Meeting, Dating, & Seducing Women Everything You Need To Know About

Everything You Need To Know About
Meeting, Dating, & Seducing Women
Joseph Matthews
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Everything You Need To Know About Meeting, Dating & Seducing Women
Table Of Contents
Introduction .................................................................................................................. 2
How To Instantly Boost Your Confidence......................................................... 4
How To Meet Women ................................................................................................ 6
How To Meet Women On The Internet .............................................................. 8
Know Exactly What To Say To A Woman ........................................................ 10
How To Attract Younger Women ....................................................................... 12
How To Be Funny And Interesting Around Women................................... 13
How To Generate Attraction With Women .................................................... 15
How To Be Persistent With Women.................................................................. 18
How To Make A Woman Your Girlfriend........................................................ 19
How To Seduce A Woman...................................................................................... 22
How To Rock Her World In Bed ......................................................................... 25
How To Have A Threesome................................................................................... 28
How To Pick Up A Stripper ................................................................................... 30
Other Resources ........................................................................................................ 32
Putting It All Together............................................................................................. 36
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Everything You Need To Know About Meeting, Dating & Seducing Women
Hi there, and welcome to “Everything You Need To Know About Meeting, Dating, &
Seducing Women.”
If you’ve ever struggled with women and relationships, this special report is going to
really open your eyes. My name is Joseph Matthews, and I used to be a COMPLETE
loser with women.
To give you an idea of what I look like, I’m overweight, bald, and generally have the
appearance of Tony Soprano’s lovechild. Because of this, I was always massively
insecure around women. I’d had my heart broken on more than one occasion, and at
times felt like I’d never be happy.
Then, something happened to me that was so traumatic, I made a conscious decision to
make meeting, dating, & seducing women my ultimate goal in life. After all, everyone
deserves to be happy, and to me, finding the right girl meant happiness.
Over the years, I must have gone out thousands of times, dating literally HUNDREDS of
women. Not all were beauty queens, that’s for sure, but 99% of them were amazing girls.
Even though my looks didn’t change much, my success with women did. I learned how
to improve my confidence, build attraction, and become a skilled lover. The things I
learned have allowed me to be with women most men only dream of, including:
Porn Stars
Successful Businesswomen
College Co-Eds
Just to name a few. It has been an incredible adventure for me, and the success I’ve
achieved with the ladies has been beyond my wildest dreams.
In 2004, I even wrote a book teaching guys what it is I do that makes me so successful.
It’s called The Art Of Approaching, and it contains everything any man needs to know
to get the woman he desires.
(Hey, if a fat, bald, ugly guy like me can do it, ANYONE can!)
Since I released my book, I have literally helped THOUSANDS of men meet the right
woman for them. Some have referred to me as a “real life Hitch,” but I’m just some dude
who figured a few things out. Nothing more.
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Everything You Need To Know About Meeting, Dating & Seducing Women
This report your reading right now is meant to help the average guy get started learning
everything he needs to know to have ultimate success and power with women. You’ll
even notice that I reference a number of different resources in this book.
These are all resources I used in my journey to become more successful with the ladies,
and I would encourage you to check out all of them if you can.
I would also encourage you to take a serious look at my course The Art Of
Approaching. Many people have gotten a lot out of my course, and I am very proud of
However, it is possible to see immediate results just from the tactics I cover in this
report. So I would encourage you to read the whole thing, if you can. Or, if there’s just
one specific aspect of dating you’re interested in, skip right to that section! I designed
this manual to quickly help any guy with any aspect of his love life.
And if you really think that this manual is good, please share it with your friends. We
always gotta help our brutha’s out, know what I’m saying? ;-)
If you have any questions outside this manual, feel free to email me directly and ask. I
can’t promise I’ll respond, but I’ll certainly try! You can reach me at
So now all that’s out of the way, enjoy my book! I hope you use it to get real results
with women as quickly as possible.
Wishing you success,
P.S. If you haven’t already signed up for my free daily newsletter where I share all my
best tips and tactics on how to meet women, then please click here to do so right now!
I’m always coming up with new and better ways to get good with women, and you
wouldn’t want to miss out. Just be sure to confirm your subscription to get the emails.
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Everything You Need To Know About Meeting, Dating & Seducing Women
How To Instantly Boost Your Confidence
The first step in getting good with women is learning how to be more confident in
yourself. Let’s face it, if you ask any woman what the most attractive quality is in men,
they will almost always say “Confidence.”
Nothing is sexier to women than a man who is confident in himself. The problem most
guys face, however, is that they’re never really sure what it means to actually “be
If I were to ask you what your definition of confidence is, what would it be? I’m willing
to bet that whatever it is, your definition of confidence is different from mine and most
other guys out there.
To me, confidence is really just “secure self-knowledge.” It’s about knowing who you
are, what you like, what you dislike, and how to act in any given situation. Fear,
nervousness, and uncertainty all manifest themselves in ways which destroy confidence.
So if you are with a girl, and you are unsure what to do, you lose that feeling of
confidence that can make you so attractive to the ladies.
A lot of so-called “dating coaches” out there will advise you to “fake it until you make
it.” In other words - act confident until you ARE confident.
Personally, I think this is a horrible idea.
You can act as confident as you want, but the minute you get rejected by a girl, you open
yourself up to severe depression.
Instead, you want to learn to love who you are, and be secure in what you believe. This
is a great way to start your journey to becoming more successful with women.
One trick I teach in my course is a great way to instantly boost your confidence. I
recommend having a “Confidence Song.”
(Trust me, it’s not as cheesy as it sounds.)
Understand that music has a power to instantly change our emotions. Music can make
us feel sad, excited, happy – any number of things. So what I recommend is, before you
go out to meet women, or go out on a date, have a song you listen to in order to pump
yourself up!
It can be any song that makes you feel good and excited. And if you ever feel yourself
losing confidence, just listen to that song again in your mind to try and recapture that
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Everything You Need To Know About Meeting, Dating & Seducing Women
But if you want to really do well with women, you’ll have to create confidence in
yourself that is unshakable, so no matter how many times you might fail or get rejected,
it’s not painful to you.
Building confidence is a process of learning to love yourself and be comfortable with
thinking positively about yourself. Far too many guys get used to thinking about
themselves in a negative fashion – so much so that they don’t believe anything good
when it comes to themselves!
Two people who really helped me get a handle on my confidence are Carlos Xuma and
Lance Mason. Both of these guys are really good friends of mine.
One of the best confidence courses out there in my opinion is Carlos’s Alpha Man
Immersion course.
Carlos really breaks down how to become an “Alpha Man,” and it has nothing to do with
crushing beer cans on your forehead and being a jerk to everyone you meet. Instead, it’s
about developing a powerful belief system that makes you confident and attractive to
every woman you meet.
(Seriously, this is good stuff!)
Lance also has a great method he calls Physical Confidence. This is a system of using
your body language to change your emotional state, and it is VERY powerful, not to
mention effective.
See, emotions follow the body. So if you can change your body language, you can
change what you’re feeling. And Lance’s Physical Confidence website is all about how
to do exactly that. I highly recommend it.
If you’re looking to jack up your confidence quickly, I would strongly suggest you check
out one of these websites.
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Everything You Need To Know About Meeting, Dating & Seducing Women
How To Meet Women
Knowing how to meet women is probably the single most important skill any man
looking to improve his love life could acquire.
Because it is the single, most IMPORTANT step in the dating process. If you can’t
meet a girl, you can’t date her, sleep with her, or get into a relationship with her! It all
starts with your ability to successfully meet the woman you desire without getting
Success with women is a numbers game. The more women you meet, the greater the
odds of you finding one that will be right for you! So if you can’t meet girls, everything
else will be all the more difficult.
Frankly, meeting women was probably the biggest hurdle I had to overcome before I was
able to become really successful with my love life. That’s the reason I made The Art Of
Approaching in the first place, to teach guys how to make the hardest part in the process
Once I conquered the ability to meet any woman I wanted, I was able to have some
incredible success. And everything else that comes after the initial meet became much,
much easier indeed.
They key to meeting women without rejection comes down to two things…
1. Knowing what girls are open to being approached.
2. Saying the right thing when you do approach them.
Here’s some simple tricks to help you do both…
First, perform the Eye Contact Test. This is a simple technique I teach in my course to
help find girls who are open to meeting you. A big mistake lots of guys make is they’ll
try to meet women who aren’t interested in meeting them. This leads to rejection and
hurt feelings.
Instead, when you see a girl you like, lock your eyes on her face, and wait for her to make
eye contact with you. When she does, smile at her. If she smiles back, guess what?
She’s open to meeting you!
I go into why this works in much more detail in my course, but let’s just say that when
you do this, you’ve already begun talking to her “non verbally.” So when you do start
talking, it becomes a much easier task!
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Everything You Need To Know About Meeting, Dating & Seducing Women
Try this technique next time you’re out and you see a woman you like.
Second, when you DO start talking to her, have a really good Opener.
An Opener is my fancy word for a pick-up line that really works. See, pick up lines have
a bad rap! Many people think they’re stupid, cheesy jokes. But the best pick up lines are
actually ones that get the girl talking to you! And chances are, they won’t even notice it’s
a pick up line, either.
(All the best pick up lines, in my opinion, are “invisible.”)
I always have a favorite opener of mine memorized and ready to go. Its best to have one
that fits every situation you’re in, just in case your mind goes blank and you can’t think
of anything situational.
I give away over 40 of my best Openers in my course. These are all lines I’ve tested to
ensure that they will not only get a good response from the girl, but lead into an
interesting conversation, that you can then transition into asking for her number, or even
a date!
Check out my website for more details. Or you can also check out my friend Lance
Mason’s excellent site Fearless First Impressions.
Lance and I have had marathon phone calls talking about our different techniques for
meeting smoking hot women, and I can honestly say that next to me, his stuff is some of
the best out there!
So if you’re really looking to easily meet hot girls anywhere you find yourself, check out
my stuff or Lance’s. You can’t go wrong.
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Everything You Need To Know About Meeting, Dating & Seducing Women
How To Meet Women On The Internet
One of my favorite past times is meeting women on the internet. It’s quick, its easy,
and its gosh-darn effective!
One of the great benefits of meeting women online is that you can actually go to websites
where women are basically raising their hand and saying “Hey! I’m single and looking
for a man!”
You can’t beat that! And the sheer numbers of women you’re able to date from the
internet is ridiculous. After one session of mailing profiles, I can easily get 20 dates lined
up. Easily.
(And I’m not exactly looking like Brad Pitt, either!)
Now, a lot of guys actually have a hard time using the internet to find good women.
Most of the time, this is what happens with internet dating…
The women never look like their pictures
The truly hot girls never write back
Your profile never gets any hits
You can’t get the girl to meet you in person
And that’s just a handful of obstacles you face when online dating. But luckily, I know
how to get around these obstacles, mostly because of my friends Dave Miz and John
These two guys are EXPERTS at meeting hot girls on the internet.
Dave is a guy who comes out of a website design background. When he was designing
websites, he learned how to test the sites he was creating to make sure his websites
actually performed the task they were designed to do.
So Dave went ahead an applied this type of testing to his online dating endeavors. And
you know what? He creates KILLER online profiles that get literally HUNDREDS of
responses from hot girls, and he doesn’t have to do a single thing! They contact HIM.
Dave’s profile creating secrets are really simple, but ingeniously devious. It all comes
down to:
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Everything You Need To Know About Meeting, Dating & Seducing Women
Choosing a great headline
Choosing the right picture
Writing great profiles that make him irresistible
Knowing the tricks so that he shows up for as many searches as possible
Dave was able to date close to 400 women in 4 years thanks to his methods! That’s a
hundred women a year he gets to hook up with. Check out his site Insider Internet
Dating for more information.
And where Dave leaves off, my other friend John Alanis picks up! John likes to boast
that he’s the “King of letting them come to you!” John jokes that he never approaches
women, women approach him, because of his online techniques.
Just so you know, John is a short, balding, older man with a thick Texas drawl. But this
guy gets more women than he knows what to do with!
See, John has a background in marketing, and he knows how to write emails to send to
women online that get an insane 90% response rate!
That means that 90% of the women he emails check out his profile and get back to him.
In fact, I use some of his “pre-written” material myself, and enjoy tons of emails back
from the women I send it to.
Sending emails to women on online dating sites is a real art form, because any woman
worth emailing is probably getting emails from literally HUNDREDS of guys, and 99%
of them are lame.
If you know how to make yourself stand out, chances are you’ll get a butt-load of
responses. Check out John’s site Women Approach You to discover what he’s doing
that works so damn well online.
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Everything You Need To Know About Meeting, Dating & Seducing Women
Know Exactly What To Say To A Woman
Anyone who’s ever suffered through the dreaded “awkward silence” during a date knows
that being able to carry on a conversation with a girl is VITAL to success in both love
and relationships.
You want to be able to keep a conversation going with a girl and build emotional
connections and attraction while doing so.
Unfortunately, most guys just try talking to “fill the void.” They’ll begin to resort to
boring questions, boring stories, and go-nowhere conversational threads, hoping to find
something to talk about.
The problem with this is that you will eventually lose the girl’s interest if you resort to
this! Women don’t want to be bored, they want to be fascinated, intrigued, entertained,
and romanced!
So knowing exactly what to say to a woman to achieve all these things is extremely
One of my personal challenges was being able to keep a conversation going with a girl I
was attracted to, and have her actually be interested in what we were talking about. To
fix this, I turned to two resources.
The first resource is a book called Magic Bullets. Magic Bullets is written by a good
friend of mine named Nick Savoy, who collected some of the best “routines” out there for
talking to women.
See, routines are basically pre-tested stories you can recite to people to entertain them.
Much like when a stand-up comedian gets up on stage and does his routines for the
audience. You’re basically taking material you know people will enjoy and reciting it for
In the case of Magic Bullets, that material is stories women love to hear, that make you
more attractive!
This is great if you’re a guy who never knows what to say. Memorizing a few of the
Magic Bullets routines will ensure you are never at a loss for words when you’re out on a
The second was Carlos Xuma’s R.E.A.L. Game course. Carlos really has a good
understanding of what it takes to engage women and get them to feel connected to you.
He teaches you how to be funny, how to deal with difficult conversationalists, and even
covers some sneaky NLP mind-control techniques.
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Everything You Need To Know About Meeting, Dating & Seducing Women
Carlos’s material is a little more natural than the Magic Bullets method, but I like to
combine the two to get a truly original way of having conversations with women. It’s a
combination of good material, with good vibes and good emotions.
All-in-all, excellent stuff.
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Everything You Need To Know About Meeting, Dating & Seducing Women
How To Attract Younger Women
One of the biggest problems older guys have is thinking that age is an issue when
attracting women.
They believe that if they are significantly older than the girl they want to be with, it’s a
disadvantage. After all, would a 21 year old girl really be attracted to a 45 year old man?
Well, the answer is YES. Most definitely.
All you have to do is just keep from falling into the trap that being older is a
disadvantage. Frankly, it’s acceptable for younger women to date older men. Lots of
girls do it, and lots of girls find older men sexy.
Just remember what Ronald Regan said to Walter Mondale when he was attacked in the
debates for being too old to be president. When asked what role age played in being
President, Regan said “I would never, ever, use my opponent’s youth and inexperience
against him.”
In one simple sentence, Regan switched the issue from him being “too old” to Mondale
being “too young and inexperienced.”
When it comes to women, you have to do the same thing. Being older is an
ADVANTAGE. You know things about women they have yet to discover. You know
how best to please a woman. You know how to take care of them. It’s their YOUTH
that is an obstacle!
But here’s the real key… having a young personality is all it takes to attract younger
women! Being funny, interesting, engaging, and up to date on pop culture is all you need
to hold your own with the younger guys.
In my course Pure Personality, I go into great detail on how men can attract any woman
they want, no matter how old they are, what they look like, or what their nationality is. In
the end, attraction is all about creating emotion, and if you can do that, you can get a girl
of any age.
Don’t believe me? My friend John Alanis hooks up with women younger than him all
the time! And he’s an old, short Texas dude. Check out how he does it on his website
and you’ll see how it’s possible.
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How To Be Funny And Interesting
Around Women
When I was first starting my journey to becoming good with women, I came across a
book which taught me one of the most valuable skills I’d ever learned when it came to
The book was called Double Your Dating, written by David DeAngelo. And it was the
first book I’d ever read which really taught a simple method of being funny and
interesting around women.
David called this technique “Cocky & Funny.” It was a way of acting around a girl
which not only made you funny and interesting, it was also extremely effective at creating
The concept is simple – tease the girl you are with the same way you would your
bratty little sister.
In this sense, you’re treating the girl you’re with the exact opposite way most guys who
are looking to hook up with her would. Instead of telling her how beautiful she is, you
talk about how she needs to stop lusting after you. Instead of talking about the reasons
why she should fall in love with you, you talk about how you plan on marrying her and
then taking all her money.
In short, you’re basically making fun of her in a good natured way, every chance you
And girls REALLY respond well to this type of thing, because you aren’t treating them
like a “special princess,” you’re treating them like real people – something most guys
don’t think to do.
The only problem with this system is that too many guys do it WRONG. They actually
end up insulting the girl, or making her mad, because they don’t know how to tease
Here are a few simple guidelines to follow when teasing a woman:
Never tease her about her physical appearance. It’s okay to tease about her
fashion choices, hairstyle, etc., but that’s all stuff she has control over and can
change. Teasing her about something she can’t change, like her nose, face,
weight, etc. is a bad idea!
Never tease her about her religious beliefs. Any belief she feels passionate
about, you should never make fun of, because then you’d be attacking the core of
who she is.
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Everything You Need To Know About Meeting, Dating & Seducing Women
Point out the things she does that are stupid or foolish. Things like saying
something dumb, or being clumsy, etc.
Play against her expectations. Make it so that you come off as NOT trying to
impress her or be romantic.
Roll with the punches. If she teases back, show you can take it, and give her
props for holding her own.
Always make her the sexual predator. Misinterpret everything she does as a
way of seducing you, and let her know it won’t work.
Don’t always give a direct answer. Make her work for what she wants a little.
If she asks what you do for a living, tell her she gets three guesses. Don’t just
come out and say what you do.
Doing all this will not only make you stand out from all the other guys in her life, it’ll
also be a LOT of fun.
Should you ever cross a line and take the teasing too far, don’t be afraid to apologize and
let her know you didn’t mean to be rude, and ask what you can do to make it up to her.
But don’t let a mess up stop you from teasing! Women LOVE to be teased, and it’s a
great way to create sexual tension.
If you want to learn more about how to tease girls the right way, you definitely need to
check out Double Your Dating if you haven’t already. It’s a great course, and definitely
got me started on the right path.
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How To Generate Attraction With
No matter what you look like, how tall you are, how old you are, or what your ethnicity
is, or how much money you have in the bank – it is possible for you to GENERATE
attraction with any woman you want.
You may not believe me, but it’s true.
Understand a key point – attraction is an emotion! And emotions are not logical. Sure,
it stands to reason that the more physically attractive you are, the easier it is to get women
attracted to you.
But you need to be aware of the differences in how men and women think, to really
understand how attraction works.
Men are very logical creatures, and are hard-wired to respond to stimulus differently than
women. We are the hunter-gatherers by nature. We respond to situations based on logic.
If we see a beautiful girl, logically we want to have sex with her! It’s that simple.
The mistake comes in when men believe women see the world the same way they do.
Women are designed differently. They are more emotional by nature. They have to be,
in order to care for children! After all, babies can’t talk. They can only communicate
through empathy. So women naturally have to be more attuned to their emotional state to
provide for their offspring.
That’s not to say women can’t be logical. They can. But while men can control their
emotions with logic, women are more susceptible to letting emotion win out over logic.
This is good news to any guy who doesn’t look like a male-model, because it means that
as long as you can trigger the emotions of attraction in a woman, it doesn’t matter what
you look like, you CAN get her attracted to you!
In my course Pure Personality, I cover all the different facets of generating attraction
based on the following things:
1. Social Proof
2. Storytelling
3. Being Entertaining
You may not think these three things can actually get a girl attracted to you, but you’d
be wrong. Speaking from experience, these three factors are KEY to getting any woman
you desire incredibly attracted to you, no matter what you look like.
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So how do you utilize these three factors? Let’s break it down:
Social Proof: Social proof is basically using what other people believe about you to
prove that what they believe is true. For instance, you can say you have a million dollars,
but no one will believe you. But if you have five people saying you have a million
dollars, people will tend to think you really do have a million dollars.
That’s social proof. So if you have other people saying you’re an attractive man, other
people are more inclined to believe it!
Sounds stupid, I know, but trust me – it works!
The problem is a lot of guys don’t know how to get the social proof they need to prove
they are attractive. But luckily, social proof can be created! It all comes down to
knowing how to introduce yourself to lots of people and use those introductions to
leverage public option.
(This is a very involved process, which I can’t get into in this short report. If you want to
learn more about creating social proof, you really need to check out Pure Personality for
yourself. I go into great detail about how to do it there.)
Storytelling: Telling stories is another key factor in generating attraction, because
proper storytelling generates intense emotional connections and emotions. Think about it
– every time you watch a movie or TV show, or read a book, you are being told a story.
How many times have you felt excited, sad, happy, or amazed when being told a story?
Stories influence emotions, and when you know how to tell great stories, about yourself,
you are able to influence how other people feel about you!
All the best “natural” seducers I’ve ever met are also the best storytellers. They’ll tell
you stories about their life that completely capture your imagination, and make you like
them. That’s why they’re so good with the ladies!
So learn how to use storytelling to influence what other people think and feel about you,
and you’ll be well on your way to creating attraction with any woman.
Being Entertaining: Finally, you gotta be a guy people love to be around! This isn’t
just about being a “dancing monkey” for people’s amusement. This is about making sure
the people around you are having FUN.
Understand – if you can have fun with a woman, you can sleep with her! Fun is the
key aspect of attraction, because when a girl is having fun, she’s experiencing all sorts of
incredible emotions, and she’s associating all those feelings to YOU.
So whenever she’s around you, guess what? She feels good!
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Everything You Need To Know About Meeting, Dating & Seducing Women
And when that happens, the girl will actively seek to be around you so she can experience
those good emotions as much as possible. This is where attraction comes into play.
Storytelling can help you be entertaining, but you have to remember that if you’re not
having a good time, others won’t be either. Try and have fun yourself! Do the things
you like to do, talk about the things you like to talk about, and allow your good emotions
to energize those around you.
Be the life of the party. It’s easier than you think.
Again, if you really want to learn how to attract women, then my Pure Personality course
is definitely worth checking out. My good buddy Carlos Xuma also has his own spin on
how to create attraction with his website Secrets Of The Alpha Man.
Carlos is truly an amazing teacher (I know I’ve learned a lot from him!), and his tactics
really work. I strongly suggest you check him out when you get a chance.
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How To Be Persistent With Women
One of the biggest mistakes men make when pursuing a woman is that they GIVE UP.
But ask anyone who’s successful in life how they achieved what they did, and they will
always give you the same answer:
Ever hear that old saying “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again?” Well, it’s an old
saying for a reason – because it’s true! However, most guys give up at the first sign of
trouble when it comes to getting the woman they want.
This is because most guys are not emotionally strong enough to be persistent with
women! They sense the rejection coming on, and they turn tail and run, trying to keep
from experiencing being hurt.
But 9 times out of 10, if they could just “hang in there” and stay the course, and give
themselves TIME to create attraction, they could actually get the girl that’s giving them
I actually used to suffer from this issue a great deal myself. I’d meet a girl, get her
number, and then give up after a few phone calls. Or, I’d get together with her, and get
the sense that I wasn’t doing well, and bail.
Then I met a guy who calls himself Gunwitch. He taught me his method of persistence
and how to use it to go after the women I desired. Some people call his aggressive
method of meeting women “cavemaning,” since it’s the societal equivalent of knocking
the girl out with your club and dragging her back to your cave.
Of course, you’re not actually physically harming anyone! You’re just not giving up, no
matter what. Gunwitch’s philosophy is “Make the ho say NO.” And though ol’ Gunny is
a bit rough around the edges with his motto, there’s something to that.
Until the girl flat out tells you “I’m not interested, stop bothering me,” you have to look
at the situation as though you have a chance.
If she’s not returning your phone calls, keep calling. If she’s too busy to meet up, keep
trying. If she’s not sure she wants to go home with you, keep pushing. Don’t be creepy
or overbearing while you do it, just be persistent! Offer the girl new opportunities to get
her to do what you want – constantly.
Trust me when I say, the more persistent you are, the greater your chances of getting the
girl you want! If you want to check out Gunwitch’s teachings for yourself, you can do so
by visiting his webste. Gun isn’t a “professional” dating coach, but his stuff is still
pretty good.
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How To Make A Woman Your Girlfriend
Every guy out there has met that “one special girl” that he’s decided he wants to have a
fulfilling, long-term relationship with.
And you know what? There’s nothing wrong with that! Once you find a girl you like,
there’s no reason why you shouldn’t settle down and make her your girlfriend.
If you’ve done your job right, getting a girl to agree to be your girlfriend is a simple task.
It’s as easy as looking her in the eye and saying “I like you. I want you to be my
girlfriend. Care for the job?”
Unfortunately, most guys have NOT done the job properly. They haven’t bothered to
create comfort, trust, or rapport with the girl. They haven’t been able to cultivate feelings
of attraction. They may not have even gotten her to agree to a date yet!
Understand that making a girl into your girlfriend has less to do with how YOU feel and
everything to do how SHE feels.
If you have just been admiring the girl from afar, or if you’ve been stuck in the “Friend
Zone,” or if you’ve just gone on a couple of dates – that doesn’t mean you’ll be able to
turn her into your girlfriend just because you want it.
To successfully make a girl into your girlfriend, you have to do three things:
1. Have her feel comfortable around you.
2. Have her feel strong emotional connections to you
3. Have her feel physically attracted to you.
Remember, true seduction is all about emotions. Emotions will always override logic!
And without these emotions I just described, you will not be able to make the girl your
So how do you create these emotions?
Making her feel comfortable: Comfort is a building block emotion. It needs to be there
for the other two emotions to take place. If a girl feels nervous, overwhelmed, awkward,
or uncomfortable around you, you will never be able to create connections with her or get
her attracted to you.
Luckily, it’s easy to make a woman feel comfortable. The first thing you need to do is
BACK OFF. Don’t make her feel any pressure from you sexually. If a girl knows
you’re pushing hard to have sex with her, she won’t be able to relax. So you need to be
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laid back when you’re around the girl you like, you need to be able to flirt with her, but
you don’t want her to feel like your ultimate agenda is sex.
The second thing you have to do is – HAVE FUN. If the girl has a good time when she
is with you, she will be relaxed around you. In fact, she’ll even look forward to seeing
you! Joking around, doing fun activities, and telling fascinating stories are all great ways
of accomplishing this.
Making strong emotional connections: If comfort is the foundation you build the
relationship on, emotional connections are the glue that will bind her to you. We tend to
be attracted to people who share similar traits to ourselves, and these traits are established
through emotional connections.
To do this, find commonalities between the two of you. Are you both from the same
town? Do you both like the same music? Are you a fan of the same TV show or sports
team? Whatever the two of your share in common, find it! These are the things that
create emotional connections.
In addition to that, share stories about your experiences in life based on the stories she
tells you. If she was almost in a terrible car accident, tell her about a time where you
were almost in an accident. If she had a great vacation to the Bahamas, tell her about
your best vacation ever.
The more a girl learns about you, the more connections will be established, and the
stronger the bond that’s created.
If you want to know more about comfort building and establishing strong emotional
connections, my course Renegade Rapport is all about how to do this, quickly and
easily. I use the techniques all the time and they work great!
Making her feel attracted: This final step is the most important one. Lots of guys get
stuck after the “comfort” and “emotional connection” stages, and this usually ends up
landing them in the “friend zone.” If you succeed with the other two emotions, but fail at
attraction, you will have a hard time convincing the girl to be yours.
Now, if you are a good looking guy and she’s already attracted to the way you look, this
is easy. However, some guys need to work a bit harder – and even if she’s already
attracted to you, its never a bad idea to amp that attraction up.
Keep in mind that attraction is way more than just about your looks. You should always
look your best, that’s for sure, but attraction is an EMOTION, and emotions can be
created. (I explain all this in my course Pure Personality, which is all about how to
create attraction, no matter what you look like.)
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The best way to generate attraction is to have FUN with the girl. If a girl has fun with
you, she will be attracted to you. And if you’ve been doing that since the comfort
building phase, this should be easy.
But attraction also requires a certain amount of sexuality to be present. Lots of guys
don’t think of themselves as “sexy,” but women sure do! So you need to start being sexy
around the girl. Once comfort is established, and you have those strong emotional
connections, it’s time to start amping up the sexual tension in the relationship.
The best way to do this is to start joking about sex. Start cracking jokes about how much
she wants you, how she’s trying to seduce you, take advantage of you, etc. If she buys
you a drink, ask her if she’s trying to get you drunk so she can have her way with you –
you know, that kind of thing.
Initiate physical contact – touching on the hand, wrist, knee, etc. Massage her lightly.
Pay attention to how she reacts. Touching always creates sexual tension. (Just don’t
over-step your boundaries while doing it!)
If you can create all three of these emotions, you can successfully get any girl to
become your girlfriend. If you want more details on how to get a girl into a
relationship, but also how to KEEP her happy in a relationship, my friend Stephen Nash
has written an amazing book about how to do exactly that.
You can read his book on his “How To Get A Girlfriend” website. He’s an amazing
relationship coach, and his insights will help any guy get the girl he wants. If you’re
looking to keep a girl and have a long, healthy relationship, I highly recommend you
check out Stephen and his teachings.
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How To Seduce A Woman
A lot of guys have their own definition of what it means to “Seduce” a woman, but to me,
seduction is really the process of getting a woman to sleep with you.
And in order to do that, you need to create intense feelings of arousal in the girl you are
with. But in addition, you must also know how to TAKE ACTION.
Some guys can get a girl aroused, but then chicken out when it comes to the action.
Other guys can pull the trigger and make their move, but they haven’t created the
necessary arousal to make it work.
If you want to successfully seduce women, you must do BOTH.
So let’s over each in turn…
Feelings Of Arousal: The most important thing to remember when it comes to making a
woman feel aroused is that arousal is an EMOTION, and emotions can be created!
So even if a girl isn’t aroused by you, she can be made to FEEL arousal by you. This is
of key importance. My good buddy Derek Vitalio, creator of Seduction Science, is a
master at this. He has a background in hypnosis, and hypnosis is just a way of
influencing people’s emotional state.
Derek creates arousal by generating intense SEXUAL TENSION. Sexual tension can
also be defined called “mixed signals.” You’re letting the girl know that you’re attracted
to her and want to have sex with her, but you’re also doing things to make her think you
might NOT want to have sex with her.
Confused? Well, that’s okay. If you weren’t confused, there wouldn’t be any tension!
Think of it like this – if a girl flat out KNOWS you’re into her, she has the power to say
“yes” or “no” to your advances. But YOU want to have the power in the interaction, so
by sending “mixed signals” and creating “sexual tension,” you prevent the girl from
having the power to decide if she wants to have sex with you.
When this happens, the girl experiences a great deal of doubt, nervousness, and
uncertainty. This is the “tension” aspect of sexual tension. It’s not a good feeling!
And what tends to happen when we experience feelings we don’t like is we seek to get
rid of them! And when it comes to SEXUAL tension, the only way to get rid of those
bad feelings is to GET SEXUAL.
So when you make your move, the bad feelings the girl was experiencing go away, and
they are replaced by GOOD feelings. And when that happens, the girl will RUN towards
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those good feelings as fast as she can! Which means she’ll be ready and willing to hop
in the sack as soon as possible.
If you want to learn more about how my friend Derek creates powerful arousal in women,
check out his website here.
Taking Action: But the key to creating sexual tension is that YOU MUST TAKE
ACTION!!!! If you let sexual tension linger too long, the tension will actually drive the
girl away from you! Remember, tension is unpleasant. If there is no alternative, it will
trigger the girl to move away from you.
This is why some girls can act cold and distant after having a great first date. Sometimes,
guys create powerful sexual tension without knowing it, and they don’t make their move,
so the girl naturally tries to protect herself from feeling that way again.
When sexual tension has been successfully created, you MUST make your move on the
Look her in the eyes. Are her pupils dilated? (You know, when the black center of her
eye is really big?) Are her eyes flitting back and forth between yours? If so, she’s ready
to be kissed!
Cup her cheek with your hand deliberately go in for the kiss. Start with a soft kiss, and
then gradually apply a little more pressure.
Kissing is the first thing you gotta do to start the ball rolling, because it will relieve the
sexual tension. After that, you have to guide her into the bedroom, and start escalating.
There is no real secret to taking action, except DON’T CHICKEN OUT!
Just be confident (even if you don’t feel confident), and take the lead. Pay attention to
the cues the girl gives you. You can usually tell if what you’re doing is working if you
bother to pay attention to the girl you are with.
My course, Consistent Close, is all about my action plan for getting women into bed
within the first three dates. It’s a very powerful and effective system I’ve developed,
and it works great! If you want to get really good at knowing exactly how to get a girl
you like to sleep with you, you need to check out the website.
There are a few more really good resources for creating seduction, and both of them have
to do with hypnosis. I know it might sound cheesy, but hypnosis is really about
discovering the secrets to influencing people’s emotions, and it can be VERY powerful,
especially when it comes to seduction.
The two resources I recommend if you want to discover how to hypnotize women into
feeling intense states of arousal are Advanced Sexual Hypnosis by my good friend
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David Shade, and Hypnodate. Both will give you incredible, sneaky, covert seduction
techniques to get any woman into bed.
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How To Rock Her World In Bed
If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that being skilled in the art of making love is
essential for getting women coming back to you time and time again. After all, getting
women into bed is only half the battle. KEEPING them coming back to you after you
get them into bed, is the other half.
And the best way to do that is to rock her world from the moment you get her into
bed. A man who knows how to please a woman sexually is a rare find indeed, and when
a woman happens upon a man who knows how to please her, she will do ANYTHING
she can to keep him!
Not only that – but getting to practice your lovemaking skills is always extremely fun! ;-)
I give away a great bonus in my course The Art Of Approaching, which teaches you
three easy techniques you can use right away to make any woman reach the “Big O” in
no time flat. In fact, it is one of my most popular bonuses, according to my students who
write in and tell me what they think.
But being a skilled lover can be as easy or as complicated as you want to make it. Here
are a few tips to point you in the right direction.
Tip #1: Foreplay Is Everything
Everything leading up to sex is what you could consider “foreplay,” but foreplay actually
plays a much more important role in pleasing your woman than most guys realize. My
good buddy David Van Arrick – a guy who was having so much sex with so many
different women, he actually had to be hospitalized because he hurt his back during a
threesome – taught me this very important skill.
Foreplay can include things like kissing, massaging, fingering, and even oral sex. When
done right, you can get a woman so aroused that she is guaranteed to orgasm when you
start to have sex with her.
In fact, if you follow David’s golden rule about giving a woman at least three orgasms
before having sex with her, you’re well on your way to becoming a sex God in her eyes!
And bringing a woman to orgasm while in foreplay isn’t nearly as hard as you think it is.
You just have to remember to focus on two things – finding the right pace, and focusing
on the clitoris.
The more experience you get in bed, the more this will make sense. But every woman is
different. Some enjoy direct clitoral stimulation, some need to be stimulated indirectly.
Some women like oral sex, some don’t. Some like it hard and fast, some like it soft and
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But regardless, if you adjust your techniques to the woman, you have to find the right
speed to stimulate her, and the right way to stimulate the clit. All arousal with women
begins with the clit, and when you know how to treat it right, you will see amazing
I learned almost everything I know about sex from my friend David. He has a website
called Secret Orgasm Tips. If you want to be amazing in the sack, then you definitely
need to check him out.
Tip #2: Stamina Is Essential
Lots of guys are really nervous about two things when it comes to sex – the size of their
penis, and their ability to last long enough to please their women.
I think every guy can relate to a fear of being “too small” or not lasting long enough.
And short of getting expensive (and painful!) surgery to fix this problem, guys don’t
really have many options.
However, once again, my friend David Van Arrick comes to the rescue. Did I mention
that David is actually a licensed medical practitioner? The fact that he’s a doctor has
lead him to develop an amazing system meant to help men last longer in bed, and
enhance themselves naturally.
It really is an amazing technique. It doesn’t require any surgery, pills, or “chemical” aids
of any kind. And before you know it, you’re lasting longer, and measuring longer, than
you ever knew was possible!
Having gone through the system myself, I know for a fact that it works. I went from
around 5 ½ inches to 6 1/4 inches in no time! I couldn’t believe it. And the women I was
with were constantly impressed with my ability to keep going, and going, and going.
David calls his technique the “Forever Man” method. I highly recommend you check it
out if you’re looking for a way to last longer and improve your size.
Tip #3: Discover What Women Secretly Desire
Back in my younger years, when it came to sex, I was completely clueless. And I wasn’t
alone. Lots of guys fall into the mistake of only focusing on their own sexual needs and
But when it comes to being an amazing lover, knowing what your partner wants will
always out-weigh what you want. That’s the difference between a man women can’t
keep away from, and a man that’s stuck at home alone on a Friday night.
Back in the day, my first real, honest-to-God sexual advice came from a man named
David Shade (what is it about guys named David and being good at sex? Who knows!).
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He had written a small book called “David Shade’s Manual,” and it was only available
through some back-woods mail order catalogue.
I tracked down a copy and bought it while I was in college. There was some crazy stuff
in that book – stuff that no one had ever taught me about women. But mostly, it was
about getting inside a woman’s mind and figuring out what really turns her on.
And more than that, it was also about training the women you are with to please YOU, so
you got what you wanted as well, and everyone was happy.
Honestly, David Shade has some amazing insights into how the female mind works.
Alas, his original David Shade’s Manual is no longer available. However, he does give
away a lot of his knowledge on his new website Sexual Power. It’s definitely worth
checking out if you’re at all curious about getting inside a woman’s mind.
In the end, just remember that sex is meant to be enjoyable! If you work too hard to be
the perfect lover, you might take all the fun out of it. Just remember to relax, and
experiment. If you don’t rock her world the first time around, you will get points for
trying. Women tend to appreciate men who are attentive lovers, because there is
potential there. So as long as you’re trying to please her, you’re doing something right!
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How To Have A Threesome
When you ask any man what his ultimate sexual fantasy is, you tend to get a response
that goes something like this:
“Two chicks at the same time!”
Indeed, if getting one girl into bed is good, then getting TWO girls into bed is better!
Unfortunately, most guys believe this is a goal that is out of their reach, and the closest
they’ll ever get to being in a threesome is watching it on some porno movie.
But this is simply not true. It is VERY possible to get a threesome with just about any
girl you want. You just have to know the right way to go about getting it.
Guys will make 2 major mistakes when it comes to threesomes. They are:
1. Pushing too hard for it to happen
2. Not pushing hard enough for it to happen
If you want to get two girls at the same time, you have to walk that fine line between
manipulating events to get what you want, and allowing the women to feel as though they
are in control.
But the biggest thing you have to realize when it comes to negotiating a threesome is this:
ALL women are open to it!
You may think that a girl you’re dating isn’t into it, but trust me, under the right
conditions, she will be. One of the primary rules I learned long ago is that all women are
bi-sexual. Most just don’t know it. (Yet!)
So here are some easy tips to help you get started on wrangling your first three-way…
Tip 1: Set The Stage Early
Typically, for a threesome to work, you need a woman who can act as your “partner in
crime.” So you need to find a girl who’s not only open to having sex with you, but
sharing you with another woman.
A big mistake guys will make is to try and force their current girlfriend or wife to have a
threesome, even though they never set the foundation for doing so early in the
relationship. This leads to hurt feelings and a possible end to the relationship.
Instead, find a primary girl who knows from the start that you want an “open” and
“adventurous” relationship. And if she’s okay with that, you can move forward.
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Tip 2: Lead With A Gentle Hand
Once you have a girl willing to help you, you need to be the one leading the charge to
make the threesome happen. However, you’re going to need to guide the girl you are
with in the process, without coming off as overbearing.
You’ll need to help train her on how to recruit other women for the threesome. And
you’ll have to set the stage for making the threesome happen, once you’ve recruited
another girl.
Getting the girls back to your place is a good start. Having some alcohol handy is also
helpful, just to take the edge off. Some girls can be nervous about having a lesbian
experience, so alcohol will grease the wheels a bit.
But mostly, it will be up to you to act calm, confident, and slowly guide the interaction
towards the inevitable sexual activity.
The best way to do this is to begin to initiate sensual massage on your primary girl, and
asking the other girl to join in and help you. Then, switch it up and have the girls start
massaging you! Tell them what to do, and watch with amazement as they go along with
it! Then, have you and your primary girls start massaging the other girl, and begin
getting sexual with your primary. The other girl will suddenly join in! (Believe me, it’s
Just don’t get too forceful. If a girl is hesitant or nervous, try and address her fears
instead of making her push past them. Remember, the key here is to lead, but do so
Tip 3: Focus On Your Primary Girl
It can be tempting, during a threesome, to focus on the new girl – the one you haven’t had
sex with before. But you have to remember that the woman you have to keep happy and
feeling secure is your Primary Girl, the one who helped you set up the threesome in the
first place.
Threesomes, by their nature, lend themselves to people feeling left out. And this can lead
to hurt feelings, and that can ruin the entire experience! So always make sure your
primary girl knows you’re more into her than you are the other girl. This will ensure the
threesome experience is a good one she will want to repeat with you!
There are lots of little techniques you can learn to make a threesome happen. I actually
learned everything I know about getting threesomes started from another girl! Her name
is Suzy Bauer. She’s a crazy European chick who is bi-sexual to the max and loves to
have threesomes. You can learn how Suzy teaches other guys to get two women into bed
at the same time in her Step-By-Step Threesome website.
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How To Pick Up A Stripper
One of the craziest times of my life was when I was in my “picking up strippers” phase.
Strippers are incredible women. Fun, outgoing, crazy, sexy, insane women.
But strippers are not like normal women. There is a different psychology you need to be
aware of when picking up a stripper than when you are picking up a normal girl.
Everything you’d do to pick up your average chick will not work on a stripper.
Why? Because strippers are used to it! These women get hit on more in one night than
your average woman gets hit on in a year. They meet all types of men, and they know all
the tricks in the book.
Not only that, they are at the club to MAKE MONEY. It’s their job. So the last thing
they want to do is give up money just to hang out with you! They see any guy in the club
as a customer they need to make a sale to.
Because of this, you need a special “Tool Set” to use when dealing with exotic dancers to
get them to meet you outside the club.
Me and my buddy Bruno McKay – a man who knows pretty much everything there is to
know about strip clubs – even created a website designed to teach men how to pick up
strippers, WITHOUT shelling out half your paycheck.
The Website is called Stripper Secrets, and it’s a must read for anyone who is interested
in dating a stripper.
Here are a few quick guidelines you can follow which will help you attract an exotic
Never spend any money in the club! If you’re seen as an average customer,
chances are you’ll never get her out of the club and into your bed. (At least, not
for free, anyway.)
Don’t spend too much time in the club. A half hour to an hour tops. Spending
all night in the club is a bad idea, because it makes you look like a customer.
Go to bikini bars instead of full nude clubs. Girls at bikini bars are easier to
Be an “insider.” Get to know the DJ, the doorman, the waitresses, etc. Talk
about other dancers you’ve dated (if you haven’t, make it up). You want the
strippers to think you’re one of their crew instead of a customer.
Never face the stage if you can help it. Sit at the bar with your back to the
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Don’t pay for dances. If you want a dance, have your buddy pay for you instead.
This will help you keep from being pegged as a customer (just slip your friend
some money beforehand to pull this off)
Find out where the strippers go after the club closes. This is actually the best
time to pick up a stripper, because most girls will go someplace close-by to get
some food after the club shuts down. This is the perfect place to meet them!
Don’t bother with phone numbers. If you can’t get her to leave with you the
night you meet her, find out when she works and come back to the club then.
Strippers never give out their real numbers, and if they do, they don’t usually pick
These are just a few of the tricks Bruno and I picked up. If you really want to learn every
secret there is in the book about meeting, dating, and banging strippers, you need to
check out the Stripper Secret website.
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Other Resources
I hope you enjoyed the material I’ve shared with you in the book, but if you’re like me,
you always want more! So to help you out, I’m including a comprehensive list of
resources for learning to improve your success with women.
My Websites
The Art Of Approaching – Everything you need to know about meeting women
Stripper Secrets – How to meet, date, and pick up strippers
Consistent Close – How to get a woman into bed in 3 dates or less
Renegade Rapport – How to covertly get women to fall in love with you.
Pure Personality – How to generate attraction, no matter your looks, age, or income
Websites On Building Confidence
Physical Confidence
Secrets Of The Alpha Man
Ultimate Inner Game
Alpha Immersion
The Alpha Male System
Websites On Meeting Women
Art Of Approaching
Art Of The Pickup
Fearless First Impressions
Approach Women Now
Approach And Attract
Websites On Dating
Double Your Dating
Guy Gets Girl
High Status Male
Interviews With Dating Experts
Magic Bullets
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Alpha Man Conversation
How To Get A Girlfriend
Get The Girlfriend
The Dating Wizard
Everything You Know About Women
How To Be Irresistible To Women
Conversation King
Make Women Laugh
Wing Women Method
Websites On Online Dating
Insider Internet Dating
Women Approach You
Meet Women On Facebook
Net 2 Bed
The Remote Seducer
Success With J-Date
Websites On Attraction/Seduction
Surefire Attraction Secrets
The Dating Wizard’s Seduction Mastery
The Way Of Gun
Real World Seduction
Seduction Science
How To Pick Up Sexy Chicks
Make Out Mastery
Attract Any Woman
Mack Tactics
More Lays In 60 Days
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Forbidden Seduction Patterns – The Octoberman
Websites On Sex
Secret Orgasm Tips
Step By Step Threesome
Advanced Sexual Hypnosis
Sexual Power
The Forever Man
Secrets Of A Male Escort
Cure Erectile Dysfunction
Orgasm On Demand
Sex God Secrets
Get Your Wife Or Girlfriend To Become A Swinger
Miscellaneous Websites
Dating For Short Guys
Dress For Success
Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back
Flirt Mastery
Texting Tips For Men
Kissing 101
Friends To Lovers
Guide To Dating Japanese Women
The Shocking Truth About Russian Women
Grooming Secrets For Men
How To Be The Jerk Women Love
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Dating Thai Women
How To Date An Asian Woman
Inner Game Workshop
Art Of Rapport Workshop
Art Of Attraction Workshop
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Putting It All Together
After reading this guide, you may be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information
you’ve just digested.
But to get started, just take things one at a time. You don’t have to do EVERYTHING at
once. Just take baby steps. Eventually, with enough practice, meeting, dating, and
seducing women becomes EASY.
But just in case you’re still confused on where to start, let me make it easy for you – start
with The Art Of Approaching.
I give you everything you need to get you started on your journey to being successful
with women, and I break it down for you in an easy and simple way. In The Art Of
Approaching, you’ll learn…
The single most important thing you must do if you ever want to see the women
you approach again. Blow this… and forget any chance of ever “GETTING” the
women you desire!
How to PROPERLY introduce yourself to the women of your choice! Lame one
liners won’t do it… but after you understand my amazing “meet women”
technique the “hardest” part of meeting a woman becomes easy immediately!
How to “break” the thought patterns present in every woman you want to meet. If
you don’t use these you’re setting yourself up for failure… even before you start!
Discover 4 “How to introduce yourself” structures as your foundation to design
your own unique WAYS of getting the woman you desire instantly attracted to
How to avoid the old saying… “He who hesitates… masturbates!” in 3 seconds
flat! You’ll quickly identify your target — design your opening — and walk away
with your desires in hand. Meeting the girl of your dreams has never been easier!
How to NEVER force the woman you’re approaching to cringe! Very
important…. BUT… commonly overlooked. And if you don’t KNOW this one
you’ll always wonder “why” she didn’t respond to you (even if you have malemodel good looks).
How to use a female tactic of seduction on the woman of your choice! (No it
doesn’t require bikini underwear) It works like a charm… and leaves an
impression on their memory!
Copyright Bizlancer Inc. All Rights Reserved
Everything You Need To Know About Meeting, Dating & Seducing Women
The one assumption (completely OPPOSITE from the truth) men make about
approaching women. Once you know it… you’ll be so shocked about it, you’ll
want to try it out immediately!
The 5 things you must do BEFORE approaching a woman. You’d be surprised
how many men don’t have a clue about this one. But if YOU don’t… you’ll look
like a dog chasing its tail.
The Advice Opener — How to use the confidence of a subject matter to covertly
force a woman to admire you.
The Compliment Opener — The oldest and simultaneously most MISUSED
opener known to man. If you do this one wrong… forget it (you’ll want to pick up
another jar of Vaseline!)
The Direct Opener — The most DANGEROUS (because it’s the easiest for her
to reject) yet if pulled off right — is very EFFECTIVE!
The Drama Opener -- A simple and powerful technique when done correctly.
You’ll captivate her mind and she’ll hang on your every word… if done right!
(Fully detailed inside!)
The Insult Opener — This technique is psychological warfare at its heights! But
don’t make the mistake of walking up to someone and start slinging the “B” word
around and think you’ll get a date (It’s much more subtle but can knock a woman
off her high horse!)
The Joke Opener — The most difficult technique… which makes it the most
powerful technique. Why? Because IF you know how to make her laugh…
you’ve got her right where you want her. BUT if you don’t… you’ll be cold
another night!
The Online Opener — The internet is TOO popular to dismiss. Don’t think
“cyber-lines” with a smiley face will cut it. However there are tried and true
The Opinion Opener — Powerful engaging technique. But if you don’t pull this
off right… YOU’LL look like a pompous prick!
The Role-Play Opener -- Understand HOW… and… WHY this works and
you’ve built an immediate bridge between you and your desires! And your target
will enjoy every minute of it.
The Situational Opener – Quick — Powerful — Explosive… The 3 elements of
this technique. Improvise in ANY situation… any time and she’s sure to be yours!
Copyright Bizlancer Inc. All Rights Reserved
Everything You Need To Know About Meeting, Dating & Seducing Women
8 commonly overlooked places to MEET a woman. And a simple guide to
analyze which place is best for you.
10 “do’s” of flirting with a woman. They’re quick to grasp… and easier to
apply… YET… it creates the environment to make her feel comfortable. (only
when she’s comfortable will she want to take it further)
“5 don’ts” of flirting. Don’t blow this one. So many men make countless
blunders here… and now you can avoid them like the plague!
How to mesmerize the women you’ve approached. It’s simple and fun — and
you’ll know you’ve got her once you “read her”.
And more!
I promise you, you will NOT find a better starter kit for improving your love life than
The Art Of Approaching. Over the years, I have helped literally THOUSANDS of men
succeed with women. Just check out my testimonials page to see what some of my
students have written.
I believe in my work SO STRONGLY, in fact, that I’m even willing to offer a 100%
Money-Back Guarantee for a full 60 days! That means you get to evaluate my
material for two full months. If you don’t think it’s for you, then just email me and I’ll
refund your money. Trust me – you’ll be hard pressed to find another dating coach
who’s that confident in his techniques!
So now you have a choice – either keep doing what you’ve always done, and get the
same results with women you’ve always gotten… or take action to improve your
success by learning how to meet any woman you desire, without fear OR rejection.
Click Here Now To Get The Art Of Approaching!
The choice is yours. Good luck!
Copyright Bizlancer Inc. All Rights Reserved