Continuous Delivery Workshop deployment pipelines Workshop materials created by Jez Humble, Martin Fowler, Tom Sulston, & Neal Ford deployment pipelines tests, synergistic practices, incremental deployment data & infrastructure Who are You? Manager DBA BA Developer UX Operations QA Agile Transformation Manager DBA BA Developer UX Operations QA Continuous Delivery Manager DBA BA Developer UX Operations QA It’s a people problem. The Dangers of Silos The Tragedy of the Commons Conway’s Law “organizations which design systems ... are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations” —Melvin Conway Release Cadence Mary Poppendieck Tom Poppendieck “How long would it take your organization to deploy a change that involves just one single line of code?” “Can you do this on a repeatable, reliable basis?” Continuous Delivery Metrics lead time the time between the initiation and completion of a production process. cycle time the total elapsed time to move a unit of work from the beginning to the end of a physical process Continuous Integration Integration early and often. Everyone checks into trunk at least once a day. 1200 Bring the pain forward. 900 pain eager vs. late 600 300 0 time Continuous Integration Integration early and often. Everyone checks into trunk at least once a day. Integration Integration early and often. Everyone checks into trunk at least once a day. Continuous Deployment Deploy as the final stage of continuous integration. Integration Integration early and often. Everyone checks into trunk at least once a day. Deployment Deploy as the final stage of continuous integration. Continuous Delivery Software is always in a deployable state. User Interface (Web, Swing) Business Analysts QA Domain Logic (Model) Application Server / Spring Persistance (OR Mapper) Firewall External Stuff Storage Application External Endpoints Mainframe Computer Modern software is complex! Agile 101 "Agile" team Analysis + Design Centralized QA IT Operations Development Integration + QA Release and operation Testing + Showcase Customer Iteration 0 1 2 3 4 The "last mile" Continuous Delivery "Agile" team Analysis + Design Centralized QA IT Operations Development Integration + QA Release and operation Testing + Showcase Customer Iteration 0 1 2 3 4 The "last mile" Customer Delivery team Constant flow of new features into production business needs > operational constraints always production ready Potential Hindrances Lead time is too long Last mile is too painful Poor collaboration Identify & remove friction Continuous Integration Fast, automated feedback on the correctness of your application every time there is a change to code Deployment Pipeline Fast, automated feedback production readiness readiness on the production of your application every time there is a change — to code infrastructure code, infrastructure, or configuration configuration 22 Deployment Pipelines Prerequisites continuous integration comprehensive configuration management excellent automated testing at all levels commit Stage Commit stage Version control source code commit tests build scripts Compile Unit test Assemble Code analysis deployable binaries test reports metadata Run against each check-in (continual integration) Starts building a release candidate If it fails, fix it immediately Artifact repository Pipeline Construction commit functional test artifact respository user acceptance test artifact respository artifact respository staging … artifact respository increasing confidence in production readiness Pipeline stages = feedback opportunities UAT Stage Version control Artifact repository acceptance tests deployment scripts configuration data binaries Acceptance test stage Configure environment Deploy and smoke test Acceptance test Tear down test reports metadata Artifact repository End-to-end tests in production-like environment Triggered when upstream stage passes First DevOps-centric build 27 Manual Stage Version control Artifact repository deployment scripts configuration data binaries Later stages Configure environment Deploy and smoke test Tear down on request test reports metadata Artifact repository UAT, staging, integration, production, … Push versus Pull model Deployments self-serviced through pushbutton process 28 Env & app config Source code Env & app config Version control UAT Testers Self-service deployments Developers See code metrics and test failures Configure environment Deploy binaries Smoke test Commit stage Acceptance stage Capacity stage Compile Commit tests Assemble Code analysis Configure environment Deploy binaries Smoke test Acceptance tests Configure environment Deploy binaries Smoke test Run capacity tests Production reports binaries metadata Operations perform push-button releases binaries reports metadata binaries Configure environment Deploy binaries Smoke test reports metadata Artifact repository 29 Machinery continuous integration ++ Increasing confidence in build's production readiness Environments become more production-like Commit stage Compile Unit test Analysis Build installers User acceptance testing Acceptance test stage Production Performance testing Faster feedback “chicken counting” servers 0 1∞ Increasing confidence in build's production readiness Environments become more production-like Commit stage Compile Unit test Analysis Build installers User acceptance testing Acceptance test stage Production Performance testing Faster feedback pipeline anti-patterns Increasing confidence in build's production readiness insufficient parallelization Environments become more production-like Commit stage Compile Unit test Analysis Build installers User acceptance testing Acceptance test stage Production Performance testing Faster feedback ideal time: < 10 minutes pipeline anti-patterns Increasing confidence in build's production readiness insufficient parallelization Environments become more production-like Commit stage Compile Unit test Analysis Build installers User acceptance testing Acceptance test stage Production Performance testing Faster feedback Mingle: 3,282 test / 53 computers = ~1 hour insufficient parallelization heuristic: make your pipeline wide, not long reduce the number of stages as much as possible parallelize each stage as much as you can create more stages if necessary to optimize feedback pipeline anti-patterns inflexible workflow pipeline fans out as soon as it makes sense to do so The Deming Cycle The Scientific Method hypothesize experiment evaluate principles of software delivery principles automate almost everything build, deploy, test, release manual testing, approvals automatable high-value, humans only principles keep everything you need to build, deploy, test, & release in version control • requirements documents • test scripts • automated test cases • network configuration scripts • technical documentation • database creation, upgrade, downgrade, and initialization scripts • application stack configuration scripts • libraries • deployment scripts • tool chains When You Hire a New Developer… Infrastructure Consistency pain If it hurts... ... do it more often bring the pain forward time principles principles “Cease dependence on mass inspection to achieve quality. Improve the process and build quality into the product in the first place” W. Edwards Deming build quality in continuous improvement Deming cycle principles practices only build your binaries once practices deploy the same way to every environment practices smoke test your deployments practices keep your environments similar if anything fails, stop the line practices Metrics & Monitoring the driver for agile in the enterprise 21st century agility (business + IT) selling continuous delivery visibility risk mitigation responsiveness (cycle time) @neal4d
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