Volume 7 Issue No. 2 Houston’s Premier Civil and Human Rights Organization 2nd Quarter 2015 A MESSAGE FROM OUR PRESIDENT… If I were president of the United States, this would be my ninety day report; but since I am not, this is my three month report. At this point in my tenure as President of the Houston Branch, I can say that I am proud of what we have accomplished at this time; but we still have a long way to go. What have we accomplished? I’m glad that you asked. First, I would like you to know that nearly “all” of our twenty-two committees are extremely active and taking care of business. I don’t have enough space to highlight everything, but I would ask that you focus on our committee reports and realize that each report only touches the surface of the work our committee members have performed. With so much going on, I’m sure many of you want to know where we go from here. The answer is simple, we go to work. Each committee has laid out aggressive agendas; however, aggressive agendas require a lot of work, and a lot of work requires additional human energy. The membership committee, along with the young adult committee has done a tremendous job in increasing our membership role. I ask that you realize that a large membership role with no “work” produces very little results. It is my hope and my promise that the Houston Branch will not be an organization that plans well but achieves very little. Help me keep my promise. Don’t just be a name on the membership roster. Become an active member of the Houston Branch, join a committee, roll up your sleeves and let’s get to work! A working branch is a successful branch and WE WILL BE A SUCCESSFUL BRANCH! Dr. James Matthew Douglas President, NAACP Houston Branch 2015 MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN 5,000+ by 2016 - Can We Count You In? As the NAACP Houston Branch continues to move onward and upward with respect to our mission and advocacy efforts, the membership department has excitedly embarked in a membership renewal campaign! Our members are the reason we've been so successful over our 106 year history and we're going to need your continued support if we're to be successful fighting racial disparities that are still so prevalent in our Houston communities. In the past two months our current membership efforts have garnered a large spike; yet this is merely a stepping stone in retrospect to our larger goal. Our hope is to increase our local membership roster by 5,000 members by January 2016. If you know anyone interested in becoming a member of the NAACP Houston Branch, invite them to visit our branch website at www.naacphouston.org and select the membership tab, or by visiting or calling our branch office. Remember, Membership is POWER and your membership and activism is very important in our efforts of fulfilling the mission and purpose of being a voice for civil and human rights and eliminating discrimination and inequalities in Houston. IN THIS ISSUE Taking Our Community BACK 2 ACT-SO & Youth Works 3 Economic Development & Political Action 4 Environmental / Education & Veterans Affairs 5 Criminal Justice & Health 6 Local / State / National News 7 Mark Your Calendars 8 Young Adult Committee “Taking Our Community BACK” By: Jylise Smith Antoinette Locks - Young Adult Professional & Social Coordinator, Porschia Harris - Young Adult Member, Akil Blake - Young Adult Co-Chair Attendees of the March 2015 Voter Deputation Young Adult Committee Chairperson: Jylise Smith Rho Beta Beta Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. and members of the NAACP Young Adult Committee during the 2015 Crawfish Cookout 2015 Membership Drive with the lovely ladies of the Alpha Kappa Omega Chapter of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Following the February 2015 appointment of Jylise Smith as the Young Adult Committee Chairperson, the NAACP Houston Branch’s Young Adult Committee has swiftly re-established itself as a force in the Houston Community! Jylise Smith who has an extensive background with the NAACP including serving as past president of 3 time national chapter of the year (Texas Southern University), and previous Secretary (2013-2014) of the Houston Branch, has been a perfect fit to head the NAACP Houston Branch’s Young Adult Committee. As a nation and as a community, we are currently experiencing the biggest attack on voting rights and the many civil rights gained by the NAACP. Therefore, through our “Taking Our Community BACK” campaign, the NAACP Houston Branch’s Young Adult Committee is focusing on Voter Education & Registration, Education, Health, Social Justice and Empowerment. To date, the Young Adult Committee has held 2 volunteer deputy training events, 2 voter registration events, obtained over 45 new memberships, and partnered with the following organizations: Houston Metropolitan Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Alpha Kappa Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Rho Beta Beta Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., Boom 92, 97.9 The Boxx, Majic 102, the NAACP Houston Branch Political Action Committee, and U.S. Congressman Al Green. This is only the beginning for the NAACP Houston Branch’s Young Adult Committee! If you or anyone that you know would like to become involved with the NAACP Houston Branch Young Adult Committee please email: youngadult@naacphouston.org. Their monthly meetings are every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm at the branch located at 2002 Wheeler Avenue (77004). Additionally, please subscribe to their newsletter! NAACP NOW! 2 ACTSO & Youth Works Committee Activities By: Mrs. Avelina Holmes, ACT-SO & Youth Works Chairperson The NAACP Houston Branch Youth Works Committee consists of the NAACP area youth units of the Houston Youth Council, Texas Southern University College Chapter, University of Houston Central Campus College Chapter and the University of Houston Downtown College Chapter. First quarter 2015 activities of the Youth Works Committee included: Deputized Voter Registrars registered individuals to vote and the youth units had voter registration campaigns on their perspective college campuses. "The Get out the Vote" walking team marched in parades in Downtown Houston followed by workshops topics on Voter Empowerment, Police Brutality and the NAACP Youth and College Division #IMatter Justice Campaign Phase1. NAACP Healthy Young Professionals Everywhere (HYPE) programs were held by the NAACP college chapters on the campuses of TSU and University of Houston Downtown which encouraged young individuals to get health insurance. The HYPE programs also included town hall meeting topics on health, juvenile justice, education, political action, economic empowerment and the NAACP Youth and College Division #IMatter Justice Campaign Phase I. NAACP Texas State Youth and College Division Quarterly Meeting was recently held on the campus of The University of Houston Central Campus on Saturday, February 7, 2015. Get HYPE at University of Houston Downtown Get out & vote campaign & parade Get HYPE at Texas Southern University #IMatter campaign at Texas Southern University NAACP NOW! 3 Economic Growth Matters By: J. Allen Provost, Chairman Economic Development Committee I was extremely humbled and excited to receive the recent nomination by NAACP’s President, Dr. James Douglas to serve as chairman of the NAACP Economic Development Committee. Union Major General Gordon Granger read orders declaring Negros free from slavery. Although African Americans had been freed by the Emancipation Proclamation in January of 1863, it wasn’t until June 19, 1865 that the Union Forces enforced this great writ of freedom. This day, known as Juneteenth was marked by jubilation, celebration, thankfulness and pride. Widely celebrated in early years, these celebrations experienced an ebb and flow reflecting the turbulence of World War II, the turmoil of the Civil Rights movement and apathy associated with a premature sense of arrival. The 1980’s signaled a return of the edict of celebration when House Bill Number 1016 passed the 66th legislature and declared June 19, Emancipation Day J. Allen Provost is a native of Port Arthur, Texas in Texas. African Americans have reason to be proud of its illustrious past and and a long-time resident of the Houston area. He is iridescent future. But, much work is still needed. Many African Americans have no stranger to the Houston business scene and has exchanged the “shackles of slavery for the chains of economic bondage”. owned several businesses and advised and coached Our once promising future in many of our communities has given way to numerous other business owners. poverty, racial disparity and often hopelessness. Living in a capitalistic society illuminates and exasperates the situation. America judges success, more often than not, on material acquisitions. As we embrace a new phase of leadership in this historical organization, moving forward will require a personal investment and commitment from each of us. We will key in on poverty, economics and social issues that plague our communities. It was Dr. Martin Luther King who said that his movement had as its intent to, “redeem the soul of America from the triple evils of racism, war and poverty”. Unfortunately, we are still plagued by many of the same concerns. Black lives do matter. Black communities do matter. Black economics matter. Over the years, I have worked endlessly to promote entrepreneurship and small business development for women and African Americans in our community. To head the division of economic division is a great opportunity for me to share my The NAACP Economic Committee experience and passion to help others find their road to being their very best. My Development meets at 6:00 P.M. the first journey to this station in life has been so amazing that I intend to work hard on Monday of each month at the NAACP promoting our vision of economic opportunity. To this end, I have been actively Headquarters. involved in many civic and social activities and have served on various community WE HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!!! boards –that support economic development in our community. America is still the land of opportunity. In the coming days we will map out our strategy for reclaiming our communities and restoring our dignity. We will work together as a community to promote the growth of business ownership and increase employment and job creation. We know that a rising tide floats all boats not just the 1 % but the other 99% as well. We challenge each of you politicians, clergymen, business owners and all interested community members to play an important role in the economic growth of our town!! Political Action By: Claude Cummings Jr., Political Action Chairperson NAACP Political Action Chair, Claude Cummings along with CWA President Larry Cohen, and AFSCME President Lee Saunders, held a productive conversation with members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) on Wednesday about "Fast Track" and the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. The discussion with the CBC was frank and constructive. An overwhelming majority of the CBC expressed their opposition to "Fast Track." Many of the members – Reps. Charles Rangel (D-NY 13th District), Terri Sewell (D-AL 7th District), Al Green (D-TX 9th District), G. K. Butterfield (D-NC 1st District), John Lewis (D-GA 5th District), Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX 18th District), and Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO 5th District) – recalled passionately the historic bond between labor and civil rights and spoke of the need to stick together to defeat "Fast Track" and the TPP. CBC members spoke of broken promises from successive trade deals, NAFTA, CAFTA, and the U.S.-Korea trade deal. “The TPP, they said, would be no different, if not worse.” NAACP NOW! 4 Ozone Season Educational Advocacy By: Dr. Jacqueline Smith Environmental Climate and Justice Chairperson By: Dr. Carolyn Evans-Shabazz, Education Chairperson The ozone forecast season for Houston is from March through November. Ozone is a gas that is formed in the atmosphere when three atoms of oxygen combine. Breathing relatively high levels of ground-level ozone can cause acute respiratory problems like cough and respiratory irritation and can aggravate the symptoms of asthma. In 2013 the Houston region had 23 days with high ozone measurements above the national standard set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Additional information on ozone is available at the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) web site: Ozone Facts. The TCEQ provides email or text message alerts about ozone. Sign up for these alerts at the following link: TCEQ alerts Everyone can assist in limiting the formation of ground-level ozone. Some of the ways to do your part are listed below: Refuel in late afternoon or evening Limit driving and idling; instead, combine errands, use public transportation, bike, or walk. Don’t top off the tank when refueling your vehicle. Keep your vehicle maintained, including proper tire pressure. Maintain your yard equipment, including changing the oil and replacing air filters. Use electric lawn equipment when possible. Don’t burn yard waste. Use paint and cleaning products with less or zero VOCs. The NAACP Houston Branch will host an Education Summit to help inform and update the community on educational issues coming out of the 2015 legislative session and to help lead a community-wide dialogue on developing a comprehensive education agenda for Houston. THIS EDUCATION SUMMIT IS FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! SOURCE: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Armed Services & Veterans Affairs Strategic Planning By: W. Clyde Lemon, Armed Services & Veterans Affairs Chairman The Armed Forces and Veterans Affairs Committee’s primary activity this quarter has been to begin the strategic planning process for the committee. To start the process the committee held a workshop on April 18, 2015 from 10am1pm. Nancy Sauer from the Jones School of Business, Rice University served as the facilitator. Other participants included congressional staff members, representatives from other local NAACP branches, veteran advocacy groups and staff members of local elected officials that work with veterans, as well as, churches that have a veteran’s ministry. The second workshop will be scheduled upon completion of a review of all the input from the first workshop. This process was started to ensure we operate in the most efficient manner possible and to create institutional memory. Persons interested in serving on the Armed Services and Veterans Affairs committee should e-mail Veterans@NAACPHouston.org. NAACP NOW! 5 Criminal Justice Health Happenings By: Judge Morris Overstreet, Criminal Justice Chair By: Carol Moore, Health Chair By: Teegan hill Given the recent acts of racial profiling and police injustices across the United States, the NAACP’s Criminal Justice Committee met recently and determined their top three priorities to be: Grand Jury Selection Reform, Police Dash & Body Cameras and Fully Funded Public Defender’s Office. Additionally, the NAACP introduces its groundbreaking report Born Suspect, which opens a renewed dialogue about racial profiling by law enforcement in America. This conversation includes a call to action for NAACP members to work toward ending this ineffective policing practice across the country. The report includes an Anti-Racial Profiling Model Bill, End Racial Profiling Act (ERPA) letter to Congress, Principles for an Effective Civilian Review Board, Police Misconduct Incident Reporting Form and more. Born Suspect is also a social media campaign that brings to light everyday racial profiling that occurs with people of color across the nation. The NAACP encourages you all to share your story. Demand justice. Additionally, the NAACP Brochure “4-11 on the Five-O provides direction on citizen interaction with law enforcement. These can be found online at www.naacphouston.org or picked up at our branch office. NAACP NOW! In February 2015, the NAACP Houston Branch’s Health Committee embarked on a week-long “Countdown to Coverage,” campaign. This campaign lasted from February 8-15th, 2015 and consisted of free affordable care education and enrollment and free CHIP and MEDACAID enrollment clinics. We are excited to announce that during this campaign, we helped enroll over 1,875 families and individuals with health care coverage! The NAACP Houston Branch’s Health Committee would like to thank all of our partners including: Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Working America, Community Health Choice and the Harris Health System for all of their hard work and support. We would also like to thank KCOH for their assistance with media coverage. Additionally, we would like to thank Communication Workers of America (Houston), Greater New Testament Missionary Baptist Church, Greenhouse International Church, First Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church, St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church and Hope Through Grace Church for so graciously allowing us to use their churches to host our health care sign-ups. Finally, we would like to thank our National NAACP Health department for their generously sponsoring our “countdown to coverage” campaign. Please refer all inquiries about NAACP Houston Branch health care happenings to Carol Moore at: health@naacphouston.org. Additionally, please refer to our website www.naacphouston.org for all future health committee events. The NAACP Houston Branch’s health committee remains diligent in our fight in advocating for equal access to health education, care, treatment and research for all Americans! 6 2015 NAACP Image Awards Viewing Party - Houston On Friday February 6, 2015 the NAACP Houston Branch hosted a NAACP Image Awards Viewing Party generously sponsored Bayway Lincoln located at 12333 Gulf Freeway. This star studded event offered live music from the Tom Burton Band, cocktails and a catered buffet for our guests to enjoy while watching the NAACP image awards that were taking place in Los Angeles, CA. We would like to thank the following individuals for making this event a success: Darryl and Linda Wishnewski, The Bayway Lincoln Family, Mr. David Edwards, United National Insurance Agency, Radio One, KCOH-Radio, KWWJ-Gospel Radio, Mr. Laolu Davies, our Young Adult Committee and all of our wonderful volunteers! Thank You! Darryl Wishnewski, Ben Hall (Owner, KCOH-Radio) and Fred Hoya Dr. and Mrs. James & Tanya Douglas Mr. Cary Yates and Judge Clarease Rankin Yates Darryl & Linda Wishnewski (Owners-Bayway Lincoln) and Yolanda Smith (NAACP Executive Director) and Fred Hoya (Bayway Lincoln V.P. Marketing & Community Relations) State News… Texas NAACP Asks 5th Circuit to Affirm Decision to Strike Down Voter ID Law - March 3, 2015 “This law wrongfully disenfranchised numerous voters and caused a variety of serious harms on a host of Texans in our latest election cycle, denying access to the ballot many people of color, the elderly, and students and changing the electoral dynamics in those communities.” Said Gary Bledsoe, President of the Texas NAACP and attorney with PotterBledsoe. “The fifth circuit should uphold the thorough and well-reasoned ruling of the district court last year, and once-and-for-all abolish this extreme and discriminatory voter ID Law. On the National Front… Loretta Lynch Confirmed as the next U.S. Attorney General The NAACP wants to take a moment to congratulate Loretta Lynch, confirmed by the U.S. Senate with a 56-43 vote to serve as the first African-American female Attorney General in U.S. history. She was sworn into oath on Monday April 27, 2015. NAACP National states, “You are beyond deserving of this title and we are sure that you will serve us well.” NAACP NOW! 7 Mark Your Calendars EVENT NAACP Education Summit LOCATION Barbara Jordan Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs (Texas Southern University - 3100 Cleburne) NAACP’s National Convention NAACP Monthly Membership Meetings NAACP Freedom Fund Gala “NAACP Today” Radio Show Philadelphia, PA DATE June 20, 2015 July 11-16, 2015 Palm Center - 2nd Floor 5300 Griggs @ MLK Houston, TX 77021 Every 3rd Thurday of month April 16 · May 21 · June 18 Hilton Americas Hotel October 30, 2015 MJMJ Global Radio Network Every Tuesday Morning Monthly Standing Committee Meeting Date/Times Vary - Please visit www.naacphouston.org for these meeting dates/times FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA:www.facebook.com/naacphoustonbranch|www.twitter.com/naacphou www.instagram.com/naacp_houston| https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP0lLlXQdr-YvEg6qVw3iEA Yolanda Smith Executive Director Richard Shaw Branch Parliamentarian Johnny D. Gentry Jr. Assistant Treasurer Carroll G. Robinson Treasurer Algenita Scott-Davis Assistant Secretary Dr. Cherry R. Gooden Secretary Carol Galloway 3rd Vice President Claude Cummings Jr. 2nd Vice President Taft Foley II 1st Vice President James Matthew Douglas, Esq. President NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID HOUSTON, TEXAS PERMIT NO. 3023 Officers NAACP NOW! 8
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