TOP TECH CHALLENGE - North Carolina Trucking Association

The North Carolina
Trucking Association
Technology & Maintenance Council
Top Tech Challenge
DATE/LOCATION: Wednesday April 22nd, 2015
ELIGIBILITY/REGISTRATION: You must be employed by a member of the North Carolina Trucking
Association. Your company must also be a current member of the North Carolina Trucking Association
Technology & Maintenance Council. Contestants who wish to compete in the 2015 Top Tech Challenge
must have the registration form and payment submitted by April 1st. Registration cost is $50.00 per
contestant. You may also register on line at
EVENT DAY SCHEDULE: Check-in will begin at 7:30 followed by a contestant group orientation meeting at
8:15am. The Top Tech Challenge will begin at 8:30am. Each contestant will compete in 10 individual
skills stations and will have 30 minutes to complete each station. There will be a break from 10am to
10:15am, lunch from 11:45 to 12:30pm and another break from 1:30pm to 1:45 pm. The awards
ceremony will begin at 4:00pm. Lunch is included for all contestants as part of your registration fees.
ATTIRE: Each contestant should would work appropriate long pants and work shoes meeting industry
safety standards. Official contestant shirts will be given out at check-in and must be worn during the
competition. Other safety related items such as safety glasses and any needed tools, manuals and
equipment will provided as needed by each individual station.
CONTESTANTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS: Every effort will be made to accommodate contestants with special
needs. These needs must be identified on the registration form prior to the competition.
PRIZES: Prizes will be awarded for the highest total combined score in all stations in addition there will
be prizes awarded for individuals achieving the highest score at each individual station.
1st place – Top Tech Challenge 1st place trophy, all-expense paid trip for two to the 2015 ATA TMC
SuperTech competition in Orlando FL at the Walt Disney Swan and Dolphin Resort & a prize package
2nd place – Top Tech Challenge 2nd place trophy and special prize package
3rd place – Top Tech Challenge 3rd place trophy and special prize package
Individual station winners – Prizes to be determined
Official Top Tech Challenge Entry Form:
Contestant Name: ___________________________________________________
Shirt size: ________
Member Company: _______________________________________________________________________
Contact: _______________________________
Phone Number: ________________________________
Billing address: ___________________________________________________________________________
City: __________________________________
Zip Code: ___________________
Check enclosed for the total amount of $ _____________________
___ Visa
___ Master Card
___ American Express
Card Number: __________________________________________
Amount: $ _________
Expiration: __________
Authorized card signature: ______________________________________________________
REGISTRATION DEADLINES – registration and payments must be received no later than:
April 1st, 2015
By fax:
By mail:
North Carolina Trucking Association
10900 World Trade Blvd
Raleigh, NC 27617
Registration fees will be refunded if the notice of cancellation is received
in writing by the North Carolina Trucking Association no later than the close of business on April 1st, 2015. No
refunds will otherwise be given regardless of attendance.
In consideration of being permitted to participate in the North Carolina Trucking Association Technology
& Maintenance Council Top Tech Challenge and to be eligible for awards offered, participants
hereby stipulate and agree to the following:
1. Contestant acknowledges that he or she is not in the employment of the North Carolina Trucking
2. Both as to him/herself and his/her heirs and personal representatives, contestant releases any right of
action that may arise from any damage or injury which may be incurred while attending or participating
in said Top Tech Challenge.
3. Contestant grants NCTA TMC and its designated agencies exclusive rights to make use of information
about him/herself, along with photographs subsequently taken under NCTA TMC direction, in publicity
and advertising activities. Contestant further agrees to make him/herself available for publicity
enterprises arranged by NCTA TMC, with newspaper/magazine/media writers and radio or television
4. Contestant will be bound by all orders, rules and regulations governing the NCTA TMC Top Tech
Challenge while participating in said competition.
Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: ____________
If you have any questions please contact Benjamin Phillips at