Nuggets of Faith NUMBER XXXVII, ISSUE IV Freedom - the sweetest of all words! We proudly say that we will not be toldwhat to say and/or be dictated to about how we report anything and/or how it must be slanted! We humbly and without arrogance or self-importance make this promise to our readers. “Were it left to me to decide whether to have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.” -Thomas Jefferson Bill Hollingsworth Publisher Naval Air Station (NAS) News, Serving Retirees and Senior Life Magazine are proud to say that we can still write and report on anything we want in the United States of America! We’ve been powerfully, tirelessly reporting for 35 years now! Thank God for that precious, awesome, wonderful freedom and freedom of expression! That complete freedom of the press is what keeps a free country - free! Our Founding Fathers knew this! The reason it is the First Amendment to the Constitution! When the press is thwarted or deterred, inch-byinch, one’s true freedom is stolen! When the press is free to report the facts and not dictated as to what they may write - then that assures us all of democracy’s continuing liberty and freedom. Staff Bruce Hollingsworth Co-Publisher June Spadachene 817-319-8000 817-516-0662 Managing Editor Member Texas Press Association Chuck Owen Member National Press Association V.P. Marketing Local - National Robert L Boone Sr. Advertising Representatives V.P. Marketing Al Fintzel Special Features Editor Bill Fisher Staff and Feature Editor SM Latham Layout Editor/Production 2 NAS News is not a military contract publication. NAS News has been distributed on NASJRB, Fort Worth, Texas for approximately 17 years. NAS News has been replaced by Senior (SR) Life magazine, and is not a military publication for distribution on Naval Air Station JRB, Ft, Worth, TX © Copyright 2012 by Southwest Life Magazine. Naval Air Station News, Inc. (NAS News) is a trademark of Southwest Life Magazine, 933 Sequoia, Lancaster, Texas 75146. Senior Life Magazine and Naval Air Station News are independent publications with any United States Government Agency. Senior Life Magazine and Naval Air Station News are published for all seniors, military veterans, Reserves, National and State Guard, active duty military and everyone that has served the United States of America. Senior Life Magazine and Naval Air Station News are solely owned and edited by Naval Air Station News, Inc. Armed Forces Communication L.A. California, Cass Advertising MEMBER 2015 A Tribute to a Giant: CMSAF #9 James Binnicker by Tony Barnes “The Chief passed away this morning.” The words hit me like a ton of bricks. Although a buddy of mine had sent me a related text earlier, hearing the words from a staff member of the enlisted village brought home the reality in that epic moment. The 9th Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force (CMSAF) was gone. As one of his former employees told me, “…he seemed indestructible. [He was] always taking care of others [and] always the strong one.” CMSAF #9 James Binnicker was often referred to as ‘The Chief’. There are many thousands of chief master sergeants in this world who attained the highest enlisted rank. It would be easy to understand if one got miffed if another was called ‘The Chief’ as if that person was the only chief on the planet. But, I don’t know of a single person that grew irritated by Binnicker being referred to in such a manner. Aside from heights he achieved on active duty, he was the Chief Executive Officer of the Air Force Enlisted Village (AFEV) providing a home to hundreds of enlisted widows and elderly couples. Although many CMSAFs go on to lucrative second careers in the aerospace industry, Binnicker left his job in Atlanta over 15 years ago to pour his heart and soul into the enlisted village. You could name any resident and he knew their story. If there were widows more challenging than others to deal with, he always considered what they had been through to make them who they are in life. In fact, he instituted the “Mom Rule” which meant every staff member had better treat the residents as they would want their mom treated…or they were freed of their responsibilities to pursue other employment. At the celebration of life service in Fort Walton Beach, one of the residents said the first time she met him he was vacuuming the carpet in one of the resident buildings. She thought he was the janitor until later introduced to him as the CEO. I once drove up and he was in a grassy area picking up tree limbs blown down from a storm the night before. He could easily have had maintenance retrieve the branches…yet, the chief who had held the highest enlisted position in the Air Force wasn’t afraid to get his hands dirty even into his mid-70s. As cancer ravaged his body, the Chief knew the end was near. He told relatives that he was going away soon. One of them asked him where he was going. After saying he was going to heaven, one of the girls in the family said, “When you get there, make sure you tell Jesus you love him.” With a glint in his eye, the Chief responded with, “He already knows.” The Chief was a great man of faith filled with humility in spite of his greatness. His official picture hangs on AF bases around the world. The picture shows The Chief with his hands resting on a Bible. Coming from a heritage of faith, he once told me he was writing a book about an ancestor of his who was a Baptist preacher in North Carolina. I hope he finished the project. I cherish the one on one time I had with him. When I first was asked to serve on the board of directors, I flew out to the village for an orientation and was honored to get a personal tour of the village. I never imagined when I shook his hand at the last board meeting that I’d never see him again this side of heaven. We have truly lost a giant of a man. See ya later chief…when I get to heaven I’ll just ask Saint Peter to see ‘The Chief’. Tony “T-Bar” Barnes is a 28 year veteran of the Marine Corps and Air Force. He currently works with the Army Wounded Warrior (AW2) program and can be reached at Published by Naval Air Station News, Inc. • See Apr 2015 Daily News at • nasnews@sbcglobal,ner •Metro 817-516-0662 Published by Naval Air Station News, Inc. • See Apr 2015 Daily News at • nasnews@sbcglobal,ner •Metro 817-516-0662 3 Some of America’s True Heroes: WWII’s Navajo Code Talkers by June Spadachene Photo by June Spadachene Photo by June Spadachene The Code Talkers attracted admirers, young and old. Dan Akee, seated left, and Peter McDonald, seated right - heroes of WWII. 4 Photo by June Spadachene The story began in 1940 when the Allied troops were unable to get past the German army because their codes were read by them. Then the Chippewa and Oniedas became part of the radio communication of the 32nd infantry divisions. The compatability of the Navajo linguists allowed it to become an ideal choice to be used in the code due to lack of documentation made available for learning to speak the language and ability for the same words to mean multiple things based on sound. The legacy of the Navajo code talkers will continue as many “stones” have shared about their journey since it’s declassification during Pres. Regan’s administration. The code talkers as military, began when the Allied troops were unable to communicate with privacy. Beginning in 1942 twenty nine recruits were sent to SanDiego for marine corps training. WWII Navajo Code Talker fifth Marine Division signal officer said, “were it not for the Navajos, the Marines would never have taken Iwo Jima.”The Japanese were breaking every code until the Navajo code talkers were brought in. The secret was kept secret for decades after the war. One of the code talkers present at the Glen Rose event, Peter McDonald said, “his people came from the four corners at Arizona and Utah.” He was born Maya in 1928, he said his grandfather had a truck and he hoped to grow up to drive that and make money, however in 1942 , the first time he saw “whites” and “blue eyes,” he was told the Marines were pinned down on “Iwo” and needed help. Thousands of lives were at stake. Peter McDonald became one of the first Navajo code talkers to help the Marines and his Country. After the conflict, he went to college and became a very successful engineer. He still remembers the code. Attendees enjoyed good Texas barbecue. Published by Naval Air Station News, Inc. • See Apr 2015 Daily News at • nasnews@sbcglobal,ner •Metro 817-516-0662 Dan Akee –Navajo Code Talker Photo by Sarah Stierch Born in 1922 in Arizona, Dan Akee was a sheepherder when called by the U.S. to join the codetalkers. He fought on 4 invasions, 2 on Iwo Jima while training to send the code. The code began with 200 words and grew to 600, and was never written in code books. Akee said Adolph Hitler was referred to as, “Crazy White Man”. in the code. He said he was very affected to see so many young men killed and started drinking after discharge. Liver disease followed the drinking. Akee stopped the drinking and trained and became a minister in the Church of God. Published by Naval Air Station News, Inc. • See Apr 2015 Daily News at • nasnews@sbcglobal,ner •Metro 817-516-0662 5 APPRECIATING OUR MILITARY---- VIETNAM WAR MUSEUM FUNDRAISER (14th Year) by June Spadachene The Friends of the museum held a fundraiser for the National VietnamWar Museum in February in Mineral Wells,Texas. As with many fundraisers there was a dinner combined with a silent and live auction with fun auctioneer Paul Webbeler of Hoot’s Auction Company working hard to separate the guests from their money in a very entertaining way. Ties with the U.S. military run long and deep in this area. This location served as the U.S. Armys training ground for the Viet Nam war for thousands of helicopter pilots preparing for war. The museum, created fourteen years ago,has gained a U.S. Navy garden, the center piece is a memorial to the USS Frank E. Evans. The musuem is located at 2251 Mineral Well hwy. (U.S. Highway 80) on the west side of Weatherford. Look for the tilted Huey helicopter Donations are encouraged every year to further the development of the museum. A tribute to the Fallen Vietnam War veterans stands with the Attendees not only enjoyed silent and live auctions, but dinner, as well. replica Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall in the background on the grounds of the National Vietnam War Museum in western Parker County, which in- Betty Richardson hold the rifle she won at the auction with her donation to the Museum. 6 cludes a searchable kiosk of the more than 58,000 names inscribed on its panels, a soldiers cross monument in the front. There are several static Paul Webbeler, of Hoot’s Auction Company, kept the fun going. dislays of the war-era equipment, a U.S.Navy garden is a centerpiecce of which will be a memorial to the USS Frank E.Evans. Eventually with the help of these funraisers and doners, they will tell the entire story, from all sides, of the Viet Nam War. Milions of dollars are yet to be reaised, These yearly funraiser events contribute greatly and serve to keep the project alive. Workers also face the critical water shortage in the area making maintaining the garden more diffficult. As usual in great projects of this kind, many workers and dollars are needed to continue the building. Some on the board of visitors to this musuem are: General John T.Chain Jr. (USAF-ret); The honorable Sam Johnson ; Brigadier Gen. Nate C. Vail, USA-ret.. Brigader Gen. James Spivery Jr. (USAR-Ret). If you have a little or a lot of extra money, consider this museum. Needed critically is $10000 to $15,000 from many donors. Good place for a visit..Good cause for donation. Comedian Dean Lewis, with NAS News editor June Spadachene. Published by Naval Air Station News, Inc. • See Apr 2015 Daily News at • nasnews@sbcglobal,ner •Metro 817-516-0662 Granger Statement on Release of Military Aid to Egypt WASHINGTON, DC – Congresswoman Kay Granger (TX-12) released the following statement after President Obama announced the United States would lift the hold on military assistance to Egypt. “Today, the Administration decided to release its hold on military assistance to Egypt; a decision that is long overdue. Egypt is a critical ally and partner, and Egypt is on the front lines fighting extremists in their own country in the Sinai Peninsula. Now they are actively engaged in a broader military effort in the Middle East to prevent the advances of Islamic State militants. I have been a tough critic of the Administration’s choice to delay military assistance to Egypt because I don’t believe it has been in the best interest of U.S. national security or regional stability and security in the Middle East to withhold vital military equipment to such an important ally in the region. Now that the decision has been made, I am hopefully the Egyptian military will be able to quickly receive the assistance the U.S. has promised them.” On February 19th, Congresswoman Granger sent a letter to President Obama calling on him to release the military assistance to Egypt that was being withheld by the Administration. SERVING THOSE WHO HAVE SERVED US. I salute those who have served and those serving now. And I pledge to continue working with all of you to protect our country and respect our veterans. 1701 River Run Rd, Suite 1010 Fort Worth, TX 76107 817-870-5000 Paid for by the Kay Granger Campaign Fund, Rice M. Tilley, Treasurer Published by Naval Air Station News, Inc. • See Apr 2015 Daily News at • nasnews@sbcglobal,ner •Metro 817-516-0662 7 Is Your Brain Shrinking? Wonder Drug For Your Brain by June Spadachene Allright, Allright, Allright---Walking is the key to keep your brain from shrinking! All these years I have been telling you that! Now its all over the Web in fitness articles. Here’s the official word: Just walk at least one mile a day, six to nine miles a week-preserves more gray matter compared to those who don’t walk; two fold risk reduction for cognitive impairment of Alzheimers. Walking is even better than you think. Five miles a week slows down the progression of Alzheimers-it’s a wonder drug for your brain. Science Daily says walking 40 minutes a week boosts brain connectivity. It’s also suitable for older adults. There’s that age thing again. If you get there you want to be in as good shape as possible--it’s not easy getting old--haven’t you heard that too many times. However, being able to take a walk every day is a gift. Don’t waste it. Its a walk around the park, literally. You’re smarter, you’re growing new brain cells when you walk. Exercise can enhance cognitive skills! (I may have to work on that). Not only does it strengthen the brain, it increases bone density. Get out there and pump up that gray matter. NAS NEWS IS EXPANDING HELP WANTED ADVERTISING SALES • NEWS WRITERS • WEB DESIGNERS • PHOTOGRAPHERS FULL OR PART TIME SENIORS VETERANS HIGH SCHOOL KIDS OR HOUSEWIVES Belle of the Ball $IBSJUZ2VF FO/FMM$PMF NBOµT UI:FBS QBH sFW d r i b D erSweeping d n u Th S$0+3# $BQUBJO(JM.JMMF M$FNFUBSZ BU%'8/BUJPOB QBHF NCFS $PNJOHJO/PWF 'MFX 5VTLFHFF"JSNBO TJO88** $PNCBU.JTTJPO F $ISJT#PZFUU MFGU BOE&E(SBZB U DIBSJUZCBMME BODF XBMLFE/FMMU PUIF CBOETUBOE 3FQ,BZ(SBOHFS/BNFE$IBJSXPNBO PG4UBUFBOE'PSFJHO0QFSBUJPOT "QQSPQSJBUJPOT4VCDPNNJUUFF GPSUI$POHSFTT QBHF SENIOR LIFE MAGAZINE SERVING RETIRED MILITARY )...7 %BMMBT7")BTB UT GPS)PNFMFTT7F QBHF .BSJOF$PSQTDFMFCSBUFT ZFBSTPGTFSWJDF QBHF "SMJOHUPO)FJHIUT$IBODFM$IPJS UP1SFTFOU)BOEFMµT.FTTJBI QBHF 5PZTGPS5PUTXBOUTUPMFBWF OPTUPDLJOHVO¾MMFE QBHF -FGU%PO.D$PSE .%HJWFT#JMM)P MMJOHTXPSUI+S IJTOEDIFDLV QZFBSTMBUFS QBHF NAVAL AIR STATION NEWS :FBS0ME(F SNBO+PF 8BT%SBGUFECZ)JU (PSHFOTUFSO MFSµT"SNZ QBHF The voice of more than one million military veterans and seniors CALL 817.516.0662 OR 817.319.8888 8 EMAIL RESUME TO NASNEWS@SBCGLOBAL.NET Published by Naval Air Station News, Inc. • See Apr 2015 Daily News at • nasnews@sbcglobal,ner •Metro 817-516-0662 Published by Naval Air Station News, Inc. • See Apr 2015 Daily News at • nasnews@sbcglobal,ner •Metro 817-516-0662 9 SPRING MESSAGE FROM THE AMERICAN LEGION NATIONAL COMMANDER MIKE HELM For many members of the American Legion Family, April also signals a time to demonstrate the importance of our nation’s youth. The Legion has dedicated the past 77 Aprils to Children and Youth Month. It is a time when Legion posts can host activities specially geared to young people. Legion posts regularly work with Children’s organizations to create community projects. Others sponsor carnivals or similar events geared toward Children with the proceeds going toward community projects or fundraisers. For events that that include fundraising I urge donations to the Child Welfare Foundation. These events bring about strong community goodwill but they also energize post activities, Belle of the Ball $IBSJUZ2V FFO/FMM$PMFN UI:FBS BOµT QBHF She’s Still in Charge 7 NCFS $PNJOHJO/PWF O'MFX 5VTLFHFF"JSNB OTJO88** $PNCBU.JTTJP )... %BMMBT7")BTB UT GPS)PNFMFTT7F QBHF $ISJT#PZFUUMFGU BOE&E(SBZ BU DIBSJUZCBMMEBODF XBMLFE/FMMU PUIF CBOETUBOE 3FQ,BZ(SBOHFS/BNFE$IBJSXPNBO PG4UBUFBOE'PSFJHO0QFSBUJPOT "QQSPQSJBUJPOT4VCDPNNJUUFF GPSUI$POHSFTT QBHF .BSJOF$PSQTDFMFCSBUFT ZFBSTPGTFSWJDF QBHF "SMJOHUPO)FJHIUT$IBODFM$IPJS UP1SFTFOU)BOEFMµT.FTTJBI QBHF 5PZTGPS5PUTXBOUTUPMFBWF OPTUPDLJOHVO¾MMFE QBHF -FGU%PO.D$PSE.% HJWFT#JMM)PMMJOHTXPS UI+S IJTOEDIFDLVQZ FBSTMBUFS QBHF :FBS0ME(FSNBO +PF(P 8BT%SBGUFECZ)JUM SHFOTUFSO FSµT"SNZ QBHF THE VOICE OF MORE THAN ONE MILLION MILITARY VETERANS AND SENIORS! Contact us at this publication or call 817-319-8000 to take advantage of this offer. 10 Heritage Sr. Cntr-Irving 200 S. Jefferson Irving 75060 call 972-721-2496 every tues. 7:00 pm Czech Club 4930 Military Pkwy. C&W every Sunday 3:PM Plano Senior Center 401 W. 16th Plano call 972-941-7155 4-7 High Caliber 4-14 Bill G. 4-21 Dave Alexander 4-29 Jack Melick Monday Bedford Sr. Cntr. 2817 Forest Ridge Dr. Beford -817-952-2325 We are sorry to see the demise of the Skyranger, we want you to know however that NAS/SR LIFE can publish your ad and distribute on the base and also to our larger group of advertisers in the Metroplex. We will publish your ad in color for the same price you have been paying the Skyranger for a twelve month subscription and we’ll put it in all three of our magazines to nearly all retired military and senior centers in this area. MFS$0+3# $BQUBJO(JM.JM UBSZ BU%'8/BUJPOBM$FNF QBHF SUNDAY Crawford Comm. Center Tonkawa Park, Crawford 254-486-2112 National Hall 3316 Robers Cut off Ft. Worth 817-624-1361 Friday nite only 8:00 pm Tanglefoot dance 4/10 Russ Dorsey Skyranger advertisers rpindg DsFW i b r e e Thund Swe Dance Schedule Farmers Branch 14055 Dennis Lane Farmers Branch–972-919-8740 4-6 So. Pride 4-13 Blue Champagne 4-20 Swinging Country 4-27 J.C. Tippett Half Century dance club 6013 Craig St. Ft. Worth call 817-371-5159 Pres.. WillieVerche 1st Mon. Circuit Riders 2on Ace of Diamonds 3rd Last Call 4th 92nd Rodehouse Seagoville 314 Glendale call 469-867-8038 band Jimmy Gomez 7 to 9PM Silver Springs Enter. Cntr. 500 N. Smyth st. Bowie,TX call 840-872-0077 Every Mon. And Sat Nights C&W bands TUESDAY Benbrook Sr. Cntr. 1010 Mercades 76126 Marcy Fletcher 817-249-6300 call for info Stevenville Sr. Center 254-918-1288 (C&W) 7-9:30 PM White Settlement Sr. Cntr. 8211 White Settlement Sr. Cntr. Ft. Worth, TX call-817-246-6619 2nd & 4th Tues. 7-9PM $5.00 WEDNESDAY Pantego sr. cntr 3535 Marathon–Pantego 76013 4-1 So. Pride 4-8 92nd Rodehouse 4-15 High Caliber 4-22 Final Showdown 4-29 Cactus Coyote band Call Roger 817-822-3379 THURSDAY Garland Sr. Cntr. 972-205-2769 Ballroom and CW 7-9:30pm Dave Brewer or Da;llas City Limits The Summit–Grand Prairie call 972-237-4141 4-2 Final Showdown 4-16 92nd Roadhouse Hurst Sr. Center 847 Pipeline Rd. Call 817-788-7710 4-9 Classic Country 4-23 Doc Gibbs Springtown Sr. Center 1070 N. Main Call 817-613-7084 or call Bill Dykes 817-523-6133 7-10 PM C&W bands Published by Naval Air Station News, Inc. • See Apr 2015 Daily News at • nasnews@sbcglobal,ner •Metro 817-516-0662 Dance Schedule 10-3 no dance 10-10 FinalShowdown 10-17 Las Call 10-24 So. Pride 10-31 92ond Roadhouse $6.00 each lite dinner FRIDAY Arlington Country Dances Hurst Sr.Big Center 847Eunice Pipelinest. Rd 76053 1000 For info call 817-788-7710 Arlington, 76010 7-9:15pm 2nd & 4thTX Thursdays 10-9 High Caliber call 817-822-3379 Roger Crego /LQH'DQFH3HWH3DWWL&: $6.00 includes Refreshments 10-30 Cindi Renee lite refreshments 4-3$5.00 The each Montana Band (no entry after 9) 4-10 Final Showdown Springtown Sr. Center 1070 Main 4-17 (noNdance) see 4-18 )RULQIRFDOO%LOO'\NHV 4-18 (Sat) So. Pride $5.00 each 7-10pm CW 10-2 Steel Country 10-9 Cowboy Country Duncanville Sr. Center 10-16 Chapparells 3rd$FHRI'LDPRQGV Friday each month 7-9pm 10-30 Roustabouts 4-17 Johnnie Gomez Call 972-980-5073 FRIDAY 201 James Collins Blvd. Arlington Sr. Center 1000 Eunice 76010 Burleson Sr. St. Cntr. For info call 817-277-8091 216Every SW Friday Johnson 7-9;30PM $6.00 EACH 10-3 no dance 2ond Friday 10-10-Final Showdown 10-17 Last Call Band 10-24 So.Pride Cleburne Sr. Cntr. 10-31 92nd Rodehouse 1212 Glenwood Sr. Center callBurleson 817-641-9114 216 SW Johnson Denton Sr. Center 2nd Friday only CW call 940-349-8720 SR. Center 509Cleburne n. Bell 76209 1212 Glenwood 2ndFor and 7-9pm info4th callFriday 817-641-9114 7-10pm CW Saturday dances Desdemona Sr. Cntr. Denton Sr. Center N Bell Ave 76209 Call509 817-758-2679 Helen ) For info call 940-349-8720 2nd2nd Fri.& 7-9:30PM 4th Fridays 7-9pm Desdemona Sr Center Glen Rose Sr. Center Near Stephenville info call 817-7582679 (Helen Collum) 201For S.W. Bernard 2nd Friday 7-9:30pm CW Refreshments 2nd and 4th Friday Sr. Center callDuncanville 254-897-2130 201 James Collins Blvd. For info call 972-780-5073 3rd Friday 7 toActivities 9:30 Flower Mound Center $5.00 Refreshments 1200 N. Gerault 10-17 Gary Lee 3rd Fri. 8 to 9:30 Classified Advertising &ODVVLÀHG$GYHUWLVLQJ McKinney Sr. Rec. Center 1400 S College For info call 972-547-7491 1st Friday 7-10pm $4.00 50+ CW Mesquite Sr. Dance Evans Comm. Gym 1116 Hillcrest @ Gross Rd. Sherman dance For info call 972-285-6761 405 Rusk (municiple 2nd & 4th Friday 7-9:30 ballroom) $4.00 5th 903-436-4778 Friday 1-3pm call Sherman Dance Night Starlight Ballroom 405 N Rusk (Municipal Ballroom) For info call 903-436-4778 3316 Roberts Cut Off Rd. Ft. Worth TANGLEFOOT Stagecoach Ballroom 2526 E Belknap, DANCE CLUB Ft. Worth For info call 817-6831-2261 8:00 11:30 PM CW to 8pm-? 4-10 Doc Gibbs Starlight Ballroom 3316 Robert’s Cut-Off, Ft. Worth For info call 817-624-1361 Every Friday 8:30-11:30pm $10.00 SATURDAY Dennison Cntr. Hall) TanglefootSr. (National 3316W, Robert’s Cut-Off, Ft Worth 531 Chesnut For info call 817-926-1798 call 903-463-5116 8-11:30 $10.00 members $12.00 guests (Friday) 7-10 pmNATIONAL HALL 'RF*LEEV $&+($7 AC & HEAT AC & HEAT Air conditioning, Heating, Plumbing Service, Sales, Maintenance, Repair ProIHVVLRQDO5HOLDEOH(I¿FLHQWKU(PHUgency, residential & Commercial, Sigma Building Services, call 817-834-7150 0910 Remodeling, senior and military discounts, free estimates, VIMC 817-4019935 0810 AUTO REPAIR Mobile Auto Service - Provided by US Navy retired (Engine man). Repair all makes and models. Beat or match shop SULFHV6HUYLQJ'):&DOO0RELOH 1779 Clements auto repair. Complete Auto 5HSDLU$6(&HUWL¿HG0HFKDQLFRQ'XW\ “State Inspection” 863 S. Chery Ln., White Settlement, TX. John Allen, 817-246-3522 Gray geoso golf bag $30.00 H Chenoweth 316 Jeri Ridge Rd. Willow Park, TX 76087 817-441-7519 Miscellaneous golf glubs, two Lamkin Northwestern Woods, seven irons, various, brands.$50.00 817-577-0990 FOUNDATION REPAIR 'DOODV RU )RUW :RUWK )RXQGDWLRQ 5HSDLU 'UDLQDJH6SHFLDOLVWVSHU What Recession? pier, free estimates, lifetime warranty Join the thousands of people who have 817-540- FIXX (3499): 469-272-FIXX discovered a better way with Reliv. http:// (3499) 0810 for more info Fran Loyd, )UDQ /R\G5HOLY ,QGHSHQGHQW 'LVW GHQWWHFKRQFDOOIRU'):DUHD2QVLWH PRQWKO\ ZH¶UH WKH EH ,QGHSHQGHQW 'LVW 5HOLY SLFNXS DQG VHUYLFH DYDLODEOH VSLFQVSDQW[FRP 0910 PAINTING 7-10pm $3.00Emergency, each lite snacks residential & comm. Sig- PD %XLOGLQJ 6HUYLFHV FDOO DeSoto Sr. Center MMDCC 7150. 0910 204 Lion Chapin Townhomes 401 W Garnett St. &KDSLQaVTIHHW For infoDance call 940-668-1462 Metro Club EGUPEDWK 3rd Saturday $4.00 each 50+ :' FRYHUHG 5100 E Loop 820 Ft. FRQQHFWLRQV Worth SDUNLQJ Marilyn Meyers Dance Club 3rd Saturday each month 8500 Hillcrest RdPR Eman- El 4-25 Vincento band 7748Vicho Greenville Ave-Sokal For info call 972-473-7605 JackMelick@temple .com New box pinnacle gold FX soft golf balls - Electric Bike Regular $1500.00 R. Martin, 80 lbs. basket, luggage Rack $350.00 Girdib Fittanfe, 11209 Harbor Rd. Frisco, Tx 75035 email: AUTO SERVICE &ODVVL¿HG$GYHUWLVLQJ&RQWLQXHG Gainsville Stanford House SATURDAY BATHROOM REMODEL 401 W. Garnett conditioning, Heating, Plumbing. %$7+52205(02'(/Dennison Sr.Air Center call 531940-668-1462 W Chestnut Service, Sales, Maintenance, Repair 'HYULHV5H¿QLVKLQJ ForSat info call 3URIHVVLRQDO5HOLDEOH(I¿FLHQWKU 3rd only903-463-5116 Sokol Club Greenville For info call 7748 972-230-5825 4th Saturday $5.00 Dallas Call7-9:30 972-473-7605 $3$570(176)25 4-11 Jim Baker Band Gainesville Stanford House Sr. Act.Center FOR SALE 6DIHZD\%DWKWXE6WHSV ,QVWDOOHG 7KH6DIHZD\6WHSLVGHVLJQHGWR SURYLGH VHQLRUV DQG LQGLYLGXDOV ZLWK GLVDELOLWLHV HDVLHU DFFHVV WR WKHEDWKWXE,QVWDOODWLRQWDNHVRQH GD\ %DWKURRPDQG.LWFKHQ5HPRG HOLQJ %DWKWXEV7LOH6LQNV&RXQWHU WRSV &KLS 5HSDLU &DELQHWV %DWKWXE ORRNLQJ ROG XJO\ DQG Friends and Family Painting. Interior or ',57:25.6 Exterior, 1 room or whole house. RefHUHQFH )UHH (VWLPDWHV 'DLO\ FOHDQXS &21&5(7( %REFDW'LUW:RUN5XEEH Call Jim 817-845-9375 *UDGLQJ/HYHOLQJ%HQFK Absolute Leveling Solutions 'UDLQDJH 3UREOHPV *X A Masterpiece Paint and Remodel Cus817-707-5555 WRPSDLQWLQJ¿QHFDUSHQWU\H[SHUWÀRRU3*XWK#KRWPDLOFRP & ing. Insured 25 yrs exp. free estimates. Total remodeling, Interior or exterior. ³6HUYLQJDOORI7H[DV´ Jesse 817-521-9377 (/(&75, 6LGHZDONV SDWLRV GULYHZD\V VWDLQ :ULJKW(OHFWULF&RP consulting, paintVWDPSHG Color FRQFUHWH &RQFUHWH mural, UHSDLU custom /LFHQVHG DQG , ing, faux, effects. Kitchen GHQWLDO makeovers, epoxy coatings, concrete demolition, struction, remodeling, s IXUQLWXUHUH¿QLVKLQJVWDLQLQJPDNHRYHUV Themed teen, kids, babies rooms. Amy grinding and blasting, residential and GLVFRXQWVIUHHHVWLPDWH 817-313-9064. 1110 9935 0810. commercial. 1110 PET SERVICES (03/2< PetCo. 10% Off Total Purchase Wednes-DQLWRULDO(TXLSPHQW5H $OO.LQGVRI&RQFUHWH GD\VZLWK0LOLWDU\,'%ULQJ&RXSRQLQWR Richardson Sr. Center KU GHSHQGLQJ RQ :KLVSHUZLQG 3UHPLHU 10-18 Vicho Vincencio Masquerde call *DU Grooming for Free gift with purchase :H*XDUDQWHHRXUZRUN 820 Arapho rd.GHQV Richardson with Groom or Bath 817-377-1968 1210 DQG Metro Danceand Club 1st, second 4thSat only EHGURRP DSDUW &$53(7&/($1,1* CARPET CLEANING 5100 E Loop 820, Ft. Worth \RXUVDWLVIDFWLRQ ³&ODUN´ -DQLWRULDO (TXLS PHQWV 940-744-7800 3rd Saturday 8:30-11 PLUMBING SERVICES WLUHG-REFDOO 3HWH5H\HV /RFDWHGLQFXOWXUDOGLVWULFW Ape[ &DUSHWCleaning &OHDQLQJ - &DUSHW 8SKRO'DQFH+RVW)UHHVQDFNEDU Apex Carpet Carport, Uphol4-10 Doc Gibbs VTXDUHIW National Hall - Band to be announced For info call 817-485-4322 )URPPR Cleburne Sr. Center 5XVV'RUVH\ VWHU\'U\IRDPPHWKRGGU\VLQRQHKRXU VWHU\'U\IRDPPHWKRGGU\VLQRQHKRXU 0RUJDQ/HDN'HWHFWLRQ(PHUJHQ$UH \RX JHWWLQJ SDLG ZK 5HVLGHQWLDOCommercial; &RPPHUFLDO )DPLO\ RZQHG Residential, Family owned F\ 3OXPELQJ 6HUYLFHV /HDN 'HWHFWLRQ Unlimited income RSHUDWHGBonded %RQGHG DQG QR no&21&5(7($63+$/7 andDQG operated, and,QVXUHG Insured, 6ODE /HDN µ5HSDLU 'UDLQ &OHDQLQJ pote Glen Rose Sr. Center +LGGHQFKDUJHV6HQLRUDQG0LOLWDU\'LVKLGGHQ FKDUJHV 6HQLRU DQG 0LOLWDU\ SURYLGHG7R OHDUQ KRZ Commercial & Residential / License $OOSURMHFWVODUJHRUVPDOOUHVFRP1212 Glenwood count. Call 817-413-9990 209 S.W. Barnard Richardson Sr. &DVWOHZLQGV Center 'LVFRXQW&DOO0. M-38995. Outstanding service. WarranWRGD\-DPHV-HQHOO, PHUFLDO&XVWRPGHVLJQDQGVWDQGDUG For info call 254-897-2139 820817-641-9114 Arapaho Rd 5XIH6QRZ15+7; call Lewisville Sr. Center ty / Over 20 years exp. FLDWHVDW 2nd and 4th Friday 7 to 9:30 CARPORTS 1st,2nd & 4th Saturdays (&RPPHUFH6DOHV Call +LJKTXDOLW\DQGEHVWSULFHV%RQGHG EHGURRP DSDUW &$532576 7-10 C&W Saturday) 1050 A South Valley Pkwy. 9-12 Pete & Pattie 10-11 Bill G Cliff 817-987-8779. 1210 2XU (&RPPHUFH VDOHV PHQWV ,QVXUHG6DWLVIDFWLRQJXDUDQWHHG&DOO Kings Carports, Steel carports, patio cov972-219-5050 10-18 Gary Lee .LQJV&DUSRUWV6WHHOFDUSRUWVSDWLRFRY9-26 C.B. Sutton and RV covers, Aluminum, lifetime/RXLV HQHUJHWLFVHOIVWDUWHUVKHU 'RF*LEEV VT IW :' FRQers, ers, and covers. Aluminum, lifetime on Charlie Pander band-7PM warranty on RV leaks & 10 year warranty YHU\LQÀXHQWLDODQGVXFFHV POWER WASHING QHFWLRQV Gotta Dance Cleburne ZDUUDQW\RQOHDNV\HDUZDUUDQW\RQ paint. Call 817-455-7617 or 817-455-7138. )RXQGHU RI 6KRSSLQJFRP &216758&7,21 PR Silver Springs Entertainment Center 201 N Main St. 76033 0810SDLQW&DOORU 6DP¶V&OXE:DOPDUWH[HF 00 0RELOH 'HWDLOLQJ 6HUYLFH 3UHV500 N Smyth Bowie, 76230drywall, For info call We mow,St. paint, repair McKinney Sr.817-641-3262 Rec. Center 0810 D YHU\ LQWHUVWLQJ (&RPP VXUH:DVKLQJ6DQG%ODVWLQJ'ULYHZD\ )OH[EDVH *UDYHO 5RDGV GULYHZD\V For info call 940-872-0077 (Agnes) Every Friday 8-9:30pm $7.00 each DIRT WORK SERVICES (PHUDOG5XQ Cleaning, Parking Lots, Building Ext. fix Monday faucets, generalnights carpentry VKRUWVWRU\LVQRZDQ\RQH 1400 College Every & Saturday a$77(17,21a CWS. Ballroom Swing & more EXLOW RU UHVKDSHG FXOYHUWV LQVWDOOHGFleet 0DSOHZRRG 15+ Construction Exterior, Washing. WRWKHLURZQ(&RPPHUFHZ BREFDW 'LUW :RUN 5XEEHU 7UDFN MaTexas swing music & dance and household repairs. call 972-547-7491 Window 1210 GUDLQVCleaning LQVWDOOHG817-987-8779. ODQG QHWSUR¿WVIURPLW([FLWLQJ (OGHU/DZ8SGDWH Flower Mound Activities Center chines. Grading, Leveling, Beach & Clean¿QDO JUDGH 10-4 Chapparels7; Just Call817-277-8957 1st1200 Fri. Only 7to pm Rd) Gerault Rd10:00 ( N of Spinks EHGURRP DSDUW/RWV)L['UDLQDJH3UREOHPV*XWK&RQVW $FHRI'LDPRQGV FOHDULQJ VKDSLQJ DQG WHUUDFLQJ 0R- body looking to make a su Services. Earn Call 817-3193rd Friday Lessons 6pm a guaranteed EHLDQH[WUD..SHUPR SELF DEFENSE 10-18 Cowboy Country or 817-929-1061 PHQWV ELOH +RPH SDGV 6(1,25 ',6- SHU PRQWK ZLWK D OLWWOH PR 8329 on your retirement income savings VTXDUHIHHW Lewisville Center Mesquite Sr.Sr. Cntr. Evans Comm. Cntr. Springtown Sr. Center U.S. Army veteran Offering come Services model is very easy )RUIUHHLQIRUPDWLRQDQGGHWDLOVDERXWWKLV &2817)5(( ELECTRICIAN 10-50 A South Valley Pkwy PR 1070 INwill Mainlet you Teaches protection and OLPLWHGSRWHQWLDOIRUKLJKO\P self-defense 1116 Hillcrest @ Gross rd. LQFUHGLEOHZD\WRLQFUHDVH know if I can (67,0$7(6 For info call 972-219-5050 (Teresa Milam) skills to anyone. Teaches basic survival For info call 817-523-6133 /HDUQ PRUH DW RQH RI RX Wright Electric your - Commercial and Resiand1safeguard retirement portfolio call1st 872-285-6761 Friday 7-9:30pm $5.00 each handle skills (H20, food, shelter, & formative protection) 7-10pm $5.00 eachyour CW needs. dential, Licensed and Insured, New conmeetings. Pleas ZLWKRXWPDUNHWULVN &2816(/,1* Chris $8725(3$,5 struction. 2nd10-3 & 4th Fri.Tanner DQGWHOHSKRQHQXPEHUIRU &DOO &DUVRQ*UDYHV±6HQLRU$GYLVRU Published by Naval Air Station News, Inc. z See Oct 2014 Daily News at z Metro (817) 516-0662MRKQKDUOH\#VEFJORED /HLJK$QQ6PLWK06/3& Mobile Auto Service Provided by US P u b l i s h e d b y N a v a l A i r S t a t i o n N e w s , I n c . • S e e A p r 2 0 1 5 D a i l y N e w s a t w w w . n a s l i f e . c o m • n a s n e w s @ s b c g l o b a l , n e r • M e t r o 8 1 7 - 5 1 6 - 0 6 11 6 2 11 (817) 375-9008 WK$YH6XLWH% Navy Retired (Engineman). Repair all Or visit )(1&($1 12 Published by Naval Air Station News, Inc. • See Apr 2015 Daily News at • nasnews@sbcglobal,ner •Metro 817-516-0662
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