Nature School of Austin 6030 Hwy 290 West, 78735 512-538-5791

Nature School of Austin
6030 Hwy 290 West, 78735
Operational policies and Contract
Our Mission
The Nature School of Austin offers a unique preschool enrichment program
for children ages 2-6. Our curriculum emphasizes learning about nature, science,
and the environment. We facilitate learning through hands-on exploration,
experiments, crafts, music, and outdoor activities. By providing invaluable
experiences and tools to young children, we hope to foster a life-long relationship
with nature and environment. Each class day children participate in activities that
develop coordination, promote self-esteem, and increase sense of wonder and
curiosity. Give your child the best option to play, learn, and grow in a caring and
supportive preschool environment.
At Nature School of Austin, we offer:
Play-based interdisciplinary curriculum to develop the whole
child in art, science, language, literacy, emotional growth, math, and
Outdoor gardening and hiking activities to gain firsthand
exposure to nature at work.
Indoor environment inspired by child-focused methods of
Waldorf, Montessori, and the schools of Reggio Emilia.
Knowledgeable, driven, and caring teachers (guides) are
available to provide the best environment possible.
Guided multiage setting where children learn from and about each
other while following their own interests at their own pace.
At Nature School of Austin, we encourage racial, ethnic, religious, and
economic diversity in our student body. Nature School of Austin may, at its
discretion, dismiss or suspend a student at any time if the student fails to conform
to regulations established by Nature School of Austin; or if a parent or guardian
fails to assist Nature School of Austin in the implementation of its policies.
Children must be at least 2 years old for admission and must be toilet
trained. A completed enrollment packet is required at least one week before child’s
1st day of school.
Hours of operation
Nature School of Austin is open year round, Monday through Friday. School
hours are 7:30 am until 6:00 pm.
Inclement closing/delays/early release procedures
In the case of inclement weather condition, Nature School of Austin will
follow AISD operating schedule. Please watch local television channels, check the
internet or listen to local radio for notification of AISD closings, delayed start times.
In the event AISD decides to close during the business day, Nature School
of Austin will begin the closing procedures at the same time. We feel that this
decision helps to ensure the safety of both our families and our staff members. We
will begin calling parents immediately via the telephone numbers listed on the
enrollment form to notify parents. Arrangement should be made to immediately
pick up your child from Nature School of Austin.
In the event that the school must close due to emergencies or extenuating
circumstances, we will communicate the situation. We do not provide make up days
for emergencies or extenuating circumstances.
Nature School of Austin will close in observance of the following holidays:
- Labor Day
- Thanksgiving Day and the following Friday
- Christmas Eve and Christmas Day (or the Monday/Tuesday that follow)
- New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day
- Good Friday
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day (July 4th)
- First Week of June
Registration and Fees:
Nature School of Austin requires a registration and application fee of
$150.00. This fee is non-refundable and nontransferable. The application fee will be
credited during the 12th month of consecutive enrollment.
Tuition for 2014-15 school year
Program Type
All day (5 days a week)
AM Only (7:30 AM to noon, 5 days a week)
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Only (Full Day)
Tuesday and Thursday Only (Full Day)
Per Hour (based on availability)
Tuition schedule and policies
Following schedule and procedures will be followed. Payments must be
made by check. We will require the payer’s driver’s license number to be
kept on file. We do not accept credit cards at this time. Please read the
policies before registration:
• All program require a nonrefundable, nontransferable application fee of
• Tuition is due by the 1st of each month.
• There is a 7-day grace period, after the 7
day of each month; a late
fee of $50 is assessed.
• Returned checks are charged a late fee of $50.00.
• If the tuition is unpaid by the 1
of the following month, your child will
not be able to attend school.
• If Nature School of Austin receives more than one returned check per
family, we reserve the right to require payments in cash.
• There are no refunds given for vacations, absences, or holidays.
• Nature School of Austin has an annual non-refundable supply fee of
$100 that is due at the time of admission.
• If you need to withdraw your child from the Nature School of Austin
program, you must provide a written notice at least 30-days in
advance of the last day of attendance.
Procedures for Release of Children
You must fill the enrolment form release authorization section completely.
Included on this form is a list of individuals who are allowed to pick up the child in
addition to parents. Your child will only be released to parents unless parents have
provided written permission for release to a designated person. Children will be
released to these authorized individuals when requested by a parent and/or legal
guardian. If requested by the Nature School of Austin staff, designated person(s)
will be required to present a photo identification card, provide a telephone number,
and the license plate number prior to pick up.
Please notify Nature School of Austin of any unusual circumstances (See
Illness/Exclusion criteria and procedure for the Medical Emergencies” below for
procedure for picking up your child in the event he/she becomes ill while at school.)
Under no circumstances will your child be released to someone calling them over a
fence. Parents must notify their child’s teacher and sign the child in/out each time
the child is dropped off/picked up at the facility. Parents must watch their children
before the check-in and after the checkout, as this is the time of transition of
responsibility. Children, including siblings, should never be left unattended in the
school or in your vehicle.
Illness/Exclusion Criteria and Procedures for Medical Emergencies at
the Nature School of Austin
If your child becomes ill while at school, Nature School of Austin will contact
parents via the phone numbers given on the child’s enrollment form. The child will
need to be picked up immediately. If parents cannot be located, Nature School of
Austin will call emergency contact individuals listed on the child’s enrollment form.
In event a child needs emergency care, Nature School of Austin will contact
emergency medical services (911) or take the child to the nearest emergency
room, give first-aid treatment or CPR when needed, contact the physician identified
in the child’s record and contact the child’s parent. The Nature School of Austin will
request students be picked up and kept at home for the following reasons:
The illness prevents the child from participating comfortably in childcare
center activities including outdoor play.
The illness results in a greater need for care than caregivers can provide
without compromising the health, safety, and supervision of the other
children in care.
Oral temperature of 100.0 degrees or greater, an Axillary (arm pit )
temperature of 99.0 degrees or greater (must be fever free for 24 hours
without Tylenol, etc. or return with a doctor’s note that indicates that
the child may be included in the center’s activities.)
Vomiting or diarrhea (24 hour symptom free)
Rash (unless diagnosed as non-contagious w/note from a doctor)
Discharge from eyes or ears
Head Lice (No nits or Lice)
Signs and symptoms of possible severe illness such as lethargy,
abnormal breathing, and mouth sores with drooling, behavior changes,
or other signs that the child may be severely ill.
A doctor has diagnosed the child with a communicable disease, and the
child does not have medical documentation to indicate that the child is
no longer contagious.
If your child is ill with a temperature of 100.4 degrees or greater
accompanied by other symptoms he/she will not be permitted to remain at the
school. If your child has temperature of 102.0 or higher without other symptoms
they will not be permitted in the Nature School of Austin. Children will not be
permitted to attend the school until 24 hours after fever has resided without the
use of fever reducing medications. If the illness is present for an extended period of
time, a doctor’s release stating the illness is not contagious will be accepted for
admission to the Nature School of Austin. In addition to temperature, child will not
be allowed in care if they are vomiting, having diarrhea, or exhibiting other signs of
severe illness such as lethargy. These guidelines are for the health and safety of
child and the other children that attend the Nature School of Austin. Parents will be
responsible for the full tuition in said instances.
Box Lunch at School
Parents will provide healthy lunch and snack for their kids. A schedule
including activities to provide for child’s growth and development will be adhered
to. The caregiver will be flexible with the schedule depending on needs of children
in care. Please notify us of any food allergies or dietary concerns that may affect
your child. Parents are completely responsible for packing a nutritious lunch daily
aimed at meeting the child’s dietary needs. Texas Department of Protective and
Regulatory services required us to inform you of the following information regarding
lunches. Each parent is responsible for providing his/her child’s meals from home
containing the following food groups: Dairy, Protein, Grain, Fruit and Vegetables.
Nature School of Austin is not responsible for the meal’s nutritional value or for
meeting the child’s daily food needs.
Discipline at the Nature School of Austin
Physical discipline will not be used in the school. Appropriate approach will
be taken to teach children that there are better choices that can be made to
achieve their desired results. Redirection is the most common form of intervention
used in the Nature School of Austin. If your child has capacity to understand why a
time out is needed, time outs will be utilized for behaviors that place your child or
other children in the school at risk of injury. We understand an additional discipline
and guidance policy needs to be signed indicating that we are aware of the
minimum standard rules regarding discipline and guidance.
Medications and Medical Emergencies at the Nature School of Austin
Medications will not be provided in the Nature School of Austin unless this
is needed in an emergency situation such as allergic reaction.
If the child requires emergency medical treatment, Nature School of Austin
director/staff has my/our permission to seek the treatment. 911 will be called to
the Nature School of Austin if needed. The caregiver will administer first aid and
CPR as needed until emergency medical professionals arrive at the school. If your
child needs to be transported to the hospital, ambulance services will be used.
Parents should provide permission to the caregiver to contact my/our
child’s doctor regarding the situation if needed. Parents will be responsible for fees
accrued for their child’s doctor regarding the situation if needed. Parents will be
responsible for fees accrued for my (our) child’s medical care. Parents will be
notified as soon as possible regarding any emergency needs of their child. In case
of an emergency, all children not involved in the emergency may be confined to a
small area to provide for their safety while the caregiver attends to the child in
need. Supervision of all children in care will be maintained at all times.
Parental Notification Procedures:
Communication with parents occurs through a variety of means. Parent
folders are located in classroom. Notes, accident reports, field trip notices, etc. will
be disseminated via the parent folder. Parents will be notified via telephone
numbers given on the student’s enrollment form if a child becomes ill, has a serious
accident or an emergency occurs.
All immunization should be completed by the first date of attendance.
Tuberculin (TB) Testing Requirements
Requirements for tuberculosis screening vary across the state. The Texas
Department of Health does not currently require tuberculosis testing for children
attending a child-care center in this region.
Hearing and Vision
The Special Senses and Communication Disorders Act, Texas Health and
Safety Code, Chapter 36, requires a screening for a professional examination for
possible vision and hearing problems for the following children who are enrolled in a
childcare center. First-time enrollees who are four years of age or older and all
children enrolled in programs who are four years of age by September 1 of each
year will be screened for possible vision and hearing problems prior to completion
of the first semester of enrollment or within 120 calendar days of enrollment,
whichever is longest, or present evidence of screening conducted one year prior to
enrollment. A licensed or certified screener or a health-care professional must
conduct the screening. Refer to Texas Health and Safety Code, 36.011, for specifics
on Vision and hearing Screening. This information may be accessed on the Internet
at Often, a child’s four year old well-check will include a
vision and hearing screening performed by his/her pediatrician.
For immunization information, see the Texas Department of State Health
Services Immunization Branch.
Parental Notice/Enrollment:
Nature School of Austin requires that a completed enrollment form be
submitted along with a registration fee and annual supply fee. These fees are nonrefundable. A copy of the child’s immunization records or a notarized affidavit
stating that immunization interferes with the religious tenets and a statement of
health signed by the child’s physician are also required as part of the completed
enrollment form. Parents will be given a copy of the Operational Policies. In the
event a policy change is necessary, parents will be notified in writing. As part of this
process, parents will be asked to sign a form documenting receipt and
understanding of the policy change. Nature School of Austin will request that
children’s information be updated at the beginning of each semester. A form
requesting information changes will be sent out in parent folder’s or backpacks. Any
changes should be noted and the parent should sign and date the form and return it
to the office as soon as possible.
Parents may contact the director via telephone 512-538-5791, in writing
(6030 Hwy 290 West, Tx 78735) or email with any
questions regarding current operational policies and/or policy changes.
Belongings at the Nature School of Austin
Parents are asked to provide items to be left at the school during your
child's enrollment. A list will be provided upon enrollment and as needed. Any
belongings your child takes to the Nature School of Austin is parents’ responsibility.
Your child will have a designated storage basket to store personal belongings in. In
addition each child will have a designated folder where completed projects will be
stored for parents to retrieve as desired to take home. If the folders are not
emptied on Friday's the contents will be discarded over the weekend so your child
will not see their work destroyed.
Please send an extra change of clothes to be kept in your child’s cubby.
Accidents do happen. All toys should stay home. We recommend bringing a small
blanket and pillow for naptime. Please do not send items to school that are
irreplaceable and/or family hairlooms, etc.
All items should be labeled clearly with your child’s name so that they may
be returned if misplaced.
Animals in the Family Home
No live animals can be brought to the Nature School of Austin without prior
approval from the caregiver and all needed documentation to accompany them.
Texas Family Code (TFC) 261-101
TFC 261-101 requires that as a professional any suspicious of abuse and
neglect have to be reported to the abuse and neglect hotline within 48 hours of
concern. The Nature School of Austin must adhere to this policy.
Open Door Policy for Enrolled
Parents can visit the Nature School of Austin, unannounced, at any time
during operating hours to check on the Welfare of their child or review the
minimum standards and licensing monitoring inspection reports. Parents can also
access this information on the TDFPS Website at htttp://
Parents can also report any concerns they have about the care of their child
receives while in care at the Nature School of Austin. To report concerns regarding
abuse or neglect to my child while in care, parents can call the abuse and neglect
hotline at 1-800-252-5400. The hotline is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
including holidays. Parents can contact the local child care licensing office during
regular business hours at 512-834-3195.
Parents wishing to tour the facility are asked to make an appointment so
that activities such as naptime are not interrupted. The best time to schedule a tour
is between 9:00 am to 11:30 am.
Late Pick-up
If the child is not picked by 6:30 then the parents will be charged
$15/hour, with a minimum of $15 charge.
Nature’s School of Austin will not provide any kind of transportation.
Grievance Procedure (Review and discussion of concerns or policies
The Director is available to review or to discuss any concerns or questions
with regards to policies or procedures of Nature School of Austin. The Director may
be reached at the facility in person, by telephone, by mail or by email. In the event
the director is not available in person, an appointment may be made with the
person in charge to discuss concerns or questions as soon as possible. It is our goal
to make Nature School of Austin the best facility of its kind. We will strive to work
with each child and family to ensure needs are met at the highest standard possible
within a group care setting.
Parental Visitation/Participation:
Parents are always welcome at Nature School of Austin. If you have special
talent, we encourage you to come share this talent with our students! Examples
may include: reading stories, sharing cultural differences, playing musical
instrument, etc.
Availability for Review of Current Licensing Inspection and Texas
Department of Protective and Regulatory Services Minimum
Standards for Child Care Facilities, Licensing Phone Number, Abuse
Hotline and Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory services
website address.
Nature School of Austin is licensed and inspected by the Texas Department
of Protective and Regulatory Services. The Texas Department of Protective and
Regulatory Services may be reached by calling 1-800-862-5252 or locally 512-8343195. The Child Abuse Hotline is answered 24 hours a day and may be reached by
calling 1-800-252-5400. The latest inspection is always posted and available for
review. A copy of the Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services
Minimum Standards for Child Care Facilities is available for review upon request and
on internet at www. Current and past inspections for all licensed
child care facilities may be accessed on this website.
Consumer Product Safety Recalls:
Nature School of Austin is a gang free zone.
I have received the document titled Operational Polices/contract for the
Nature School of Austin. I acknowledge understanding of the terms of care provided
by the Nature School of Austin. Any amendments to these policies will be provided
to me in writing.
I also agree to allow photographs taken of my child while in care to be
shared with the families of other children in care and for advertising purposes.
Parent's Name (Please Print)
Parent's Name (Please Print)
*Parent's Signature/Date
*Parent's Signature/Date
*Document must be signed at school in front of the staff.