Big Base Ball Doings Saturday and Monday I Do You Know About "The Six-and-Six Plan?" VOLUME I. NUMBER 33 PRICE TWO CENTS NARBERTH, PA., THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1915 MAYOR BLANKENBURG WILL BE HERE TO HELP BREAK GROUND FOR "HARBROOK" MAIN LINE LEAGUE ! NARBERTH Schedule of Games Saturday Wayne at Narberth Gulph Mills at Overbrook Dun & Co. at Paoli Monday Morning Postponed Ceremonies To Be Held on Saturday 0--------------- SCHOOL AUTHORITIES ADOPT THE "SIX-SIX" PLAN Approved by Nation's Leading Educators 0 The SCllOOls of Narberth are underThe ceremonies attending the breakitoing a change in curricula that Ing of ground for NARBROOK-post'promises to place Narberth in the poned from last Saturday on account i front line among progressive schools. of the severe storm, will be held this Gulf Mills at Narberth The Six-and-Six Plan of organization coming Saturday afternoon. The Dun & Co., at Wayne has been strongly endorsed by the exercises wl11 be conducted on WindOverbrook at Paoli Narberth's Application Late State Department of Education and b)-' sor avenue, about midway between Commissioner Claxton, of the Federal Conway and Wynnewood avenues, at Much Enthusiasm Manifested Monday Afternoon Educational Department. a point that will mark the entrance Paoli at Narberth Before a school system decides to to the park and model community cenSaturday, June 5th, the big day for An interesting and important state- adopt any new method, the gains anrl ter. Dun Co., tatWOverbrook meat bearing on the question of re- losses Sllould be very carefully 1overs is only ten days distant. GUIph&M'll Mayor Blankenburg, of Philadel- fIIIIower the afternoon and evening of that 1 S a ayne pairing Wynnewood road-particular- weighed. Do the gains overbalan,;e phia, will be present and speak. day Narberth's first flower show will Iy in relation to financial aid that may the losses? O::icial representatives of a number Standing of the Teams be obtained from the state, has been Can the ad"antages be attained, and of suburban civic associations w!1l be staged in the Y. M. C. A. buildWon Lost Pct. secured by Our Town from W. R. D. are the~' worth the effort of reorganlng, and present indications point to a also attend and make short talks. Hall, one of our citizens, who is Izatlon? Are they based upon funda2 . 1 666 Narberth . . . .. A feature of the program added complete success. The number of statistician in S tate H ig h way D epar t - mental principles? WI1l they be of 1 666 2 . Wayne . . . . . .. t H . b Kith t M since last week Is the new 1'\ARBERTH exhibitors is sure to be large for the Overbrook .... 2 1 .666 ment a arrlS urg. now ng a r. permanent value? BAND, which will make its first public reason that the classes of exhibits Hall was thoroughly familiar with the The ground of one's faith should he R• G• Dun & Co • 2 1 •666 appearance at this celebration. Leader will be sufficiently numerous to give whole question of State-aid as well as established before any trial Is made Brooks has been training and re- an opportunity for every flower loyer Gulph Mills . .. 1 2 .333 the general conditions eXisting in the and tIlen tlle effort wl11 be worth hearsing his men for several months, to offer something in which he takes Paoli.. .. . . . .. 0 3 .000 highway situation throughout the while. and promises some good musical a grower's pride. It Is predicted that State, we asked him for a statement Thorough 811rl'e~' ;U8Ile Uefore 1)ll1n numbers. the modest garden, possessing but a on the matter. From the follo,wing inWas Put Into Effect. The !\arberth school children wl1l small number of plants, will score the terview it is apparent that if Council Principal Melchior has faith. He also take part, marching in a body greatest success. An Inquiry into the Is depending solely on having the has Illo'lde a study of the s)'stem for from the school to the grounds, sing- records of flower shows given in State assist in re-bulldlng Wynnewood over two years. He believed when he Ing as they come. Residents and mer- suburban communities in the neighroad the chances for improvement of came to 1'\arberth that our schools chants wl11 decorate their homes and borhood of Philadelphia bears out the this thoroughfare are remote. would profit by this system; but. places of business. It will be another statement that prizes have been most Mr. Hall said: realizing the danger of too many red letter day for The Year 'Round often secured by those who felt that .. I cannot prophesy what chances radical changes, he has refrained Home Town. their exhibits were almost too small Big Contest Saturday 1'\arberth has for action on her ap- from doing so. MeanWhile, the entire The Program. to be entered. Therefore, everyone inpllcations but It is certain that noth- existing system has been studied by The exercises will begin at 3.30 P. M. terested in flowers and gardens is urgIf you like baseball-and good ball Ing can be done on them in the im- him and he Is now convinced that A. J. Loos, chairman of The Park ed to enter into the competition. mediate future. The operation of the change can be made to advantagp.. at that-YOU're in the right town this State-aid is as follows: I Development Committee of The Civic A county, H'lS pans, as su b ml'tte d t 0, an d I i I P S pec 11 r zes. summer. adOPted by the School Board, haw Association wl11 be the master of cereA complete list of classes of' flowers Big game this Saturday and two ~~W~~I~IPt~b~~O~~~~ean:fo~:e: t~e~~ been fully approved by the State Demonies. The program follows: Introductory remarks by Chairm 111 and the prizes to be given will be more good contests coming on Monday. apply to the State Highway Depart- partment of Education. Prof. Koch, Loos. published in next week's issue of "Our -Decoration Day. 'ment for aid in the construction of a of Harrisburg, State High School InBrief explanation of the Park Project Town." together with complete inAll three games on our home highway. The highway is built by spector, says: "I am in favor of the b)' George M. Henry president of The structlons for presenting and arrang- grounds. Turn out, fans, and cheer the. the State Engineers and the cost is six-six plan, and believe it could be Civic Association. ing the fiowers to be shown. A special boys on. They're giving us real base- ! borne by the applying party or par- very easily worked out in Narberth." Short addresses by E. J. Berlet, presi- feature will be the children's class in ball. } ties and the State. the share of the Principal Melchior has spent a dent of The Ridley Park Civic As- wild flowers. A $5 gold piece will be Saturday we play Wayne. 'Commonwealth being one-half of the great deal of time in conference with sociation, and George R. Sullivan, gl','en as a prize for the best and most members of the State Board, working 16 feet wide. The on the nlans. president of the Lower Merlo:l. attractive vase or basket of wild flow- , Monday A. M. we play Gulph Ml11s. cost of a f highway fit i b b th ,.. other Plan Often Lee,sens E.vllense. Monday P. M. we play Paoli. Township Commissioners, and ers shown by children un d er 16 years I ' hal 0 t't le cos s orne Y e ~ ..• You couldn't beat that if Connie app ymg par les. The adoption of tllis plan invol,'es secretar~' of The Suburban Metro· of age. Another interesting class will Mack was your uncle and he'd pass "Th e L egis . 1a t ure w h'lC11 h as j us t a d - no additional cost whatever. In fact., politan Planning Commission. be shown as the Suffrage Class, and you in the gate. journed was hard pressed to find . ki Address by Mayor Blankenburg. a prize wl11 be offered in this clliss for I sufficient revenues for the necessary where the system IS ~vor ng, expense Breaking ground for NARBROOK, by the best exhibit of yellow flowers. Going to Saturday's game? Every- a ro Prlations in the State during the has lessened. Experience of. th~ last Mr. Henry, as Burgess of the In general it may be said that ex- body's on tip-toe. Four teams tied for PPt t A suit of the I few years very forcefully llldlcates r b h -n, 0 nex wo years. s a re th t th . d' y tem of organ borough, assisted by Mayor Blan- hibltors in cutting their blooms for first place-Nar ert, "ayne, ver- insufficient revenues it was necessary a e sl.x-an -SIX s s kenburg. the show should give preference to brook and Dun & Co. Somebody's go- to 'cut the coat according to the izatlon WIll surely improv.e to d. In addition to the out-of-town the flowers which have the longest Ing to slip down the list and local cloth' as Governor Brumbaugh llO greater or less extent, dependlllg upon speakers there will be a number of stems and largest blooms. Those who rooters say it won't be Narberth. aptly' expresses it. Therefore the ~he !ndgment and e~~h~siasm Of th~ other guests from neighboring suburbs intend to exhibit blooms of peonies Three games within three days! amo nt appropriated to the State mtrodnction, the reSl' s many sc h 00. . u , Wllnt Is tile SIx-jlnd·Slx Pllm 7 who are interested in this park should stake their plants without deIf you're a fan here's your chance to Highway Department for the next t\~ 0 Th . d' . 1 . d' islon project. lay. After the plants are in bloom the see some real hall playing. Be on hand ~'ears Is $8,400,000. Of this sum $1,e Slx-an -SlX p an lS a All residents and merchants are re- flowers are often ruine'd by being Saturday and on Monday-for one of 500000 or $750 000 a year goes to- of the educatl?n~l syster,n at pI esent " generallv conslstmg of elght years of quested to decorate with flags and (Continued on Page 3.) element~ry and four years of secondbunting-jointly for the park celebra- heaten into the ground by sudden the games at least, and give the boys heavy rainfalls. The precaution of a glad hand. ary work into six )'ears of elementan' tion and Memorial Day. 1l0llOFGII BUSIXESS. and six vears of secondary work. Everyone is welcome to the cere- staking at this time will forestall such BAS ..: UALL PICKUPS. As ea;1)' as 1893, the Committee of a result. monies. Whitt is NARBROOK7 The committee in charge expects to I The game last Saturday between Notes of Proceedings of NarbertJl Ten advocated the extension of some A brief but complete account of this have a large supply of vases on hand'l' Narberth and Paoll was canceled Council. secondary SUbjects down Into till) unique development was published in but exhibitors are urged to bring owing to rain. The Narberth team, An adjourned meeting of Council elementary school and departmental a recent issue of THE EVENING their own vases as far as .posslble, I traveling in automobiles belonging to was called to order by President Nar- work In the upper grades. In 190r" LEDGER. It is reprinted here be- as it .Is felt that a more arbstic and I some of the chief rooters, had jour- rigan at 8.10 P. M., May 17, the fol- the National Education Association cause we believe It will be of interest bea-ubful arrangement will. thus be se- neyed as far as Ithan when the rain [lowing members being present: appointed a committee on a six-year to all residents of the borough: cured. began to fall, and turned around and: Messrs. Henderson, Humphrer s , Redi- course of study for high schools. 111 This newest project, like tha - - - - .. ,. _ - heat It back again. fer, Smedley, Stokes and Narrigan. 1909, twenty-two cities in twelve Pageant, was originated and fostered TRAPS 100 G C U FOR NAR statef' had adopted the six-six plan. TIN. L,n • ! Messrs. Loos, Henry, Shand and Recent figures are not available; but I by The Narberth Civic Association. It. BE R't'IUTES. 1'\0 games were played in the Main· Artman, re~re~enting the Narbe~th it is safe to say that the schools has been made possible by the coThe writer had a bit of experlenc'~ Line League Saturday on account of Civic Assoclatlon, Garden Assocla- operating on the slx-and-six plan (or operative efforts of a number of Narberth's most influential citizens and in the field just across the border of the rain. Therefore, under a league tlon, and Park Development Commit- some phase of It) now number several n few residents of other towns who, Narberth in the first meet of the Gun rule, all contests listed for that date tee were present to discuss the matter hundred In practically every state In the Union. As a result, a better day l'avlng learned of the plan, readily Club, or, as many prefer to call it, are automaticallY dropped from the of sewers for the new park. ag'reed to lend their support and as- the Trapshooting Club. There were schedule. If one game had been [ The Information presented was not Is coming for both child and teacher. only four members present, and con-I played it would have been necessary; definite, and the matter was referrerl Advantages of SIx.Year Plan. sistance. The advantages of such reorganho.In addition to the residences, all of sequently the pigeons, although theY for the four remaining teams to play to a joint committee for further COIlwere clay, flew so fast that a gooJ off the postponed games at the end slderatlon. tion of the elementary school course (Continued on Page 2.) many got away. Those present lof the season. \ A letter was received and read from are to provide subjects of study more "Our Town," asking Council for a suited to the ability and interests of SCHOOl, )IE)[ORIAL DAY EXER· R. Johnston, A. Brown, W. Johnston ~nd Chas. Verna. Next Saturday Narberth plays the copy of the proceedings of their body the public; to give those who go nn CISES ON FRIDAY. Folks who have a gun and would! Wayne Club on the home grounds. for publication. Mr. Henderson mov· further than the ~rammar school :l. ed (seconded by Mr. Humphreys ann more practical education than l"l 1 P. M.-A Memorial program in like to try the sport right in their own! Beginning next Saturday. Narberth carried) that the clerk be instructed secured under the present plan; to the school auditorium, consisting of town please communicate with R. (Continued on Page 3.) singing and selections by the school Johnston or Chas. Verna befor9 tl~e i will have the services of Bill Durbin. to notify "Our Town" of all proceedand a short address. Veterans espe- next meet, which will be held on sat-I Haverford's noted third baseman anrl ings of Council. urday, June 12. leading hitter; Edward Ensinger, anMr. Stokes moved (seconded by Mr. THE KELLY LECTURE. cially invited. If you would like to enjoy the I other of Haverford's noted players, Smedley and carried) that the reslOn Friday evening, at the Narberth 2.15 P. M.-Field sports, consisting of two parts, calisthenic work and pleasure afforded and the mnny I and John Fine, captain of the Haver- dents on the north side of the rail- Y. M. C. A., Congressman M. Clyde various physical exercises by children benefits derived from this clean sport, ford School nine and first baseman. road be notified through "Our Town" Kelly will speak on the topic, "Shall of all the grades and a series of field polish up your guns and come along. The above three wlll make a worthy' to put out ashes on every other The People Rule?" This is the last of Chas. Verna. asset to Narberth's team. Monday and all residents on the a series of fifteen lectures he has sports. south side of the railroad be no- given under the auspices of the PennThe girls of the School Athle11c AsUNCLADIED LETTERS. Eddie Ensinger is slated to twirl the tified through "Our Town" to put out sylvania Anti-Saloon League. On the sociation will conduct a lawn fete Letters addressed to the following morning game on Decoration Day for ashes on Tuesday of every other weel:, following Monday. he begins at LanWhile the field events are in progress. caster, a two weeks' tour for the W. The exercises in the auditorium and named persons remain unclaimed in the Boroughites, and we hope a large commencing May 31, 1915. crowd of rooters will be present to Mr. Humphreys moved (seconderl C. T. U. From June 16 to September the field sports are entirely free. the Narberth post office: Harry Connolly, Mrs. Annie Jones, welcome him on his initial appear- by Mr. Henderson and carried) that 15, he is under contract to deliver II Parents and friends of the pupils invited. Silver cups. medals and other Mrs. Louise J. Johnston, Mrs. John ance of the season. Manager Walzer Council adjourn. Adjourned at 11.15 lectures a week through the Central Is hopinll; to "cop" three games on the P. M. West under the auspices of one of the prizes are to be distributed to the Wesley Jones, Karl Lindgren. Edward S. Haws, Postmaster. above dates. Charles V. Noel, Clerk. country's leading Chautauquas. successful contestants. FLOWER SHOW TO BE GREAT SUCCESS FACTS ABOUT STAlE AID FOR WYN'D ROAD THREE BALL GAMES FOR THE WEEK END I I I: I I -' '.--- I I I I I I - I i ---------- I I \ NAHBEHTII, l>A.-OUll TOWN--MAY 27, lU15 OUR TOWN \ Plain Talk From Our Own Folks Owned and Published every Thursday by tbe Narberth Civic ASIDela- UNNECESSARY SUNDAY WORK IN NARBERTH, tion. Editor of Our Town. "Girard," in the "Publlc Ledger" of E. A. MUSCHAMP, last Saturday, reminded his readers W. ARTHUR COLE, that within the memory of the heads Managing Editors. of all Narberth families, working on Sunday was a crime punlsbable by a MAIZIE J. SIMPSON, flne of five dollars for each offense. Cashier. It is fortunate for many NarberthH. C. GARA, ites tbat the laws are changed from Advertising Manager. time to time, else "Our Town" in chronicling the news of the weelr H. A. JACOBS, would have the unpleasant duty of Subscription Manager. printing a list of names of personll their civic demonstrations from tinlc thing about the fellows whose sideto time will be successful because walks are like so many bowls or they have a first class band to lead· basins. Personally, I prefer to take a the way and attract the crowd. The bath either in my own bath tub or at churches .are pro~ided with orchestras, the seashore; but the other night, anti speCIal mUSIcal members on an- •after tbe heavy rain storm I waded niv~rsary a~d jubilee occasions. The: home from the station thrdugh these social fu~ctlOns of a community are' several miniature sidewalk lakes. It more satisfactory and d~CidedlY more, wasn't Saturday nlght and I hatedl:o pleasant b.ecause musiCIans equal tl? : see the water wasted that way. My any occaSlOn are just close by.. A own sidewalk is pretty flat n it were band compos~d of able players-Ilk\] not, you may be sure I'd raise Cain By LadV Narberth~" many bands m the state-is a to'~el' with the landlord then-probably Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Pierpoint, (\f of strength to any town or sectIOn thi Id b ' Chestnut and Wynnewood avenues, are of country. It cultivates the public no ng wou appen. ear to a high class of music, and does . I was much disappointed to read receiving congratulations on the birth Send a.ll letters and news Items to 'I who had been brought before the It right at your own door, too. Every I ~n your last issue that ashes would of a daughter. This is their second P. O. Box 956, Narberth, Pa. Do not courts and fined. enterprising citizen will boost the: m the future be collected from our child. Bend them tJ the printer. I It has been frequently stated that band of his town wherever he goes," 'back doors. This, coming only a week ol:md all advertising copy to P. O. Narberth is the haven for "newlyE. S. Haws. after we were promised that the borAmong the new residents in town .:lox 820. Make all remittances to weds and the town of homes." This ough representatives would go into are Mr. and Mrs. Harry R Felton and 1". O. Box 34. is not a bad reputation, yet it would THE NARBERTH lUCKER. our cellars and save us the trouble of son. Mr. Felton is Eastern manager Our Town is on sale at the depot eeem that not a few of the residents 1 carr"ing out the cans, is a Sllock. Not of the Hinde & Dauch Paper ComI' k S d ' d hi 1 E( itors "Our Town": The other news-stand, and at the store of H. E. t unk un ay on . fl ay ISb the d d w c 1 to mght as I was walking from the sta- that I am laz"', or don't ll'ke work, but pany, of Sandusky, Ohio. They haye Davis. ma e a ower e, or gar en, screen you know hm" soiled your clothes laken a house on Elmwood avenue. . d . h h k tion to my home, I noticed that there " wm ows or pamt t e porc roc ers get. And here I was hoping that a were many low hanging tree branches . t f Entered as second·class matter, Oc· r even tlIe h ouse, repaIr par y ences. paternal local government would go a Mrs. William J. Mulholland, 201 tober 15, 1914, at the Post Otllce at tr'1m t rees an did le ges, c I ean ch'lCk en directly over the sidewalk. Inwardly step further and send someone around Chestnut avenue, entertained at aucwas calling some of my fellow-citiI Narbertb, Pennsylvania, under the ( A 0 P s, p Ian t t rees an d s h ru bb ery all(1 to start up the fires on a cold morn- tion bridge last Friday afternoon. k' g t'me t m zens "lazy, careless," etc., and was even I'n h a ym a Act of March 3, 1879. mI a ow ing and perhaps prepare breakfast for Among those present were Mrs. La. grass, plow fields and plant them. having a generally fine time all by myThese and numerous other activities self, when all of a sudden a twig us poor, tired business men. But you Porte, Mrs. Kerr, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1915' can be observed in Narberth on al- caught my straw hat and dropped it in can never understand those pesky tax Maroney, Mrs. Wrogg, Mrs. Beard, most any Sunday during the summer. the gutter. When I looked up, I found, payers who com~lain when anYbo~y Mrs. Chambley, Miss Higgins, Mrs. And why? that I was in front of my own door. If ' suggests. somethmg that is really Layton, Mrs. Holme, Mrs. Campbell EMERGENCY PHONE CALLS and Mrs. MUlholland. Is there the feeling that once be- anybody doesn't see two points in this progressIVe. Fire 360. I yond the confines of the clty one' is story, I cordially invite him around to Police 1250. .\ JWTHER'S APPRECIATION OF 1\11'. and 1\Irs. A. C. Shand have been i \,ot prohihited from doing all sorts of the house some evening-I have a entertaining Mrs. Ross and daughter, unnecessary work on Sunday? beautiful axe. THE SCHOOL LUNCHES. 1\:Iiss Mary Ross, of Altoona. i The homeseekers from the cities In my search for trouble, I don't Editors of Our Town: EDITORIAL NOTES i who are unable, dOUbtless, to get away have to go far-who does? But you The addition of a kitchen to p~ovide Captain Johnson, formerly of Rochat any other time, Virtually "flock" readers should be interested in this, a hO: lanch for the .SChool .chlldren ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; ,to Narberth on a bright clear Sun- growth; namely, the prevalence of: I beheve one of the wIsest thmgs that estar, N. Y., and now the Philadelphia "THE LAST CALL" 'day, when the real estate men bav" poison ivy in many exposed spots in i COUI.d have been accomplished for representative of the American Credit their husiest day of the week. Karberth. There seems to be a big crop i pupils who ca~not ge~ home at n?on Indemnity Company, r~" fTll'~'ed out OUR TOWN wlll gladly print " But, even though of necessity Oll':! 10f this dangerous weed this season. i for lunch. It IS certamly a great Im- to Xarberth with his family. They any news Item about any subject I' IS compelled to look for a comfort- I have noticed it along fences and pro.vement over the .former method of are at home at Chestnut avenue anti that is of interest to Narberth t Id d hId folks, but In order to meet ,able home on Sunday, it does not hedges and at the roots of trees, al- ea ml? co san WIC:S a one an Wynnewood rC'ad. the printing schedule, all "copy" : carry with it the privilege of continu- ways where it is within easy reach of '~'asllmg t~em down WIth c~ld water, -manuscripts-must reach the 'Ing to desecrate the Sabbath after little children. Of course, we all ought LIe s.andwlches probably bemg bitten 1\Irs. W. Scott Crater, of Grayling editors by 6 P. M. Monday each ! such a home has been located. to do our share in destroying it but o~ m large chunks and swallowed avenue, has gone West for a few week. The amount of unnecessary work we are only human and will probably Without much cl~ewing, as childr?n are 'veel.s, for a much needed rest and , - - ! I being done in Narberth on SundaY is walt until the baby comes home with, so apt to do. It!S sometimes a dlffiC~lt I cbange. . --. NARBIWOK. SOCXDS GOOD, HEY11 abominable, and if one is morally not a rash on its face and hands before matter to P1:o~lde a l~nch that WIlli compelled to stop it, Council would we decide to do anything. This may Iappea~e a Chll? s appettte, ~or it easily, ;e:tm g of the Delta SIgma wa,s A few have clipped the trees! do well to pass an ordinance or es- he the business of the property own- ,palls If care IS not exerCIsed to ar- i h~ d r~day afterno.on at the home of tahlish a Saturday evening curfew ers to look after, but I am in hopes ranTge a ~alatable C~lange. ,1l\hSs l\hldred Harns. A very enjoyNoticed tbe garden that is being which would put a ban on the prac- that the health department of our 10Now, WIth the dehghtful prospect of able afternoon was spent. The clUb made near tbe station? tice. cal government will give the matter doing the spending. the children will me~lbers presellt were: Misses Sydnie One of Your Readers. attention take pleasure in buying and eating Boltch, Helen Duff, Virginia Downes, Papers around the station are not J,f~tcn to Our Baml whatever Is cooked there. Margaret Eyre, Madeline McCoy, Mar· so numerous as they have been. I Tilt; NAUnEllTH BA:ND. How many of us Narberthia~s know -:"s a matte.r of fact, I know of some ion Trotter and Agnes Rose. Thanks! Let's all do our little part Editors "Our Town:" .and appreciate the fact that there is a chIldren eatmg things purchas;d at, .. . to keep the station absolutely free I Other towns in our State are en- I Narbert.h Band? I heard of it and then the school that they always posItively! Wilham Balhngall has bought the . tl,le forma t'lOn a f b an d s, an rl ,decided ' . . ' house numbered 511 Haverford avefrom these unsightly earmarks of' cOl~raglllg to hear it. Well, to be frank, refllse.(1 at 11 a m e. Ch'ld' 1 ren s Capl'lCIOUS nue and carelessness and thoughtlessness I feel that we should encourage the it was something awful. But that was appetites are more, likely to yield is occupying same. _ _. • present efforts heing put forth in Nar· I several weeks ago. I decided to take under the stimulus of a restaurant tban berth Our band is making progress tl hit T d . at home Therefore a school lunch 1\Irs. A. B. Blood, of Cricket avenu<', nIH YOU FOI,LOW lin. REDlFEIl'S and deserves our patience and sup- ana ler c ance ~s ues ay evemng, room is' a great boon to the school Ardmore, entertained the Narberth 'TICE ~ hut as a precautlOn stuffed cotton in F ' I1tl Y Cl ub at her home last AD " port. I send clippings from several children ortlllg · . , . my cars. The boys looked so g o o d ' Th' d f Th Councllman RedIfer s adVice to suburban papers on this subject: tl I tl I d' All parents should be very grateful ars ay a ternoon. ose present householders to trim the low branches ).'rom Lunsllowne, Pa. l~~g 1, l~t soon Ispensed with the to our genial school principal for hav- included Mrs. A. Perry Redifer, Mrs. of their sidewalk trees was'heeded by "A local band is an appreciable c~ on an was really happy after ing instituted the hot lunch for the Frederick Hayes, Jr., Mrs. Augustus J. many of the borough's residents. But I feature in anv community and de- t 'Fat. h b chi1rlren Loos, Mrs. Walter Smith, Mrs. John G'b Mrs. C. P . C00, k Mrs. A. L. there are still a number of conspicuous I serves the encouragement and support I or t t kenowenetit . I of those w h o ' A )Iother. 1 ny, instances of tree branches that are a of all. This is the more emphasized triO tntol' b It, . want to say Jacoby, Mrs. Lester W. Nickerson. . la Ie ovs practICe every TuesM F . menace to pedestrians. The heavy rain hy the fact that the mUSicians general- I . ' . tl Y 11 • '.rUAT ASH COLLECTION. : rs. rank Stone, Miss Blood, MISR Saturday afternoon made walking on ly belong to the busiest class, men ray. evenmg III le . 'I. C. A. gym- Editors Our Town: B. A. Roberts, Miss Anna l\facKeag, some avenues absolutely dangerous. who devote their spare evenings to a ten nas!um, worth ng toa~df t.hey are well ti dlis1. Franlr Canfel is mistaken in figuring Miss Barbara Shand and Miss Ida RerlGet busy folks and chop ,off or cut noble art. It may be said that they -I ,1 yOIl ~re no ~ a moo 0 that all the 500 houses in the borough !fer. off those low hanging branches. It do it for their own enjoyment, but compa~e them WIth Sousa s or Stowwon't take five minutes', the trees I they certainlY also do it for their ad- kowskl s expert wind-jammers. The would be entered for ashes. Deducting Colonfl T. M. Bowers, of Paris, Texb i t 1eas t those that are vacant many occupants as, is visiting at the home of Mr. and lea ler I',n 0'1{S 1i ill b I van cement and in the hope that ness-a won 't b e damage d ,an d wa lk'109 w e ' . tI ,(t' . . I S us d ' of the rest woulll prefer to put out Mrs. Carrol Downes, Woodside avenue. a lot safer for your own family and efforts will find appreciation." 18 s my ?PIDlOn-an ,whIle I cheer' f II ).'l'om T'-ronc Pa. fully admIt an ignorance of general their ashes-especially those whose Colonel Bowers is Mrs. Downes' everyone e1se s am y. J , • t I . homes have no outside cellar doors. "As father used to say"-"being sor"Once in a while we hear some fel- musIc mat ers, can detect a dlffer- It is also a slur on those who wish father. ry" after "ou've "accidently" pulled low carelessly say. 'What good is a ence between the sounds emitted by SV. ~p1lOny 0 rc1les t ra ant1 ,their ashes carried out to call them the trigger J or poked somebody with 1Jan(I in a town, anyway.~, L ~ t us say the Boston . 1\11'. and 1\1rs. H. G. Polhemus, lately an umbrella end won't undo the that a good up-tO-date band IS one of the Jmltown Sliver Cor~et Band. lazy or negligent. Most suburbanites residents of Alrron, Ohio, but formerly d 'd Tit the most useful things a town or com· has gathered around hIm an "awk- have enough to do mornings without of l\:arberth, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. amdage YdOU ve one;t h l' mtyobur rees lllunitv can possess. It is one of tht! But several weeks' hard work is now carrying out ashes. Besides, it is a William G. Maddox, of Woodside aveave a e sorry hest advertisements . . 1 ing resu Its, and those of your dl'rt"J job l'f boxe s ar e use d'f a town can have. SlOW ; 1 regu 1ar nue. On Monday they were enter1t 0-t ay an you won a er on. " !!'ood band has marked the 10catio'l readers that don't know anythin~ ash cans, these are too heavy for one -- -------on the mao for n1any a to\vn. Emerson abont Narberth, excepting that they person to lift. But if the borough tained at dinner by Mr. and Mrs. AnTHE "SIX·SIX I)LA:N" AUOP'.rED IN fOa"S something about the world mak- lodge there and that it is on the P. It officials must save time for road work drew Greene and in the evening Mr. and Mrs. F. Dinwiddie Walker gave an XARnERTH'S SCHOOLS. iIll" a beaten path. Well, a good ban" R., are ver~' apt to wake up some dav let them insist on the use of cans inThis weelr "Our Town" presents (In will make all the roads leading to the a.nd find they are living in a real stead of boxes or pails. Furthermore, affair in their honor. Mr. and Mrs. another colu~n) an outllne of the town beaten paths, even though the musical centre. I am not kidding. as long as tenants as well as house Polhemus wllI shortly move to New "six-six plan," recently adopted by town's other attractions be not either. owners are taxed for borough ex- York. our School Board-new to Narberth. numerous. The promoters of business "SiIIl'wnlk Dnths!" WhaU penses, this direct service at the house Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jacobs, of Elmbut tried and proven in many other I "no mllnidDAI enterprises always Now, to follow my natural inclina- is of more importance than road work. wood avenue, moved into their new towns and cities in progressive statej; have the satisfaction of knowing that i tion to knoclr, I want to say someOne Who Wants Ashes Taken Out. home this week. The whole town throughout the country. owes 1\11'. Jacobs a debt of gratitude "Our Town" believes this progressive step on the part of the School the best possible training along linell ,)UYOn BLA~KENnURG WII.L BE noted specialist, in planning mode! for the improvement he has made in Board means more toward the solving which tend, at any given period of his I HERE. communities, whose best known work the pageant grounds. of Narberth's knotty educational educational career, to make him most I is the Forrest Hllls Gardens, on LonL; 1\Irs. Clarence Porter, of New York, problems than any other thing recent- efficient. considering his years and I (Continued from Page 1.) Island. D. Knickerbacker Boyd, of this ly put forth by tbem or others-unless strength. which must meet certain building re- city (Philadelphia) has been retained is visiting her daughter and son-init is the complete co-operation of the Illchlcntnlly, "Our Town" belic'fcs strictions, NARBROOK wllI include by The Civic Association as genenl law, Mr. and 1\Irs. Rezo Brooks, of Chestnut avenue. mothers whlcb Principal Melchior has fill.. ncw 1111111 offers a logical reallotl especially made drives, walks, trees, consulting architect. secured. for the granting of the ,,'Ishes of 1\ shrubs, plants, a lake and an open When the project is completed the Mrs. A. K. Siler, of Wynnewood, er.It has for some time been an estab- rar!!'l' number of our cItizens (repre. nil' forum, w!th natural stage set- drives, walks, forum, etc., excluslv'! lished fact among educators that the selited by the School Welfare ,\ssocll\' tings for outdoor plays, pageants, of the building lots, which are owne(1 tertained her card club Wednesday a{period of adolescence is actually about tion) for a new building centrallr etc. The contract for this elaborate by individual citizens, will be deeded ternoon. The guests were: Mrs. L. two years under that formerlY ac- located. landscape development has already to the borough of Narberth by The W. Nickel son, Mrs. H. Hagert, Mrs. E. Seaver, Mrs. W. Livingston, Mrs. cepted ae the turning point. Scholars taltlng the curriculum of been let, and Alexander C. Shalld, Jr., Civic Assoclation. The sIx-six plan reduces the eIe- the first period of six years could be the contractor, who is in charge of C. T. 1\1oore, Mrs. C. Fowler, Mrs. .T. rnentary period of instruction by two housed in the new central building the work, is ready to start activities Byrd, Mrs. E. McCllllIan, Mrs. F.' years and adds two years to the Rnd those pursuing their studies in the immediatelv. The entire tract covers Messrs. Earl Dickie and Earl Smith Stone, Mrs. C. Youn~. Mrs. E. Booth, !i'econdary period, utilizing them in ~econcl period of six years could be an area of' twelve acres. were guests of the Community Club Mrs. W. P. Nash, Mrs. G. Haskell, the development of an educational "o",fortllhly taken care of in the presNARBROOK was planned by Robert of the Y. M. C. A. at their weekly Mrs. Ch<\rles Verna and Mrs. Parker. li!ystem that promises to give the pupil ent building. Ar.derson Po!'e, of New York, th~ I meeting and social hour. (Continued on Page 4.) THE FIRESIDE " J J =========================. ; I I _ I I f oil. I I I . I I I I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _IIIIIIIIio_...iI ;~ --o. L ~j NAl~B~Hr.rH. PA.-OUR TO'VN-MAY 27.1915 Ilander The Right Reverend Philip Rhine- ELMWOOD CLUB Bishop of the Episcopal STARTS SATURDAY 4:::1 D1oces~, will visit All Saints' Church METHODIST EPISCOP.\.L CHURCH. on Sunday morning, June 20th, and --administer the rite of confirmation. I "The Little Church on the HllI." Dr. Burke will be very glad to ~~::s ~~~c~e ~~:ts ~~ s~~~~;m:r~i~r~ I~++.'''.,:I ~~~f:t~"'~~"'A"'.'t.'tA+~"'A"",.:I'A't"'m~IIJ~'J'~~("J~}:I'~A...:t~ ("++.+++-+'f~l7+~J~'t~~"l~'v~'V'~IV'V!VV'~lvMV vlV'lelelv'V'~'V'v,~~ ++·++-++....+....................,...'a''''........,.''·f:~ ~f' ~i: '1-'1 : ~,' Team Has New Grounds Rev. C. G. Koppel, Pastor. 9.45, Sunday school assembly. Bible noon at 3 o'clock in the church. study classes for adults and klndergarten for little children. MERION llEETING HOUSE. The Elmwood Base Ball Club-better known as Jacobs' team-will open 11.00 Public Worship. Memorial Day sermon by the pastor, Singing by large chorus choir. 7.00, Union Meeting for Young Peo.. pie. 7.45, Union service of all churches in the Presbyterian Church, Sermon by Rev. C. G. Koppel. Montgomery A"enue nnd Meeting House Lane. Merion ~1eeting House is opened for worship every First·day at 10.30 A. M. Visitors are cordially welcome. -;'IR. JIYEIIS WILL CONTINUE TO its season this coming Saturday on the new grounds in Sullivan's l-'ield, ;:="., east of Wynnewood road between ~C Rockland and Bowman avenues. The team wlIl be in uniform and promises 'C a good game. The opposing nine wlIll ::~ be The !,'rank Toomey Company Club of Philadelphia. ,r An Thursday. Hostess, Mrs. C. L. Smith, 215 Wayne avenue. The chorus choir, in recognition of their splendid work during the year, will be entertained by a member of the church after rehearsal Thursda~' evening. of the eXistence of the Men's Club, retiring President Adam H. Wilson addressed a letter of appreciation to Mr. Bruce I. Myers, one of the memberR, for the interesting, instructive and efficient way in which he has conducted the Sunday morning meetings sport are welcome. No admission is charged, The Elmwood Club will line-up al· most the same as last summer: Noble behind the ~at, Sam Bowman at first base, Ludovlci at second, Manager Jacobs at third, Lardie Davis at short, day night, Hie 4th. Children's Day anniversary exer· cises are scheduled for Sunday morning, the 13th. The baccalaureate sermon to th.a graduating class of the Narberth High School will be preached by the pastor Sunday evening, the 13th. A musical by the Men's Bible Class is being arranged for Tuesday evening, the 22d. A partial program consists of Mrs. Emily Stokes Hagar, soprano; Miss Marie Loughney, contralto; Mr. Clayton Farraday, baritone; Mr. Pedrick, pianist. Picnic SaturdaY the 26th, for the members of the Men's Bible Class and their wives. _ _ _- - ST. lIARGARET'S CHURCH. Early Mass on Sun3,ly from April 1"t to October 31st at 6..30 A. :'If. From November 1st to MarCh 31st at 7 A. M. Late :'1'1 as,s , n.30 A. 1\1. throughout t!le year. :'IIasses on holydays, 6.30 and 8.30 A. M. WeekdaYs at 8, Evening devotions and other Services at regular times. During the summer months, the Pastor's Sunday School class will join with the Men's Club in the study of the Sunday School lesson at the Sunday morning meetings of the club. There will be but one business meeting of the club llefore the summer recess. This will be the occasion of the installation of the newly elected Board of Officers and will be held June 13. aftern:~~net~ve~~~·s ... I ~!: i'i-P t::* 1'( I~ ,f: If You Wanl 10 Keep Young DRINK WOOLMAN'S ~!: :ffi: mt :2 ,; +?p i+~gjl ffi ro $Q B I • BIt II k :;1C:1eP::~~~::I::1::'1::::S ~~~:I~~r:~~~~~fo~:::!:%~m~:~~:~111£,ijt Uga nan uermI ~ fH I :,:} ~1: t- ~m: tic;;: fffi' ;p.:i;t ~~ m $l~ :1:,1:+ ' *~:f+ i~I;* Telephone•••Belmont 4205 ~'i' ~:~+ ,ffi~ :ro: Ii}:: giJ~~e by ~:u~~di~~a:~t~~ci~~st~:i~:~~I~~~~ tt:~c:n~~~~e~~'t:~~e~:p~~~tyC~~; ~~c ~:~ ~u:~I~~~~ldie~r~:~a~~:~~ i::~+·++++~.!.!!.!!J~:~:t:!:~:!:t;~t:t:t:t:t:~:!:t:~:!:t:t:t:t:t:t:t:t:t:t:t:t:t:tt:t:t:t:~~i be held on the church premises, Frl- the ensuing year. will be two new pitchers-McDowell +4 'I +I,••++.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++a .. ' EVANGEL BAPTIST CHURCH. Emerson L. Swift, Pastor. The Bible School will meet for Bible studY next Sunday at 9.45. Service of ,;orship at 11.00. Subject of the sermon, "Clll;,l.stian Patriotism." A Union Young People's service will be held at the Presbyterian Church at 7.00. At 7.45 the monthly Union meetIng, also in this church. The speaker will be Rev. C. G. Koppel. The Bible school is preparing for Children's Day services Sunday after· noon, June 13. A birthday social under the auspices of the Women's Mission Circle will be held at the church Friday evening at 8.00 o'clock. A unique entertainment with strange musical instruments has been provided. Refreshments will be served. Admission, a bag of birthday pennies. Come with your friends. The Bible School and congregation were greatly cheered by the earnest spiritual messages by LadY Hope last Sunday. Whenever she returns she will be heard with increased pleasur':l by the people of our church. Dr. Shields, of China, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smedley will give an illustrated account of his work some Sunday evening in June. THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Rev. John Vlln Ness, )lInlst~r. Next Sunday morning the Sabbath School convenes at 10 o'clock-preceded by fifteen-minute song service, conducted by Prof. Wm. T. Melchior. All departments. At 11 A. M, ~here will be Memorial Day services with appropriate music by the chorus choir and special sermon by the pastor. Seats will be reserved for the veterans of the Civil War, who will attend in a body. At 7 P. M. there will be a Union Young People's meeting with a leader furnished by the Baptist Society. At 8 P. M. Union meeting. Rev. C. G. Koppel, of the Methodist Church, will preach. ------- EPISCOPAL ClIURCH NEWS. All Saints' Church, Montgomery an'l Wynnewood avenues, is very much gratified to see that so many Episcopalians from Narberth have responded to the invitation to attend the services. The members hope that the attendance wfll so increase that It wlII be necessary to enlarge the church. and Caruthers, both of Philadelphia, who have signed with Man~ger Jacobs for the season. Gene DaVIS and Durbin, members of last year's team, are playing with the Narberth, Main Lin~ I Leaguol, team. The Decoration Day game will he played Monday afternoon with the Emmanuel Athletic Club of Philadelphia. Games scheduled for June are as follows: June 5-Standard Supply and NARBERTH SCHOOL AUTHOR. Equipment Company. ITIES. June 12-Collins Athletic Club. --June 19-Carey Base Ball Club. (Continued from Page 1.) Later games will be announced as give pupils the advantage of associa-I soon as they are scheduled. lion with more and better teachers, Last season the Elmwood nine made departmental for the seventh an enviable reputation, winning 21 and eighth grades being assumed; to of the 26 games played. This summer make the transition to the high school they hope to make an even better less abrupt; to cause this transition record. to come at an age more favorable to the continUa!lCe of the pupil in FACTS ABOer STATE AID. school; and to afford prospective --high school students an opportunity (Continued from Page 1.) to begin their work in mathematlcii: ward the payment of the cash tax and foreign languages earlier than bonus due the townships of the State now. There is a widespread convic- under the road law now in effect; tion that the high school course of $100 000 is deduCted for the work on study as now organiz~d incl~des too I the 'National or Cumberland Roads; much work to be satIsfactorIly ac- $30 000 was set apart for the concomplished in four. years; ~ut that de~nation and purchase of toll roads, the worl{ required III the SIX years an affliction of which Montgomery begi11l~ing with the seventh and e~d: County has her full share; $6,000,000 ing W!th. the twelfth, cO~ld be readl!), is for the maintenance, repair and (lone If It were reorgal11zed along thL construction of State highways, these lines suggested by the state and being those roads comprising t1\i~ national departments of education Sproul routes connecting populateu and adopted by Narberth. centers in the State and definitely set The execution of the plan sug- aside as State roads. This leaves It "ested involves considerable reorgan- balance of $500000 of the approprlaization of both the elementary ann tion for the State's share of State-aid high school courses of study. The construction. This, of course means w?rk of the seventh and eighth years $250,000 a year, as all appropriations WIll be most effected,. t~1e work be- are made for a two year span. It is low these years remammg much as evident therefore that the total amount it now is, except for better methods of State-aid highway construction and execution thereby. The first six which can' be done in the next two years will be cal~ed the period of years is $1,000,000 worth, $500,000 of elementary euucatlOn; the second which will be paid by the State an(l s.iX years, that of secondary educa- $500,000 by the applying counties, tlon. townships and boroughs. Closer COll11ectlOJl. lIow the ~Ioney Is Used. "Now then, as to the uses of thi!; This six-year plan will effect 11. closer connection between the ele- money. There are in round numbers mentary schools and the high school 90,000 miles of highways In Pennsylthan has yet been attained. The ele- vania exclusive of borough roads and mentary schools are not merely streets which do not connect directly preparatory schools for the high with main highway systems; for inschools any more tban the latter are stance Conway, Dudley, Hampden and merely preparatory schools for the Chestnut avenues, in Narberth, do colleges. Pupils are likely to drop not form part of this 90,000 miles t)f out at any time, in 'fact, only a small highway but Essex and Narberth per cent. of those enrolled in the avenues do. Of this total of 90,000 secondary schools ever reach the high miles. 10,000 miles, again speaking in scbool. The ideal to be sought is round numbers, comprise the Stahl such an arrangement of the wor]{ Highway System under the Sproul act tbat, no matter at what grade the and its amendments. This leaves a pupil leaves the scbool, he wlll have balance of 80,000 miles of county amI received the best possible training for township roads. While under the la.w him up to that time, due regard being' State-aid may be requested on State always shown for individual differ- highways, nevertheless the bulk of the petitions received are for portions of ences and requirements. the 80,000 mile system not included in 1)11111 IlS Whole Jillst Grow. The six-nnd-six plan cannot be the State highway network of road~. "Under the law the amount of adopted in its completeness in any school in anyone year or two. It money appropriated for State-aid conmust be a growth. Its success wtll struction is apportioned pro rata depend upon many local factors; but among the counties, the basis of aplIlany of its good features can be portionment being the mileage of pubadopted and put into practice by any lic roads in the counties. Under this apportionment the amount whle'1 "'chool sunerintendent. Mont!!,omery County will receive from Chnnlres to De Made CnrcfllIlr. Principal Melchior desires to have the 1!l15 Legislature's appropriation it understood hy readers who have for State-aid construction is :lPmade II study of school problems that proximatelv $12,000 or $6000 a year. thp. adoption of the six-and-six plan , "At the present time there are on wlll not. under his administration. file in the State Highway Department, mean the "highlY differentiated fifteen applications for State-aid from ,.ours!!'· so much feared by educators. Montgomery County, In the ordinary Changes will be made carefully and course of events these applications ar<:! ~Iowly, at all times keeping within considered in the order in wlJich they are received. The last t,YO of the the realm of sound principle. I I I ' -- -------- - - - - -. • FOR SAL E MISS MARY PUSEY WARNER; Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet Formerly of N. Highland ATe., MerIull Will re-open her Primary School at Vacuum Cleaner, Carved Oriental Cabi. net and some other Household Furniture. her new residence on HUHrford Ate., "Anthw)'n :Furms" 219 Hampden Ave. fifteen applications were received un May 5 from the Borough of Narberth. "Where there Is an evident necesElderly lady desires room and board sity for immediate work, especially where it is shown that dangerous COII- in Narberth or vicinity for the sumditions exist, this order of precedence mer, at reasonable rate. Address is broken but to do this requires the BOX 84. consent of the other applicants anu of the county commissioners. Xurbertb APIIlIetl 011 ~Iu)' O. "I believe that I have given a comprehensive resume of the situation from the viEl\vpoint of the State HighTwelve lots, large frontage, :Hontway Department. I have no desire tl) I gomery avenue to Essex via, "Stepney enter controversial argument on thit; Place" road. Beautiful locatiou, old road question but I cannot permit the i shade. A fine investment. Increasing inference to be drawn that the State values. 10 minute walk from sfa1ion. Highway Department has been the ONE LOT SOLD c~use of any delaY in the repair .of Improvement to start soon. Great inVI ynnewood avenu~. The first officml terest shown, and good prospects for ~mowledge t!\ll.t tins department had sale of other lots. People of Narberth m the premIses was on May 5, when appreciate the unusual 0 t't applications were received from the ppor unl y. Borough of Narberth for State-aid on F. M. JUSTICE Wynnewood avenue and on that por- Narberth, or 612 Chestnut 51., PhiladelJhla tlon of Haverford avenue lying within the borough. "In common with other citizens of Narberth, particularly those living on 104 Woodside Avenue, Narberth Dudley avenue, I contend that the question arises Whether the Borough WILL TAKE CHARGE OF CHILDREN Council might not exhibit a little more In Absence 01 Parenls. lively interest in the road welfare of her citizens and not permit technicalities of the most trifiing nature to interfere with the improvement of OUl' CHES'I'NUT. Bel.16lh SL streets and highways." Finest PhotOPlay The- ""anted! Narberth's Highest:Tracf I MRS. E. B. ELLIS A RCADIA atre ot I" Size in tbe EnlireWorld. KITCHEN ORClIESTRA TO PLlY AT PholoPlaYS-Cont~~~slOA. M. to 11.30 BIRTHDAY SOCIAL. 'The pet sonnel of this novel orches- Tlmrsday-tra, which will play at the Paramount Pictures Present birthday social at the Baptist Church on Friday evening, is as follows: 1\lrs. R. E. Clark, conductor; Mrs. C. R. Jones, concertmeister; Miss }'rftlaJ nntI Suturda)'Mary McCarter, librarian; Miss Mabel H. Seymour, director; first violins, Paramount Pictures Present I "Bootie's Baby" I "Th H th L C " Mrs. W. A. Cole, Mrs. C. R. Jones; f second violins, Miss Marguerite Muel- I e ouse 0 e ost ourl ler, Miss Hilda Smedley; cello, Mrs. J. f ~Ionda)', Tuesdn nnd W d d _ P. Rowbotham; cornets, Miss Bertha y e nes ay Piggott, Miss Mildred Smith; tromDaniel Frohman Presents hones, Mrs. A. A. Clothier. Miss Edna MARY PICKFORD IN Super; clarinets, Miss Bertha Redifer, Miss Mary McCarter; fiute, Mrs. Wm. S. Horner; flageolet tambourines, Miss Mabel H. Seymour; banjo, Mrs. E. L. Swift; harp, Mrs. Geo. Henry; drum and bells, Miss Maizle Simpson; cymbals, triangle shuffle, Miss Laura S. Hopper; tumblers, Mrs. R. E. Clark; OUR PRODUCTS ARE GUARANTEED soloists. Mrs. Wm. S. Horner, Mrs, UNDER BACJERIOLOGICAL CONTROL C. R. Jones: piano, Maude Wip!. The following young women will pose Pasleurized Milk DELIVERIES In Oriental costume: The Misses Caro- BrynclOV~lkcertilled WEST PDILA. line Super, Cora B. Thomson, Mildred (Pedrlalle Society) OVERBROOK Smith, Bertha Redifer, Hilda Smedley, Special .. Guernsey" ME RION ~Iarguerite Mueller, Mary McCarter. Milk WYNNEFIELD The months will be represented by (Roberls·&:Sharpless· BALA-CYNWYD the Misses Aileen Needham, Ruth Dairies) ,Tones, Dorothy Durbin, Sylvia Cum- Cream Buttermilk NARBtRTB mer, Jean Chalfont, Edith Humph- T b ARDMORE reys, Sydnle Bolich, Marlon Swift, a Ie at..~a~ippID" WYNNEWOOD Marlon Trotter, Virginia Downes, Elva Darilngton, Eleanor Wilson. 'rJle matrons who will preside at the tables are: Mrs. E, E. Seaver, Mrs. Mecks, Mrs. A. A. ChaUcer, Mrs. 45th and Parrish Sts. E. L. Swift, Mrs. Wm, D. Smedley, Mrs, C. W. Thomson, Mrs. F. C. Derby, Mrs, W. J. Clark, Mrs. A, L, Jacoby, Mrs. Is chairman of the refreshment comW. J. Jones, Mrs, J. P, ROWbotham, mittee. Admission-A penny for each Mrs. T. N. Butler. Miss Cora M. Beggs of your years. "Fanchon, the Cricket" GLEAN···SAfE···WHOLESOME I I SCOTT-POWEtL DAIRIES, ,~ " ~AnBEUTH, P.-\.-c,UR TOWN-MA"T" 27, IB15 ================::::r=======_:=:::::r-================ A ,TlJNE CHRIST~IAS TREE. I WO~IEN'S CO~nmNITY CLUB A paradox! It is really true, though L a ~n F e t e \ PLANS STltAWBERRY FES· TH'AL The Woman's Community Club wlU Lawn Fete to be given Friday and II give a strawberry festival for the benSaturday, June 11 and 12, both after- efit of the Y. M. C. A. and Community noon and evening, bY the Chi PI Center, Friday, June 11, 1916, at 7 P. Sorority, on the lawn of M., at the Justice property, 226 North Narberth avenue. MRS. W. T. BARRIS Good music has been provided, and 207 PRICE AVENUE dancing on the grounds will be enjoyThe principal features will be: ed all the evening. Cake and Candy Table, Ice Cream, As a special feature, Tetrazzini wl1l Punch, Grabbag, Fortune Telling, sell peanuts and tell fortunes. There Straw Rides. will lie home-made cakes, lemonade, Ice cream cones, strawberries, rootbeer, sarsaparl11a, candy and peanuts for sale on the grounds. The general chairman is Mrs. S. B. Dickie and Mrs. Alexander Chambley Hi,h Grade Butter is acting as her secretary. Mrs. Dickie Telephone-Narberth 644 A. Is assisted by Mrs. Seaver, Mrs. Odell, Mrs. Koppell, Mrs. Borner, Mrs. Jas. Cole. Mrs. Verna, Mrs. J. Smith, Mrs. E. C. Town, Mrs. Carroll Downes, Mrs. Fred Rose. Commitfees are as follows: Grounds, Plumbing, Gas Fitting Mrs. Seaver, Mrs. Stites; tickets, Miss and Heating Gertrude Wright, Mr. Fred Rose; cake, NARBERTH. PA Mrs. E. S. Haws; peanuts, Mrs. W. S. Horner; root-beer, Miss Mildred Smith; lemonade, Mrs. Dando, Mrs. • Reese; strawberries, Mrs. Ward:-Mrs. Seaver; candY, Miss Maizie Simpson; The springlike days are coming ice cream, Mrs. C. T. Moore. JUNE 11, 12. Frank Ct'ist MEATS & PROVISIONS I HARRY B. WALL Now Is The Time I when you will want Films for -your Camera. Get them at INOW IS TIlE CRITICAL TillE IN FIEDLER'S I NARBERTH. Without proper sanitary regulations and rigid Inspection of our food, Telephone-Narberth 368. milk and water supply, infection and disease would develop, even in a community which Is in itself clean. Narherth Is protected In most of these Plaster and Cement Work directions by adequate sanitary measEstimates Furnished Jobbing ures with the result that a fair state of public health exists. A weak link is in the disease breeding and germ Contented Consumers Commend carrying ~sects of various kinds, or which by far the worst offender Is the Cook's Coal common house fly. ~ow Is a critical time in our fight for fly and mosquito extermination. The flies are breeding in every convenient pile of filth, and wltli the coming of summer weather will grea.tly increases in numbers. The wa.rm weather also brings an increase in the number of typhoid, cases, for many of which the fly is directly responsible. Screen your house and your food tllOroughly and carefully against the entrance of these disease breeding NARBERTH, PA. insects. This is essential for your own protection. Your next duty is to destroy all of tlle flies you possIbly can, as a protection to the community, Prompt Deliveries Assured since this is their active breeding perlad. An equally important duty Is the absolute elimination of all possible breeding places. Take another look around your premises; have a little talk with your neighbors about the matter, and if there are any vacant lots in your neighborhood, join in with two or three of your neighbors and clean up such places. The recent heavy rains are going to leave plenty of pools as breedIng ARD M 0 R E, P A. places for mosquitoes. Look them up; either !lraln off the '\Vater or cover It with a film of 011. ThIs Is also a time to have your plumbIngnnd Automobile Service eaves tronghs looke!l after so that water will not accumnlate. ________________ 1 EDWARD HAWS C. P. COOK COAL, WOOD AND I BUILDING SUPPLiES ARE RIPE DICKEY, Hat Shop Cor. 16th & Market Sts., Phila. Howard F. Cotter of MEATS QUALITY (t) Miesen's Bakery ROBINSON & CRAWFORD H. C. FRITSCH VE~L PUGH Electrical Contractor Lake Paupac Y. 1'f. C. A. BOYS' CA1'IP. Last Friday evening fifty of our "THE LAND OF THE CLOUDS" 2200 feet above sea level boys and their parents gathered in With Nature in the Woods. RhOdodendrons and Flowers in the Spring. the Y. M. C. A. Community room and Lovely Cool Days In the Summer. Magnificent Foliage in the Fall. Comfortheard Mr. Buckalew give his illus- able Home Life. Splendid Table and Good Rooms. Tenth Season. Fresh Milk trated talk on "Camp Life." Mr. and Vegetables from our Farms. Buckalew is Boys' Secretary at CenFor reservations, booklet and information, address. tral Y. M. C. A. and will personally supervise "Camp Tohickon." LI\.KE PI\.UPAC CO., R. F. D•• Canadensis, Monroe Co•• Pa. Both the camp and camp leader Location, Greentown, Pike County, Pa. Fifteen miles north of Cresco or made a good Impression on the r-Iar- Gouldsboro, on the D. L. & W. R. R. berthites. As evidence of this fact Tenth Season: Fishin g, Boating, Swimming. about fifteen of our Narberth boys· A.. J. Loos, Pres.. Narberth. Pa. J. Franklin Meehan, Sec'y., Mt. Airy, Phila. have already expressed a desire to 'tttend "Camp Tohickon." Narberth is e;oing to have a fine representation; Tbe Merion TIOe and Trost Co. the following boys are going: Lonnie of Ardmore, Par Southerland, Ross Robbins, Burr Rohbins, Roscoe Smedley, Baird Caldwell, The oldest, largest and best deposi· Wayne Bond, Addison Covert, Frank tory in this vicinity. Haverford Ave. Kromer, Philip LiVingston, FranCIS Capital, $150,000. Surplus, $125,000 244 Wipf, Paul Odell, Edward Odell, John Undivided Profits, $40,000. Wilson, Kenneth Walton and Wycliff I Walton I How' about your boy, is he going'!, lJ • For full information call to see or! Is now prepared to take orders for phone Secretary Hampton, Narberth 694 W. ~:~~i:~~~8 !lome Dressed Poultry, Butter, Eggs and Game. IOO.TRIP TICKET NOW GOOD I'on Fancy Fruit and Vegetables. ONE YEAR. First Class Work. Style Guaranteed -Public Senlce CommIssion ~Iodlfies Cleaning, Scouring, Dyeing and I'ornler DecisIon. Pressing. to Any Style.Ladies' Goods Suits CalledRemodeled for and DeNARBERTH, PA. A copy of the supplemental opinion livered. Telephone. filed by the Publlc Service Commlssion in the railroad rate case was served Monday of this week on George P_h_o_n_e_,_6_4_4_D_. _ M. Henry, as attorney for the NarFLY'W'IRE berth Civic Association. GODFREY Black ...........•...•.•. .02 sq. foot The most important change made The Real Estate Man at GalvanIzed _. . . . • •. .08 sq. foot by the commission, in so far as our 114 Woodside Ave., .06 sq. foot community Is concerned, is the resto- ,will be pleased to assist you In get- Copper ration of the 100-trip ticket good for ting a home. Cblck"n "Ire. Per ft. roll . • • . The Civic Association and the bor- one year from the date of issue. This Telephone-Narberth 685 A. ough officials are taking steps to ell- ticket, it will be recalled, was shown ~l~ate all insect breeding places to be the most popular of all classes "Inch are a public menace. By organ- of tickets issued by the railroads runized effort the co~munity will do its ning into Philadelphia. The original share, and it remams for the indivld- opinion filed by the commission reDetective Bureau (Successor to E. J. HOOD) ual to do as well. Please eonsIder tIll!!! i qulred the restoration of the 100-trlp HEATER AND RANGE WOltK a personal matter of Immediate urg·' ticket, but this was good only for six INFORMATION FURNISHED ABOUT YOUR ROOF SLATE AND TIN ltOOFER ency. months from date of issue, instead of ALL lINllS OF LEAKS DETECTED Remember that filth breeds files and one year. While a six months' liml104: Forrest Avenue BAD LEAKS ARRESTED that flies breed disease and that your tatlon was immaterial to the business LOSSES FROM LEAKS PREVENTED Jobbing a Specialty. Narberth, Pa. home and your community need your man who made frequent trips to the co-operation in the interest of public city, it was of considerable importhealth. The whole secret and the one I ance to the different members of his absolu~e .necessity is cleanliness, •family who might not use the 100 CIJEANIJINESS. trips in six months. The part of the The existence of the house fly in 'oplnlon dealing with this question is Narberth is a sanitary crime. as follows: 33 E. Lancaster Avenue, Ardmore. Pa. "While holding that there is no neE. A. STERLING. cessity of reopening the case for taking of further estimony, the commis- sary that the carriers should sell both I this ticket will be made twelve months sion Is of the opinion that certain the 100-trlp and 50-trip tickets, it or- I from the date of issue." LADY NARU••'lH. --facts upon which emphasis was laid dered the carriers to continue to sell I The commission has also directed (Co_tinued frOlll Page 2.) !.in the argument of counsel at the a 100-trlp individual commutation that the railroad substitute for roundThe many friends of Earl Dickie hearing of January 8th, 1916, justify ticket, because the withdrawal of that: trip tickets, whi~ are now sold at will be sorry to hear of his being laid a modification of the order of Decem- tiel,et from sale 'would unreasonabb· double the reguiar fare, one-way tickup for a few days with a heavy cold. ber 12th, 1914, to the extent of requir- Increase the fares paid by persons ets good in either direction bet,veen We hope he will be able to be abold ing the 100-trlp commutation ticket to who have found those tickets suited designated stations. This arrangeby Saturday In time for the ball game. be sold valid for one year from the to their needs.' ment will no doubt prove a conveni'~hout Earl on the third base coacb-I date of issue instead of for a period "The needs of such commuters, it ence to passengers without adding Ing line we would miss half the fun 1of six months. The 100-trlp indivirl- appears, are not met by a 100-trlp anything to the burdens of the raUual commutation ticket sold by all of the game. _ the respondent companies and thd ticket limited to siX months; and In roads. Edgar T. Shields, M. D., and fam- similar 50-trip ticket sold by the Phll- order that the 100-trip individual commutation ticket may more fully meet Gold embroidery may be cleaned Uy, of Yachowfu, West China, are tbe adelphia & Reading Railway Comthe requirements of those desiring to , when it tarnishes with a brush dippell guests of Mr. and Mrs. William D.' puny were largely used: and, while Smedley. tn-e commission did not think it neces- use It, the period of the validity of I in burned and pulverized rock alum. I Bargain Shop Bric-a..Brac, Etc. I NARBERTH TAILOR ro BOYLE'S MARKET HOUSE Prime Meats Spring Suits Chas. M. StuardI FUNERAL DIRECTOR Stra~s Men's unusual. On Monday afternoon, June the seventh, the Woman's Mission Circle of the Baptist Church of the Evangelist will have a Christmas tree for the children of West China. At the last meeting of the circle, held at the home of Mrs. C. H. McCarter, last week, Edgar T. Shields, M. D., of Yachowfu, West China, gave an interesting, informing, inspiring talk. He told of the delight with which the Viceroy of the province watched Ladies' PanlUnas a toy train speeding across the gymnasium floor, running beside it with great glee; and how a patrlarchlal Chinaman patient in the hospital was fascjnated for hours by a doll that UALITY In th<l 11'00&, opened and closed its eyes and was faIrness In tbe prices so appreciative of the gift which he and superiorIty ID tbe service are the dl8. took home with him. v. M. C. A. BUILDING tlnll'ulsblng features of eve..,. The circle desires to send tOYs to Robinson &: Crawford store. It will pay YOU to deal Where help to give the children and their Quality Counts. parents a Merry Christmas. Hospital supplies will be sent also. The NARBERTH ARCADE box must 'start before July 1st. BUILDING Narberth, Par Phone, lli'arberth 12S1 Some of our townspeople may have Bread, Cake, Rolls, Pies. Otber Stores Throughout Phlladelphla toys in their store rooms that wou1d Candy. lee Cream and Suburbs brighten the lives of these in farCATERING FOR PARTIES away China, two thousand miles from the coast. Perhaps, too, there are pie<l~s of old linen that would make bandages that would save human life. Dolls of all kinds, toys, any article Properties For Rent and Sale FIre Insurauce suitable for hospital needs may be left at the home of Mrs. Wm. J. Jones; 225 lona Avenue, Narberth, Pa. Bell Phone 852 W. South Narberth avenue, berore June Telephone-Narberth 381-D. Narberth, Pa. 7th. The Mission Circle, Farther Wall Bnlldlng. Lights Mission Band and Cradle Roll will unite in this jolly missionary festival. $18.00, Made to Order "A Store for Partl'cnlar People" 104 1-2 FORREST AVE. ~C1od J!MES G. SC!NLIN Contracting Painter Narberth, Par Telephone Estimates _______________ Joseph C. Mowrer John A Mowrer MOWRER BROS. Carpenters, Contractors and Builders Telephone Connection, Narberth and Merion. TO BUY, TO BUILD, TO RENT MEET ME AT THE CABIN Wm. D. Smedley F • H • WALZER Painting in all its Branches Estimates Cheerfully Given. Telephone-Narberth 3ll·D. In the last twenty years the freight traffic through the Suez Canal has more than trebled, while the number of passengers has increased only '&lbout 85 per cent. 1506Sc SUPPLEES, 1538 Market St. Gl'U~~~LraJ@ I J. A. MILLER I I s. P. FRANKENFIELD SONS Undertakers I I I .'
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