Spring 2015 www.natscascade.org Issue 14 Chapter Events President’s Notes: Chapter Meeting April 26 2:00 PM Our Savior Lutheran Church 1770 Baxter Rd SE Salem, OR 97306 As my final column for the newsletter, I want to thank every member for your participation in the chapter’s activities and challenge you to make an effort to be active in meetings, workshops, and special events as well as student auditions. Go to regional and national meetings as you are able and continue to explore appropriate new literature for each of your students. Invite colleagues to get together to chat about teaching singing and repertoire. Learn from each other and continue to study and research the latest pedagogies. Brian Swingle Memorial Recital April 26 3:00 PM Our Savior Lutheran Church 1770 Baxter Rd SE Salem, OR 97306 Summer Teacher Social Wednesday, August 19 6/7-9pm 22212 SW Fisk Terrace, Sherwood OR 97140 Lisa Actor-Leslie, host The focus with be technology in the studio In the past four years we have made some significant changes in how we do things, being pushed into the digital age. Your new officers will continue that trend because they are equipped with technologies and knowledge of how to make us more informed and efficient. Congratulations to Kevin Helppie, Lisa Actor Leslie, Nicole Hanig, and Bonnie Johnson as your new officers. I know you will support them as you have me. Fall Musical Theatre Festival Saturday, November 7 WOU Kevin Helpie, Host Many thanks to the membership for the truly beautiful flower arrangement and bottles of wine you gave me at the Classical Festival. Most of all, thank you for being a generous, conscientious group of artist/ teachers. NW Regional Conference March 4 - 6, 2016, Marriott Seatac Here’s to a new regime and new ideas! Upcoming Performances of Members and Friends Halcyon Trio Oregon Saturday, 7:00 PM, May 9th, 2015 St. James Episcopal Church 2490 NE Hwy 101, Lincoln City, Jackie Van Paepeghem Mullaney, soprano; Joan Haaland Paddock, horns; Debra Huddleston, piano. An American Music Canvas: Works by American Composers from Four Centuries. NATS member contact info: Jackie Van Paepeghem Mullaney, jvpsoprano@frontier.com Susan McBerry Tax Deductible Contributions to the Brian Swingle Memorial Payable to: Cascade Chapter of NATS Mail to: Bonnie Johnson, Treasurer Cascade Chapter of NATS 14699 NE Prairie View Ct. Aurora, OR. 97002 Spring 2015 www.natscascade.org Opportunities Brian Swingle Memorial Concert Sunday, April 26 3:00 pm Our Savior Lutheran Church 1770 Baxter Rd SE Salem, OR 97306 Introduction to Body Mapping and the Alexander Technique: a beginning workshop Saturday, May 16, 9:30 am to 1:00 pm Sprout! 405 A St, Springfield, OR Cost: $35 Please email Marieke Shuurs for more information or to reserve a place. marieke@cantarevoicestudio.com, or 541915-7653 The biennial conference of Andover Educators®, an international community of Body Mapping instructors June 18-21, 2015 Portland State University, Cost: $75-$350 (check website for specifics) NATS Member contact info: Cynthia McGladrey, cmcgladrey@comcast.net Special instructions or reminders: There is a great "one-day" option on Thursday, June 18, which includes a keynote speech by Barbara Conable, the founder of Andover Educators, and a presentation of our full sixhour course of Body Mapping information for musicians offered by master teachers. Registration for this day is $100.00. For more information, and registration, please see http:// andovereducators.wildapricot.org/event1748627 “Places, Please.” Lakewood Theatre Company's Young Performer's Workshop & Showcase Lakewood Center for the Arts 368 S State St Lake Oswego, OR 97034 Monday - Saturday, July 13 – July 24 10:30AM - 4:30PM LTC Young Performers Workshop & Showcase offers high school and college students with a strong interest and dedication to musical theatre advanced training and development for musical theatre performance. The intensive 11-day summer program offers an opportunity to develop critical techniques as well as stage, vocal and dance skills in a professional Issue 14 Our Cascade Chapter, of which Brian was a long time member, will celebrate Brian's gifts as singer/teacher/mentor with a scholarship fund-raising vocal recital to honor him called The Brian Swingle Music Theatre Scholarship Award Fund. Please put this date on your calendars and make it a priority. Please attend and make a generous donation to this fund which will assist young singers in Oregon to continue their work and honor Brian's life!!! The NATS Chapter has designated $2000 toward this fund and we hope to raise it to $5000. Can you help us? Donations are tax deductible as well! Singers will include Brian's teacher and mentor, Neil Wilson, students Susan White, Rebecca Fromherz and Kara Quello, plus colleague and friend Kevin Helppie who is NATS Cascade President. A reception will follow! NW NATS 2015 Auditions Winners Division Place SINGER NAME 1A 1B 1B 2A 2A 2A 2B 2B 2B 3B 3B 4A 4A 4B 4B 4B 6A 6A 6A 7 8 8 8 9 10 12 Ryan,Casey Wilkie, Jereme Dooley, Luke Robertson, Angelina Deshaye, Jaclyn Anderson, Sara Wilson, Hannah Schofield, Jenika Hyers, Arianna Dooley, Luke Hersey, Keeton Oliver, Naomi Phillips,Mika Miles, Abigail Overby, Tyra Pryer, Erika Boger, Amanda McClure, Virginia Yoder, Emma LeGrand, Ryan Duncan, Olivia First First Second First Second Third First Second Third First Second First Second First Second Third First Second Third First First Second Third First First First TEACHER Fisher,Troy Mallory,Karen Van Overstraeten, Cherry Hounsell,Joanne Kramer, Brianna Van Overstraeten, Cherry Duvic, April Head, Sandra Guinup, Erin Van Overstraeten, Cherry O' Shields, Kerstin Adams, Melanie Van Overstraeten, Cherry Fulkerson, Darcie Van Overstraeten, Cherry Hounsell, Joanne Hahn, Mari Moore, Leischen Guinup Erin Elder, Christine Sand, Megan Bowmer, Blair Zielke, Nicki Zens, Larrisa Zielke, Nicki Kobayashi, Shohei McBerry, Susan Mayer, Jennifer Lehmann, Kathryn Sacks, Rebecca Dobson, Ruth Chapter Tahoma Cascade Tahoma/Puget Sound Victoria Tahoma Tahoma/Puget Sound Cascade Vancouver Tahoma Tahoma/Puget Sound Tahoma Vancouver Tahoma/Puget Sound Tahoma Tahoma/Puget Sound Victoria Alaska Tahoma Tahoma Cascade Cascade Cascade Cascade Cascade Tahoma Cascade www.natscascade.org Winter 2015 Opportunities cont. atmosphere. Some previous musical theatre experience a plus – students should have experience in one or more performance skills, including singing, dancing or acting. Students ages 14-20 Cost: $450 ($400 early bird special) Cyndy Ramsey-Rier, cramsey-rier@msn.com, or 503 -671-0638 Special instructions or reminders: Auditions for new students will be held June 6, 2015 or by prearranged appointments. Call 503-6353901 to arrange an audition. See more at https://www.lakewood-center.org/pages/ lakewood-news-classes-2015summer#sthash.6X7Swzbs.dpuf Welcome New Members Jessica Jaeger Denise Kangas Janene Nelson Brenda Nuckton Mary Rice Paris Rodgers Would your campus like to host a 2015-2016 NATS Cascade Festival? Contact Sarah Maines themainestudio@gmail.com Issue 13 Congratulations to our Spring 2015 Classical Festival winners: Brooke Moltrum—Young Adult Female 15a, 15b, 16a, 16b Emma Ditmore—Young Adult Female 15a, 15b, 16a, 16b Rishi Seshadri—Young Adult Male 16c, 17a, 17b, 17c Anna Martin—Young Adult Female 16c, 17c, 18c Allyson Starke—Young Adult Female 17a, 17b, 18a, 18b Blair Bowmer—Young Adult Female 19a, 19b, 20a, 20b Larissa Zens—Young Adult Female 19a, 19b, 20a, 20b Jeramie Gajan—Young Adult Male 19b, 20a, 20b Lydia Blaine—Young Adult Female 19c, 20c Shahayla Ononaiye—Young Adult Female 21a, 21b, 22a, 22b, 23 Shohei Kobayashi—Young Adult Male 21a, 21b, 21c, 22c, 23b April Phillips—Young Adult Female 21c, 22c, 23c Olivia Duncan—Young Adult Female 21c, 22c, 23c Kathy Horvath—Recreational Female I, II Mathew Carter—Recreational Male I, II Rebecca Sacks—Advanced Adult Female, age 24+ Shannon Young—Advanced Adult Female, age 24+ Timothy McCoy—Advanced Adult Male, age 24+ Ryan Legrand—Young Adult Male 18a, 18c Elizabeth Reynaud—Young Adult Female 17a, 17b, 18a, 18b Honorable mention: Alicia Baker, Matt Blumenstein, Molly Duddlesten, Lauren Evers, Caroline Haroldson, Tanis Gonzaga-Guzman, Catherine Jacobs, Erika Little, Bella Malherbe, Melory Mirashrafi, Sierra Renz, Weston Roth, Veronica Scafidi, Maeve Stier, Amy Waters, Jereme Wilkie, Rebecca Wright, George Zaichenko, David Zielke, Yuxin Zhou Studios represented: Lisa Actor-Leslie, Angelina Anello-Dennee, Linda Appert, Wade Baker, Ruth Dobson, Karen Esquivel, Jay Fraley, Nicole Hanig Jamie Jacobson, Kay Joham, Theresa Koon, Bonnie Kousoulakis, Nicholas Larson, Karen Mallory, Susan McBerry, Valerie McIntosh, Angela Niederloh, Nicola Nine-Zielke, Nancy Olson-Chatalas, Richard Poppino, Megan Sand, Laura Thoreson, Christine Welch Elder
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