NORTH ATTLEBORO PARK & REC INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC Returning this Summer the Park & Recreation Department will be offering a 2 week Instru‐ mental Music Program run by NAMS Music Teacher Pamela Butz and NAHS Music Teacher TJ Rizzo. Students will work on technique and also experience a variety of group perform‐ ance areas including Concert Band, Small ensembles, Chamber Music while in a balanced camp experience featuring team building recreational activities. New this year to our Instrumental Music Weeks is Exploratory Class! Are you a flute player and ever wondered what it was like to play the trumpet? Or maybe you’re a trumpet player and you’d like to learn how to play the trombone. Now is your chance! Classes will take place Monday through Friday 8:15am‐12:15pm July 20th through July 31st. Program is open to children entering grades 7th‐9th. Please register early to guaran‐ tee your spot. The cost for the program is $125 per student. All area residents with tradi‐ tional band ensemble music playing are welcome, incoming grades 7‐9. Typical daily schedule will include: ‐ Sectional Rehearsal ‐ Concert Band ‐ Jazz Band ‐ Chamber Group ‐ NEW THIS YEAR: Student choice of Exploratory Class On the registration form, you will be asked to select and rank by 1st choice and 2nd choice an exploratory instrumental class your child would like to participate in. The ranking of choice will be used to determine which classes we are able to provide based on enrollment as well as availability of materials. Exploratory Class Options: 1) Flute 2) Clarinet/Saxophone 3) Trombone 4) Trumpet 5) Introductory Drumming Ensemble (hand drumming and standard percussion drumming) 6) Boomwhacker Ensemble * *Boomwhackers are pitched cylindrical tubes that read standard treble or bass clef notation and can make some really unique and fun ensemble music. Please visit us at Mason Field or on the web at or call 508 699‐0145 NORTH ATTLEBORO PARK & REC INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC Please rank your child’s preference for Exploratory Class from the following options as either their 1st and 2nd choice. ___ Flute ___ Clarinet/Saxophone ___ Trombone ___ Trumpet ___ Introductory Drumming Ensemble (no previous experience required) ___ Boomwhacker Ensemble Instrumental Music 2015 Student Name: ___________________________________________ Grade: ______________ Instrument Played : ___________________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________ Email: _______________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________ Allergies: ___________________________________________________________________ I, the parent or guardian of the above named child will not hold the Town of North Attleboro or any of it’s employees or volunteers liable in the event of mishap, personal injury, damage or loss of property during the above named program. Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________________ Date: ____________ Paid________________ CTY ____ ACCESS ____
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