Phenols, andThiols 7 " Alcohols, Chapter Nomenclature and Structure of Alcohols 7.26 Name eachof the following alcohois: a. cHrcHrcH(oH)cH2cH3 b. (CH3)2CHCH(OH)CH2CH3 c. CHrCH(Cl)CH(OH)CHrCH3 d. CH3CH(CI)CHTCH(OH)CH3 7.27 Write a structural formula for each of the following compounds: a. d. g. j. 2,2-dimethyl-1-butanol 2-phenylethanol cis^2-meth1'lcyclopentanol 2-cyclohexenol b. p-bromophenol €. sodium ethoxide h. (S)-2-butanethiol c. 2,3-pentanediol f. l-methylryclopentanol i. 2-methyl-2-propen1-ol 7.28 Name each of the follorving compounds: a. CHrC(CH3)rCH(OH)CH3 b. CH3CHBTC(CH3)2OH . CH. d.l>< "oH OH I a/:o'-ut t.n "'ll\z i ,,OH CH, g. CH3CH:CHCHTOH i. HOCHTCH(OH)CH(OH)CHTOH j. (CH3)2CHO-K" 7.29 Erplain rvhy eachorthe follorving namesis unsatisfactor,v, and give a correct name: a. 2-ethyl-I -propanol C. 1-propene-3-ol e. 3,6-dibromophenol b. 2,2-dimethyl-3-butanol d. 2-chloro-4-pentanol 7.30 Thymolis an antibacteria.l oil obtainedfrom thyme (Tl.tymus vulgaris). TheIUPACnameof thiscompoundis 2-isopropyl-5-meth,vlphenol. Draw the structureof th1nnol. Thyme (Ihymus vulgaris), sourceof the antibacterial oil thymol. PropertiesofAlcohols 7.31 Classifi'the aicoholsin parts a, d, f, g, i, and j of Problem 7.27as primary, secondarl,, or terriary. 7.32 Lrranee the compounds in each of the follou'ing groups in order of increasingsolubiliw in water, and briefly explain vour ans\^/ers: a. ethanoi;ethr4chioride;i-he;lanoj ; ,5-pentanedio b. i-pentanol1 I IlO ; CH:(CHOH)3CH.OH Acid-Base Reactionsof Alcohols and Thiols 7.33 The following classesof organic compounds are Lewis bases.Write an equation that showshow each class m i g h t r e a c tr , r ' i t hI l - . a. ether,RijR 7 .34 b. amine,R3N: c. ketone,R2C:(i Lrraneethe following compoundsin order of increasingacidity,and explain the reasonsfor your choiceof order: ryclohexanol,phenol,p- nitrophenol,2 -chlorocyclohexanol. 7.35 Which is the strongerbase,potassiumr-butoxideor potassiumethoxide?(Hint: tJsethe data in Table 7.2.) 7.36 Completeeachof the following equarions; a. cH3cH(oH)cHrCH3 + K * c. Cl< b. (cH3)2cHoH + NaH - i-\ )\-oH + NaoH\.:,/ -1 .H d. i X 'ou + NaoHc-_/ e. CH3CH:CHCHTSH + NaOH + 7'37 Explain why your answersto parts c, d, and e of Problem 7.36 areconsistentwith the pK,'s of the starting acids a n d p r o d u c ta c i d s( s e ee q s . 7 . 1 4 , 7 . 1 5a,n d 7 . 4 8 ) . Acid-Catallzed Dehydration of Alcohols 7.38 Show the structures of aii possible acid-catalyzeddehydration products of the following. If more than one alkene is possibie,predict which one will be formed in the largest amount. a. cyclopentanol c. 2-butanol b. t-methylcyclopentanol d. 2-phenylethanol 7.39 Erplain why the reactionshowr i:r eq. 7.19occursmuch more easilythan the reaction (CH3)3C-OH s -r (CH3)3C* + HO-. (That is, why is it necessary to protonatethe alcoholbefore ionization can occur?) 7.40 Draw a reactionenergydiagram for the dehydrationof tert-butylalcohol (eq.7.21).Includethe stepsshown rn eqs.7.18-7.20 in your diagram. 7.41 \Vrite out all the stepsin the mechanism for eg.7.24,showing how each product is formed. Alkyl Halides from Alcohols 7.42 Although the reaction_shownn eq.7.26occurs fasterthan that shown in eq.7.28, the yield of product is lower.The yield of r-butyl chloride is only 800/0,whereasthe yield of n-buryl chloride is nearly t0o%. What by-product is formed in eq.7 .26,and by what mechanism is it formed? \44'rfis a similar by-product not formed tn eq.7.28? 7.43 Tteatment of 3-buten-2-ol with concentratedhydrochloric acid gives a mixture of two products, 3-chioro-lbuteneand l-chloro-2-butene.Write a reactionmechanismthat explainshow both productsare formed. Synthesisand Reactions of Alcohols 7.44 Write an equation for eachof the following reactions: a. d. g. j. 2-methyl-2-butanol + HCI 2-phenylethanol + SOCI? l - o c t a n o l+ H B r - t Z n B r 2 2 cycloherylethanol + PCC b. 3-pentanol+ Na e. l-methylcyclopentanol * H2SO.,heat h . l - p e n t a n o l* a q u e o u s N a O H c. cyclohexanol+ pg1, f. ethyleneglycol + HONO2 i . l - p e n t a n o l- F C r O 3 , H * 7.45 Write an equation for eachof the following two-stepsprtheses: a' cyclohexene to cyclohexanone b. 1-chlorobutane to butanal c. 1-butanolto i-butanethioi Oxidation Reactionsof Alcohols, Phenols, and Thiols 7.46 The alcoholcitronellol is a terpenefound in roseoil. The product formed when citronellol is oxidized with pyridinium chlorochromate (PCC) is a constituentof lemon oil. Draw the structureof the product when citronellol is oxidized with PCC. :iilc,neiioi 7.47 What product do you expect from the oxidation of cholesterolwith CrO3 and H*? (Seep. 223 for the formula of cholesterol.) 7.48 Draw the structure of the quinone expectedfrom the oxidation of OH a. Z* I =-^Y I ll I Z-"y/oH b'l r-TJ ll \---oH OH 7.49 Dimethyl disulfide, CH3S-SCH3, found in the vaginal secretionsof female hamsters,acts as a sexualattractant for the male hamster.Write an equation for its simthesisfrom methanerhiol. 7.50 The disulfideshorvnbelorn'is a componentof the odoroussecretion of mink. Describea sl.nthesis of this disuifide,startingr.r,ith3-meth)41-butanol. (TMNQ) is a quinone that rr.asrecentlyisolatedfi'om tobaccoleavesand 7.51 2,3,6-Trimethyl-1,4-naphthoquinone was shown to slou'the metaboiismof dopamine,a neurotransmitteru'hosedepletioncan lead to Parkinson'sdisease.\\hat is the structure of the hydroquinone rl'hose oxidation givesTMNQ? -rMMQ
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