THE LUMBAR CLINICAL FACET PRESENTATION AND S. M. From We describe normal plain surfaces large Local of the histological The most aged The clinical Facet spinal change the patients and normal and histological may the these arthrosis aggravated low-back with symptoms disabling radiographs. there In in any relieved Rising range posture, by pain and implies in many low are Requests for of the at least two and in osteoarthritis or loss of cartilage in all specimens. arthrosis syndrome of intractable may or have called need to be up and in of pain; and the aimed to in the joints back be of with exposure of We suggest that there and chondromalacia pain Oswestry, Johannesburg, for reprints No. South should pain is in young and middle- with known presentation Editorial 1 $2.00 1, JANUARY Society spinal as provide physical activity pain is commonly flexion. Backward bending little is usually or no pain. Jones & Agnes We Hunt England. School, York Africa. S. M. and Joint Eisenstein. Surgery bending Road, altering pain. is recognisably similar inflammatory arthritis In this forgotten who of their posture in to that in seen other minor by pain the result injuries. some of for this syndrome a similar pattern helpful in both investigation, be found syndrome confusion. segment time. in may fail in more Both pain pain two patient. patterns in the lower patterns treatment of both The and fact than may than spondylolysis, and signs conservative but elements one of long- pattern instability is symptomatic of symptoms must be recognised It reflects the or the have failed in practical 1985). One clinical the ununited fracture. The differentiation of these tant and operative fits or strain clinical of lumbar more objective definitions which clinical application (Nachemson model which description sprain unrecognised This definition the by rest the day. and characterised This had the by contrast, pain is relieved throughout movements. have tissues, a better syndrome, whose increases is restricted or jerking soft referred 1987 instability. patients may Fellow Medical of Bone or because or constantly disease of the spinal synovial joints, may be much as described above. by swaying continuous gentle is difficult because of Robert to Mr the “uppers” about synovial joints, including the hip, knee and those of the hand. Ankylosing spondylitis in its early stages provides one clinical model for this syndrome ; in a young adult those recumbency, Salop SY1O 7AG, be sent patients degenerative Forward with FRCS, Director Disorders, The these to reduce their This type of pain Lumbar including character, PhD, Spinal Hospital, 1987 British 0301-620X/87/lOl 69-B, facet order back pain We suggest syndrome ; forward BSc (Hons), Research of the Witwatersrand © VOL. patellae patients are “downers”, and recumbency and this by repeated in the morning is restricted Eisenstein, Parktown, are associated with normal or nearin 12 patients; the excised facet joint necrosis absent cause from CR. Parry, University symptoms in chondromalacia between SYNDROMES syndrome. by rest of normal Department Orthopaedic Witwatersrand cartilage important pain” changes pain and stiffness, which ease increases. When rest is unavoidable, reduced by a position of lumbar SM. R. PARRY was remarkably similarities of the lumbar facet arthrosis syndrome. PAIN bending seen full-thickness be a relatively pathological patients, cartilage to the facet and is movement. relieved changes syndromes, each with a recognisable pattern these are the “facet arthrosis syndrome” “instability syndrome”. Our investigation provide evidence that pathological changes Facet disabling formation arthrosis who present or near-normal among articular related in which fusion was focal but osteophyte “non-specific to establish that, of the CHANGES adults. designation failure frequent bone, both University syndrome some C. SURFACE joints. subchondral patellae. facet SYNDROME ARTICULAR EISENSTEIN, the radiographs. showed other are a lumbar ARTHROSIS not that limbs, be is imporand prepatterns “combination” allowed to cause an intervertebral one of its parts may in result associated but this can at the same with readily some be 3 4 SM. distinguished nerve from root We the major disabling pain EISENSTEIN. produced by compression. have arthrosis pathological investigated syndrome changes. in 12 patients an with attempt to the relate facet this AND Nine All had were had before failed had referral, symptoms and to respond 1 1 women and spinal operations : one man for with the decrease in the joint facet joints. Mild reduction was seen at one or more patient had a lumbar Osteophytosis associated space lumbar of the lumbosacral facet joints, “spondylosis”, not Facetjoints. There way as those of the patients. It whether or not these subjects was articular cartilage The most frequent some in the finding evidence ofearly damage but we also saw ulceration, (Figs 1 to 4). We suspect cartilage necrotic is the “ulcer” cartilage. increased to facet joints of all I 2 patients. was a focus of full-thickness cartilage necrosis, and eburnation result clusters, fibrillation that the of sloughing of a plug of foci of fibrocartilage (Fig. metachromasia provided perichondrocyte 5) evidence of repair. The only noteworthy change in the subchondral bone was early subchondral cyst formation (Fig. 2). No specific part of the facet surface appeared to a be particularly osteophyte commonly was Death had occurred at and the specimens were RESULTS and spine scoliosis. lumbar been studied material without too much low lumbar facet joints were cadavers whose kidneys were for transplantation. from 17 to 48 years Chondrocyte and of intervertebral disc height levels in six patients, and one of the lumbar with necessarily not be control the fresh 12 ages an L5 laminectomy of had could for three were helpful only in excluding other causes of backache. In four patients they were normal, in three there was detectable some to conservative one one a lumbosacral discectomy. Investigations. Plain radiographs capsules and examined in the same could not be established had suffered backache. ranging from 24 to 60 years. The average age was 40; only one patient was under 30 and one over 50. Pain and tenderness were localised to the general area of the lumbosacral junction in all cases. Two patients had had previous To provide being taken ages ranging treatment given for an average of four months after referral. Four patients had some lower limb pain but of a lesser degree than their low back pain. There facet joint or destroyed histologically. METHODS of the patients of 1 5 months to 20 years. blue. The damaged to Of a very large number of patients seen for low back pain, 12 patients with characteristic facet arthrosis syndrome and significant disability were fully investigated. PARRY postmortem change excised from four PATIENTS an average CR. involved formation The and, in any common feature exposure of subchondral else potentially present cartilage there was no of all specimens was the bone, sometimes in an ulcer, in an area of full-thickness or necrosis. The seen. strikingly, specimen. control specimens were completely normal in Computerised tomography failed to show any additional pathological change in the facet joints and showed no other segmental sources of pain. More specific localisation of the cause of symptoms was three subjects aged 17, 17 and 26 years, but old man killed in a motor vehicle accident surface fibrillation of the articular cartilage in a 48-yearthere was and minor peripheral facet achieved palpation without by radio- Clinical by facet for points graphs arthrography of maximum with skin or by diligent tenderness markers. followed Arthrography was considered provided Several and by subsequent of the patients discography infiltration had negative in the search with lumbar for other causes 12 patients had posterolateral and fusion operations. Both L4-5 and L5-Sl in seven patients, L5-Sl alone in four while fusion from instrumentation with progressive L2 to the pain at the lumbosacral junction. During the operations the facet joints and preserved stained cut for perpendicular with either histological to the haematoxylin sacrum with was required for a 32-yearscoliosis and intractable facet examination. plane and relief were excised Sections of the joint eosin in an but joints, necrosis. required revision of his all patients achieved average of 3.5 months after we found have DISCUSSION of their All Harrington old woman pain lumbar cartilage lignocaine. Many patients, were gratifying all focal operation. myelography pain. Operation. intertransverse were fused in of any results. One patient for pseudarthrosis, fusion to be positive only when the injection reproduced some or all of the usual symptoms, and when some relief was osteophytosis evidence and or toluidine been of the histological described changes in classic and which standard texts as those of osteoarthritis or arthritis Leubner 1936 ; Oppenheimer deformans (Ayers 1935; 1938 ; Badgley 194 1 ; Putti and 1964; Logr#{244}scino 1952; Lewin Schmorl and Jungh- anns 1971 ; Vernon-Roberts 1980). All these studies are anatomical descriptions only and therefore cannot relate the abnormalities to the causes of low back pain. Ayers (1935) describes what is probably of a lumbar facet joint excised histology degeneration. suggests THE the first examination at operation, but inflammation JOURNAL OF BONE rather AND JOINT the than SURGERY THE LUMBAR FACET ARTHROSIS 5 SYNDROME I.. Fig. I. 4 Histological sections of facet joints excised from patients with facet arthrosis syndrome. Figure 1 - Full-thickness cartilage necrosis, between the short arrows. This shows lighter staining and no viable chondrocytes. There is some separation at the cartilage-bone junction (long arrow) and the space is filled with exudate (toluidine blue, x 7). Figure 2 - An articular cartilage ulcer which exposes bone. This is presumed to represent a stage beyond the “necrosis-in-situ” in Figure 1. An early cyst in subchondral bone is arrowed (toluidine blue, x 3). Figure 3 - A fibrillation cleft with adjacent cartilage necrosis down to bone. Chondrocyte clusters are arrowed (toluidine blue x 1 2). Figure 4 To show grooved eburnation exposing subchondral bone. A fibrocartilaginous plug (between arrows) fills a cyst (toluidine blue x 3). Figure 5 - Full-thickness fibrocartilage (between arrows) at the edge of an ulcer which exposes subchondral bone (toluidine blue, x 12). Fig. 5 These tosis studies or bony pathology do, however, spurring of osteoarthritis. appear to have been all emphasise as an important A finding described osteophy- feature which previously of the does not is the full- thickness “necrosis-in-situ” shown in Figure 1 but this is not associated with osteophytes and resembles the “intermediate stage destruction” which Meachim (1980) , reported “basal ford in his study degeneration” and The Woods atrophic of excised described of our relatively which is currently VOL. No. I, JANUARY 1987 heads, by Goodfellow, (1976) in chondromalacia features we found cartilage question 69-B, femoral young exercising in and the Hungerpatellae. the articular patients raises the the minds of those engaged fellow Ct in the study of chondromalacia al. 1976; Insall 1982; Bentley Bentley 1985): course of bridge 1961) There are whether “classic” this is merely spondylotic or a peculiarly similarities patellae (Goodand Dowd 1984; chondrocyte fellow et al. 1976) both with clusters but also in the osteoarthritis symptomatic between the syndrome and chondromalacia patellae. ties are found not only in the histological thickness cartilage necrosis, separation bone, a stage and facet of it. arthrosis These similarichanges of fullof cartilage from metachromasia in the clinical conditions relatively young severe disability from pain, (Outervariant (Good- presentation; patients associated in may present with local 6 SM. tenderness As in between and normal chondromalacia the plain histology the to the physical have only changes proposed to confer patients arthritis” which the term a degree who do not and are the relationship symptoms arthrosis is not clear. Clinicians may the degree of pain in both conditions in facet feel intuitively is disproportionate that can be demonstrated. “chondromalacia of respectability qualify sometimes for CR. PARRY that radiographs. patellae, and EISENSTEIN, We facetae”, if upon those a diagnosis unjustly increased sensitive cartilage, (1976), minor psychologically suspect. Fifty years ago Hugo Leubner (1936) appealed to colleagues to consider a diagnosis of “early arthritis deformans” in patients presenting with low back pain but normal radiographs. We suggest that this appeal is now supported by a link between symptoms possible relatively subchondral causes described conjectured variations for the articular changes we have for opposite predisposition. It is possible that asymmetric angulation of left and right facet joints could produce stresses sufficient to cause early articular cartilage injury, but the presence and osteophytosis. situation syndromes” of are advanced also conjectural. of pressure have been joint Explanations loss of cartilage of joint pressure less pain than ing from high concentrations small areas of cartilage loss. “Facet to pain- changes confined to articular by the fact, well known to that many patients present with that widespread even diffusion bone, producing It is allows a into the that result- acting described through previously, but with different features on each occasion. Ghormley (1933) pioneered the association of low back pain with radiographic evidence of advanced degenerative changes in between the facet arthritis with some symptomatic are obscure, but no less so than those for chondromalacia patellae, which include of normal biomechanics, trauma and genetic in sclerosis this is transmitted bone through foci of necrotic for the patella by Goodfellow et al. Any attempt to explain major pain symptoms destruction, The pressure by relatively minor cartilage is confronted clinicians in this field, of “spinal classified as and pathology. We also suspect that a similar syndrome may present in the thoracic spine, that it can be distinguished from myofascial pain and that it may similarly require spinal arthrodesis if other treatment fails. joint subchondral as described is plausible. joints. He and instability, diffidence, relief. that Mooney did not distinguish but ventured to suggest, arthrodesis Robertson produced (1976) also spinal and failed to make this distinction but contribution by describing joint injection cation of symptomatic facet joints and made a major for the identififor treatment of pain. asymmetry was not a prominent feature in our patients and yet is so common (Badgley 1941) that it may be considered to be a variation of normal anatomy. Putti (1927) originally described these anomalies of facet Our patients to local infiltration most closely described resemble the “responders” by Fairbank (1981) except that experienced more angulation relief and as a possible sciatic pain rather of an intervertebral increased pressure it (Dunlop, 1984) but normal than of nerve low back disc can be on the facetjoint Adams in most height cause and Hutton of our or only root pain. Loss expected surfaces 1984; patients the slightly disc reduced. obvious argument against spaces We King were found of little facet joints, described an attempt minor changes in articular surfaces symptoms is that these changes are of height and patients compression with (lumbar joint surfaces to relate to major pain probably almost For a patient conservative fusion, levels diagnosis is crucial. more than degeneration arthrographic donors available low pain, accurate fall back that the history on the of spinal findings subjects under vast majority arthritic The changes and no pain is available. We have to of Putti and Logr#{244}scino (1952) 30 years of age had normaljoints of those under 40 had only and mild changes. mechanism may produce whereby pain is not these known. of secondary confirmation and spine in by pain is facing refractory operation to for spinal level offers or no described by Dory (1981) but provide useful importance of a positive pain may response. CONCLUSIONS back joints, surfaces affected links between localisation histological and clinical of the surface The a matter a clinical source abnormalities reliefobtained syndrome of pain in the through of in facet excised fusion joint of the segments. The causes for the facet unknown and the association pathological concept who abnormalities described adults (lumbar while invasive and painful, remains the best preoperative investigation by virtue of the provocation of pain in the affected joints (Park and McCall, personal communication 1976; Fairbank et al. 1981). The We have young joints plain radiographs, unless there is advanced (Carrera et al. 1980). Facet arthrography, are are their of the responsible segmental Computerised tomography in middle-aged adults yet few have disabling pain. The purpose ofour limited study of cadaver was to attempt to discover if the described changes were indeed universal. The results so unsatisfactory; most of the few renal transplant study with in extension), separated disabled measures universal lumbar material articular far are for pain spine flexion). to produce posterior to Yang change in the subchondral bone of the certainly nothing like the patellar osteoporosis by Darracott and Vernon-Roberts (1971). The compression our under changes and pain joint abnormalities between these has not been proved remain articular ; it remains of conjecture. THE JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY THE At as to this stage, whether the it is facet impossible to syndrome (“chondromalacia facetae”) arthrosis, or merely a stage LUMBAR we is a distinct (possibly be FACET ARTHROSIS Fairbank JC, Park WM, McCall 1W, O’Brien JP. Apophyseal injection of local anaesthetic as a diagnostic aid in primary low-back pain syndromes. Spine 1981 ;6:598-605. dogmatic have described non-osteophytic reversible) in the progression of age-related hypertrophic osteoarthritis. It is important that the condition should be recognised so that patients who are disabled by the syndrome may receive appropriate treatment rather than be considered neurotic. Ghormley RK. Low back with presentation 1933;lOl :1773-7. Goodfeilow J, mechanics excellent and translation to Ms by J. Hart Dolores Rokos of the paper for the by Putti Lewin and Logr#{244}scino, illustrations. concepts :147-52. T. study. Meachim Osteoarthritis Ada Orthop C. Ways rosis. REFERENCES CE. Further case consideration studies of of involvement facets. N EngI J Med G. pathology discs concepts Current patellae. of etiology Orthop l984;189 Clin GF, Haughton tomography of the VM, Syvertsen lumbar facetjoints. J, Vernon-Roberts Darracott patellae”. Rheumatol Dory MA. Arthrography Med of the of ofcartilage AL. Putti J Computed lumbar facet Radiology 1981 ;140:23-7. Dunlop RB, lumbar Fairbank Adams MA, facet joints. JC, The 69-B, WC. Joint anatomical sources to the intervertebral of Cambridge, 1981. reference University VOL. Hutton J Bone No. 1, JANUARY 1987 Disc Surg space narrowing [Br] l984;66-B:706-10. of low back apophyseal pain with joints. and Wells: Jones pain. Lecture. Lancet the particular Thesis, facet, JAMA joint J Bone Joint kleinen joints: a morphological in human facet [Am] 73. Medical, The Surg Wirbelgelenke. and G, ed. The aetiopathogenesis Pitman J. J Bone experimental of osteoarth- 1980:16-28. syndrome. Clin On new conceptions patellae. Orthop articula- J Bone Joint in the pathogenesis I927;2:53-60. V, Logr#{226}scinoD. Anatomia dell’artritismo vertebrale apofisario. In : Putti V, ed. Scritti medici.Vol II. Bologna : Edizioni Scienti- Instituto Rizzoli, Schmorl G, Junghanns German edition Besemann EF. in “chondromalacia joints. V. Lady of sciatic fiche 1980;134:l45-8. 1971 ;l 1 :175-9. der breakdown In : Nuki Tunbridge pain. Outerbridge RE. The etiology ofchomdromalacia Surg [Br] 1961 ;43-B:752-7. Putti Radiology Patello-femoral patellae. Oppenheimer A. Diseases of the apophyseal (intervertebral) tions. J Bone Joint Surg 1938;20:285-313. and patellae. A, Williams B. The bony changes Phys pain and treatment :209-28. Bentley G. Articular cartilage changes in chondromalacia Bone Joint Surg [Br] l985;67-B:769-74. Carrera with Patellar in lumbar synovial Scand 1964;Suppl V, Robertson 1976;l 15:149-56. and articular in relation to low-back Surg 1941 ;23 :481-96. review. Mooney 1935;213:7l6-2I. Badgley CE. The articular facets sciatic radiation. J Bone Joint Bentley G, Dowd chondromalacia lumbo-sacral of intervertebral special reference to articular operative procedure. H. Die Arthritis deformans Orthop I936;65 :42-52. osteoarthrosis. Ayres with an Hungerford DS, Woods C. and pathology. 2. Chondromalacia J. Current 1982;64-A z are grateful to Dr F. Spiro and Dr I. Van Niekerk for the investigations, to Mrs Coleen Waither for the histology to Dr Jeremy Fairbank for making available the pain, of Joint Surg [Br] 1976;58-B:29l-9. Insall Leubner The authors radiological preparations, 7 SYNDROME 1952:53. H. The human spine in health and disease. by Junghanns H. Translated and edited New York etc : Grune & Stratton, 1971. 5th by Vernon-Roberts B. The pathology and interrelation of intervertebral disc lesions, osteoarthrosis of the apophyseal joints, lumbar spondylosis and low back pain. In : Jayson MIV, ed. The lumbar spine andback pain. 2nd ed. Tunbridge Wells etc : Pitman Medical, 1980:83-114. Yang KH, hypothesis King for Al. Mechanism low-back pain. of facet load transmission Spine 1984,9:557-65. as a
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