S~ET THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20505 1 April ZOO 2 SUBJECT: Nada Alley Washington Field Office Federal Bureau of Investigation ~ vi ce FOR: na ls er MEMO~~DUH ex c ep tio 1. ~ I would like to extend my deep appreciation to you for your contribution toa joint counterterrorist operation CUlminating on R ec or d of 2. ~ I commend your leadership in helpl.ng to build strong working relationships between the intelligence community and law ehforcement. As you havedemonstratec, we can best defeat terrorism by combining the strengths and resources of cur respective organizations. Work that you participated in jointly tdith the intell~gence community signifj,cantly contrihuted to the successful N ad a Pr ou ty 3. ~ I view this collaborative effort as an outstanding example of the effective and hard-hitting measures we need to take to defeat terrorism. This operation, carried out in the wake of the 11 September attacks, demonstrates the resolve of our nation never to give up in the pursuit of justice.
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