Nativity of the Lord Jesus CATHOLIC CHURCH 2425 Myersville Road • Akron, OH 44312 Mass Schedule Saturday 4:30 PM Sunday 8:30 AM & 11:00 AM Mission Statement We are Nativity of the Lord Jesus Parish, a Roman Catholic Church, providing a gathering place for all in the name of Jesus Christ. We encourage the participation of each individual for the betterment of the parish and community. We seek to give birth to Jesus Christ in the hearts of all people through loving service, Christian example, and Spiritual growth. Serving southern Springfield Township, and northern Green at the corner of Killian and Myersville Roads. PHONE: 330-699-5086 • FAX: 330-699-4299 EMAIL: • WEBSITE: STAFF Pastor .............................................................................................Father David Halaiko Pastoral Minister ..................................... Deacon Bob Bender & Deacon Dennis Smith Secretaries ........................................................Helen Hershberger & Mary Ann Laston Religious Education Director ....................................................................... Ada Honeck Youth Minister ............................................................................................ Karen Treen Hospital Ministry Director ...................................................................... Rosemary Frey Music Director………………………………………………………………………………………..Amy Fraleigh Maintenance .................................................................................................... Kim Haas PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday – Friday: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL Harry Bindreiter Mary Ann Laston Ginny Smith Phil Maynard Pat Sullivan Larry Foster Joe Powell PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Chairperson: Tom Brewer ................................................................................ 699-3327 Vice Chairperson: Ed Eitner ....................................... 524-2779 Corres. Secretary: Barb Whiddon .................................................................... 699-1470 Recording Secretary: Carol Chimera 645-0467 Youth Representative: Nicole Shannon .......................................................... 699-0425 Dennis Sklack ................................................................................................... 896-4064 Linda Twigg ...................................................................................................... 644-7080 Sister Susanne Gill ............................................................................................ 699-2357 Dwight Morrison............................................................................................... 699-4944 NATIVITY OF THE LORD JESUS CATHOLIC CHURCH AKRON, OHIO THEME THROUGH DEATH TO LIFE Nothing seems more brutally final than death. Anyone who has ever experienced a war, or visited a hospital ward for the terminally ill knows that death is a devastating, powerful event. But the Christian does not see death as the ultimate finality; he sees it as the passage to a glorious life with the risen Lord. Readings for the Week of March 22, 2015 Sunday: Jer 31:31-34/Heb 5:7-9/Jn 12:20-33 Monday: Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 or 13:41c-62/Jn 8:111 Tuesday: Nm 21:4-9/Jn 8:21-30 Wednesday: Is 7:10-14; 8:10/Heb 10:4-10/Lk 1:26-38 Thursday: Gn 17:3-9/Jn 8:51-59 Friday: Jer 20:10-13/Jn 10:31-42 Saturday: Ez 37:21-28/Jn 11:45-56 Next Sunday: Mk 11:1-10 or Jn 12:12-16/Is 50:4-7/Phil 2:6-11/Mk 14:1--15:47 or 15:1-39 ©Liturgical Publications Inc Jesus answered them, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Amen, amen, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces much fruit.” - Jn 12:23-24 SUNDAY 8:30AM 11:00AM 1:00PM MONDAY 8:00AM TUESDAY 7:00PM MARCH 22 For the Parish Carl Messner//Family Hungarian Mass MARCH 23 Anton Felder//Fred & Veronica Misbrenner MARCH 24 Wayne Hershberger//Judy, Tim Donovan, Eleonore Kuhne WEDNESDAY MARCH 25 8:00AM All Souls THURSDAY MARCH 26 8:00AM John Burket//John & Veronica Schmidt FRIDAY MARCH 27 8:00AM Frank Auman//Carolyn SATURDAY MARCH 28 4:30PM George Petrik//Family SUNDAY MARCH 29 Palm Sunday 8:30AM For the Parish 11:00AM Deceased Members of the Farkas Family MASS MINISTRY SCHEDULE SATURDAY and SUNDAY MARCH 28 and MARCH 29 2015 PLEASE REFER TO YOUR WRITTEN SCHEDULES IN CASE OF BULLETIN ERROR 4:30 MASS PALM SUNDAY READERS: Edna Glinsky and Paul Prysiazny SERVERS: Danielle Orr and Lexie Sklack EUCHARIST MINISTERS: Dennis Sklack, Linda Twigg, Barb Zimmerman, Nora Logsdon, Greg Potts, Benny Hill. Patti Hoover GREETERS: Joe Dluzyn and Joe Grillo 8:30 MASS READERS: Kathy Zehner and Mike Aube SERVERS: Patrick Lushbaugh and Philip Lushbaugh EUCHARIST MINISTERS: Jerry Glinsky, Karen Grismer, Bruce Killian, Tim Killian, Terri Ferguson, Phil Maynard, Anna Carey GREETERS: Jerry Glinsky 11:00AM MASS READERS: John Sabo and Barb Whiddon SERVERS: Jacob Petrone and Avary Snyder EUCHARIST MINISTERS: Ann Schen, Peggy Kachovec, Tom Brewer, George and Christine Cabe, Marilyn Landers, Kyle Whiddon GREETERS: Pat Lutz, Gerrie Wood Please remember to get a substitute if you are unable to fulfill your ministry as scheduled. LAST WEEKS COLLECTIONS OFFERTORY…………….…………………….……….. $ 6,579.00 YOUNG PEOPLE………………………………………... 4.00 BUILDING………………………………………….…… 273.00 Thank you for your kind and generous support. Like the Greeks who told the Apostles Philip and Andrew, that they wanted to see Jesus, people still do that today. Because you have supported a church in this place, people can be drawn here to see Jesus. This is something which would be pleasing to the Lord. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday When you celebrate Mass, consider the sacrifice you are offering. REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND: Clara Beoglos, Linda Zehner, Mary Tokar, Bob Cuckler, Frank Spano, Sam Short, Audrey Miller, Kylie Jacobs, Jackie Brown, Trudy Shaffer, Tyler Erickson, Ruth McCort, Darlene Morrison, Mary Jo Mangia, Kathy Keller, Barbara Laughlin and their caregivers. STATIONS OF THE CROSS ARE EVENINGS AT 7:00PM. During Lent. ON FRIDAY Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Coffee and donuts after 8:30AM Mass Living Stations dress rehearsal and cast party 6:30-8:45PM Rosary prayed after Mass Exercise 9:15-10:30AM & 6:30-7:45PM We Care at Noon Scout Mtg. 6:30-8:00PM (downstairs) Exercise 9:15-10:30AM & 6:30PM GENERATIONS OF FAITH 5:45-7:30PM RCIA 6:30-8:00PM “Liturgies of Holy Week” Choir Practice 7:30-9:00PM Adoration following Mass to 6:00PM Exercise 9:15AM & 6:30PM Women’s Bible Study 10:00AM CLUSTER PENANCE SERVICE 7:00PM Vespers 7:00PM Bethlehem Cave Rosary prayed after Mass Living Stations of the Cross 7:00PM in Church Exercise 9:15-10:30AM Easter Fun Day 11:00AM-1:00PM CONFESSIONS 11:00AM-Noon & 3:00-4:00PM FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT NATIVITY PARISH NEWS IMPORTANT PLN (PARISH LIFE NIGHT) NEWS FOR EVERYONE! March 25, Generations of Faith and Parish Life Night PLN sessions for children ages 3-6th grade. Junior high will follow the confirmation schedule. High school students are on self-study. Sessions end at 7:30PM Generations of Faith - dinner begins at 5:45PM and sessions begin at 6:30PM. The evening will conclude at 7:30PM (more information below) RCIA “Liturgies of Holy Week” March 26 - Vespers in Bethlehem Cave at 7:00PM HUNGERING FOR A HEALTHY HARVEST CRS Rice Bowl brings our Lenten journey back to Africa this week, to the Democratic Republic of Congo. W e join our fasting in solidarity with people who go hungry, and we remember in prayer the importance of building a community that is willing to support those most in need. TAX TIME IS HERE if you would like a copy of your 2014 donations, please PRINT your name and address on the signup sheet in the Narthex or call the office 330-699-5086 Monday-Friday 9:00AM-4:00PM. EASTER FUN DAY-SATURDAY, MARCH 28 11:00AM TO 1:00PM There will be lots of Games, Prizes, Fun, Food., Beautiful Baskets well be raffled off. Come join the fun. Register by March 21. Looking Ahead Holy Week - please see parish calendar April 15 - Parish Life Night and Confirmation class April 15 - RCIA - Church History Lent Inserts - Please use the weekly inserts for your personal meditation during Lent. If you have children, you can use the inserts for family discussion. If you need more information with any insert, please call the parish office or email your questions to Generations of Faith speaker is Terri Baldwin. Terri comes to us from the Diocese of Cleveland. During these final weeks of Lent, come closer to Jesus as we discover connections with him through the Last Supper and uncover the ways people come to faith. Discover where you are on your journey and simple ways you can help others in your family come to or back to faith. If you plan to come to dinner, call the parish office or email This presentation is open to anyone and begins at 6:30PM. QUEEN OF HEAVEN LENTEN MISSION 2015 You are welcome to join us on Sunday, March 22 through Tuesday, March 24. From 7:00-8:00PM Rev. Damian J. Ference, Ph.L. will be the facilitator. A Social follows Tuesday’s Mission presentation. For more information, Call the Parish Office 330-896-2345. DEACON’S BENCH SPRING Do you know where the ambry is in our church? The ambry is where the Holy Oils are stored in a church. Ours is on the wall to the left of the tabernacle. In it you will find the Holy Oils that are blessed during Holy Week by the bishop of the diocese. There are three different oils. On the glass jars you will see the initials OC, OI, and SC. OC stands for the Oil of Catechumens. It is used to anoint those who are to be baptized. OI stands for the Oil of the Infirmed. It is used when the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is given. SC stands for Sacred Chrism. It is a very fragrant oil that is used to anoint a newly baptized, those who are confirmed and newly ordained priests. This year, the oils will be blessed at St. John the Evangelist Cathedral on Tuesday, March 31st at 7:00 PM Mass. Everyone is welcome to attend this beautiful ceremony. Deacon Dennis NEEDED—INDIVIDUALLY WRAPPED EASTER CANDY To fill the plastic eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt for Easter Fun Day. ALSO NEEDED Toys, Beanie Babies and Stuffed Animals (gently used is O.K.) To be given as prizes for Easter Fun Day. ALL DONATIONS can be dropped off at the Ladies’ Guild table in the Narthex. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR EASTER FUN DAY Sign up sheet on table in Narthex. WEIGHT WATCHER: When my grandson Nik was 3, he asked me, “Grandma, how much do you weigh?” I paused, and then realized that he doesn’t really understand numbers anyway, so I told him the truth. His eyes got huge and he said, “Wow! That’s like 10 elephants!” SCOUTS FUNDRAISER - April 25 at NATIVITY Mark your Calendars!! Scouts is doing their annual Pancake breakfast. Watch the bulletin for more details. GAUDEAMUS CELEBRATION We are in need of yeast-raised breads for our Gaudeamus Celebration following the Easter Vigil Mass. If you can contribute homemade or store-bought yeastraised goods, please sign up on the sheets on the table in the Narthex and bring them to the church kitchen by Noon on Holy Saturday. We also need help with cutting the breads, if you can help, please call Dale and Trish Shannon at 330-699-0425, or Karen Grismer at 330-877-5494 or come to the church kitchen around 10:00AM Holy Saturday morning. DIVORCED SEPARATED AND WIDOWED CATHOLICS A “Caring and Sharing” session for those struggling with divorce, separation or widowhood will be held on Monday, March 23 from 7:309:00PM at Immaculate Heart of Mary’s Convent Building, 1945 Portage Trail in Cuyahoga Falls. Marlene Maruna, a Licensed Independent Social Worker, will facilitate this session. This event is open at no charge to people of all faiths. For information call Frank 330-801-0527. BANNS: I Mark Snyder and Jennifer Lysiak MARCH 22, 2015 TIDBITS FROM THE CHURCH MOUSE Hi Folks, This week, I decided to spend a few days visiting my great Aunt Matilda. She lives in the farm across from Loyola near my granny. Shortly after I got there she said she wanted to sew a new dress for Easter. I watched as she thoughtfully picked out a pattern and then spent at least an hour to find the perfect fabric. She wanted something blue, and the fabric needed to be light weight since this was for Spring. Aunt Matilda smoothed out the fabric and pinned all the pattern pieces to it before she started cutting this one big piece of fabric into a bunch of smaller pieces. How in the world would this ever look right? It seemed to be a jig saw puzzle with many odd shaped pieces. Auntie started sewing the shapes together while I went outside to visit with my cousins. Four hours later it was beginning to get dark and we knew it was time to head inside. There are too many creatures of the night like fox or owls who would love a tasty mouse snack. As we went in, I saw Auntie standing in front of a mirror, admiring the lovely blue dress she had made. It fit her perfectly. She had transformed a plain flat piece of cloth into something beautiful. Then she added the final touch of a pretty silk rose on the front. I wonder if that is how God makes people? He gives some thought about the unique person He is about to create. Then, like Father said on Ash Wednesday, God takes some dust that doesn't look like much, and transforms it into a beautiful person who is made up of many smaller pieces all formed together. Then His final touch is to add the spark of life. And just like Auntie's unique Easter dress, there is no other person who is like any other in the whole world. So long for now from Chatter, your friendly church mouse. MASS MINISTRY SCHEDULE HOLY WEEK April 2 and April 3, 2015 7:00PM MASS HOLY THURSDAY READERS: Marty LaConte and Sister Susanne Gill SERVERS: Patrick Lushbaugh, Nicole Shannon, Christian O’Neil, Avary Snyder EUCHARIST MINISTERS: Leah Emery, Raul Herrera, Marilyn Eitner, Romain Pritt GOOD FRIDAY 7:00PM Liturgy of the Word and Communion READERS: Paul Prysiazny and Ed Eitner SERVERS: Karlie Backer , Rebecca Cabe EUCHARIST MINISTERS: Dave and Amy Lawless IN BLOOM: during the growing season, plants in bloom on our church property are listed here. Snow Drops are bloom and by next week, Lenten Rose (Hechera) will probably be in bloom PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL ELECTIONS Election for 4 adult and the youth representative positions on the Pastoral Council will take place this year. Nominations will take place in April and the election will be in May with the new members joining council in June. Council meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:30PM and last about an hour. If nominated please pray about it and run for this important function of our Parish. Eligibility requirements will be in next weeks bulletin. DEADLINE FOR BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS IS MONDAYS BY 10:00AM. MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING. OR E-MAIL TO NATIVITY NEWS continued EASTER SCHEDULE Living Stations of the Cross Friday March 27 7:30PM Palm Sunday Masses Saturday March 28 4:30PM Sunday March 29 8:30Am & 11:00AM Monday March 30 8:00AM Mass Tuesday March 31 8:00AM Mass Wednesday April 1 8:00AM Mass Holy Thursday April 2 Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7:00PM Adoration of Jesus, present in the Eucharist, after Mass Until 11:00PM and on Good Friday, from 8:00AM to 7:00PM. Good Friday April 3 Stations of the Cross (outdoors, weather permitting) 2:30PM Liturgy and Holy Communion 7:00PM Easter Masses Saturday April 4 8:30PM Solemn Easter Vigil Mass Sunday April 5 8:30AM & 11:00AM (Please note: NO Mass at 4:30PM on Holy Saturday. The only Mass that day will be 8:30PM. And, Reconciliation that day is 11:00AM to Noon) Sacrament of Reconciliation at Nativity Thursday March 26 Saturday March 28 Monday March 30 Thursday April 2 Friday April 3 Saturday April 4 7:00PM 11:00AM-Noon;3-4PM 7:00-8:00PM 3:30-4:30PM Noon-1:00PM 11:AM-Noon Blessing of Food Holy Saturday 2:30PM April 4 Our cluster’s LENTEN PENANCE SERVICE will be here at Nativity this Thursday, March 26, at 7:00PM. There will be 10 priests available for your confession. LIFE IN THE SPIRIT 2015 Immaculate Conception of Mary Hitch Hall 2101 17th St SW, Akron 44314 Sat., Apr. 18th, 1:0010:00PM(Sunday Vigil Mass at 5:30 pm followed by dinner) Sun., Apr. 19, 6:30 -9:00PM Music, Praise & Worship, Talks by Fr. Michael B. Smith, Fr. Andy Turner, Fr. Jared Orndorff & Fr. Pete Colleti. Cost: $10/ person or $15/two people Contact Grace at 330-753-8429 or for information and registration. LENT 2015 COMMUNAL PENANCE SERVICES Sunday, March 22, 4:00PM St. Eugene/Cuyahoga Falls Includes Holy Family/Stow, Our Lady Victory/Tallmadge, HIM, & St. Joseph/Cuyahoga Falls Tuesday, March 24, 7:00PM Blessed Trinity/Akron Includes St. Anthony of Padua/North Hill Thursday, March 26, 7:00PM Nativity of the Lord Jesus/Springfield Twp. Includes St. Paul/Firestone Park/St. Francis de Sales, Portage Lakes/Queen of Heaven/Green/Holy Ghost, Ukrainian Catholic Church/Akron What travels around the world, yet stays in one spot? A postage stamp! SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday 3:00 to 4:00 PM. Other times by appointment. ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Thursdays after the 8:00 AM Mass until 8:00 PM. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Parish Life Night strives to have something for everyone! Parish Life Night is on most Wednesdays September through May. Students, ages pre-school through High School, will meet along with various adult enrichment sessions Generations of Faith will meet on selected Wednesdays throughout the year. Please see the bulletin for details, or go to and click on Religious Education RCIA: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a faith formation program for those interested in becoming Catholic and those interested in learning more about the Catholic faith. Sessions are held during the school year on Wednesday evenings. Contact Deacon Bob Bender. PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS: St. Matthew and St. Francis de Sales schools are available to Nativity children at the same tuition rate as St. Matthew and St. Francis de Sales parishioners. Families are expected to support our parish and to assist our school fundraising, BAPTISM: Preparation will be at the parish. Those expecting are encouraged to attend before the birth. Baptism makes the parents committed to practicing the Catholic faith with their child. Godparents must be practicing Catholics. Call Ada Honeck at 330-699-5086 or email for arrangements. MARRIAGE: Couples should contact Father David Halaiko, Deacon Bob Bender or Deacon Dennis Smith before any wedding plans have been made. Preparation takes place at least six months before the marriage date. OHIO CATHOLIC CREDIT UNION: Phone 330-733-6002. Located at 1900 West Market Street Akron, 44313
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