MAY 15 -

From the Nebraskaland
Thunderbird Club
Many pictures in this issue were taken during
the April club meeting at the Saline County
Museum, Dorchester
..May, 2015
Dedicated to the 55, 56, & 57 Thunderbird
Volume 38, #5..
Ron’s Ramblings
Next Meeting
Great venue for the
April meeting
Saline Co Museum in
Dorchester. Thanks
go out to Jamie Karl
arranging a unique
meeting place. My
favorite was the one
room house where a
former slave and his
eight children lived on a near by farm.
Sunday, May 17 at 2:00 pm
Hosted by Jim and Kathy Spahr
at their 7 Oaks acreage
1548 336th Road, Seward
showing of club
with the rain.
Directions from Seward
From the Blue River Bridge on Highway 34 on
the west side of Seward, go 4 miles west to
336th road (black top), then go north/right ! mile
to the drive (long lane). Jim and Kathy’s house (7
Oaks) is on the east side.
Be sure to read
minutes recorded
Bob Routh, and typed and transmitted by
his assistant, Kathy Hubbell, who was
named the Lincoln Legal Professional of the
Jim and Kathy will provide food and drink. It will
be fine for club members to bring a dessert.
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There is not much to add except the
weather should be getting warmer so enjoy
your birds.
Ron Schultz, President
Meeting Minutes
April 19, 2015
The Nebraskaland Thunderbird Club
met on April 19, 2015, at the Saline
Nebraska. There were 23 members
present--no Little or Retro ‘Birds due to
the weather.
The meeting was called to order by the
President, Ron Schultz. Ron thanked
Jamie Karl for arranging the meeting
place and the lunch. Jamie received a
round of applause.
The Minutes of the March meeting were
approved as printed in the newsletter.
Treasurer’s Report
Jeff Brown reported on the balance in
the checking account.
Sports Games
Jeff Hoffman reported that there is
nothing new to report regarding the
Sports Games. He indicated so far
seven members have expressed an
interest in showing their cars. The
Sports Games will be on July 31. Rob
Kinsey stated that he would also show
his car.
Grille Badges
Ron called on Marty Bierman to report
on the status of grille badges. Marty
reported that the art has been approved
and he is waiting to approve the mold
and die. Once the mold has been
approved, manufacturing will begin.
Marty circulated a sample so that
members could see the size of the
proposed badge. Marty detailed the
problems he has encountered, including
the 4 mm threads on the installation
bolts, the fact that the bolts will be 3
inches long, and the fact that the
bracket will need to be reconfigured.
Marty stated that he will shorten the
bolts and will reconfigure the bracket.
He also has researched providing
wingnuts in lieu of the standard nuts to
be provided. Marty stated that there
may be an additional cost of one to two
dollars. Marty circulated the artwork for
the grille badge.
Nebraska Rod and Custom Cruise
Ron Schultz reminded the members of
the 600-mile cruise to be held on June 6
and 7.
Coffee will be provided in
Fremont at approximately 8:15 a.m.
Three hundred fifty cars will be involved
in the cruise.
Pathfinder Retractable
Cruise to Okoboji
This cruise will be on July 25, and so far
13 cars are signed up, with three TBirds. Marty indicated that the Hawkeye
Club would like to participate. Marty
also indicated that the Hawkeye Club
would like to have a joint cruse in midSeptember, touring the Bertrand and
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Desoto Wildlife Refuge. He will work
with Ron Schultz to arrange details.
Marty indicated that VTCI, a club for all
Thunderbirds, will hold a Regional on
June 11 in Wichita, Kansas.
CTCI Convention
Ron reminded the members that the
CTCI Regional will be held in
Albuquerque on August 25 and 26. So
far members indicating their intention to
attend are Tom Woodman and Marty
and Mary Lou Bierman.
New Business
The May meeting will be hosted by Jim
and Kathy Spahr, on May 17 at their
acreage in Seward, starting at 2 p.m.
Watch for details in the newsletter.
Ron Schultz stated the Club still needs
hosts for the November and December
There was discussion
concerning the need to schedule the
Christmas party, and it was suggested
that it be held in Lincoln this year since it
was held in Omaha last year. Jerry
Ziems will contact Misty’s, and Jamie
Karl will see if there is a venue in the
There was discussion concerning the
recent Barrett-Jackson auction; a ’57 EBird sold for $92,000.
There was
discussion regarding what differentiates
an E-Bird from other T-Birds. Jerry
Ziems said he is in need of a new fuel
pump; he has replaced several over the
last couple of years.
Brag Box
Jeff Hoffman stated that both his ’55
and ’57 started without the need to jump
the batteries. Rob Kinsey stated that
he got his gas gauge to work, which
required installing a new seal. Ron
Schultz stated that he attended a horse
sale in Iowa and did not buy a horse, but
Marge bought several items for the
cabin. Bob Routh stated that he had
installed a new starter and new battery
and his car is now running. Bob also
stated that his assistant, Kathy Hubbell
--who is familiar at least electronically to
Marty Bierman, Phil Brown, Jeff
Hoffman and Ron Schultz based on
her electronic transmission of meeting
minutes--was named the Lincoln Legal
Professional of the Year. Don Indra
related his troubles in attempting to buy
a fender on eBay. The fender was
located in Oregon City, Oregon, and
shipment fees far exceeded those
estimated on eBay, resulting in much
delay, and final cancelation of the order.
Jamie Karl stated that he has a ’63
Falcon convertible and he had an MP3
player installed in the glove box at
considerable cost.
Rather than
installing a similar item in his T-Bird he
bought a portable Logitech player, which
cost $99, which he installed via Velcro
under the radio in his T-Bird. Jamie
exhibited the player. Jamie stated that
any smart phone will work with the
Ron Schultz then called on Jamie Karl
who provided information on the Saline
County Museum, and Jamie introduced
Judy Rada who provided a guided tour
of the Museum following adjournment.
There being no further business to come
before the meeting, the meeting
Respectfully submitted,
Bob Routh, Secretary
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“My new motor is locked
By Martin Bierman
Question: A 1957 T-Bird owner is
completing a total restoration and the
engine has been attached to the
automatic transmission and installed.
The owner noticed when attaching the
engine to the automatic transmission
bell housing that it did not quite fit tight
against the block but he was able to
draw it tight by tightening the bell
housing bolts. When he went to start
the motor it would not turn at all. He
could not get the crankshaft to turn by
hand either.
What’s wrong?
engine turned over fine before the
transmission was attached.
Answer: The clue to the problem was
that the bell housing did not fit easily to
the block and was drawn to the block
using the bell housing bolts.
problem was that the transmission
torque convertor hub was not fully
engaged into the front pump of the
transmission resulting in a “stacked
pump”. The torque converter hub has
engagement ears that must be turned to
engage the front pump of the
transmission. When properly engaged
the torque converter will sit fully inside
the bell housing. Failure to properly
engage the torque converter into the
transmission will result in damage to the
converter hub and the front pump which
will be costly to repair.
Interestingly another owner encountered
the same problem on an engine and
transmission rebuild but it was due to
excessively long flex plate bolts that
contacted the back of the engine block
and prevented crankshaft rotation.
Once diagnosed it was a simple
problem to solve by using the correct
flex plate bolts and no damage
occurred. So keep these two examples
of “engine lock-up” in mind when
assembling the engine and transmission
and don’t “stack the pump”.
$$$ T-Bird Savings $$$$
! Fuel Pump for ’55-57- Rock Auto
Parts. $48.74 plus $11.61 shipping.
Order at for a spare
for your trunk.
! Larry’s T-Birds periodically has 10%
off selected parts; in April had 10% off
everything in the catalog for a week.
Contact at or call
951-270-3223 to sign up for the e-mail
!!!Sponsored by Lee Sapp Ford!
July 11 ~ 13 Annual Midwest MCA
Mustang & All Ford Show. Anderson Ford,
Lincoln NE. Multiple Ford Sponsors. More
info –
July 25–26 ~ Destination Cruise to
Okoboji Classic Car Museum.
Pathfinder Chapter of IFRC
(International Ford Retractable Club).
See April issue of ThunderWords & April
Meeting Minutes for details.
Club contact: Ron Schultz at 402-7211193 or
July 31 ~ Sports Games of America
Classic Thunderbird Display.
Memorial Stadium, Lincoln NE.
Nebraska Sports Council. See April
issue of ThunderWords & April Meeting
Minutes for details.
Club Contact: Jeff Hoffman at 402499-6063 or
Upcoming Events
June 6-7 ~ Annual 600 Mile Cruise.
Nebraska Rod and Custom
Association. See April issue of
ThunderWords & April Meeting Minutes
for details.
Club contact: Ron Schultz at 402-7211193 or
June 11-14 ~ "Wings of Thunder, Sixty
Years Strong." Wichita KS.
VTCI North Central Regional Mid-Kansas
Vintage Thunderbird Club. More info
August 18-23 ~ 22nd Annual ITC
Convention. Waukesha, WI
International Thunderbird Club. More info
August 26-30 ~ CTCI Region 6 “Birds of
Enchantment” Convention. Albuquerque
NM. Pajarito Thunderbird Club. More info
September 13 ~ Havelock Auto & Truck
Show. Lincoln NE. Capitol City Ford &
Mustang Club. More info
June 25-28 ~ 60th Anniversary of the
Thunderbird, Dearborn MI. Water
Wonderland Thunderbird Club of SE
Michigan. More info -
June 28 ~ Art of the Car Concours. Kansas
City MO. Kansas City Art Institute. More
info - google/search: artofthecarconcours
!!!Sponsored by Lee Sapp Ford!
Below are some highlights from recent
Facebook postings. Thanks, Jamie!
Nebraskaland Thunderbird Club
!Calendar of Club Events
Ron Schultz
Vice President
Marty Bierman
Jeff Brown
Bob Routh
Sharon Davis
Jeff Hoffman
Social Media
Jamie Karl
Lee Sapp Ford
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!!!Sponsored by Lee Sapp Ford!