AGREEMENT Between the Knightsen Elementary School District and the California School Employees Association and its Knightsen chapter #883 • July 1-201o-June 30,2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS AGREEMENT ................................................................ 1 ARTICLE I. RECOGNITION ............................................... 2 ARTICLE II. DISTRICT RIGHTS ............................................ 3 ARTICLEll. ORGANIZATIONAL SECURITY ................................. 4 DuesDeduction "','" " .. '.,' .. ',' . :. ,',' ............................. 4 Agency Shop ... ~ .....•.. ~ ..... '. '. ..................... : ........ 4 A. B. ARTICLE IV. 'HOURS AND@¥ERTIME ..... :~ ............ : ... .: ~ ...'........... 6 A. Workday and Workweek ......................................... 6 B. Adjustment ofAssigned Ti,me .. , .................................. 6 C. Lunch Period ...................................... : ........... 6 D. RestPerj.ods ..... , ..... '. .... ',' ....•..................•......... 7 K Overtime: .. '; .. "' .. :; .. '..... : .........'.. '; ........... : . '.- .. : ........ 7 F. Compensat6ryJnm~,Off .~.: .. ;" ;",;" ,'........................... 7 G. Minimum Call-In Time .......................................... 7 H. Right of Refusal ................................................ 8 I. Hours Worked ................................................. 8 Summer Assignments ......................'..................... 8 J. K. Extra Bus Trips ......................................... '. ...... 8 L. Increase in Hours ............................................... 9 ARTICLEV. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. ARTICLE VI. File LEAVES .................................................... 10 Leave of Absence for Illness or Injury .............................. 10 Extended Sick Leave ........................................... 11 Verification .................................................. 11 Industrial Accident and lllness Leave ...................... : ....... 11 Additional Leave for Nonindustrial Accident or Ulness ................ 13 Bereavement Leave ............................................ 13 Personal Necessity Leave ........................................ 13 MilitaryLeave ................................................ 14 Jury Duty .................................................... 14 Pregnancy Disability ·Leave .. '•..... _. ............................. 14 Return from Leave ............................................. 16 Family Care Leave ............................................. 16 Family School Partnership Leave ................................. 17 HOLIDAYS .................................................. 18 z:\201lIKnightse. ESP CSEAIAgreemen!"201()'2013"OS23II"C1n i ARTICLEVll. VACATIONS ... o.............................. o' ARTICLE Vlll. EVALUATION PROCEDURE 00.. 00............... 0............. 21 ARTICLEIX. TRANSFERS, REASSIGNMENTS, AND PROMOTIONS ... 000•••••• 22 ARTICLEX. A SAFETY ........... 0••• o' 0000o' 000" 000o' 0o' 0.·00 •• 00•••••••• 24 District Compliance ........ 0•••••• 0 0..... 0';0 • • , • • • • • • '0 0•• 0.' 000• 24 No Discrimination o' . 0.••.••••••• 0••• 0000• 0• 0•••• 00• 00• 00• 0.024 B. 0 0 •••••••••••• 20 • ARTICLE XI. ORGANIZATIONAL RIGHTS 000• 00• 0• 0•• 0• 0• 0• 0••• 0••.• 0••••••• 25 ARTICLEXll. A. SALARIES ............. 0•••••.••••••••••••••• '.' .' 0•••••• 0000••. 26 Salaries 000 •.••••••.• 00• 0•••••. 0••• 00••• '.; •• '.' .••••••••••••••• 26 • Paychecks ........ 0••••••• 0•••.•• 00•• 0•••• 0•••• 0••••••• 0•••• 0• 26 Frequency - Once Monthly ........................ : ... '" .' . ,0' •• ~. 26 Payroll Errors .................................... 0•• 0•• 0•••.•• 26 Special Payments ............................................ /. 26 LostChecks .. o' 0.•• 0"" ".;0'; 00•• 0•••••• '•• 0•••••••,'.; •• ;,0 "0," 0•• 26 Physical Examinations ........................... 26 Salary on Appointment ....... 0••• 00••••••••••.•.••..•.•.••••.••• < 27 Working Out-of-Class Pay ... 00•••• 0• 0~' •••• '00 ••• 00• 0• : •• 0•••• 0• 027 Longevity Increments ... 0•••••••.•••••••••••. 0•••• 0• 000• 0• 000••• 28 B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. ARTICLEXllI. A. B. ARTICLE XIV. A. B. C. Do E. F. Go H. ARTICLE XV. A. B. Co Fil. 0 •••• ' •••••••••• HEALTH AND WELFARE BENEFITS ..... 0•• 00••••• ;/ ••• 00••••. 0• 029 Benefits for Active Employees ....... 00•••••••••••••• 0••••••••••• 29 Transition Coverage 0•••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• '00",' • "'0.29 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE ...... 0.• 0•• 000•••.••.•• 0••••. 0••••• 30 Purpose. 00• 0• 00• 00•• o' . 0••••••••••••••••••••••..••• 0•••.• 0•• 030 DefInitions .... 0••• 00•• 0• 000.•• 00• 0••••••.••••..••.••••••••••• 30 Time Limits 0••••••• 00000••••• 0••••••• 0•• 0•• , • 0•••••• 0••••• 0.• 30 Informal Level .... 00••• 0.•••••.•.•••.•• 00•••••• 0•••••••••••••• 30 Level I - Superintendent ........... 30 Level II - Board of Trustees ........... 0.•••••• 0••. 0•••••• : •••••• 031 Alternative Level II - Advisory Arbitration .. 31 Miscellaneous ................................................ 32 0 •••••••• 0 0 •••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• LAYOFF OF UNIT MEMBERS .................................. 34 DefInitions ........... 0•.• 0.•• 0•...•••• 0....................... 34 Application ................................................... 34 Offer of Reemployment ......................................... 36 z;\2011IKniglrtsen ESD CSEAlAgreement'2011).2013"OS23II"Cln ii ARTICLE XVI. A. B. C. D. PROFESSIONAL GROWTH ." .... " .... , ...................... 37 Purpose, . , ... , , ..........', ....... ,. i " . " ~ .". , .' , • , • • • , ; • • ' • • • • : ) . : . ' ; 37 Awards .. , ........... , .... , ......... , .... , " ., , . , , .... , , .. , , . 37 Method::" ..'.. ', , ..• , ........ , ..... , ..... '. '. '. ..... ; .. , .. '...... ' .., .',,', .'37 Semester Units ............ , , .......... , ...................... , 38 ARTICLE XVn. CONCERTED ACTNITmS .............. ;., ...' .. , .. , ..... , ..... 39 ARTICLE xvrn. COMPLETION OF AGREEMENT ., .............................. 40 ARTICLE XIX. A. B. TERM ..... , .. , ........ , ..... , ......... " ....... , ..... , ..... 41 Duration ..... , ... , .... , ... , ... , .•... , ..." ,: •. ~ ',.\ .... ;. , ....-.: .. 41 Reopeners ............ , ..... , .. , ..... , ......,-::. ,,;; ........•..... 41 ·-SIGNATURE PAGE ... , . , .. ,...... , ...... , . . :~·i" ••• ,. ,:,'••• ; .', , , • .:, , • , •• , •• , • , • ,42 APPENDIX "A" Positions fucluded fu the Classified Bargaining Unit ., .. , ..... , ................. 43 APPENDIX "B" . Classified Employee Benefits ............... : .....'.; .•......... , , .. , . , .... 44 APPENDIX "C" Longevity Pay ..... , ............ ; ...... ;; .......:, ....•...'........ : .... t, •• ·,.46 , APPENDIX "D" HSS Salary Schedule .................................................... 47 • FUe z:\2011\Knightsen ESD CSEAlAgreemeoI"201()"2013"OS2311"C1n iii AGREEMENT • .The articles and provisions contained herein constitute an agreement ("Agreement") between the Knightsen School District (herein "District") and the California School Employees Association and its KnightseRChapter #883 (herein "CSEA"). The term "Agreement," as used herein, means a written agreement pursuant to Government Code section 3540.1(h). File z:\201JIKnightsenIlSD CSEAlAgreement"201()"2013"OS23II"C1n 1 ARTICLEL A. The District recognizes CSEA as the exclusive representative of employees .holding th~positions listed in. the attached Appendix '~A/' whi,chjs attached hereto. 8ll<Uncorporatedherein by reference. B. The unit excludes. positions designated as management.·· :superv-isory; or confidential, and also excludes the following positions: C. File RECOGNITION 1. Substitutes; 2. Short-term employees employed and paid for less than sixty (60) workdays within a school year in a single position; 3. Professional experts employed on a temporary basis for a specific project, regardless of the length of employment; 4. Students. The unit includes short-term employees employed and paid for sixty (60) or more workdays within a school year in a single position. •:1201 l\Knightseo ESD CSEAlAgre0lll<>l!t"2010--201 3"0523 I1"C1n 2 ARTICLE II. DISTRICT RIGHTS The District retains all ofits powers and au$.ority t01'J:1anage, direct and control the operation of the District to the full extent of the law. Included in those duties and powers, but limited thereto, is the right 10: * :direct the work of its employees; * detenn:iD.ethe kinds and levels of services to be provided and the methods and means of providing them; • * determine staffing patterns; * determine the number and kinds of personnel required; * maintain the efficiency ofthe District operation; .* determine the times and hours.ofoperation; * build, move, or modify the facilities; * develop a budget; * , determine budgetary allocations; and * contract out work. In addition, the,District retains the right to hire, classify, promote, transfer, assign, evaluate, termmatei and discipline employees, and to take action on any matter in the event of an emergency. The exercise of the foregoing powers, rights, authorities, duties, and responsibilities by the Board; the adoption of policies, rules, regulations, and practices in furtherance thereof; and the use of judgement and discretion in connection therewith, shall be limited only by the specific and express terms ofthis Agreement, and then only to the extent such specific and express tennsare in conformance with the laws of California. Notwithstanding the District's right to contract out work, the District will consult with CSEA prior to doing so if contracting out the work would cause a unit member to be laid offor to have hislher hours reduced. File z:I:lOlllKnlghtsenESD CSEA\AgreementA201 0-20 13"OS23l1"Cln 3 • ARTICLEID. ORGAN~ATIONALSECururry. . Dues Deduction Any employee who is amemherofCSEA,~or~h(thas!applied for membership, may sign and deliver to the District an assignment authorizing deduction of CSEA membership dues. Such authorization.shall continue in effec't during the term of this Agreement unless revoked in writing not less than sixty (60), nor . more than ninety (90), days prior to the expiration date of this Agreement. Pursuant to such authorization, the , District shall deduct dues from the employee's regular salary check each month. B. Agency Shop 1. General For the duration ofthis Agreement, all employees in the unit shall, as a condition ofemployment, within thirty (30) days after execution of this Agreement (or within thirty (30) days after employment as to new employees),eitherjoin CSEA or pay to CSEA a service fee in an amount not to exceed the dues required for CSEA membership. Existing employees as of the. date>.of execution of this Agreement who, because ofreligious, moral or ethical convictions, choose not to pay the.service fee, spall pay an equivalent amount to a recognized charity agreed to by the employee, CSEA and the District. Employees hired after the executionof this Agreement, who, because ofreligious convictions, choose not to pay the service fe!, shall pay an equivalent amount to a. recognized charity agreed to by the employee,'CSEA and the District.. 2. Service Fee Deduction ,. a) . An employee.may sign and. deliver to the District an assignment authorizing deduction ofthe service fee pursuant to paragraph A, above ... 1). File z:12011\KnightsenllSD CSBA\Agreement"201(}'2013"OS23I 1"CIn Such authorization shall continue in effect during the term ofthis Agreement unless. revoked in writing not less'than sixty (60), nor.more:.than ninety (90), days prior to the expiration date of this· Agreement. Pursuant to such authorization, the District shall deduct the service fee from the employee's regular salary check each month. 4 b) CSEA shall indemnify oo<lhold.hannless the District,ancl its Board members, officers, agents and employees, individually and collectively, from and: against any and all claims, costs, suits, losses, demands, actions, judgments, damages, attorney'·s fees, causes ofaction, liability and proceedings, of any nature,arisingout of or related in any way to the provisions ofthis: Article. , c) The District shall not be obligated to put into effect any new, changed or ,discontinued deduction until the pay period commencing thirty (30) days or longer after receipt by the District. of the written deduction request or change. . ,,\20! llKnightsen ESD CSEA\Agreement"2010-l013"052311"Cln 5 ARTICLEIV.· A. HOURS AND OVERTIME Workday and Workweek 1. B. The normal workweek for full-time employees shall consist of five (5) consecutive days, Monday through Friday, ofeight (8) hours per day and forty (40) hours per week. a) The regular workday and workweek may be extended on an ·overtim:e .basis.· b) . Any adjustments to an assigned workday must be approved by the Superintendent. If the employee does not agree, the effects of the change shall be bargainable. c) Less than full-time assignments shall be based on one-quarter (1/4) hour increments. 2. The workweek for a particular position may be changed to ~ Tuesday through-Saturday workweek by the Superintendent, on a temporary basis, with the voluntary written consent of the employee. 3. It is fundamental that school programs cannot commence, and pupils cannot be taught, at prescribed times without the punctual and reliable attendance of members of the school staff Therefore, each staff member shall be punctual and complete all regularly assigned duties within the assigned times. Adjustment of Assiilled Time Any employee in the bargaining unit who works and average of thirty (30) minutes or more per day in excess ofhis or her regular part-time assignment for aperi6d of twenty (20) consecutive working days or more shall have hislher regular assignment adjusted upward to reflect the longer hours, effective with the next pay period. C. Lunch Period Full-time employees shall receive an unpaid, uninterrupted lunch period, to be scheduled bythe District at or about the midpoint ofthe employee's work shift. The eight (8) hour shift excludes the lunch period and inCludes break periods. An employee required to work during hislher lunch period shall receive pay at the rate of time and one-half for all time worked during the normal lunch period. File z;\2011IKnightsen ESD CSBA\Agreement"201 0-201 3"OS23 I1"C1n 6 D. Rest Periods Employees shall have one (1) rest period of fifteen (15) minutes for each four (4) hours worked. Employees whose. regular shift is less than four (4), but more than two and one-half (2.5), hours shall be entitled to one (1) rest period. Full-time employees shall take the first rest period during the flf~t four (4) hours and second rest period during the second four (4) hours. Credit cannot be accumulated for rest periods not used, n~m can the time be used to shorten the work day. E. F. Overtime 1. Hours worked in excess ofeight '8) hours in aday or forty (40) hours in a workweek constitute overtime and shall be compensated at the oyertimerate, either in compensatory time offor in salary, at a rate of time andone~ha1fthe regular rate of pay. 2. An employee assigned for less than four (4) hours per day shall be compensated at the Qvertime rate for hours worked on the seventh (7th) day of the wor~eek. . Compensatory Time Off CompensatoryTimeOff (CTO) in Heu ofcash compensation may be accrued, up to a maximum of forty (40) hours on the books at any point in time, if the employee has been suffered or permitted to work overtime or additjonal hours that do not ·meet . thedefinition. of ',~overtime." Except in extraordinary circumstances, the employeeshall seek advance approval for overtime. Such accrual is at the discretion of 't he employee, and the employee's exercise of hislher options shall not be a determinate factor in assignment of overtime or additional hours. CTO shall be taken, at a time that ismutuaHy acceptable to the employee and the District, within the school year during which it was earned. Such CTO shall be earned at the appropriate rate. Ifthe ero has not been taken within the school year during which it was earned, the District shall pay the employee in cash for all such time at the appropriate rate based on the employee's current rate ofpay. G. MinimumCall.;In Time Any employee called in to work on a day when the employee is not scheduled to work shall receive a minimum of two (2) hours pay at the appropriate rate of pay under this Agreement. rile z:12011\Knjgllts•• ESD CSEA\Ag!1oement"2011l-2013"OS2311"Cln 7 • H. Right of Refusal Anyemployee shall have the right to reject any offeror request for overtime or .; call back, on caU,orcall-in time"except in'aD. emergency. I. Hours Worked For the ·purpose ofcompilting the numherof.;hours. worked, all time during which an employee is in paid status shall be construed as hours worked. J. Summer Assignments 1. . When worknonnally and customarily perfonned by bargaining unit employees is required perfonned at times other than during the . regular September-June academic year, the work shallbe assigned to bargaining unit empleyees servingin,the appropriate classification(s) who are available for the assignment. 2. When it is necessary to· assiglh bargaining unit employees not regularly so assigned to serve during I:!. summer period, the assignment shall be made in order ofbargaining unit seniority in the appropriate classification. If the employ~e/w:iththe.greatest bargaining unit seniority refuses the assignment, it shall be offered to other employees within the appropriateclassifi.cation in descending order ofbargaining unit seniorityuntiltheposition;is filled. 3. Au employee who accepts;asummer.assignmentin accordance with the provisions ofthis section shallrec.eive;onapro-rata basis, no less than the compenSation. and benefits applicable to that.classification during·the< .regular academic ye<ar; and in no event shall .his/her compensation andlor benefits .be less,. on a pro-rata basis, than the compensation and benefits he/she was receiving immediately prior to the commencement of the summer assignment. Extra Bus Trips 1. ' : School-DayFieldTrips Field trips which occur during the school day shall be assigned to that driver who, in the judgment 9ftheBup~PtJ;tendent, can perfonn the trip with the le<ast disruption of other assigned tasks . File .,1201 I\Knightsen ESD CSEAIAgmment"201(}'2013"OS2311"C1n 8 • 2. After-School Trips After-schooktrjps (in<?I1l;9ig.gatl:lJe,ti~'trjps which originate before classes are dismissed) shall be assigned to drivers based on seniority. > 3. Drivirig Qualifications To be eligible.; to .drive extra trips;. a driver must have established qualifications to drive iri that terrairi (e.g., San Francisco, mountairis, snow, etcetera). . L. ." File Increase iri. Hours 1. When the Governing Board detennines that additiOnM hours of employment are .to be created on a regular basis, iriterested part-time . employees iri the .sameclassificatiou may apply. 2.· Except as noted below, the Districtshall offer the hours to the most senior employee mthat classification, provided the additional hours occur at a time when.tbey can b~ accommodated in the employee's existing schedule. 3. The Superintendent may determine, based upon efficient District operation, thatthe iricrease should. not be granted to the most senior employee. If so, written notice shall be provided to the CSEA Chapter Pre.sident. If requestoo,aconference shall be held between CSEA and the Superintendent. . CSEA may grieve the Supecintendent's.decisionon this,matter directly to the Governing Boardiri.accordance with Leveillofthe Grievance Procedure. z:\2011IKnighlsen ESP CSEAlAgr~OI()':W13"OS2311"Cln 9 LEAVES ARTICLEV. .Leave ofAbsence for nlness Oli Injury· An employee employed five (5) days a week, twelve (12) months a year, shall be granted twelve <12) days leave ofabsence for illness or 1. injury, exclusive ofall days he/she is not required to render service to the District, with full payf,orafiscal year of service.. An employee, employed five (5) days a week, who is employed for 2. less than twelve (12) months per year is entitled to that proportion of twelve (12) days ofleave of ab~ep.ce. ofilme~~ or injury as the number of months he/she is employed bears to twelve (12). 3. (5) days per week shall be entitled,toiliatpropoitionoi.twelve (12) days leave of absence for illness or injury as the number of days he/she is employed per week . '. bears,to five· (5); .When such personS are employed for less than a full ..year 'Of service; this and the· preceding paragraph shall detennine that proportion ofleave·ofabsence for illness or injury to which they are entitled. 4. Pay for anyday of absence'sl},atl be the same as the pay which would have beenreceivedbadtheemploye:e served during the day ofillness . . . 5. . , File An,employeeemployedless'J~five .At.·thebegi:pning ofeacbrfiscal'year, the full amount of sick leave granted under this sectionshall'becredited to each employee. Credit .for sick leave need not be accruedpri.orto taking such leave, and such leave· may' be takeru 8t,any time during the year subject to reimbursement to the District if the employee leaves the District service. However, a new employee of the District shall not be eligible to take more than six (6) days or the proportionate amount to which he/she may be entitled until the first day ofthe calendar month after completion ofsix (6) months of active service with the District. 6. Pregnancy shall be treated as a temporary disability leave for the period of time that the employee is temporarily disabled resulting from pregnancy, miscarriage and childbirth and recovery therefrom. The length of the absence shall commence and tenninate on dates determined by the employee and the employee's physician. 7. If an employee does not take the full amount ofleave allowed in any year under this section, the amount not taken shall be accumulated from year to year. z:UOIIlKnigbtsen ESD CSEA\AgreemenI'2010-1013"OSl31 1"C1n 10 The employee may convertrtnused sick leave to retirement credit in accordance with Government Code section 20862.5 or its-successor if the employee'is filing a: request for retirement. 8. B.! . Extended Sick Leave A regular classified employee shall, once a year, be credited with one hundred (100)workingdays of paid sick leave; in a.ddition to leave to which he or she is entitled under Subparagraph A (Leave of Absence for Illness or Injury), above. Such days of paid sick leave, in addition to those required by Subparagraph A, above,shall be co:rnpensated at fifty'percent (50%) of the. '. employee's regular salary. . The sick leave authorized under this Subparagraph B shall be exclusive of arty' other paid leave, holidays, vacation, •or· compensating time to which' the employee may be entitled. C. Verification Verification by a doctor may be required after an absence due to illness or iIijury of five (5) consecutive working days . 1. . 2. The .District reserves' the .right to ~ require medical verification of .' illness or injury' for shorter periods of time when there is probable cause'to require such verification. Prior written notice of such requirements shall be givento the employee. 3. D. Ifthe District directs an employee to Secure medical verification from a doctor ofthe District's choice, the District shall pay the cost ofsuch verification. Industrial Accident and Illness Leave An employee shall receive sixty (60) working days' leave with pay in any fiscal . year for an industrial accideil(or illness. File 1. .Allowable leave shall not be accumulative from year to year. 2. Industrial accident or illness leave will commence on the first day of a.bsence. 3. .Payment for wages lost on any day shall not, when added to an award gtanted the employeelmder the Workers' Compensation law, exceed the normal wage forthe day'. z;\2011IKnightsen ESD CSEAlAgrwnent'lOI 0-20 13"OS2311 'eln 11 4. Jndustrhil accident leave. wiUbereduced by one (1) day for each day of ~uthorizeclabsence regarqJ.essof a compensation award made under ;Workers' Compensation., 5. When an industrial accidentor illness occurs at a time when the full sixty (60) days will overlap into the 'n.ext fiscal year, the employee sha~l.lJeerJ.titled t9 only that atnOUt}trqwain;ingat the end ofthe fiscal y~ar in which tile, injpry or illness,~ OCCJ.llTed, for the same illness or mJlny. 6. . The industrial accident or illness leave ofabsence is to be used in lieu of sickle,aveuncler Paragraph A.'Wh~,el'!titlement to industrial · aC9ident or illness leave h~s been,~xhaust.~d,e;J1tit1ement to other sick · .leave .will then 'be used; 'but'employee, (is receivin~ Workers' Compensation, the person shall be entitled to use onlyso much ofthe person's accumulated or availabl~, "sic.1r.' leave, accumulated compensating time, vacation or otheravmlable leave which, when ad,ded to,the Wgrkers' Compy:g.sation award, provides for a full day's wage or salary. 7. . . The GoveruingBoa,rd may, byruJ.e or regulation, provide for such adPJ.tionpl.leave ofahsence,paip,or;unpaid, as it deems appropriate, and41lring SUClI)eave,Ahe employee may return to the person's · positionwithouts~ffering any,lossof status or benefits. Periods ofleave pf absence,. paid or. unpaid, shall not be considered to·be a br~ in service ofthe employee. File 9. During all paid leaves of absence, whether industrial accident leave as provided in tQis sectioIl;. sick: leave, y~~#pn or compensated time off, the employee shall endorse to the District wage loss benefit checlcsreceiyedundertheWorkers' COIpPellsation laws ofthis state. The Distric~, in~;shal;l issue the e~plqyeea:ppropriate warrants for payment of wages or salary and shall deduct normal retirement and ,other.autl.lO~dcoAp:il:)Utions .. Reduction of entitlement to leave shall be made only in accordance with this section. 10. When all available leaves of absence, paid or unpaid, have been exhausted, and if the employee is not medically able to assume the d"g,ties of the. person's . position), .th~ person shall, if not placed in anQtheJ;,position,.,be, placed on a,J;'eemployment list for a period of thirty-nine{39}montbs. When available, during the 39-month period, the person shall be employed in a vacant position in the class ofthe person's previous assignment over all other available candidates except for a reemployment list established because .oflack ofwork or z:12011\Knigbtsen ESD CSEAlAgreement"20lQ-2013"OS:U11"C1n 12 lack of funds, in which case the person shall be listed in accordance with appropriate seniority regulations. E. 11. Any employee receiving benefits as a result of this section shall, during.· periods of injury .or illness; remain within the State of . California· unless the Governing Board authorizes travel outside the state. 12. An employee who has been placed on a reemployment list, as provided herein; Who has been medically released for re4tm to duty and who fails to accept an appropriate assignment, shall be dismissed. Additional Leave for Nonindustrial Accident or Illness A permanent employee who has' exhausted all entitlement . to sick leave, vacation, compensatory overtime or other available paid leave and who is absent because ofnon-industrial accident or illness, may be granted additional leave, paid or unpaid, not to exceed six (6) months, in accordance with Education Code section 45195. The Board may renew the leave ofabsence, paid or unpaid, for two (2) additional six (6) month periods or such lesser leave periods as it may provide, hut not to exceed atotal of eighteen (18) months. F.BereavementLeave· Employees shall be granted aleave with full pay in the event ofthe death ofany member of the employee's immediate family. The leave shall be for a period of up to three (3) days (five [5] days if out-of-state travel is required). The "immediate family" is defmed·as mother, fath~r,gran4mother, grandfather, or a grandchild of the employee or of the spouse of the employee; spouse, son, son-in-law, daughter, daughter-in-law, brother, sister, step-child orJoster child of the employee, or any relative living in the immediate household of the employee. If in-state travel is mote than'three hundred (300) miles, up to one (1) additioruilday (total offour[4]) maybe requested. Such request shall not be unreasonably denied by the Superintendent. G. Personal Necessity Leave 1. Up to seven (7) days ofabsence earned for sick leave may be used by the employee at his/her election in anyone (1) year in cases of personal necessity on the following basis: a) rile z:120111Knigbtsen ESD CSEAlAgreeIl1ent"20J()"201 3"0523 I I"eln The death of a member ofthe employee's immediate family, or any relative living in the immediate household of the employee. 13 . b) c) 2. AppeaJ:"ance to. testify.. in. any court or before any administratiyetribunl:!:1 a$ljllitigant, party or witness. Of the foregoing seven (7) days of personal necessity leave, an employee may use (1) <lay per;school year for personal business reasons subjectto pri01."Witte:n request to the Superintendent and the Superintendent's approval ofthe .date of absence. f,: ' H. AccidentoLillne~s invoJving the employee's person or '. property Qr the. personal· property of a member of hislher immediate family. . Military Leave An employee shall be entitled toanymilitaryJ~av:e, as provided by law, and . shall'retain all rights and privileges. granted .Ry law,fll"ising out of the exercise ofmilitary leave. 1.. Jury Duty An employee. shall be entitl,edto leave 'Witho'l1tlos~iofpay for any time the employee is required to performjury duty. The District shall pay the employee receiyedfor jury. duty and the the difference, if any, between the.).. amount ., ..... employee's regular rate ofpay. Any meal, mileage, and/or parking allowance provided the employee for jury duty shall notbe,90nsidered in the amount rec.eived forjury duty, , .. J. . Pregnancy Disability Leave 1. Eligibility . All female ,bargaining unit members, regardl~ss of length of service . with the District, shall be entitled t() tak.:e a pregnancy disability leave if they are actually disabled due t()pregnancy; 2. Length of Leave a) Leave ofup to four (4) months may be taken, as needed, for the period(s)oLtimea, bargaining unit member is actually disabled due topre:gnartcy.. • ,. fife z,UOlllKoightsen ESD CSEAlAsreement"201G-2013"OS2311"Cln .Four (4). mo.nths means the number of days the bargaining tutit member normally would work within that four (4).month period. 14 • b) 3. For example, a full-time bargaining unit member who works five (5) eight-hour days per week would be entitled to up to eighty-eight (88) working days of leave, based on all average of twenty-two (22) working days per month for four (4) months. A bargaining unit member who works fewer than five (5) days aweek, or eight (8) hours per day, receives leave on a pro rata or proportional basis. Intermittent Leave The leave may be taken intermittently or in a reduced work schedule when medically advisable, as determined by the health care provider of the bar~aining unit member. 4. Compensation The leave is unpaid. A bargaining unit member may elect, however, to use accrued sick or vacation leave during the otherwise unpaid portion of the leave. The District may require a bargaining unit member to use accrued sick leave during the otherwise unpaid portion of the leave. 5. Benefits During the leave, a bargaining unit member will receive District-paid benefits at the same level as if the bargaining unit member were not on leave. A bargaining unit member will continue to accrue seniority during the leave period. 6. Notice A bargaining unit member must provide the District at lease thirty (30) days' advanced written notice before 'leave is to begin. If thirty (30) days' advance notice is not practicable, such as because ofa lack ofknowledge ofapproximately when leave will be required to begin, a change in circumstances, or a medical emergency, notl'ce must be given as soon as practicable. 7. Medical Certification of Need for Leave The District will require medical certification ofthe need for leave. The medical certificate should contain: File z:12011IKnightsen ESD CSEA\Agreement"2010-2ll13"llS2311"C1n 15 a) The .date 011 which the bargaining unit member became disabled due to pregnancy; b) The prob~ble duration of the period or periods of disability; and , c) 8. An ex.planatoIY,~tatement that because of the disability, the .',: bargainin,g,unitme1Q.ber is either unable to work at ail or is unable to perfa,Oll anyone (1) or more of the essential functions of her position, without undue risk to herself or to other persoJ1S, ,or to the successful completion of her pregnancy. Re~~aseto Return to W9rlc, The District will require a Bargaining unit member to obtain a release to return to work from:herhealthcare provider prior to returning to work. 9. Reinstatement A bargainin,g unit member wilL,be.reinstated in accordance with FEHC §7291.9. K. Return from Leave Upo;nreturn todutyfollowip.g,~yleave, the. employee shall secure an absence certificate, .fill~tout indetajl,signit, and~l;lbmit the certificate to the District Office. L. Family Care Leave The District will provide each bargaining unit member with leave in accordance With state, (GoveWlllentCodesectiQn 12945.2) and or federal (PL 103-3) oFa,Jnily and M:~cal Leav:e Acts.. ASummary,ofthe current provisions ofthese la'Wsis l:j.vajlableat the Di$tr,ict Office. ' File %:\2011\Knigbtsen ESD CSEAlAgreomelll"20IO-2013"GS2311 "eln M. Family School Partnership Leave A unit member who is a parent, grandparent, or guardian having custody ofone (1) or lIlorechildren in grades kindergartenthmtigh grade twelve may utilize upto eight (8) hours in a calendar ~on:th,notto exceed forty (40) hours in a calendar year, to participate in activities of the school attended by1:he child. Such leave: • • • is unpaid requires not less thanfive (5) days prior notice to the District --less may be required with mutual consent of the parties may be denied by the Oistrict if the absence would create an undue hardship for $e District • File z:WlllKnightsen ESD CSEAlAgreement"20IO·2013"0523 I I"Gin 17 ARTICLE VI. HOLIDAYS E:Q1ployeesshallqe entitled to the followingJourtet)n (14) holidays, provided sllchhQlida.ys fall during the. nOI1nal work ~eekandprc;)Vided they are in a paid ·statusd~g . AAY portion of t~eworIqng A~y ~ediately preceding or succ;eedingth~ noliday: 1. New Year's Day 2.Ma,rtin Luther.King Day -.' -.'-, , File . 3. LincolD.'s Day 4. Washington's Day 5. Friday of Spring Recess • 6. Memorial Day 7. Independence Day 8. Labor Day 9. Admission Day (or other day designated by the Board ofTrustees) 10. Veterans' Day (or other day designated by the Board ofTrustees) 11. Thanksgiving Day 12. Day after Thanksgiving 13. Christmas Day 14. Day Before or After Christmas . B. When a holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding workday not.a holiday shall be deemed to be that holiday. When a holiday falls on Sunday, the following workday not a holiday shall be deemed to be that holiday. C. When any employee is required to work on any of these holidays, he/she shall be paid compensation or given compensatory time offfor such work in addition to the regular pay received for the holiday, at the rate of time and one-half of the regular rate ofpay. z:120111Knighrsen ESD CSEAlAgr.....nt"201<l-2013"OS231 l"Cltl 18 D. Teacher Training Days A school year classified employee shall work: • ';one .hundred eighty (180) student attendance days for children , (whether they are student contact days or teacher training days); plus • up to three (3) additional days ifdesigruitedbythe District as "teacher . work days." No school year classified employee will work on, or be paid for, a teacher training, day that is in addition to those specified above. E. Holiday !Eligibility Exceptlias otherwise provided in this Article,an employee must be in paid status o~ the working day immediately preceding or succeeding the holiday to be paid:;for the holiday. F. Employees who are not normally assigned to duty during the school holidays of Christmas Eve, December 25, New; 'Year's Eve,'January 1, or Spring Vacati'Oh Day shall be paid for those holidays provided that they were in a paid status during any portion of the working day of their normal assi.gnment immediately preceding or succeeding the! holiday; . .: file z:1201l\Knigbtsen ESD i, CSEAlAgreement"201()'2oI3"'OS2311~ 19 ARTICLE VII. VACATIONS A. Full-time twelv~(12).month¢mployeessh.all ~ccrue 5/6 day of vacation for each month worked (i.e., ten (10) days per year) during the fIrst four (4) years of service; After completion of four (4) years of service, the employee shall accrue fifteen (15) days vacation; a;fierGompletion of eleven (11) years, the employee shall accrue twenty (20) days vacation; after completion of twenty five (2S} years, the employee shall accrue twenty-five (25) days vacation. B. Paid Vacation Except as otherwise ,provided in this Article,paid;vaca~ion shall be granted no later than the fiscal year immediately following the fiscal year in which it is earned. Where desired by the employee an< the Superintendent, the paid vacation shall be granted in the fiscal year in which it is earned. Part time and school-year. employee~.s.haILbe entitled to prorated vacation. Vacation for schoQI-year employees.sball be paid annuallmnp sum. C. Vacation Pay ,Pay for vacation days for all :bargaining unit employees shan be the same as that which theemployee·wouldhaveff{X:eivedhadhe/she.been in a working status. D. Vacation· Pay UQon Tennination' When an employee in the bargaining unit is terminated for any reason, he/she shall be entitled to all vacation pay earned and accumulated up to and including the effective date of the termination. E. Vacation shall be scheduled by the Superintendent. F. An absence slip shall be turned in at the completion ofthe employee's vacation period. G. Unused vacation up to one (1) week may be carried over to the following year. • File z:\2011IKnightsen ESD CSEA\Agreerocnt"2010-2013"0523 1I"C1n 20 CEDURE ARTICLE VIII. A. Emplo~ees shall be evaluated by their imme~ate supeIiVisors. B. • ofFonnalEvaluation . 1. I:: Probationary employees shall be evaluated at the end of the second i i and fifth months of service. !1: lj(; 2. . ·.. ·,1 ~I:, Pennanentemployeesshall be evaluated annually. ~f'i 3. i! Employees may be evaluated more frequently than once a year iftheir a need to improve or unacceptable performance. ·.11!:, supervisor detects C. Evalua~on reports shall be made on forms provided by the District Office. The ill, evaluat~r shall present the report to theemployee;1;lli4di:scuss it witblhim/her. The dis~~ssion shall include discussions ofrecommendations for improvement as neces,sary. The form shall be signed by the employee to indicate receipt, and he/she ~~all be given a signed copy. t\copy shallbeflled in the employee's file. );. D. An emp~oyee who is not satisfied with hislher evaluation report may write a rebuttalfuwhich shall be attached to the evaluation and be.come a part ofhislher personn~l file. E. Derogatpry material shall not be filed in the personnel flle unless and until the employ~e is given notification and an opportunity to review and comment thereon.;; An employee shall have the right to enter and have attached to such derogatq1y material hislher.own· comments;. Such review shall take place during n~rmal business hours and the employee shall be released from duty for thisp~ose. ;1:, File z;120111KnIghtsen ESD CSEAlAgr......nt"201()"20i3"0523I i "eln 21 ARTICLE IX. A. B. TRANSFERS, REASSIGNMENTS, AND!PRQMOTIONS Definitions L A "transfer" is ji,cbaugeof·assigp,me:p,tftom one position in a classification to ·m~t1J.~r positionwitJibi the same a different job site. . 2. A "reassignment" is a change from one position in a classification to another position in the same classification, at the same site, but with the same or an increased number of hours . . 3. . A ''pr.omotion'' is a change·.from,a lower classification to a higher classification. Posting ofVacancies ' Announcements ofyacancies· shall he posted at>the:District Office StaffRoom for five (5).calendar.days. C. The Announcement Shall State L " Position title 2. Number ofhours regularly assigned 3.. Salary 4. Description ofduties '" D. An employee who applies for a specific Nacancy;, shall be entitled to be interviewed, provided he or she is qualified for the position. E. In evaluating an employee request for transfer/reassignment/promotion or a District-initiated transfer/reassignment, the District shall consider tliefollowing factors: file L Needs ofthe District; 2. Efficiency of operations; 3, Qualifications of the individuals who are being considered; 4. Date of initial employment; and z:U011IKnightsenESD CSBA\Agreement"2010-2013"OS2311"Cln 22 5. F. Such other factors as the Superintendent dye~s appropri~te. An em1?loyee may submit a written reqll;esttobe:)lQFified of va(1ancies in specifi~ classified classifications which arise during such employee's absence oflnot .~exceed twelve (12) calendar months. (Sl\lDll,lerbreak, vacation or approv~dJeave ofabsence).The employee shall thenlb~ sent a copy, at hislher last kn~wn mailing, address, of announcements ,o~ vacancies in those classifi~ations which arise .during stloh pe;riodqf absen~. ",\2011\Knightsen ESD CSEA\Agreement"201 ()'2013"OS231 1"ChI 23 ARTiCLEX. A SAFETY District Compliance The-District shall comply with all safety-requirements imposed by state or federallaw:orregulations adopted under state'or:federallaw. Employees who are required by the DistricHoworkwith hazardous ,equipment or materials shall be provided with safety clothing and eqilipment as required by applicable law and regulations. B. No Discrimination No employee shall be in any way discriminated against as a result ofreporting any condition believed to be a violation ofthe above Paragraph. • File z:1l0111Knightsen ESO CSRA\Agreoment"lOl0-2013"<1S2311"Cln 24 .. ARTICLE XI. ORGANIZATIONAL RIGHTS Employee organizations shall have the right of access :at reasonable times to areas irt which employees work, the right to use institutional bulletin boards, mailbo*es and other means ofcommunication~ subject td reasonable regulation, and thetrightto use institutional facilities at reasonable times for the pmpose of meetings concerned with the exercise of the rights guaranteed by this Chapter. A reas<>,nable number of representatives of an exclusive representative shall have th~ right to receive reasonable periods of released time, without loss of compeIl!Sation, when meeting and negotiating and for the processing of grievanges. The District will provideCSEA with an employee status report each October 1 for all b\ttgaining unit members and~ thereafter. when anew employee is hired or an disting employee separates ·from service. ,. , i· / . .'1 ,.... fil. z:\2011lKnigbtsen ESD CSEA\Aglwnent"201()'2013"OS2311~ 25 ARTICLE XII. A. Salaries ", B. SALARIES ,,': Employees in the bargaining unit shall .be paid,at .the appropriate step and . range, pursuant to. the salary schedule which is attached as Appendix "D." Paychecks All regular paychecks of employees in the bargaining unit shall be itemized to include alLdeductions and o:vertime. C. Frequency - Once Monthly All employees in the bargaining unit shall bepaid Qnce .a month, payable on or before the last working day . o fthe l)1onth. If.the.. normal pay date falls on a holiday, the paycheck shall be issued in the preceding workday, if possible . D. .. Payroll Errors Any payroll error resulting in insufficient payment for an employee in the bargaining unit shall be corrected by the District and submitted to the County within five (5) working days. E. Special Payments Any payroll adjustment due an employee in the bargaining unit as a result of working out of class, recomputation of hours, or other reasons other than procedural errors, shall be made on the next regular paycheck. F. Lost Checks Any paycheck for an employee in the bargaining unit which is lost after receipt or which is not delivered within five (5) days of mailing, if mailed, shall be reported by the District to the County on the day the District is notified by the employee, and shall be replaced as soon as the County processes said check. G. Physical Examinations The District agrees to provide the full cost ofany medical examination required as a condition of employment or continued employment, including but not limited to, the provisions outlined in Education Code section 45122 or its successor. File z;\2011\J<nightse. ESD CSEAlAgreementA20lQ-2013"OS23 I I"eln 26 H. Salary on Appointment 1. Initial- New employees will typically be placed on the fIrst step of the range for the classifIcation.. 2. Additional/Other New - An employee in the bargainin'l; unit who receives an additionalappointment~ or who moves to another non promotional classifIcation, shall be placed at the first step ofthe new .range unless paragraphs a) or b) below apply. 3. I. a) If the employee possesses more than one (1) year of qualifying experience in the new classifIcation, these years shall be credited, year for year, up to placement on step fIve (5). b) If the employee possesses more than two (2) years of employment in the District, these years shall be credited, two (2) years equals one (1) year, up to placement on step three (3). Promotion - A permanent employee in the bargaining unit who receives a promotion to a higher classifIcation shall be placed on that step in the new range which affords at least a one (1) step increase. Working Out-of-Class Pay 1. When a regular employee is assigned or knowingly permitted by the Superintendent to perform the duties of an established position of a higher classifIcation during hislher regular work hours, the employee's salary will be adjusted upward in accordance with the criteria set forth below: a) 2. File z:120111Knighlsen £SO CSEA\Agreement"20l()'2013'052311"Cln lfthe assignment is for fIve (5) or more days in any fifteen (15) calendar day period, the rate ofcompensation shall be the employee's regular rate ofpay plus fIve percent (5.0%), or the difference between Step 1 of the employee's regular range and Step 1 ofthe temporary range, whichever is less. If the employee is assigned to perform the duties of a lower classifIcation during hislher regular work hours, the rate ofpay shall be the employee's normal rate ofpay. 27 1. Longevity Increments . Bargaining:unit members s4al1, as a longevity increment, receive additional compensation. 1. The increment $hall he calculated,!LS a percentage of the rate of pay received for anypositiQnheld.. 2. The longevity increment shall be effective at the commencement of the month of continuous service as shown in Appendix "C" on page Sl. • • File .,1201 JlKnightsen £SD CSEAlAgrecment"2010-2013"()S23 I I"eln 28 • ARTICLE Xill. A. HEALTH AND WELFARE BENEFITS, Benefits for Active Employees Employees in the'bargainingunifshall receive the fringe benefits set forth in Appendix "8;" ' B. Transition Coverage Pursuant" to Federal Law (COBRA), an employee who terminates or is terminated (except for gross misconduct) is entitled to continue group health plan coverage at the group rate for up to eighteen (18Jmonths. An employee's spouse, fornier spouse, or dependent child may have 1. a right to continued coverage for up to thir1:y-six (36) months. "",,' 2. All such continued coverage is at the sole cost of the employee or other qualified individuaL ' 3. COBRA specifically provides that continued coverage may be subject to an administrative fee (up to two percent [2%] of the monthly , premium cost). Any such fee will be established in accordance with , COBRA and applicable regulations. . , . File z:12011\Kniglllsen ESD CSEAlAgreemelll"201{)"2013"O52311 "Cln 29 'i ARTICLE XIV. A. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE • Pm:pose 1. This gieyance p~oce4ure shallbe"usedj~ process and resolve grievances arising under this Agreement. 2. The purposes of this procedure are; a) 'Fo equitably resol'\ie grie:v,fIll~(ls r informally at the lowest possib~eleyel. b) B. C. Deflnitions 1. A "grievance" is an l:j.lleg<;:d,yiolation, misintelpretation or misapplication ofthe express tenns ofthis Agreement which directly and,advers~ly meets" the gJie"ant. Matters for which a speciflc Inethodof revie\V,is provi9.erl. by law or by the terms of this Agreement.are not within the ~cop(!.of this procedure. 2. A "grievant" is a member (or members) of the representation unit covered by this Agreement who flIes a grievance. 3. A "day" is any day in which the District Office is open for business. Time Limits Informal Level The grievant shall initially meet with the Superintendent in an attempt to resolve the grievance informally. E. Level I - Superintendent 1. If the informal discussion fails to resolve the grievance to the satisfaction of the grievant, a formal grievance may be SUbmitted in writing to the Superintendent no later than twenty (20) days after the event or circumstances occasioning the alleged grievance. File z:1201 l\Knightsen £SD CSEAlAgreement"2010-2013"OS23 I1"Cln r To provide an orderly procedure for reviewing and resolving grievanc~spromptly.". " Every effort shall be made to complete action within the time limits contained within the grievance procedure; time limitations may be shortened or extended by written agreement of both parties. D. r r 30 r F. G. File 2,· The fonnal· grievance shall be a clear, concise statement . of the grievance citing specific sections ofthe Agreement allegedly violated, misinterpreted or misapplied, the circumstances involved, and the specific remedy sought. . 3. Within ten (10) days after the filing of the fonnalgrievance, the Superintendent shall investigate the grievance and give hislher decision in writing to the grievant Level II- Board ofTrustees 1. If the grievant is not satisfied with the decision rendered at Level I, he/she may appeal the decision within ten~lO) days to the Board of Trustees. The grievant may file a copy with the Association. 2. The appeal shall include a copy oftheoriginal grievance, the decision rendered at Level I, and a clear, concise statement of the reasons for the appeal. 3. Within thirty (30) days after the appeal is filed, the Board ofTrustees shall render its detennination of the grievance and shall, within ten (10) days after its determination, 'give its decision in writing to the grievant.· Alternative Level 11- Advisory Arbitration 1. Instead ofan appeal by the grievant directly to the Board ofTrustees, the Association may, on behalf of the grievant, appeal the Level I decisionwithin ten (lO}days to advisory arbitration. The appeal shall include a copy of the original grievance, the decision rendered at Level I, and a clear concise statement ofthe reasons for the appeal. 2. The parties shall select a mutually acceptable advisory arbitrator. In the· event they are unable to agree on an advisory arbitrator within ten (10) days of the submission of the grievance to arbitration, the arbitrator shall be selected from a list submitted by the State Mediation and Conciliation Service. If the Association and the District cannot agree on an arbitrator from the list, each party shall alternatively strike names until only one name remains. 3. The arbitrator shall conduct a hearing at which both parties may present evidence. After concluding the hearing, the arbitrator shall prepare a report listing 'the issues, the pertinent facts found at the lrciaring,.anda recommendation forresolution. This report shall be sent to ' the Board of Trustees, with copies to the grievant, the Z!\20lllKnightsen ESO CSEAlAgreementA201t}.2013"052311 "Cln 31 Association. and the SuperintendentJ The cost of the arbitrator shall be borne . equally by .the.. District. ,and the Association. All other . expenses shall:be bomeby the party incurring them. If the District or the Association is not satisfied with the recommendation(s)ofthe arbitrater,the matter shall be referred to the Board ofTrustees within ten (10) days after receipt ofthe arbitrator's report The Board: shall, within thirty (30) days after said referral, render its detennination of the grievance and shall, within ten (10) days after its detenninatiPIl, giv~;its ~c~sion, in writing, to the grievant 4. . H. File Miscellaneous 1. Response - If the District fails to respond to a grievance ·within the time limits speeified for the, level,the grievant shall have the right to appeal. to the next leveL . 2. Conference - Grievants shall have the right to a conference, upon ,.request, at each level. 3. Records - All., records. of the prpceeding shall be retained by the District in a separate grievance file .. 4. Reprisals.- Ne reprisals shallbe,take119ypra,g;:tinst any par:t,icipant in a grievance procedure by reason of such participation. 5. " Representation - Each.partyshall be accompani~ by a conferee at all levels ofthe grievance procedu,re. 6, Pay - Agrievant required by the District to absent himselt7herselfby reasons ofthese grievance procedures shall not suffer any loss ofpay. . Th.egrievant's representative shall be entitled to reasonable release . time to present. the grievance to; the Superintendent or his/her designee and the ,advisory ar~itratorpursuant to this procMure. 7.' Time Limitations ..,. Failuretoapp~l a decision within the specified time limits shall be. deemed an ac.ceptance ofthe decision. 8. Fonns - Forms for filing and processing grievances shall be prepared jointly by the District andthcc Asso.ciation. 9;. Grievance Without Intervention:-,An employee. may present a grievance. and have the grievance adjusted without the intervention of the Association as long as· the. adjustment is made prior to an appeal z:1201 l\KIIiglllsen ESD CSEAlAgreernent"20IO·2013"OS2311 "eln 32 to. Alternative Level J:I,(adviso.ryarbitt~tio:9)aJ1d is not inconsistent with the terms o.fthis Agreement; providedthat the District shall no.t agree to. a reso.lutio.n o.f the grievanc~1l9:til the Associatio.n has received a Co.Py o.fthe grievance and the pro.Po.sed reso.lutio.n and has been given the o.PPo.rtunity tofile.a.resPo.nse. 10. File z:\2~11\Knightsen . Discharge o.fDuties - The .grievant shall co.ntinue to. discharge hislher duties andco.mply with the;directio.n o.f the administratio.n until the grievance is reso.lved. ESD CSEA\Agreemen!"201O-2~13"OS2311 "eln 33 • ARTICLE XV. A. . ·LA¥OFEOFUNIT MEMBERS DefInitions . 1. 2. ! ,; . Seniority a) Senioritys1iaHbe detenruned by the date Q.f District .employment in aprobationaly or permanent status. b) Seniority shall include service in the class from which layoff occurs and in higher classes. Bumping For purposes of this Article, bumping is defIned as the displacement of a junior employee by a more senior employee to avoid either the layoff or a reduction in hours of the senior employee. 3. Reduction in Hours A reduction ofthe hours assigned to an employee's position, which is not consented to by the employee, shall be considered a layoff under the provisions of this Article. A decision to reduce an employee's hours of employment creates a bargainable obligation. This does not, however, apply in the case of a layoff and resulting "bumping. " B. File Application 1. Unit members shall be subject to layoff by the Governing Board for either lack of work or lack of funds. 2. The District shall give written notifIcation to CSEA at least forty fIve (45) days prior to the effective date of the layoff. 3. Upon request, the District and CSEA shall meet and negotiate regarding the effects of the layoff as required by PERB. 4. Unit members who have been given notice oflayoff shall respond in writing within ten (10) calendar days after receiving such notice, of their intent to exercise seniority rights for displacement. 5. In accordance with the Education Code, an employee subject to layoff shall be laid offin reverse order ofseniority (employee(s) possessing least seniority within the affected classifIcation shall be laid offfIrst) . .,\2011 \Knightoen ESD CSEA\Agreement"201()'2013"0523I 1"C1n 34 . ", .': ' • When there is more than one (1) employee with the same date ofhire, seniority ofthose employees shall be detennined by the date ofhire in the class of layoff plus higher classes. 6. A unit member whose position has been eliminated, or whose hours have been reduced, or who has heen bumped from his/her present position may bump a less senior employee in a position of equal or less hours (i.e. same job profile) within his/her classification. If no such position is available, the unit member may bump into a position ofthe same job profile in an equal or lower classification in which the employee previously gained . permanent status provided his/her seniority is greater than the least senior employee in that equal or lower class. 7. An employee displaced from his/her classification as a result ofbeing bumped shall have the same bumping rights as set forth in above.. • 8. Employees laid off because of lack of work or lack of funds are eligible for reemploymeut for a period ofthirty-nine (39) months and shall be reemployed. in preference to new applicants. a) In addition, such employees laid off have the right to be considered for promotions within the District during this period oftime. , b} . A permanent employee mayvoluntarily consent to a reduction in hours of employment, or to an assignment to a lower classification, in order to avoid layoff. • 9. An employee who has been laid off, and is subsequently reemployed from a valid re-employment list, shall retain that seniority and status earned prior to the effective date of the layoff. a) File z:12011IKnigiltsen ESD CSEAlAgreement'201O·2013'052311"Cln Employees who take a voluntary demotion or a . voluntary reduction in assigned time in lieu of layoff to remain in thCiir present positions, shall be granted the same rights as persons who are laid off and shall reWil.eligibility to be considered for reemployment for an additional period of twenty-four (24) months (total sixty-three (63) months). • The period of actual layoff shall, however, be "fa,ctored" out. 35 b) . C; Fil< This revised: seniority shallhe utilized to compute entitlement to vacation accrual, longevity steps, and other benefits and burdens which are'specifically mandated by. the Education Code. OfferofReemployment 1. The names:ofunit members who have been laid offshall be placed on reeinploymentlists hy classification. . 2.· Offers ofreemploymentshaUhemade from the reemployment list(s) based on the highestseniority.. a) Offers shall be made until the unit member has been made "whole" based on hislherjoh profile at the time of layoff. h) Job profile is hours per day and days per year (total annual hours). • 3. Unit. members· shall be notified.· of offers of reemployment by CertifiedlRegistered Mail at the employee's last known address of record. It is the employee's responsihility to maintain an accurate address on file with the· District. 4. A unit member shall give written notification to the District ofhislher intent to accept or refuse reemployment within ten (10) calendar days following mailing ofthe offer of reemployment. Failure to respond . '. by the employee shall be deemed a refusal ofthe reemployment offer. 5. A unit member on a reemployment list may decline three (3) offers of reemploymerrtiuhis/her fonner classification. After the third refusal, no additional offers need be made except that an employee may, during the period' ofentitlement, notify the District ofavailability and shall; thereafter be entitled to offers of employment for which the employee iseligihle. • z:12011IlCnights... ESD CSEAlAgreementA 20lo.2013A05231 l"Cln 36 ARTICLE XVI. A. PROFESSIONAL GROWTH PUI]ose This program for professional growth is designed to be a tool to assist a unit member.. to improve perfonnance in hislher assignment or to prepare for advancement. Therefore, professional growth should be part ofan overall plan for self improvement. B. Awards A maximum of three (3) awards can be earned by a unit member. C. 1. Each.award shall be three percent (3%) of the employee's annual contracted..salary.The award. shall not be applicable to overtime, extra hours, etc. 2. There must be a three (3) year interval betw~n awards. Method A unit member who submits evidence ofnine (9) semester units ofapproved course work shaUquaJify for an award. .The course work may be taken at a college, community college, adult school, approved inservice program, approved trade school, a distance leaming course, workshGp, or any combination thereof. 1. Seven (7) ofthe nine (9}:semesters units of course work shall relate <iiregtly to. the employee's job.. Th~remaining two (2) units may be composed ofapproved general education courses provided they are designed to improve petsonal competence. 2. A unit member· considering course work must have the Superintendent, or designee, approve the contemplated course(s) prior to enrollment. 3. Course work may not be duplicated: . .~ 4. .:\201 !\l<nightsen £SO CSBA\AgniemeIlt"201{)'201~52311"C1n ~ Upon completion-ofthe approved course work, an official transcript or other official verification ofcompletion ofthe course or workshop shall be submitted to the District office for recording purposes . 37 D. 5. All changes in professional .gro\:Vth.irlcI~e.nts shall, be ·effective July 1. A unit member who plans to receive professional growth increments for the coming yea;r mustpr~xi~d¢ written notice to the Superintendent notlater than May 15. Proofofsuccessful completion of courses ·takenafter the written noyfication must be provided not later than, September.l·inorder to receiveithe professional grown award that year. . 6. A unit member shall not receive professional growth credit for attending a workshop for which he/she. is reC!e.iving pay orfor which the District has paid the tuition or fees. • 7. Course work which is taken to maintain a credential or certificate which is a condition of continued employment (e.g. a bus driving , certificate or a lifeguard certificate}shall not qualify for professional growth increments. ' Semester Units 1. All professional growth credits shall be ~corded in semester units. College credit which is granted in quarter units shall be converted into semester units: atthe·ratio· of: one (1) quarter unit is equal to 2/3rds of one (1) semester unit. 2. Credit for adult education, workshops, inservice or other non-college courses shall be as follows: TotalHours of.CC)'·) ,. ," ,', ' 4.5 to 8 houts , z;12011lKnighlSeD ESD 0.25 ~ ,-'" 0.5 19; h9UIS' 1.0 20 to 29 hours 1.5 30 to 39 hours 2.0 40 to 49 hours 2.5 50 hours and over CSEAlAgreetnelll"2010-2013"05231 !"Cin . \ 9 to 14 hours ; File ,,' Seme.ster UDits ofProfessioDal ' Growth Credit 3.0 ; 38 . ARTICLE XVII. CONCERTED ACTIVITIES A. There will be no strike, workstoppage, slowdo\VIl, sickout, picketing, work-to rule or refusal or failure to fully and faithfully perform job functions and responsibilities, or other interference with the operations of the District by CSEA or any of its officers, agents or members during the term of this Agreement, including compliance with the requests ofother labor organizations to engage in such activity. B. CSEA recognizes the duty and obligation ofits representatives to comply with the provisions ofthis Agreement and to make every effort toward inducing all employees to do so. In the event ofa strike, work stoppage, slowdown, sickout, picketing, work-to-rule, or other interference with the operations of.the District by employees who are members ofthe unit represented by CSEA, CSEA agrees to take all necessary good-faith steps to cause those employees to cease such action. C. Any employee violating this Article is subject to discipline up to and including dismissal by the District. D. In the event this Article is violated, the District shall be entitled to withdraw any rights, privileges, or services provided for in this Agreement from any employee andlor CSEA. " File z:12011lKnigh..enESD CSEA\Agreanent"2010·2013"OS23II"C1I1 39 ARTICLE XVID. COMPLETION OF AGREEMENT This is the entire Agreement between the District and CSEA on matters within the scope ofnegotiatio11S. FUe z:\2011IKnigbtsen BSD CSEA\AgreemeIl1"201il-2013"OS2311"C1lI 40 ARTICLE XIX. A. TERM Duration This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect from July 1, 2010 through and including June 30, 2013. B. Reopeners L 2010/2011 None 2. 2011/2012 Salary, benefits plus two (2) articles or topics of bargaining selected by each party. 3. 2012/2013 Salary, benefits plus two (2) articles or topics of bargaining selected by each party. z:\2QlllKnigbtsen ESD CSSA\Agreement"2Ql{)"2Q13"052l11"C1n 41 SIGNATURE PAGE DATED: ___________________ DATED: ______________------ FOR KNIGHTSEN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR CALIFQ.iWIA,S.,CHOOL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION • File z:12011IKnightsen ESD CSBA\Agreement"20Io.2013"052311"C1n 42 APPENDIX" A" KNIGHTSEN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT Positions Included In the Classified Bargaining Unit Bus Driver Bus DriverlMechanic/Grounds CustodianlMaintenance Instructional Aide Master Plan/Clerical Aide Library/AV Clerk Food Services Coordinator Cafeteria Helper Accounting Clerk Office Clerk • • File z:120! llKnighUon BSD CSEA\Agyeement"2010.2013"0523IIACIn 43 ,. APPENDIX "B" KNIGHTSEN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT . Classified Employee Benefits .' 2010/2011 The District shall provide bargaining unit employees with Fringe Benefits as set fQrth in this Appendix. A. Dental Insurance. The District shall provide full-time employees and dependents with the option'to enroll in a dental plan. Enrollment may be required by the provider. B. Vision Care Plan The District shall provide full-time employees and dependents with the option to enroll in a vision care plan. Enrollment may be required by the provider. C. Medical Insurance The District shall, subject to availability, provide full-time employees and dependents with the option of enrollmg in: ANY HEALTH PLANS AVAILABLE TO THE DISTRICT THROUGH CalPERS .. D. IRC Section 125 Plan 1. The employer shall "fund" the 125 plan as follows: a. Flle For a full-time employee enrolled in medical, dental, and vision plans: 1) employee only: 2) employee plus one; $ 465.57/month $5,586.84/annualized 3) full family: z;\2011\KnJghtscn ESD CSEAlAgreement'2010-2013"0523II "Cln $ 281.l4/month $3,373.68/annualized $ 6l8.65/month $7,423.80/annualized 44 , b. For a full-time employee not enrolled in medical: 1) , , ,all family sizes: 2) 3) E. $ 130.00/mcmth, $1,560.00/annualized ',' In lieu of medical premiums Plus, for all family sizes, the following amounts if enrolled in the plan: Dental $ 77.01lmonth $924. 12/annualize.d ' Vision $J9.70/month $236.40/annualized To receive the benefit set forth in D.I.b., the employee must present to the District written evidence of comparable alternative medical coverage. Part-Time Employees Part-time unit members may participate in the District group medical, vision, and dental, plans, subject to the following: ' F. File 1. A bargaining unit member who works at least fifty perct;:nt (50%) of a full-time assignment shall receive from the District a pro-rated portion ofthe IRe Section 125 Plan amount. For example, if a bargaining unit member is employed eighty percent (80%), he/she shall receive eighty percent (80%) ofthe appropriate IRC Section 125 Plan amount. ' 2. Participation shall be subject to lawful rules ofthe insurance provider and payment of the remaining balance by the employee through payroll deduction. Summer Months 1. For each full-time ,employee who is cOhtracted to work at least an entire school ye&" (Le., all student attendance days), the District shall fund the IRC Section f25 Plan for twelve (12) months. 2. Part-time employees who work an entire school year shall be entitled to receive pro' rated IRe Section 125 Plan amount for twelve (12) months . • :\20 II lKnigbtsen ESO CSEAlAgreement'201()"2013"052311'C1n 45 APPENDIX "C" KNIGHTSEN'ELE:MENTARYSCHOOL DISTRICT . Lon&evity Pay A. 2.0 percent of base salary after completion of 10 complete, consecutive years of service. B. 4.0 percent ofbasesalary.after completion of 15 complete, consecutive years o£service. C. 6.0 percent of base salary after completion of 20 complete, consecutive years of service. D. 8.0 percent of base salary after completion of25 complete, consecutive years of service. Note: These sums are not cumulative. . .,' . :,,:; File 2:\201 l\Knightsen BSI) CSEAIAgrmnent"20l()'2013"O523I 1"C1n 46 APPENDIX "D" KNIGHTSEN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT HSSSALARYSCHEDULE 2010-2011 Range Paid Days Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 . Step 4 StepS I Instructional Aide 188 12.32 12.92 13.54 14.28 14.97 2 Special Education Aide 188 12.92 13.54 14.28 14.97 15.70 Bilingual Instructional Aide 188 12.92 13.54 14.28 14.97 15.70 Migrant Aide 188 12.92 13.54 14.28 14.97 15.70 3 Cafeteria Worker 188 13.63 14.30 15.03 15.75 16.59 4 Cafeteria Manager 188 14.22 15.03 15.75 16.60 17.39 5 Bus Driver 188 15.82 16.57 17.43 18.32 19.25 6 Account Clerk 253 15.04 15.82 16.57 17.43 18.32 7 School Secretary 205 14.82 15.56 16.31 17.13 18.04 8 CustodianlM&O 253 15.74 16.53 17.34 nU5 19.09 9 Librarian!A V Clerk 209 14.82 15.56 16.31 17.13 • 18.04 10 Special Education Clerical 188 14.02 15.49 15.49 16.25 17.06 13.54 14.28 14.97 11 Office Clerk 12.32 12.92 188 LONGEVITY: 2.0% for 10 years of complete, consecutive service 4.0% for 15 years ofcomplete, consecutive service 6.0% for 20 years of complete, consecutive service 8.0% for 25 years of complete, consecutive service . Range 1 Campus Supervision " Paid Days Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 StepS 188 11.11 11.64 12.21 12.86 13.49 '. • rile z:12011\Knlgbt>en I5SD CSEAlAgreemeDtA2010-2013"OS23 I I ACIn 47
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