national association of hispanic journalists SPONSORSHIP opportunities TRAINING LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT NETWORKING NATIONAL & REGIONAL CONFERENCES Anna Lopez-Buck Executive Director NAHJ T h e N at i o n a l A s s o c i at i o n o f H i s p a n i c Dear NAHJ Partner: In 2015, NAHJ will host various programming and special events during the Excellence in Journalism conference, September 18 - 20, in Orlando, Florida and during four regional conferences throughout the year. The regional conferences will be held in New York City, (March 28), Los Angeles, (June 6), Austin, TX, (July 25), and Mexico City (October 17). NAHJ is offering its corporate partners a myriad of educational, networking and marketing opportunities to reach an influential audience. In return for your participation, NAHJ will acknowledge your organization through valuable recognition packages including the program books and pre-event marketing materials. This year we have two goals in mind; first we plan to satisfy more than 1,500 journalists who will attend our conferences and participate in extensive skills-building sessions and foster opportunities that enable them to grow professionally. Our second goal is to provide our partners with the best possible avenue to network and enhance the career opportunities of a growing Latino journalism community. Enclosed are just some of the many ways you can partner with NAHJ in its important mission, through its programming and activities. For more information on any of the sponsorship opportunities offered this year, please contact me at T A B LE J o u r n a l i s t s OF CO N T E N T S Past Corporate Partners..........................................3 About NAHJ...........................................................4 Excellence in Journalism (EIJ) Conference 2015.....5 Sponsorship Opportunities.....................................5 Brand Exposure.......................................................6 Literature & Message Distribution..........................6 NAHJ Student Project.............................................7 Special Events ........................................................8 Advertising Exhibit/Recruiting ................................9 NAHJ Regional Conferences........................... 10-11 NAHJ Corporate Membership........................ 12-13 I want to thank you in advance for your support of our association and your commitment to diversifying newsrooms across the country. I look forward to discussing a partnership that will maximize your sponsorship efforts throughout the year with NAHJ. Sincerely, Anna M. Lopez-Buck Executive Director 2 2015 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES p a s t c o r p o r a t e p a r tn e r s T i t l e S po n so r Ne w sma ke r L e v e l S po n so r F e at ure L e v e l S po n so r E d i to r i a l L e v e l S po n so R C o rr e spo n d e nt L e v e l S po n so r s B e at L e v e l S po n so r s S co o p L e ve l S po n so r s S T RI NG ER L e v e l S po n so r 2015 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES 3 A B OU T N AH J N AH J MISSIO N The National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ) is dedicated to the recognition and professional advancement of Hispanics in the news industry. Established in April 1984, NAHJ created a national voice and unified vision for all Hispanic journalists. NAHJ is governed by an 18-member board of directors that consists of executive officers and regional directors who represent geographic areas of the United States and the Caribbean. The national office is located in Washington, D.C. NAHJ has approximately 1,500 members, including working journalists, journalism students, other media-related professionals and journalism educators. N AH J ’ s G OALS 1. To organized and provide support for Hispanic journalists. 2. To encourage and support the study and practices of journalism and communications by Hispanics. 3. To promote accurate and fair treatment of Hispanics by the news media. 4. To further employment opportunities and career development for Hispanics in the news media. 5. To foster greater understanding of the unique cultural identity, interests and concerns of Hispanic journalists. N AH J HIS TORY The beginnings of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ) can be traced back to a 1982 convention in San Diego. Organized by the California Chicano News Media Association (CCNMA) and a few journalists from the rest of the country, the convention attracted 300 participants. Hispanic journalists throughout the United States had already started an informal professional network, meeting at seminars sponsored by other industry groups, such as the American Society of Newspapers Editors. The need for a formal national organization grouping all Latino journalists had reached full maturity by the 1982 San Diego convention. At the time, the largest organization of its type was the Los Angeles-based CCNMA. Following the San Diego conference, CCNMA decided to take the leading role in building the national group. The California association lent its executive director support and resources to the emerging NAHJ. After obtaining 50,000 in seed money from the Freedom Forum (then the Gannett Foundation), an organizing committee was formed. It included 15 men and women representing the Mexican-American, Cuban and Puerto Rican communities, the three largest Hispanic sub-groups in the United States. Displaying extraordinary energy and resolve, the organizing committee held meetings in Miami, Denver, Chicago and New York, in order to promote the national group concept and work out the details of the organization. After two years of arduous work, the articles of incorporation for NAHJ were finally signed in February of 1984. At first, NAHJ operated out of L A, but for three reasons, it became apparent that a different venue was required. First, NAHJ needed to acquire a separate identity from CNNMA. Second, California Latinos were and are majority Mexican-American, and that did not accurately reflect the diversity of the Hispanic community. And finally, NAHJ had to participate with other industry groups in common areas of interest. In 1985, NAHJ established its headquarters in the National Press Building in Washington, D.C. What originally started with 120 members burgeoned to 600 by the second year. Today, there are more than 1,500 members nationwide. Today, NAHJ is an organization with deep regional roots and a strong national presence. An active network has been created linking Hispanic journalists regionally and across the country. Programs and activities develop by the association are widely recognized as groundbreaking and tremendously effective for our colleges. Most importantly, NAHJ is still growing, both in memberships and activities. NAHJ policies and projects are geared to foster the interest of Hispanics students in journalism. 4 2015 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES September 18-20, 2015 WORLD CENTER MARRIOTT Excellence in Journalism (EIJ) is a collaboration between NAHJ, The Radio Television Digital News Association, (RTDNA) and The Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ). Attracting more than 1,500 attendees, EIJ is the premiere annual conference for learning new skills and honing existing ones in the journalism industry. Attendees include news directors, news staff, freelance journalists, educators, students and suppliers in radio, TV, online and print journalism. P l at i n u m L e v e l [ $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 ] • Eight complimentary registrations • Quad Booth space (island) at the Journalism Expo trade show • Sponsor logo printed on tote bag • Pre- and Post-conference digital attendee list • Full-page, 4-color ad in program • Insertion of promotional items into tote bags • Sponsorship acknowledgement in all printed material and website Gold Level [$25,000] • Six complimentary registrations • Double Booth space at the Journalism Expo trade show • Banner space in registration area • Full-page, 4-color ad in the program • Pre- and Post-conference digital attendee list • Insertion of promotional items into tote bags • Sponsorship acknowledgement in all printed material and website 2015 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES ORLANDO, FL S i lv e r L e v e l [ $ 1 5 , 0 0 0 ] • Four complimentary registrations • Single Booth space at the Journalism Expo trade show • Full-page, 4-color ad in the program • Pre- and Post-conference digital attendee list • Insertion of promotional items into tote bags • Sponsorship acknowledgement in all printed material and website B ro n z e L e v e l [ $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 ] • Two complimentary registrations • Half-page, 4-color ad in the program • Insertion of promotional items into tote bags • Sponsorship acknowledgement in all printed material and website Pat ro n L e v e l [ $ 5 , 0 0 0 ] • One complimentary registration • Half-page, 4-color ad in the program • Insertion of promotional items into tote bags • Sponsorship acknowledgement in all printed material and website Friend Level [$2,500] • Recognition in program • 15% discount on ad in the program • Insertion of promotional items into tote bags • Sponsorship acknowledgement in all printed material and website 5 Brand Exposure Tot e B ag s [ $ 2 0 , 0 0 0 ] C h a r g i ng Stat i o n [ $ 1 5 , 0 0 0 ] G e t S i lv e r l e v e l b e n e f i t s Due date: Aug 3 Useful for years to come as they are carried into newsrooms, through airports and all over the conference with your company logo. Conference Wi-Fi [$15,000] Due date: Aug 3 Charging Stations offer full branding of your company. Their capabilities are strong for phones and other hand-held electronics. These stations will be placed throughout the J-Expo floor and charge fast and will be highly utilized. P h oto B o ot h [ $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 ] G e t S i lv e r l e v e l b e n e f i t s Due date: Aug 3 Sponsor the wireless Internet for all conference-goers. Wi-Fi is a necessity for every journalist! Mobile App [$15,000] G e t S i lv e r l e v e l b e n e f i t s Due date: July 1 Your company logo is the first thing attendees see each time they open the conference’s mobile app. It contains everything from the daily schedule, to speaker bios, to exhibitor information, restaurants, maps and more. L a nya r d s [ $ 1 5 , 0 0 0 ] G e t S i lv e r l e v e l b e n e f i t s G e t B ro n z e l e v e l b e n e f i t s G e t B ro n z e l e v e l b e n e f i t s Due date: Aug 3 Conference attendees will feel like red carpet celebrities in your photo booth! A photographer will be taking pictures and photos will be branded with your company name/logo. Attendees will walk away with photos and great memories! H ot e l K e y C a r d [ $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 ] G e t B ro n z e l e v e l b e n e f i t s Due date: Aug 3 Hotel room key cards with your company logo will be given to each attendee for his/her guest room. E v e nt Day i n f o [ $ 5 , 0 0 0 ] Due date: Aug 3 Your company logo will be around every conference-goers neck for the entire length of the conference. G e t Pat ro n l e v e l b e n e f i t s Due date: Aug 3 This handy schedule of events, with your ad on the back cover, is perfect for tucking into a pocket or nametag holder. E v e nt Day [ $ 3 , 5 0 0 ] Live coverage of EIJ15’s social media presence. TV screens located around the conference space provide a constant live feed of who said what on the app’s activity feed, photos from attendees, upcoming events. L i t e r at u r e & M e s s ag e D i s t r i b u t i o n General Session Seat drop [$2,000] Due date: Sept 1 Your message, and your logo, will be on the seats for all attending the general session. 6 Attendee Email Blast [$1,500] Due date: Sept 1 Your message, and your logo, will be sent to all those registered for the conference. Tote Bag Insert [$1,000] Due date: Sept 1 Your promotional item will be placed in the tote bags that each attendee receives at the conference. 2015 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES AHuJ dE v nt sP r&oSt N AH J NSt ee nt j eu cdte nt P ro j e c t NAHJ has developed a converged model for its long-time media training project that features a team of students and media professionals working in a newsroom setting and provides students with a great opportunity to get hands-on training in daily journalism. The website will deliver constantly updated breaking news and content produced by the Student Project, which will operate as a single newsroom. Twelve student journalists will get front-end training in the skills needed to create and distribute news and information in today’s changing environment. 2015 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES The students will focus on producing content for the interactive website, but will also produce a 30 minute TV newscast and radio podcasts that will stream on demand over the web. The project team will produce blogs, videos, slide shows and deliver news via mobile and social networking technologies, all while sharpening their journalistic skills. ($50,000 for sponsorship) ($25,000 for co-sponsorship) 7 S p e c i a l E v e nt s NAH J Awar d s G a l a a nd El G r an B aile [ $ 1 5 0 , 0 0 0 ] G e t P l at i n u m l e v e l b e n e f i t s a n d m o r e At this closing event, NAHJ will recognize their 2014 journalism awardees and cap off a successful conference with a grand fiesta. N AH J H a l l o f Fa m e L u n c h e o n [ $ 7 5 , 0 0 0 ] G e t P l at i n u m l e v e l b e n e f i t s a n d m o r e NAHJ will honor the newest inductee(s) to the NAHJ Hall of Fame. N AH J P r e s i d e nt ’ s R e c e p t i o n [ $ 1 5 , 0 0 0 ] G e t S i lv e r l e v e l b e n e f i t s This exclusive, invitation-only gathering is hosted by NAHJ President Mekahlo Medina, bringing together conference VIP’s and other distinguished guests. W e l c o m e R e c e p t i o n (Sold to CNN Newsource) G e t P l at i n u m l e v e l b e n e f i t s Opportunity to put your name front and center during the conference’s allimportant kick-off event. RT D N A Pau l Wh ite Awa r d Rece ptio n [ $30,000] Get Gold level benefits SP J P r e s i d e nt ’ s In s ta l l at i o n B a n q u e t [ $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 ] G e t B ro n z e l e v e l b e n e f i t s The culminating conference event where inspiring words are spoken by award-winning journalists who have gone above and beyond and as a result, set the standard high for all those who strive every day to be a better journalist. N e t wo r k i ng E v e nt [ $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 ] G e t B ro n z e l e v e l b e n e f i t s A time to bring together all attendees for some appetizers, drinks and fellowship. M o r n i ng B r e a k [ $ 7 , 5 0 0 ] G e t Pat ro n l e v e l b e n e f i t s Each morning, every conference-goer is in search of their much-needed caffeine fix. Be the one to provide it, as well as an opportunity to chat with attendees as they stop by. Afternoon Break [$7,500] G e t Pat ro n l e v e l b e n e f i t s Conference-goers are looking for a pick-me-up in the afternoon. Be the one to supply them with a soda and a snack while you have an opportunity for some one-on-one time. RTNDA’s highest honor, the Paul White Award, recognizes lifetime contributions to electronic journalism. 8 2015 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES A d v e r t i s i ng M o b i l e A p p P ro m ot e d P o s t [ $ 5 0 0 ] P ro g r a m G u i d e Due date: July 1 Ads are available in the guidebook that attendees will use on a regular basis for all their conference needs. Full page [$2,000] Half-page [$1,800] O r g a n i z at i o n s ’ e - N e w s l e tt e r s [ $ 1 , 0 0 0 ] For each organization’s memberships there is an e-Newsletter RTDNA: 5 days/1 week SPJ: weekly M o b i l e A p p P u s h N ot i f i c at i o n [ $ 7 5 0 ] Due Date: Sept 1 Your message will be pushed to all conference app users, like a text message. Due Date: Sept 1 Your message will be posted to the top of the app’s activity feed page for 20 minutes. Conference Website Ads on the conference website, the place where all those registered, or thinking about registering, go for their EIJ info. Homepage leaderboard...................[$1,000] Supplemental leaderboard...............[$600] Homepage tower.............................[$800] Supplemental tower.........................[$400] exhibitor/recruiter Booth Selection is based on a first-come, first-served basis, SECURE YOUR SPACE EARLY. C o m p E x h i b i to r R e g i s t r at i o n s All exhibitors will receive a pre and post-conference attendee list. Exhibit space Cost 10 x 10 booth $3,000 per 10 x 10 Premium Placement $3,500 per 2015 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES (3) Comp registrations per company (meal tickets not included) A d d i t i o n a l E x h i b i to r R e g i s t r at i o n s Additional exhibitor registrations can be purchased for $220 each (meal tickets not included) 9 N AH J RE G IO N AL CO N FERE N CE SPO N SORSHIP OPPOR T U N I T IES Regional conferences fulfill many of NAHJ’s goals for its members. They provide ongoing training between our national conferences and in locations around the country for those members who cannot join us at the national event. The regional conferences provide career development and networking opportunities and access to recruiters and industry veterans who recruit and provide valuable advice. This is an opportunity for news organizations to both find candidates that can help your news staff to reflect the changes that are occurring in regions around the country and to receive training to better cover these communities. NAHJ REGIONAL CONFERENCES 2015 New York, March 28, 2015 - Latinas in Media Los Angeles, June 6, 2015 - LATINcon Austin, TX - July 25, 2015 - Theme TBD Mexico City - October 17, 2015 - Investigative Journalism Title Sponsor Sponsor joins as host of the event participating in the marketing and programming of the regional conference. •5 complimentary registrations •Informational booth space •Prominent placement on signage •Full-page, 4-color ad in program •Insertion of promotional items in tote bags (if applicable) •Prominent sponsorship acknowledgement in printed material and website •Brief remarks during general assembly Sponsorship: $15,000 10 N e t wo r k i ng R e c e p t i o n & R e c ru i t i ng E v e nt This closing event provides an opportunity for conference attendees and distinguished guests to network in a relaxed setting. One-on-one recruiting sessions will be held concurrently with the reception. •3 complimentary registrations •Inclusion on signage •Sponsorship acknowledgement in printed material and website Sponsorship: $10,000 Luncheon Prominent guest speaker/panelists gather over lunch to discuss a hot topic related to diversity in the news media and/or other industry issues. •3 complimentary registrations •Inclusion on signage •Sponsorship acknowledgement in printed material and website Sponsorship: $10,000 (5,000 for co-sponsorship) Sessions Programming that offers participants the opportunity to enhance their professional skills by attending intensive sessions. It also provides sponsors a great avenue to support career advancement training. •Signage for sponsored event •Sponsorship acknowledgement in printed material and website Sponsorship: $2,500 2015 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES N AH J RE G IO N AL CO N FERE N CE SPO N SORSHIP OPPOR T U N I T IES R e c ru i t i ng / Wo r k C r i t i q u e s Media representatives provide employment opportunities, displaying/ disseminating information and providing career advice to attendees. • Up to 2 complimentary registrations for recruiting staff • Sponsorship acknowledgement in printed material and website Sponsorship: $1,000 Tot e B ag S p o n s o r s h i p The handy tote bag provided to each attendee is a conference favorite. It’s a keepsake used beyond the conference with the sponsor’s company logo on the bags. • 1 complimentary registration • Sponsorship acknowledgement in printed material and website Sponsorship: $5,000 2015 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Mobile App Your company logo is the first thing attendees see each time they open the conference’s mobile app. It contains everything from the daily schedule, to speaker bios, to exhibitor information, restaurants, maps and more. • 3 complimentary registrations at each regional • Inclusion on signage for each regional • Sponsorship acknowledgement in printed material and website for each regional Sponsorship: $10,000 for the regional conferences for 2015. L a nya r d The lanyard is a high-visibility sponsorship opportunity that reinforces the company logo with each new person that attendees meet. • 1 complimentary registration • Sponsorship acknowledgement in printed material and website Sponsorship: $5,000 11 N AH J c o r p o r a t e m e m b e r s h i p NAHJ offers a Corporate Membership package that may support your marketing, diversity and recruitment goals. Many of the benefits of membership are also designed to give your company increased exposure via the NAHJ Online Career Center. We offer companies across all platforms of media the chance to reach out to some of the best journalists in the business throughout the year. CORPORAT E MEM B ERSHIP For only $2,000 - $2,500 for 12 months, benefits of corporate membership include: • Unlimited job postings on the NAHJ Career Resource Center • Searching a database of resumes from NAHJ members who work in all platforms of English and Spanish-language media. • Promotion of key openings at your company, from internships through executive-level news opportunities, via NAHJ’s social media outlets, which reaches hundreds of people. • Assistance from NAHJ staff in target finding candidates for specific opportunities via our membership. • The opportunity to help your company to create pipeline of diverse candidates via colleges and universities. • One 728 x 90 Run of Site Banner ad on the Career Center’s home page for a six-month period. • One Featured Employer Button ad on the Career Center’s home page for a one-month period. • 10% discount on the purchase of up to two exhibitor/recruiter booths at the annual NAHJ convention. • 10% discount on advertising in the Program Book of the annual NAHJ Convention. • Access to have one email blast sent to the membership before the annual convention inviting them to visit your booth or to contact the company’s recruiter at the convention. • Acknowledgement as a corporate member in NAHJ’s electronic newsletters, on NAHJ’s website, and in other publications where appropriate. • Listing as a corporate member on the NAHJ Career Center home page. 12 P r e m i u m C o r p o r at e M e m b e r s h i p For an additional $500.00, Corporate Members can become Premium Corporate Members. Your company would be entitled to the benefits listed above and the following: •One 120 x 600 Skyscraper Banner ad on the NAHJ Career Center page for a six-month period. •Promotion as a featured corporate member on the NAHJ Career Center page for one month within the 12-month period that the membership is valid. •A selection of your job postings listed in premium placement as featured jobs on the NAHJ Career Center pages and in professional development email blasts to the NAHJ membership. Become a corporate member of NAHJ today! This is your chance to make your newsroom look more like the community it is serving. t h e N AH J On l i n e C a r e e r C e nt e r NAHJ’s online Career Center is the best way to find, track and contact talented Hispanic journalists in varying stages of their careers. Our fully searchable Career Center also makes it easier for employers to promote freelancing opportunities and jobs that are suited for people with journalism experience. Check out the NAHJ Career Center at 2015 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES c o r p o r at e m e m b e r s h i p a p p l i c at i o n CO N TAC T _______________________________________________________________ Name PAY ME N T I N FORMAT IO N (*NAHJ is unable to process charges over $4,000. For larger amounts, please pay by company check). Corporate Membership $2,000 __________ _______________________________________________________________ Title Premium Corporate Member $2,500 __________ _______________________________________________________________ Company Total $ __________ _______________________________________________________________ Billing Address _________________________________ _____ ______________________ City State Zip _______________________________________________________________ Phone _______________________________________________________________ Fax _______________________________________________________________ Email CONTACT for person who will receive the password for access to the Career Center. _______________________________________________________________ Name _______________________________________________________________ Phone _______________________________________________________________ Email Address 2015 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES PAY ME N T ME T HOD Please charge my credit card: American Express Visa Mastercard Card #:________________________________________________________ Exp. Date:______________________________________________________ Authorized Signature: _ __________________________________________ Date: _ ________________________________________________________ Check enclosed (made payable to NAHJ) Send Invoice Return contract and payment to NAHJ, 1050 Connecticut Ave NW 10th Floor Washington, D.C. 20036 Fax: (202) 662-7144 13
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