Catalog 1.1.1 Swirl diffuser DAL 358 Concordia University, Montréal, Canada NAD Klima Swirl diffuser DAL 358 model Description, areas of application and benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DAL 358 1 Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DAL 358 2 Mode of operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DAL 358 3 Air flow and direction of air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DAL 358 5 Range of application and quick selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DAL 358 6 Performance diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DAL 358 7 Dimensions and weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DAL 358 11 Factor of correction for airflow when reading the balometer . . . . DAL 358 12 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DAL 358 13 Codification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DAL 358 14 content 1.1.1 DAL 358 C Cafeteria, CIMA+ ing. , Sherbrooke, Québec NAD Klima Swirl Diffuser Description, areas of application and benefits DAL 358 Swirl diffuser The DAL 358 is a high induction helical (swirl) airflow diffuser with a circular or square front plate. It has offset ABS drums and embedded guiding plates for controlling the air stream. The DAL 358 permits optimal configuration of the ventilation system to meet the requirements of a room. The offset drums which are integrated into the front plate enable a variety of airstream configurations, even after the unit has been installed. The DAL 358’s technology provides high speed discharge of air with relatively low acoustic power. The helical airstream, the stability and the high induction generated from the very start of the outlet vent make the DAL 358 the diffuser of choice for high air flow rates and variable air volumes. Subject to technical changes. Version 06 / 05 / 2015 Areas of application • Areas with high air flow • Rest areas • Offices with partitioned workspaces • Offices and clean rooms • Administrative centres • Computer (server) rooms • Meeting rooms • Multi-purpose rooms • systems with constant or variable airflow rates • Entrance halls (vertical air streams) Benefits • Rapid reduction of speed and temperature variations caused by high induction • Low acoustic power for high airflow rates • Stable helical airflow and a variety of air streams available in 1,2 or 3 directions • Offset cylinders allowing 180° airflow adjustment • Possibility of adjusting airflows, even after installation • Possibility of reducing total airflow rate as much as 25% in VAV • Five to seven times as more induction than a conventional 4-way diffuser • Possibility of eliminating external heating sources due to the diffuser‘s heating abilities. • Fewer diffusers required • Allows a reduction in the total number of units required to circulate a fixed volume of air. • Adaptable to systems requiring constant or variable airflows 1.1.1 DAL 358 1 Swirl Diffuser NAD Klima Configuration Both the square and circular front plates have slots for the offset drums arranged in a star pattern. The diffuser is mounted on a plenum. Up to a nominal size of 600, the front plate is secured by a concealed middle screw. In the case of the DN 600 however, a reinforcement crossbar is required to secure the plate. Only the DN 800 has a different fastening configuration; screws are fastened at the 4 corners of the plate. DAL 358-Q-300/400 DAL 358-Q-300/603 DAL 358-R-300 DAL 358-Q-400/400 DAL 358-Q-400/603 DAL 358-R-400 DAL 358-Q-500/502 DAL 358-Q-500/603 DAL 358-R-500 DAL 358-Q-600/603 DAL 358-R-600 DAL 358-Q-800/800 2 1.1.1 DAL 358 DAL 358-R-800 Subject to technical changes. Version 06 / 05/ 2015 NAD Klima Swirl Diffuser Mode of operation The offset drums, 100 mm in length, can be rotated a full 360°. In their initial position, (2 1 and 6 5), the airflow will deviate by 90° with a constant discharge of air. Turning the cylinders to positions 1 A and F 6, for example, will increase the section without tapering off or reducing the airflow. Adjustments 2 1 and 6 5 are standard for North America because of the multiple VAV applications (Variable Air Volume). The offset drum, aided by the shape of the slots, creates a powerful channel into which the air is drawn. When nearing the exit of the cylinder, air depression takes place. Controlling the direction of airflow Air flow Indexing range min. max. Helical (swirl) air stream When positioning all the cylinders on 2 1, a rotating air stream is produced below the ceiling in a helical stream, creating a strong induction current. (Standard setting). Direction of airflow Drum position 1 A One-sided air stream This one-sided airflow is obtained by positioning all of the drums in position 2 1. Airflow behaviour The DAL 358 frontal plate has slots arranged in a characteristic star pattern. Turning the cylinders individually can produce a multitude of airstream patterns. In this manner, obstacles to efficient air flow can be avoided (lamp bases, changes in ceiling height, architectural columns, etc....). When installing in high ceilings (>5 m), a portion of the drums in the centre of the diffuser must be directed to produce a vertical blast (see figure 1). Use of the DAL 358 does not require a closed ceiling installation in order to produce a stable horizontal airflow. Drum position 2 1 Drum position 4 3 Despite the variety of air flow directions, all stream options have approximately the same acoustic power and pressure drop because of the specific design of the offset drums. Two-sided air stream This two-sided airflow is obtained by positioning half the drums in position 2 1 and the other half of the drums in position 6 5. Drum position CD Figure 1 Subject to technical changes. Version 06 / 05 / 2015 1.1.1 DAL 358 3 CIMA+ ing. , Sherbrooke, Québec Swirl Diffuser NAD Klima Airflow and direction of air Vmax = Vmax simulation X f ∆Pt = ∆Pt simulation X f LWA[dB] = LWA[dB] simulation X f DN 600 360° helical airflow DN 600 3 directions covering 180° ST = Standard helical airflow (21) HL = Flow rise (>5m) (exterior 21 and center CD ) VF = Vertical airflow (CD) DN 300 3W = Airflow 180° (wall) (21 - 34) DN 400 DN 400 DN 500 DN 500 DN 600 Correction factor : f VMAX ∆Pt LWA[dB] 1.0 1.0 1.0 DN 800 DN 600 2 airflow direction at 90˚ DN 300 1.4 1.0 1.0 DN 600 2 opposing directions 2W =Airflow on two opposing directions (21 - 56) Subject to technical changes. Version 06 / 05 / 2015 1.2 1.3 1.1 DN 800 DN 600 2 directions in the corner DN 300 2L = Airflow in two directions in an L shape (2 streams) (21) DN 400 DN 500 DN 500 DN 600 DN 600 Correction factor : f DN 800 DN 300 VMAX ∆Pt LWA[dB] 1.7 1.0 1.0 DN 800 DN 600 1 direction DN 300 1W =Airflow on one side (21) DN 400 DN 400 DN 500 DN 500 DN 600 DN 600 Correction factor : f 1.7 1.0 1.0 VMAX ∆Pt LWA[dB] DN 400 Correction factor : f VMAX ∆Pt LWA[dB] DN 600 Correction factor : f 2C = Airflow 90° (corner) (21) VMAX ∆Pt LWA[dB] DN 300 Correction factor : f DN 800 VMAX ∆Pt LWA[dB] 2.0 1.0 1.0 DN 800 1.1.1 DAL 358 5 Swirl Diffuser NAD Klima Range of application and quick selection Nominal size DN 4 4 4 6 228 366 685 609 134 215 403 358 0.2 0.8 2.8 2.2 0.1 0.5 1.5 1.2 1.4 1.4 1.9 1.7 25 25 32 26 36 36 43 39 DN 500 DN 500 DN 600 DN 800 2 4 4 4 457 366 685 914 269 215 403 537 0.1 0.1 0.8 1.6 0.1 0.1 0.6 0.9 1.7 1.4 1.9 1.8 36 25 32 28 42 36 43 44 9 15 27 37 0.5 0.8 1.5 2 4.0 m (13 ft) 9 15 27 37 0.5 0.8 1.5 2 **Lw(dBA) : The absorption of the room is not considered. 6 Column for any room from that height at the same volume of air by diffuser Column in reference to the example Specifications : Location of the diffusers - Space: L x W x H = 10 m x 10 m x 2.44m ( 33 ft x 33 ft x 8 ft) - Total air flow in the room : 1550 cfm 4 - Initial temperature difference: ∆T = -10°C - Air velocity : 1.8 m = 0.25 m/s (50 cfm) - VAV : 25% Using the data on ceiling height 1 and airflow rate by surface (m2 or sq. ft.2), 2 choose the nominal size (DN) of the DAL 358. 3 Divide the total airflow rate of the room 4 by the ideal value 5 of the air flow rate for the selected size. Adjust the quantity of diffusers to achieve symmetry in the room while respecting the maximum airflow rate in the optimal setting range. 6 Be aware of the minimal distance between diffusers and between diffusers 7 and walls. = Optimal range of application = minimum range of application (For minimum application in V.A.V.) Airflow pattern comfort line Scale grid: 1 m Blue: Air velocity >= 0.25 [m/s] = Maximal range of application (Maximum standard volume for office building) (Noise level higher than 33 (43-10) dBA) opt 540* 300 (12) DN 800 800 X 800 (32 X 32) opt 360* 5 250 (10) DN 600 opt . 240* opt 130* * Ideal operating value in cfm opt 65* 150 (6) DN 300 L/s 36 36 43 39 DN 400 DN 500 DN 600 DN 600 3.05 m (10 ft) m /h cfm 25 25 32 26 1.3 2.2 4.2 3.5 DN 400 DN 500 DN 600 3 DN 600 DN 400 1.4 1.4 1.9 1.7 134 215 388 358 0.5 0.8 1.5 2 150 (6) 0.7 1.2 2.2 7 1.8 228 366 660 609 9 15 27 37 DN 500 Acoustic Power level Lw(dBA) 4 4 4 6 2.44 m (8 ft) 1 200 (8) Pressure difference ∆P (Pa) cfm cfm/sq ft Connector diameter ød mm (in.) Critical X (m) Min. distance Min. distance diffuser wall (m) (m) m3/h m3/h/m2 2 Airflow by diffuser Number of diffusers Y Airflow by surface 1.8 m (6 ft) Height of the room 10 15 20 24 28 33 37 34 51 68 85 102 119 136 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 47 170 100 70 255 150 94 340 200 132 142 475 510 280 300 165 595 350 188 680 400 235 850 500 283 1020 600 472 1700 1000 Airflow V 6 1.1.1 DAL 358 Subject to technical changes. Version 26 / 06 / 2015 Swirl Diffuser NAD Klima Performance diagrams Important Acoustic absorption of the room is not accounted for. Flow sub-ceiling · Airflow Vo 92 cfm 2 m /h For a comparison with North American values, reduce the acoustic power by ten (10). 25 30 35 40 45 55 60 = L WA [dB(A)] 882 = L WA [dB(A)] = LWA [dB(A)] See example on page 8 3 1 LWA [dB(A)] = LWA [dB(A)] = 0 Ft .40 1.5 .36 3.25 .32 5 .28 5 .24 6.5 .20 33 29.5 26 23 20 16 s n mi ft/ 20 m/ 30 13 40 10 60 7 80 0 ax 8 ity vm 10 lo c rfl ow Ai 6 5 3.25 Subject to technical changes. Version 06 / 05 / 2015 0 12 ve 6.5 Airflow distance x [m] 8 .16 10 .12 11.5 4 .08 .04 in./H2O Loss of pressure Pt [Pa] Airflow distance after conjunction (y [m]) 0 14 0 16 0 18 0 20 DAL 358 - 8 1.1.1 DAL 358 7 Swirl Diffuser NAD Klima Airflow performance diagrams and example ) °F -4° C -6° °(-C8 C °F) -8° °C( C 1 -1 ° 1 -12 0°C C(-15 °F) °C °C(-1 °F) °C(-2 8°F 2° ) F) 3,5 1,5 1,0 0,7 1,0 0,6 0,8 0,5 0,5 176 235 294 Research: 1. Nominal size of diffuser 2. Acoustic power LWA 3. Pressure drop ∆pt 4. Maximum air velocity at nominal head height (1.8 m) 5. Maximum temperature variation of ambient air at nominal head height 6. Critical path of airflow (stream detaching itself from ceiling when cooling) 2 -1 0,6 118 176 235 294 353 412 471 ∆(T -6 -8 ° °F -8 C ) (-1 -1 °C -1 0°C (-1 1°F) 2° (- 5° C 18 F) (-2 °F 2° ) F) °C 4. At nominal head height y = H - 1.80 = (3.00 m - 1.80 m = 1.20 m) 5 and a horizontal airflow path of x-1.7 m 6 we observe a maximum air velocity of 0.18 m/s 7 rat u re d iffe ren ce ∆T -4 3,5 pe Te m Te m pe 2,5 Critical airflow distance xcrit [m] 2,0 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5 m3/h cfm 60 · 118 Airflow V 176 235 294 353 471 588 Solution: 1. From the "Range of Applications" diagram we note the nominal size of DN600 1 2. 3. From the "Airflow from Ceiling" diagram with the DN 600 diffuser and an airflow rate of 600 m3/h 2 we observe the following values: Acoustic power: 39dB 3 (29 dB when factoring in room absorption) Total pressure drop: 25 Pa 4 DAL 358 - DN 800 0= ∆T ce iff er en re d ) °F 8 F) °C°C (-1 -8 °C°C -22° ( 0 -1 °C°C 0,7 · Airflow V 1,5 Critical airflow distance xcrit [m] en er diff F) 5° (-1 H= 3.00 m VO = 600 m3/h ∆T0 = -10°C 2 x 1.7 = 3.4m 1,0 m3/h cfm 60 353 ra tu 10 10 °C°C -6 F) 1° (-1 1,5 DAL 358 - DN 600 2,5 - 0= -4° -6° C (8° -8° C (-1 F) C -1 1 -12 0°C (-15 °F) °C (-1 °F) (-2 8°F ° 2°F ) C ) 118 (-8 2,0 Critical airflow distance xcrit [m] i 2,0 Critical airflow distance xcrit [m] DN300 2,5 1,5 60 e ur at er = C 4° p m Te 1,7 · Airflow V ∆ ce 2,5 2,0 m3/h cfm 20 30 T0 3,0 ére Ten mce ped raet utre em dipff eérre antcu ere ∆T 0∆= Critical airflow distance xcrit [m] DN400 2,5 Specifications : Height of the space: Airflow rate by diffuser: Maximum cooling: Distance between diffusers: DAL358 DAL 358 - DN - DN 500500 DAL 358 - DN 400 / 300 5. For an airflow distance of (x+y) = 1.70 m + 1.20 m = 2.90 m 8 and a DN 600, we observe a temperature ratio of 0.062°C . 9 The maximum temperature variation reached between room air and air flow at head height is 0.062 x 10°C = -0.62°C. 1,0 0,6 0,4 0,3 m3/h cfm 118 · Airflow V 176 235 353 471 588 882 1176 Temperature ratio 6. From the "Critical Distance of Airflow" diagram and an airflow rate of 600 m3/h with an initial temperature variation of ∆T0 = -10°C we come to a critical distance of airflow Xcrit = 2 m. 10 ∆Txy ∆T 9 8 x bzw. w. x + y [m] 8 1.1.1 DAL 358 300 Subject to technical changes. Version 18 / 06 / 2015 Laval University, Québec, Canada TVA, Montréal, Canada Swirl Diffuser NAD Klima Dimensions and weight Dimension / weight Square plenum Dimension / weight Round plenum Size DN 300/400 500 600 800 Size DN 300/400 500 600 800 Size A 400 502 603 800 Size ØA 400 500 600 800 Size B 76 82 68 66 Size B 76 82 67 66 Size C 251 312 347 411 Size C 252 312 347 411 Size ØD 150 200 250 300 Size ØD 150 200 250 300 Size E 12 12 12 12 Size E 8 8 8 8 Size F 387 488 584 790 Size Ø F 392 492 592 792 4.2 6.2 8.5 14.1 0.0347 0.0508 0.0080/0.0134 7.1 11.5 14.6 0.0214 0.0347 0.0508 square plenum - lateral inlet Weight [Kg] Aeff [m2] 0.0214 round plenum - lateral inlet Suspension holes, 3 X ø6 mm Suspension holes, 4 X ø6 mm Flow control (optional) ØD Perforated metal sheet E E B Perforated metal sheet B C Flow control (optional) 0.0080/0.0134 C Aeff [m2] 5.2 ØD Weight [Kg] Adjustment 14 Adjustment 8 ØF ØA F A round plenum - top inlet square plenum - top inlet ØD ØD Flow control (optional) Flow control C C (optional) Perforated metal sheet E E Perforated metal sheet Adjustment F A Subject to technical changes. Version 06 / 05 / 2015 8 ØF ØA Adjustment 1.1.1 DAL 358 11 NAD Klima Swirl Diffuser Airflow correction factor for reading an Alnor (model 9407) balometer. DAL 358 - DN 400 Adjustment: Helical - adjustment 21 20 30 40 50 Air flow - Balometer (cfm) These correction factors are appropriate for a ventilation system comprising of at least 3 diffusers after a VAV unit or box. For less than 3 diffusers with an automatic airflow rate setting, correction factors are lower than stated. As indicated in the ALNOR manual, Appendix B - "Capture Hood Flow Resistance", the instrument's manufacturer recommends taking a reading at the ventilation duct and comparing it with one taken under the diffuser, with or without the balometer, in order to determine the correction factor. To avoid having to perform this procedure, we have provided the correction factors needed for all DAL 358 diffuser models Balometer (cfm) Factor 20 29 60 57 70 70 80 90 74 30 60 75 Factor 80 300 250 200 150 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 Air flow - Balometer (cfm) 130 250 Balometer (cfm) 1.02 1.04 1.08 1.12 1.13 Factor 280 340 80 98 115 100 120 94 185 270 140 150 310 330 350 400 Identification Chart 650 DN X (mm) Y(mm) 550 300 603 355 500 400 603 355 450 500 603 455 400 600 603 552 800 803 755 350 Y 300 X 250 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 450 475 500 Balometer (cfm) 360 392 415 446 Factor 480 1.11 1.14 1.20 1.23 1.25 Actual flow (cfm) 400 450 500 DAL 358 140 1.06 1.08 1.11 1.16 1.21 Air flow - Balometer (cfm) 1.1.1 132 1.00 1.02 1.04 1.06 1.07 Actual flow (cfm) 100 200 300 600 12 140 150 Air flow - Balometer (cfm) DAL 358 - DN 800 Adjustment: Helical - adjustment 21 Actual flow at diffuser (cfm) 120 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 140 180 220 260 300 340 100 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 300 Actual flow (cfm) 150 200 250 110 DAL 358 - DN 600 Adjustment: Helical - adjustment 21 350 Factor 100 Actual flow (cfm) 80 400 147 192 230 90 Balometer (cfm) DAL 358 - DN 500 Adjustment: Helical - adjustment 21 Balometer (cfm) 80 Air flow - Balometer (cfm) 1.00 1.01 1.05 1.06 1.07 Actual flow (cfm) 20 Actual flow at diffuser (cfm) To ensure adequate balancing of DAL 358 type diffusers, it is recommended to use the airflow rate correction factors which are equivalent to the resistance generated by the balometer. 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 Actual flow at diffuser (cfm) 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 10 Actual flow at diffuser (cfm) Actual flow at diffuser (cfm) DAL 358 - DN 300 Adjustment: Helical - adjustment 21 550 600 Subject to technical changes. Version 06 / 05 / 2015 NAD Klima Swirl Diffuser Specifications 1 - Description and physical characteristics 1.1 DAL 358 helical (swirl) diffusers are made of 20-gauge satin finished steel. Integrated slots in the frontal plate (circular or square) hold offset drums ensuring a high induction airflow rate and generate a thin stream of air at high speed and low noise level. 1.2 The eccentric drums, 100 mm in length, can be individually rotated by as much as 360°, each one on its own axis, inside the front plate. This design allows for a multitude of configurations covering the full range of air diffusion requirements (vertically 180° and horizontally 360°). The eccentric drums meet requirements of the National Building Code, Section, and certified according to the standard ASTME 162 "Surface Flammability of Materials Using a Radiant Heat Energy Source". 1.3 The diffuser's casing is adapted to fit regular North American suspended ceilings or classic gypsum ceilings. 1.4 Every front plate is painted inside and out with polyester TGIC-free powder coated paint, providing a smooth, easy-to-clean finish. The architect or client may choose a standard colour from the RAL colour chart or from a number of special-order colours. 1.5 Offset drums are available in black, cream or white. 2 - Performance 2.1 The diffuser requires a strong induction rate in order to maintain an acceptable temperature differential in the air stream. The ratio of the temperature difference between the air projected by the diffuser into an occupied space and the gap between initial temperature of the room. (∆TXY = TR - TXY) and the initial temperature difference (∆TO = TR - TO). This correlation must perform at a minimum as: ∆TXY / ∆TO ≤ 0.1. 2.2 The diffusers' performance must be confirmed by simulation software. This software indicates the pressure drop, acoustic power it generates as well as showing a cross-sectional view illustrating the critical airflow path in cooling, isothermal and heating modes. The software can demonstrate a nominal velocity in an occupied zone of 0.15 m/s (30 ppm) when requested by the engineer and can adapt to different needs from 20% to 100% of the specific input airflow rate. 2.3 The diffuser must ensure full comfort in situations where there is a variable airflow rate, and be able to accommodate as much as a 25% reduction of the nominal airflow rate. 3 - Connections 3.1 The diffuser is delivered with a plenum made by the diffuser’s manufacturer. The plenum is constructed from 24-gauge galvanized steel and includes a perforated stabilizing (equalizing) plate which regulates the airflow rate. Four suspension points which adhere to paraseismic standards are integrated in the plenum. The inlet collar is centered on the side or on the top of the plenum, and its size is calibrated to accommodate the airflow rate. The joints of the plenum are sealed with caulking which is free of VOC (volatile organic compounds) emissions. 4 - Balancing 4.1 Balancing of DAL 358 diffusers must be performed by a professionally certified technician, trained in ventilation system balancing. 4.2 The technician must take into consideration the correction factor for use of a balometer when regulating air volume. 5 - Quality required: NAD Klima, model DAL 358 Subject to technical changes. Version 02 / 07 / 2015 1.1.1 DAL 358 13 NAD Klima Swirl Diffuser Codification Product DAL 358 Q = Square R = Round 300, 400, 500, 600, 800 Nominal dimension 400, 502, 603, 800 (603 for 24''X24'' T-bar) ST = Standard helical airflow (21) HL = Flow rise (>5m) (exterior 21 and center CD) VF = Vertical airflow (CD) 1W = Airflow on one direction (21) 2W = Airflow in two opposing directions (21 - 65) 2L = Airflow in two directions in an L shape (21) 2C = 90° airflow (corner) (21) 3W = 180° airflow (wall) (21 - 65) RB = Roller nozzles (return) W C B X = = = = Air flow White drum and receptacle (RAL 9003) Cream drum and receptacle (RAL 9010) Black drum and receptacle Without drum 9003 = White 9010 = Cream 00SB = Solar Black (Standard black matte) 00SM = Silver Mat (Standard metallic grey ) _____ = RAL color (write color number of RAL) Drum and receptacle color Diffuser color S = Plenum with lateral input T = Plenum with top input X = Without plenum Plenum I = With acoustic insulation A = With closed cell acoustic insulation X = Without insulation Acoustic insulation F = With fireproof insulation et fireproof damper X = Without fireproof insulation et fireproof damper D = With axial damper (for side inlet only with standard adjustment) R = With radial damper (standard for top and side inlet) * X = Without damper DAL358 - Q - 300 - 603 - ST - W - 9003 - S - I - F - D Annotation Outer size Fireproof insulation Balancing damper Example Notes : Blue : Standard, in stock *Not available on oval collar 14 1.1.1 DAL 358 Subject to technical changes. Version 25 / 06 / 2015 Concordia University, Montréal, Canada NAD Klima 144, Léger Street, Sherbrooke (Québec), Canada J1L 1L9 • T : 819 780-0111 • 1 866 531-1739 • F : 819 780-1660 •
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