PS: Don`t forget to keep checking out the schools website for the

27 Spencer St, Nar Nar Goon 3812
May 7th, 2015
Phone: 5942 5311
Also available on our website @
Issue No 13
From The Principal’s Desk
Dear Parents and Friends;
We have a very busy period approaching with Naplan testing next week, Education Week the following week and Reports and
Parent/Teacher Interviews in the weeks ahead. I would like to wish all Grade 3s and 5s the best of luck as they sit their Naplan
tests on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday –I know they will all perform to the best of their abilities.
We have planned a fun filled week during Education Week, with the highlight of course being Grandparents Day. For those of
you who are new to the school, this is a very special occasion at Nar Nar Goon Primary School, where grandparents are invited to
attend school from 10am-11:40am (on Tuesday 19th May). Grandparents can spend time in the classrooms from 10 o’clock and
enjoy interacting with the children and teachers, followed by a very yummy morning tea in the multi-purpose room.
The theme of Education Week this year is “Crack the Code in Maths”. We will be engaging the children in a number of problem
solving Maths activities and games throughout the week. Please keep aside the evening of Tuesday 19 th May for a Family Maths
Night where we will be inviting families to come to school and play some fun Maths games together. There will be more
information going home about this event in next week’s newsletter.
I would once again like to remind all parents and carers about the issues around cyber safety and the use of social networking
sites that your children are accessing. It is really important that you speak to your children about the correct use and the
“etiquette” of accessing social networking sites such as Snap Chat, Email etc. All too often children use these sites to converse
with each other out of school hours, but when unpleasant things are said or conversations turn sour, we experience the
consequences of these as they spill over to the playground and school. A good rule of thumb to explain to your children is that if
it is something they would not want to say to someone in person, they need to refrain from saying anything at all. Our Golden
Rule of “Treat others as you would like to be treated” also applies well to using ICT and the internet. In serious incidents where
cyber bullying occurs, we will have no choice but to withdraw a students’ privilege to use ICT at school in line with our ICT
Acceptable Use policy that was endorsed by School Council and signed by all students and parents.
The Grade 5/6 students had a wonderful day at the Pakenham YMCA on Wednesday. Not only did they meet some high profile
Richmond players during this extra curricula activity, but they were also able to participate in a series of skills and drills
workshops and learn from the Richmond players about their experiences growing up and achieving their ultimate goal of playing
in the AFL.
Finally, I would like to wish all mothers/grandmothers/stepmothers/carers a very happy mothers’ day on Sunday-hopefully you
will get to enjoy some well- deserved “ME” time!! I would like to finish this week’s newsletter with the following quote that I
know will resound well with all mothers out there!
You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool mum!
Kind Regards,
Mrs Fran Van Lambaart
PS: Don’t forget to keep checking out the schools website for the latest newsletters from our classrooms and
photos of the children including our weekly E for Excellence awards.
Planning has begun for 2016. For those families who intend to enrol their child next
year, could you please return their completed forms ASAP. This is most important as it
will enable us to accurately plan for the 2016 year.
Congratulations to these children for receiving this week’s awards.
 
It is the Department and our School’s
policy that when a child is absent we
must receive an explanation either
verbal, a note or a phone call either on
their return or at the time of absence.
 
Illnesses At School
It is that time of year when there are a
large number of illnesses around. If you
think your child is unwell it is advisable to
keep them at home.
Thank you
When returning money to the office please make sure that it
is securely enclosed in an envelope that is clearly marked with name,
grade and what it is for.
To Darren from the Paint Clearance Centre in
Doherty’s Road, Laverton North for the extra
cheap paint for the Tool Shed
AND the donation of many tins
of sample paint.
** No Canteen this Friday due to the Mother’s Day Stall**
**Mother’s Day Stall**
Friday 8th May
Fantastic range of gifts with prices between 50c and $5.00
We will also be selling raffle tickets for 50c each (max 4 tickets each) for an extra special prize for Mum
to be drawn at assembly!
Please contact Victoria if you are able to help out on 0412 641 700
or on our Facebook page
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------**Meal Deal Day**
Wednesday 20th May
Hot Dogs, yummy homemade Choc Chip Cookies &
Apple Juice, Choc or Strawberry Flavoured Milk
Order forms were sent home this week.
Please fill in one form per child and return to school with the correct money no later than Monday 18th May
Ciara S
Brodie R
Tenayer W
A special thank you
to all our mum’s who do so much for us
around our school.
A very happy Mother’s Day to ALL of
our Mum’s—we hope you all
have a special day.
Friday 8th Y5/6 Sport @ Chairo
Mother’s Day Stall
Monday 11th Dental Screenings
Friday 15th Y5/6 Sport @ Officer
Monday 18th - Friday 22nd Education Week
PAFA Meeting 9.15am
Tuesday 19th Grandparents Day 10am-11.40am (includes Morning Tea)
Wednesday 20th PAFA Meal Deal
Friday 22nd Y5/6 Sport @ home v BUPS
Monday 25th School Council 7pm
Tuesday 26th AFL Clinics 3-6
Friday 29th Y5/6 Sport @ home v Maranatha
Tuesday 2nd AFL Clinics 3-6
Tuesday 9th AFL Clinics 3-6
Friday 12th Y5/6 Lightning Premiership-info to follow
Monday 15th PAFA Meeting 9.15am
Tuesday 16th AFL Clinics 3-6
Wednesday 17th PAFA Meal Deal
Monday 22nd School Council 7pm
Wednesday 24th Whole School Athletics Day-info to follow
Friday 26th Last Day Term 2
Last Friday we had 43 students
represent Nar Nar Goon Primary School
at the Officer District Cross Country. It
was great to see so many students
challenge themselves throughout the
A special congratulations goes to Sam H.
and Hayley J. who have both qualified for
the Cardinia Division competition to be
held on Monday the 25th of May.
Mr Zimmerle
Walk, ride, skate & scoot to school
There are many reasons why your children should ride, walk, skate and scoot to and from school.
Leaving the car behind has many benefits
Improved social development:
Being allowed the opportunity to actively and independently travel to school (and beyond) fosters independence and
responsibility which in turn builds a child’s confidence, self-esteem and social skills. Building these attributes in our
children enhances their ability to meet the challenges encountered during school and beyond.
In teenagers, self-esteem tends to decline during adolescence. Research has found that being physically active may
help youth overcome this difficult period by working to enhance self-esteem levels, allowing them to better focus
on their studies.
This is a Streets Ahead initiative. For more information
contact Council’s Active Children’s Officer, Kate Beveridge on 1300 787 624.