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FAX: (203) 484-7621
CT. License #0569208
518 FOREST RD. (Rte. 22)  NORTHFORD, CONNECTICUT 06472  (203) 484-2748
How the Natureworks 2015 Organic Lawn Care Program Works
Welcome to the world of organic lawn care! The world of science has now joined forces with the organic movement
to offer easy to use, highly effective alternatives to chemical fertilizers and toxic pesticides. Our main organic focus
is on building healthy soil and creating a healthy ecosystem that will encourage lawn grass and discourage weeds.
Healthy turf grass in healthy soil will naturally crowd out other plants, out-competing them for nutrients, light, and
water. You and your family will be safe from added toxins in your landscape.
Corn Gluten
Corn gluten contains peptides (protein elements) that inhibit the formation of roots in newly-germinated seeds. Corn
gluten products such as Healthy Grow Gold or North Country Organics do NOT kill established weeds. But since a
seedling without roots can’t survive, this is an excellent means of preventing new weeds from growing. For this same
reason, however, corn gluten should not be used in reseeded lawns or in areas where seed germination is desired
(vegetable and cottage gardens, for example). Corn gluten breaks down completely within about two months, slowly
releasing nitrogen as it does, thus acting as fertilizer as well as weed control!
Apply corn gluten in the early spring (when the forsythia is blooming to the time the lilacs bloom) to suppress the
growth of new weeds and provide a continuous supply of nitrogen for the grass through the growing season. A
second application is recommended in the fall for the first two years of the program to make certain that seeds from
existing weeds don't sprout before the following spring application. Corn gluten when used as a pre-emergent to
prevent weed seeds from germinating must be applied at a rate of 20lbs/1000sq ft. For best results apply it a few days
before a rain and then water it in lightly and allow it to dry.
Products such as North Country Organics Cheep Cheep (4-3-3), North Country Organics No Phosphorus (6-0-6), Pro
Gro (5-3-4), Pro Start (2-3-3) and Dr Earth Liquid Lawn (8-0-2) fertilizers enrich the soil with vital nutrients,
minerals, trace elements, and organic matter. Turf grasses tend to be heavy feeders, whereas many common lawn
weeds are transitional plants that thrive only in marginal or disturbed soils and do poorly in nutrient-rich soil. In fact,
the kinds of weeds growing in a lawn are good indicators of the soil conditions found there. Learn to “read your
weeds.” (For more information on what weeds can tell us about the soil they grow in, visit or
read The Organic Lawn Care Manual by Paul Tukey))
Milky Spore
Milky spore is a naturally occurring bacterium (Paenibacillus popilliae) that preys on Japanese beetle grubs, killing
them before they turn into ravenous adults. The bacteria will over-winter in the soil and establish a stable population
in about 3 years. The bacteria will last for ten years or more. Beetle grubs also consume grass roots and attract
nuisance visitors such as skunks, moles and crows, who can do considerable damage to a lawn in their search for
these choice morsels. (For more information on milky spore disease, visit )
Beneficial Nematodes
Grub Guard Beneficial Nematodes are a mixture of naturally occurring microorganisms that prey on a wide range of
soil-dwelling plant pests from cutworms to weevils to beetle grubs. Grub Guard uses two different strains of
nematodes because of their different abilities. Steinernema sp. are shallow soil dwellers that occupy the top 1-3
inches of soil. Heterorhabditis sp. burrow down as deep as 5-6 inches, offering a secondary barrier to grubs that are
emerging from or submerging to winter soil depths. Attention to all pet owners- beneficial nematodes also kill flea
larvae! Nematodes rapidly multiply in warm, moist soil conditions. Follow directions exactly-store in refrigerator
until use, apply on a cloudy day and water them in, or apply during a rain. Never apply to a sunny, dry lawn. They
are living organisms and must be watered down into the soil. (For more info. on beneficial nematodes, visit )
Compost Tea
Properly prepared compost tea contains millions of beneficial organisms. It can be fresh brewed or, you can make
compost tea easily using a dehydrated microbial inoculant product such as Organic Plant Magic containing organisms
in suspension that come alive when mixed with water. When applied to the soil through a hose end sprayer or as a
soil drench, they create a healthy rhizosphere (root zone). Using compost tea improves nutrient retention in the soil
and suppresses diseases. The soil structure improves when water and oxygen are supplied and by mineralizing
nutrients and making them available to plants. Compost tea produces plant growth promoting compounds, improving
the quality of your turf. In addition, decomposition of toxic materials (phenols, tannins, pesticides) occurs. Compost
tea can be applied to lawns and gardens at any time and is a basic part of any organic lawn care program, especially if
you are transitioning from chemicals to organic methods.
Soil Testing
Our goal in organic gardening is to feed the soil and the soil will then feed the plants. Before you begin any organic
lawn care program, you should test your soil.
 Natureworks is offering a high end soil testing service and evaluation. The results will be emailed to us and
to you from a professional soil testing laboratory in Virginia that is recommended by NOFA/CT. We will
then help you interpret the results and choose the best organic products to feed your soil. The cost is $40 for
up to 2 samples. Stop in or contact us to arrange for this service.
 A basic, free test is available from the Ct. Agricultural Experiment Station, 123 Huntington St., New Haven,
CT 877-855-2237.
 UConn also offers testing. Brochures are available at our retail store or information is online at . Click on Homeowners and Landscapers, print and fill out the
questionnaire for the Standard Nutrient Analysis Test and follow instructions to take a sample. Mail soil
sample and check for $8 per sample to address provided on website. For more questions call Uconn soil lab
at 860-486-4274 or email:
Long-Term Maintenance and Further Information
In each successive year of the program, emphasis shifts from pest control to soil enrichment, because a healthy lawn
can hold its own if properly nourished. As you build a healthy soil, each year the lawn will require less input and will
be able to fend off insects and diseases on its own. In this day and age, it is important to analyze your yard and decide
how much lawn you actually use and need. If you have areas you are having trouble establishing a lawn or you never
use, consider a new garden or even a meadow planting. (For excellent information on the hows and whys of
sustainable long-term land care, visit
Be sure to pick up a copy of the comprehensive book (available at Natureworks) The Organic Lawn Care Manual
by Paul Tukey, founder of a nationwide movement called Safe Lawns. Go to for more
FAX: (203) 484-7621
CT. License #0569208
518 FOREST RD. (Rte. 22)  NORTHFORD, CONNECTICUT 06472  (203) 484-2748
Healthy Grow Gold or North Country Organics (N.C.O) Corn Gluten 9-0-0
Both of these brands are composed of 100% corn gluten meal. It’s safe for your vegetables, flowers, and lawn. It
only kills the roots of sprouting seeds, and can be used around any established plants. It can be safely applied
around flower or vegetable sprouts once the first true leaves have sprouted. It can be used with most lawn
spreaders. Apply in early spring as soil warms up and again in late summer when temperatures turn cooler to
control late season weeds. Corn gluten also serves as your first fertilization of the season as it is 9% nitrogen.*
North Country Organics Cheep Cheep Dehydrated Poultry manure 4-3-3
Cheep Cheep is a complete, all-natural, biologically active organic fertilizer made from dehydrated poultry
litter. It provides essential primary plant nutrients, secondary nutrients and trace elements in a less water soluble
slow-release form. It is safe for the environment (as are all our organic lawn products) when used at
recommended rates. OMRI certified.*
North Country Organics Natural No-Phos 6-0-6
Natural No-Phos is a natural fertilizer that contains no phosphates. Use this when your soil test indicates you
have sufficient phosphorus in you soil. It is made from natural sulfate of potash, natural nitrate of soda, feather
meal and peanut meal. You can also use this product if your soil test indicates you have high phosphorus. Note
that lawns need phosphorus to thrive (especially when seeding) and natural phosphates do not pose a runoff
concern like chemical phosphates. *
North Country Organics Pro Gro 5-3-4
A premium all purpose fertilizer that is a high nutrient blend of natural ingredients. Pro Gro builds thick and
healthy root systems which naturally crowd out many weeds, and feeds healthy soils while cultivating beneficial
microorganisms that can decompose thatch and control harmful insects and diseases. OMRI certified.*
North Country Organics Pro Start 2-3-3
A winterizing blend of fertilizer, which builds a thick root system filled with nutrients to last the winter and
come up healthy and lush in the spring. Contains less nitrogen to promote root growth, not as much shoot
growth as you want the lawn to go dormant at this time. A greater root system increases the lawns feeding
efficiency and the organic matter in the soil. OMRI certified. *
Dr Earth Organic Liquid Lawn Fertilizer 8-0-2
A hose end liquid lawn fertilizer for use on new or established lawns. Contains essential nutrients and microbial
food substances to feed the soil. It contains no phosphate-use when a soil test indicates a sufficient level of
phosphorus. Note that lawns need phosphorus to thrive (especially when seeding) and natural phosphates do not
pose a runoff concern like chemical phosphates. *
Organic Plant Magic
Organic Plant Magic is a dehydrated version of compost tea. The millions of beneficial microorganisms come
alive when mixed with water. Apply with a hose end sprayer. Using compost tea improves nutrient retention in
the soil and suppresses diseases. Especially important to apply when transitioning from a chemically treated
lawn to an organic lawn to add much needed life to the soil!
Grass Seed Blends
Hart’s Coastal Grass Seed Blend
Hart’s grass seed blend is formulated for Natureworks by Hart’s Seed Co. in Wethersfield, CT. It is a blend of
fine fescues and other modern grass seed varieties. Coastal blend is very drought resistant and is good for hot,
dry areas as well as areas where road salt can be an issue. It also contains endophytically enhanced seed which
offers natural insect protection.
Eco-Lawn Grass Seed- Eco-Lawn is a blend of seven carefully selected fine fescue grass seeds developed by
Wildflower Farm. Eco-Lawn is a lawn grass that grows in full sun, part shade and even deep shade under trees!
Eco-Lawn is highly drought tolerant once established, and has a beautiful green grass color. It requires less
fertilizing and can be mown like a regular lawn-but just once a month or left un-mown for the season for a freeflowing carpet effect. Eco-Lawn is a fine grass that cannot tolerate heavy play by children or animals. (For more
information visit ).
Pest Lawn Care Products
Monterey All Natural Grub Control
This is a granular product that we recommend for spot treatment of lawn insect problem areas. This mix of
insecticidal plant compounds (including rosemary, sesame, peppermint, thyme, cinnamon, garlic, ground
mustard, beeswax, citrus acid, kaolin clay, and wintergreen oil) has been blended to control lawn pest such as
white grubs, cut worms, sod webworms, etc. It controls the insects that are present and acts as a repellant for
residual control. It is best to apply before the insects cause excessive damage. Apply evenly at a rate of 3 ½ lbs.
per 1000 sq. ft. and water in. *
Grub Guard Beneficial Nematodes
Nematodes are an immediate solution for managing all types of grubs in the lawn. Grub Guard Beneficial
Nematodes are a mixture of naturally occurring microorganisms that prey on a wide range of soil-dwelling plant
pests from cutworms to weevils to beetle grubs. Grub Guard uses two different strains of nematodes because of
their different abilities. Steinernema sp. are shallow soil dwellers that occupy the top 1-3 inches of soil.
Heterorhabditis sp. burrow down as deep as 5-6 inches, offering a secondary barrier to grubs that are emerging
from or submerging to winter soil depths. Attention to all pet owners-beneficial nematodes also kill flea larvae!
Follow directions exactly-store in refrigerator until use, apply on a cloudy day and water them in, or apply
during a rain. Never apply to a sunny, dry lawn. One package covers 2,000 square feet. Nematodes cannot be
over-applied, use entire package if your area is smaller than 2,000 square feet.*
Repellex Mole, Vole & Gopher Repellent
Repellex provides maximum protection against burrowing pests. A high concentration of active
ingredients and the ability to penetrate soil surfaces make this product fast acting and long lasting.
One pound covers 1,000 square feet. Contains castor oil, sodium laurel sulfate, cinnamon, and garlic. Repellex is
non-toxic and biodegradable.*
St. Gabriel Lab Milky Spore Spreader Mix
Milky Spore is a naturally occurring bacterium (Bacillus popillae) that preys on Japanese beetle grubs, killing
them before they turn into ravenous adults. The bacteria will winter over in the soil and establish a stable
population in about 3-5 years. The bacteria will last for ten years or more. Beetle grubs also consume grass roots
and attract nuisance visitors such as skunks or moles. Apply Milky Spore Spreader Mix three times a year for 2
years in New England. *
* See Organic Lawn Care Calendar for Application Periods.
FAX: (203) 484-7621
CT. License #0569208
518 FOREST RD. (Rte. 22)  NORTHFORD, CONNECTICUT 06472  (203) 484-2748
2015 Organic Lawn Care Calendar
We offer the best in organic products for organic lawn care. You do not need to use every product suggested. Get
a soil test and examine your lawn for compaction, weeds, and grubs to guide you in deciding which products fit
your lawn’s needs. Consult with a Natureworks staff member if you need help deciding on the correct regimen
for your lawn. In time, your inputs will decrease and your soil health will increase!
Early Spring (April)
Test your soil to better understand your soil pH, fertility & organic matter content. When submitting your soil for testing,
make sure you note that you want your results for organic growing. Adjust the pH by adding lime if needed. There are
two types of lime available-calcitic and dolomitic. Your soil test should tell you which one to use. Rake winter debris off
your lawn and aerate it if needed. This gives the soil oxygen which promotes activity in soil organisms and helps
fertilization and water penetrate deeper to root systems. Rent an aerator at your local rental center. Then feed your lawn:
Apply North Country Organics Pro Gro 5-3-4 or Cheep Cheep 4-3-3 or Natural No-Phos 6-0-6 or Dr Earth Liquid Lawn
8-0-2 as a spring wakeup fertilizer.
-ORIf your lawn is plagued with crabgrass, apply granular corn gluten when the forsythia is in bloom to the time the lilacs are
in bloom. Crabgrass seeds start to germinate when the soil is approximately 55 degrees. Corn gluten IS also your first
fertilizer-no additional fertilizer needed until late spring/early summer.
Late Spring (Late May/Early June)
Second feeding: Apply North Country Organics Pro Gro 5-3-4 or Cheep Cheep 4-3-3 or Natural No-Phos 6-0-6 or
Dr Earth Liquid Lawn 8-0-2. Apply Repellex granular to repel moles and voles (if you have them).
Japanese beetle and other grubs feed actively during two periods: late April-early June and mid August-early October.
These are the times to control them. Grub Guard Nematodes can be watered in when the soil warms up to around 50
degrees, usually mid to end of May in CT. And/or Apply Milky Spore Spreader Mix to control Japanese beetle grubs.
Early Spring thru Fall
Mow regularly and adjust mower deck to a height of at least 3”- 3 ½”to 4” is even better! A higher mowing height shades
the soil, conserving moisture and shades weed seeds from germinating. Use a mulching mower and leave clippings.
Clippings on an organic lawn do NOT contribute to thatch. Clippings in an organic lawn break down quickly and feed the
soil! (Thatch is common in chemically treated lawns because it is void of microorganisms who break it down naturally.)
Late Summer (August)
Apply Milky Spore Spreader Mix and/or Beneficial Nematodes to control grubs. Use nematodes starting in August
through September when the grubs have hatched and begun feeding on the grass’ roots.
Early-Mid Fall
Over-seed your lawn to encourage thick grass growth which will in-turn crowd out and shade weed seeds from
germinating. “The best defense against weeds is a bag of grass seed!” Paul Tukey remarked during a Q & A session at an
organic lawn care talk! Top dress the seed with sterile, chopped Lucerne Farms hay and water until it germinates.
Apply North Country Organics Cheep Cheep, No-Phos or Pro Start 2-3-3 (*this is the most important feeding of the year!
The roots are now starting to store carbohydrates for the upcoming winter. If you only can only fertilize once, do it now)
Apply calcitic or dolomitic lime if needed to adjust pH. Take a soil test to determine the pH level of your lawn (ideal pH
for grass is 6.5 to 6.7). If your pH is off, your lawn will struggle. When the pH is off, the roots cannot take in the
nutrients from the soil. We will stress it one more time—Please get a soil test.
Late Fall
Rake your lawn to remove leaves if there is a thick covering, otherwise just mow them over and mulch them into the
lawn. Lower your mower’s cutting height for the last two cuts of the season so it goes into winter short. In spring, enjoy
your safe, healthy organic lawn!