MASS TIMES & INTENTIONS Week beginning: Saturday 21st March, 2015 SACRED HEART CHURCH—252 Port Rd, Hindmarsh 2nd-5th Sun 9.00am ...Donny Altamura; Private Intention Sun 11.00am.........Antonietta Maio; Giuseppina Braiotta; ..........................Angela Corso; Marta Linguaglossa; ..Carmine, Teresa & Natale Damico; Maria Melino; ...................Giuseppe, Teresa & Rosa Andreacchio Sun 5pm Latin. Sun 7pm Charismatic ... SJ SCHOOL - 56 Albemarle St, West Hindmarsh ROSTER FOR WEEK COMMENCING SATURDAY 28 MARCH, 2015 MASS COMMENTATOR 6pm OLM 9am SHC WELCOME TO FLINDERS PARK, FINDON AND HINDMARSH CATHOLIC PARISH 11am SHC Lorraine Woods Catherine Nicolina READER 1 Narita P Nasreen Routh Nanzi P READER 2 Gaetan Callus Joe Martini Concetta D PRAYERS tba Chris Mathew Marisa B Jyotsna Rao Jane Agius Shirley Alison Tanti-C Anna Bonini Tina Caterina Elena EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Tba 10.30am OLM CONDUCTED BY THE MISSIONARIES OF THE SACRED HEART ‘May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be everywhere loved’ Please visit for the latest MSC News Weds 10.00am (during school term ) .. IHM Church - 95 East St, Brompton 1st Sun 9.00am…............... Fri 10am (during school term ).. OUR LADY OF THE MANGER—176 Crittenden Rd Findon Sat 6pm.................................................................Parish Sun 10.30am.... Wed 7.30pm Candlelight Mass … ... WEEK DAY MASS AT PRIVATE HOME (Rosa Zerella) Tues 9.00am (Every 1st Tues Anointing of Sick)... ST MICHAEL’S CHAPEL-78 East Ave, Beverley Thurs 9.05am (during school term ) …. Reconciliation—by appointment PARISH BULLETIN Deadline for publication is 3pm Wednesday. BAPTISMS & MARRIAGES Bookings through the Parish Office please. PARISH TEAM Parish Priest: Fr Bill Brady msc Priests: Frs Noel Mansfield, Frank Perry & Mark Hanns Parish Secretaries: Helen Tetley & Linda Arman PARISH SCHOOLS St Joseph’s: 56 Albemarle St West Hindmarsh 8346 6569 St Joseph’s Principal: Phil Schultz IHM: 95 East St Brompton 8346 5704 Immaculate Heart of Mary Principal: Pauline Kinsman Nazareth College: Secondary 1 Hartley Rd Flinders Pk Primary 176 Crittenden Rd Findon Nazareth Catholic Community: 8406 5000 NCC Director: Michael Dahl St Michael’s Primary 78 East Ave Beverley 8346 6548 St Michael’s Primary Deputy Principal: Damian Patton Our Lady of LaVang 11-19 Malcolm Ave, Flinders Park Our Lady of La Vang Principal: Stephanie Grant 81592500 Parish Pastoral Council Members 2015 Nadeem Aftab Sandra Bahlij Marni Curtis Mary Hemmings Chris Lynch John Micallef Narita Perrotta Caterina Strangio Alison Tanti-Clark Luke Westenberg Krys Wszolek Pauline Kinsman (Principal, IHM) Damian Patton (D/Principal SMC Jnr) Phil Schulz (Principal, SJS) Sr Theresa Swiggs (Pastoral Coordinator NCC) Mark Hanns, msc (Associate Pastor) Bill Brady, msc (Parish Priest) Our Deepest Fear Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves: ‘Who am I to be brilliant?’ Actually, who are you NOT to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us, it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. Nelson Mandela, 1994 22ndMarch 2015 5th Sunday of Lent Year B Christian ethics need to expand the scope of its ethical teachings to include earth care ethics. We need a new Moses to go up again to a mountain and receive a new Decalogue for creation. The sixth commandment forbids adultery but not pollution. The fourth commandment enjoins us to honour father and mother but not honour the earth. The fifth commandment prohibits murder but nothing about violence to the earth. Environmental ethics is based on a new vision of a more inclusive appreciation of living morally as citizens of the earth community. ‘Walk lightly Upon the Earth’ by Kevin Treston The Easter Triduum Is the 3 days during which the Church celebrates the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus. It is the most solemn time of the whole Liturgical Year. The Triduum begins with the Last Supper on Holy Thursday evening. It was at this Supper that Jesus gave us himself in the Eucharist. On Good Friday we gather at church in silence at 3pm, the time at which Jesus is said to have died. During this ceremony: The story of the Passion of our Lord is read, Prayers for the Church and the world are offered, The people have the opportunity to come forward to venerate the cross. Just as the liturgy begins in silence, so too it ends in silence on this very solemn occasion. The church is silent and the altar bare from the conclusion of the Good Friday liturgy until the beginning of the Easter Vigil. Jesus has died on the cross and been placed in the tomb. We await his resurrection. The climax of the Easter Triduum comes with the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday night. This ceremony begins outside the church, with the lighting of the Easter fire from which the Paschal Candle is lit. One of the important parts of the Easter Vigil is the Baptism of new members into the Church. You are invited to journey with Jesus through the final week of his Ministry. As a people who believe and trust in the love of God for us, revealed in the heart of Christ, we live out this love in a welcoming and inclusive community that provides life-giving support and service to all people. Report from the Parish Pastoral Council Meeting held 16th March 2015 If you serve me, follow me, says the Lord; and where I am, my servant will also be. Glory to you, Word of God, Lord Jesus Christ! As a consequence of our Strategic Planning Day on February 28th, the following actions were identified as the most urgent ones for the coming year. Community 1. Provide special occasions that will enhance community eg Multicultural Sunday, Sacred Heart Day, Creation Day & others 2. Improve communication within the parish (in particular to develop a web page) Evangelisation 1. Build a strong faith formation program Formation 1. Parish Retreat 2. Bible Studies Leadership 1. Name of Parish 2. Implementation of Safe Environment for all 3. Training for those in Leadership—setting up framework Social Justice 1. Establishment of Social Justice Team Stewardship 1. Gain more volunteers for all Mass Centres Worship 1. Facilitate a discussion to explore the role of the Liturgy Group, inform its development and align its activities to contribute to the liturgical life of our community 2. Review current model of Liturgy Group to maximize good liturgical experience for our people. How can we do it differently? Today’s Readings: Renovation of Sacred Heart Church Hindmarsh Jeremiah 31:31-34 Ps 50:3-4.12-15 Hebrews 5:7-9 John 12:20-33 This should commence some time after Easter and hopefully will be finished by October. It means the 9am and 11am Hindmarsh Community will have to relocate (most probably to IHM Brompton) on a regular Sunday basis. The Hall at St Joseph’s School Hindmarsh could also be a possibility on their Family Day Sunday Masses (once per term). Major work on the church includes the bell towers, the gap down the church front, attention to bricks and internal painting. Other possibilities include reverse cycle heating & cooling, the construction of a foyer, change to the lighting & polished floor. These are by no means definite and will require consultation. Centacare is not renewing its lease on the old Presbytery which presents challenges and opportunities. Fr Bill Responsorial Psalm Create a clean heart in me, O God. Gospel Acclamation The Wonder of Creation PARISH VISION STATEMENT Glory to you, Word of God, Lord Jesus Christ! Next Week: Isaiah 50:4-7 Ps 21:8-9.17-20.23-24 Philippians 2:6-11 Mark 14:1-15:47 PARISH OFFICE HINDMARSH TELEPHONE 8346 3901 Office Hours: Tuesday to Friday 9am-4pm 29 Grange Road, West Hindmarsh 5007 Mailing address: PO Box 34, Welland 5007 Email: For urgent calls outside office hours where a priest is required, please call: 0428 813 682 Sacred Heart Church Immaculate Heart of Mary Church Our Lady of the Manger Church 252 Port Rd, Hindmarsh 95 East St, Brompton 176 Crittenden Rd, Findon DIARY DATES March Sat 21 Sun 22 Tues 24 Wed 25 Sat 28 Sun 29 Mon 30 April Thurs 2 Fri 3 Sun 5 Sun 12 Sun 19 Tues 14 Wed 22 Sat 25 Mon 27 May Sun 10 Sun 17 Sun 24 Tues 26 Sun 31 June Sun 7 Fri 12 Sat 13 Day of the Unborn Child Appeal/Harmony Day 1st Rite Reconciliation SHC /World Water Day Oscar Romero Anniversary Penitential Service 2nd Rite/Annunciation of the Lord Earth Hour 8.30pm-9.30pm Palm Sunday Chrism Mass at the Cathedral 6pm Holy Thursday/Last Supper Good Fri/Holy Lands Appeal Easter Sunday/Daylight Savings Ends 3am to 2am Divine Mercy Sunday/Cathedral Mass at 3pm 3rd Sunday Family Fun Day OLM Liturgy Meeting 7pm International Mother Earth Day ANZAC Day—100 Year Commemoration PPC Meeting 7pm Preca Centre 96 East St Brompton (Census Month) Mother’s Day The Ascension of the Lord/Marian Procession 1.30pm Pentecost Sunday National Sorry Day The Most Holy Trinity/St Maria D’Anzano Corpus Christi—The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ Sacred Heart of Jesus Solemnity Immaculate Heart Mary/St Anthony of Padua PARISH NOTICES Reconciliation—1st Rite (Confession) Sunday 22nd March following 9am Mass at SHC Sunday 22nd March following 11am Mass SHC (Italian) Communal Penitential Service—2nd Rite Wednesday 25th March, 7.00pm at Our Lady of the Manger. As Wednesday 25th March is also the Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord, Mass will follow the Penitential Service for those of you who wish to stay. Holy Week and Easter Rosters Could all Commentators, Readers, Eucharistic Ministers and Musicians please indicate their availability for our Holy Week and Easter Masses. An A3 Roster is at the church entrance today for you to complete. Thank you. Fr Bill Holy Week and Easter Mass Times are now available for collection from your church entrance. Palm Sunday Next week is Palm or Passion Sunday. At Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem, people strew palm branches in his path and greeted him with Hosannas. When does Lent end? Lent officially ends on Holy Thursday. That is when the "Triduum", great three Days of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday occur leading to Easter. Please take home your Holy Week Mass times and join us in remembering Jesus last week of life on earth. Fr Frank is back home after some well earnt time with family in Perth. Fr Frank celebrates our 11am Italian Mass at SHC this morning. Hindmarsh Parishioners Please Note: As the 1st Sunday of April, Sunday 5th April, is Easter Sunday, our 9.00am Mass will be at Sacred Heart Church Hindmarsh, not IHM. Migrant and Refugee Centre Hindmarsh Work is about to commence on the new Migrant and Refugee Centre which will be built at our Sacred Heart Church Site at Hindmarsh. The new centre will be erected directly behind Sacred Heart Church adjacent to the Hall. Barriers will be erected around the work site. We ask that in the interest of your own safety, that you do not enter the work site. St Michael’s College Mass A warm welcome to students, staff and families from of St Michael’s College to the 9am Mass being celebrated by Fr Mark at the junior campus this morning. We welcome Kris Molina to the 9am Mass at SHC this morning. Kris is being received into the Catholic Church. We congratulate you Kris and welcome you to our faith community. Parish Sacramental Program—Reconciliation Please keep our parish children who will be celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Saturday 21st March at 3pm and Thursday 26th March at 7pm in your prayers. Reconciliation will be held at OLM Findon. Day of the Unborn Child Appeal this Weekend. In the Archdiocese of Adelaide, the Day of the Unborn Child occurs on the Feast of the Annunciation, or the Sunday closest to that date. The day assists us to focus on those people in our families and communities who have experienced any sort of child-bearing loss, whether miscarriage, still-birth, the death of a baby soon after birth or abortion. Our collection at the door today is in support of the work undertaken by Birthline, Right to Life in South Australia and Matercare Australia. Project Compassion 2015. The theme this year is ‘Food for Life’. Food is essential for all life, yet many of the world’s poorest people do not have food security. That means they live from day to day uncertain how to afford or how to access their next meal. Without food, the rest of life is impossible to contemplate. Support Caritas who are empowering the world’s poorest people to establish sustainable food sources for life. It is not too late to take home a Project Compassion box today and help feed the worlds poorest people. Project Compassion Boxes must be returned via collection plates on or before Good Friday. Thank you Easter Offering Envelopes are available from the church entrance for those of you who would like to express your thanks this Easter to the MSC priests who minister to us so generously in this parish. St Vincent de Paul Collection Holy Thursday There will be a collection of non-perishable goods at the Last Supper Mass on Holy Thursday at Sacred Heart Church for those in our community in need. Vinnies will gratefully accept donations of dry or canned foods or long life products. You may leave your items at both SHC and OLM Mass Centre before this time. Good Friday Collection The annual collection for the support of the church in the Holy Land takes place on Good Friday. Lenten Program. Joe Kielnerowski is running a Lenten Reflection Group each Monday evening during lent at 7.30pm. This will be held at the Preca Centre at 96 East St Brompton. Contact Joe on 0402 298 409. During Lent this year, small pebbles will replace the Holy Water in the Holy Water Fonts in our churches. The pebbles, less the water, remind us or our own journey through the desert during Lent in union with Jesus 40 days in the desert. Palms If you can supply small palms for our Palm Sunday Liturgies, can you please contact the parish office asap. Thank you Stations of the Cross Every Friday during Lent commencing on Fri 27 March at 7.00pm at SHC Hindmarsh in Eng & Ital. St Vincent de Paul Easter Raffle. Easter Raffle - $1 per ticket. Tickets will be available from church centres leading up to Easter. Three great prizes will be on display and include a Mountain Bike, Hugh Bear & Easter Eggs & Cooking Pot with Easter Eggs. Please support the good work of Vinnies. Police Clearances. Are you a volunteer in any capacity in the parish? If so, have you applied for a police clearance yet? If not, please contact the parish office urgently for an application for Police Clearance. All volunteers are required to have a police clearance for the Adelaide Archdiocese. This includes all Readers, Commentators, Eucharistic Minsters, Altar Society, Children’s Liturgy of the Word leaders, in fact anyone in a volunteering role. Please contact the parish office if you are in doubt as to whether you are required to have a Police Clearance. Thank you. Happy 80th Birthday We extend our best wishes to Ronnie Victory who celebrates her 80th birthday on 23 March. Happy birthday Ronnie from the msc priests, parish office and parish community. Free copy Australian Catholics Magazine available for collection. GENERAL NOTICES Chrism Mass - Mar 30 at 6.00pm All parishioners from the Archdiocese are invited to this Mass in the St Francis Xavier Cathedral. More info: Robyn Carroll, 8210 8220. (No parking on site). ANZAC Day Eve Mass – April 24, 2015 To commemorate the 100th year anniversary of Gallipoli, St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral on ANZAC Day Eve at 5.45pm. Following Mass there will be a procession to the War Memorial, North Terrace. More info: Robyn Carroll, Manager Archdiocesan Events, 8210 8220. 40 Days for Life Lent Campaign 2015 The 40 Days for Life Campaign runs to Palm Sunday March 29, 2015. Please contact Alan & Helen Tyson on 8364 4516 or email Fr Timothy Radcliffe OP breakfast – April 24 A special Adelaide Archdiocese networking breakfast will be held at Adelaide Oval (McLachlan Room) on Friday April 24 from 7.30am to 9am. Guest speaker is renowned author and theologian Fr Timothy Radcliffe OP who has been invited to spend three weeks in the diocese discussing his latest book Take the Plunge: Living Baptism and Confirmation. Why not get a table of 10 together and come for this exclusive presentation at the newly-developed Adelaide Oval. Tickets are $65 per head and can be obtained from Mary Coombe on 8210 8117 or Easter at the Gallery – 11 am Saturday, April 4, 2015 Rev Dr Anthony Kain, Parish Priest of Glenelg, presents a guided tour reflecting on works of art that relate to important issues of our time. The tour is free. Please contact (08) 8207 7005. Catholic Women’s League Henley Beach Parish Seaview Rd. An invitation is extended to you to join the Catholic Women’s League who meet on 4th Monday of month at 9.30am cuppa, followed by meeting at 10am for about an hour. All welcome. St Michaels College Tours Thursday 26 March 2015 4.00pm-6pm. Tours depart every 15 minutes. Primary Campus 78 East Ave Beverley 8346 6548. Secondary Campus 15 Mitton Ave Henley Beach 8356 5966. 2017 Enrolments for Reception and Year 8 close on Friday 10th April 2015 24 March 1980 Assassination of Archbishop Oscar Romero In the sermon just minutes before he was shot, Archbishop Romero reminded his congregation of the parable of the wheat. Those who surrender to the service of the poor through love of Christ, will live like the grain of wheat that dies...If it were not to die, it would remain a solitary grain. The harvest comes because of the grain that dies. We know that every effort to improve society, above all when society is so full of injustice and sin, is an effort that God blesses; that God wants; that God demands of us. ‘Aspire not to have more, but to BE more’ Archbishop Oscar Romero PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS Deceased: Margaret Calleya; Rita Newman; Br Barney Delaney msc; Maria Melino; Gabrielle Mason; Felice Ursino; Carmela Vozzo; Matteo Calderisi; Zdenek (Danny)Kotasek; Edith McConnell; Francesco Sposato; Philipo DeLisa; Bob Forrrester; Marie Fahey; Adele Rannamae; Petar Rajkovic; Ida Fabris; Mafaldo Corino; Rosemary Calabria; Domenico Ciano; Patricia Dillon; Janet Walsh; Benardino Bagnara; Christobel Rysz; Giacomina Spadavecchia; Nicola Burracchio; Teresa Battista; Domenico Nazzari; Marie Little; Bishop Edmund Collins, msc; Felice (Phil) Albanese; Fr Chris Kean, msc; Daniel Scoleri; Eufemia Sofo; Pierino Savio; Rosina Marando; Fausto Quarisa; Felice Giancaspro; Frances Onley; Giovanni Saraceno; Imogen Cenko; Annunziata Latella; Mary Vanzo; Josef Kielnerowski; Danny Tanti; Donny Altamura Sick: Fr Michael Fallon msc; Valentina Cavaiuolo, Rosalie Kenneally, Maria DeLisa, Ida & Orazio Petracaro; Lai Thi Nguyen ; Daphne Clark; Laima Clark; Angela DeNinis; Elaine Cunningham; John McPeake; Angelina Luppino; Fr Don Victory; Josie Neil; Fr Frank Perry; Kerryn McCluggage; Pauline Forrester; Ben Knobben; Charlie Tanti; Fr Chris Murphy msc; Maria Ferretti; Jane Buckland; Netie Flanagan KIDS CORNER WORD SEARCH The grain that dies gives much wheat S W O S J B Q F T A W E X N N X B A A X T H L I E L R T E K B R A P O M S H H M J R A V I E N E W O G D E M R C L R I R B Z P V G O S L S E N I A T R E C I A R CERTAIN DISCIPLES FALL FATHER GRAIN GROUND A N Z C E S O L D F T G R O U N D D A C LOSE LOVE MORE ONE SERVANT WHEAT We welcome into our faith community through the Sacrament of Baptism Sophie Delphin Please keep her in your prayers. Earth Hour - Saturday March 29, 8.30pm Held each year at 8:30pm on the last Saturday in March, Earth Hour is a WWF initiative symbolising the collective power of individuals, businesses and governments to reduce our impact on this planet. From its beginnings in one city in one country - Sydney - Earth Hour has grown to millions of people in over 5000 cities across 135 countries. A truly global community committed to creating a more sustainable future! Earth Hour is not just about saving an hour’s electricity, it’s about uniting people to protect the planet. See: Justice Corner Copies of ‘Justice Trends’ are available from the church entrance for your collection today
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