Web Site: www.naragebup.org.au Phone: 95913077 March 2015 Issue: 18 Editor: Diane Anderson Will be held on Wednesday 22nd April, 2015 6pm—7pm at Rockingham Regional Environment Centre 49 Safety Bay Road, Peron CHAIR REPORT Hello everyone and welcome to our first newsletter for 2015. We have had a very busy six months with many projects taking place and some more are about to begin. The Garden project is nearing completion with final touches being applied. Our Bush Tucker Trail is having the reticulation completed and then the final few plants can go in. Our Reptile area is undergoing some exciting new work and a rescue/ rehabilitation ‘hospital’ has been completed and is beginning some very important work as you read this. Finally the Marine Display area is being painted and made ready for a new tank and information to be placed in the area ready for visitors to learn about this amazing area of coastline we call home. The Centre is undergoing some really wonderful development presently with the help of volunteers and sponsorship partners, all of whom we couldn’t do without, so thanks to all who are doing a massive amount of work for and with us to get these projects completed. Come and visit to see the new works, animals and displays as I am sure you will be pleasantly surprised and enjoy the proactive atmosphere we have going on. We would love to show you around and collect even more ideas for future projects. Finally I would like to remind you all about our Annual General Meeting being held on Wednesday 22nd April, 2015 from 6pm-7pm. It is important to the future of Naragebup that we enjoy the input of our members wherever possible. The AGM also gives us an opportunity to outline our plans for the future and inform our members of our successful ventures over the past twelve months. Hope to see you there. See you soon! Alexis Grayson In Conjunction with Will be celebrated at Naragebup On Saturday 23rd May, 2015 10am—3pm Entry Fee $5.00 per person including members Friends of the Western Swamp Tortoise Turtle Oblonga Rescue & Rehabilitation Network WANDERER BUTTERFLIES AT NARAGERBUP Thanks to some very hard work by Janete Reos our gardens in the butterfly house are looking very attractive and this summer we have again had some butterflies taking advantage of this peaceful area. Thanks to a Naturalist Club member who brought in some plants with the eggs upon them. By putting some branches of the weed into the house the hatched out caterpillars were supplied with some of the only food they will eat. Over the months the butterflies have laid their eggs onto the red flowering milkweed plants that we have provided. The red flowering milkweeds is a slow grower and not included in the noxious weed ban the white flowering milkweed are under. Supplying these voracious caterpillars with enough food is demanding. If any members would like to aid by growing some of the red flowering plants they can apply at reception for some seed. Article by Mary Vaughan Congratulations to Rockingham Regional Environment Centre for its superb work to safeguard our future. Fremantle Ports—proud supporters of Naragebup and sponsor of this Newsletter. Current Sponsors helping to sustain Rockingham Regional Environment Centre Local schools have been enjoying first terms nice weather especially around Lake Richmond and our grounds. Once again it is School Holidays, how fast they come around. We have put the holiday program on our facebook page and the website so please come and keep the kids busy with some fun and educational activities during the break. Alexis Grayson Dates and times will be organised and made available in the coming month. GET ACTIVE AND HAVE SOME FUN SCHOOL HOLIDAY ACTIVITY PROGRAM APRIL 2015 DATE AM: 10-1130 TUESDAY 7TH APRIL LAKE RICHMOND ANIMAL WATCH WEDNESDAY 8TH APRIL REPTILE REALM THURSDAY 9TH APRIL PM: 1-2.30 TERRARIUM MAKING ENVIROMENTAL TREASURE HUNT LAUGHTER WORKSHOP MUSICAL INSTRUMENT MAKING WORM FARMING FUN FOSSIL MAKING WEDNESDAY 15TH APRIL REPTILE REALM MOSAIC FISH THURSDAY 16TH APRIL BOTTLE BUG LIGHTS TUESDAY 14TH APRIL LAUGHTER WORKSHOP EACH ACTIVITY IS $5.00 PER PARTICIPANT AND INCLUDES ENRTY TO THE CENTRE. CHILDREN UNDER 7 YEARS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN ADULT (charged at child rate) BOOKINGS RECOMMENDED AS SOME ACTIVITIES ARE VERY POPULAR:- PHONE 95913077 OR BOOK ONLINE ON THE ‘CONTACT US AREA’ OF OUR WEBPAGE. www.naragebup.org.au Rockingham City, FREE April School Holiday Activities Located near Coles at Rockingham City Shopping Centre Friday 10th April Saturday 11th April Monday 13th April Thursday 16th April Friday 17th April Reptiles Recycled Art Recycled Art Recycled Art Reptiles 10:30am—13:00pm 10:30am—14:00pm 9:30am—13:00pm 11:00am-14:00pm 10:30am—13:00pm A very important area for Naragebup is ‘Lake Richmond’ as the Environment Centre was originally built with the view of protecting this natural habitat for many birds and other animals found around this beautiful fresh water lake. This column is created to inspire children’s interest in their environment. Naragebup, believes children are our future, and education is the key to truly understanding our world. DID YOU KNOW: Thrombolites are alive today. Lake Richmond is one of the few places on earth where these ‘living rocks’ grow. Before the 1900’s the lake area was used by local aboriginal people for camping, fishing, hunting and gathering. We now have three feathery residents at Naragebup. The lake is a very important resting and feeding place for both migratory and local birds. In 2012 the lake was Heritage Listed to be used for bird watching, bush walking and environmental education. Our first is Nara, he is a Long-billed Corella. These birds have quite a long beak compared to many of the other native wild birds in Australia. Naragebup features a Lake Richmond Display within the Centre where visitors can learn about this unique area. The Long-billed Corella is a medium-sized white cockatoo that has red-pink markings on its face and neck and has a grey-blue ring around its eyes. The average wing span of a full grown Long-billed Corella is 80-90cm. Long-billed Corellas can live for well over 20 years, in the wild – but have been known to live even longer in captivity. They eat seeds, corns, roots, insects and grubs. Nara is only young but is already learning to copy what people say and do. He likes to play peek-a-boo, and seems to like being told he is very clever… A Barramundi has kindly been donated for our marine display. He was kept in isolation for three weeks prior to being introduced to the Aquafriends pond. Most of us know Barramundi as a species keenly sought after by fisherman in the northern areas of Australia as they are a delicacy to eat. They can inhabit both fresh water and salt water and have a very interesting and complex life cycle. They can live up to 20 years of age, grow to over one metre in length and are opportunistic predators that will eat almost anything aquatic. The male fish mature in fresh water lakes and rivers for the first three to four years, and at the beginning of the wet season, are washed downstream to the ocean. The salt water triggers a sex change and they will spawn. The eggs and larvae are washed into coastal swamps which remain their habitat for the first year before the immature fish begin to make their way up stream, where they remain until they reach maturity at about three to four years. At the beginning of the wet season the mature barramundi will make their way downstream to the ocean, where the sex change and spawning will occur. Fish that are introduced into landlocked fresh water lakes will all remain males and cannot breed. Marian Dixon (Marine Manager) Our other 2 feathery residents’ names are “Georgy and Porgy”. They are Weiros, also known as Cockatiels. There are many colour variations of Weiros. Georgy and Porgy are mainly grey with a yellow head and what look like rosy red-orange cheeks. They are a bit bigger than a budgie. Weiros have been known to live for over 15 years in captivity. They love their seeds, fruits and vegies as well as native foods such as eucalyptus, wattle and bottlebrush. They are roughly 10 years old. Georgy and Porgy are quite new to us here at Naragebup, but seem to be settling in quite well. It’s great having the chatter and whistles of these birds heard around the centre. Article by Becky Sparrow FUNCTION CENTRE FOR HIRE Consider holding your next function at Naragebup. Our 75 seat Lakeview Room is available for hire at very reasonable rates for parties, meetings, conferences or seminars. We also have movie projection and sound equipment available for hire. See our website for details or email admin@naragebup.org au TURTLE RESCUE IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER TO HELP US SURVIVE. If you find a turtle on the beach or in the sea, don’t put it back in the water, it will not survive. Put it on a dry towel and bring it into the Environment Centre or Phone Wildcare on (08) 94749055 As Autumn approaches our gardeners will be planting potatoes and winter vegetables including brassicas. The reticulation in the garden beds is still being tweaked to achieve good coverage of garden beds with minimum water wastage in surrounding areas. Our sensory garden is presently being established under the Sheoak Tree in the garden area and will soon feature new plants. This will provide a shady rest area which can be enjoyed by our gardeners and people with disabilities and their families. Happy Gardening Roly For Enquiries: Regarding garden plots or general information please contact our reception on 95913077 or email: gardens@naragebup.org.au JANETE REOS grew up and attended school and College in the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil. I have become very passionate to interact with the public and have always had a great interest in Socialising to improve my knowledge with English and in health and environmental issues, subjects that I have studied from 2004 to 2013 leading me to get my PhD in Sociology with interface in Political Science. When my family moved to Australia, in 2013, I looked for volunteer work in the environmental non government organizations and found Naragebup, located in my own suburb, so I became a member and was very excited to start my volunteering. I have enjoyed working in the gardening team, which has Roly as a leader of it and in agreement between us I was placed in charge of the Butterfly House. I gladly accepted the challenge and have been enjoying learning about Monarch Butterflies and how to interact with the visitors to the Centre. However, more than this, I enjoy the sociability that the Centre has been promoting to me in my new "environment" called Australia. Janete URGENT— VOLUNTEERS TO HELP US REJUVENATE NARAGEBUP Consider joining our happy team of Volunteers. Gain friendships and social interaction whilst helping your community and our future generation learn about our environment. We need people with various interests and skills. Receptionists People with experience or interest in Fund Raising. Email: volunteers@naragebup.org.au or Phone: 9591 3077 CONTACTS Rockingham Regional Environment Centre Inc. Management Committee Administration Email: admin@naragebup.org.au Education Email: education@naragebup.org.au Membership Email: membership@naragebup.org.au Marine Email: marine@naragebup.org.au Reptiles Email: reptiles@naragebup.org.au Garden Enquiries Email: gardens@naragebup.org.au Treasurer Email: treasurer@naragebup.org.au Volunteer Enquiries Email: volunteers@naragebup.org.au NARAGEBUP P.O. Box 5375 Rockingham Beach 6969 Phone: 9591 3077 Stamp Here
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