UNION PROVIDES - NALC Titletown Branch 619

for more information
on programs and benefits the
NALC provides to its membership.
Mortgage Programs
Real Estate Rewards
Save My Home Services
Home Heating Discounts
Moving Discounts
Budget Truck Rental Discounts
Motor Club Services
Car Rental Discounts
New & Used Car Buying Services
Tire & Auto Service Discounts
Union-Made Checks
Union Plus Credit Cards
Credit Counseling Services
Economic Hardship Grants
Natural Disaster Relief Grants
Free & Discounted Legal Services
Medical Bill Negotiating Services
Health Savings Discount Program
Health Club Discounts
Scholarships & Education Services
Textbook & Bookstore Discounts
Entertainment Discounts
Vacation & Travel Discounts
ConsumerReports Discounts
Pet Insurance & Veterinary Discounts
Union-Made Clothing Discounts
Flower & Gift Delivery Discounts
AT&T Wireless Discounts
Dell Computer Discounts
Or contact:
National Business Agent
Chris Wittenburg
NALC Region 7
1300 Godward Street, NE
Suite 2600
Minneapolis, MN 55413
NALC WI State Organizer
BaLynda Croy
PO Box 517
New London, WI 54961
The National Association of Letter Carriers
is the sole bargaining representative of
city delivery letter carriers employed
by the United States Postal Service.
Since it was founded in Milwaukee in 1889,
the NALC has had a long and distinguished
history of defending the rights
of all letter carriers before management,
presidential administrations and Congress.
The NALC is the only force that fights to
protect the interests of city letter carriers.
The Union Provides
for all Letter Carriers
The Union Provides
for Members Only
NALC’s real strength, power and representation is rooted
in the voices of its 265,000+ members. As a member of
this essential democratic society, you have the ability to
shape the workplace and future for all letter carriers.
This starts by active participation in local branch
meetings and continues with delegate participation at
State, Regional and National events as it is the
membership who shapes the NALC Constitution and
guides the National Officers via the Resolution Process.
Your voice matters!
The NALC advocates for worker’s rights on
behalf of all letter carriers through the
collective bargaining process to provide
legally binding contracts and protection from
“At-Will” employment.
These collectively bargained benefits provide:
Guaranteed wages and increases
Cost of living adjustments
Seniority provisions
Bidding process
Annual leave
Sick leave
Fair & standard work schedules
Protection from excessive work loads
Uniform allowances
Access to health benefits
Disciplinary action representation
Protection against unjust terminations
No lay-off clause
Training and
Postal Record NALC Activist eActivist Network
Branch & State Newsletters
Branch, State & Regional Meetings & Training
National Convention & RAP Sessions
Leadership Academy
Committee, Steward & Officer Opportunities
NALC Health Benefit Plan
Owned and operated
by letter carriers as a
organization solely
focusing on providing
for membership needs
and health concerns.
Mutual Benefits
Association Products
Founded in 1891, it is the life
insurance division of the NALC.
Plans offered by the MBA are
designed to give NALC
members and their families the
best possible protection for
the lowest cost.
CCA Retirement Savings Plan
CCA RSP is the sole means of retirement
investment available to non-career letter carriers.
Whole & Term Life Insurance
Retirement Savings Plan
Hospital Plus
$5,000 Accidental Death Benefit Coverage
automatically provided to all members.
Five Scholarship Opportunities
William C Doherty Scholarship Fund
John T Donelon Scholarship Fund
Costas G Lemonopoulos Scholarship Fund
Union Plus Scholarship Program
Union Plus National Labor College Scholarships
Workers Compensation Assistance
is provided for members to navigate the workers'
compensation process for on the job injuries.
Active Retirement Involvement
NALCREST A retirement community where members
enjoy on site resort style amenities with active carrier
short-term rentals available.
NALC Auxiliary Established in 1905, the Auxiliary is
comprised of letter carrier family members and retired
letter carriers. Their mission is to fight for and support
letter carrier issues.
NARFE The National Active and Retired Federal
Employees Association is dedicated to protecting and
enhancing the earned pay, retirement and health care
benefits of federal employees, retirees and their