Upcoming Trainings at Edgewood Space is still available in most of these trainings. Please forward this announcement to anyone you think might be interested. All trainings are nocost and open only to foster parents, kinship care-givers, SFHSA staff, and staff who work for Title IV-E-qualified agencies (FFAs, Group Homes, Probation, Juvenile Justice). *Please note that any Edgewood training may be canceled if less than six people register. Please make sure you type your email address accurately in your RSVP and that it is an email box that you regularly check so we may notify you if the class is canceled or rescheduled. The Heart and Soul of Change: PCOMS, the Therapeutic Alliance, and Positive Outcomes for Clients 5 CEU's* Tuesday, May 19th, 2015 10:00am - 4:30pm Edgewood Center San Francisco - RSVP HERE At the root of many controversies in our field is the important question: "what works with helping our clients to achieve successful outcomes?" Is success based on the use of specialized techniques or do other factors account for the change? This training intends to give you the basics needed so you can begin implementing client-directed, outcome-informed (CDOI) ideas and practices that are part of the Partners for Change Outcome Management System (PCOMS). As many of you know, PCOMS is included in SAMHSA's National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP). The research supports that it is the pan-theoretical elements that account for therapeutic transformation across models and schools of thought and that adding feedback to your work is what improves outcomes. PCOMS uses the Outcome Rating Scale and the Session Rating Scale to develop, sustain and monitor client outcomes and the therapeutic alliance. PCOMS can be used flexibly with any population, any diagnoses, in any settings. It is the "One Size Fits All" EBP. In this training, study the Outcome Rating Scale and the Satisfaction Rating Scale as a means of understanding your client's needs and developing the kind of relational alliance that leads to improved success and positive outcomes. Presented by Pamela Parkinson, PhD, LCSW Pamela is a clinical psychologist and clinical social worker, specializes in working with youth and their families; she works as a child/family consultant to CBO's in the Bay Area. Pamela has worked in level 14 residential, NPS, hospitals, and a variety of community-based settings including outpatient clinics, schools, diversion, kinship, etc. Currently, Pamela has developed, and offers trainings, through her Family Institute of Training (FIT). *To receive CEUs provided by Edgewood Provider # 1441, you must attend the entire training. Due to our contract with the board of Behavioral Sciences, we will be unable to provide attendees with certificates of completion if more than 15 minutes of course content is missed. If you will be requesting CEU's bring your license number to the training. No partial credit offered. PTSD, Complex Trauma and Attachment Disorders: Their Impact on Youth and Best Approaches for Treatment 6 CEU's* Friday, May 22nd, 2015 9:00am - 4:30pm Edgewood Center San Francisco - RSVP HERE Many youth involved in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems experience extensive trauma, which can have deep and lasting, detrimental effects on all aspects of their life. This training will review the impact of trauma on youth development, including mental health and behavioral consequences. Discussion will include trauma-related disorders including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); complex trauma; reactive attachment disorder; disinhibited social engagement disorder; depression, and borderline personality. The training will also introduce best practices for working with these youth such as building the relationship; meeting basic needs; motivating youth; and increasing the core competencies of self-esteem, communications, and coping skills. Treatment approaches and evidence-based practices for working with youth who have trauma-related disorders will be explore, and will include a review of cognitive and behavioral interventions and self-regulation skills that can support youth impacted by trauma. By the end of this training students should have an increased understanding of: The impact of trauma on the development of youth involved in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems. Trauma related disorders in youth, including posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), complex trauma, reactive attachment, disinhibited social engagement disorder, depression, and borderline personality. Treatment approaches and evidence-based practices for working with youth with trauma related disorders. Cognitive behavioral interventions and self-regulation skills that support youth impacted by trauma. Presented by Paul Gibson, LCSW Instructor Paul Gibson, LCSW is a therapist and program consultant with 36 years of experience working with culturally diverse youth and families in residential, mental health, and public health settings. He has been a licensed therapist for 29 years and has provided extensive training for youth and family service providers on topics related to mental health issues, boundaries and self care, clinical supervision, and law and ethics. Mr. Gibson currently has a private practice in San Francisco and provides clinical supervision to mental health professionals and child welfare workers seeking licensure. *To receive CEUs provided by Edgewood Provider # 1441, you must attend the entire training. Due to our contract with the board of Behavioral Sciences, we will be unable to provide attendees with certificates of completion if more than 15 minutes of course content is missed. If you will be requesting CEU's bring your license number to the training. No partial credit offered. Understanding and Supporting the Process of Grief and Loss in Children, Youth & Ourselves 4 CEU's* Thursday, June 18th, 2015 9:00am - 1:00pm Edgewood Center San Francisco - RSVP HERE Being separated from loved ones and being torn from home and everything familiar is devastating for children and youth. The resulting experiences of loss and grief are profound and lasting. Because children have no choices in this experience, the impact for them is more severe than that for the adults in similar events. The training is designed to increase understanding, awareness and strategies for caretakers and providers who will help the child process, cope and eventually integrate the overwhelming and persistent feelings they are struggling with. We have incorporated experiential exercises to build empathy and sensitivity in care providers. The pursuing grief forever shapes the internal working model and resultant behaviors for the child. Our role as caretakers and providers will be to help the child process, cope and eventually integrate the overwhelming and persistent feelings they are struggling with. The training also addresses the grief that surfaces for us as we help the youth along this painful journey. Participants will learn The stages, triggers and reactions to grief in children and ourselves How to help others and ourselves manage and move through grief To honor grief as a natural process and healing as an ongoing process Phases of healing and methods to promote them Presented by Beverly Kyer Beverly Kyer has been a Public Speaker and Educator for more than 30 years with specialties in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; the Trauma Impact on Brain Development and Learning in Children and Youth, and Compassion Fatigue, AKA Vicarious Trauma. Beverly has served as the EAP Employee Assistance Program Coordinator, and the Assistant Chief of Social Work Service, Bronx N.Y. Veteran's Administration Medical Center. She has served nine years as a Social Worker for Casey Family Programs. Beverly's mission is to inspire understanding, empathy, capacity and determination for all who will help children and youth on the road to healing and a permanent place and people called home. Roles in her career include being a Trainer for Seneca Center and Family Finding, Readjustment Counseling Therapist, Psychiatric Social Worker, Social Work Field Placement Supervisor; Clinical Social Worker/ Program Coordinator/ Social Work Supervisor; Assistant Chief of Social Worker Service and Grief and Trauma Counselor and Consultant. Beverly's participatory training style creates an interactive and collaborative learning environment focused towards seeking answers. *To receive CEUs provided by Edgewood Provider # 1441, you must attend the entire training. Due to our contract with the board of Behavioral Sciences, we will be unable to provide attendees with certificates of completion if more than 15 minutes of course content is missed. If you will be requesting CEU's bring your license number to the training. No partial credit offered. Fundamentals of Sandplay for Therapeutic Work with Youth: An Experiential Workshop 3 CEU's* Friday, June 26th, 2015 9:30am - 12:30pm Edgewood Center San Francisco - RSVP HERE This hands-on workshop will introduce the method and psychological framework of sandplay as a therapeutic extension or alternative to cognitive therapies. With a background of over 75 years, it is considered one of the most effective and safe modalities for resolving trauma, abuse and developmental wounding. The child's language is the language of symbol. Sandplay works with this non-verbal, or even pre-verbal, landscape, creating a safe place in which the client naturally expresses their deepest selves, and allowing healing to take place. In this three hour workshop, we will explore the historical roots, theory and practice of sandplay therapy as originated by Dora Kalff. Participants will learn about the sandplay theory and practice through experiential work, as well as viewing and responding aesthetically to images of the sandplay process of a child. There will be room for questions and discussion throughout. A newly released 30 minute video: What is Sandplay Therapy? (https://vimeo.com/124999326) is recommended to view prior to the course. In this workshop, participants will: Learn the history and development of sandplay as a therapeutic modality Learn Dora Kalff's concept of the "free and protected space" Explore the non-directive role of interpretation in sandplay therapy Experience a sandplay process of a child with a focus on awareness of symbols arising from the sandplayer as well as the therapist. Presented by Laura Soble, MA, MFT, REAT, CST-T Laura Soble is a teaching member of Sandplay Therapists of America (STA) and of the International Society for Sandplay Therapy (ISST), and an Analytical Candidate at the C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco. She has published in the Arts in Psychotherapy Journal and The Journal of Sandplay Therapy and is a founding member and former board officer of the Northern California Regional Sandplay Society (NCRSS). Laura Soble presents and consults nationally and internationally on sandplay therapy and the integration of the arts in psychotherapy. She has a depth psychotherapy practice in Oakland. www.laurasoble.net *To receive CEUs provided by Edgewood Provider # 1441, you must attend the entire training. Due to our contract with the board of Behavioral Sciences, we will be unable to provide attendees with certificates of completion if more than 15 minutes of course content is missed. If you will be requesting CEU's bring your license number to the training. No partial credit offered. Motivational Interviewing: Facilitating Change with the Youth and Families We Serve 5 CEU's* Tuesday, June 30th, 2015 9:00am - 3:00pm Edgewood Center San Francisco - RSVP HERE Motivational interviewing is a directive, client-centered counseling style for eliciting behavior change by helping clients to explore and resolve the ambivalence that keeps people from making desired change in their lives. In this one day Motivational Interviewing training we will discuss the spirit and principles of Motivational Interviewing as well as a brief overview of eliciting, exploring, and identifying client change talk. Participants will: Increase the use of active listening with psycholinguistics as the guide for deeper possibilities and understanding of what clients are saying. Learn the use of reflections to more accurately align with clients desires and goals. Learn to practically apply the Spirit of Motivational Interviewing in all engagements with clients. Learn how to better align client goals and program goals. Presented by Lochlan McHale, Member of MINT Lochlan is a member of MINT (Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers ) and has conducted trainings, lectures, consultations, and spoken at conferences nationally on topics from front line work to management and development. No matter what the topic Lochlan is known for genuine client centered, guided, and driven models of care using creativity and tailor made consultations. For a more detailed though not conclusive list visit www.lochlanmchale.com. CEUs: This course meets the qualifications for 10 BBS CEU hours for MFTs and/or LCSWs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences. Provided by Edgewood Center, Provider #1441. Due to our contract with the Board of Behavioral Sciences, we will be unable to provide attendees with certificates of completion if more than 15 minutes of course content are missed. If you will be requesting CEU's, bring your license number to the training. No partial credit offered. Questions about a training? Suggestions on future trainings? Please contact the Edgewood Center Training Department at trainingdepartment@edgewood.org. Thank you!
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