! We like watching programmes like “Satyamev Jayate Showing water problems in India But we waste water at our homes And we say Koi baat nahi.....! Friend wife sister mother daughter We need all these relationships And still we kill the female child.....! Because we think Koi baat nahi.....! We all dream of a shining India And we dream of a Rising India Are your excuses more than your dreams If you want to change the mentality and attitude of people, change yours first! And one fine day you will see a different India.....! A shining India and A Rising India. Yes! We are sad to see a number of poor people without proper clothes But we are happy donating costly sheets to a dargah We just say Koi baat nahi.....! By - Sanuraag Mishra (Kishore Section) 21 ............ Kilbil Sports 2014 PRIZE DETAILS OF KILBIL ANNUAL SPORTS HELD IN THE MONTH OF FEB-2015 Kislay BOWLING GAME Prize Name 1. Ananya Praveen 2. Arsh Lukhman 3. Neha Ajith RUNNING RACE Prize Name Prize Kiran - Pre-Prep Boys Name Kiran - Pre-Prep Girls 1. Anirudh Akella 1. Vipasha V. H. 2. Akshit Shreevastav 2. Manasvi Bahuguna 3. Vahin Sharma 3. Abhilasha Das FROG JUMP Kiran - Pre-Prep Boys Kiran - Pre-Prep Girls 1. Anirudh Akella 1. Abhilasha Das 2. Aniket Kushwaha 2. Manasvi Bahuguna 3. Ishan Tripathi 3. Vipasha V. H. BEADS & THREAD Kiran - Prep Boys Kiran - Prep Girls 1. Spandan P. Ghare 1. Vanika Goswami 2. Saujas Rao 2. Asmita Banerjee 3. Atharv Rajput 3. Parnika Singh 22 ............ Kilbil Sports 2014 SPOON & BEADS Prize Name Prize Kiran - Prep Boys Name Kiran - Prep Girls 1. Saujas Rao 1. Asmita Banerjee 2. Krishnan Namboothiri 2. Nishita Bhattacharya 3. Spandan P. Ghare 3. Harshika Sukhwani Kinjal boys 100mts Kinjal girls 100mts 1. Anirudh A. Pisharady 1. Aashvi Agarwal 2. Parth Gandhi 2. Femi Varghese 3. Shashank Rawat 3. Simone K. Kinjal boys shot-put Kinjal girls shot-put 1. Shashank Rawat 1. Aashvi Agarwal 2. S. K. Sreekanth 2. Simone K. 3. Parth Gandhi 3. Sharanya Stuti ATHLETIC Kishore boys 100mts Kishore girls 100mts 1. Varun Shashank. V 1. Anupriya Dey 2. Suchetan Ghosh 2. Priyanshi V 3. Shivshreeram P 3. Rishika Sinha Kishore boys shot-put Kishore girls shot-put 1. Sidharth Shimjith 1. Anupriya Dey 2. Suchetan Ghosh 2. Devashree 3. Varun Shashank V. 3. Archita Yeram 4. Naman B. 3. Mitali M. Mahashabde 23 ............ Kilbil Sports 2014 KINJAL & KISHORE Prize Name Prize Football boys winner Name Football boys runners 1 Sidharth Shimjith 1 Suchetan Ghosh 2 Shashank Rawat 2 Krishna A. Teja 3 Parth Gandhi 3 Aggrim Singh 4 Shiv Shreeram 4 Satvik 5 Rayansh 5 Aashman Awasthi 6 Varun Shashank V. 6 S. K. Sreekanth 7 Aryan B. 7 Pranav Ghate 8 Atharv Mhatre Cricket boys winner Cricket boys runners 1 Sidharth Shimjith 1 Abhinav J. 2 Shashank Rawat 2 Pratyush K. Sharma 3 Parth Gandhi 3 Priyansh Verma 4 Adarsh Praveen 4 Aman Raychoudhuri 5 Shiv Shreeram 5 Thakarshi J. 6 Ashvin Nair 6 Mayank Rakshit 7 Sidak Singh 7 Sahishnu Pal 24 ............ Kilbil Sports 2014 KINJAL & KISHORE Prize Name Prize Football girls winner Name Football girls runners 1 Archita Yeram 1 Anupriya Dey 2 Mitali M. M. 2 Anjali Anil. H. 3 Ketaki 3 Rishika Sinha 4 Aarushi M. 4 Shreya Repaka 5 Yashoda V. V. 5 Sharanya Stuti 6 Vismaya Siruguri 6 Kimya Rangari 7 Amrutha Prajith 7 Mitisha M. M. Cricket girls winner Cricket girls runners 1 Anupriya Dey 1 Anjali Anil H. 2 Kimya Rangari 2 Mitali M. M. 3 Simone K. 3 Yashoda V. V. 4 Ketaki 4 Archita Yeram 5 Rishika Sinha 5 Femi Varghese 6 Shreya Repaka 6 Misha M. Shah 7 Mitisha M. M. 7 Sharanya Stuti 8 Sanjana Bajpai 8 Aarushi M 25 ............ Kilbil Balance Sheet 2014 26 ............ Kilbil Balance Sheet 2014 27 ............ Kilbil Note 28
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