POCCA RCS presentation April 2015 NASCO Overview

North American Strategy for
NASCO is the leading organization focused on the competitiveness of
the North American supply chain, workforce and energy independence.
NASCO is a grass roots, tri-national coalition of governments,
businesses and educational institutions driven by a common interest in
collaboration along key freight, energy and commercial trade networks.
Founded in 1994, NASCO encourages North America’s
competitiveness in the global marketplace.
Our North American Strategy…
Improve the North American supply chain, logistics systems
and transportation network to be the most competitive on earth;
Eliminate unnecessary non-tariff trade barriers and reduce
cross-border transaction costs;
Strengthen the quality of the North American workforce to
become the best in the global marketplace; and
Promote North American energy independence, security and
Our North American Leverage…
NASCO links our unparalleled, tri-national
connections at the highest levels in
government, education and industry
(voters and decision-makers) to our
initiatives – and that is the power of our
North American network.
Our North American Voice…
We are fueled by a passion for the competitiveness of North
America and an outrageous sense of urgency to inform
EVERYONE of the critical importance TO THEM of keeping our
continent competitive in the global marketplace.
Our North American Mantra….
THINK North American
INFORM North Americans
CONNECT North Americans
VOTE North American
TRADE North American
MANUFACTURE North American
TRAIN North Americans
RESPECT North Americans
North American competitiveness is LOCAL!
North American Connection
Connect. Inform. Engage.
NASCO connects. We connect North America. We
connect people, businesses, ideas, information, efforts and
organizations. We inform and involve. And, if you engage
with NASCO, your people, your businesses, your ideas,
your information, your organizations and your efforts
connect to us and through us. It is a powerful, continental,
information sharing network in multiple layers and
directions. It is a valuable, proven business
development tool.
And it is working.
NASCO Key Initiatives
Think North American - North American ADVOCACY and AWARENESS at all
levels – local, state / provincial, federal, international and industry
Trade Promotion Authority (TPP, TTIP)
Multi-year Transportation Bill, dedicated freight program
North American Supply Chain, Innovation and Technology
US Department of Commerce Advisory Council on Supply Chain Competitiveness
The North American Approach – North American Single Window,
Harmonization and Regulation – eliminate barriers to free trade,
compliance challenges, complex laws, cross border transactions,
Eno Center for Transportation Freight Funding Working Group
IFTWG - Intermodal Freight Technology Working Groups
NASCO Key Initiatives
Freight Technology Pilot Projects
- Connected Vehicles – I-35 Connected Work Zone and Corridor
Optimization for Freight
- FRATIS - Freight Advanced Traveler Information Systems
North American Border Crossings
- Advocacy and engagement on barriers to free trade – government,
compliance challenges, complex laws and regulations, Single
Advocacy / Stakeholders in several border crossing efforts and studies
- United States Department of Homeland Security Advisory Council’s
Border Infrastructure Task Force
North American Energy – Security, Independence, Opportunity
- Mexico reforms; Keystone XL Pipeline; Exportation of LNG and crude oil
- Alternative Fuels; Refueling Infrastructure; Pipelines; EDF grants
NASCO Key Initiatives
North American Skilled Workforce
FIRST EVER Tri-national Workforce Training Pilot – to lay foundation for a
North American portable credential!
Law School and University undergraduate and graduate NASCO themed
research projects
Partnerships with Manufacturing Skills Standards Council (MSSC) CLA / CLT / CPT courses – Canada, USA and Mexico
Partnership with NAM Manufacturing Institute –
NAM Endorsed Skills Certification System
NASCO Councils
Engage in the process or be a consequence of it!
Within NASCO we have the following councils:
v Supply Chain Council
v Workforce Council
v Energy Council
v University Council
v Innovation Council
v Mexico Council
v Federal Governments Council
v State / Provincial & Local Governments Council
The weekly members only NASCO Newswire provides cutting-edge,
actionable information, news updates, member highlights and
upcoming meeting information to our membership across Canada, USA
and Mexico.
NASCO Social Media
Follow us on…
Twitter @nasconetwork
LinkedIn Group Nasco Network
A glimpse from our annual continental reunions!
2014 NASCO Conference
•  Hosted in Mexico City – September 23-25, 2014
•  350+ North American businesses attended
•  1,000 entrepreneurs & students virtually attended around Mexico
2015 NASCO Conference
2015 Regional Meetings
Updates & Regional Competitiveness Summits
Dallas / Fort Worth
Detroit / Windsor
Washington, D.C.
Corpus Christi, Texas
Montreal, Quebec
Ottawa, Ontario
Toronto, Ontario
Indianapolis, Indiana
Kansas City, Missouri
San Luis Potosi, SLP
Laredo, Texas
More to come…
February 12
February 23-25
April 21-22
April 28
May 2015
May 20-22
June 2015
June 16-17
July 21-23
July 28-30
August 12
NASCO Contact Information
901 Main Street, Suite 4400, Dallas, TX 75202
Tiffany Melvin, President
214-744-1042; tiffany@nasconetwork.com
Rachel Connell, Director of Membership & Events
214-744-1006; rachel@nasconetwork.com
Arielle Manresa-Nicholson,
Communications & Policy Coordinator
352-362-6924; arielle@nasconetwork.com
Hannah Edwards, Administrative Assistant
214-744-1018; hannah@nasconetwork.com
Francisco Martinez, Mexico Representative
011 52 18115555665; fmartinez@nasconetwork.com