Notre Dame School News 1241-105th Street, North Battleford, Sask. S9A 1S8 PRINCIPAL: Mr. D. Sarenco VICE-PRINCIPAL: Mr. A. Senger M A Y 2015 PHONE: 1-306-445-0283 FAX: 1-306-446-7180 LOVE OF A MOTHER It is believed that nothing can be compared to a mother’s love on earth. It is simply understood because it is the greatest love that a mother gives to her children, her family. It may be said that this love is described as a source of water. Helen Steiner Rice described, “A Mother's love is something that no one can explain. It is made of deep devotion and of sacrifice and pain. It is endless and unselfish and enduring come what may for nothing can destroy it or take that love.” It is so wonderful to reflect on a mother’s love on Mother’s Day on May 10 , 2015. God has given this instinct of love to any woman who is a mother. And this is also taken from example of God love. God said in Isaiah 49:15, “Can a woman forget her nursing child, or show no compassion for the child of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you.” Motherhood is a gorgeous gift to mankind. That is why we are supposed to love this gift and honor our mother. This is the fourth commandment given to us by God, “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.” (Exodus 20:12). th We thank God for giving us our mothers. We are also thankful to our mothers for what they have been doing for us. We honor them, pray for them, and express our appreciation to them especially on Mother’s Day. Fr. Cuong Luong Dear Mary, You are the mother of God and the mother of all the church. We honor you and your role in our salvation. We ask your prayers for all of us as we follow Jesus Christ. Pray for us to God that we may be faithful to God’s will in our lives. Amen 2015-16 Registration Notre Dame School is accepting registrations for Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 7 students. Registration forms can be picked up at the school office. Please call 306-445-0283 for more information or if you have any questions. Several students at N.D. have serious food allergies. Children may not share lunches. Children should report forgotten lunches to teachers. Do not borrow food from others. Pre-Kindergarten The Pre-Kindergarten program is a FREE program for all 3-5 year old children, although preference is given to children who come from a single-parent family, parents in school, low income families or receiving social assistance, a child in need of learning assistance, speech and/or social behaviours. The Pre-Kindergarten program runs Monday to Thursday, 3 hours per a day, either mornings or afternoons. Space is limited, but applications are accepted throughout the year as space becomes available. If your child’s lunch requires a spoon or fork, please send one with their lunch. The school does not provide utensils for students. Congratulations to … March Student of the month. Kindergarten If your child will be 5 on or before December 31, 2015 and resides within our school attendance area, they may register for our Kindergarten program. Kindergarten to Grade 7 If your child will not be attending Notre Dame School for the 2015-16 school year, please contact the school as soon as possible. Notice of these changes will help us in the process of establishing staffing and classroom arrangements for the school year. Also, if you know any parents who are considering registering their children at Notre Dame School for the fall, please encourage them to contact our school as soon as possible. Any number of new students to our school could make a difference in the arrangement of classes and grades. Again, please encourage parents of new students to come in to register as soon as possible. Please bring your child’s Baptism certificate if they are Baptized and their Saskatchewan Health Card when registering. Students Receive Sacraments The Grade 2 students who are preparing for the Sacraments received the Sacrament of Reconciliation on April 21. The Sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Eucharist will take place on May 9 at Notre Dame Church and May 10 at the Ukrainian Catholic Church. Please keep these students in your prayers as they continue on their faith journey. Lost and Found Please check the Lost and Found box as there are many items which still remain unclaimed. All unclaimed items will be donated to the less fortunate at the end of June. Like us on …. And Stay updated with Notre Dame School. Jump Rope for Heart Thank you to the students who raised money for the Jump Rope for Heart event. A total of $1244.40 was donated to the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Way to go!! Track & Field & Fun Day Notre Dame School will be having its school Track Meet on Friday, May 22. This event will be for Grade 4 to 7 students and will be held at St. Mary Community School playground. Information and details regarding this activity will be sent home with students closer to the planned activity date. The Division Track Meet for Grade 4 to 7 will be held on Friday, May 29 at the Central Track Meet across from the Comp. The Kindergarten to Grade 3 Fun Day will be held on Friday, June 12. Details will be sent home with students in June. Clothing Guideline Students at Notre Dame School are expected to dress themselves in a manner that is appropriate for an elementary school and is consistent with modesty and a Christian Catholic Standard. Students and parents should choose clothing that is free from slogans that are racist, sexist, or saying that promote drugs, alcohol, or tobacco. Children at school are active in play and sport. Their clothing should fit well enough to protect their modesty. Spandex, and similar tight fitting material, spaghetti straps, tube tops, and short-shorts are not appropriate for school. In all cases teacher and school administration will determine what clothing is appropriate for school. In extreme cases students may be sent home to change, ask to turn their shirts in-side-out, or asked to cover up with a sweater or sweatshirt. Locks for Bikes With the warm weather students are starting to ride their bikes to school. We recommend that your child have a good lock to lock up their bike. Bikes without proper locks have been stolen in the past. The school is not responsible for damaged or stolen bikes. Protect your bike… lock it up. Eva Olsson Presentation Grade 4-7 students will have the opportunity to attend a presentation by Holocaust survivor, Eva Olsson, at 10:15a.m. on May 5 at John Paul II Collegiate. There will be a free public presentation, the evening of May 5th at St. Vital's Church in Battleford. We are looking forward to this event. Playground Project Underway We're working hard to engage your children in learning, and in their school Notre Dame. Our school has many activities to accommodate different interests. One area children enjoy is a well equipped playground set. As a result we are undertaking a focused playground project. It has been 13 years since our last playground addition. The equipment at the north end of the area was added when Notre Dame become an English language school. At that time we had 148 students. We now have 265 children attending our school. We know it's time to improve our play equipment, but we also know this is an expensive project. We have a good start on fund raising for equipment. The North Battleford Kinsmen have donated $10 000.00 towards new equipment. RBC Day of Caring has pledged $1 000.00 to our project. We will have about $1 000.00 from our Lamontagne fundraising, after paying to support field trips. In 2015 2016 approximately $1000.00 will be taken from our in-school budget to support our purchase of equipment. Despite an excellent beginning to our fund raising effort, we will need to pull together much more money. Playground equipment is incredibly expensive. We could easily spend $100 000.00. One request for parents: if you are aware of any grants, or donation programs through your workplace please let us know. You could talk to myself, Mr. Senger, or Emi Holm our SCC Chairperson. Mr. Sarenco Save the date! We will be having a family year end party to celebrate the fantastic year we have had at Notre Dame School. We will have food, music and entertainment. We hope to see you all there! More information will follow at the end of May. What-Notre Dame Family fun party When- Thursday, June 18 4:30-7:00 pm In AR News… Notre Dame students did a great job during the weekly challenges. A total of 896.9 points was earned for the month. Each week the students met or beat the challenge put to them. To cap off a job well done, a Spring Fling Dance was enjoyed by all! Our annual AR Spring Tea was held on April 30th The highest point earner and one name randomly drawn from each class received an invitation – Congratulations to all the winners! From Ms. McLean’s Class – Shira P. & Shelby W. From Mrs. Steven's Class – Eni K. & Kynyon S. From Mrs. MacNaughton's Class – Michelle D. & Tyrone M. From Ms. Hogger's Class – Mayze M. & Logan S. From Ms. Eppich's Class – AJ D. & Hannah P. From Mrs. Loeppky’s Class – Vladyslav N. & Sam S. From Ms. Stewart's Class – Adrian H. & Stefan S. From Mr. Edwards’ Class – Bryanne F. & Guiel S. From Mr. Heroux's Class – Joshua H. & Shane L. Starting May 1st 5 weeks of fun! 5 prizes awarded each Friday Earn 5 AR points OR pass 5 tests and get a ticket to (Readers RRR Reward Recess) Announcement! Our Notre Dame Spring Talent Show will be held again this year!!! Auditions will be on Monday, May 11. Students who are coming to auditions will need to bring: 1. A CD or USB with their song on it, ready to go. 2. A print out of the lyrics in their song. 3. Any equipment, props, instruments or items needed for their performance. Students who are in the Notre Dame Talent Show will be involved in two performances. Both performances are at Notre Dame School in the gym. The first performance is May 26, 2015 at 12:30 pm. The second performance is at 6:30 pm on May 27, 2015. All students who are performing need to meet in the library by 6:15 pm on May 27, to get organized for the show. We encourage friends and family to attend to support these young performers. We will be having a silver collection to help support arts programming in our school. Donations are voluntary and appreciated. Proceeds from the talent show go towards art and music supplies and/or special events at Notre Dame School. We will be selling water and squares at the evening performance on Wednesday, May 27. Proceeds from the food go towards the grade 5 field trip. We appreciate your support in making sure your child has the required materials and is ready to go when they are called up to perform. We look forward to seeing you there! Sincerely, The Notre Dame School Talent Show Committee Mrs. Loeppky, Mrs. Iverson, Mr. Sarenco & Ms. Eppich **If student performances are not ready to go on the 11th, they can’t be in the Talent show.** Runs - July 6th - 9th - 9-3pm daily Open to Grade K-6 Junior and Senior Campers Cost: $150.00 includes: Nutrition snacks, Tees, Door prizes, Art Camp supplies and over 30 hours of instruction and fun. To register - Pick up at JP II or call Roxanne Stynsky 481-5501 Our music-themed art contest deadline was April 30th! The artwork that came in is fantastic and I am excited about the student’s work on this project! Look for student artwork from this contest which will be displayed at our Notre Dame School Talent Night that will be held at 6:30 p.m. on May 27th! We would like to take this opportunity to thank Ljubica Hardi, a guest artist, who is coming to help judge this art contest. She has been generous in offering her time and expertise. We would like to extend a big thank you to the Dekker Centre for donating tickets to the May 9th Harry Manx Show for our Grand Prize winners in each age group and for agreeing to display student artwork on the evening of that event. We greatly appreciate the Dekker Centre’s support of the growth and development of art in our school and community! This makes a huge difference for our students!! Thank you for all of the students who worked hard and participated in this contest! Contest winners will be announced in our next school newsletter. Light of Christ & Living Sky School Divisions are pleased to once again offer a summer literacy camp experience for children and youth. Join us for a fun and exciting camp experience! Programming at the camp will encourage children to develop their love of reading and books through crafts, reading, singing songs, writing, and playing games. Activities are fun and interactive and will enhance learning outside of the school setting. There is NO COST to participate and snacks will be provided. Our first literacy camp begins July 13th and finishes July 31st and our second literacy camp begins August 4th and finishes August 21st. Detailed information about the camps and registration forms will be available mid-May at the main office of your child’s school. For more information, please contact the office of your child’s school. Notre Dame School Calendar of Events & Activities 1241-104th Street The Month of Mary North Battleford, Sask. S9A 1S8 (306)445-0283 MAY 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 MW Kdgn Saturday 2 Book Character Spirit Day 3 4 5th Sunday of Easter Tri-West Teacher Day – No School 10 11 5 6 Eva Olsson Presentations – 10:15 @ JPll (Gr. 4-7) 7:00 @ St. Vital Assembly 12 13 Talent Show Auditions @ 12:05 7 Choir Practice @ 12:05-12:25 14 Choir Practice @ 12:05-12:25 8 TT Kdgn 9 Taco Lunch Orders Due Sacrament Rehearsal @ 1:00 @ ND Church Grade 2 Confirmation Celebration @ 7:00 @ ND Church 15 MW Kdgn 16 Backwards Spirit Day Taco Lunch 17 18 Ascension Victoria Day Faith – No School Inservice – No School School Mass @ 9:30 25 26 27 Talent Show Rehearsal @ 12:30 Talent Show Evening Performance @ 6:30 24 Pentecost 31 Trinity 19 20 21 22 TT Kdgn 23 ND School Gr. 4-7 Track Meet Choir Practice @ 12:05-12:25 28 29 MW Kdgn 30 Division Track Meet
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