Student Own Work Placement Request Form Students are able to choose their own Work Placement, (IE: one offered by a family member, friend or another contact). It is ESSENTIAL that the following checklist is completed by the student and signed off by a parent/guardian and the school. Placements will NOT be approved without all required signatures. **The teacher and school Principal carry the overall responsibility regarding the approval of the prospective placement** Based on the information provided, checks will be made by the corresponding teacher and Business Education Network and the placement will either be approved or denied. If the request is denied, you will be offered a placement by Business Education Network, subject to availability. PLEASE NOTE: REQUESTS NEED TO BE RECEVIED AT LEAST 6 WEEKS PRIOR TO THE REQUESTED PLACEMENT DATE STUDENTS: Please answer ALL questions by circling either ‘YES’ or ‘NO’. These questions will need to be asked to your prospective employer in order to ensure information is accurate. Please also include details regarding you and the prospective employer on the following page. 1. YES / NO: During my placement, I will not be involved in hazardous activities or be in an environment that exposes me to physical or moral danger. 2. YES / NO: My prospective employer can offer me the minimum 35 hours of Work Placement as mandated by the Board of Studies. 3. YES / NO: My prospective employer operates from a business premises & will be able to provide appropriate on-going support. 4. YES / NO: My prospective employer has discussed the kind of activities and tasks I will be undertaking. These are appropriate to course competencies. 5. YES / NO: My prospective employer has suitable occupational health & safely, anti-discrimination and equal opportunity practises/guidelines in operation. 6. YES / NO: The tasks I will be performing are in accordance with the Departments of Education & Communities/Other providers policy guidelines RE: acceptability to ‘community standards’. Teachers can provide documentation upon request. 7. YES / NO: The prospective employer does not have any ADULT/X-RATED content eg: Electronic media, publication or illustrations. My contact with the prospective employer was through (please tick): RELATIVE ⃝ FRIEND ⃝ CURRENT JOB ⃝ OTHER: ______________________________________________________ STUDENT: PLEASE ALSO COMPLETE THE INFORMATION ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE OF THIS FORM. SIGNATURES ARE REQUIRED. 1 Details of Student Own Request Requested Date for Placement: __________________________________________________________ Student Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Home Ph: ________________________________ Mobile: __________________________________ School: _____________________________________________________________________________ Course: ___________________________________ Year: __________________________________ Teacher: ____________________________________________________________________________ Business Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Contact Person: _______________________________ Position: _____________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________ Mobile: ___________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________________________________________ Has the Employer been advised of this requested placement? YES ⃝ NO ⃝ PARENT/GUARDIAN Acknowledgement I, __________________________________(please print name) being the parent/guardian of the above named student, hereby give permission for my child to attend the above Work Placement: conditional upon acceptance of the Work Placement by the class teacher. Parental/Guardian Signature: ________________________________ Date: ____________________ TEACHER Acknowledgement I, __________________________________(please print name) being the teacher of the above named student, hereby give permission for the student to attend the above requested Work Placement. I understand that I carry the ‘Duty of Care’ as per insurance & protection liability RE: respective educational systems. Teacher Signature: ________________________________________ Date: _____________________ TEACHER: Please ensure to complete this 2 page form and either fax or email back to your corresponding Work Placement Coordinator at: Fax: 02 9907 1594 Carolina Barajas Email: Kim Walsh Email: **IMPORTANT** Business Education Network will endeavour to contact the noted employer, explain the purpose of mandatory Work Placement and obtain the relative confirmation from the employer that they wish to participate. Business Education Network does not assume responsibility for visiting the employer to ascertain suitability. Business Education Network will also only pursue the employer for a limited period of time before the lead will no longer be considered. 2
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