American Youth Soccer Organization Notice of National Annual General Meeting Friday, May 22, 2015 through Sunday, May 24, 2015 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 2015 National Annual General Meeting (NAGM) of the American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) will be held on May 22 – May 24, 2015 at the JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resort and Spa, 5350 East Marriott Drive, Phoenix, Arizona 85054. The NAGM will have a number of sessions including, the Director Candidate Speeches, Proposed Bylaw Amendments Review and the National Board of Director Candidates Forum. The NAGM annual business meeting session (the “Business Meeting”) will be held on Sunday, May 24, 2015 beginning at 9:00 a.m. at the JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resort and Spa. Among other things, the Business Meeting will include the presentation of the budget* for the fiscal year (FY 2015-16) beginning July 1, 2015. In addition, the following matters will be presented for action at the Business Meeting. • • • • Election of three Directors to the National Board of Directors Election of the National President Consideration of proposed amendments to the National Bylaws and Rules & Regulations Consideration of such other matters as may be properly brought before the Business Meeting Members of the National Board of Directors whose terms will expire at the close of the 2015 NAGM are: Bob Daniel, Ken Rhoads and Tony Veronico. Therefore, three director positions are open in 2015. Ken Rhoads and Tony Veronico have announced that they will not be seeking re-election to the National Board of Directors. Election of Directors and the National President Candidates for Director. The following four individuals have been nominated as candidates for election as Directors to the National Board of Directors in accordance with National Bylaw Sections 4.04(a) and 4.04(b). Janet Braun Bob Daniel Dana Di Prima Aaron Luce The opportunity to nominate additional candidates for election as Directors in accordance with Bylaw Section 4.04(c) will be given at the Director Candidate Speeches Session of the NAGM on Friday, May 22, 2015. Directors will be elected at the Business Meeting. Each Executive Member may vote for no more than three from the final list of candidates. The three candidates with the greatest number of votes will be elected to the National Board of Directors for terms of three years. Candidates for National President. AYSO Bylaws require that a candidate for National President be a member of the National Board of Directors. Therefore, the election of members to the National Board of Directors must precede the election of the National President in order to first determine who is eligible for the position. The following individual has been nominated as a candidate for election as the National President in accordance with Bylaw Sections 4.04(a) and 4.04(b). Mark Stewart The opportunity to nominate additional candidates for National President in accordance with Bylaw Section 4.04(c) will be given at the Business Meeting. Each Executive Member may only vote for one candidate from the final list of candidates. If a candidate receives a majority of the votes cast for National President, such candidate will be elected as the National President for a one-year term. If, after the first ballot, none of the candidates receives a majority of the votes cast for National President, there shall be another vote between the two candidates for National President who received the highest total of votes cast on the first ballot. The candidate receiving the highest total number of votes in such second ballot will be elected as the National President for a one-year term. * The Budget will be available for downloading after Monday, May 11, 2015 through eAYSO by selecting the National Reports option on the AYSO Reports Menu, and selecting Annual Budget 2015 Notice of NAGM -‐ Anaheim FINAL fs-‐dr (4-‐17-‐2015) American Youth Soccer Organization Notice of National Annual General Meeting (Continued) Proposed Amendments to the National Bylaws There is one proposed amendment to the National Bylaws that has been submitted for consideration and voting at the Business Meeting. The proposed amendment is described below. Proposed Amendment – Bylaw #1 – Adopt “Volunteer Driven” as the seventh AYSO Philosophy. Proposed Bylaw Amendment #1 is a proposed amendment to Bylaw Section 1.01 regarding the Organization’s Philosophies. The amendment proposes adding “Volunteer Driven” as a seventh Philosophy to the currently existing six Philosophies of “Everyone Plays”, “Open Registration”, “Balanced Teams”, “Positive Coaching”, “Good Sportsmanship” and “Player Development”. Details regarding the proposed amendment can be found in the 2015 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET that will be made available for viewing and downloading at on or before Thursday, April 23, 2015 on the “About the NAGM” page.** Meeting and Candidate Information (e.g., Meeting Protocols, Proxy Instructions, Proposed Amendments, Voter Registration for Executive Members and Proxyholders, Candidate Statements and Information, etc.) Additional information regarding the NAGM sessions and the Business Meeting can be found in the 2015 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET that will be available for viewing and downloading at on or before Thursday, April 23, 2015 on the “About the NAGM” page. In addition to containing the proposed Bylaw amendment, the 2015 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET contains the 2015 NAGM Protocols and NAGM Proxy & Voting Information, including the deadlines for submitting proxies in advance of the NAGM and the deadline for Executive Members and Proxy Holders at the NAGM to register to vote at the Business Meeting. Information about the candidates for election as Directors and as the National President can be also be found in the 2015 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET. April 23, 2015 Ken Rhoads, National Secretary ** A copy of the 2015 NAGM MEETING, AMENDMENTS & CANDIDATES BOOKLET will be emailed or mailed to Executive Members upon written request sent by email to or by mail or fax to: American Youth Soccer Organization Attention: Frankie Shabsin 19750 South Vermont Avenue, Suite 200 Torrance, CA 90502 FAX: (310) 525-1155 2015 Notice of NAGM -‐ Phoenix FINAL fs-‐dr (4-‐17-‐2015)
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