Cengiz Orencik – Curriculum Vitae

Cengiz Orencik
Curriculum Vitae
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Science
Sabanci University 34956
H +90 (535) 576 5376
u +90 (216) 483 9550
B corencik@sabanciuniv.edu
Í myweb.sabanciuniv.edu/corencik
cengiz orencik
Personal Information
Date & Place April 8 1983, Istanbul
of Birth
Nationality Turkish
Marital Single
Research Interests
{ Applied Cryptography
{ Information Security
{ Privacy Preserving Data Mining
{ Privacy in Biometrics
2008–2014 PhD, Sabanci University, Istanbul / TURKEY, 3,81/4,00.
in Computer Science and Engineering Program
2012 Visiting Research Assistant, University of Texas at Dallas, Texas / USA.
in Data Security and Privacy Lab
2006–2008 MS, Sabanci University, Istanbul / TURKEY, 3,85/4,00.
in Computer Science and Engineering Program
2002–2006 BS, Sabanci University, Istanbul / TURKEY, 3,67/4,00.
in Computer Science and Engineering Program
1999–2002 High School, Kadikoy Anatolian High School, Istanbul / TURKEY, 4,48/5,00.
PhD thesis
Title Privacy-Preserving Ranked Search over Encrypted Cloud Data
Supervisor Assoc. Prof. Erkay Savas
Description Design and implementation of privacy preserving keyword search schemes over
encrypted cloud data and providing the theoretical security proofs of the proposed
Master thesis
Title Efficient and Secure Fuzzy Vault System Implementation
Supervisors Assoc. Prof. Erkay Savas and Dr. Thomas Brochmann Pedersen
Description Proposing a method that increases security of Fuzzy Vault System on fingerprint
biometric verification and comparing security and efficiency of different algorithms
with the proposed system
Journal Publications
Cengiz Orencik and Erkay Savas. An efficient privacy-preserving multi-keyword
search over encrypted cloud data with ranking. Distributed and Parallel Databases,
32(1):119–160, 2014.
Cengiz Orencik, Erkay Savas, Thomas B Pedersen, and Mehmet Keskinoz. Securing
fuzzy vault schemes through biometric hashing. Turkish Journal of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Sciences, 18(4):515–539, 2010.
Leyli Javid Khayati, Cengiz Orencik, Erkay Savas, and Berkant Ustaoglu. A practical
privacy-preserving targeted advertising scheme for iptv users. International Journal
of Information Security, 2014. under review.
Cengiz Orencik, Ayse Selcuk, Erkay Savas, and Murat Kantarcioglu. Multi-keyword
search over encrypted data with scoring and search pattern obfuscation. International
Journal of Information Security, 2014. under review.
Cengiz Orencik, Mahmoud Alewiwi, and Erkay Savas. Efficient top-k similarity
document search utilizing distributed file systems and cosine similarity. Cluster
Computing, 2015. under review.
Conference Publications
Ayse Selcuk, Cengiz Orencik, and Erkay Savas. Private search over big data
leveraging distributed file system and parallel processing. In Cloud Computing,
Cengiz Orencik, Murat Kantarcioglu, and Erkay Savas. A practical and secure
multi-keyword search method over encrypted cloud data. In IEEE CLOUD, pages
390–397, 2013.
Cengiz Orencik and Erkay Savas. Efficient and secure ranked multi-keyword search
on encrypted cloud data. In EDBT/ICDT Workshops, pages 186–195, 2012.
Leyli Javid Khayati, Erkay Savas, Berkant Ustaoglu, and Cengiz Örencik. Privacypreserving targeted advertising scheme for iptv using the cloud. In SECRYPT, pages
74–83, 2012.
Tansu Alpcan, Cengiz Orencik, Albert Levi, and Erkay Savas. A game theoretic
model for digital identity and trust in online communities. In ASIACCS, pages
341–344, 2010.
Cengiz Orencik, Thomas Brochmann Pedersen, Erkay Savas, and Mehmet Keskinoz.
Improved fuzzy vault scheme for fingerprint verification. In SECRYPT, pages 37–43,
2014–2015 Sabanci University, Istanbul.
Privacy-preserving data mining methods, leveraging distributed file systems
Visiting Research Assistantship
2012 University of Texas at Dallas (UTD), Texas / USA.
Privacy-preserving keyword search over cloud data
Teaching Assistantship
CS 201 Introduction to Computing
CS 204
MATH 204
CS 303
CS 400/500
CS 403/534
CS 411/507
Advanced Programming
Discrete Mathematics
Logic & Digital System Design
Logic in Computer Science
Distributed Systems
Fall 2006 & Fall 2007 &
Spring 2012 & Fall 2013
Spring 2006
Spring 2007 & Spring 2008
Fall 2008 & Fall 2011
Spring 2009
Spring 2010 & Spring 2011
Fall 2009 & Fall 2010
June-August Servus Computer, Istanbul.
2005 The project involves design and development of a credit card database application for
increasing the loyalty of the users. The application provides special discounts to customers
according to their loyalties.
2014-ongoing TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) BIDEB
1001 Project: Privacy Preserving Data mining applications on Big Data, Grant
2012-2014 Turk Telekom Project: Design and Analysis of an Efficient Secure and PrivacyPreserving Keyword Search and Document Access Scheme over Encrypted Cloud
Data, Grant Number 3014-07.
2011 - 2013 Turk Telekom Project: Developing a practical targeted advertising scheme for the
IPTV setting that preserves the privacy of the advertisers and the subscribers, Grant
Number: 3014-02
2010 Designing a game theoretic model for the trust rate of digital identities in online
communities supervised by Dr. Tansu Alpcan and Assoc. Prof. Erkay Savas
2007 - 2008 Designing a secure biometric verification system using fuzzy vault
2006 B.S. Graduation Project: Designing and implementing a Multiple-Candidate Secure
e-Voting Application using homomorphic encryption and blind signature techniques
Awards and Scholarships
2005 - 2006
2004 - 2005
2003 - 2004
TUBITAK - BIDEB scholarship for Ph.D. education
Ph.D. Scholarship, Sabanci University
TUBITAK - BIDEB scholarship for M.S. education
M.S. Scholarship, Sabanci University
Certificate of Minor Honor Program in Mathematics, Sabanci University
Sakip Sabanci Encouragement Scholarship, Sabanci University
Certificate of High Honor, Sabanci University
Certificate of High Honor, Sabanci University
Personal Traits and Interests
{ Perfect team member, ability of coordinating and organizing, creative, responsible,
self motivated.
{ Trekking, horse riding, reading, jazz and classical music.
{ Prof. Erkay Savas (Thesis Adviser), erkays@sabanciuniv.edu, Sabanci University
{ Prof. Albert Levi, levi@sabanciuniv.edu, Sabanci University
{ Assoc. Prof. Yucel Saygin, ysaygin@sabanciuniv.edu, Sabanci University
{ Assoc. Prof. Husnu Yenigun, yenigun@sabanciuniv.edu, Sabanci University