2015 ISGE International Conference on Gynaecological Endoscopy Nairobi • Kenya 3rd ISGE African Conference 2015 6th Annual General Meeting & 4th Annual Scientific Conference of The Kenya Society of Endoscopic Specialities (KESES) 15 23rd to 26th August 20 .org www.nairobi2015.isge Prof. Bruno van Herendael PRESIDENT International Society for Gynecologic Endoscopy The International Society for Gynecologic Endoscopy was formed in 1989 by a group of committed Endoscopists from Europe and North America, who were soon joined by others from all over the world. They recognised the need for a scientific group who would meet at regular intervals to share their knowledge and expertise in Gynecologic Endoscopy. The Goals of our Society are: • To establish an international forum for the exchange of information and new ideas between Gynecologic Endoscopists. This function is provided by annual scientific meetings and by contributions to the affiliated Journal, one of the premier journals in this field. • To provide leadership and unprejudiced academic excellence in this highly important field. The quality of the scientific meetings and workshops will be maintained by the Scientific Committee. Advice is always readily available from the Board Members. • To promote safety and competence in Gynecologic Endoscopy through education. Regular courses and training programs are run in many countries. Their content is scrutinized by the Scientific Committee before they gain approval of the Society. The Society does not control, but does maintain an influence on the quality and teaching content of the courses which are organised under its auspices. • To scientifically investigate and evaluate new endoscopic techniques which may be of benefit to women and report to members their use and effectiveness. A unique opportunity to meet and interact with the “Who’s Who” in Hysteroscopic and Laparoscopic Surgery from the world over. “Join us for an exciting Scientific session in Nairobi, August 2015". The Kenya Society of Endoscopic Specialities (KESES) at its 6th Annual General Meeting and 4th Annual Scientific Conference in 2015 takes great pride in hosting the 3rd ISGE African Meeting in Nairobi, Kenya. The Society has over the years been at the forefront in the development in an interest in Laparoscopic Surgery in this Region and at the same time disseminating skills extensively amongst the younger Surgeons on the African Continent. We are indeed honoured to partake this very important meeting. Dr. Rafique B. Parkar CHAIRMAN Kenya Society of Endoscopic Specialities & Local Organising Committee 1 ISGE EXCO BOARD PRESIDENT Prof. Bruno van Herendael (bruno.vanherendael@gyntech.be) IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Dr. Prashant Mangeshikar (prashant@mangeshikar.com) VICE PRESIDENT Dr. Rob O’Shea (rtoshea-isge@adam.com.au) HONORARY TREASURER Dr. Charles Miller LOCAL ORGANZING COMMITTEE (chuckmillermd@gmail.com) HONORARY SECRETARY Prof. Stefano Bettochi (stefanoendo@tin.it) REPRESENTATIVE OF THE BOARD MEMBERS IN EXCO Dr. Resad Pasic CONFERENCE CHAIR Dr. Rafique B. Parkar (rafsan254@gmail.com) CONFERENCE VICE-CHAIR Dr. J. Gichuhi Wanyoike (paya@louisville.edu) (drwanyoikeclinic2@yahoo.com) CHAIRMAN OF THE TRAINING COMMITTEE TREASURER Prof. Bash Goolab (yamu75p@yahoo.com) (bgoolab@iafrica.com) EDITOR OF THE NEWSLETTER Prof. Ellis Downes (ellis@ellisdownes.com) MEDICAL DIRECTOR Dr. Ornella Sizzi (ornella.sizzi@alfamedica.com) (ornella.sizzi@gmail.com) Dr. Yamal Patel SPONSORSHIP Dr. Frank J.K. Muriu (drfjkmuriu@gmail.com) Dr. G. Wahome Ngay’u (ngayu@thewomansclinic.co.ke) (ngayugw53@gmail.com) SCIENTIFIC CHAIR Prof. R. Koigi Kamau (koigiclinic@gmail.com) (koigikamau@kenyaweb.com) REGISTRATION Dr. Maurine Mutua (maurinemutua@gmail.com) ACCOMMODATION Dr. Wanjiru Ndegwa (wndegwa@gmail.com) PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS Dr. Francis Were (merit_medics@yahoo.com) YOUNG ENDOSCOPIST PLATFORM (YEP) Dr. Claire Kinuthia (kinuthia.claire@gmail.com) Dr. Dorcas Muchiri (dwakusi@gmail.com) FORMAL FUNCTIONS Dr. Hassan M. Adan (hmohamed3231@yahoo.com) SOCIAL FUNCTIONS/DECOR Dr. Racheal Rukaria (rukariar@africaonline.co.ke) TOURS, TRANSPORT/TRAVELS Dr. Michael Gitangu (manguthagitangu@gmail.com) Register now. Book your accommodation online now. Special rates have been negotiated for ISGE Delegates. August is a great time to go on safari in Kenya. The Masai Mara Game Reserve is host to the Eighth Wonder of the Natural World - The Great Wildebeest Migration. Book your safari now to avoid last minute disappointments. August is a very busy month in Kenya. 2 2015 International Conference on Gynaecological Endoscopy Nairobi • Kenya ISGE 3rd ISGE African Conference 2015 rd th Sunday 23 - Wednesday 26 August, 2015 www.nairobi2015.isge.org SATURDAY 22ND AUGUST, 2015 09.00am ISGE EXCO Board Meeting Southern Sun Mayfair SUNDAY 23RD AUGUST, 2015 PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS (Full Day) SPONSORS Basic of Laparoscopy ERBE VENUE CHAIR PERSONS Hotel Royal Orchid, PASIC Resad (USA) Azure SIZZI Ornella (Italy) FACULTY ALHALAYQUA Omar (Palestine) SENDY Sameer (Saudia Arabia) KOTDAWALA Parul (India) SHUKLA Divyesh (India Colposcopy Cooper Surgical Hotel Royal Orchid, MBATANI Nomonde (South Africa) Azure SANG Edward (Kenya) TAYIB Shahila (Malaysia) Endometriosis : What is best for our patients? BAYER Hotel Royal Orchid, DE BRUIN Abri (South Africa) Azure JOSEPH Kurian (India) FLORIO Pino (Italy) MANGANARO Lucia (Italy) PASIC Resad (USA) PAUL PG (India) TZITZIMIKAS Stergios (Greece) WANYOIKE J. Gichuhi (Kenya) Hotel Royal Orchid, CUTNER Alfred (UK) Azure ROSSETTI Alfonso EINARSSON Jon (USA) MAZZON Ivano (Italy) ZURAWIN Robert (USA) Olympus How Better Knowledge of Energy Sources can Improve our Skill in Laparoscopic & Hysteroscopic Surgery (Italy) Karl Storz (GmbH) Aga Khan University BETTOCCHI Stefano (Italy) Hospital, Nairobi GUPTA Janesh (UK) Hysteroscopy Laparoscopic Myomectomy : Astra Zeneca Still the goal for our Patients BETTOCCHI Stefano (Italy) DE VREE Bart (Belgium) GUPTA Janesh (UK) VAN HERENDAEL Bruno (Belgium) Hotel Royal Orchid, MANGESHIKAR Prashant EINARSSON Jon (USA) (India) Azure FLORIO Giuseppe (Italy) SINHA Rakesh (India) GOOLAB Bhaskar (South Africa) NOE Günther (Germany) SHERWIN Adel (Iran) Laparoscopic Surgery Training Course for Operating Room Technicians & Scrub Nurses Harley’s / Sun Pharmaceuticals Pelvic Floor Surgery BARD Hotel Royal Orchid, ARAB Hesham (Saudi Arabia) Azure CHUNG Maurice (USA) KURIAN Rekha (India) ICMAS, Nairobi JEFFERY Steven (South Africa) CLEVIN Lotto (Denmark) LODDO Alessandro (Italy) RACHMAN Richnandy (Indonesia) SITUMORANG Herbert (Indonesia) DE JONG Peter (South Africa) FRANCIS Sean (USA) GROENEWALD Garry (South Africa) MATTHEWS Catherine (USA) OFORI Antony (Ghana) RAMPHAL Suren (South Africa) COCKTAILS OPENING CEREMONY CARNIVORE GROUNDS 5.00pm CARNIVORE GROUNDS 7.00pm Keynote Lecture (KESES) Endoscopic Surgery in Africa: An untapped potential KONJE Justin Keynote Lecture (ISGE) The need for Global Accreditation Programs in Endoscopic Surgery VAN HERENDAEL Bruno 2015 TH MONDAY 24 AUGUST, 2015 ISGE Nairobi • Kenya “Near” LIVE SURGERY in 3D (OLYMPUS) Room A CHAIR PERSONS: VAN HERENDAEL Bruno / SIZZI Ornella SURGEONS: CUTNER Alfred / PARKAR Rafique B. / JOSEPH Kurian 09.00 am - 12.00 noon LUNCH 13.30 pm - 15.00 pm Session 1 Room A UROGYNAECOLOGY & PELVIC FLOOR CHAIR PERSONS: JEFFERY Steven / MATTHEWS Catherine Keynote Lecture 13.30 pm - 13.50 pm IF THE USE OF MESHES IS TO BE DISCOURAGED, HOW DO YOU REALISE APICAL SUSPENSION (LEVEL 1 SUPPORT) BY LAPAROSCOPY BRÖLMANN Hans 13.50 pm - 14.05 pm 14.05 pm - 14.20 pm 14.20 pm - 14.35 pm 14.35 pm - 14.50 pm Pectopexy an alternative to Sacropexy Vaginal Assisted Laparoscopic Cervico-Sacropexy Anti-Incontinence Surgery during POP repair Secrets of the Posterior compartment: How to do a good repair NOE Günther ÖZERKAN Kemal CHRYSOSTOMOU Andreas MATTHEWS Catherine 14.50 pm - 15.00 pm Questions & Answers 15.30 pm - 17.00 pm Session 2 TEA / COFFEE Room A HYSTERECTOMY CHAIR PERSONS: JOSEPH Kurian / EINARSSON Jon Keynote Lecture 15.30 pm - 15.50 pm THE BEST HYSTERECTOMY FOR YOUR PATIENT: COST & EVIDENCE BASED GOOLAB Bhaskar 15.50 pm - 16.05 pm 16.05 pm - 16.20 pm 16.20 pm - 16.35 pm 16.35 pm - 16.50 pm Surgical strategies at the pericervical ring during Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy Laparoscopic Hysterectomy: Tips & Tricks Are there any limits for Laparoscopic Hysterectomy? Single Incision Laparoscopic Hysterectomy using common Laparoscopic instruments MANGESHIKAR Prashant EINARSSON Jon PAUL PG SUPERMANIAM Sevellaraja 16.50 pm - 17.00 pm Questions & Answers 13.30 pm - 15.00 pm Session 3 VIDEO SESSION: EMPHASIS ON EMERGING COUNTRIES CHAIR PERSONS: KASIA Jean Marie / OBURA Timona Room B 13.30 pm - 13.50 pm 13.50 pm - 14.05 pm 14.05 pm - 14.20 pm 14.20 pm - 14.35 pm 14.35 pm - 14.50 pm 14.50 pm - 15.00 pm Questions & Answers TEA / COFFEE 15.30 pm - 17.00 pm Session 4 15.30 pm - 15.40 pm Obstetric outcome after Hysteroscopic Septum resection in patients with uterine septa of various sizes Effect of Endometrioma and its excision on ovarian reserve Endoscopic management of Uterine anomalies CESA-VASA: Standardized bilateral Sacropexy to treat POP and UUI in Laparoscopic technique Is there a role for Laparoscopic Surgery in Africa Tips to prevent vault prolapse during TLH Laparoscopic Morcellation and Tissue Extraction : The New Landscape Conclusions and purpose together with YEP 15.40 pm - 15.50 pm 15.50 pm - 16.00 pm 16.00 pm - 16.10 pm 16.10 pm - 16.20 pm 16.20 pm - 16.30 pm 16.30 pm - 16.40 pm 16.40 pm - 17.00 pm 13.30 pm - 15.00 pm FREE COMMUNICATIONS: EMPHASIS ON EMERGING COUNTRIES Room B CHAIR PERSONS: KASIA Jean Marie / KURIAN Rekha Session 5 YOUNG ENDOSCOPIC PLATFORM SINGH Nilanchali ATA Baris KURIAN Rekha MIHESO Johnston RAINA Naveen SHUKLA Divyesh EINARSSON Jon KASIA Jean Marie RACHMAN Ichnandy Room C CHAIR PERSONS: SIEDHOFF Matthew / SHUKLA Divyesh 13.30 pm - 13.40 pm 13.40 pm - 13.50 pm 13.50 pm - 14.00 pm 14.00 pm - 14.10 pm 14.10 pm - 14.20 pm 14.20 pm - 14.30 pm 14.30 pm - 14.40 pm 14.40 pm - 14.50 pm 14.50 pm - 15.00 pm 15.30 pm - 17.00 pm 15.30 pm - 15.40 pm 15.40 pm - 15.50 pm 15.50 pm - 16.00 pm 16.00 pm - 16.10 pm 16.10 pm - 16.20 pm 16.20 pm - 16.30 pm 16.30 pm - 16.40 pm 16.40 pm - 17.00 pm DIE (Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis) : Take it or leave it! “NOTES” Hysterectomy Reverse technique in the treatment of Recto-Vaginal endometriosis Safe and easy Myomectomy : Laparoscopy with limited resources The need for structured Laparoscopic Surgery Training in Africa Transvaginal Endoscopy in an Outpatient setting : How far can we go? Hysteroscopy & IVF Avoiding entry related Laparoscopic complications Complications encountered during the early learning curve in Laparoscopic Surgery Session 6 YOUNG ENDOSCOPIC PLATFORM CHAIR PERSONS: LODDO Alessandro / THOMAS Viju SITUMORANG Herbert KHEMARANGSAN Veerapol LARIAN Demetrio AYU ARUMI Sita KINUTHIA Claire RACHMAN Ichnandy LODDO Alessandro GROENEWALD Garry MUCHIRI Dorcas Room C Single Port Laparoscopy : Steps to Master Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy - 10 steps technique Laparoscopic Myomectomy and Vaginoplasty in an undiagnosed Marfan Syndrome patient with 10 years primary subfertility TBA Balancing the risks in Minimally Invasive treatments for fibroids The development of Laparoscopy in Palestine and how we organised our Training Centre Establishing a structured training program in Southern Africa, current status and future challenges Conclusions and purpose together with emphasis on the emerging world TEA /COFFEE KIAT Khoo Chong ADLAN Aizura GONZALES Felipe HERMAN Malou SIEDHOFF Matthew ALHALYQUA Omar THOMAS Viju KASIA Jean Maria RACHMAN Ichnandy 2015 TH TUESDAY 25 AUGUST, 2015 LIVE SURGERY (KARL STORZ Gmbh & Co) CHAIRPERSONS: GOOLAB Bhaskar / PASIC Resad SURGEON: WATTIEZ Arnaud 09.00 am - 12.00 noon ISGE Nairobi • Kenya Room A & B LUNCH 13.30 pm - 15.00 pm Session 7 ANATOMY FOR THE ENDOSCOPIC SURGEON CHAIR PERSONS: DE BRUIN Abri / SUBRAYAN KT Keynote Lecture Room A 13.30 pm - 14.10 pm THE PURPOSE OF ANATOMY AS A GUIDE IN LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY: “KNOW YOUR ANATOMY, FOLLOW YOUR ANATOMY, NEVER LOSE YOUR ANATOMY” WATTIEZ Arnaud 14.10 pm - 14.30 pm 14.30 pm - 14.50 pm Laparoscopic Retroperitoneal Anatomy The importance of restoring Anatomy in Endometriosis PASIC Resad DE BRUIN Abri 14.50 pm - 15.00 pm Questions & Answers TEA / COFFEE 15.30 pm - 17.00 pm Session 8 COMPLICATIONS (I) CHAIR PERSONS: MANGESHIKAR Prashant / PATEL Yamal Room A Keynote Lecture 15.30 pm - 15.50 pm AVOIDING ENTRY INJURIES IN WOMEN WITH A SCARRED ABDOMEN MANGESHIKAR Prashant 15.50 pm - 16.05 pm 16.05 pm - 16.20 pm 16.20 pm - 16.35 pm 16..35 pm - 16.50 pm Complications of Laparoscopic surgery : How to avoid these? Complications in Laparoscopic Surgery Strategies to minimise complications in Laparoscopic Surgery Laparoscopic Morcellation : Avoiding tissue spread by using intra-abdominal bags PASIC Resad PARKAR Rafique PAUL PG NOE Günther 16.50 pm - 17.00 pm Questions & Answers 13.30 pm - 15.00 pm Session 9 ENERGIES IN ENDOSCOPIC SURGERY CHAIR PERSONS: KOIGI KAMAU Reuben / ZURAWIN Robert Room B Keynote Lecture 13.30 pm - 13.50 pm SAFE USE OF ENERGY IN LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY ZURAWIN Robert 13.50 pm - 14.05 pm 14.05 pm - 14.20 pm 14.20 pm - 14.35 pm 14.35 pm - 14.50 pm Electrosurgery in Endoscopy Bipolar energies to perform Hysterectomy Ultrasound energy in Laparoscopic Surgery Sealing and excited plasma energies in Laparoscopic Surgery GOOLAB Bhaskar PATEL Yamal ROSSETTI Alfonso KURIAN Joseph 14.50 pm - 15.00 pm Questions & Answers TEA / COFFEE 15.30 pm - 17.00 pm Session 10 COMPLICATIONS (II) CHAIR PERSONS: METTLER Liselotte / ROSSETTI Alfonso Room B Keynote Lecture 15.30 pm - 15.50 pm THE ANATOMY OF SUCCESS FOR THE ENDOSCOPIC SURGEON SINHA Rakesh 15.50 pm - 16.05 pm 16.05 pm - 16.20 pm 16.20 pm - 16.35 pm 16.35 pm - 16.50 pm Morcellation of fibroids the ESGE recommendations Handling complications during Laparoscopic Surgery Laparoscopic Fistula repair Controversy over Morcellation in Laparoscopic Surgery the AAGL point of view BRÖLMANN Hans METTLER Liselotte RAMPHAL Suran ZURAWIN Robert 16.50 pm - 17.00 pm Questions & Answers 13.30 pm - 17.00 pm Session 11 SAUDI GROUP OF GYNECOLOGICAL LAPAROSCOPISTS Room C CHAIR PERSONS: ARAB Hisham / SENDY Sameer 13.30 pm - 13.50 pm 13.50 pm - 14.10 pm 14.10 pm - 14.30 pm 14.30 pm - 14.50 pm 14.50 pm - 16.10 pm 16.10 pm - 16.30 pm Ovarian Torsion in the King Fahad Medical City Laparoscopic Ovarian Drilling revised Da Vinci Laparoscopy in Saudi Arabia Sharing local experience of Single-Port Laparoscopy Hysteroscopy and Infertility Role of Laparoscopy in managing infertile couples 16.50 pm - 17.00 pm Questions & Answers SENDY Sameer ARAB Hisham AL SWALEIM Sahar SALAMAH Kareema AL OBEID Solaiman ISKANDER Mamdoh TH WEDNESDAY 26 AUGUST, 2015 09.00 am - 10.30 am Session 12 UTERINE MYOMA (I) CHAIR PERSONS: SINHA Rakesh / SIZZI Ornella Room A Keynote Lecture 09.00 am - 09.20 am PREOPERATIVE DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS BETWEEN MYOMA AND MYOSARCOMA: THE ISGE RECOMMENDATIONS SIZZI Ornella 09.20 am - 09.35 am 09.35 am - 09.50 am 09.50 am - 10.05 am 10.05 am - 10.20 am Fibroids : Their effect on fertility - which Fibroid and when should we remove it? Laparoscopic Myomectomy : Pushing the limits How to reduce blood loss in Laparoscopic Myomectomy Current status of Power Morcellation SIEBERT Ignor PAUL PG SINHA Rakesh KOTDAWALA Parul 10.20 am - 10.30 am Questions & Answers TEA / COFFEE 11.00 am - 12.30noon Session 13 HYSTEROSCOPY (I) CHAIR PERSONS: LODDO Alessandro / GROENEWALD Garry Room A Keynote Lecture 11.00 am - 11.20 am HYSTEROSCOPIC MYOMECTOMY USING THE COLD KNIFE MAZZON Ivan 11.20 am - 11.35 am 11.35 am - 11.50 am 11.50 am - 12.05 pm 12.05 pm - 12.20 pm Ashermann Syndrome Treatment : State of the Art Pre-operative assessment of the cavity Uterine polyps and their Hysteroscopic Management Challenges in cases of severe Ashermann’s syndrome before IVF LODDO Alessandro CLEVIN Lotte DE JONG Peter SHAH Pragnesh 12.20 pm - 12.30 pm Questions & Answers LUNCH 13.30 am - 15.00 pm Session 14 MEDICO-LEGAL ASPECTS CHAIR PERSONS: TERNAMIAN Artin / GOOLAB Bhaskar Room A Keynote Lecture 13.30 pm - 14.00 pm MEDICO-LEGAL ASPECTS IN ENDOSCOPY TERNAMIAN Artin 14.00 pm - 14.15 pm 14.15 pm - 14.30 pm 14.30 pm - 14.50 pm OR ready : How to avoid problems at the start? The ISGE accreditation for Endoscopic Surgeons and Theatres with emphasis on the Medico-legal aspects The African situation with emphasis on Southern Africa in Medico-legal problems CHUNG Maurice SIZZI Ornella / VAN HERENDAEL Bruno GOOLAB Bhaskar 14.50 pm - 15.00 pm Questions & Answers TEA / COFFEE 15.30 pm - 17.00 pm Session 15 NEW TECHNOLOGIES CHAIR PERSONS: KONJE Justin / BRÖLMANN Hans Keynote Lecture Room A 15.30 pm - 15.50 pm 3D LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY IN GYNAECOLOGY SUPERMANIAM Sevellaraja 15.50 pm - 16.05 pm 16.05 pm - 16.20 pm 16.20 pm - 16.35 pm RACHMAN Ichnandy SENDAG Fatih BRÖLMANN Hans 16.35 pm - 16.50 pm Trans-vaginal Endoscopy in an Outpatient setting : How far can we go? Single port Laparoscopic Surgery for Endometriosis Caesarian Section scar defect (“nich”) : Diagnosis and treatment : First results of Hysteroscopic resection and Laparoscopic reconstruction (n = 75) trials Laparoscopic cerclage : Indications and technique 16.50 pm - 17.00 pm Questions & Answers 09.00 am - 10.30 am 09.00 am - 09.20 am 09.20 am - 09.35am 09.35 am - 09.50 am 09.50 am - 10.05 am 10.05 am - 10.20 am 10.20 am - 10.30 am Session 16 ENDOMETRIOSIS CHAIR PERSONS: VAN DER WAT Johan / KOPJAR Miroslav Keynote Lecture UNCU Gürkan Room B TECHNICAL STRATEGIES IN LAPAROSCOPIC MANAGEMENT OF DIE SHERVIN Adel Teenage Endometriosis : Medical or Surgical treatment? Virtual colonoscopy in the detection and follow-up of Endometriosis Operative Endoscopy in Urinary Tract Endometriosis Surgical treatments for Endometriosis and Pelvic pain GOOLAB Bhaskar VAN DER WAT Johan ROSSETTI Alfonso SIEDHOFF Matthew Questions & Answers TEA / COFFEE 11.00 am - 12.30 noon Session 17 INFERTILITY AND ENDOSCOPY CHAIR PERSONS: PAUL PG / MHLANGA Felix Room B Keynote Lecture 11.00 am - 11.20 am IS THERE A ROLE FOR LAPAROSCOPIC TUBAL ANASTOMOSIS? PAUL PG 11.20 am - 11.35 am 11.35 am - 11.50 am 11.50 am - 12.05 pm 12.05 pm - 12.20 pm Hysteroscopy in Fertility enhancement Hysteroscopy and IVF MIGS Management of Uterine Fibroids in view of the fertility outcome Endomyometrectomy in Adenomyosis a novel technique CLEVIN Lotte LODDO Alessandro IMUNDIA Antony KADE Sandesh 12.10 pm - 12.30 pm Questions & Answers 2015 ISGE 13.30 pm - 15.00 pm Session 18 CYSTS & FIBROIDS AT LAPAROSCOPY CHAIR PERSONS: SIEBERT Ignor / WANYOIKE J. Gichuhi Room B Nairobi • Kenya Keynote Lecture LAPAROSCOPIC TREATMENT OF OVARIAN CYSTS : EVIDENCE-BASED CONSIDERATIONS 13.30 pm - 13.50 pm 13.50 pm - 14.05 pm 14.05 pm - 14.20 pm 14.20 pm - 14.35 pm 14.35 pm - 14.50 pm 14.50 pm - 15.00 pm VAN HERENDAEL Bruno The treatment of Endometriosis Endoscopic management of fibroids indenting the uterine cavity missed during previous Hysteroscopy or Laparoscopy and previous IVF failure Imaging MRI of Myomas : what can we do? Imaging fibroids in the future : 3D, elastography, colour and power Doppler to assess vascularity : What is the additional value? SIEBERT Ignor SHAH Pragnesh MANGANARO Lucia BRÖLMANN Hans Questions & Answers TEA / COFFEE 15.30 pm - 17.00 pm Session 19 MISCELLANEOUS CHAIR PERSONS: VAN HERENDAEL Bruno / PARKAR Rafique B. Room B Keynote Lecture 15.30 pm - 15.50 pm LAPAROSCOPIC NERVE SPARING RADICAL HYSTERECTOMY LONG LEE Chyi 15.50 pm - 16.05 pm 16.05 pm - 16.20 pm 16.20 pm - 16.35 pm 16.35 pm - 16.50 pm The impact of micro-surgical principles on the success of Endoscopic Surgery New instrumentation in Mini-Laparoscopy Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy in view of the FDA warnings on Power morcellation The functional Hysteroscopic training model DARWISH Atef ROSSETTI Alfonso CHRYSOSTOMOU Andreas CLEVIN Lotte 16.50 pm - 17.00 pm Questions & Answers CLOSING CEREMONY Visa Oshwal Auditorium 19.00 pm “MY JOURNEY WITH ADVANCED ENDOSCOPIC SURGERY” - Harry Reich HONORARY MEMBERSHIP AWARD OF ISGE TO HARRY REICH Main Conference Venue: THE OSHWAL RELIGIOUS CENTRE (www.oshwalnairobi.org) Oshwal Religious Centre Sankara Southern Sun Mayfair Hotel Royal Orchid, Azure dusitD2 nairobi RECOMMENDED HOTELS FOR THE AFRICAN REGIONAL CONFERENCE IN NAIROBI SOUTHERN SUN MAYFAIR (Main Conference Hotel) (www.tsogosunhotels.com/hotels/nairobi) Email: shyabaf@southernsun.co.ke Quote: ISGE – 925769 SANKARA (www.sankara.com) Email: stay@nairobi.sankara.com Quote: 1178201 dusitD2NAIROBI (www.d2nairobi.com) Email: reservations.nairobi@dusit.com Quote: ISGE15 * All the recommended hotels are located close to the Conference Venue. HOTEL ROYAL ORCHID, AZURE * Special rates negotiated for ISGE Conference Delegates. Please quote the relevant booking codes when booking online. (www.royalorchidhotels.com) Email: sales1@azurehotelnairobi.com Quote: ISGE 5 * PLEASE BOOK & PAY FOR YOUR ACCOMMODATION DIRECTLY ONLINE (Complimentary nights for Invited Speakers will be credited accordingly.) 2015 International Conference on Gynaecological Endoscopy Nairobi • Kenya 3rd ISGE African Conference 2015 Sunday 23 rd - Wednesday 26 th August, 2015 ISGE www.nairobi2015.isge.org REGISTRATION FORM Please complete and return to : ISGE (secretariat@isge.org) or Dr. Maurine Mutua (maurinemutua@gmail.com) Title: Surname: First Name: Tel (w): Mobile: Fax (w): Registration No: Email: Postal address: Special meal requirements: Kosher Halaal Vegetarian Other: REGISTRATION WAIVED Invited Speaker ISGE Board Member KESES Local Organising Committee FULL CONGRESS REGISTRATION FEES NON-ISGE MEMBERS: MID REGISTRATION Up to 31/03/2015 LATE REGISTRATION up to 22/08/2015 ON-SITE REGISTRATION 23rd - 26th August 2015 ISGE MEMBERS US$400.00 US$600.00 US$200.00 US$300.00 US$250.00 US$450.00 SPECIALISTS • Africa & Developing Countries • International • Medical Students, Residents, Postgraduates, Registrars, Junior Consultants, General Practitioners, Allied Professionals, Theatre Staff, Nurses * US$250.00 US$450.00 US$125.00 US$225.00 US$300.00 US$500.00 US$150.00 US$250.00 *(50% Discount as per Category. Proof of status required) (For all registration categories) TOTAL US$ DAY REGISTRATION FEES - FOR ISGE MEMBERS AND NON-ISGE MEMBERS: AFRICA & DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Monday 24th August 2015 Tuesday 25th August 2015 US$150.00 per day TOTAL US$ Wednesday 26th August 2015 INTERNATIONAL Monday 24th August 2015 Tuesday 25th August 2015 Wednesday 26th August 2015 US$200.00 per day TOTAL US$ MEDICAL STUDENTS, RESIDENTS, POSTGRADUATES, REGISTRARS, JUNIOR CONSULTANTS, GENERAL PRACTITIONERS, ALLIED PROFESSIONALS, THEATRE STAFF, NURSES (*50% Discount as per Category. Proof of status required) Monday 24th August 2015 Tuesday 25th August 2015 Wednesday 26th August 2015 Accompanying Persons / Partners / Spouses AFRICA & DEVELOPING COUNTRIES US$75.00 per day INTERNATIONAL US$100.00 per day TOTAL US$ US$100.00 per day SOCIAL FUNCTIONS Please indicate your attendance: Opening Ceremony (Sunday 23rd August 2015) ISGE Gala Dinner (Monday 24th August 2015) KESES Congress Dinner (Tuesday 25th August 2015) Closing Ceremony (Wednesday 26th August 2015) Partner/Accompanying Spouse for Social functions only No, No, No, No, I I I I won’t won’t won’t won’t attend attend attend attend Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, I will attend I will attend (US$150.00) I will attend (US$150.00) I will attend will attend (US$150.00) TOTAL US$ TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE: US$ PRE-CONGRESS WORKSHOPS SUNDAY 23RD AUGUST, 2015 Subject to Sponsorship availed and confirmed participation The Workshops will be held at various facilities. Venues will be informed in due course. Please indicate which Workshop you want to register for. Places are limited. First confirmed and paid participants will be considered only. AFRICA & DEVELOPING COUNTRIES BASICS IN LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY (WITH HANDS ON) * 50% US$200.00 US$150.00 INTERNATIONAL (Maximum 8) *US$100.00 * 50% US$300.00 *US$150.00 HOW BETTER KNOWLEDGE OF ENERGY SOURCES CAN IMPROVE SKILLS IN HYSTEROSCOPIC & LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY (Maximum 25) *US$ 75.00 US$200.00 *US$100.00 US$200.00 *US$100.00 US$200.00 *US$100.00 US$200.00 *US$100.00 US$300.00 *US$150.00 COLPOSCOPY US$150.00 (Maximum 25) *US$ 75.00 ENDOMETRIOSIS : WHAT IS BEST FOR OUR PATIENTS US$150.00 (Maximum 30) *US$ 75.00 HYSTERECTOMY US$150.00 (Maximum 30) *US$ 75.00 HYSTEROSCOPY US$200.00 (Maximum 30) *US 100.00 LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY TRAINING COURSE FOR OPERATING ROOM TECHNICIANS & SCRUB NURSES (Maximum 30) US$150.00 US$200.00 *US$ 75.00 *US$100.00 UROGYNAECOLOGY (PELVIC FLOOR SURGERY) US$150.00 (Maximum 15) *US$ 75.00 US$200.00 *US$100.00 STUDENTS, RESIDENTS, POSTGRADUATES, REGISTRARS, JUNIOR CONSULTANTS, *MEDICAL GENERAL PRACTITIONERS, ALLIED PROFESSIONALS, THEATRE STAFF, NURSES 50% Discount as per category (Proof of status required) ACCOMMODATION Kindly book, confirm and pay for your hotel directly online. Single room Hotel booked: Arrival Date: Double room (Name of Hotel) Departure Date: No. of paid nights: No. of complimentary nights: Total No of nights in Nairobi: SAFARIS Safari booked: Yes No Pre-Conference Safari Post-Conference Safari Please book, confirm and pay for your safaris EARLY to avoid last minute disappointments. Book directly with PHERA JAI (pherjai@me.com) PAYMENT Payment made to: KESES ISGE TOTAL PAYMENT AMOUNT: US$ FOR PAYMENT BY ELECTRONIC TRANSFER / BANK DEPOSIT NAME OF CARD HOLDER: EXP DATE: TYPE OF CARD (MASTERCARD & VISA ONLY): CARD NO: CVV NO: SIGNATURE OF CARD HOLDER: FOR PAYMENT BY ELECTRONIC TRANSFER / BANK DEPOSIT NAME OF ACCOUNT: KESES BANK: CHASE BANK, PARKLANDS BRANCH BRANCH CODE: 007 ACCOUNT NO: 0072018077001 ACCOUNT TYPE: CURRENT SWIFT: CKENKENA FOR PAYMENT BY MPESA GO TO: Mpesa menu / Lipa na Mpesa / Buy goods and services / Enter Till No: 972986 / Enter Amount / Enter PIN Number / Confirm Transaction FOR ONLINE PAYMENT GO TO THE ISGE WEBSITE: www.nairobi2015.isge.org Unlike any other destination on earth, Kenya is the essence of diversity. Kenya - ‘the Safari Capital of the World’ and where you will find some of the finest beaches on the Indian Ocean. Unlike anywhere else on the planet, in Kenya you will find savagely beautiful wildernesses and ethereally snow-capped peaks; crater-studded valleys and wildlife-teeming plains; flamingo-frosted lakes and tropical rainforests. The last true Eden, Kenya is home to the longest rift in the earth’s crust and its youngest volcanoes. Kenya is the only land in which you can visit the “Cradle of Mankind”, sail a Swahili dhow past a 16th century Portuguese fort and meet a Maasai warrior. From the moment you touch down and step into the gentle African air, Kenya will give you a warm welcome. Ancient civilizations and cosmopolitan resorts, Kenya has something for everyone . . . From places of interest around Kenya’s capital city, Nairobi - to the beating heartof the African bush - or the vast plains of the Masai Mara or the pristine white sands, lapped with the gentle waves of the Indian Ocean on the Kenya Coast. Travel to these magical corners of Kenya and discover the beauty of Kenya. Wildlife Birdlife Landscapes Along the Coast People & Cultures Action & Adventure A warmth of welcome 6 This is the year to go on your personal African Dream Safari. SUGGESTED SAFARI PACKAGES ♦ 2 or 3 nights Masai Mara ♦ 2 nights Ol Pejeta Conservancy & 2 nights Masai Mara Whatever your Safari options, we can design a journey that will fit your wildest dreams. ♦ 2 nights Masai Mara & 3 nights Mombasa ♦ 1 night Lake Nakuru National Park & 2 nights Masai Mara SUGGESTED PRE-CONFERENCE SUGGESTED POST-CONFERENCE SAFARI DATE SAFARI DATE Friday 21st August, 2015 to Sunday 23rd August 2015 Thursday 27th August, 2015 to Sunday 30th August 2015 An ancient land born of ice and fire, only Kenya offers such a uniqueness of bio-diversity. Such are the extremes of the Kenyan climate, ranging from tropical heat to glacial ice, that it has formed a diversity of habitats found nowhere else on Earth. A vast mosaic of lion-gold savanna, rolling grasslands, ancient rainforests and volcanic plains, Kenya rises from the idyllic shores of the Indian Ocean to the snow-capped peaks of Mount Kenya which, at 5,199 metres above sea level, is an extinct volcano some three and a half million years old. Kenya shelters some of the most ancient, fragile and diverse wildlife on Earth. The Eden of the planet, Kenya’s plains and forests offer refuge to the last of the big cats, the world’s greatest herds of elephant, the endangered white and black rhino and a number of endemic species that occur nowhere else on Earth. Kenya - Garden of Eden, Cradle of Mankind. For Safari options and rates email: pherajai@me.com OR stefan.bollier@africapoint.com It is highly recommended to book, confirm and pay for your Safaris EARLY to avoid last minute disappointments. August is peak safari season and places at good facilities are limited and are booked early. 7 LAKE NAKURU NATIONAL PARK Just two hours drive from Nairobi, Lake Nakuru is among Kenya's finest national parks. Though famous for the pink flamingoes lining the shores of the lake and the hundreds of preening white pelicans, the small park (only 180 sq km) is home to the black and white rhino, the tree-climbing lions, leopard, large herds of buffaloes and the rare Rothschild’s giraffes as well as many other animals and birds. “There might have been fifty thousand birds in a bay” MASAI MARA Set in the heart of Africa’s Great Plains in Kenya, the Masai Mara boasts 1,672 sq. kilometers of unspoilt wilderness. With its abundant wildlife and over 450 species of birds, Masai Mara is Kenya's most spectacular and finest wildlife reserves, offering the best game and bird-viewing not only in Kenya, but anywhere in Africa. The views across the rolling golden grasslands studded with acacia trees, rivers and forests are dazzling, the sense of space is overwhelming. The Reserve borders Tanzania and the two countries share the vast Serengeti plains, with wildlife free to roam between Kenya and Tanzania in search of food. Throughout the year the Masai Mara is a place of natural drama, a kaleidoscope of colour and life. Most stunning of all are the months between July and October, when the savannah teems with animals during the Great Wildebeest Migration. Millions of wildebeest gather in the Masai Mara in one of the natural wonders of the world ‘The Great Wildebeest Migration’. MOMBASA Located on the Eastern coastline of Kenya bordering the Indian Ocean, Mombasa is the ideal beach destination with sparkling white sands and lush greenery. Mombasa offers a diverse marine life, world-class hotels and friendly atmosphere. Whether you’re looking for a relaxing break on the white beaches, lapped by the azure waters of the Indian Ocean, or something a bit more adventurous- diving, snorkelling, water-skiing or windsurfing, Mombasa offers it all. OL PEJETA CONSERVANCY The Ol Pejeta Conservancy – a 90,000-acre private wildlife conservancy – situated on the equator, in Kenya's Laikipia District, between the foot hills of the Aberdares and the magnificent snow-capped Mount Kenya. The Conservancy boasts an astounding variety of animals, including the Big Five (the rhino, leopard, elephant, buffalo and lion), Grevy’s zebra, Jackson’s hartebeest, cheetah and chimpanzee. The combination of amazing wildlife and stunning views across the open plains of Ol Pejeta guarantees an unforgettable safari experience. 8 ISGE Affiliate Associations
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