Latest Bulletin June 12th ,2015 - The Rotary Club of North Bethesda

The Weekly Newsletter of the Rotary Club of North Bethesda
June 12th, 2015, Issue 24
The newsletter this week is produced by David Fitzwilliam and Christine Syversen, Flagship
Visit our Website to stay updated:
District 7620
Rotary Reveille
June 12th: Reginald Mark-Hansen - Going back home...
June 19th: Quentin Wodon - TBA
This Week: Reginald Mark-Hansen Going back home…
Last week: John McCarthy - Criminal Justice
Reggie Mark-Hansen describes
himself as an International HR
Executive with specialization in
Performance Consulting, a skill set
that Reggie has used to support
various business leaders to better
understand the people issues underlying all business challenges.
Reggie has held executive positions with Shell, British American Tobacco and until
recently the world Bank over the 20 plus years of
his professional career.
Key highlights of Reggie’s career leading HR Mergers and Divestment team for Shell Downstream
Africa and setting up of the HR Function of the
Advisory Services of the International Finance corporation of the World Bank Group.
In addition to his primary HR skills, Reggie is a
certified organization development consultant and
executive coach. He will be sharing with us his story of living in the US and resettling in Ghana after
nearly a decade out.
John McCarthy, first elected in 2016 as State's
Attorney for Montgomery County, was a prosecutor for 34 years. He is a former president of the
Montgomery County Bar Association, and is a public policy leader. He talked about the implications
of the Baltimore crime vs. social justice disaster
and its potential for export to Montgomery County. The six indited cops will probably be moved to
Montgomery or P.G. County to get a fair trial. The
problem with body cameras, on for 24 hours, is
personal privacy (for instance going to the men's
room). He said 80% of women deaths are domestic and 60+ year olds are targets for fraud and
both show a reluctance of early reporting. He also
talked about heroin drug problems and middle
school truancy.
3 min.
Gary Lett Talked about Pres. T.R's speech - THE
MAN IN THE ARENA - who strives valiantly despite
errs and short comings.
Hot News
June 21st there is another opportunity for Polio Fundraising at the Bowie Baysox - World's greatest meal
event. The Charles and Prince George’s Rotary Clubs will donate $30.00 to the Polio Plus Campaign for
each ticket sold.
June 27th is Ken Solow's installation soiree...please register NOW on the District do not
want to miss this event. District Club awards will be handed out as well a the "changing of the guard."
We need a volunteer to go and receive our Bronze Award.
3-min speaker
June 12th: James M Manley
June 19th: Stephen G Vaccarezza
Member Milestones
June 26th: Nancy Pulley
June 12th - June 18th
July 3rd: Mario T Price
June 12th: Claes G Ryn - Bday
July 10th: David M Phillips
Fourth: WILL IT BE BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
Third: Will it build GOODWILL and
Second: Is it FAIR to all concerned?
First: Is it the TRUTH?
Of the things we think, say or do:
Internet Web Site:
Bethesda, Maryland 20814
10257 Old Georgetown Rd
Oakville Grill
Breakfast Friday Mornings at 7:15 a.m.
District 7620  Club  
of North Bethesda
The Rotary Club
The application of the ideal of service to every Rotarian’s
personal, business, and community life:
Rotary membership, please contact :
Robert Follit
8 Farm Haven Court
Rockville MD 208552
(240)401-2976 - Cell (301) 718-5039 - Work
North Bethesda has a diverse membership of
business and professional men and women,
and has provided continuing community and
charitable services since its inception. It meets
on Friday mornings at the Oakville Grill in Bethesda to enjoy a hearty breakfast, camaraderie, and to plan activities and fund raisers for
Rotary causes.
The Rotary Club of North Bethesda, known as
the first breakfast club in Rotary District 7620,
was chartered in 1974. The club is one of more
than 30,000 Rotary International clubs in 168
countries, including recently formed clubs in
former Communist Block countries.
The advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace through a world fellowship of business and
professional persons united in the ideal of service.
High ethical standards in business and professional life
and the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation
as an opportunity to serve society;
The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for
The OBJECT OF ROTARY is to encourage and foster the ideal of
service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to
encourage and foster
Note: The immediate Past President of the Rotary Club of North Bethesda automatically becomes
President of the club’s Foundation on January 1
of the year following his term of office.
Rotary Charitable Foundation
Of North Bethesda, Inc.
Officers & Directors
Jan. 1, 2015 to Dec. 31, 2015
President: Nick Martinez
Vice Pres/Secretary: Barry Thompson ,M.D.
Treasurer: James Osterman
Directors: Gerald Lett, James Manley, Alexis Martinez, Stephen Vaccerezza
Club Bulletin: Acting Christine Syversen, Flagship
Sgt.-at -Arms: Rotating Monthly
David Michael Phillips - Vocational
Jay Davies - Public Relations
Mario Price
Nancy Pulley - Community
Ron Singelman - Club Service
Rob Follit - Membership
James Manley
Bruce Fowler - International
Nick Martinez
Officers & Directors
July 1, 2014 to June 30,2015
President: Gonzalo Accame
President-Elect: Ron Sigelman
Vice President: Mario Price
Secretary: Reggie Mark-Hansen
Treasurer: Stephen Vaccarezza, M.D.