How to Obtain Your Annual Electricity Information 1 Look back at your past Xcel bills. For the most accurate portrayal of what SunShare’s Community Solar program will look like for you, 12 months’ worth of data is best. However, we can make you a proposal based on however many months of Xcel bills you can get ahold of. You will find your kilowatt-hour usage for the month here: Finish your “Get Started” form or call/email SunShare with your annual usage or monthly breakdown of kilowatt-hours-used. Receive your custom Community Solar pricing and production plan. 2 Call Xcel. Have your Xcel account number handy or know the phone number associated with the account. Call (800) 895-4999. • 303-296-0919 Press 4, and follow the prompts to get to a real person. Ask them for your annual usage of kilowatt-hours at your address. NOTE: It should be absolutely no problem for the person at Xcel helping you to give you your electricity usage information. If your customer service representative suggests for any reason that they can’t fulfill your request, simply politely insist that you receive this information over the phone, on the spot, and they will eventually comply. Finish your “Get Started” form or call/email SunShare with your annual usage in kilowatthours to receive your custom Community Solar proposal. 3 Go Online. If you know your Xcel account information, sign in at Click on the green “My Energy” button at the top of the account page. Click on “Explore my usage” located to the bottom-right of the bar graph. There are four buttons underneath the line graph. Click on “Usage”. This will show only your home’s electricity usage. To view how much electricity you used each month, hover over the data points with your mouse. Record each data point for as many months as you can – 12 months is ideal – and sum the total. Finish your “Get Started” form or call/email SunShare with your annual usage or monthly breakdown of kilowatt-hours-used and receive your custom Community Solar proposal. • 303-296-0919
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