PREVENTION OF WORKPLACE VIOLENCE AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE IN THE WORKPLACE ~ ANNUAL TRAINING 2014 - 2015 ~ 5/6/2015 Workplace Violence Prevention Training 1 New York State Workplace Violence Prevention Act In 2006 New York State passed legislation, Article 27-b of the Labor Law, that requires public employers to develop and implement policies and programs to minimize and prevent workplace violence and to provide training to employees. NYS Department of Labor 5/6/2015 Workplace Violence Prevention Training 2 Workplace Violence Prevention Program Stony Brook University’s Workplace Violence Prevention Program mission is to promote a safe environment for all members of the community. 5/6/2015 Workplace Violence Prevention Training 3 Workplace Violence Prevention Program Workplace violence may occur within a wide spectrum of interactions between students, faculty, staff, patients, and visitors of the University. It is the responsibility of ALL employees to create and maintain a campus environment free from threats and acts of workplace violence. 5/6/2015 Workplace Violence Prevention Training 4 Workplace Violence Prevention Program Reports of incidents of workplace violence will be taken seriously and dealt with appropriately. Individuals who commit acts of workplace violence may be removed from the premises by University Police and referred for disciplinary action, criminal penalty or both. 5/6/2015 Workplace Violence Prevention Training 5 Workplace Violence Prevention Program Pursuant to the University's commitment to a safe work environment, the University has established a Workplace Violence Prevention Team, to survey, implement, and annually review the Workplace Violence Prevention Program, including identifying potential workplace violence risk factors and areas of concern, and making recommendations for improved safety if appropriate. 5/6/2015 Workplace Violence Prevention Training 6 Stony Brook Workplace Violence Policy – P519 Workplace Violence Definition Physical assaults or acts of aggressive behavior including but not limited to: An attempt or threat, whether verbal or physical, to inflict physical injury; Any intentional display of force that gives reason for someone to fear or expect bodily harm; Intentional and wrongful physical contact with a person without his or her consent that entails some injury; Stalking with the intent of causing fear or harm to the physical safety and health of the individual. 5/6/2015 Workplace Violence Prevention Training 7 Workplace Violence Includes: Beatings Stabbings Suicides Shootings Rapes Near-suicides Psychological traumas Threats or obscene phone calls Intimidation Harassment of any nature Being followed, sworn or shouted at 5/6/2015 Workplace Violence Prevention Training 8 Extent of the Problem According to the Department of Labor Job-related homicides were the second leading cause of death for all workers The #2 cause of occupational death for both male and female workers 5/6/2015 Workplace Violence Prevention Training 9 Workplace Violence Falls Into Four Broad Categories: 1. 2. 5/6/2015 Criminal Intent The individual has no legitimate relationship to the university or its employees and is usually committing a crime, such as robbery, shoplifting, or trespassing, in conjunction with violence. Customer/Clients The individual has a legitimate relationship with the university. This category includes students, patients, parents, customers and any other group for which the university provides services. Workplace Violence Prevention Training 10 Workplace Violence Falls Into Four Broad Categories: 3. 4. Worker-on-Worker The individual is an employee or former employee who attacks or threatens another employee or former employee in the workplace. Personal Relationships The individual usually does not have a relationship with the university, but has a personal relationship. 5/6/2015 Workplace Violence Prevention Training 11 Major Causes of Workplace Violence Layoff Termination Bad behavior report Poor performance review Conflict with co-worker Perceived unfairness Personal problems Substance abuse Emotional problems Financial difficulties 5/6/2015 Workplace Violence Prevention Training 12 Major Causes of Workplace Violence In many cases of workplace violence, a perpetrator leaves signs that he or she may be violent before they actually commit any acts of violence. 5/6/2015 Workplace Violence Prevention Training 13 Be Aware of Risk Factors: Isolated work areas (E.G. remote locations: on campus or in a building) High-risk environments (E.G. campus or building) Solo Work (E.G. night class instruction or working late hours) No means of communication (Do you have communication methods at all times?) Financial responsibilities (E.G. make deposits) Nature of service or responsibility (student’s grade) Low staffing 5/6/2015 Workplace Violence Prevention Training 14 Be Alert to Warning Signs (Early recognition of escalating behavior) Body language such as threatening gestures Clenched fists Tightened jaw Tense posture Increased motor activity such as continuous pacing Signs of drug or alcohol abuse Verbally expressed anger or frustration Demands for attention Aggressive statements/threats Delusional, paranoid or suspicious speech 5/6/2015 Workplace Violence Prevention Training 15 Be Alert to Warning Signs (Early recognition of escalating behavior) Make sure you: Evaluate each situation for potential violence when you begin an encounter with another person Be vigilant throughout the encounter Don’t isolate yourself with a potentially violent person Always keep an open path for exiting – don’t let the person stand between you and the door 5/6/2015 Workplace Violence Prevention Training 16 And Remember, There Are Ways to Help Diffuse Volatile Situations Maintain behavior that helps diffuse anger: Remain calm Don’t match the threats Avoid any behavior that could seem aggressive 5/6/2015 Moving fast Don’t give orders Getting too close Touching Speaking loudly Workplace Violence Prevention Training 17 Be Aware of Your Responsibilities Avoid any conduct, including “jokes” that may be perceived as intimidating and/or threatening. Such conduct is inappropriate and will be taken seriously. Report any perceived violation of the Workplace Violence Policy to a supervisor. Employees may be requested by management to document their experiences or observations in order to facilitate the handling of the situation. Employees are strongly encouraged to report their own Restraining Orders/Orders of Protection to the University Police and to their supervisors whenever there is a possibility that those orders may affect the workplace. 5/6/2015 Workplace Violence Prevention Training 18 Responses to Incidents of Workplace Violence DO NOT BECOME INVOLVED in ANY Workplace Violence situation – An individual who observes violence taking place or feels there may be an imminent danger of someone’s safety should Call 911 for University police assistance from any Campus phone or 632-3333 from any off-campus phone/cellphone. In other than an emergency, any employee should contact Human Resource Services for consultation or assistance if they believe there is an emerging potential threat to someone’s safety or to property. All employees (faculty and staff) are encouraged to report any violation of workplace violence (WPV) policy to a supervisor and should complete a Workplace Violence Incident Report within 24 hours or as soon as possible following the occurrence and the form should be faxed to Labor Relations at 631-632-1360. 5/6/2015 Workplace Violence Prevention Training 19 Safety Devices Used on Campus Blue light phones Door buzzers Alarms Swipe cards Video surveillance Code word that signals others in the department to call the police without tipping off the upset person 5/6/2015 Workplace Violence Prevention Training 20 Campus Safety IT’S OUR JOB, BUT IT’S EVERYONE’S RESPONSIBILITY As part of our commitment to ensure the safety of all students, faculty and staff, Stony Brook University/Emergency Management has enhanced its emergency communication systems. Sign Up Today using the new SB Alert – Emergency Notification Registration page: Register Today It’s Free: learn how SB Guardian has the ability to send vital information to the University Police allowing emergency responders on campus to better respond during emergencies: 5/6/2015 Workplace Violence Prevention Training 21 For Further Information on Workplace Violence Contact: University Police In an Emergency Dial 911 from campus phones. Dial Human Resource Services 631-632-3333 from non-campus phones. 390 Administration Building For questions/information call 631-632-7786 631-632-6161 Employee Assistance Program Frank Melville, Jr. Memorial Library (West Campus) Level 5 University Medical Center 631-632-6085 or email University Medical Center Human Resources 3 Technology Drive, Suite 100 Technology Park East Setauket, NY 11733 631-444-4700 Labor Relations 291A Administration Building 631-632-6140 or 040, Level 3 Health Science Center 631-444-3780 Long Island State Veterans Home Human Resources 100 Patriots Road 631-444-8617 The Workplace Violence Prevention Program and Policy is available on the intranet. You can obtain a copy of the workplace violence prevention program at Print copies are available upon request. Workplace Violence Prevention Training 5/6/2015 22 Domestic Violence Policy P520 Domestic Violence in the Workplace Policy State of New York – Executive Order #19 In October 2007, the Governor’s Office of New York State signed Executive Order #19 as a proactive response to Domestic Violence. The order stresses the importance of increasing awareness of domestic violence, and informing employees of available resources for assistance; ensuring that personnel policies and procedures are fair to domestic violence victims, responsive to their needs and hold employees accountable for engaging in such behavior on State time. 5/6/2015 Workplace Violence Prevention Training 23 What is Domestic Violence? Domestic Violence is defined as a pattern of coercive tactics which can include physical, psychological, sexual, economic and emotional abuse perpetrated by one person against an adult intimate partner, with the goal of establishing and maintaining power and control over the victim. 5/6/2015 Workplace Violence Prevention Training 24 What are the Effects of Domestic Violence in Workplace? Higher absenteeism when a victim is out due to physical or emotional issues Less productive environment due to stress Co-workers may be put at risk and have the potential to become victims of violence as well 5/6/2015 Workplace Violence Prevention Training 25 Domestic Violence Affects Many Employees One in four women will experience some level of domestic violence in their lifetime. Approximately 82,800 women are employed by NYS, 48% of the State Workforce. Over 8,700 women work at Stony Brook accounting for over 61% of our workforce. Men can also be victims of domestic violence. It can occur between people of all racial, economical and religious backgrounds, in heterosexual and same sex relationships, living together or separately, married or unmarried in short-term or longterm relationships. 5/6/2015 Workplace Violence Prevention Training 26 Domestic Violence in the Workplace Policy The University Will: Take appropriate actions to promote safety in the workplace Respond appropriately to the needs of victims of domestic violence Not tolerate domestic violence as a behavior and will support victims of such abuse 5/6/2015 Workplace Violence Prevention Training 27 Accountability for Domestic Violence Offenders The University will hold employees accountable for engaging in the following behavior: Using state resources to commit an act of Domestic Violence. Committing an act of Domestic Violence from or at the workplace or from any other location while on official state business. Using their job-related authority and/or state resources in order to negatively affect victims and/or assist perpetrators in locating a victim and/or in perpetrating an act of domestic violence. 5/6/2015 Workplace Violence Prevention Training 28 Questions About Domestic Violence? If you have a question or concern about domestic violence, please contact one of our trained staff who will provide confidential assistance. SBU Main & Southampton Campuses Stony Brook Manhattan Campus University Police Call 631-632-7786 University Police Call 631-632-7786 Employee Assistance Program 631-632-6085 or email Employee Assistance Program 631-632-6085 or email Suffolk County Coalition Against Domestic Violence Call 631-666-8838 ask for HOPE 5/6/2015 NYC Domestic Violence Hotline 800-621-4673; TDD 866-604-5350 or call 311 and ask for the hotline. Workplace Violence Prevention Training 29 Domestic Violence & the Workplace Policy Posted on the University website: Print copies are available upon request Or, contact Campus Police at 631-632-7786 Or, contact Labor Relations Department at 631-632-6140 5/6/2015 Workplace Violence Prevention Training 30 Thank You Please close this file and return to your SOLAR System session In SOLAR, please indicate that you have reviewed, understood, and will comply with the Workplace Violence Policy 5/6/2015 Workplace Violence Prevention Training 31
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