2015 South Australia roadshow seminarS Maitland PORTPIRIE ELIZABETH Glenelg mountbarkerBerri Barossa Adelaide noarlungadowns mountgambier Naracoorte PortAugusta PORTLINCOLN Maitland PORTPIRIE ELIZABETHGlenelg NECA South Australia is hosting seminars throughout the state from March to May 2015 to provide electricians with information on a range of topics. Attendees will receive a NECA Show Bag containing their Seminar handout, which has all the slides covered in the presentations, and a stack of other goods for attendees to take home. Suppliers, manufacturers and wholesalers will be on location with their new products and service displays and NECA SA staff will also be on hand to answer your questions in regard to what NECA can do for you and your business. You will need to register to attend simply by completing and returning the registration form over the page. Tickets will be issued for entry into the event and by putting your ticket in the entry box at the door, attendees can go into the NIGHTLY prize draws at each seminar, as well as the major prize draw to win a Fluke 1652C Electrical Installation Tester! (The Prize will be drawn at 11:00am on Monday 18/5/2015 at the NECA SA office, located at 213 Greenhill Rd, Eastwood. The winner will be notified by phone and email on this day.) For further information or assistance please contact the NECA SA office on (08) 8272 2966. 6:00 pm: Doors open. View sponsor displays. 6:30 pm: NECA Opening Address / Introduction. Charity of Choice: Mates in Construction 6:35 pm: NECA SA: • Dave is Back! • Discounts for Members • Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) 6:50 pm: SA Power Networks: • Updates to the Service and Installation Rules • Q&A Forum 7:20 pm: Energize Oz: • MAP Program Review + Moving Forward 7:30 pm: Session break. Catering and view sponsor displays. 8:00 pm: Straight Through Insurance: • Free NECA Membership with Your Income Protection 8:10 pm: Triple Point Calibrations: • Test Equipment: Care and Use 8:20 pm: Office of the Technical Regulator: • The new AS5033 • Electrical Equipment Approvals • Electrical Certificates of Compliance 8:55 pm: Formal Closure. Questions. View sponsor displays. 9:00 pm: Expected conclusion time. Electricians who are a part of the Clean Energy Council Solar PV Accreditation Scheme can receive 30 CPD points for attending a NECA Roadshow Seminar. For further information, visit www.solaraccreditation.com.au. PROUDLY SUPPORTED BY: Program Includes: Your chance to WIN a Fluke Installation Tester! 2015 roadshow seminarS REGISTRATION FORM: South Australia Maitland PORTPIRIE ELIZABETH Glenelg mountbarker Berri Barossa Adelaide noarlungadowns mountgambier Naracoorte PortAugusta PORTLINCOLN Maitland PORTPIRIE ELIZABETH CONTACT DETAILS: (please ensure your details are correct as this will be used for ticketing and/or issuing of invoices) Contact Person: The person who tickets and/or invoices are directed to. Company Name: Postal Address: Suburb: State:Postcode: Telephone:Mobile: Email Address: @ Tick if you would like to subscribe to NECA SA eNews ABN: NECA Member No: LOCATION DETAILS: Please select the seminar location you would like to attend: Maitland 16 March Monday Maitland Golf Club 2 Gardner Tce Port PirieTuesday 17 March Port Club Rooms Wandearah Rd ElizabethMonday 23 March Central District Football Club Goodman Rd Glenelg The Bay Function Centre Brighton Rd Wednesday 25 March Mount BarkerMonday 30 March Mount Barker Golf Club 435 Bald Hills Rd BerriTuesday 31 March Berri Resort Hotel Riverview Drv BarossaWednesday 1 April Nuriootpa Vine Inn Hotel 14-22 Murray St AdelaideTuesday28 April The Venue at Richmond, West Adelaide Football Club 57 Milner Rd, Richmond Jimmy Deane’s Entertainment South Adelaide Football Club 1 Lovelock Drv Noarlunga Wednesday 29 April Downs Mt GambierMonday 4 May Blue Lake Public Golf Links Grant Ave NaracoorteTuesday 5 May Settlers Café & Function Rooms 85 Gordon St Port AugustaMonday 11 May Standpipe Golf Motor Inn 1 Daw Street Port LincolnTuesday 12 May Port Lincoln Hotel 1 Lincoln Highway ATTENDEE DETAILS: Please list the full names of those people attending the event: Name (1): Name (2): Name (3): Name (4): No. of people attending: Additional attendees may be registered by supplying full names on an additional sheet. PAYMENT DETAILS: NECA SA Members+: Method: No Charge for NECA SA Members NON-NECA SA Members: No. of tickets _______ MasterCard* Visa* @ $35.00 per person (inc GST) = $ ___________ Cheque enclosed payable to NECA SA EFT (details below) Card No. Expiry Date: / Name: Date: / 2015 Signature: / EFT Details NECA SA: Westpac, 180 Hutt St, ADELAIDE SA 5000 BSB: 035-010 Account No. 350-688 Please fax or email remittance advice with Registration Form. TO REGISTER: Please send you registration form to NECA SA at least 7 days prior to the event via: Fax: (08) 8373 1528 Email: neca@necasa.asn.au Post to: PO Box 47, Fullarton SA 5063 TERMS & CONDITIONS: *All Credit Card payments incur a 3% processing fee. Seating at the events are limited. You must register at least 7 days prior to the event to attend. Only fully completed forms (with payment for non-NECA SA members) will be accepted. Confirmation of all bookings will be made with the receipt of tickets (paying non-NECA SA members will also receive a receipt) and a reminder email. All attendees are required to present their ticket at the door to attend the event and enter the prize draw. Refunds will not be given for cancellations. Information collected via registration will only be used for seminar correspondence as in accordance with the Privacy Act. Only paying sponsors retain the right to attend and promote products and services at the events. NECA SA retains the right to refuse entry to any persons. +NECA SA members are classified as Full or Affiliate Members. Industry Suppliers will need to pay the standard fee to attend. COLLECTION OF PERSONAL INFORMATION: All information is collected in accordance with the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012 and the Privacy Act 1988. A complete Privacy Policy can be found on the NECA website or can be provided to you on request. Office use only: Tickets issued Database Invoice No. ______________
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