Types of Cards Number of Charges Combo Points Overview Hostage Value It’s a dark and stormy night in Arkham City. The inmates are getting restless. Only one man stands between order and chaos. Batman™, armed with his gadgets, combat abilities, and daring, must take on his entire Rogues Gallery as they attempt to escape the confines of Arkham City. When dawn breaks, who will be broken? In this two-player game, one player takes on the role of Batman, and the other player takes on the role of the Villains. The game board is a large area of the walled-off section of the Arkham City prison. The inmates are making a break for it, and Batman must stop them from escaping. Utility Belt Card Batman: Capture 10 Victory Points worth of Villains to win the game! Villains: Escape with 10 Victory Points worth of Villains and Hostages to win the game! Combat Card Batman Ally Contents Capture Rating • 1 Batman Character Pawn • 8 Combat/Action Dice • 1 Batman Experience Die • 1 18” x 33” Game Board • 1 Utility Belt Board • 12 Charge Counters 2. Each player shuffles his own nine Setup cards face down, then deals five of them face down into a collective pool of cards and places the other four face down back into the box. These cannot be examined during the game. Shuffle the resulting pool of ten cards together, then randomly place them face down onto the game board on the spaces marked with The Riddler Trophy symbol (the green question mark). While most of these cards are not actually The Riddler Trophy, they do represent “hotspots” on the board, where a mystery card awaits the player who moves there. Card Type 1. Lay out the game board. Use Side A for your first few games. The Batman player sits on the side with the Batman symbol on it. That symbol is his starting space. Place the Batman pawn there now. Shuffle the Ally deck, then place the Ally deck and Gargoyle deck near the Batman player. Game Text Setup Victory Point Value 126 Game Cards • 40 Villain Cards • 40 Batman Combat Cards • 8 Utility Belt Cards • 10 Ally Cards • 10 Gargoyle Cards • 18 Setup Cards Gargoyle Batman Setup Card Villain Setup Card Villain 3. The Batman player grabs the Utility Belt Board and places it in front of himself (or just off to the side if the table isn’t wide enough). The Batman player must now secretly choose four Utility Belt cards to place on his board. There are eight to choose from, and each one will give Batman some advantages during the game. For your very first game, Batman should use Batarang, Batclaw, Line Launcher, and Detective Mode. Place those cards face down on Batman’s Utility Belt board now in any order. More on Utility Belt items later. Batman Success Villain Action Card 1 Villain Success Combat/Action Dice Batman’s Experience (XP) Die 2 Setup (continued) 4. Each player shuffles his own 40-card deck. Batman’s deck is full of combat maneuvers. The Villain player’s deck is full of Villains and Action cards. After shuffling, each player draws five cards. 5. The Villain player goes first. If this is your first board game, turn to page 12 for a simplified turn sequence. You will still want to read the whole rulebook, as there are important game rules in the intervening pages. The Villain Turn The Villains don’t have a single mind like Batman. There are, in fact, too many minds on their side, and some of those are downright deranged! What this means is that as the Villain player, you don’t have consistent turns. At the start of each Villain turn, the Villain player rolls four dice. For each Success (for each turn. So each time it is your turn, you will have between 0 and 4 Actions. you roll), you get one Action for your You may perform the Actions you choose in any order. Here is a list of the Villain Actions you can choose from: • Place up to five Villains from your hand onto the entry row of the map, face down. • Move all face-down Villain cards one space in any direction. • Move one face-up Villain up to two spaces in any direction. • Move one face-up Villain holding a Hostage one space in any direction. • Draw one card. • Place up to five Villains from your hand onto the entry row of the map, face down. You may perform this Action only once per turn. At the start of the game, the Villain player doesn’t control any Villains. It is up to you to add Villains to the board so that they can make their way past Batman and escape Arkham City. If you don’t keep a good number of Villains in play, Batman will have time to rest between fights. You need to keep the pressure on Batman by frequently adding new Villains to the board. When you choose this Action, choose up to five Villain cards in your hand and add them to the end spaces on your side of the board, face down. You get to choose which space each of the Villains starts out on. You cannot have two Villains on the same space, however. This Action is not “movement.” Villains entering the board this way may still move during this turn. • Move all face-down Villains one space in any direction. You may perform this Action only once per turn. Face-down Villains are cards that came from your deck, not including any Setup cards. When you perform this Action, you get to decide the direction that each of your face-down Villains will move. They do not all have to move in the same direction, and you do not have to move all of your face-down Villains. When a face-down Villain occupies the same space as Batman or an Ally, flip that Villain face up. When a Villain enters Batman’s space, a combat ensues. This secretive movement allows you to move a lot of Villains all at once. You can sneak certain Villains up towards Batman, or towards the Escape Route, without Batman even being aware of who (or what) is lurking in the shadows. When a face-down Villain exits the board, it is flipped face up, and you score that card (which earns you its Victory Points). It is a good idea to add new face-down Villains to the board before performing this Action. • Move one face-up Villain up to two spaces in any direction. You may perform this Action multiple times during your turn, but you can’t use this Action twice on the same Villain during the same turn. Once a Villain is face up, he no longer needs to move slowly to avoid being spotted by Batman—he’s already been spotted, so he can make a run for it. When using this Action, you may move your chosen Villain 0, 1, or 2 spaces. Use this Action to have a face-up Villain attack Batman, even if Batman is already sharing a space with the Villain. 3 When moving two spaces, you may move through a Villain or Ally space, but not Batman’s space. If a Villain enters Batman’s space, it must stop, and it starts a fight. More on fighting later. • Move one face-up Villain holding a Hostage one space in any direction. You may perform this Action multiple times during your turn, but you can’t use this Action twice on the same Villain during the same turn. When a Villain occupies the same space as one or more Allies, those Allies are Hostages. When you move a Villain holding one or more Hostages, you must decide whether or not to take a Hostage with you. A Villain can’t move with more than one Hostage. Moving with a Hostage is slower than moving without one. Escaping from Arkham City with a Hostage will score you additional Victory Points equal to its Hostage value. More on Hostages later. • Draw one card. You may perform this Action multiple times during your turn. Sometimes you will want to refill your hand rapidly to draw more Villain and Free Action cards, and this is a great way to do it. There are a few things the Villain player may do during his turn that do not require Actions. • Flip any number of Villains face up. • Play any number of cards from his hand with the phrase “Free Action” on them. You may only play these during the Villain turn. • End his turn and draw a Villain card. (Once per turn only.) Escaping Arkham When the Villain player moves a face-up or face-down Villain off of the far side of the map (across the yellow “Escape Route” tape), that card is revealed and placed into the Villain player’s score pile (off to the side). The Villain player then immediately draws one card off the Villain deck. If the Villain was moving with a Hostage at the time, the Hostage is also added to the Villain player’s score pile. The Villain player does not draw a card for the Hostage—the extra Victory Points are reward enough! Villain Player Notes • A Villain may not be moved more than once per Villain turn by way of Actions, meaning that you can’t move a Villain with the “Move all face-down Villains 1 space” Action, then flip it face up and use another Action to move it again. There are, however, some Villain Free Action cards and Retaliations that can move a Villain additional times during a single turn. Entering the board does not count as movement. • You may not move a Villain into a space containing another Villain. However, two Villains can wind up on the same space due to a Villain Setup card or if Batman Batclaws a Villain onto a space with another Villain. • If the Villain deck runs out of cards, shuffle the discard pile, and it becomes your new deck. • There is no limit to the number of cards the Villain player may hold in his hand. • A Villain cannot have more than one Attachment, so for example, you cannot have a Shield-Bearer who is also Titan-Boosted. • When it is your turn, be sure to keep the four dice you rolled on your side of the table, unless the Batman player needs them during combat. This will remind you that it’s still your turn, even when Batman is fighting during the Villain turn. It is often a good idea to move your Success dice onto the board as you use them to show how many Actions you have used and how many you have remaining. When your turn ends, give all of the dice to the Batman player. Sample Villain First Turn The Villain player rolls four dice, rolling three Arkham City symbols, so he gets three Actions this turn. He looks at his hand and sees that he has four Villain cards and one Free Action card. 4 Sample Villain First Turn (continued) Although the Villain player has now used all three Actions for the turn, there are still Free Actions he can take. If he uses a Free Action to flip any of his face-down Villains face up, that will allow them to discover the Setup card they are on. While Villains are face down and hiding, they do not reveal Setup cards. The Villain player can choose to flip any or all of them face up, one at a time and in the order of his choosing. He decides to flip the leftmost Villain face up, revealing the Setup card under it. It turns out to be a Henchmen, which is good luck for The Penguin, as he increases the Capture Ratings of Henchmen. To make things even more interesting, in the Villain player’s hand is a Shield-Bearer card, which can only be attached to a Henchmen, so he decides to do so as a Free Action. Batman will never know what hit him! For his first Action, he chooses to place his four Villain cards face down into the end row. Action #1: Place Villain units face down onto the entry row at the back of the board. The Villain player may look at his face-down Villain cards at any time. The Entry Row Free Action: Flip The Penguin face up, which reveals a Henchmen. Free Action: Attach a Shield-Bearer card to that Henchmen. The Villain player decides to throw down the gauntlet and flip Killer Croc face up as a Free Action, then moves him two spaces. He’s a tough Villain, so turning him face up now might keep Batman from getting too close. Free Action: Flip Killer Croc face up. Action #2: Move Killer Croc up to two spaces in any direction—in this case, forward two spaces. The Villain player decides not to flip either of his other two Villains face up at this time, as he wants to keep Batman guessing. Since they are face down, they do not cause the Setup cards they are on to flip up. Now the Villain player is out of Actions, and his hand is empty as well. One of the Free Actions the Villain player can take each turn is to end his turn. When the Villain player ends his turn, he draws one card off the top of his deck. Now it’s Batman’s turn. Batman’s Turn Now it’s time to move the face-down Villains forward. Action #3: Move each of the face-down Villains one space in any direction—in this case, forward. Batman is just one man against many, but he’s methodical in his approach. Batman doesn’t have to roll dice to gain Actions. He always gets to move during his turn, unless a card effect says otherwise. There are three different movement actions Batman can perform, but the Batman player only gets to choose one on each of Batman’s turns. The Batman player may perform Batman’s Actions in any order. The first three are always optional. • Move Batman. • Flip any number of Utility Belt gadgets face up. • Use any number of Utility Belt gadgets. • Fight any Villains that enter Batman’s space, or vice-versa. • End your turn and draw a Combat card. 5 6 Sample Batman First Turn Batman’s Turn (continued) • Move Batman. The Batman player may move Batman once during his turn, at any point during his turn. When you decide to move Batman, choose one of the following three options: • Move Batman 1 space in any direction. This is the most basic of Batman’s available moves. • Grapple to a Gargoyle up to 2 spaces away from Batman. As part of Grappling, Batman may move from Gargoyle to Gargoyle, as long as each one is within 2 spaces of the last one. • Move from one Sewer space to the other Sewer space. Batman must currently be on one of the two Sewer spaces in order to choose this movement option. The Villain player has finished his first turn, so now it’s time for Batman to spring into action! Batman starts out on the edge of the board on his Bat-symbol space. Ahead of Batman are several face-down Setup cards, and Killer Croc has also presented himself. The Batman player does not get to perform each of these options once per turn, just one of them once per turn. If Batman grapples to one or more Gargoyles during his turn, for example, he will end his turn on a Gargoyle, as he can’t move off of it in the same turn without the aid of a card effect. • Flip any number of Utility Belt gadgets face up. When a Utility Belt gadget is first flipped face up, add the listed number of Charges to that card. Charge counters look like this: You may flip as many gadgets face up as you wish during your turn. You cannot flip Utility Belt gadgets face up during the Villain turn. You may flip a gadget face up and use it that same turn. Scarecrow is pretty far away, so let’s not worry about him just yet. • Use any number of Utility Belt gadgets. You may use any number of Utility Belt gadgets during your turn. As long as you have Charges on a gadget, you may use it, even multiple times during the same turn. However, Utility Belt cards may not be used during the Villain turn, except where noted. You still have them in your Utility Belt, however, so if any card references a specific Utility Belt card by name, that gadget is still in play during the Villain turn. • Fight any Villains that are in your space. Batman must fight when he moves onto a Villain’s space during either player’s turn. Batman must also fight when a Villain moves into Batman’s space during either player’s turn. If Batman starts his turn in the same space as a Villain, he can choose to fight that Villain or not. He did not move into that space this turn, so he is not obligated to fight. When Batman fights, you may play any number of Combat cards from your hand, which generate Combo Points. You don’t have to play any Combat cards if you don’t wish to. You then roll dice equal to the number of Combo Points you generated. After rolling, each die that results in a counts as 1 Success. If the number of rolled Successes equals or exceeds the Villain’s Capture Rating, that Villain has been captured and is added to your score pile (off to the side). The Batman player decides to use the Line Launcher, so he flips it face up and adds 2 Charge counters to it, and then removes one to move Batman onto the Sewer, which is exactly four spaces away. Then he flips up Detective Mode, adds 3 Charge counters to it, and removes a counter to flip both adjacent Setup cards face up. Its game text says to flip each adjacent face-down card face up. In this case, two cards will be flipped up. Batman has discovered a Gargoyle and Victor Zsasz, a low-power Villain with a Capture Value of 3. It is a good idea to orient Villain-friendly cards towards the Villain player and Batman-friendly cards towards the Batman player. Batman could leave Zsasz alone, but he could get close to exiting the board next turn. The Batman player decides to flip Batclaw face up, adding 2 Charge counters to it. He then removes one of the Charge counters, targets the face-up Zsasz, and Batclaws him over to Batman’s space, since he is within 2 spaces of Batman (he was 1 space away). He could have used Batman’s move for the turn to move onto Zsasz’s space, but he wanted to be on the Sewer to take advantage of its movement capabilities. The fight is on! When you capture a Villain, roll the XP die as a reward in addition to adding the Villain to your score pile. More on fighting later. Batman Player Notes • Batman can’t fight the same Villain twice during the same turn. • If you can clear the board of all Villains and all face-down cards (including Setup cards), you win instantly! It’s not easy to do, but it’s a good challenge for an experienced player. • If Batman’s Combat card deck runs out of cards, shuffle the discard pile, and it becomes your new deck. • There is no limit to the number of Combat cards you may hold in your hand. 7 Place Victor Zsasz under the Batman pawn. Since a Villain entered Batman’s space, Batman must fight! Combat Victor Zsasz has a Capture Rating of 3. This means the Batman player will need to roll 3 or more Successes on his Combat dice in order to capture him. To roll Combat dice, the Batman player must play Combat cards and gain Combo Points. 8 Sample Batman First Turn (continued) Combat Cards Combat cards have a Combo Point value in their upper left corner. Each Combo Point translates into one Combat die the Batman player rolls to try and meet or beat the Villain’s Capture Rating. The Batman player is holding the following cards in his hand: Strike, Counter, Aerial Attack, R.E.C. Attack, and Batclaw Slam. Allies The Allies result means that Batman has found an Ally trapped within the confines of Arkham City. There are Police, Guards, Staff, and other notable characters. When this result is rolled, the Batman player draws a card off of the face-down Ally deck and immediately places that card face up into Batman’s space. Any number of Allies may occupy the same space. Allies have abilities that typically trigger at the start of Batman’s turn. Any that do not will mention a specific time when they do happen. Allies do not move unless an effect is generated by a card that will allow it. However, Villains can take Allies Hostage and move them (see Hostages below). When a face-down Villain occupies the same space as an Ally, the Villain flips face up. Draw 2 The Draw 2 result is a figurative shot of adrenaline for Batman. When Batman fights, he uses up precious Combat cards. This XP Die result will have him in prime shape for the next fight, as the Batman player gets to draw two Combat cards off of his deck. The Batman player may play any number of Combat cards during a fight, generating any number of Combo Points. However, Batman cannot roll more than eight Combat dice in a fight. Batman uses non-lethal combat techniques and does not wish to kill his opponents. He just wants to make them hurt a lot and see the error of their ways. If the Batman player generates 9 or more Combo Points, he still rolls only eight Combat Dice. Gargoyle The Gargoyle result allows the Batman player to add a Gargoyle to the game board. He chooses any one of the 10 Setup spaces (the ones with the green question marks) and places a Gargoyle card from the nearby Gargoyle deck face up onto that space. The Batman player may choose a space whether there are any cards in that space or not. Realizing that each die has a 50% chance of rolling a Success, the Batman player decides to play Strike and Batclaw Slam. These cards provide Batman with 3 Combo Points. However, the text box of Batclaw Slam reads: “Additional 2 Combo Points if Batman is fighting a Villain that was Batclawed this turn.” Indeed, Batman did Batclaw Zsasz this turn, so his 3 Combo Points turns into 5. The Batman player rolls five dice... but finds only 2 Successes! This is a failed attack. When an attack against a Villain fails, Batman is subject to the Retaliation listed on the Villain card. Zsasz’s Retaliation reads: “If the Batman player has two or more Combat cards in his hand, he chooses and discards one of them.” Batman has three cards in hand, so this Retaliation would be a big blow to Batman’s combat abilities. More on Retaliations later. Fortunately, the Batman player has an ace in the hole. Before the Retaliation takes effect, the Batman player has a chance to play a Counter card. The Counter card is the only Combat card that may be played after the Batman player has rolled his Combat dice. Playing it allows the Batman player to reroll all of the misses (once). This does not break the “eight dice per fight” rule. Rerolling those three dice results in 2 more Successes. With a total of 4 Successes rolled, Zsasz’s Capture Rating has been equaled or exceeded (exceeded in this case). Victor Zsasz is immediately removed from the board and placed into Batman’s score pile. The Batman player also gets to roll the XP Die to see what additional reward he gets for capturing the Villain. End of Batman’s Turn Victor Zsasz is only worth 1 Victory Point... and the Batman player is down three cards. Batman might need to steer clear of Villains for a turn or two to rest and rebuild his hand of Combat cards. The Batman player decides not to use his free Move this turn. The Batman player decides to end his turn and draw a card. The XP Die When Batman captures a Villain, the Batman player immediately rolls the XP Die. Here are the six possible results: By using Grappling movement on his turn, the Batman player could move Batman onto 1 to 3 Gargoyles in this example. Gargoyles allow Batman to cover more ground during each of his turns. As Batman’s Move for the turn, the Batman player may decide to grapple to a Gargoyle that is up to two spaces away. In addition, the Batman player may continue to grapple to other Gargoyles as part of this same Move, as long as each Gargoyle is within 2 spaces of Batman. With enough Gargoyles out there, Batman can easily get from one end of the map to the other with a single Move. Terrain Gargoyles, The Bat-Signal, The Riddler Trophy and Penguins are all Terrain. Here are the rules about Terrain: • When a face-down Villain moves onto Terrain, the Villain does not automatically flip face up. • Terrain cannot be moved. • Certain cards (like Killer Croc) can destroy Terrain. • Any number of Terrain may occupy the same space. Hostages When a Villain shares a space with an Ally, that Ally is a Hostage, even if Batman also shares the space. The abilities of Hostages are turned off while they are Hostages. When a Villain with one or more Hostages in its space decides to move, the Villain player must decide whether to move with one of the Hostages or leave the Hostage(s) behind. A Villain moving with a Hostage moves only 1 space instead of 2. Retaliation The Villain player does not roll Combat dice during a fight. Instead, the Villain player wants to either overwhelm Batman or sneak (or race!) past him. When you keep the Batman player low on cards, not only can you avoid having your Villains captured, but you can also retaliate against Batman when he fails in combat. 9 Recharge The Recharge result allows the Batman player to add Charges to one of his face-up Utility Belt cards. Naturally, if the Batman player hasn’t used any Charges or even flipped any Utility Belt cards face up, this result will have no effect. The Batman player can’t use a Charge in response to rolling Recharge. If the Batman player has used any Charges, then this result will refill the Charges back up to the listed number of Charges of the gadget he selects. In the above Batman turn example, Detective Mode, Line Launcher, and Batclaw are each down by 1 Charge. The Batman player would get to choose one of them, then add Charges to the card until it has Charges on it equal to its Charges number. You cannot add more Charges to it than its listed number this way. A Villain’s Retaliation text triggers when Batman fails to capture that Villain during a fight. Not every Villain has a Retaliation ability, and not every Retaliation will cause immediate damage to Batman. But when you can get the right Villain into Batman’s space at the right time, you can really make him feel the pain. Batman has a couple of ways to Stun Villains. A Stunned Villain does not Retaliate. The Batman player is never forced to play his Combat cards when in combat unless a card says otherwise. He can simply accept his punishment and suffer the text of the Retaliation of the Villain he is fighting. This allows him to save up cards until he has better odds of winning the fight. 10 The Setup Cards When Batman or a face-up Villain occupies the same space as a Setup card, flip the Setup card face up. If Batman uncovers a Villain this way, it starts a fight. Moving through a space with a Setup card in it does not flip the card face up. Only ending a move on the space will flip it. The Utility Belt The Batman player may always use any number of his gadgets during each of his turns as long as there are Charges available and the gadget doesn’t say otherwise. When a gadget has had all of its Charges removed, it remains on the Utility Belt board, as gadgets can gain Charges through various means during the game. The Batman player never simply adds Charges to a gadget without a card effect instructing him to do so. Each of the gadgets is explained in detail below. Batarang One of Batman’s most well-known gadgets. This card is special in that it is the only gadget that the Batman player may utilize during the Villain player’s turn. Stunning a Villain is a great way to avoid a Retaliation, but it must be used before rolling Combat dice. It’s also a great way to avoid fighting at all. If the Batman player isn’t ready to fight, he can play no cards and still avoid the Retaliation by Stunning the Villain. The Combat card Beat Down combos with Batarang. Batclaw This powerful tool is great for preventing Villains from escaping, moving Villains near Gargoyles (to take advantage of the Inverted Takedown Combat card), or moving Villains off of Hostages. When the Batman player Batclaws a Villain with Hostages, the Hostages stay put. Only the Villain is transported to Batman’s space. The Combat card Batclaw Slam combos with Batclaw. Note that Batman may Batclaw a Villain that he already shares a space with to trigger the extra bonus from this card. Line Launcher The Line Launcher allows Batman to traverse a great deal of space in one fell swoop. However, he must end up in a space next to a side wall. Any hex in the leftmost and rightmost column of eight hexes is next to a side wall. Note that the Batman player may use the Line Launcher before using Batman’s Move for the turn. The Combat card High-Speed Impact combos with Line Launcher. Note that Batman may use the Line Launcher and remain in the same space (assuming he was on a wall space) to trigger the extra bonus from this card. Glide Kick This maneuver is a great way to move Batman from one side of the board to the other, but it really excels when a Villain has taken a Hostage. When Batman Glide Kicks to a space where a Villain has a Hostage, the Batman player draws two Combat cards before the fight starts. Note that the Batman player may use Glide Kick before using Batman’s Move for the turn. When the Batman player manages to Recharge his Glide Kick, the Villain player will often think twice before taking another Hostage. The Combat card Shockwave Attack combos with Glide Kick. Remote Electrical Charge This device is a great way to slow down the movement of Villains. That can be important when Batman is trying to rebuild his hand of Combat cards. When the Batman player uses this device, it is a good idea to put the Charge counter that was removed from this gadget onto the chosen Villain. That counter makes for a good reminder to the Villain player that the Villain can’t be moved. The Combat card R.E.C. Attack combos with Remote Electrical Charge. 11 Explosive Gel This “trap” card is a great tool for taking down low-power Villains without using up precious Combat cards. The Batman player chooses a space instead of a particular Villain when using this gadget. Once that space is chosen, the Batman player then chooses an additional space that is adjacent to the first one. All Villains in the two chosen spaces are now subject to the explosive attack. The Batman player may not add any Combat cards to this attack, including Counter. This 4-die attack does not count as a “fight.” There are no Retaliations or any other events that would occur when Batman fails to capture a Villain. The Batman player simply chooses Villains one at a time in the two spaces and rolls exactly four Combat dice against each one separately. If the number of Successes on the roll against a Villain equals or exceeds that Villain’s Capture Rating, the Villain is captured. The Batman player immediately adds it to his score pile and then rolls the XP Die before rolling against the next target. The Batman player chooses the order in which to make the attacks and rolls only one attack against each Villain in the affected spaces. The Batman player may even choose Batman’s space as one of the affected spaces, and Batman suffers no ill effects. The Combat card Quick Explosive combos with this card. Detective Mode This high-tech device is an excellent tool for identifying Villain and Setup cards before moving onto them. Flipping up Villains and Setup cards allows the Batman player to prepare for the Villain cards. It also prevents the Villains from moving en masse across the board, as each face-up Villain uses up an Action each time it moves. There are no Combat cards that combo with this device. Cryptographic Sequencer This crafty device allows Batman to get into places and to get information that he otherwise wouldn’t be able to acquire. By forcing the Villain player to discard cards from his hand at random, the Batman player will be throwing a wrench in the Villain player’s plans, much like if he had discovered some important clues inside a Villain’s lair. The Batman player must roll dice when using this item, and the Villain player then discards a card at random for each Success the Batman player rolled. The Batman player cannot use the Sequencer more than once per turn. There are no Combat cards that combo with this device. In the above descriptions, the Combat cards that combo well with each Utility Belt card are noted. However, you do not need to have that Utility Belt card on your board in order to play the card. Each Combat card has a Combo Point value of at least 1 (except for Counter) and can be played to add that 1 Combo Point to any fight. Additional Notes on Combat When a Villain enters Batman’s space, there is combat, and when Batman enters a Villain’s space, there is combat. When Batman enters a space occupied by two Villains, he chooses which one he wants to fight first. After that fight, if the Batman player did not just win the game or exit the space, he must fight the other Villain. If the Batman player captures the first Villain, he will roll his XP Die before the second fight. Note that if Batman starts his turn sharing a space with a Villain and then Batclaws a Villain into the space, he only has to fight the Villain who just entered his space. Simplified Villain Turn Sequence (Optional) At the start of each Villain turn, the Villain player rolls four dice. For each Success, you get one Action for your turn. See page 4 for additional Free Actions. Here are the Actions: • Place one Villain from your hand face down onto an entry row space of the map, face down. • Draw one card. When you have used up all of your Actions, your turn is over. Draw a card, then move each face-up and face-down Villain one space towards the Escape Route along with any Hostages. Villains move only straight ahead in their columns. Move all Villains before starting any combats. Certain Villain cards and Retaliation effects allow for Villain movement at other times. During these movement effects, a Villain may be moved in any direction and may switch columns. Expanded Batman Turn Sequence (Optional) Batman’s turn sequence is the same as listed on page 6, but with one addition: If you have no cards in hand at the start of your turn, you may skip your turn to draw three Combat cards. Skipping your turn means that you won’t trigger any Ally abilities, Move, fight, use Utility Belt items, or draw a Combat card at the end of your turn. 12 Specific Card Clarifications Alfred Pennyworth: The new Utility Belt item you choose must be one you have not already used this game. Bane, Henchmen: These Villains have Retaliations that can toss Batman across the map. If Batman is tossed into a space containing a Villain, another combat ensues. Counter: This Combat card grants Batman 0 Combo Points. It can be played along with other Combat cards to generate Combo Points, even though it provides none. The typical reason to do this would be to activate the game text of the Combat card Critical Strike. This is the only Combat card that may be played after rolling the Combat Dice during a fight. Playing it after the roll allows the Batman player to reroll all of the misses once. If you are short on Successes, this card can really save the day! Note that the rerolled dice don’t count as additional dice in the fight, so the limit of eight Combat Dice is not being broken by playing Counter, even if you already rolled the maximum eight during the initial roll. Doctors: This card will only return a face-up Lunatics to the Villain player’s hand. The Villain player does not have to expose a face-down Lunatics. Freeflow: If Batman occupies a space with two Villains and plays this card, if he moves out of the space, Batman will not fight the other Villain in the previous space. Harley Quinn: If The Joker has escaped from Arkham City or has not been captured, Harley’s Retaliation will have no effect. Victimized Political Prisoner: The additional space this card grants is only effective when the Batman player uses the 1 space Move action, not when he Grapples or moves through the Sewer. Hugo Strange, The Penguin: When Lunatics or Henchmen spawn by way of these Retaliations, the spawning Villains must be placed face up to show that they are the correct type of Villain. These spawning Villains come from the Villain player’s hand only. The Bat-Signal: The word “sacrifice” means remove that Henchmen or Lunatics from the board and discard him. No one scores any points for this. TYGER Helicopter: You may use this Free Action if Batman captured a Villain during the current (Villain) turn or during Batman’s last turn. Talia al Ghul: If Batman has no face-up Utility Belt cards or no Charge counters on any of them, Talia’s Retaliation will have no effect. R.E.C. Attack: Note that you don’t actually have to use the Remote Electrical Charge on a Villain during your turn to make use of this Combat card. Credits Game Design: Matt Hyra Cryptozoic Entertainment President & CCO: Cory Jones CEO: John Nee COO: Scott Gaeta SVP Sales & Business Development: John Sepenuk Game Design and Development: Phil Cape, Dan Clark, Matt Dunn, Matt Hyra, Kevin Jordan, Erik Larsen, Ben Stoll, Drew Walker, Chris Woods Graphic Design: John Vineyard (lead), Larry Renac, Marco Sipriaso, Nancy Valdez, Amanda Vidad Inverted Takedown: Batman is “adjacent” to a Gargoyle when he is occupying a space that borders a space containing a Gargoyle. Art Management: David Baron, George Nadeau The Joker: When this Retaliation happens, place a spare Charge counter on The Joker. When he Escapes or is Captured, he is worth additional Victory Points equal to the number of counters on him. Editing: Kate Stavola Jack Ryder: Setup cards cannot be moved, even if you know the card is a Villain. VP Controller: Joanne Barron Surrounded: The Lunatics may move 0, 1, or 2 spaces with this card and may utilize this after using a Move Action. When a Lunatics lands on Batman using this extra movement, the Batman player must play one Combat card, even if he has no hope of capturing the Lunatics. Direct of Operations: Leisha Cummins Mayor Quincy Sharp: The additional Move action granted to Batman will occur on the turn in which Quincy is first revealed, unless he is a Hostage. Batman may use two different methods of Movement when using this additional Move ability. The two Moves can be separated by other actions, fights, and so on. Killer Croc, Two-Face: Croc’s Retaliation can destroy a Gargoyle, Ally, or The Bat-Signal on or adjacent to his space. When an Ally is destroyed, the Villain player scores that card. Mr. Freeze, Lunatics: Although Batman cannot move with a Move action, he can still use a Line Launcher or Glide Kick. Poison Ivy: Poison Ivy’s Retaliation may only flip Villain cards face down. Setup cards that happen to be Villains are not Villain cards. Quick Explosive: This Combat card may be played only when Batman is in a fight. As soon as this card is played, the Batman player rolls this 4-dice attack against the available targets separately. The number of dice rolled cannot be increased. If the explosion takes out the Villain that caused the fight to start, the fight is over. If the explosion does not take out the Villain that caused the fight to start, then the Batman player may play additional Combat cards before rolling his Combat Dice for the regular fight. Note that the Quick Explosive card will still add 1 Combo Point to the regular fight after the explosion. This attack does not count as a “fight.” There are no Retaliations or any other events that would occur when Batman fails to capture a Villain. The Batman player cannot re-roll any of these four Combat dice for any reason. The Riddler Trophy, Penguins: If the Batman player opts to discard a Charge counter to remove this from the board, the effect of the Utility Belt item does not happen. The Charge is being used up to solve The Riddler Trophy, not get the game effect. 13 Sewer Surprise: A Villain can’t spawn on a Sewer if there is already a Villain there, but there are two Sewers to choose from. This card does not count as movement, so the Villain will still be eligible to move using a Move Action. Brand Management: Patrick Dillon Associate Production Manager: Rachel Valverde Business Coordinator: Rumi Asai Sales: Kurt Nelson Global Sales: Ming Wan Office Manager: April Jones Public Relations: AnnaMaria White Marketing and Community: Javier Casillas, Alex Charsky, Patrick Dillon, Drew Korfe, Mike Rosenberg, Christina Sims, Laura Waniuk. Playtesters: David Baron, Tom Driver, Adam Hensch, Russ Greenwald, Marcos Payan, Nathaniel Yamaguchi, and the rest of the Wednesday Night Crew. Cryptozoic Special Thanks: Miranda Anderson, Will Brinkman, Kyle Heuer, Matt Hoffman, Michael Kirchhoff, Lacy Lodes, Danielle McKay, Matthias Nagy, Jon Nee, Mike Sacco, Lisa Villaire, Galen Welch, Vanessa Jimenez, MaryCarmen Wilbur. 14 The Villain player always rolls four dice at the start of each of his turns. For each Success, the Villain player may perform one Action that turn. Villain Actions • Place up to five Villains from your hand onto the entry row of the map, face down. • Move all face-down Villain cards one space in any direction. • Move one face-up Villain up to two spaces in any direction. • Move one face-up Villain holding a Hostage one space in any direction. • Draw one card. Villain Free Actions • Flip any number of Villains face up. • Play any number of cards from your hand with the phrase “Free Action” on them. • End your turn and draw a Villain card. Batman Actions • Move Batman. • Flip any number of Utility Belt gadgets face up. • Use any number of Utility Belt gadgets. • Fight any Villains that enter Batman’s space, or vice-versa. • End your turn and draw a Combat card. Moving Batman The Batman player may move Batman once during his turn, at any point during his turn. When you decide to Move Batman, choose one of the following three options: • Move Batman 1 space in any direction. • Grapple to a Gargoyle up to 2 spaces away from Batman. As part of Grappling, Batman may move from Gargoyle to Gargoyle, as long as each one is within 2 spaces of the last one. • Move from one Sewer space to the other Sewer space. Scoring Batman: When Batman captures a Villain, the Batman player adds it to his score pile, then immediately rolls the XP Die. Villains: When a Villain exits the board, the Villain player adds it and any Hostages it was holding to his score pile, then immediately draws a card. Winning the Game Batman: Capture 10 Victory Points worth of Villains to win the game! Villains: Escape with 10 Victory Points worth of Villains and Hostages to win the game! ©2013 Cryptozoic Entertainment. 16279 Laguna Canyon Road, Irvine, CA 92618. All rights reserved. BATMAN and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © DC Comics. WB SHIELD: TM & © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s13)
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