Enrollment Options Travel Agent Tra Conttact your local travel agent. Internet Int Visit us at www.travelexinsurance.com to get a quotte, learn more or to purchase. Phone Ph Spea ak with an experienced customer service representative available at 1-800-228-9792, M-F M F 8:00 am to 7:00 pm CST, to answer questions, receive a quote or to enroll. Fax or Mail Fax both sides of enrollment form to 1-800-867-9531 or m mail to: Travelex Insurance Services, PO Box 641070, Omaha, NE 68164-7070. 6410 Don’t forget to order foreign currency! Contact your local travel agent or visit www.travelexinsurance.com. Payment Details Check or Money Order (payable to Travelex Insurance Services) Visa® MasterCard® Discover® American Express® Credit Card Number ___ ___ ___ ___ /___ ___ ___ ___ /___ ___ ___ ___ /___ ___ ___ ___ Credit Card Expiration Date MM / YYYY Print Full Name (As appears on credit card) Signature (Mandatory for all payment types) Date MM / DD / YYYY Plan fees are non-refundable after 10 day review period. Any person who knowingly and with intent to defraud any insurance company or other person, files an application for insurance or statement of claim containing any materially false information or conceals for the purpose of misleading, information concerning any fact material thereto commits a fraudulent insurance act, which is a crime and subjects such person to criminal and/or civil penalties. If you reside in: CA, FL, LA, MO, NY, PA, or WA, please call 1-800-819-9004 to obtain fraud wording specific to your state of residence. 5 Exclusions & Limitations Meet Your Travel Needs The following exclusions apply to Trip Cancellation & Trip Interruption, Trip Delay, Missed Connection, Emergency Accident & Sickness Medical Expense, Emergency Evacuation & Repatriation of Remains, Accidental Death & Dismemberment, and Optional Flight Accidental Death & Dismemberment. Loss caused by or resulting from: In today’s travel environment it’s important to protect you and your trip investment. Meet your luxury travel needs with our maximum coverage plan and find the peace of mind your trip deserves with these valuable plan highlights: Pre-Existing Conditions, as defined in the Definitions section (except Emergency Evacuation and Repatriation of Remains) unless the insurance is purchased within thirty (30) days of the initial Covered Trip deposit; Suicide, attempted suicide or any intentionally self-inflicted injury while sane or insane (in Missouri, sane only) unless results in the death of a non-traveling immediate Family Member; War, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities between nations (whether declared or not), civil war; Participation in any military maneuver or training exercise; Piloting or learning to pilot or acting as a member of the crew of any aircraft; Mental or emotional disorders, unless hospitalized; Participation as a professional in athletics; Participation in underwater activities (does not include recreational swimming); Being under the influence of drugs or intoxicants, unless prescribed by a Physician or unless results in the death of a non-traveling immediate Family Member; Commission or the attempt to commit a criminal act; Participating in bodily contact sports; skydiving; hang-gliding; parachuting; mountaineering; any race; bungee cord jumping; and speed contest (speed contest shall not include any of the regatta races); scuba diving (unless accompanied by a dive master and not deeper than 50 feet); spelunking or caving; heliskiing or extreme skiing. Exclusion does not apply to Trip Cancellation. Bodily contact sports means any sport where the objective is to physically render an opponent unable to continue with the competition such as boxing and full contact karate; Dental treatment except as a result of an injury to sound natural teeth limited to $750; Any non-emergency treatment or surgery, routine physical examinations, hearing aids, eyeglasses or contact lenses; Pregnancy and childbirth (except for complications of pregnancy) except if hospitalized; Traveling for the purpose of securing medical treatment; Services not shown as covered; Directly or indirectly, the actual, alleged or threatened discharge, dispersal, seepage, migration, escape, release or exposure to any hazardous biological, chemical, nuclear radioactive material, gas, matter or contamination; Care or treatment that is not medically necessary; Injury or Sickness when traveling against the advice of a Physician; Cosmetic surgery except for: reconstructive surgery incidental to or following surgery for trauma, or infection or other covered disease of the part of the body reconstructed, or to treat a congenital malformation of a child. Some exclusions may not be valid or wording may differ in your state of residence. For full details, please consult the Certificate of Insurance at www.travelexinsurance.com or call 1-800-228-9792. Please refer to the Certificate of Insurance for Baggage/Baggage Delay and Optional Collision Damage Waiver exclusions. DEFINITIONS: Pre-Existing Condition means any injury, sickness or condition of You, or Your Traveling Companion for which within the sixty (60) day period prior to the Effective Date of Trip Cancellation coverage under the Policy (a) first manifested itself or exhibited symptoms which would have caused one to seek diagnosis, care or treatment; (b) required taking prescribed drugs or medicine, unless the condition for which the prescribed drug or medicine is taken remains controlled without any change in the required prescription; or (c) required medical treatment or treatment was recommended by a Physician. Underwritten by Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company and affiliated companies. This product may not be available to residents of all states. This brochure is a partial description of benefits. Certain terms, conditions, exclusions and limitations apply. Please visit our website at www.travelexinsurance.com and refer to the Certificate of Insurance for full details. © 2008 Travelex Insurance Services, Inc. 6 Travel Max Maximum Travel Protection with Cancel for Any Reason Option Primary Coverage Receive reimbursement for your eligible losses from Travelex first, before any other collectible insurance. Post Departure Protection Select the $0 trip cost level if you don’t need cancellation coverage. Receive all other base plan benefits, including $1,000 in trip interruption coverage! Identity Theft Services Travel securely knowing that Travelex will be there with time-saving ID theft services should the unthinkable occur. 30 Day Pre-Existing Waiver Purchase the plan within 30 days of initial trip deposit and pre-existing medical conditions are eligible for coverage. Satisfaction Guarantee If you are not completely satisfied within 10 days of purchasing this plan, Travelex will refund your premium cost, if you have not departed on your trip or filed a claim. "Click" here to purchase online Please reference the following when enrolling: LOCATION NUMBER AGENT CODE 47-0111 COMPANY NAME TravelersMed.com 0109 7 MTM 1008 MTM 1008 Benefit Highlights Benefits & Rates Trip Cancellation & Interruption Base Plan Benefits Protec ects ts travel inves vestme m nts if a trip is cancelled or interr int errupt upted ed. Recover pre prepaid trip costs for the following covered d reas r easons on : • Sickness, Acc A ide identa ntall Inju Injury or Death • Weather • Trip Delay of 50% or more • Strike • Bankruptcy/Default • Terrorist Incident • Residence/Destination Uninhabitable • Quarantine • Traffic Accident en Route • Hijacking • Employm oym y ent ym en Termination/Transfer • Jury Duty • Felonio F ouss AAss sssaul a t au • Subp bpoen oenna • Dea Deatth/ h/Hoosp h/H ospita spitaliz lizati aatition of Des Destination Host • Mili ilitar taryy Dut tar Duuty ty • Busi Busi usines nesss Re Reas easons ea • Burglary Optional Upgrades 100% of trip cost ($50,000 limit) Trip Interruptiion 150% of trip cost ($75,000 limit) Trip Delay/M y/Missed ed Connection Bag aggag gage/B e/Bagg ag age Delay $25,00 $25 ,000 0 Common Ca Commo arr rrri rier AD AD AD&D $50 50,00 ,00 0 0 Missed Connection Tra ranspo sp rtatio i n Pak C cel for Anyy Reaso Can son Pak k 80 of trip 80% ip co cost Coverage Per Plan • Flight Accident AD&D • Collision Damage g Waiver • Roads Roadside Assi ssistan stance e $200,0 $ 0,000 00 $3 ,00 $35 00 Includ Inc luded ed Trip Cost Saffegu eguard ardss persona ar ard ers rso ona nal al arti arti rticle cles cle s and and exp expens ens n ess if if bag bagss are e llo los o t, t, stolen sto olen, len en, dama amaged am ged, o ged ged, ge orr d dela elayed ela l yed d ffo or 1 12 2 hour ourss or or more ore. Incl ore. nclude nc ude d s co era cov erage ge e for f pe perso rsonal rso na bu nal b sin siness ess ss pr p ope operty rty ty y and and a renta renta ntall allowa all owance owa nce fo forr lost lostt, stol tolen en or or dam damage a d spor age portin t g equi tin qu p pme m nt. Emergency Medical Expenses Provid Pro vides vid vi es cov covera co era erage age for fo emerg emerg ergenc enc ency ncy medi medi edical ca treat cal treat eatmen atmen mentt iiff a sick sick c nes nesss or or inju i nju njury ryy occ o urs rss wh w ile tr trave a ve lin ave ling. n g. g . Inc In ludes lud udes es p tec pr pro te tio t n for for tra av vel el ing g pets. petts. s. Emergency Medical Evacuation Pro rovvid ro id des e cov c era e ge ge for or em e emerg merg ergenc enc e ncy evac evac vacuat uation uat io o , if if nece necessa ssary, ry, to ah hos ospita osp itall o ita it off choi cho hoice, hoi ce, e,, al als so inc n lud nc ludes e rep patr atriattion ion. Accidental Death & Dismemberment Provid Pro r vid ides cov id c era e ge ge for fo o loss loss s of liffe, lim im mbs s or o sig s htt from m an accide acc identa ide ntall inju inju jury whi while hile l tra ra avel veling ve ing ing go or on n a com c mon mo o carrier. Travel Assistance & Concierge • • • • Ages 0-34 Ages 35-50 Ages 51-60 Ages 61-70 Ages 71-79 Ages 80+ $ $0 exclu cludes ddes trip cancel cancel an latio t n $24 $30 $35 $35 $51 $65 6 $134 $1 $501 $501 $1,001 $1 $1,5 $1,501 1 501 $2,001 $2,501 $2,5 01 $500 $1,0 $ ,000 $1,500 $ $2,00 2,000 2,00 0 $2,500 $3,00 3,000 0 $35 $ $62 $89 $11 $111 $142 $167 7 $41 $72 72 $103 $140 1 140 $176 $2 $207 $43 $ $76 $107 $1 $147 $183 $220 $61 $104 104 $146 $186 $230 $268 $78 $139 13 39 $198 $259 $331 $ $391 $210 $338 338 8 $502 $666 666 $833 $ $99 $998 $3,001 - $3,500 $200 $259 $266 $310 $460 $1,167 $3 $3,5 $ 3 501 $4,001 $4,501 $4,5 01 $5,001 $5,501 $5,5 5,501 01 $6,001 $6 501 $6,5 $6,501 1 $7,001 $ 001 $8,0 $8 01 $9,001 $222 $248 $272 272 72 2 $321 $34 $345 45 $377 $40 $404 404 $472 $539 $615 $296 $333 $377 $3 $37 $ 37 3 $442 $475 475 $530 $56 $5 $565 $635 $737 $826 $301 $338 $387 8 $449 $48 $489 89 $544 $ 9 $5 $589 $656 $757 7 $851 $355 $537 $1,3 , 34 4 $393 $625 $1,500 $4 $431 $70 $702 $ 7 $1,6 1,, 60 1,6 $520 $755 $1,762 $56 $564 564 $799 799 9 $1 $1 06 $1,806 $1,8 $1, $623 $894 $2,032 $65 $656 $6 6 6 $948 $94 948 4 $2,1 2 8 85 5 $748 $1,071 $2,479 $848 $ $84 $8 $1 $1,2 1 1,206 $2,8 $ 815 $2 1 $954 $1,342 $3,184 - $ $4,00 4,000 0 $4,500 $5,00 $5,00 5,000 5,0 0 $5,500 $ $6,00 6, 0 6,00 $6,500 $7,00 , 00 ,00 $8,000 $9,00 $9,00 9 000 9,0 $10,000 / DD Return Date YYYY For rrates on trip costs above vee $10,0 $10, 0 000 00 plea please ease call a 1-80 al -8000-22 0-2 8-97 -97 97792 9792. 9 92. Maximu ximu m m trip trip lengt gthh aallowe allowe lowedd 1880 da days. ys For trip ipps 31-1800 day ayys in le ays len e gth add $55 per daay. ayy An $8 processi essi ss ngg ffee ee willl app appl ppply per pplan. pp Raates es aare re subj subject ec too chang hange. hange. e. DD / YYYY Airline Cruise Line Cancel for Any Reason Pak Pro Prot otectiio on n again ga st the e unexp pecte ected, d, w whate atever ver er it i mayy be! e! P Purch urchas ase this pak th ak an and nd d eve e ryon r yone on the th pla plan n receiv eivess tthe hese ese two tw benefitts: • Cancel Ca cel a trip prior to o 2 days of the he sched duled l d dep de artu rture rtu re date t and nd re eco over up to 80% 8 80 of trip cost. • Plus Plus Cance Cance el fo for T Trip Delay Delay Reas Reasons - This adde dde ed benefi benefit fit allows ws canc ancella ellatio tion due to 30% or more more o of a trip bei being miss missed from a covered co d de delay y and and recov cover up to 100% 00% of tr trip co cost. Must be purc purchase has d within hin 21 days days of the initial ial al trip trip dep posit o t. Availabl ble e fo forr additi ditional 50% 5 of total tota t lb base plan plan rate e. Traveler Details Primary Traveler Full Name Birth Date MM / / YYYY Trip Cost $ / YYYY Trip Cost $ / YYYY Trip Cost $ YYYY Trip Cost $ DD Second Traveler Full Name Birth Date MM / DD Third Traveler Full Name Birth Date MM / DD Birth Date MM / DD / Address City State Zip Daytime Phone Beneficiary Name (Estate designated if left blank) Primary Traveler Email (Provide to receive Confirmation of Coverage via email) Transportation Pak One ne upgr upgrad rad ade d with witt th three e great ea a ben nefit fits! s! Inclu cllud c des flig fli ht accident a co rage cov cove rag g , ro oadsi ds de e assis sistance, and sis d a co colllisi isi sion d sion damag ama amag m e waiver for r al ve rent ehic h les. e Pur Purchas Pu ch e this chas ch thi pak k and d cove erage age g lim limits its ts are re shar h ed amon m g all tr t avel ellers rs enrolled enro n lled e on tthe e plan. Avai Ava a labl ab abl b e fo for a addit d onal diti ona na nal al $ $49 per pe pla an. For questions, qu quotes or to enroll, www.travelexinsurance.com visit w or call 1-800-228-9792 Premium Calculation Total Base Plan Rate $ (calculate below for all travelers) + $ Primary Traveler + $ Second Traveler Trips 31-180 days in length (include arrival and departure days) # travelers Optional Cancel for Any Reason Pak Optional Transportation Pakk 3 = $ x $5 = $ + $ Third Traveler x Fourth Traveler # days (Base Plan + Extra Days x 50%) Base Plan Total Extra Days Total $ $ ($49) $ $ Processing Fee (and authorized as payment) 2 / Tour Operator Total Amount Due 1 MM Fourth Traveler Full Name (use full cost per person) - / MM Country of Destination Base Plan Rates Per Person Baggage & Baggage Delay Inc IIn ncludes lud udes a wide wide de ra r nge of sservi rv ces c ce befor be efo for o e and and durring ing tr in t ips trips ps p s thr hroug o h a 2 oug 24/7 7 tol to l free ee nu n mbe b r.. Inc nc cllud u es ud es Nur Nurse e Ass As Assist s ist sstt and a and hel ellp w with it m ith medic d al eme em m rge rg nci nc es, nc e lo l st s doc do o ume um ments or ba bagga g ge, gg gga ge eve vent ntt ttic cketting n , busi ng busi usin nesss serv nes servvice ices, ic s and s, an mu m ch c mor m e. IInc nclud l ed d Coverage Per Person Inc ludes In es rei reimbu mbursemen e t for unu nused ed,, n onon-refundable exp pen ens nses es and an addit addition ional al costs ts such h as acco ccom mmodat dation io s, transp nsport ortati r ation, on n and meal eals s to to rre-j e-join n a cru cruise ise if a fli flight ght delay delay c ses yo cau your ur con co nection to b be e miss missed ed by y3h hour ourss or m more re. Departure Date $1,000,000 24 Ho Ho Hou ourr AD&D ou D& & Optional Upgrades (on pg 7 of brochure) $100,000 Eme Eme merg rge rg gency Medical Eva g va acua cuatio tion/R tio n/ ep n/R e triation epa Provvides es rei reimbu mburse emen ent nt for unu un sed, prepaid, non-refundable exp penses ens an and ad addit d ion dit ional al cos costs ts suc such h as accommodations, tra transp ransp sportati atio on, and meal ealss if if a tr trip ip p iiss del ela ayed 5 ho ay aye hours or more for a cov cov overe ered d reas reason on. Location Number / Agent Code $2,500 / $600 Emerge Eme rgency ncy Accident Ac ent & Sickness Medical Expense MTM 1008 Trip Details $1,000 Travel Tra vel el Assistance & Concierge Trip Delay Please print Pl i t clearly l l for f accurate t processing. i Coverage Per Person Trip Cancelllat a on ati n Enrollment Form 4 8.00 Enrollment Form Enrollment Options Please print clearly for accurate processing. MTM 1008 Travel Agent Tra Trip Details Cont Contact your local travel agent. Location Number / Agent Code (on pg 7 of brochure) Departure Date / MM / DD Return Date YYYY MM / DD / Internet Inte YYYY Visit us at www.travelexinsurance.com to get a quote quote, learn more or to purchase. Country of Destination Tour Operator Cruise Line Phone Pho Airline Spea with an experienced customer service Speak repre representative available at 1-800-228-9792, M-F 8:00 am to 7:00 pm CST, to answer questions, receive a quote or to enroll. Traveler Details Primary Traveler Full Name Birth Date MM / / YYYY Trip Cost $ / YYYY Trip Cost $ / YYYY Trip Cost $ YYYY Trip Cost $ DD Fax or Mail Second Traveler Full Name Birth Date MM / DD Fax b both sides of enrollment form to 1-800-867-9531 or m mail to: Travelex Insurance Services, PO Box 6410 641070, Omaha, NE 68164-7070. Third Traveler Full Name Birth Date MM / DD Don’t forget to order foreign currency! Contact your local travel agent or visit www.travelexinsurance.com. Fourth Traveler Full Name Birth Date MM / DD / Payment Details Address City State Check or Money Order (payable to Travelex Insurance Services) Zip MasterCard® Discover® American Express® Daytime Phone Visa® Beneficiary Name Credit Card Number ___ ___ ___ ___ /___ ___ ___ ___ /___ ___ ___ ___ /___ ___ ___ ___ (Estate designated if left blank) Credit Card Expiration Date Primary Traveler Email (Provide to receive Confirmation of Coverage via email) Print Full Name (As appears on credit card) Premium Calculation Total Base Plan Rate $ (calculate below for all travelers) + $ Primary Traveler + $ Second Traveler Trips 31-180 days in length (include arrival and departure days) + $ Third Traveler x # travelers Optional Cancel for Any Reason Pak Optional Transportation Pak = Fourth Traveler # days x $5 = (Base Plan + Extra Days x 50%) Signature $ Base Plan Total $ Extra Days Total $ $ ($49) $ $ Processing Fee Total Amount Due (and authorized as payment) MM / YYYY 4 8.00 (Mandatory for all payment types) Date MM / DD / YYYY Plan fees are non-refundable after 10 day review period. Any person who knowingly and with intent to defraud any insurance company or other person, files an application for insurance or statement of claim containing any materially false information or conceals for the purpose of misleading, information concerning any fact material thereto commits a fraudulent insurance act, which is a crime and subjects such person to criminal and/or civil penalties. If you reside in: CA, FL, LA, MO, NY, PA, or WA, please call 1-800-819-9004 to obtain fraud wording specific to your state of residence. 5
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