r I :t- a ntrfron' NEXTRO NICSENGINEERI NGCONP, a/ c*r6,. Push-Pull Circular Connector SnapLatch" 5eries I P Series I B Series I K Series ? M12 Series Micro Circular Series I I I - circularconnectors.Thesecircularplasticconnectorsare especlai The P seriesconnectorsare plasticPush-Pullself-latching adaptedfor applicationssuch as medicalelectronicsand test & measurement.Nextronoffersmultipolecontactsand fluidra connectors.In addition,a rangeof one time use connectorsis available.NextronP Seriesconnectorsare availablein 2 sizes dependingon the numberof contactsand the cablediameter. lockingsystem O Push-Pull O Choicesof colorsfor easy identification (grey,blue,yellow,black,red,greenand white) & aestheticproductdesign I Lightweight I Largechoiceof keyingto avoidcrossmating O PSUor PEIplasticoutershell PEEKinsulator O Variouscontacttypes:solder,crimp,printand elbow print90' a 1P series:2 to 14 contacts 2P series:2 to 34 contacts model O Disposible proof model Splash Fluidicmodel o Excellentelectricalsafety(touch& scoopproof) standard o Goodfor 1EC60601-1 non-magnetic I Chemicallyresistant,autoclavable, O Medicalelectronics O Test& Measurement O Industrial O Automottve Trzrrac G@ Stfaightplugs $t Receptacle W B1 W qffi*W spr n I ne receptacle !t!!t tr= iMi,u FixedSockets StraightP ugs i f-r+- tr | [[[[Fl" t- Rltl'ft* M1 F1 c1 llfh n n n nF E I I ] I U U UFUL I llffirf' ffi FreeSockets r--t-- 1 1R RIRI I IIl _l ""i ti :ljl--l K1 R - - - - ' t ll fl[[ RRfl | K3 B Series Size00 Srz0 e Slze 2 SizeI Therobustoutershell andconfiguration canbe usedin harsh Thestandard B seriesconnector is widelyusedin manyapplications. alignWorking from-55"Cto 250'C. Anditskeyingsystemallowshighercontactdensityandprevents environments. temperature preventunwanted similarconneclors. Besides crossmatingof otherwise menterrorsin alignment. Thevariouskeyingalternatives to reducecableassembly time.Theseconnector series,include it is alsopossible to usecrimpcontacts solderandprintcontacts, connector series. the 0Bto 28 sizerangeas wellas the00 sizemultipole lockingsystem tl Push-Pull QVariouscontacttypes:solder,crimp,printandelbow orint90' productdesign O Aesthetic O00Bseries:2 to 4 contacts full EMCshielding tl Robustmetaloutershell, PEEKinsulator O0B series:2 to 9 contacts I Largechoiceof keyingto avoidcrossmating O1 B series2 to 16contacts O Excellentelectricalsafety(touch& scoopproof) O 28 series2 to 32 contacts O Aviation O Medical ! i!"'"til1_ Industry O Machine I Audio/ Video It Robotics O IndustrialControl tl Test& Measurement lN$uui plugs Straight - FixedRecephcle ffirurrE [lHirt' OR/BR ffir*IIUH ON/BN FreeRecephde TffiHTd OF/BF K Series sve /: Srre S t r e l| Siuc0 The K series connectoris specificallydesignedfor outdoorapplications.The connectorincludeinner sleeve and two seals to preventpenetrationof solidobjectsor liquidsinto housingformedby the plugand sockets.All modelsin the seriesare lP67 watertightwhen mated. Likethe otherfeaturesas the B series,the K seriesalso includethe size rangefrom size 0K lo size 2K. fVarious contacttypes:solder, print90" lockingsystem O Push-Pull I tloB series:2 to I contacts lP67watertightprotection fullEMCshielding O Robustmetaloutershell, PEEKinsulator O1 B series2 to 16 contacts I Largechoiceof keyingto avoidcrossmating O 28 series2 to 32 contacts O Excellentelectricalsafety(touch& scoopproof) O Aviation I MachineIndustry O Automotive O Audio/ Video (t Industrial Control Test& Measurement O Research, Types ffit' plugs Straight FixedReceptacle ffimn" ll$lr KR ffilh* Receptacle HU' KN FreeReceptacle printandelbow M12connector seriesis designed to withstand harsh-industrial andweatherenvironment withsuperiorqualitythatassuresvery for controlelementsin automated equipment. Thesehigh-quality connectors allowfastand simplereplacereliableconnections machinery. mentof sensors, encoders, switches andotherinputandoutputdevicesin industrial Types nill Wffi FemaleCable90" - F MaleCable90' MalePanelMount MF FemaleCable180" MaleCable 180" MalePanelMount (Through) MaleShieldedConnector MaleX-CodeCable and Connector E FemaleCableEndConnector ilab Cabb End Connector MicroSenes It T that features The MicroSeriesutilizesNextron'sruggedand reliableflex contad sl8tern.Spacedon 50 mil (1.27mm]centerlines a matedlengthof lessthan 12-4mm.Boththe maleand femalecofltactsare shruded by the plasticinsulatorsinsuringthat the their contactsare protectedduringmatingand unmating.Withthe abilityto withstandhighshockand vibrationwhilemaintaining electricalintegrity, theseconnectorsare idealfor the mostdemardingapplicatbns O Smallcontactsize,50 mil pitch O Fls{*r cottact goodfor resistingvibrationand sfiod( O Space Plug r-r---------- 4tr A5 Sockets f------L..I F B5 P u s h - P uLl la t c h i n gS y s t e m Why Nextron? Over 18 years experiencein manufacturingsurgery-classmedicalconnector. NextronicsEngineeringCorp. has provenitselfas one ofihe most competilLve manufacturersfor push-pullcircularconnector. Nextroncs partnerchipwith cuslorners with its highestquality,coslsaving, lead-tinreshorteningproducls. Nextronlcspush-pullcifcularconnectorhas ihree series:Plasiic SnapLatch,Illetal Snaplatch and L{icfoSnaplatch. The productsand serviceshelp customerin conneciionsolutionand edg ng the compelitors. g|b r*-rFF--F"* # 1. The push-pulllockingsystemis widelyusedfor quickandeasymatingand unmating. K e e pi n v e s t i n gd,e v e l o p i n a g n de x p a n d i n g Nexlronicsis a publiccompanyin Taiwan,we keep utilizingthe tesourceto invest Ln iechnology,tooling,processfor improvingand expandingthe productsand markels The currentproduciextensionmay not be vast, but we commiito invest,and bring up ihe most competitivesolulionfor customers. We know we can help There are no doublthat too many connectormanufacturersarc makingexpensive productswith long lead-time. We knowwe can help the cusiomerswilh the problems, and we are here to make this happen. Averaging4 weeks from order to ready{o-ship, Nexironicscan gel you time-to-the-matket. C u s t o md e s i g n Nexlronicsengineeringteam is readyto work on customconnectotdesign projeci an),lime. Experiencedand sirong engineetlngteam and FAE can definitelywork with cuslomersand come up wiih the optinrumconnectionsoluUons. Dependability Yearsof manufacturingtechnologyexperiencefor high lemperatureinjeclion, precisionscrew machinlng,and assemblyautomalion. The qualityofthe productis u n q u e s l i o n a b l y d e p e n d aabnl ed r e l i a b l e . Easyapproach The efficienicooperationof Nextronicsteam and customeris the key to processthe project. ContactNextronicsand the assignedpersonnelwill approachyou immedi ately. o o o o o o & o o o o o o o o ,t o € € - o o t o o '4.t. o o ?2, @ o @ o t* ,t o w o @ s o & o o o @ o o o o o € g o r p .A l l r i g h t sr e s e r v e d . a E2 0 1 5N e x t r o n i cEs n g i n g e e r i nC \o tr Siandardplasticpush-pull connectors multi-contact keyoptions withalignment Standardplasticprdr{ conned multi-contact keyof withalignment 2 to 14 contacts Solder& printcontacts 16 to 34 contads Solder& pdnt conffi PSU:-50 to 150'C PEI:-50 to 170"C PSU:-50to 150"C PEI:-50to 170"C Push-Pullself latching 6 keyingoptions 7 color codings Gray or blackoutershell optrons For cable O 2.7 to 6.5mm Currentrating:2to 10A Dielectricwith standing voltage:0.6to 1.2 kV rws 0"o lnsulationresisiance:1 Durability:2000 cycles . Push-Pullselflatdhg . 3 keyingoptions . 7 colorcodings andwhiteaa Gray,black .options ForcableO 3.2to 9.2nrr Currentrating:1.5b 6A Dielectricwith stafllE to 1.5ld/|r voltage:o.7 Durability:1000qdEs 3. Oncethe connectors are mated,theycannot be unmateby pullingon the partsotherthan the releasesleeveof the outershell. . The matingbetlveenthe connector is implypushingthe plugintothe socket. 1o 4. To unmate the connectofs,simply pull the release sleeve of the outersher. \$ %s \s# metalpush-pull Standard , multi-contact connectors with alignment keyoptions. Watertight metalpush-pull, multi-contactconnectorswith alignmentkey options,rugged shellfor roughworking conditions. metalM12sized Watertight screw-lock,multi-contact connectors withalignmentkey options,ruggedshellforrough workingconditions. Flexiblemicro contact conflgurationallowssmallsize, andvibrationresistance. Potentialdiversityof applications. tnooor Outdoor Outdoor lnooor tP50 lP67 lP67 tP50 . 4, 5, 8 contacts . Solder,IDC contacts Upto 12pins Solder . -55to 250'C . X-CodePlug : -40"C to +70"C . OtherType: -20 to 85"C -55 to 125"C . Push-Pull selflatching ' 3 sizes . '13keyingoptions .9colorcodings . ForcableO1.5to 9.7mm . . . . . . Metalscrew-locking M12thread . 9 0 ' a n d 1 8 0 ' f o rm a l e so r f e m a l e cable connectors . Enhanced shielding options . ForcableO5.0to 6.0 mm Flex male contacts Resisting vibrationand shock . Currentrating;1.5 to 30A . Dielectricwith standing voltage:0.6 to 2.4 kV rms . Insulationresistance: 10"O . Durability;>5000 cycles . Shielding: >75d8at 'l0Mhz >40d8at lGhz . Currentrating:1.5 to 30A . Dielectric withstanding voltage:0.6 to 2.4 kV rms . lnsulation resistancer'l 0"O . Durability: >5000cycles . Shielding: >95d8at 1oMhz >80d8at l Ghz ' Currentrating:2 to 4A . Dielectric withstanding voltage:0.6 to 2.4 kV rms . lnsulation resistance: 100lvohms min@ 500VDC . Durability: 100insertions Currentrating:3 amps max. Dielvctricwith standingvoltage: 600 AC RMS Insulation resistancer 26 milliohms max. Durability:500 cycles 2 to 32 contacts Solder,print,crimp contacts -55to 250'C 2 to 32 contacts Solder,print,crimp contacts Push-Pull selflatching 3 sizes 9 keyingoptions 9 colorcodings Forcable01.0 to 8.smm PAL WE ARE HERE TE ADD VALUT. GUANGZHOU,CHINA,FACTORY TAIWAN HO NO. 24, GuanyongVillage,ShilianHighway, ShijiTown,PanyuDistrict,GuangzhouCity, '1450 GuangdongProvince,China51 +86 20 8455 1166 Nextron.CN@palpilot.com 2F,No.31,Lane169, KangNing Street, HsiChih District,New TaipeiCity, Taiwan,R.O.C. + 8 8 62 6 6 1 62 0 0 0 Nextron.TW@pa Ipi lot.com wwwPalPilot.com I www.Nextron-Us.com
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