MAY 2015 Envirothon Team Advances to States for Fifth Year in Row

MAY 2015
Envirothon Team Advances to States for Fifth Year in Row
Ten ND students spent two days at the Genesee County Park competing against other teams from local schools in
the annual Envirothon. The first day was spent participating in workshops given by experts in the fields of Forestry,
Aquatics, Soils, Wildlife, and this year’s Current Issue (Urban Forestry). The students also gave oral presentations
on the current topic to a panel of judges. The second day put the students' knowledge to the test. The students
participated in tests in each of the five fields. The grades from the oral presentation and also the five tests were
added and an overall winner was determined. The team of Moira Werner ‘18, Jacob Gualtieri ‘18, Margaret
Sutherland ‘18, Janelle Fancher ‘15, Lydia Moens ‘15, placed sixth overall in the competition and won the Forestry
category. The team of Joe Bergman ‘16, Anna Spring ‘15, Lucas Hull ‘15, Dennis Bleier ‘15, and Abigail Bleier ‘15
placed first in Wildlife and Aquatics. The team also placed first in the entire competition and earned the right to
represent Genesee County at the State Tournament that will take place on May 27th and 28th in Geneva at Hobart
and William Smith Colleges. This is the fifth year in a row Notre Dame will represent Genesee County in the State
Tournament. Congratulations to both teams on a job well done!
First Row: Lydia Moens ‘15, Jacob
Gualtieri ‘18, Abigail Bleier ‘15
Second Row: Margaret Sutherland
‘18, Moira Werner ‘18, Joe Bergman
‘16, Dennis Bleier ‘15, Lucas Hull
‘15, Janelle Fancher ‘15, Anna
Spring ‘15, and Co-Advisor Miss
Sheri Girvin
Not Pictured: Co-Advisor Miss
Nancy Sedita
Co-Advisor Miss Sheri
Girvin, Dennis Bleier ‘15,
Joe Bergman ‘16, Abigail
Bleier ‘15, Lucas Hull ‘15
and Anna Spring ‘15
Photos Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Bleier
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Principal’s Corner
Dr. Joseph D. Scanlan ‘65
By the time our May 2015 ND Newsletter hits the electronic airwaves, our seniors will have participated in their
end-of-the-year two day retreat at Harvest House in South Buffalo [May 14-15, 2015] and their prom at Terry
Hills [May 16, 2015]. Members of this year's graduating class are currently in the process of preparing for their
end-of-the-year [May 21; 26-28, 2015] individual senior assessment presentations as well as wrapping up this
year’s group project in support of the Michael Napoleone Foundation’s efforts to support childhood cancer
research. Time is flying by and our May 29, 2015 graduation practice and traditional senior farewell mass and
our May 30, 2015 Class of 2015 baccalaureate mass and graduation ceremony will be here before you know it!
We are pleased to welcome former ND teacher, administrator and varsity baseball coach Rev. Msgr John Zeitler
back to ND as celebrant at this year’s baccalaureate mass marking the 61st Commencement of Notre Dame
High School. The Notre Dame Class of 1965 – this year’s 50th reunion class – will be the guests of ND during
our May 30th graduation ceremony.
In addition to passing all required courses and meeting community service expectations, all seniors are required
to actively participate in and receive passing grades in both individual and group assessments in order to earn a
Notre Dame diploma. Senior assessment panels are comprised of ND alumni and alumnae, members of the ND
Board of Trustees and members of the Genesee County Chamber of Commerce and business community.
Good luck to all seniors as they prepare for their last formal assessments as ND students!
Parents of seniors need to know that Assistant Principal Mr. Michael Rapone conducted an end-of-the-year
informational meeting with all members of this year’s graduating class prior to their retreat. Expectations
pertaining to the senior assessment process, academic and community service requirements and our upcoming
May 29, 2015 senior farewell mass and graduation practice and our May 30, 2015 baccalaureate mass and
graduation ceremony were reviewed. This information has also been mailed to all senior parents.
Congratulations are definitely in order for the following ND students, faculty and staff members for a job well
done since our April 2015 ND Newsletter:
Genesee County Envirothon Champions!
ND Envirothon Coaches Miss Nancy Sedita and Miss Sheri Girvin and our 2015 team members for “five [5]
peating” as Genesee County Envirothon champions and, once again, qualifying for the NYS meet on 5/2728/15. This year’s NYS Finals will be held at Hobart and William Smith Colleges in Geneva, New York.
Representing ND during the recent two week competition were:
ND EnvirothonTeam #1: Genesee County Champions [Captured 2 of 5 event categories and the
overall championship en route to repeating as County Champions for the last five [5] consecutive
years!]: Abigail Bleier ’15, Dennis Bleier ’15 [#1 in Aquatics], Anna Spring ’15, Lucas Hull’15 [#1 in
Wildlife] and Joe Bergman ’16.
ND Envirothon Team #2: This ND team finished 6th overall in the recent County competition. Team
members included Janelle Fancher ’15, Lydia Moens ’15, Moira Werner ’18 [#1 in Forestry], Jacob
Gualtieri ’18 and Margaret Sutherland ’18.
Great job, Genesee County Envirothon Champions . . . for the 5th consecutive year!
Class of 2015 “Top 10”
The following members of this year’s graduating class were recognized for their cumulative record of academic
achievement on Monday, April 27, 2015:
Valedictorian Abigail Bleier, Salutatorian Natalie Moulton, Olivia Marchese, Janelle Fancher, Dennis Bleier,
Lucas Hull, Anna Spring, Emily McCracken, Lindsey Bender and Emily Vandenbosch.
(Continued on page 3)
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National Honor Society Inductees
Congratulations to the following fifteen [15] new inductees into the Notre Dame Chapter of the National Honor
Class of 2016: Lexi Gerhardy
Class of 2017: Thea Bochicchio, Hannah Bowen, Samantha Ettinger, Mckenzie Haller, Lauren Hull, Christopher
Lemley, Samantha Nickerson, Tyler Reese, Kyra Stella, Julia Streeter, Jacob Wetherwax, Jordan Wetherwax,
Caleb Wolcott and James Zickl
Our 2015 Induction ceremony was held on Sunday, May 3, 2015 in the ND cafeteria. Retiring ND Principal, Dr.
Joseph Scanlan ’65, was chosen by the membership in good standing to serve as the keynote speaker.
Congratulations to NHS Advisor Mrs. Glenda Rogers and sustained member speakers President Olivia
Marchese ’15, MaryBernadette Bochicchio ’15, Audrey DiMatteo ’15, Joseph Falkowski III ’15, Shea Norton ’16,
Chase Hughes ’16 and Taylor Perzia ‘15 for a job well done!
The addition of our 15 new members raises our student membership to 54 total members! The pursuit of
academics is alive and well at Notre Dame High School!
2015 Celebration of Gifts and Talent
A hearty word of congratulations for a “job well done” message also goes out in advance to all ND students
who will be recognized at our upcoming May 18, 2015 Celebration of Gifts and Talent! Invitations to all award
recipients were mailed out on Monday, May 4, 2015. Please make it a point to attend if you have been
invited! An updated list of scholarship and special recognition awards recipients at this year’s Celebration of
Gifts and Talent will appear in the June 2015 edition of the ND newsletter! Be on the lookout!
A “BIG Word of Thanks” goes out to POND and, in particular, to Mrs. Lorie Fix for all of her organizational
work, for sponsoring the greatly-appreciated series of recognition activities during our May 4 – 8, 2015 “Teacher
Appreciation Week”! I’d like to personally take this opportunity to thank our 2014-2015 POND officers - former
President Anita Strollo, Vice Presidents Kathy Antinore [Ryan ‘17] and Jody Nellis [Caleb ’15 and Trevor ‘18],
Secretary Lorie Fix [Dylan ’15] and Treasurer Denise Hull [Lucas ’15, Lauren ‘17] as well as all parent volunteers
for their greatly appreciated service to Notre Dame High School. Congratulations to our newest members of
POND – President – Elect Arna Tygart [Cal ’15, Andrew ‘18] and Secretary Linda Shenk [Cameron ‘18] who will
serve during the upcoming 2015-2016 school year!
Final exams are also just around the corner! Please take the time to encourage your student to do his or her
very best as students wrap up 4th quarter responsibilities and prepare for local, college level [GCC], Advanced
Placement [AP] and Regents exam finals. A copy of this year’s exam week schedule will be included in the May
21, 2015 Interim mailing for your review and for the traditional posting on your refrigerator! Good luck to all
students taking final exams! Try your best!!!
Last, but surely not least, I would like to thank current students and parents who have helped “spread the word”
about the ND experience to others who have, in turn, contacted the school about shadowing experiences and
possible enrollment. This may seem like a small thing to some, but it is a huge help to all of us at ND in
the area of recruitment. Spreading the word about the "Notre Dame experience" is something that we all can
do whether we are parents, students, faculty and staff members, members of the board of trustees or alumni.
Thanks again for a job well done!
Need financial aid? Families interested in receiving financial aid for the 2015-2016 school year must file
financials ASAP electronically with FACTS at as a first step. If you haven’t done so
to date, you have already received a full tuition bill for next year in the mail from our Business Office.
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Families who are requesting additional financial assistance after receiving your 2015-2016 tuition notices are
encouraged to complete “Additional Financial Aid” requests. This form can be found on p. 5 of our Annual
Enrollment Packet. Click on “Admissions” at the top of our web page – – and then on
“Annual Enrollment Kit”. Please forward this form to the attention of our Business Manager, Mr. Thomas
Rapone. Our board members have been working very hard to address all concerns that they have received
since tuition bills were mailed in mid-April. Our goal is to keep our ND Family intact and we plan to work
hard to accomplish this task!
I know that I speak on behalf of everyone associated with ND when I say thank you to all of our parents for your
continued commitment to and belief in what we are trying to accomplish on an everyday basis at Notre Dame –
the #1 ranked private Catholic Co-Educational High School in Western New York, as well as a Buffalo
Business First "Top 15%" academic high school [out of 135 Western New York High Schools] for the
past seven [7] consecutive years: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014!
A Notre Dame education is truly one that pays huge dividends. One only needs to look at the collective
accomplishments of our 4500+ alumni, as well as those of our current student body, to understand why!
ND Pride truly is contagious! Catch it!!!
ND Students Earn Genesee County Youth Recognition Awards
Seated - L to R: Abigail Bleier ’15, Natalie Moulton ’15, Jena DeFazio ‘15
Standing - L to R: Michelle Martinucci ’16, Emily Sherman ‘16
Page 4
2015 National Honor Society Induction
The annual Induction Ceremony for the Notre Dame Chapter of the National Honor Society was held on May 3rd at
7:00 pm. President of the Chapter, Olivia Marchese, presided over a ceremony that brought fifeteen new members into
NHS. Our Vice Principal, Mr. Michael Rapone, presented a warm welcome to the new members and their families. The
keynote speaker this year was Dr. Joseph Scanlan, who relayed to the new members the special meaning of
dedication to excellence and leadership. The evening concluded with congratulations from Mr. Rapone and a reception
in honor of the new members.
Congratulations to the following inductees:
Class of 2016
Alexandria Gerhardy
Class of 2017
Theodora Bochicchio
Hannah Bowen
Samantha Ettinger
McKenzie Haller
Lauren Hull
Christopher Lemley
Samantha Nickerson
Tyler Reese
Kyra Stella
Julia Streeter
Jacob Wetherwax
Jordan Wetherwax
Caleb Wolcott
James Zickl
L to R: Row #1 Jordan Wetherwax ’17, Caleb Wolcott ’17, Samantha Ettinger ’17, Hannah Bowen ’17, Lauren
Hull ’17, Samantha Nickerson ’17, Lexi Gerhardy ‘16
Row #2 Theodora Bochicchio ’17, Julia Streeter ’17, Kyra Stella ’17, Jacob Wetherwax ’17, Tyler Reese ’17,
Chris Lemley ’17, Mckenzie Haller ‘17
Best Wishes Dr. Scanlan!
Celebrate a special occasion
and join us in honoring Dr.
Joseph Scanlan, as he retires
from Notre Dame High School.
Memorial Day Recess
Friday, May 22nd Monday, May 25th
Saturday, June 27th
4:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Picnic at Notre Dame
Page 5
Dennis Bleier ‘15 Advances to National Future
Business Leaders of America Competition
From April 15th-17th, Notre Dame Senior Dennis Bleier competed in the 51st
Annual Future Business Leaders of America New York State Competition
held at the Rochester Convention Center. He competed individually in the
Computer Problem Solving category as well as in the team Network Design
category. The individual competition consisted of a comprehensive exam in
operating systems, networks, personal computer components, security,
safety, laptops, mobile devices and printers. Dennis finished third overall.
In the team competition, Dennis and fellow Genesee Valley Educational
Partnership Information Technology Academy student Kyle Carretto, the 2015
Salutatorian of Pembroke High School, were required to perform an oral
presentation and complete a written test for network installation, problem
solving and trouble shooting, network administration functions, configuration
of Internet resources, backup and disaster recovery and configuration network
resources and services. Their team won the competition and has qualified for
the Future Business Leaders of America National Competition being held in
Chicago, Illinois from June 28 to July 2, 2015.
Dennis Bleier ‘15
We wish Dennis and Kyle the best as they attempt to win the national competition.
Josh Johnson ‘15 Named to 4th Team All State Boys Basketball Team
ND senior Josh Johnson was named to the 4th Team All State Boys
Basketball Selection by New York State Sportswriters Association.
Congratulations Josh!
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Anna Warner ’15 Signs with Mercyhurst
A standout student-athlete at the local [Genesee Region League], Sectional [V] and New York State levels of
competition, Anna became the first ND female Varsity Cross Country runner to qualify for the NYSPHSAA Cross
Country meet for the 5th consecutive year having first qualified as an 8th grader while attending a local Catholic partner
school! Anna capped off her final Varsity Cross Country season by winning the 2014 Section V Class DD Cross
Country meet at Victor High School on November 1, 2014! She placed 7th overall – the highest finish for any ND Varsity
Girl Cross Country runner in a state meet in school history - in the 2014 Varsity Girls NYSPHSAA meet at SUNY
Canton on November 8, 2014. Anna has also participated in and been a contributing member of our Fighting Irish
Varsity Outdoor Track and Field [5 years], and our Varsity Indoor Track and Field and Swimming and Diving teams [2
years each] during her career at ND!
Anna is the classic example of hard work paying off. Her dedication and long hours of training as a distance runner at
ND have yielded the following eye opening results:
Outdoor Track and Field Genesee Region [GR] All Star
Cross Country Genesee Region [GR] All Star
Cross Country Genesee Region [GR] Division III Champion
2012 and 2014
Cross Country Team Section V Champions
2010 and 2012
Cross Country Individual Section V Champion
2011 and 2014
Cross Country Section V NYSPHSAA All Star
Cross Country All Greater Rochester [AGR] Honorable mention
Track and Field All Greater Rochester [AGR] Honorable Mention
Cross Country All Greater Rochester [AGR] – First Team
Cross Country All Section V Recognition – 2nd Team [Class D - 2011 and 2014]
3rd Team [Class D - 2012]
3rd Team [Class C – 2013]
Anna is also the epitome of a student- athlete in that she has also earned prestigious NYSPHSAA “ScholarAthlete” [minimum 90% scholastic average] recognition during each of the thirteen [13] Varsity-level sports seasons she
has participated in at Notre Dame. She was also named the Section V Class D Sportsmanship award recipient at the
2014 NYSPHSA meet at SUNY Canton.
Row #1 - Mrs. Judy
Warner, Anna
Warner ’15, Mr. Eric
Geitner, ND Girls
Cross Country and
Track and Field
Row #2 - Dr. Joseph
Scanlan ’65,
Principal, Mr.
Michael Rapone ’71,
Assistant Principal /
Director of Athletics
Page 7
Seniors in the Spotlight
Rose Flumerfeldt
Joe Falkowski
Notre Dame High School is proud to recognize Rosemary
Flumerfeldt, daughter of Steven and Mary Lou Flumerfeldt
of Corfu, and Joseph Falkowski III, son of Joseph and
Renee Falkowski of Batavia, as our May 2015 “Seniors in
the Spotlight.”
Rosemary is a very well-rounded individual and a young
lady that we are all very proud to call one of our own at
Notre Dame High School. She has maintained an A+
[95.48%] scholastic average during her first three years of
high school during which time she has achieved high honor
roll status during each marking period. A member in good
standing of the Notre Dame Chapter of the National Honor
Society since her sophomore year, Rosemary has not
“shied away” from a challenge as her senior academic
schedule includes eighteen [18] units of college-level
credit . She is currently in the running to graduate with a
Regents Diploma with Advanced Distinction in June 2015
and thirty-three [30] college credits as a result of enrolling in
college level and Advanced Placement [AP] courses during
her junior and senior years at Notre Dame.
Rosemary Flumerfeldt ‘15
Rosemary has been an active member of the Notre Dame Mission Club, Environmental Action Club, the Notre Dame
SADD [Students Against Destructive Decisions] organization, Mock Trial competition, the Notre Dame Chorus and
ND’s yearbook Mater Dei - serving as Editor of this year’s outstanding yearbook.
A quality student-athlete at the local [Genesee Region League], and Sectional [V] levels of competition, Rosemary has
been a key member of our Fighting Irish Girls Cross Country, Swimming and Diving, Indoor Track and Field, and
Outdoor Track and Field teams throughout her high school career! She was a member of two [2010 and 2012] Section
V Class D Sectional Cross Country championship teams as well as the 2012 Genesee Region [GR] Cross Country
team champion. Individually she has earned Sectional championship patches for finishing 1 st in the 100 meter outdoor
hurdles [2014] and 1st in the 55 meter indoor hurdles [2015] in Track and Field competition. She has also been a
member of Varsity Football [2015] and Basketball Cheerleading [2013] teams at ND.
Rosemary is the epitome of a student-athlete in that she has also earned prestigious NYSPHSAA “ScholarAthlete” [minimum 90% scholastic average] recognition during each of the fifteen [15] Varsity-level sports seasons
[three as an 8th grader at St. Joseph’s in Batavia] she has participated in at Notre Dame. She was the recipient of the
Winter Cheerleading team highest scholastic average during the 2013 season.
In keeping with Notre Dame’s mission statement of “developing leaders who serve,” Rosemary has continually
volunteered her time outside of ND working as a volunteer leader at the St. Theresa Parish [Akron, New York] Vacation
Bible School, as well as a volunteer swim lesson instructor at the YMCA, and a YMCA Challenger Sports volunteer
throughout her high school years.
Rosemary is interested in pursuing a degree in Elementary Education and plans to enroll in Genesee Community
College in the fall of 2015 prior to transferring to either SUNY Geneseo or Roberts Wesleyan College to complete her
Bachelor of Arts degree.
(Continued on page 9)
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(Continued from page 8)
Joseph Falkowski III entered his senior year at Notre Dame
with an A (94.63 %) scholastic average and is on schedule
to graduate with an Advanced Regents diploma and thirty
(30) college-level credits as a result of taking Advanced
Placement (AP) and college-level courses at ND during his
junior and senior years.
Joe has been a member in good standing of the Notre Dame
Chapter of National Honor Society since his sophomore year,
as well as an academic high honor roll student during each
marking period throughout his high school career. He was
the recipient of the highest average for Math 136, a Genesee
Community College Algebra III/Pre-Calculus course, during
his junior year of studies.
Joe Falkowski ‘15
Joe has been a four [4] year contributing member of our ND
Sacristans Club. He has demonstrated his leadership abilities
throughout his high school career serving class as Class
President during his junior and senior years at ND.
Joe has been a four [4] year member of our Fighting Irish Varsity Boys Golf team and a contributing member of three
NYSPHSAA Section V Class C [2012 – 2014] Championship squads. He has also earned prestigious NYSPHSAA
Scholar-Athlete recognition [minimum 90% average] during each Varsity level program he has participated in. Joe
received individual recognition as having the highest scholar-athlete average on the Varsity Golf team during his senior
In keeping with our Notre Dame Mission statement of “developing leaders who serve”, Joe has religiously served as a
Vacation Bible School volunteer and a St. Joseph’s Lawn Fete [Resurrection Parish] volunteer throughout high school.
He has received prestigious recognition from the Diocese of Buffalo in the form of the Ad Altare Dei altar serving award
and the Bishop’s Award for Community Service. He was recognized for his compassionate service to others as a junior
when he received the highest honor a Notre Dame student can receive – Anima Christi [Spirit of Christ] recognition.
Joe is interested in pursuing a career in Criminal Justice and will begin his studies at Genesee Community College in
the fall of 2015 with plans to eventually complete his degree at Niagara University.
Rosemary and Joe are both very respectful, good natured individuals who treat others the way they would like to be
treated! They are both well respected by their peers and teachers and are credits to their families, churches and Notre
Dame High School.
Notre Dame High School wishes both Rosemary and Joe the best of luck in the remaining weeks of their senior years
at ND, as well as in the pursuit of their career goals as they enter college next fall!
Three Ways to Find Activities and
Athletic Events Information
1) Dial 585-343-2783 and press #
2) Visit and view
the calendar
3) Visit, go to
the Athletics menu and choose
Notre Dame is on Facebook!
Be sure to become a fan of
Notre Dame (visit the
above site while using your
Facebook account and hit
“like”) to receive updates
on school events, alumni
news and everything Notre
Page 9
2015 Mater Dei
Mr. Jim Fix ’64, an 11
year Physical Education
and Health instructor at
ND who came to ND
after a long career at
Alexander Central, is
pictured receiving the
copy of the 2015 Mater
Dei from student Editor
Rose Flumerfeldt ‘15 and
a commemorative
plaque on behalf of the
ND Board of Trustees
from ND Principal Dr.
Joseph Scanlan ‘65 on
May 13, 2015. Mr. Fix
and Dr. Scanlan were
their class “Man of the
Year” recipients in 1964
and 1965 respectively.
“Cupcakery” Recognition at Notre Dame May
Board of Trustees Meeting
Mrs. Lindsay Warner’s Principles of Business Class’s Virtual
Business “Cupcakery” team was recognized at the May 11,
2015 ND Board of Trustees meeting for capturing the inaugural
GLOW area championship in competition with 11 other high
L to R: ND seniors Dylan Fix, Drew Morabito, Joe Zickl,
Lindsey Bender [presenting], Caleb Nellis, Joe Falkowski, and Taylor Perzia are
pictured explaining their roles as part of the virtual business competition. Chase
Hughes [not pictured] was also a member of the team.
Page 10
Uniform Fittings and
Uniform Exchange
Tuesday, July 14th
Wednesday, July 15th
4 - 7 PM
Regional Action Phone (RAP) and GCASA have
teamed up to establish the Tipline—a prevention and
intervention safety net for young people in Genesee
and Orleans Counties.
Concerned adults, teachers, students and friends
now have a place to call 24 hours a day to report
underage drinking parties or other activities that are
harmful to the health, safety and/or welfare of young
The Tipline is anonymous, confidential and free.
By calling 343-1932 or 1-800-851-1932 and
providing basic information a difference can be
made, tragedy diverted and lives saved.
Notre Dame S.A.D.D.
GCASA Prom and Graduation Panel
The Notre Dame Juniors and Seniors attended an awareness program on April 29th. This GCASA sponsored program
brought together law enforcement and youth services professionals to discuss the dangers of underage drinking.
Keynote speaker, Katie Glor, shared her story of loss as it related to her long time boyfriend being killed in a drunk
driving crash. Katie’s story was moving and she compelled all students to stay sober so that they can make safe
choices for themselves. Many thanks to GCASA for providing bus transportation and lunch to our students.
Mental Health Month
May is Mental Health Month. Our SADD chapter wants you to consider reaching out for professional
help if you have any of these symptoms:
*Feeling sad, angry or hopeless on a regular basis.
*Difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much.
*Loss of interest in favorite activities.
*Isolation from friends and family members.
*Thoughts of suicide or death.
A free, confidential source for help – call anytime – 345-4400 or toll free 1-844-345-4400
NY Problem Gambling HOPEline
Problem gambling can be the cause of severe personal, social and financial problems. Multiple gambling outlets
increase the availability of gambling opportunities. Call the 24 hour NYS HOPEline 1-877-846-7369 for more
information or for assistance.
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E n j o y a F U N, S A F E a n d A L C O H O L-F R E E P r o m N I g h t
Prom season is a very memorable time in young people’s lives. It’s about having fun with friends and
celebrating. Here are some tips for parents on making sure that Prom Night is FUN, SAFE, and
Make sure your child has a plan for the evening and that you know the plan.
Take stock of all alcohol in your home.
Know who is driving – if it is a limo, check the policy on allowing alcohol in the vehicle
Discuss the school’s prom rules with your teen and make sure they understand the
consequences for violating them.
Encourage seat belt use!
Communicate with other parents and school officials.
Stay up for your teen’s return from the prom and check with him/her.
Have your child sign a pledge before prom to remain alcohol-free.
It’s Prom Season – Keep Teen Parties Alcohol-Free
If your teen wants to throw a party, you might be feeling a bit nervous – and with good reason! New York
parents who host an underage drinking party can end up serving a year in jail and paying fines as high as
$1,000. To keep the party safe and fun, read these simple tips:
 Give invitations to a limited number of guests.
 Put your phone number on the invitation and welcome parents to help chaperone.
 Set rules ahead of time such as no alcohol, no drugs or tobacco.
 Set a start & end time for the party.
 Call parents of any teen possessing alcohol or are under the influence. If you can’t get in touch
with them, keep the teen there or call the police if necessary. You can be civilly liable if you
know a teen has been drinking and you let him leave.
 Secure all alcohol and firearms in a safe place.
 Visit the party area regularly with sensitivity to teens’ needs for privacy.
 Call the parent in charge to verify there will be adult supervision.
 Make certain the host will not serve or allow alcohol. Ask about their plans to handle the
situation if a teen shows up with alcohol. Offer to chaperone or to bring snacks.
 Tell the host to contact you your if teen leaves and goes elsewhere.
 Set a curfew for your teen and have them check in with you when they arrive home.
 Assure your child that they can call you to be picked up and discuss a safety plan.
Page 13
Thank you to all the parent volunteers that helped with Teacher Appreciation week by covering homeroom or sending
in baked goodies! Your help is truly appreciated and we couldn’t do it without you.
United Way Day of Caring was May 13th and the grounds look great! Thank you to all the parent volunteers and to the
Rotary Club for helping making Notre Dame look beautiful!
Graduation is fast approaching! Volunteers are needed to help with set up and clean up. Please email Kathy Antinore
at if you can help.
Please consider donating your student’s used uniforms to the Uniform Exchange.
This gives others a chance to exchange smaller sizes for larger ones. All families
may participate! Watch for upcoming details about Uniform Exchange day and save
those uniforms! If you wish to send in uniforms now, please put clean clothing in
bags and place them in the box outside the main office.
Make sure you check out Notre Dame on Facebook –
POND Officers elected for the 2015-2016 school year are as follows:
President – Arna Tygart
Vice President – Jody Nellis
Vice President – Kathy Antinore
Secretary – Linda Shenk
College Connection Program
When you or our high school graduates attend secular colleges, one’s faith can often be tested. You’ll need supportive
communities like campus ministries, Newman centers, and the faith community.
Sometimes campus ministries struggle to connect with Catholic freshmen. Many freshmen miss the very support they
need because privacy laws restrict ministries from knowing a student’s religious
background – an obstacle to reaching out.
The US Council of Serra International developed a simple program to help make
the connection. The participating diocese seeks the names of its high school
graduates and their respective colleges. Then, either directly or through Serra, it
notifies the campus ministries of the incoming Catholic students, allowing them to
encourage and welcome participation in Catholic life on campus. It’s simple, but
In order to complete this connection for you or your high school graduate, they
need some basic information, such as college and location. Please complete the
online registration form found at:
Together, we can help you, or your college student, to keep connected to the
Catholic community that has helped to form and prepare you for the most important
part of your lives!
Page 14
Spring Concert
ND Concert Band performs under
the direction of Mrs. Theresa Kehl
ND 60 member Chorus performs
ND Seniors Honored at Spring Concert L to R: Lydia Moens, Janelle Fancher,
Katie Fischer, Abigail Bleier, Justin
Carlson, Chase Hughes, Jena DeFazio,
Audrey DiMatteo, Emily McCracken,
Maggie McGinnis, Anna Warner, Natalie
Moulton, Anna Spring, Rose Flumerfeldt,
Abby Lyons, MaryBernadette
Bochicchio, and Lucas Hull.
Page 15
Notre Dame Staff, Students and Friends Travel to Eastern Europe
Guten Morgen, dobré ráno, dzień dobry, jó
reggelt…feeling a little confused? Just image
how our group of ten travelers felt each
morning as we tried to remember how we
should greet, Ágnes, our tour director each
morning. Over the recent Easter Recess, ten
adventurous individuals, including two Notre
Dame seniors and several staff members, left
Rochester International Airport in the early
afternoon on April 1 to spend the next thirteen
hours plus six time zones making our way to
Berlin, Germany.
From Checkpoint Charlie to the Brandenburg
Gate we explored Germany’s capital for the
next two days. We learned of the history of
Hitler’s rise to power and the results of his
defeat as Germany was divided amongst the
allied forces. We saw the remaining evidence
of the Berlin Wall and learned what life was
like as neighbors and families were forced to
live apart for twenty-eight years.
Saying auf wiedersehen to Berlin, we traveled
to Dresden and the crossed the border into
the Czech Republic. After exchanging our
remaining Euros for Koruna, we entered
Prague, the second stop of our eight day four
country tour. As we wandered through the
Easter Market in the main square everyone
got to enjoy the Astronomical Clock in the old
town hall. It is said to be one of the oldest of
its kind in Europe. Who knew that the
following day we would be wandering the
streets below it exploring the remains of the
original thirteenth century town, now a maze
of excavated tunnels and buildings that create
a never-ending labyrinth from days long past.
Easter Sunday celebration of the Eucharist in
the twelfth century Saint Vitus Cathedral was
followed by a tour of the city of Prague
including the castle complex in which Saint
Vitus resides. Monday morning found us up
early and on the bus yet again, this time
headed for Krakow, Poland. Another
language, another money exchange (this
time to Zloty) and we pulled into the country’s
second largest city. Visiting Auschwitz, half
an hour’s drive from Krakow, was something
that I don’t think I’ll ever forget. The
experience was enhanced as our tour
director had shown us Schindler’s List as we
made our way between Prague and Krakow.
(Continued on page 17)
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(Continued from page 16)
During our free time to explore, many of the group even
visited Oscar Schindler’s enamelware factory that still
exists and is now a museum.
As our tour was coming to a close, we headed to yet
another country, another language, and another
exchange of currency (this time the forint) as our bus set
off for Budapest, Hungary. Just for the heck of it, Ágnes
decided that we would stop in Slovakia for lunch (back
to the Euro). So, make that five countries in eight days.
Another day, another amazing city; from its rebuilt Buda
Castle Quarter to its world heritage Danube shores,
Budapest has a right to be named one the of most
beautiful cities in Europe. We wrapped up our tour with
an evening cruise along the Danube where we enjoyed
seeing the many amazing historic buildings we had
previously visited lit up and reflecting off the water.
Where to next? We have yet to set a destination for our
next excursion. If you would like to add your input,
please feel free to email me at At the present time, I
am looking at Italy with stops in Rome, Florence, and
Pisa and possibly adding a final destination of Paris.
Stay tuned for further updates in the June 2015 ND
Volleyball Team Honored
by Rochester Rhinos
The Notre Dame Girl’s Varsity
Volleyball Team was honored on
April 26th at the Rochester
Rhino’s home opener. Teams
from Section V that earned
sectional championship titles
were invited to the game to be
honored with appearances on the
field during half time of the
Rhino’s soccer game. The teams
could see their team photos on
the tron as they were being
introduced. The girl’s team
ended their season 22-2 and
made it to the State Volleyball
Tournament’s quarterfinals.
Great job girls! You represented
Notre Dame well!
Page 17
Spring Open House
National Honor Society tour guides
conduct tours at our April 19, 2015
Open House.
Page 18
8th Annual United Way Day of Caring
ND Rotary and parents combined
forces with members of the Batavia
Rotary and Scalia’s Landscape to
beautify the grounds around the
school building in preparation for our
upcoming May 30, 2015 graduation
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18th Annual Notre Dame Foundation
Golf, Tennis, and Bocce Tournament
Monday June 22nd, 2015
Stafford Country Club
Details include:
Four person golf scramble
Lunch 11:30 a.m.
Beverages served throughout the day
Cash bar with a steak dinner following competition
Registration begins at 11:00 a.m.
All activities [Golf, Bocce and Tennis] begin at 12:30 p.m.
Please call Our ND Advancement Office at 343-2783 ext. 144 or
Golf Chairperson Kevin Rogers ’98 at [716] 860-4551 or email to reserve your place in this year’s
All proceeds benefit ND families in need of financial assistance.
We hope to see you at Stafford on Monday, June 22nd!
Go Irish
Kevin Rogers '98 - Golf Chairman
Don Bausch '60 ,Golf Co-Chairman Peter Casey ’01,Golf Co-Chairman
Charlie Messina '62, Bocce Co-Chairman
Carm Reinhart '69, Tennis Co-Chairman
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Upcoming Events
(May – July 2015)
Monday May 18, 2015
Physics Day at Darien Lake – 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Celebration of Gifts and Talent – Gymnasium – 7 p.m.
[Invitations mailed on May 4, 2015]
Accounting Final Exam – 8:30 a.m. – Room 212
Thurs; Tues. – Thurs, May 21; 26-28, 2015
Individual Senior Assessment Presentations – Rm. 108
8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. & 12:30 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Friday-Monday, May 22-25, 2015
Memorial Day Recess-Classes NOT in Session
Wed. – Thurs., May 27 – 28, 2015
ND Envirothon Team competes at the NYS finals competition at Hobart and
William Smith Colleges
Good Luck to our 5-time County Champions!
Friday, May 29, 2015
Graduation Practice – 11 a.m. - Grotto
Senior Farewell Mass – Gym – 1p.m.
Saturday, May 30, 2015
61st Commencement of Notre Dame High School
Mass at the Grotto @ 7 p.m. followed by Graduation
Mass celebrant will be Rev. Msgr. John Zeitler
Monday, June 1, 2015
June POND meeting – 7 p.m. - Cafeteria
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Common Core ELA Examination – 8:15 a.m.
Common Core Geometry Examination – 12:15 p.m.
Friday, June 12, 2015
Final day of classes for the 4th Marking Period
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Protecting God’s Children Workshop @ ND – 6 p.m.
Monday, June 22, 2015
18th Annual ND Foundation Golf, Tennis and Bocce
Tournament – Stafford CC – 11:00 a.m.
Monday - Tuesday, June 15 – 23, 2015
June 2015 Local and Regents Examination period
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Moving Up Day for classes of 2015 and 2016 – Grotto
and Gym – 10 a.m.
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Orientation program for ND Class of 2019 and Parents - Cafeteria - 7 p.m.
Saturday, June 27, 2015
SAVE THE DATE! Farewell Reception for Dr. Scanlan at Notre Dame 4-7 p.m.
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
4th Quarter Report card mailing
Tues. – Wed., July 14-15, 2015
Uniform Fitting – Cafeteria – 4 - 7 p.m.
Have an enjoyable summer vacation!
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