Mike Anderson R-A Red Angus 915 18th St. Gothenburg, NE 69138 Phone: (308)529-2110 Email: mrs.rosie22@yahoo.com Commercial Producer Private treaty on replacement heifers Genetic make-up of herd/bulls used: Red Angus/Hereford cross. When and how are cattle marketed: Steers are weaned and sold at Lexington Livestock Market in December. Replacement heifers sold on private treaty. Vaccination Protocols: Pre-weaning vaccination includes 7 Way Blackleg, IBR-PI-3, dewormer. Replacement heifers are Bangs vaccinated. Other: Heifers and steers are weaned at 60-90 days and bunk broke. Brad Arrowsmith Arrowsmith Red Angus 89067 Doc Middleton Dr. Bassett, NE 68714 Phone: (402)684-2539 Email: bradarrowsmith@hotmail.com Seedstock Producer Sale Date: First Monday in March, 2015 Cory Banzhaf C Lazy B Cattle Co. 28430 128th Rd. Kearney, NE 68845 Phone: (308)440-4791 Email: cory@clazyb.com Seedstock Producer Sale Date: March 13th, 2015 Genetic make-up of herd/bulls used: Red/red baldie cowherd, Red Angus and Simmental bulls. When and how are cattle marketed: Weaned, bunk broke and backgrounded. Some will be retained and fed, some sold direct to feedlot and some sold at Kearney sale barn in January/February. Replacement heifers retained and some sold privately as bred heifers. Vaccination protocols: Branding/Pre-weaning; 7-Way Blackleg and Histophilus, IBR-BVD-BRSV-PI3, Manhemia and Pasteurella, and pinkeye. Branding only; Intranasal viral. Lanny Billings 43650 US Hwy. 20 Ainsworth, NE 69210 Paul & Milissa Birnie Birnie Red Angus 610 S. 7th Ave. Broken Bow, NE 68822 Phone: (308)870-3133 Email: paul@flatwaterredangusgang.com Seedstock Producer Sale Date: March 23rd, 2015 Corey Cable Triangle Y Cattle Co. 10329 – 728 Rd. Bertrand, NE 68927 Phone: (402)980-1389 Email: triangleycattle@gmail.com Wayne & Jody Choat DBA Choat Cattle Company 1311 Beaver Street St. Edward, NE 68660 Phone: (402)678-3439 Stephen and Kaye Cumro 62849 – 713th Trl. Table Rock, NE 68447 Genetic make-up of herd/bulls used: Black Angus/Hereford. John Daigger Daigger-Orr Angus Ranch 7578 Miriam Rd. North Platte, NE 69101 Phone: (308)532-4905 Email: orrangus@gmail.com Seedstock Producer Sale Date: April 7th, 2015 Private treaty on replacement heifers in the fall Neal/Raymond Eickhoff Eickhoff Farms 71450 648 Ave. Verdon, Ne 68457 Phone: (402)669-5265 Email: Neickhof@aol.com Seedstock Producer Sale Date: March 2015 Kelly & Mary Evans Evans Cattle Company 24990 S. Wilson Rd. Gothenburg, NE 69138 Phone: Kelly; (620)272-2958 Mary; (308)746-6511 Email: kwevans@live.com Seedstock Producer Private Treaty in the winter and spring on 2 year old bulls Scott & Kim Ford Cross Diamond Red Angus 72862 C Rd. Bertrand, NE 68927 Phone: (308)876-2211 Email: thefords@crossdiamondcattle.com Seedstock and Commercial Producer Sale Date: December 8th 2014 Private treaty sales after Jan. 1st, 2015 Genetic make-up of herd/bulls used: Red and Black Angus cowherd, 100% Red Angus bulls. When and how are cattle marketed: Commercial bred heifers sold in December production sale. Weaned steer calves sold in fall. Vaccinaiton protocols: Pre-weaning includes: BVD, PI-3, BRSV, haemophilus somnus, dewormed. Other: BVD-PI tested negative, FCCP tagged, weaned and bunk broke at least 45 days. Jim Gosey Gosey Red Angus 5787 West Waverly Rd. Raymond, NE 68428 Phone: (402)783-2902 Email: jim@gosey.net , website: www.goseyredangus.com Seedstock Producer Bull Sale Date: March 28th, 2015 Cow Sale Date: November 20th, 2014 Jeff Gotschall Resting Heart Cattle Co. 3360 26th Ave. Columbus, NE 68601 Phone: (402)276-0911 Email: jcgotschall@neb.rr.com Private treaty on bred heifers in December. Genetic make-up of herd/bulls: 100% Red Angus When and how are cattle marketed: Steer calves are backgrounded till mid-February and sold in Bassett. A second group of steers are backgrounded till early April and they are also sold in Bassett. Heifers are synchronized/AI’ed and then sold in December under a private treaty. Vaccination protocols: Complete herd health, industry standard. Other: FCCP tagged, no implants, knife cut. Wayne Gruber Circle G Farms 402 Stafford St. Waco, NE 68460-9716 Phone: (402)728-5455 Email: wgruber75@gmail.com Genetic make-up of herd/bulls: 100% Red Angus. When and how are cattle marketed: Raised & finished at home, then sold into the Meyer Natural program. Vaccination Protocols: One Shot/ BoviGold 5/ 7 Way Blackleg. Other: FCCP tagged. Hillary Hayes 2121 W 39th St. Apt. 11 Kearney, NE 68845 Email: hayeshg@lopers.unk.edu Seedstock Producer Jon Herrick Herrick Cattle Genetics 27430 Hwy 183 Miller, NE 68858 Neil & Anita Hueftle Hueftle Cattle Company 75580 Rd. 421 Cozad, NE 69130 Phone: Home; (308)784-4076 Neil Cell; (308)529-0648 Anita Cell; (308)529-0747 Email: hueftle5@gmail.com or hueftle5@cozadtel.net Seedstock Producer Sale Date: Second Friday in March Willis D. Hunt Hunt Farms- Beaver City, NE 616 Madden Rd. Hastings, NE 68901 Phone: (402)463-3981 Private treaty on bred heifers. When and how are cattle marketed: Weaned and bunk broke. Steers are sent to McClymont feed yard. Heifers are sold as private treaty. Vaccination protocols: Pre-weaning includes 7-Way Blackleg, IBR-PI-3, dewormer. Replacement heifers are bangs vaccinated. Bill & Karen Huntrods, Mika Huntrods, Shyenna Engel Huntrods Red Angus 1827 Hwy 20 Box 253 Harrison, NE 69346 Phone: (308)668-2231, Please leave a message Email: mhuntrods@hotmail.com Seedstock Producer Genetic make-up of herd/bulls used: 100% Red Angus. When and how are cattle marketed: Heifers and steers are sold off the cows the third Friday in October at Crawford Livestock Sale Barn. Vaccination protocols: Pre-weaning; Multimin, One Shot Ultra 7, Vira Shield 6. Other: No implants. Mike & Kathy Jackson Rafter JX Red Angus 33070 Shelton Rd. Ravenna, NE 68869 Phone: (308)467-2366 Email: rafterjxredangus@gmail.com Seedstock Producer Private treaty Genetic make-up of herd/bulls used: 100% Red Angus bulls and cows. When and how are cattle marketed: Weaned/bunk broke/vaccinated. Steers sold- Loup City Sale Barn; 45-60 days post weaning. Heifers sold- private treaty following weaning. Vaccination protocols: Baby Calves- Piliguard Pinkeye 7Way, Pyramid 5 + Presponse SQ, Clostridium Perfringens Type A, Pinkeye M. Bovoculi, UltraSaber Pour-on. Weaning Calves- Pyramid 5 + Presponse SQ, Covexin 8 Blackleg/Tetanus, Pinkeye M. Bovoculi, Ivermectin Pour-on. Heifers at weaning also receive OCV + Lutalyse. Jim Johnston Johnston Ranch 42728 Cox Rd. Milburn, NE 68813 Phone: (308)547-0429 Email: mackenzie_j07@yahoo.com Commercial Producer When and how are cattle marketed: Select heifers are kept as replacements for our own herd. Another group of heifers are sold as bred heifers in the fall. The remaining heifers are spayed and sold as yearlings. Steers are backgrounded till 750 lbs., then sold as feeders. Vaccination protocols: 7 Way Blackleg, One Shot, and Bovi-Shield given at Branding. 7 Way Blackleg, One Shot, Bovi-Shield, and Ivomec at pre-conditioning. Replacement heifers are bangs vaccinated and given pregguard 10. Other: No implants. Closed herd for 85 years Joe Keiser J Bar K Ranch 41381 Rd. 767 Gothenburg, NE 69138 Commercial Producer Phone: (308)537-2852 Genetic make-up of herd/bulls used: Red Angus and Shorthorn cows. Red Angus bulls on heifers and Simmental bulls on cows. When and how are cattle marketed: All calves are fed out in feedlot, then they are sold at approximately 15 months of age as fats. Vaccination protocols: All spring shots. Keith E. Kelly 688 Beck Rd. Grand Island, NE 68801 Phone: (308)382-4901 Lee Klein Klein Red Angus P.O. Box 8 Scotia, NE 68875 Phone: (308)750-2900 Email: kleinredangus@yahoo.com Private treaty Ross A. Knott Sandbur Ridge Red Angus P.O Box 43 Petersburg, NE 68652 Phone: (402)843-8726 Email: rknott@petersburgstatebank.com Seedstock Producer Sale Date: 3/23/15 Randy & Leslie Lemke Lemke Cattle 1757 Rd. 2500 Lawrence, NE 68957 Phone: (402)469-2284 Email: rllemke@gtmc.net Gary MacLeod MacLeod Ranch 37871 Kennedy Rd. Valentine, NE 69201 Phone: (402)376-1899 Email: ggrkmac@wildblue.net Genetic make-up of herd/bulls used: 100% Red Angus Clay & Lindsay Mead Mead Red Angus 2114 Rd. 1200 Bladen, NE 68928 Phone: (402)480-3425 Email: clay.d.mead@gmail.com Seedstock Producer Private treaty in the spring on bulls and heifers Myron & Kay Miigerl K&M 24462 Range Rd. Ravenna, NE 68869-3130 Phone: (308)467-2325 Email: mkmiigerl@hotmail.com Commercial Producer Genetic makeup of herd/bulls used: Red and black cows used. 100% Red Angus bulls. When and how are cattle marketed: Weaned and bunk broke. Steers sold at Huss Livestock Market in Kearney, NE mid-February. Vaccination protocols: Pre-weaning vaccination; 7 Way Blackleg, IBR-PI-3, dewormer. Replacement heifers are bangs vaccinated. Other: No implants. Weaned and bunk broke 60-90 days. Ron Miller Wild Horse Valley Ranch 40180 E. Antelope Rd. Brady, NE 69123 Genetic make-up of herd/bulls: 100% Red Angus cowherd. 100% Red Angus bulls. Mark Moeller 6040 S. Monitor Rd. Grand Island, NE 68803-9208 Phone: (308)383-1770 Fred Nisley Nisley Inc. 74662 Rd. 431 Elwood, NE 68937 Phone: (308) 325-4866 Genetic make-up of herd/bulls used: 100% Red Angus. When and how are cattle marketed: Weaned, back grounded to 900 lbs., and then sold at the Lexington Sale Barn in January. Heifers are sold at the Lexington Sale Barn in March-April. Other: FCCP tagged. Stewart Nuesch 86096 – 552 Ave. Pierce, NE 68767 Phone: (402)329-6740 Brandon & Megan Nuttelman 14720 Amherst Rd. Amherst, NE 68812 Phone: (308)627-7740 Email: blnuttelman@huskers.unl.edu Commercial Producer Genetic make-up of herd/bulls used: Red/red baldie cows; high percentage of Red Angus with South Devon and Simmental influence bulls. When and how are cattle marketed: Weaned and bunk broke calves are sold in mid-January, early February at Huss Livestock Market in Kearney, NE. Vaccination protocols: Springtime; 7-Way Blackleg, Pinkeye, Pasturella, and BRD. Pre-conditioning; 7Way Blackleg, 6-Way BRD with Somnus, and Pasturella. Revaccination; Injectable wormer, 6-Way BRD with Somnus. Other: One shot prostaglandin synchronization protocol for cows. 45 day calving period. Helen Hall- Brad & Paula Pokorny Hall- Pokorny Red Angus 76 Co. Rd. 230 Stapleton, NE 69163 Phone: (308)636-2275 Email: hallreds@nntc.net or bbpokorny@gpcom.net Seedstock Producer Sale Date: March 12th, 2015 Eric & Shannon Ravenscroft Ravenscroft Red Angus 35899 Ravenscroft Lane Nenzel, NE 69219 Phone: (402)376-2332 Email: 3bar@threeriverwb.net Seedstock Producer Sale Date: Mid-March Jeff & Jennie Scholl 4536 Hwy 136 Nora, NE 68961 Phone: (402)621-0293 Email: jeffscholl@windstream.net Seedstock & Commercial Producer Private treaty Genetic make-up of herd/bulls used: All red cows, mostly Red Angus, some 100%. Red Angus bulls, 40 years Ai’ing. When and how are cattle marketed: Preconditioned steers sold in Belleville, KS in January. Replacement quality heifers, yearling bulls. Vaccination Protocols: To grass; 8 Way Blackleg, IBR-PI3-BRSV, Dectomax, local vet developed pink eye vaccination also. Weaning; IBR-PI3 syneistial with pasturella mutlocida, Dectomax. 3 weeks later booster of IBR-PI3-BRSV. Other: No implants. Weaned and bunk broke 60-90 days. Butch & Darrell Schuler Schuler-Olsen Ranches, Inc. 7522 Rd. 74 Bridgeport, NE 69336 Phone: (308)262-0306 Email: info1@schulerredangus.com Seedstock Producer Sale Date: Fourth Thursday in March, 2015 Private treaty year round Kim Siebert S Diamond Angus 108 Rd. 3 Henderson, NE 68371 Phone: (402)723-4376 Email: sdiamond@mainstaycomm.net Seedstock Producer Sale Date: February 28th, 2015 Private treaty on bred females in the fall Benjamin Simpson Simpson Ranch 51277 Pheasant Ln. Whitman, NE 69366-6617 When and how are cattle marketed: All steers and some heifers we retain ownership and custom feed them out. Leanoard M. Smith Smith Farms Angus 4561 480th Rd. Hay Springs, NE 69347 Phone: (308)232-4458 Email: smithfarmsangus@gmail.com Seedstock Producer Sale Date: March 7th, 2015 (Tentative) Eldon Snoke Lord’s Farm 71575 631 Blvd. Humboldt, NE 68376 Phone: (402)862-5110 Email: eldonsnoke@yahoo.com Private treaty: Yearling Red Angus bulls Genetic make-up of herd/bulls used: Red Angus bulls, Red Angus and red/ red baldie cowherd. When and how are cattle marketed: Bred heifers are sold at Beatrice 77 in January, bred cow sale. Selling approximately 80 hd. 25 years selling bred heifers. Vaccination protocols: Complete Zoetis Vaccination program. Other: Heifers synchronized and AI bred to calve mid-February. Bulls turned in 2 weeks after AI for 45 days. David Spencer J-6 Farms 5960 Maple Rd. Gibbon, NE 68840 Phone: (308)627-6259 Email: david.spencer@hurtrust.com Seedstock Producer Sale Date: Heifers; Oct. 23rd. Bulls; March Brent & Roxanne Stutzman Blue Rive Cattle 2178 Saltillo Rd. Milford, NE 68405 Phone: Home; (402)761-2416 Brent Cell; (402)641-0510 Email: brstutzmancattle@gmail.com Commercial Producer Genetic make-up of herd/bulls used: 100% Red Angus cows and bulls. When and how are cattle marketed: Private sales, Superior Livestock Auction and smaller numbers at Columbus Sale Barn and Huss Livestock Auction in Kearney. We primarily sell first calf heifer pairs in the spring and second calvers without calves in the fall. Vaccination protocols: Pre-weaning vaccination includes 7-Way Blackleg, IBR-PI-3, dewormer, and Ivomec. Replacement heifers are Bangs vaccinated. Other: Red Angus FCCP eligible and tagged when requested. University of Nebraka- Lincoln A218 Animal Science Lincoln, NE 68503-0908 Phone: (402)472-6489 Email: mspangler2@unl.edu Seedstock Producer Sale Date: April 11th, 2015 Brandon Wobken 2277 Co. Rd. F Hooper, NE 68031 Phone: (402)720-9382 Email: bwobken@gmail.com Commercial Producer Genetic make-up of herd/bulls used: 100 % and 75% Red Angus bulls. When and how are cattle marketed: Weaned and bunk broke. Sold at West Point or Dunlap, IA sale barn in January. Replacement quality heifers- some A.I’d for own herd and some sold as bred replacements. Vaccination Protocols: Pyramid 5+Presponse SQ, Inforce 3, 7 Way Blackleg, Cylence Pour-on, Dectomax wormer.
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