2015 North Davidson H.S. Parents and Graduates
CONGRATULATIONS GRADUATES!!!! Artistic Video Creations will be recording the
Awards and Graduation ceremonies again this year!
The cost for a double-disc DVD with both ceremonies included will be $40 if ordered by June 13,
2015. After June 13th, the cost will be $45. ORDER NOW AND SAVE $5!
Personalize your DVD for an additional $15. Your name will appear on the screen as you walk
across the stage to receive your diploma AND your name and picture will be printed on the DVD and
also on the front cover of your DVD case!
Please fill out the form below and submit it to the front office, or mail it by June 13, 2015. Orders may
be submitted online at http://avctriad.com/UserPages/2015-north-davidson-high-graduation-dvd
Included in your DVD will be video of your school grounds and interaction of the graduates with one
another on Graduation Day. If you would like to get a few of your family and friends together and say
something on video, please find us after the ceremony is over. Once you graduate, it’s all about your
In addition to graduations, we do weddings and other events! So keep us in mind! We look forward to
seeing you soon! Be sure to reserve your copy today! Any questions, please call 336-906-1279.
Thank you,
Dennis & Rhonda Baggett
Artistic Video Creations
www.AVCtriad.com / info@avctriad.com
P. O. Box 14344
Archdale, NC 27263
336-431-8865 or 336-906-1279
2015 North Davidson High School DVD Order Form
Purchaser’s Name
Student’s Name
Mailing Address
City / State / Zip Code
Phone (cell)
Date of Order
DVD of Awards and Graduation Ceremonies (mailing at no extra charge)
on or before June 13, 2015----$40 each
@ $40 each = $
after June 13, 2015 -------------$45 each
@ $45 each = $
Personalize your copy ------------------------------------Additional $15 each
Please print student’s name, as you would like it to appear
Artistic Video Creations, PO Box 14344, Archdale, NC 27263 • 336.906.1279