April 12, 2015 – Second Sunday of Easter CHURCH OF THE NATIVITY A praying, learning and caring Catholic community MISSION STATEMENT We are a praying, learning and caring community fulfilling the mission God gives us in baptism by our worship in faith, by our witness in hope and by our service in love. Praying through the Sacraments, Learning through Religious Education, Caring through Pastoral Care. Father Lawrence M. Purcell, Pastor lmpurcell@nativitycatholic.org; 858-756-1911, ext. 4 Deacon Jim Walsh jwalsh@nativitycatholic.org; 858-367-0114 Parish Office Mailing Address: Post Office Box 8770 Nativity School Mailing Address: Post Office Box 9180 6309 El Apajo Road Rancho Santa Fe, California 92067 (858) 756-1911; FAX: (858) 756-9562; www.nativitycatholic.org Page Two Church of the Nativity April 12, 2015 Second Sunday of Easter Who indeed is the victor over the world but the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? -- 1 John 5:5 ÚÚ 4 : 4 H r r H H H Please join us in singing the Psalm Response: Give H thanks to the Lord H for H he REFLECTING ON GOD’S WORD Can one “fathom” a mystery? “Fathom” derives from an Old English word meaning “outstretched arms;” eventually it referred to the length from fingertip to fingertip of arms opened wide. As a verb, it means to probe or penetrate in order to understand. Granting the impossibility of ever coming to fathom the Resurrection fully, I like the image of trying to reach out and put my arms around this great mystery—or, better yet, to have the risen Christ put his outstretched arms around me, drawing me into it more fully. Which brings us to Thomas. He is the original person who tried to fathom the risen Christ, insisting that if his friends in the upper room wanted him to believe what he could only think of as nonsense, he needed to touch the wounds of the risen Lord. Jesus didn’t seem to have much of a problem letting him. We never learn whether Thomas did touch Jesus or not, but every second Sunday of Easter we are told this story about Thomas and the risen Lord. It encourages us to fathom the mystery that is our faith, to learn to penetrate it by confessing Jesus as Lord and God, then allow this belief to flow out into our daily activities, reaching out to embrace others. Don’t you think when Thomas left the upper room that day he knew that the Resurrection was not something to keep to himself? That his whole being was filled with the warmth and light absorbed from being in the presence of the risen Lord? Is it possible that this can happen to us? —James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R. Copyright © 2014, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. H is H‹ good, r H H his love H is H H H H G ev - er - last - ing. REFLEXIONEMOS SOBRE LA PALABRA DE DIOS ¿Podemos “entender” un misterio? Dada la imposibilidad de llegar jamás a entender del todo la Resurrección, lo más acertado es imaginarnos que extendemos nuestros brazos y abrazamos este gran misterio, o mejor aún, imaginarnos a Cristo resucitado abrazándonos y así acercarnos más a este misterio. Esto nos lleva a Tomás, que fue la primera persona que trató de entender a Cristo resucitado, insistiendo que si sus amigos que estaban reunidos en esa casa querían que creyera en lo que él sólo podía concebir como una sandez, tenía que tocar las heridas del Señor resucitado. Tal parece que a Jesús eso no le pareció un problema. Nunca hemos sabido si Tomás llegó a tocar las heridas de Jesús, pero en cada Segundo Domingo de Pascua se nos relata esta historia acerca de Tomás y el Señor resucitado, que nos da ánimo para valorar más el misterio de nuestra fe y aprender a profundizarlo al confesar que Jesús es Señor y Dios, y que esto que creemos se refleje en todas nuestras actividades diarias sobre todo en nuestro trato con los demás. ¿No crees que cuando Tomás salió de esa casa aquel día sabía que la Resurrección era algo que él no podía callar, y también que todo su ser se llenó de ardor y luz absorto por haber estado en la presencia del Señor resucitado? ¿Será posible que esto mismo nos suceda a nosotros? —James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R. Derechos de autor © 2014, World Library Publications. LIVING GOD’S WORD Father of the only-begotten Son, send your Spirit upon us that we might know more deeply the truth of your Son’s resurrection and allow it to penetrate our lives. Deepen our faith, hope, and love so the world will know us even now as children of the Resurrection. Copyright © 2014, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Page Three Church of the Nativity April 12, 2015 Smiling With You After Surgery Early last Monday morning, the day after Easter Sunday, I had surgery to remove my prostate that was diagnosed to have cancer cells. This column was prepared ahead of time and is through the courtesy of Nativity men’s club member Bart P. Billings, PhD. God bless you – Fr. Lawrence Purcell, Pastor “A smile is a curve that sets everything straight “ (Phyllis Diller) Smiling plays a very important role in maintaining and improving physical and emotional health. Smile to relieve stress. Stress is easily shown in our faces. Smiling prevents people from looking too tired or overwhelmed. When you're stressed, try to put on a smile, as it will make you feel happy, and you will appear happy. Your feelings on stress will be reduced as the endorphins associated with the smile are released, [2] and the infectiousness of your smile will help to make others happy. Smile to help your immune system work better. Smiling brings about a sense of relaxation that helps your immune system to work more efficiently. You can reduce the risk of sicknesses such as the cold and the flu by smiling, in addition to getting a seasonal flu vaccine, exercising, eating right, and living a healthy lifestyle. Smile to stay positive. A simple test to show you how smiling keeps you positive is to smile. Then you need to try to think of something negative, but keep the smile, otherwise the test won't work. You will soon see that it is hard to combine the negative thought with the smile! When we smile, our body and mind are sending us a message that everything is okay, and that life is great. Smiling will help to lift depression and sadness, and with frequent use, works better than any type of medication to relieve you of stress. Smile to look younger. The muscles used to smile lift your face up, which makes people appear much younger. Don't go for an unnatural and dramatic smile, just try to smile throughout the day naturally. Smile to live longer. Those who smile are thought to live an average of 79.9 years, while partial smilers live an average of 75 years, and non-smilers live an average of 72.9 years. The only conclusion to be reached from this is to smile every day. Even if it doesn't guarantee that you'll live longer, you'll feel a whole lot better for it throughout your life! Smile to relieve pain. When you're in pain, physically or mentally, smile. Smiling releases endorphins and serotonin – endorphins are natural painkillers. Together, these two chemicals make people feel more able to cope when they're in pain. Smile to help reduce your blood pressure. If you're a person suffering from high blood pressure (hypertension), then it's recommended that you smile a lot more. When you smile, you should see a marked reduction in your blood pressure. Page Four Church of the Nativity April 12, 2015 MASS INTENTIONS APRIL 11 — APRIL 17 SATURDAY 5:00 pm Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118:1, 14-15ab, 16-21; Mk 16:9-15 Ralph Carlson, RIP SUNDAY 7:30 am Ann Allred, RIP 9:00 am For All Parishioners 10:30 am Stephen Davis, RIP MONDAY 8:00 am Acts 4:23-31; Ps 2:1-3, 4-9; Jn 3:1-8 Rebecca Nicholas, RIP TUESDAY 8:00 am Acts 4:32-37; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Jn 3:7b-15 Dr. Phillip Young, RIP WEDNESDAY 8:00 am Acts 5:17-26; Ps 34:2-9; Jn 3:16-21 Mary Dohn, RIP THURSDAY 8:00 am Acts 5:27-33; Ps 34:2, 9, 17-20; Jn 3:31-36 Morgan Conger, Special Intention FRIDAY 8:00 am Acts 5:34-42; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Jn 6:1-15 Donna Murray, RIP CHRIST IS HERE Christ departed from our sight that we might return to our heart, and there find him. For he departed, and behold, he is here. —St. Augustine TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — With great power the apostles bore witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus (Acts 4:32-35). Psalm — Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, his love is everlasting (Psalm 118). Second Reading — The victory that conquers the world is our faith (1 John 5:1-6). Gospel — Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed (John 20:19-31). The Call to Worship is by Philip Riley: Peace be to this house, and all who dwell in it; Peace be to those who enter and those who go out: Peace be to all who in every place, call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The text is from the prayer book of diocese of South India. The Offertory is O Holy Spirit, Lord of Grace by Christopher Tye, born probably in 1497 and died in 1572 or 1573. Once, when playing the organ at Queen Elizabeth I's chapel royal, he is said to have replied, when informed by her majesty that he was playing "Little to delight the ear", that it was her ears that were out of tune. No record exists of a return engagement. The text is by the French academic Charles Coffin (1676-1713) and reflects today’s Gospel: O Holy Spirit, Lord of grace, eternal source of love. Inflame, we pray, our inmost hearts with fire from heaven above. The Communion begins with La Cantique de Jean Racine (The Canticle of John Racine), one of the bestloved shorter works by the French composer Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924) who was a professor at the Paris Conservatory and organist at the Church of the Madeleine. This piece took first prize in 1865 for a competition at the École Niedermeyer in Paris, where the 20-year-old composer was studying. The text is taken from Racine's Traditional Hymns of the Roman Breviary: O divine word above, our hope and consolation, Eternal light of the heavens and the earth; our voices greet the morning. Look down, O Lord and hear your people’s prayer. Inspire us, Lord, we pray, with the power of your Spirit, that hell may flee before your mighty word. From slumber waken us, our weary souls reviving, that we may never forget your laws. Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on your congregation now gathered here in the sight of your throne. Receive the hymns they offer to your endless glory; renewed by your gifts may they go forth in peace. The second piece is Regina Caeli by Franz Xaver Witt (1834-1888), a priest and musician who founded the Cecilia Society to revive the use of Gregorian chant and promote the composition of new liturgical music in an older style. The plainsong chant Regina Caeli chant is believed to have been written sometime between the ninth and the twelfth centuries. It draws attention to Mary’s joy in the resurrection of her Son: O Queen of Heaven, be joyful, Alleluia. For he whom you have humbly borne for us, alleluia, Has risen as he promised, alleluia. Pray for us to God, alleluia. St. Gregory the Great heard its first three lines chanted by angels on a certain Easter morning in Rome while walking barefoot in a procession. He was so inspired, the story goes, that he was moved to add the last line. The third piece is Lord, Make Us Instruments of Thy Peace by Martin Shaw, the text by St. Francis of Assisi (1182-1226) an Italian mystic and preacher, who founded the Order of the Franciscans. Notably, around 1220 Francis celebrated Christmas by setting up the first Nativity scene using real animals. Page Five Church of the Nativity April 12, 2015 Join Us … Adult Bible Study: Gospel of Mark It’s not too late to join us for week 2 of a 10 week Study on the Gospel of Mark which leads us from Jesus’ baptism in the Jordan to the climatic announcement of his resurrection to the women at the tomb. Mark asks everyone to answer Jesus' question, "Who do you say that I am?" Bring your bible and a friend and join us on: Monday Mornings 9:15- 11:00 a.m. in the Commons through June 15, 2015 Registration means “signing up” to have your current name(s), addresses, telephone number and email on file in the church office. If you would like to become a registered parishioner at Church of the Nativity, please contact Nicole Steele at 858-756-1911 or nsteele@nativitycatholic.org SUPPORT GROUP FOR SEPARATED OR DIVORCED We meet Sundays at 10:15 am at St. James Church For more information contact Frank Grant at 760-533-1520 (fwgrant@gmail.com) or Jan Nadler, PhD at 760-814-8604 Questions? Please call Kathy Klink 858-756-1328 Courtesy Announcement: Magnificat Prayer Breakfast: Marie Finn, well known prayer warrior & co-founder of the St. Dismas Guild, will share powerful witness and speak on the Counsel of the Holy Spirit. SAVE the DATE! Sat. April 18th - 9:30 am-12:30 pm - $30 Mission Valley Sheraton Please contact (619) 701-2718 or SDMagnificat@gmail.com to make reservation by April 13th . Average Expenses Per Week: $ 22,166 Last Weekend’s Offering: $ 51,108* Active Parishioners Inactive Parishioners Envelope Usage For this exciting night out Details to follow 1186 53 801 Please pray for our benefactors who include Nativity in their wills and remainder trusts. * This amount includes those contributing through the Faith Direct program. You may now make a contribution to Nativity Parish online at www.faithdirect.net. Those who enroll can log on to the secure website of Faith Direct at any time to view their account, make changes and make special gifts. For assistance or information email: info@faithdirect.net. FAITH DIRECT - A NOTE FROM THE PASTOR THE NATIVITY SCHOOL Do you often find yourself without your checkbook or envelope on Sunday morning? Join the many parishioners who have already enrolled in Faith Direct for automated giving to Church of the Nativity. Faith Direct is secure and convenient, and will provide you with an offertory card to place in the basket during the collections. There is no cost to you, and the program provides a great benefit to our parish. A Catholic education makes a difference in Faith traditions and values practiced. Sign up today by visiting www.faithdirect.net Our parish code is CA288 Please consider using Faith Direct today Come see how The Nativity School embraces the Catholic tradition for excellence. Applications for Preschool – 3rd grade welcomed! For a private tour with principal, Mrs. Heveron, please call (858) 756-6763 Page Eight Church of the Nativity LORD'S DAY MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm Sunday: 7:30, 9:00 & 10:30 am RCIA and Youth Minister: Mike James, mjames@nativitycatholic.org, 858-756-1911, ext. 5 Religious Education: Patti Smiley, psmiley@nativitycatholic.org, 858-756-1911, ext. 6 Music Director: Paul Batchelor, pbatchelor@nativitycatholic.org, 858-756-1911, ext. 102 The Nativity School: Margaret Heveron, Principal mheveron@thenativityschool.org, 858-756-6763 Bookkeeper: Jackie Marin, jmarin@thenativityschool.org, 858-756-6763 Administrative Assistant: Nicole Carlin Steele, nsteele@nativitycatholic.org, 858-756-1911 Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 am to 2:30 pm Pastoral Council: Carl Bobkoski, Jane Boler, Kevin Flanagan, Cindy Hesse, Mimi Johnson, Kathy Klink. Finance Council: Jeff Brandon, Chair Michael Conway, Chic Dohoney, Jim LaGrossa, Catherine Lorenz, Earl Parker, Carolyn Wilkinson, Joe Wilkinson Safe Environment Coordinator: John Marin Call the Parish Office - 858-756-1911 PASTORAL CARE Nativity Samaritans: Patti Smiley, 858-756-1911 Childcare: Attended care is provided in the play room off the Commons during 9:00 and 10:30 am Sunday Masses. Holy Communion for the sick: For the homebound upon request, 858-756-1911 Widows and Widowers: Mary Lou Matthews, 858-481-6255 Monthly Luncheons - September through June Men of Nativity: Meet First Thursday of the month 6 - 8 pm in the Parish Commons Tim Van Damm, 617-501-3950 Small Christian Communities - Faith Sharing Groups See Deacon Jim Walsh or contact Kathy Alameda at 858-756-9755 or kathyalameda1@gmail.com SACRAMENTS Baptism: After last Sunday Mass Darlene & Ross Larson, 858-780-8837 (scdarls@gmail.com) Marriage: Saturdays, 10 am or 2 pm Wedding Coordinator: Georgiana Strate, 858-755-7459 Anointing of the Sick: Encouraged for anyone critically ill, for the elderly, or prior to major surgery April 12, 2015 FAMILY FAITH FORMATION Classes meet September through June PRESCHOOL THROUGH 8TH GRADE Contact: Patti Smiley, 858-756-1911, ext. 6 Preschool - 6th Grade: Sundays, 8:50 - 10:05 am at The Nativity School Junior High: Sundays, 5:00 - 6:15 pm in the Commons All classes resume April 12th. HIGH SCHOOL Contact: Mike James, 858-756-1911, ext 5 High School Youth Group (9th - 12th Grade) Meet Sundays from 5:00 to 6:15 pm Class resumes on Sunday April 12. All freshmenseniors meet from 5-6:15pm in the Commons. Friends are always welcome. HIGH SCHOOL CONFIRMATION Contact: Mike James, 858-756-1911, ext 5 Final Interviews are by appointment in the next few weeks. The Confirmation Mass has been set for Noon on Sunday, May 3. Candidates and their sponsors should be here by 11am for a final rehearsal. We will have a short reception after the Mass and conclude by 2pm. ADULT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (RCIA) Contact: Mike James, 858-756-1911, ext 5 Congratulations to the R.C.I.A. class members who received their sacraments of initiation at the Easter Vigil on Saturday April 4, 2015. Paul Chunyk, Herb Holmquist, Linda Niggli, Cherisse Alford, Monetta Ennis, Laura Sturr, Kendall Marrone and Eve Maldonado ADULT FAITH FORMATION & BIBLE STUDY Reconciliation: Saturday, 4:15 pm in the Chapel Eucharist: Weekday Mass: Monday - Friday, 8 am in the Chapel Centering Prayer Group: Saturdays, 9 am in the Chapel Contact: Dixie Welsh, 858-756-1911 Eucharistic Adoration: Every Friday after 8 am Mass Perpetual Help Novena: Tuesdays, after 8 am Mass Rosary: Weekdays, after 8 am Mass in the Chapel Little Rock Scripture Study for Adults Let the Word of God influence your Busy Life. Monday Mornings 9:15-11:00 am Develop a fuller experience of Christian community, Contact: Kathy Klink 858-756-1328
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