e-Bidding Document For Supply, Installation, Testing and

e-Bidding Document
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning including 5 years Operation,
Comprehensive Warranty and Maintenance of Grid Connected Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic
Power Plants in various Districts in the State of Uttar Pradesh.
Bid No: 01/UPNEDA/Grid Connect/Rooftop/2015
date: 30.4.2015
Issued By:
Uttar Pradesh New and Renewable Energy Development Agency, (UPNEDA)
(Dept. of Additional Sources of Energy, Govt. of U.P.)
Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow-226010
Tel.No. 0522-2720652, TeleFax: 0522-2720779, 2720829
Website: http://neda.up.nic.in E-Mail: compneda@rediffmail.com
April 2015
e-tender Notice
Uttar Pradesh New and Renewable Energy Development Agency, (UPNEDA)
(Deptt. of Additional Sources of Energy, Govt. of U.P.)
Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow U P
Tel.No. 91-0522-2720652, TeleFax: 0522-2720779, 2720829
Website:http://neda.up.nic.in E-Mail: compneda@rediffmail.com
UPNEDA invites Online Bids from Prospective Bidders through e-tendering for the supply, installation, testing
and commissioning including 5 years Operation, Comprehensive warranty & maintenance of following item at
various sites in Uttar Pradesh as per the details given in e -tender document.
e-tender No.
Fee of etender
and 01/UPNEDA/ Approximately
08 Lakhs
Commissioning including 5 years Operation Grid
capacity 2 MW
(eight lakhs)
,Comprehensive Warranty and Maintenance Connect/Roof
of Grid Connected Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic top/2015
Power Plants in various Districts in the State
of Uttar Pradesh .
The tender document is available at e-Procurement website http://etender.up.nic.in and UP Electronics Corporation’s
website www.uplc.in from 01-.05-2015. Interested bidders may view, download the e-Bid document, seek
clarification and submit their e-Bid online up to the date and time mentioned in the table below:
Availability of tender document on website
Pre Bid Meeting
e-Procurement web site
15.5.2015 at 11.30 AM
e-Bid submission end date & Time
29.5.2015 up to 06.00 PM
Online technical e-Bid opening date & time
30-05-2015 at 12.30 PM
Online financial e-Bid opening date & time (Only of
technically qualified bidders)
Venue of opening of technical & financial e-Bids
15.6.2015 at 1.00 PM
UPNEDA Head Office, Vibhuti Khand, Gomti
Nagar, Lucknow-226010
The companies/firms who are registered at e-Procurement portal for e-tendering with U.P. Electronics Corporation Ltd. (UPLC),
10, Ashok Marg, Lucknow (UP) would only be eligible for participating in this e-tender. All companies/firms who have not
registered themselves with UPLC for e-tendering till date can get their registration done. The companies/firms may contact U.P.
Electronics Corporation Ltd. (UPLC), 10, Ashok Marg, Lucknow (UP) for their Registration. The bidders need to submit the
proof/cost of e-Bid document fees and EMD as stated in the above table through Demand Draft as bid documents fees and bank
guarantee as EMD in favour of Director Uttar Pradesh New and Renewable Energy Development Agency (UPNEDA), payable at
LUCKNOW. The scanned copy of the Demand Draft and Bank guarantee must be enclosed along with the e-Bids. The original
Demand Draft and bank guarantee along with the hard copy of the blank document with enclosures duly signed by bidders must
reach the office of UPNEDA at Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar Lucknow before opening date and time of technical e-Bid failing
which, tender shall not be considered. Aggregate capacity mentioned as above, may increase or decrease. Director, Uttar Pradesh
New and Renewable Energy Development Agency, (UPNEDA) reserves the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning
any reason thereof. The decision of Director UPNEDA will be final and binding.
1. The Uttar Pradesh New and Renewable Energy Development Agency, hereinafter
referred to as UPNEDA, acting through Director, Uttar Pradesh New & Renewable
Energy Development Agency, Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow, hereby invites
online bids from interested companies (“Bidders”), to participate in the e-bidding process
for the selection of a Bidder(s) through competitive bidding process for Supply,
Installation, Testing, Commissioning including five (5) years Operation,Comprehensive
warranty & maintenance. of Grid Connected Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic power plant(s) at
the identified sites .
2. The Bidders shall be deemed to have acquainted themselves with the State and Solar
Insolation incident on the State and all other factors involved in the execution of works.
3. Bidding Process: UPNEDA seeks to qualify, select and empanel Bidder(s) for the
development of rooftop solar photovoltaic power generation plants on the roofs of
buildings as per the prescribed scope of work in the State of Uttar Pradesh through this ebidding process. For the purpose of selection and empanelment of the Bidder(s), the
Bidders shall be required to electronically submit both Non-Financial Bid and Financial
Bid simultaneously in accordance with the timelines mentioned in Clause 1.12 of this EBID DOCUMENT. The Bidder(s) who meet the Qualification Requirement specified in
Clause 1.1 will be the Qualified Bidder(s) and the Financial Bids of all such Qualified
Bidder(s) shall be opened and evaluated in accordance with the provisions of Clause 2
for the purpose of selection and empanelment of the Bidder(s). Bidders who want to bid
for more than one ‘Category’ are required to submit only one (1) Non-Financial Bid and
Financial Bid for all Category. Bidder selection shall be conducted as per the provisions
of Clause 2.6.
4. Issue of Bid Document: The detailed terms and conditions for qualification of the
Bidders and for Bid submission are indicated in the E-BID DOCUMENT. All those
interested in participating in the e-bidding process shall be required to register at eProcurement portal for e-tendering with Uttar Pradesh Electronics Corporation Limited.
The bidders are required to submit a non-refundable fee of Rs. 11025.00 (Rupees Eleven
Thousand and twenty five rupees only) which is inclusive of 5% VAT in the form of a
demand draft / banker’s cheque/pay order drawn in favor of “Director Uttar Pradesh New
and Renewable Energy Development Agency (UPNEDA)” payable at Lucknow. In
addition, the bidders shall also submit Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of requisite amount
in the form of a bank guarantee issued by a nationalized bank, or State Bank of India and
its subsidiary banks in the prescribed format. The scanned copy of the demand drafts/
banker’s cheque/pay order and the bank guarantee shall be submitted along with the
technical bid. The original Demand Draft and bank guarantee along with the hard copy of
the blank document with enclosures duly signed by bidders must reach the office of
UPNEDA at Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar Lucknow before opening date and time of
technical e-Bid failing which, tender shall not be considered. The bid document shall be
available to the Bidders for download from e-Procurement website http://etender.up.nic.in
and UP Electronics Corporation’s website www.uplc.in.
5. Receipt and Opening of Bid: The Bid must be submitted at the e-procurement portal
before 6.00 PM on 29.5.2015 and the online e-Technical bid Bid will be opened on
30.05.2015 at 12.30 PM, in the presence of the Bidder’s representatives who wish to
attend. If it is a public holiday e-Technical Bid shall be opened on the next working day.
Note that the bid date and time may be amended and any such amendment shall be
notified to the recipients of the bid documents.
6. Enquiries and clarifications All correspondence, clarifications in respect of the bid
document and submission of the Bid shall be addressed to:
Uttar Pradesh New and Renewable Energy Development
Agency (UPNEDA)
Vibhuti Khand,
Gomti Nagar,
Lucknow – 226010
+91 522-2720829, 2720652,
+91 0522-2720779
7. Particulars of e-Tender
S No
e-Bid No
01/UPNEDA/Grid Connect/Rooftop/2015
Scope of Work
Erection & Commissioning
A. Design, Supply, Installation, Testing &
Commissioning of Grid Interactive Rooftop
Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant
B. Supplying,
commissioning of power evacuation system –
including meters and other necessary
Operation & Maintanance
A. Operation & Comprehensive warranty and
maintenance maintenance* of the Grid
Interactive Rooftop Solar photovoltaic power
plant for a period of 5 years
B. Operation
evacuation system
Rs. 11,025/- (Rs. Eleven Thousand and twenty five
only) non-refundable in the form of Demand
Draft/Banker’s Cheque drawn in favour of Director
Uttar Pradesh New and Renewable Energy
Development Agency (UPNEDA) payable at Lucknow
from nationalized bank only
Tender Document Fee
Earnest Money Deposit
Performance 10% of the total contract value in the form of Bank
Guarantee issued by a nationalized bank, or State
Bank of India and its subsidiary banks to be
organization/Office/Primary Beneficiary placing work
Completion Period
Individual capacity at site to be within 6 months from
the date of award of work
Pre-Bid Meeting
15/5/2015 at 11.30 AM
Rs. 08 Lakh (Rs eight Lakh only) in the form of Bank
Guarantee in favour of Director Uttar Pradesh New
and Renewable Energy Development Agency
(UPNEDA) issued by a nationalized bank, or State
Bank of India and its subsidiary banks in the
prescribed format.
S No
Last date of submission 29/5/2015 at 6.00 PM
of e-Bid
Date and Time of opening 30/5/2015 at 12.30 PM
of e-tender (Technical
Date & Time of opening 15/06/15 at 1.00PM
of Financial e-Bid
Place of opening of e- UPNEDA Head Office vibhuthikhand Gomtinagar
Pre-Bid UPNEDA Head Office vibhuthi khand Gomtinagar
Technical Specification of As per Clause 14
Bid evaluation criteria
As per Clause 2
Bid validity
The bid shall remain valid for a term of One Hundred
and Eighty (180) Days from the bid closing date
Variation in financial bid
The price quoted as per Format 9 shall remain valid
for the entire term of contract and shall not be subject
to any variation
1. Bidders are advised to study the tender Document carefully. Submission of e-Bid against this tender
shall be deemed to have been done after careful study and examination of the procedures, terms and
conditions of the tender Document with full understanding of its implications.
2. The e-Bid prepared in accordance with the procedures enumerated in ITB Clause 15 of Section-I
should be submitted through e-Procurement website http://etender.up.nic.in.
3. The e-Bids will be electronically opened in the presence of bidder’s representatives, who choose to
attend at the venue, date and time mentioned in the above table. An authority letter of bidder’s
representative will be required to be produced.
4. In the event of date specified for e-Bids opening being declared a holiday for UPNEDA’s office then
the due date for opening of e-Bids shall be the following working day at the appointed time and place.
5. All the required documents including Price Schedule/BOQ should be uploaded by the e-Bidder
electronically in the PDF/XLS format. The required electronic documents for each document label of
Technical (Fee details, Qualification details, e-Bid Form and Technical Specification details)
schedules/packets can be clubbed together to make single different files for each label. All the
enclosures should be scanned and uploaded with bid.
6. The companies/firms who are registered at e-Procurement portal for e-tendering with U.P. Electronics
Corporation Ltd. (UPLC), 10, Ashok Marg, Lucknow (UP) would only be eligible for participating in this etender. All companies/firms who have not registered themselves with UPLC for e-tendering till date can
get their registration done. The companies/firms may contact the UPLC officials on phone numbers
0522-2286809, 0522-2288750 (O) 0522-4130303 (Extn: 303, 304 & 307), for their Registration/Digital
Signature Certificate related queries.
(Signature of Bidder)
With Seal
The information contained in this e-Bid document or subsequently provided to the
Bidder(s), whether verbally or in documentary or in any other form by or on behalf of the
UPNEDA, Primary beneficiaries of the plants, or any of their employees or advisors, is
provided to the Bidder(s) on the terms and conditions set out in this e-bid document and
such other terms and conditions subject to which such information is provided.
This e-bid document is not an agreement and is neither an offer nor invitation by the
UPNEDA to the prospective Bidders or any other party. The purpose of this e-bid
document is to provide interested parties with information that may be useful to them in
making their Bid. This e-bid document includes statements, which reflect various
assumptions and assessments arrived at by the UPNEDA in relation to the development
of rooftop solar photovoltaic power plants. Such assumptions, assessments and
statements do not purport to contain all the information that each Bidder may require.
This e-bid document may not be appropriate for all persons, and it is not possible for the
UPNEDA, their employees or advisors to consider the investment objectives, financial
situation and particular needs of each party who reads or uses this e-bid document. The
assumptions, assessments, statements and information contained in this e-bid
document may not be complete, accurate, adequate or correct. Each Bidder should,
therefore, conduct its own investigations and analysis and should check the accuracy,
adequacy, correctness, reliability and completeness of the assumptions, assessments,
statements and information contained in this e-bid document and obtain independent
advice from appropriate sources.
The information provided in this e-bid document to the Bidder(s) is on a wide range of
matters, some of which depends upon interpretation of law. The information given is not
an exhaustive account of statutory requirements and should not be regarded as a
complete or authoritative statement of law. The UPNEDA accepts no responsibility for
the accuracy or otherwise for any interpretation or opinion on law expressed herein.
The UPNEDA, its employees and advisors make no representation or warranty and shall
have no liability to any person including any Bidder under any law, statute, rules or
regulations or tort, principles of restitution or unjust enrichment or otherwise for any loss,
damages, cost or expense which may arise from or be incurred or suffered on account of
anything contained in this e-bid document or otherwise including the accuracy,
adequacy, correctness, completeness or reliability of the e-bid document and any
assessment, assumption, statement or information contained therein or deemed to form
part of this e-bid document or arising in any way in this Bid.
The UPNEDA also accepts no liability of any nature whether resulting from negligence or
otherwise howsoever caused arising from reliance of any Bidder upon the statements
contained in this e-bid document.
The UPNEDA may in its absolute discretion, but without being under any obligation to do
so, update, amend or supplement the information, assessment or assumptions
contained in this e-bid document.
The issue of this e-bid document does not imply that UPNEDA is bound to select a
Bidder or to appoint a Selected/Empanelled Bidder for the development of rooftop solar
photovoltaic power generation plant and the UPNEDA reserves the right to reject all or
any of the Bidders or Bids or discontinue or cancel the bidding process without assigning
any reason whatsoever.
The Bidder shall bear all its costs associated with or relating to the preparation and
submission of its Bid including but not limited to preparation, copying, postage, delivery
fees, expenses associated with any demonstrations or presentations which may be
required by UPNEDA or any other costs incurred in connection with or relating to its Bid.
All such costs and expenses will remain with the Bidder and the UPNEDA shall not be
liable in any manner whatsoever for the same or for any other costs or other expenses
incurred by a Bidder in preparation or submission of the Bid, regardless of the conduct or
outcome of the Bidding Process.
The words and expressions beginning with capital letters and defined in the E-BID DOCUMENT
shall, unless repugnant to the context, have the meaning ascribed thereto herein. In absence of
availability of definitions in the foregoing references, the capitalized terms shall be interpreted in
accordance with the Electricity Act 2003, the CERC (Terms and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations
2012, the UP Supply Code or any other relevant electricity law, rule or regulation prevalent in
India, as amended or re-enacted from time to time, in that order. The following terms are defined
for use in the E-BID DOCUMENT:
“Appropriate Commission” shall mean the Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission
set up under the Electricity Act 2003;
“Bids” shall mean the Technical Bid and the Financial Bid submitted by the Bidder electronically
at the prescribed web portal, in response to the e-bid document, in accordance with the terms
and conditions hereof;
“Bid Deadline” shall mean the last date and time for submission of Bid in response to the e-bid
document, as specified in Clause 1.12 of the e-bid document and as may have been extended in
accordance with the e-bid document;
“Bidder” shall mean a Bidding Company complying with the provisions of Companies Act, 1956;
“Bidding Company” shall refer to such single company that has submitted the Bid in
accordance with the provisions of the e-bid document;
“Bid Process Coordinator” shall mean UPNEDA, including its successors and permitted
“Bid Validity” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Clause 1.4;
“Category I” shall mean the grid connected rooftop solar photovoltaic power generation plants
with capacity in the range of up to and including 5 kWp;
“Category II” shall mean the grid connected rooftop solar photovoltaic power generation plants
with capacity in the range of above 5 kWp and up to and including 50 kWp;
“Category III” shall mean the grid connected rooftop solar photovoltaic power generation plants
with capacity in the range of 50 kWp and up to and including 100kWp;
“Category IV” shall mean the grid connected rooftop solar photovoltaic power generation plants
with capacity in the range of above 100 kWp and up to and including 250kWp;
“Category V” shall mean the grid connected rooftop solar photovoltaic power generation plants
with capacity in the range of above 250 kWp and up to and including 500kWp;
“City Limits” shall mean and include the area in and around the municipal areas of the city of
……….., however shall not exceed the license area of the host Distribution Licensee;
“Consents, Clearances and Permits” shall mean all authorizations, licenses, approvals,
registrations, permits, waivers, privileges, acknowledgements, agreements, or concessions
required to be obtained from or provided by any concerned authority for the purpose of
installation of the generation plant or captive consumption of such generation;
“Contract Period” shall mean the term from the date of issue of letter of intent/work order by the
Primary Beneficiary to the Selected/Empanelled Bidder(s) which includes completion period and
five (5) years from the date of commissioning;
“Contract Performance Guarantee” shall mean the bank guarantee to be provided from a
scheduled commercial bank in India by the Selected/Empanelled Bidder to the Primary
Beneficiaries in accordance with Clause 1.8 in the prescribed Format 8;
“Earnest Money Deposit” shall mean the unconditional and irrevocable bank guarantee of an
amount to be calculated at the rate of 08 Lakh, to be submitted along with the Bid by the Bidder
pursuant to Clause 1.7 of this e-bid document, as prescribed in Format 7;
“Electricity” means the electrical energy in kilowatt-hours;
“Electricity Act 2003” shall mean the Electricity Act, 2003 and any rules, amendments,
regulation, notifications, guidelines or policies issued there under from time to time;
“EPC” shall mean engineering, procurement and construction of a plant or facility with obligation
to meet minimum performance standards along with requisite warranties for the plant or facility;
“Financial Bid” shall mean the e-Bid, containing the Bidder’s Quoted Capital Cost for different
Category in the Format 9 of the e-bid document;
“Financial Criteria” means the criteria specified in Clause 1.1.3;
“GoUP” shall mean Government of Uttar Pradesh;
“GoUP Buildings” shall mean the buildings owned by different departments of the GoUP;
“Letter of Intent” or “LOI” shall mean the letter to be issued by the Primary Beneficiary to the
Selected and Empanelled Bidder(s) for the scope of work under this e-bid document
“Non-Financial Bid” shall mean the e-Bid containing the documents as specified in Clause
1.3.1 of the E-BID DOCUMENT.
“Plant” shall mean rooftop solar photovoltaic power generation plants implemented on the
individual site;
“Primary Beneficiary” shall mean those GoUP departments/semi Govt /or any on the roof of
which the Plants shall be implemented;
“PV” shall mean photovoltaic;
“Qualification Requirements” shall mean the qualification requirements set forth in Clause 1.1
“Qualified Bidder(s)” shall mean the Bidder(s) who, after evaluation of their Technical Bid in
accordance with Clauses 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4, are declared by the UPNEDA as qualified for opening
and evaluation of their Financial Bid;
“Quoted Capital Cost” shall mean the capital cost requirement, in Wp, quoted by the Bidder in
accordance with the prescribed Format B and shall be construed to have considered the capital
cost for Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Grid Connected Rooftop
Solar Photovoltaic Power Plants including its Operation and Maintenance for five (5) years. The
quoted capital cost shall also include development of necessary evacuation infrastructure and its
Operation and Maintenance;
“E-BID DOCUMENT” shall mean this Request for Proposal dated 30.4.2015 along with all
formats attached hereto and shall include any modifications, amendments alterations or
clarifications thereto;
“Rs. or ₹” shall mean Indian rupees;
“Selected/Empanelled Bidder” shall mean, the Bidder selected and empanelled by the
UPNEDA pursuant to the e-bid document for implementing the scope of work in accordance with
the terms of the e-bid document.
“Solar Company” shall mean the Selected/Empanelled Bidder who submits the Contract
Performance Guarantee and implements the rooftop solar photovoltaic power generation plant in
accordance with the scope of work as elaborated in Clause 13;
“Statutory Auditor” shall mean the auditor of a company appointed under the provisions of the
Companies Act, 1956 or under the provisions of any other applicable governing law;
“Technical Criteria” shall mean the criteria specified in Clause 1.1.4;
“UPERC” means the Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission constituted under Section
82 of the Electricity Act 2003 for the State of Uttar Pradesh;
“UP Electricity Grid Code” or “Grid Code” or “UPEGC” shall mean the document notified by
the UPERC describing the responsibilities for planning and operation of the power system in
Uttar Pradesh in 2007 and as amended from time to time;
“UPNEDA” shall mean Uttar Pradesh New and Renewable Energy Development Agency,
which is the nodal agency as per the Solar Rooftop Photovoltaic Power Plant Policy-2014 to
facilitate implementation of the rooftop solar photovoltaic power generation plant in the State of
Uttar Pradesh;
1.1. Qualification Requirements
1.1.1. The Bidder shall be a company duly incorporated under the relevant laws of its
jurisdiction. The Bidder meeting the Qualification Requirements and demonstrating the
same, based on documentary evidence satisfying Clause 4, will be declared as a
Qualified Bidder.
1.1.2. To be eligible to be a Qualified Bidder, the Bidder shall fulfill the following Qualification
Requirements specified in Clause 1.1.3 and 1.1.4:
1.1.3. Financial Criteria: A copy of valid CST /State VAT/ TIN registration certificate The Bidder should have minimum annual financial turnover of 8 Cr (Rs Eight Crore)
as per audited annual reports in any of the last three (3) financial year ending
31.03.2014. ( A summarized sheet of turnover of last three Financial Years certified by
registered CA) Bidder should have net worth of Rs 2 Cr (Rs Two Crore) based on
unconsolidated audited annual accounts in any of the last three (3) financial year
preceding the Bid Deadline. For this purpose, unconsolidated audited annual
accounts should not be of a date prior to March 31, 2014.
The Bidders shall furnish documentary evidence in accordance with the Format 4,
duly certified by its Registered CA /Statutory Auditor in support of their financial
capability as required in clause and
1.1.4. Technical Criteria:
For demonstrating, technical capacity, the Bidder shall fulfill the following minimum
technical requirements specified below. The Bidder must have experience of Design, Supply, Installation, Testing,
Commissioning of solar photovoltaic power generating plants (including ground
mounted and/or rooftop power plants, grid connected and/or off-grid), including
operation & maintenance of at least 250 Kwp capacity (on an individual or
aggregate basis) as a developer of the plant or as an EPC Provider. Accordingly, the Bidder shall provide mandatorily information of commissioning
solar photovoltaic power generating plants (including ground mounted and/or
rooftop power plants, grid connected and/or off-grid) by the Bidder. Further, the
Bidder shall also provide information of undertaking the operation & maintenance of
solar photovoltaic power generating plants (including ground mounted and/or
rooftop power plants, grid connected and/or off-grid). Bidder has to mandatorily submit the documentary evidence which will include in
case of Grid connected projects commissioning certificate if project executed as
developer or work completion certificate,work order etc as EPC provider .In case of
Off-Grid projects certified completion certificate and copy of certified work order
etc is to be submitted for establishing the fulfillment of required minimum Technical
Criteria is specified in clause and
1.1.5. A Bidder shall submit only 1 (one) response. Further, if any Bidder has a Conflict of
Interest with other Bidder(s) participating in the same bidding process, the Bid of all
such Bidder(s) shall be rejected.
1.1.6. Notwithstanding anything stated above, the UPNEDA reserves the right to verify the
authenticity of the documents submitted for meeting the Qualification Requirements
and may request for any additional information and/or documents. The UPNEDA
reserves the right at its sole discretion to contact the Bidder’s bank, lenders, financing
institutions and any other persons as necessary to verify the Bidder’s information
and/or documents for the purpose of qualification.
1.1.7. (a) If at any stage of the bidding process, any order or ruling is found to have been
passed in the past two years preceding the Bid Deadline by an Appropriate
Commission or a competent court of law against any Bidder for its material breach of
any contract, then the Bids from such Bidders shall be liable to be rejected. All the
Bidders shall in the manner prescribed in Format 1 confirm that no such order(s) or
ruling(s) have been passed by an Appropriate Commission or a competent court of law
against it.
(b) If the bid security/earnest money deposit/contract performance guarantee
submitted by the Bidder has been forfeited, either partly or wholly, in any bid process
or the bidder is blacklisted any time in preceding the Bid Deadline, the Bids of such
Bidders shall be liable for rejection. The Bidder shall in the manner prescribed in
Format 1 confirm that the bid security/ earnest money deposit/contract performance
guarantee submitted by the Bidder, as aforesaid has not been forfeited.
Provided further that after the expiry of the Bid Deadline, in the event any such ruling
or order is passed against any Bidder for its material breach of any contract or bid
security is forfeited, at any time prior to issuance of Letter of Intent, the Bid of such
Bidder shall be liable to be rejected and the consequences mentioned in Clause 1.10
shall apply.
It shall be the responsibility of the Bidder to inform the UPNEDA regarding the passing
of such ruling, order or forfeiture of bid security, failing which the consequences
mentioned in of Clause 1.7.7 and Clause 1.10 shall apply.
1.1.8. The bidder should be required to implement the scope of work following the minimum
technical requirements/standards announced by Ministry of New and Renewable
1.1.9. The Selected/Empanelled Bidder(s) shall be required to establish service facilities in
Uttar Pradesh at suitable location(s) immediately after the commissioning of any Plant
1.2. Submission of Bid by the Bidder
1.2.1. The information and/or documents shall be submitted by the Bidder in the formats
specified as prescribed format(s) of this document.
1.2.2. The bid shall be submitted by the bidder on or before 29/5/2015 at 6.00 PM at e13
Procurement website http://etender.up.nic.in.
1.2.3. Strict adherence to the formats wherever specified, is required. Wherever, information
is sought in specified formats, the Bidder shall refrain from referring to brochures or
pamphlets. Non-adherence to formats and/or submission of incomplete information
may be a ground for declaring the Bid as non-responsive. Each format has to be duly
signed and stamped by the authorized signatory of the Bidder.
1.2.4. The Bidder shall furnish documentary evidence in support of meeting the Qualification
Requirements to the satisfaction of the UPNEDA and shall furnish unconsolidated or
consolidated audited annual accounts in support of meeting financial requirement,
which shall consist of unabridged balance sheet, profit and loss account, profit
appropriation account, auditors report, etc., as the case may be, of the Bidding
Company for the last three financial years immediately preceding the Bid Deadline for
the purpose of calculation of net worth.
1.2.5. The Bidding Company should designate 1 (one) person to represent the Bidding
Company in its dealings with the UPNEDA. The person should be authorized to
perform all tasks including, but not limited to providing information, responding to
enquiries and signing of Bid. The Bidding Company should submit, along with Bid, a
Power of Attorney in original (as prescribed in Format 2), authorizing the signatory of
the Bid.
1.3. e-Bidding Process
1.3.1. The e-Bid shall comprise of the following:
Part A: Technical e-Bid comprising of:
Earnest Money Deposit of requisite amount in the form of Bank Guarantee
in prescribed Format 6
Tender Fee in the form of Demand Draft/Banker’s Cheque
Covering letter in prescribed Format 1
Original power of attorney issued by the Bidding Company in favor of the
authorized person(s) signing the Bids/Attending Pre-Bid Meetings/Opening
of Non-Financial Bids/Opening of Financial Bids/Attending Negotiation
Meetings in the form attached hereto at Format 2
Bidder’s detail in prescribed Format 3
Details for Past Experience meeting Qualification Requirement in the
prescribed Format 4
Minimum Guaranteed Generation in the prescribed Format 5
A blank copy of the in e-tender document signed and sealed on each
page, as a confirmation by the Bidder to accept all technical
specifications / commercial conditions along with all necessary
Part B: Financial e-Bid comprising of:
The Bidder shall indicate prices on the appropriate financial bid
schedule. The Capital Cost (quoted in Indian Rupee), as per the scope of
work, inclusive of all taxes and duties, custom duty, excise duty, service
tax, sales tax, C.S.T., local taxes, Trade Tax/VAT, Income Tax,
Surcharge on income tax etc. if any. and including operation &
maintenance fee for 5 years shall be submitted in prescribed Format B
The Quoted Capital Cost shall be equal to or lower than Rs 80/Wp. In the
event, a Bidder has submitted a Quoted Capital Cost higher than Rs
80/Wp, the Financial Bid of such Bidder shall be rejected and the Earnest
Money Deposit of such Bidder shall be returned as per the provisions of
the Bid Document
Bidder will quote /apply for all categories or single as may be in Financial
Bid Schedule,
Anything in regard of financial condition, payment terms, rebate etc. if
mentioned in financial bid may make the tender invalid. Therefore, it is in
the interest of the Bidder not to write anything extra in format 8 except
1.4. Validity of the e-Bid
The Bid(s) shall be valid for a period of 3 months from the date of opening of the
financial bid of the e-tenders.. The UPNEDA reserve the right to reject any e-Bid which does
not meet the aforementioned validity requirement.
1.4.2. The UPNEDA may solicit the Bidders’ consent for an extension of the period of Bid
Validity. The request and the response in this regard shall be in writing. In the event
any Bidder refuses to extend its Bid Validity as requested by the UPNEDA, then the
UPNEDA shall not be entitled to invoke the Earnest Money Deposit. A Bidder
accepting the UPNEDA’s request for extension of Bid Validity shall not be permitted to
modify its Bids and such Bidder shall, accordingly, extend the validity of the Earnest
Money Deposit as requested by the UPNEDA within 7 (seven) days of such request,
failing which the Bids shall not be considered as valid.
1.5. UPLOADING OF e-Tender
. 1.5.1 The bid shall be uploaded online as per guide lines of U P Electronics Corporation
Ltd. (UPLC), 10, Ashok Marg, Lucknow (UP).
1.5.2 The tender must be complete in all technical and commercial respect and should
contain requisite certificate, drawings, informative literature etc. as required in the
1.5.3 First part (PART-A) should contain technical specification, brochure literature etc. All
parts of tender documents except financial bid should be uploaded as per e-procurement
mode in due date and time. Scanned copy of Requisite earnest money in the form of
Bank Guarantee should be enclosed.
1.5.4 The Bidder should submit price bid in Second part. Second part (PART-B) should
contain financial bid only should be uploaded as per e-procurement mode in due date
and time.
Anything in regard of financial condition, payment terms, rebate etc. mentioned in
financial bid may make the tender invalid. Therefore, it is in the interest of the Bidder not
to write anything extra in part-II except price.
The original copy of uploaded document i.e. First part (Part-1) is to be submitted by Post
/courier/by hand to UPNEDA HQ before opening of Technical bid.
1.5.6 EXPENSES OF AGREEMENT: A formal empanelment agreement for a period of 01
(one) year shall be entered into between UPNEDA and the contractor/ bidder for the
proper fulfillment of the contract. The expenses of completing and stamping of the
agreement shall be paid by the successful bidder.
1.5.7 DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS: Bids must be uploaded by the bidder in the
date; time and address specified in the e-tender notice/ tender documents.
1.6. Clarifications
1.6.1. The UPNEDA will not enter into any correspondence with the Bidders, except to
furnish clarifications on the bid document during the pre-bid meeting. The Bidder(s) or
their authorized representative(s) is/are invited to attend pre-bid meeting. The
purpose of the Pre-bid meeting will be to clarify any issues regarding the Bid,
during the Pre Bid Meeting to be held on 15.5.2015 May 2015 at 11.30 AM at
UPNEDA Office, Lucknow. Bidders should ensure that before Pre-Bid
meeting all the clarifications required should be submitted in writing to
UPNEDA .No other clarifications will be entertained by UPNEDA during the
Pre-Bid meeting .. A compiled list of questionnaire and UPNEDA’s response will
be uploaded on the website for information of all concerned in
http://neda.up.nic.in.if necessary.
1.6.2. The UPNEDA is not under any obligation to entertain or respond to suggestions made
or to incorporate modifications sought for.
1.6.3 All are requested to remain updated with the website. No separate reply/ intimation will
be given elsewhere. Verbal clarifications and information's given by the UPNEDA or its
employees or its representatives shall not be in any way entertained
At any time prior to the submission of the e-tender the UPNEDA may for any
reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by
the Bidder, modify the e-tender documents by amendments. Such document shall
be made available on websites: http://neda.up.nic.in.; http://etender.up.nic.in and
www.uplc.in. All are requested to remain updated with the website. No separate
reply/ intimation will be given elsewhere.
1.7. Payment of Earnest Money Deposit & Tender Fee
1.7.1. The Bidder shall furnish as part of its bid, Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs 08 Lakh
(Rs Eight Lakhs) 0.5% of tendered value in the form of Bank Guarantee, issued by a
nationalized bank, or State Bank of India and its subsidiary banks. The bank guarantee
shall be valid for a period of fifteen months from the opening of technical bid. in the
prescribed format..
Any bid not secured with the tender fee and earnest money will be rejected by the
UPNEDA as non responsive.
No Interest shall be payable on the amount of earnest money.
1.7.4 The Earnest Money deposit of all Bidders, whose Bids are declared non-responsive or
Unrealistic, shall be returned and released by the UPNEDA within thirty (30) days after
the date on which the Financial Bids are opened.
1.7.5 The Earnest Money Deposit of all unsuccessful bidders shall be returned within thirty
(30) days of execution of the agreement (as applicable) with the Selected/Empanelled
1.7.6 The Selected Bidder(s) shall be empanelled by UPNEDA for the specified scope of work
for a duration of one (1) year from the date of signing of agreement and accordingly, the
Earnest Money Deposit of such Bidder(s) shall be returned by UPNEDA after the expiry
of duration of empanelment.
1.7.7 The Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) shall be forfeited by the UPNEDA without any notice,
demure, or any other legal process upon occurrence of any of the following, Any bidder withdraws its bid during the evaluation process. Selected/Empanelled Bidder(s) fails to enter into an agreement with the UPNEDA for
Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Operation & Maintenance of of Grid Connected
Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Power Plants within 15 (fifteen ) days after the receipt of the
letter of intent.
1.7.8. The Earnest Money Deposit of the Selected/Empanelled Bidder(s) shall be returned after
the expiry of duration of empanelment.
1.7.9 In addition to the EMD, the bids must also be accompanied with Rs 11,025 only (Rs
Eleven Thousand and twenty five rupees Only) towards Tender Fee nonrefundable in
the form of Demand Draft/Banker’s Cheque/Pay Order, in the favour of Director Uttar
Pradesh New and Renewable Energy Development Agency (UPNEDA) payable at
Lucknow only.
1.8. .Payment of Contract Performance Guarantee
Within 15 (fifteen) days after the receipt of letter of intent by the Primary Beneficiary
(organization interested in getting the Grid connected Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Power
Plant Installed) /UPNEDA the Selected/Empanelled Bidder(s) shall furnish the Contract
Performance Guarantee (CPG) equivalent to 10% of the total contract value to the
Primary Beneficiary in the form of Bank Guarantee issued by a nationalized bank, or
State Bank of India and its subsidiary banks .
1.8.2 The Contract Performance Guarantee shall be valid for the Contract Period.
1.8.3 The cost of all stamp duties payable for executing the agreements with respective
organisation shall be borne by the Selected/Empanelled Bidder.
If the Selected/Empanelled Bidder fails or refuses to comply with any of its obligations,
such failure or refusal on the part of the Selected shall constitute sufficient grounds for
cancellation of the Letter of Intent. In such cases, the UPNEDA/ Primary Beneficiary
shall be entitled to, invoke, appropriate remedies and forfeit the Contract Performance
Guarantee of the Selected/Empanelled Bidder.
1.9.1 The bid must contain the name, residence and places of business of the persons
making the e-tender and must be signed and sealed by the Bidder with his usual
signature. The name and designations of all persons signing should be typed or
printed below the signature
1.9.2 e-tender by corporation/ company must be signed with the legal name of the corporation/
company/firm by the ‘President’, Managing director or by the ‘Secretary’ or other
designation or a person duly authorized
The original copy of the e-tender shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be
signed by the Bidder or a person duly authorized to bid and bidder to the contract. The
letter of authorization shall be submitted along with power-of-attorney. All the pages of
the bid shall be initialed by the person or persons signing the e-tender.
The bid shall contain no interlineations, erasures or overwriting except as necessary to
correct errors made by the Bidder in which case such corrections shall be initialed by
the person or persons signing the e-tender.
1.9.5 The Bid Document includes statements and analysis which reflect the various
assumptions arrived at by the UPNEDA. These assumptions may not be entirely relied
upon by the Bidders in making their own assessments. The Bid Document does not
purport to contain all the information each Bidder may require and may not be
appropriate for all persons. Each Bidder should conduct its own investigations and
analysis and should check the accuracy, reliability and completeness of the
information in the Bid Document and obtain independent advice from appropriate
Bidder to inform itself fully:
2.1 The Bidder shall make independent enquiry and satisfy itself with respect to all the
required information, inputs, conditions, including site conditions and circumstances and
factors that may have any effect on its Bid. Once the Bidder has submitted the Bids, the
Bidder shall be deemed to have examined the laws and regulations in force in India, the
grid conditions, and prepare the Financial Bid and other sections taking into account all
such relevant conditions and also the risks, contingencies and other circumstances which
may influence or affect the implementation of power plants. Accordingly, the Bidder
acknowledges that, on being selected as the Selected/Empanelled Bidder, it shall not be
relieved from any of its obligations foreseen under this Document nor shall be entitled to
any extension of time for commissioning of the plants or financial compensation for any
reason whatsoever.
The Bidders should particularly acquaint themselves with the technical requirements of
integrating the power plant with the distribution system of the respective distribution
licensee of the State, the regulations specified by Central Electricity Authority, grid
operation as specified in the, the Uttar Pradesh Grid Code and the Uttar Pradesh
Distribution Code.
In their own interest, the Bidders are requested to familiarize themselves with the
Electricity Act, 2003, scheme announced by Ministry of New and Renewable Energy for
promotion of grid connected rooftop solar photovoltaic power plants, Regulatory
Framework specified by the Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission, Rooftop
Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant Policy, 2014 announced by Uttar Pradesh Government,
building bye laws prevalent in Uttar Pradesh and any other local laws affecting the
implementation of grid connected rooftop solar photovoltaic power plants and all other
related acts, laws, rules and regulations prevalent in India, as amended from time to time.
The UPNEDA shall not entertain any request for clarifications from the Bidders regarding
the same. Non-awareness of these laws or such information shall not be a reason for the
Bidder to request for extension in the Bid Deadline. The Bidder undertakes and agrees
that, before submission of its Bid; all such factors as generally stated above, have been
fully investigated and considered while submitting the Bid.
The Bidder shall familiarize itself with the procedures and time frames required to obtain all
the Consents, Clearances and Permits required for the supply of power to the Procurer.
The Bidder shall arrange all the Consents, Clearances and Permits required for setting up
of the generation facilities for Primary Beneficiary. It should also arrange for the grid
interconnection of the plant as well as commissioning certificate from respective
Government department.
Preparation Cost
The Bidder shall be responsible for all the costs associated with the preparation of the
Bids and participation in discussions and attending pre-bid meetings, and finalization and
execution of the contract. The UPNEDA shall not be responsible in any way for such
costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of this Bid process.
The procedure of opening of the e-tender shall be as under:
First part (PART-A) uploaded having e-tender specification no. and super scribed as
“Technical bid” shall be opened at the time and date mentioned in the e-tender notice
by UPNEDA’s representatives in the presence of Bidders, who choose to be present.
Second part (PART-B) containing Financial Bid shall be opened (after obtaining
clarifications and establishing technical suitability of the offer) as per schedule. Second
part of only those Bidders shall be opened whose first part (PART-A) shall be found
commercially clear and technically suitable.
To assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of bids the UPNEDA may at its
discretion ask the bidder for a clarification of its bid. The request for clarification and the
response shall be in writing.
UPNEDA reserves the right to interpret the Bid submitted by the Bidder in accordance with
the provisions of this document and make its own judgment regarding the interpretation of
the same. In this regard UPNEDA shall have no liability towards any Bidder and no
Bidder shall have any recourse to UPNEDA with respect to the selection process.
UPNEDA shall evaluate the Bids using the evaluation process specified in this
document or as amended, at its sole discretion. UPNEDA’s decision in this regard shall
be final and binding on the Bidders.
Signature of Bidder
with seal
The Procedure for Finalization of BID would be as follows:
6.1 Finalization of BID:
First the Technical bids shall be opened and evaluated.
Then the price bid of technically qualified bidders shall be opened.
The lowest rate (i.e. L-1) shall be the party to be awarded the contract.
6.2 – Finalization of Empanelment:
6.2.1 First the Technical Bids shall be opened and evaluated.
6.2.2 Then the price bid of technically qualified parties shall be opened.
6.2.3 The lowest rate (i.e. L-1) received (and in turn approved by the competent authority)
would be the “Approved Rate”.
6.2.4 Initially “Approved Rate” would be offered to the next lowest bidders
6.2.5 In case all or some agree to match for identified Category, they may be short- listed and
empanelled for that particular category
6.2.6 Following Clause 3.2.5, the UPNEDA shall empanel the Selected Bidder for duration of
One (1) year from the announcement of the Selected/Empanelled Bidder(s)
6.2.7 If required UPNEDA reserves the right to negotiate with (lowest) L-1 bidder before
finalization of the tender.
6.2.8 The Selected Bidder shall unconditionally accept the Letter for Empanelment, and record
on 1 (one) copy of the Letter for Empanelment, “Accepted Unconditionally”, under the
signature of the authorized signatory of the Selected Bidder and return such copy to the
UPNEDA within 7 (seven) days of issue of Letter for Empanelment.
6.2.9 If the Selected/Empanelled Bidder, to whom the Letter for Empanelment has been issued,
does not fulfill any of the conditions specified in Bid Document, the UPNEDA reserves the
right to annul the award of the Letter for Empanelment of such Selected/Empanelled
Bidder. Under such a scenario Clause 1.7.7 shall apply
6.3. UPNEDA reserves the right to accept any bid and to reject any or all bids.
List of successful Bidder(s) for contract shall be displayed on UPNEDA’s website and shall
be intimated in writing to the contractor.
In the deed of contract unless the context otherwise requires:-
UPNEDA shall short list the successful bidder (s) on “Rate Contract" basis after. The
successful bidder (s) shall have to sign an empanelment Contract with Uttar Pradesh
New and Renewable Energy Development Agency, U.P. (UPNEDA).
1.2. “UPNEDA’ shall mean The Director of UPNEDA or his representative and shall also
include its successors in interest and assignees. The “Contractor” shall mean
(successful bidder) i.e. the person whose e-tender has been accepted by UPNEDA
and shall include his legal representatives and successors in interest.
1.3 (a) The agreement shall be turnkey basis for Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and
Commissioning of Grid Connected Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Power Plants in
various Districts in the State of Uttar Pradesh including its five (5) years Operation
and Maintenance and shall be valid till the completion of all related works.
The Empanelled approved Contractor/Bidder will have to market systems to Primary
beneficiaries and the work order received from Primary Beneficiaries along with application
form duly filled up will be submitted to the UPNEDA mandatorily prior to supply and
installation for information and to avail subsidy if any available from MNRE .
UPNEDA may also give Work order directly.
The Contractor/Bidder against work order has to complete the supply installation of the
system as per specifications of tender duly collecting the beneficiary share which will be
approved cost for supply, Installation & Commissioning of the System including its 5 years
operation & maintenance less the subsidy from MNRE if available and submit the project
completion report in prescribed format, Photographs, invoice etc for transmission to MNRE
for release of subsidy.
1.3 (b) The work shall be completed within six months from the date of placement of Work
order . In case the contractor/ bidder fails to execute the said work within stipulated
time, “UPNEDA” will be at liberty to allocate the work to other Contractor/Bidder get
the work executed from the open market without calling any tender/ e-tender and
without any notice to the contractor/ bidder, at the risk and cost of the contractor/
That on the request of the contractor/ bidder and also in the interest of the organization
the “UPNEDA” is authorized to extend the validity of the agreement, subject to that the
request of the contractor/ bidder is received before the expiry of the agreement period,
or any extended period granted to the contractor/ bidder. Maximum period of extension
shall be 2 months on the same terms and conditions as contained in this agreement.
The agreement shall be deemed to be extended till the date of completion of last work
order received from Beneficiary subject to the completion period as provided in the
clause 1.3.
It will be the sole responsibility of the contractor/ bidder, to execute orders placed as
per time schedule, and to ensure quality parameters, specifications and other
requirements provided in the e-tender document and as per agreement.
In the interest of the work and the programme, agreement executed between the
contractor/ bidder and the “UPNEDA” may be extended to a mutually agreed period, if
the need so arises. It shall be sole responsibility of the contractor/ bidder to get verified
the quality & quantity of the supplied material at the site of delivery.
The contractor/ bidder is required under the contract to deliver the goods to the site.
Transportation, storage, safety and security of the supplied material, issuance of road
permit etc. shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor/bidder.
i) It shall be the responsibility of the Selected/Empanelled Bidder(s) to arrange for a suitable
insurance policies, at its own cost, covering all the risks and liabilities emerging out for supply
of material on respective site, storage of material at the site, successful completion of work
from commencement till its commissioning. The insurance policy for the plant shall be taken
in the name of the Primary Beneficiary.
ii) The insurance policy shall be kept valid, at its own cost, for a term of five (5) years from the
date of commencement of the plant. The Selected/Empanelled Bidder shall submit the
Original copy of the insurance policy to the Primary Beneficiary with a copy of such policy to
be endorsed to the UPNEDA.
iii) In this regard, before taking the insurance policy the Selected/Empanelled Bidder shall
coordinate with the Primary Beneficiary and/or the UPNEDA. All risks associated with lapses
or delays in insurance coverage, during the construction period, shall be at the
Selected/Empanelled Bidder’s cost
1.1. The Selected/Empanelled Bidder(s) shall complete the Design, Supply, Installation,
Testing and Commissioning of Grid Connected Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Power Plants
of the contracted capacity within 6 (six) months from date of issue of Work order by the
Primary Beneficiary.
1.2. The Plant shall be deemed to be commissioned after 120 hours of continuous
generation of electricity.
1.3. The Primary Beneficiary/UPNEDA may extend the completion period on a written
request by the Selected/Empanelled Bidder, in case the commissioning of the plant is
expected to be delayed because of any reason beyond the control of the
Selected/Empanelled Bidder. In case of urgency Selected /Empanelled Bidder may be
asked to complete the work in less duration.
5. 0
5.1 Except because of force majeure, if the Selected/Empanelled Bidder fails to perform the
work, to the satisfaction of Primary Beneficiary, within the time periods specified in
Clause 4 or within the extended time period if any, the Primary Beneficiary/UPNEDA shall
without prejudice to its other remedies under the contract, deduct from the contract price
as liquidated damage, a sum equivalent to 1% of the price of the un-performed work/
services for each week of delay until actual completion of work, up to a maximum
deduction of 10%. Once the maximum is reached Primary Beneficiary/UPNEDA may
consider termination of the contract.
5.2 In case the Selected/Empanelled Bidder fails to execute the work, partly or fully, during
the completion period, the Primary Beneficiary reserves rights to forfeit the security
deposit in proportionate to the remaining capacity to commission.
6.1 Notwithstanding the provisions of clauses contained in this deed; the contractor/
bidder shall not be liable for forfeiture of its performance security, liquidated damages,
termination for default, if he is unable to fulfill his obligation under this deed due to
event of force majeure circumstances.
6.2 For purpose of this clause, "Force majeure" means an event beyond the control of the
contractor/ bidder and not involving the contractor/ bidder's fault or negligence and not
foreseeable. Such events may include, but are not restricted to, acts of Government
either in its sovereign or contractual capacity, wars or revolutions, fires, floods,
epidemics, quarantine restrictions and fright embargoes
6.3 However, If a force majeure situation arises, the contractor/ bidder shall immediately
notify the Primary Beneficiary/“UPNEDA” in writing. The decision of the competent
authority of Primary Beneficiary /UPNEDA in above conditions shall be final.
7.1 The Selected/Empanelled Bidder, the UPNEDA and the Primary Beneficiary shall make
every effort to resolve the aspect of disagreement through mutual discussion and
7.2 If any question, dispute or difference what so ever shall arises between
“UPNEDA”/Primary Beneficiary and the contractor/ bidder, in the connection with the
agreement except as to matters, the decisions for which have been specifically provided,
either party may forthwith give to the other notice in writing of existence of such question,
dispute or difference and the same shall be referred to the sole arbitration of the Principal
Secretary/Secretary Additional Sources of Energy Department of the Uttar Pradesh or a
person nominated by him not below the rank of Special Secretary. This reference shall be
governed by the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996, and the rules made there
under. The award in such arbitration shall be final and binding on both the parties. Work
under the agreement shall be continuing during the arbitration proceedings unless the
“UPNEDA” or the arbitrator directs otherwise
7.3 The High court of Judicature at Allahabad and Courts subordinate thereto, at
Lucknow, shall alone have jurisdictions to the exclusion of all other courts.
8. UPNEDA” shall have at all reasonable time access to the works being carried out by the
contractor/ bidder under the contract. All the work shall be carried out by the
contractor/bidder to the satisfaction of “UPNEDA”/Primary Beneficiary.
9. “UPNEDA”/Primary Beneficiary may at any time by notice in writing to the contractor/
bidder either stops the work all together or reduces or cut it down. If the work is stopped
all together, the contractor/bidder will only be paid for work done and expenses distinctly
incurred by him as on preparation or the execution of the work up to the date on which
such notice is received by him. Such expenses shall be assessed by Primary Beneficiary/
“UPNEDA”, whose decision shall be final and bidding on the contractor/ bidder. If the
work is cut down the contractor/ bidder will not be paid any compensation what so ever
for the loss or profit which he might have made if he had been allowed to complete all the
work included in the contract.
i.The Selected/Empanelled Bidder shall be solely responsible for commencement to
completion of the work. It shall be responsible for any loss or damage happens at the work
place or during the erection of the plant, not already approved by the UPNEDA and Primary
Beneficiary, and shall, at its own cost, arrange for repair or compensation.
ii The Selected/Empanelled Bidder(s) shall warranty that the equipment used in installing the
plant are new and unused.
iiiThe Selected/Empanelled Bidder shall provide warranty, in the name of the Primary
Beneficiary, of the complete power plant towards any defect in design of the plant,
equipment used including spare parts for a period of five (5) years from the date of
Commissioning of the plant. The Warranty period shall be 25 Years for the PV modules.
iv Any defect noticed in the power plant during the period of five (5) years from the date of
Commissioning of the power plant shall be rectified/replaced by the Selected/Empanelled
Bidder on its own motion or on due intimation by the UPNEDA or by the owner of the
plant, as the case may be, free of charges.
v The replacement of the defective component at the cost of empanelled Bidder shall be
made with similar and/or equivalent make. The replaced component shall not, in any
situation, reduce the performance of the plant.
vi The Selected/Empanelled Bidder shall commence the replacement/rectification of the
defect within seven (7) days from the date of identification of such defect and shall rectify
the defect within mutually agreed time, failure in doing so shall enable the UPNEDA or
the Primary Beneficiary to rectify the defect at the expense of Selected/Empanelled
vii The Selected/Empanelled Bidder shall provide warranty certificate along with the
Commissioning report to the Primary Beneficiaries with a copy to the UPNEDA
VIII Since the maintenance of the system may also be taken up by the contractor/ bidder after
expiry of 05 years of warranty period if the end user/”UPNEDA” so desires, the
contractor/bidder shall take up annual maintenance of the installed system.
The contractor/ bidder shall maintain the system under annual maintenance contract with
the end user.
The following inspection procedures and tests are required by the “UPNEDA”/Primary
Beneficiary in the presence of “UPNEDA”’s representative if so desired by “UPNEDA”.
The “UPNEDA”/Primary Beneficiary or its representative shall have the right to inspect
and / or to test the goods to confirm their conformity to the contract. The special
conditions of contract and/ or the Technical specifications shall specify what inspections
and test the “UPNEDA” required.
It will be mandatory for the Contractor/Bidder to inform the UPNEDA office prior to supply
of system material at Beneficiary/user premises so that if desired by UPNEDA
inspection of material prior to beginning of work and during installation may be carried
out by UPNEDA.
12.1 The rooftop solar photovoltaic power plants shall be implemented under different
Categories on the roof of various organization termed as Primary Beneficiary
12.2 The Work Order shall be issued by the Primary Beneficiary/UPNEDA to the
Selected/Empanelled Bidder.
12.3 The payments shall be made as per the following terms and conditions by :
i) 70% of the ordered value after the supply of the complete system at site and duly
certified by the concerned district officer of UPNEDA/ Primary Beneficiary as per the
technical specification and terms and conditions specified in the contract.
ii. 15% of the ordered value after installation and commissioning of the system which will
include Grid connectivity along-with the Handing over certificate, indicating bill of material
and successful commissioning duly countersigned by the designated officer of UPNEDA
/Primary Beneficiary and end user.
iii) The balance 15% payment to be released @3% at the end of each year for 5 years, on
satisfactory performance .
13.1 On completion of work, the Selected/Empanelled Bidder shall submit all the documents
related to the execution of contract and implementation of rooftop solar photovoltaic
power plants including,
Detailed project report including layout and drawings of the plant
All the consent, clearance and approvals
Testing Certificate
Plant charging/ Commissioning certificate
Agreement / memorandum signed with distribution licensee for Interconnection
with the distribution system
Insurance policies taken by the Selected/Empanelled Bidder during execution of
the contract
13.2 The Selected/Empanelled Bidder shall furnish to the Primary Beneficiary and UPNEDA ,
I The instruction manuals at the time of submission of commissioning certificate for the
plant at each site. The manual so prepared shall include the all diagrams and
instructions to operate and maintain the whole plant.
ii Individual copies of the approval of the Electrical Inspectorate or concerned officer of
the respective distribution licensee for interconnection of each plant with the
distribution system.
iii Individual copy of the work order placed by the Primary Beneficiary for installation of
the plant to the Selected/Empanelled Bidder(s) with a copy to the UPNEDA.
Iv Hand-Over Agreement: The Selected/Empanelled Bidder(s) shall hand-over the
respective plant to the Primary Beneficiary after its successful commissioning in
excellent condition. At the time of handing over all the performance tests of the major
equipment shall be demonstrated to the Primary Beneficiary/UPNEDA to ensure
Generation from the solar photovoltaic power plant. While handing over the plant the
Selected/Empanelled Bidder shall also hand over all technical documents, literature,
instruction manuals, lists of spare part & tools & tackles. The Selected/Empanelled
Bidder shall enter into an agreement for handing over the plant after the
Contractor/ bidders, wherever applicable, shall after proper painting, pack and crate
all the equipment in such manner as to protect them from deterioration and damage
during rail and road transportation to the site and storage at the site till time of
installation. Contractor/bidder shall be held responsible for all damage due to
improper packing.
The contractor/ bidder shall inform the “UPNEDA” of the date of each shipment from
his works, and the expected date of arrival at the site for the information of the
“UPNEDA” project offices at least 7 days in advance.
All demurrage, wharfage and other expenses incurred due to delayed clearance of the
material or any other reason shall be to the account of the contractor/ bidder.
“UPNEDA” may at any time terminate the contract by giving written notice to the
contractor/bidder without compensation to the contractor/ bidder, if it becomes bankrupt or
otherwise insolvent, provided that such termination will not prejudice or affect any right of
action or remedy, which has accrued or will accrue thereafter to the “UPNEDA”
The “UPNEDA”, may by written notice sent to the contractor/ bidder, terminate the
contract, in whole or in part at any time for its convenience. The notice of termination
shall specify that termination is for the purchaser’s convenience in the interest of
The contractor/ bidder shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the purchaser’s
country i.e. India. The station of “UPNEDA” Headquarter shall have exclusive jurisdiction
in all matters arising under this contract.
19.1 Any notice given by one party to the other pursuant to the contract shall be sent in writing or
by telegram or telex/ cable or Email and confirmed in writing to the address specified for
that purpose in the special condition of contract.
19.2 A notice shall be effective when delivered or on the notice’s effective date, whichever is
The Selected/Empanelled Bidder(s) shall be obligated to perform the following Scope of
Work, but not limited to, in relation to the development of the power plant.
A. Design, develop, procure, construct and commission various grid connected roof
mounted solar photovoltaic power plants, which includes, but is not limited to the
Solar PV modules
Mounting frames, structures, array foundation (grouting on terrace), earthing grid
design, and module inter-connection
All System Junction boxes
Power Conditioning Units (PCU) with monitoring
MPPT – Max power point tracking built in the PCU
Appropriate AC power evacuation panels or inverters, according to Site
requirements, with bus bars (in-built or otherwise) and circuit breakers
Protection or isolation systems
Power and Control Cables
Earthing system for PV Array, DC power system, lightning protection system
Data monitoring system with remote monitoring facilities
Transportation, unloading, and loading of all equipment at Site
Project Management including adherence to all requisite safety practices
Fire fighting and fire detection systems
Evacuation facility including step-up transformer, wherever required
Making arrangements for water in the plant area for module cleaning along with
cleaning mechanism
Control room or panel (which ever may be found appropriate) for the plant built in
suitable material, with proper ventilation for temperature control of the equipment
and serviceability within the building. Alternatively, the existing meter room can be
utilized after proper designing and approvals of the building owner
B. Installation and Commissioning of various grid connected roof mounted solar
photovoltaic power plants , that includes:
Design and construction of foundations or grouting for holding module mounting
structures without puncturing the roof; maintaining proper drainage of rain water
over terrace through the installation area; cable routings through PVC pipes not
obstructing the movement on the terrace
Before commencement of work, the Selected/Empanelled Bidder shall obtain
approvals for all related drawings from the relevant and concerned building
All drawings shall conform to relevant IS/ IEC standards
Special care to be taken while designing all structures for modules to cater to heavy
rainfall, strong winds and earthquake that may be prevalent in the area
Undertake Pre-commissioning and Commissioning of all supplied equipment
Test running of the grid-connected solar facility including load trials at Site,
prior to handover and commencing energy export for metering
Grid commissioning; the plant needs to be grid interactive. Interconnection
points to be checked and certified by the concerned distribution licensee
for accuracy and safety
Installation of Main Meter and Backup Meter, if any with submission of
drawings for grid interface for each individual power plant and get
approved prior to commencement of work on Site
Commissioning certificate from relevant authorities for the Facility
C. General Instructions
Water and power supply for the construction shall be the responsibility of the
Selected/Empanelled Bidder
Security, safety, watch, and ward of all materials at sites shall be the responsibility
of the Selected/Empanelled Bidder
The Selected/Empanelled Bidder(s) may be required to obtain comprehensive
insurance cover for the individual rooftop solar photovoltaic power plants.
Liaison with the concerned distribution licensees, Uttar Pradesh New and
Renewable Energy Development Agency, Roof Owner (concerned Primary
Beneficiary), the Chief Electrical Inspector and any other statutory authorities as
applicable for all the Project approvals
Expenses for any other works, supply of material, and providing services required
for the successful commissioning and operation of the plant, but not specifically
mentioned in this document
Safety management to be strictly complied with by the Selected/Empanelled
Bidder(s) throughout implementation activity
First-aid medical facilities at the Site during construction to be provided by the
Selected/Empanelled Bidder(s)
All local labour, employment, and other issues shall be handled independently by
the Selected/Empanelled Bidder(s).
D. The entire responsibility and risk relating towards the workforce working at the Site, and
compliance of different statutory regulations like Workman Compensation Act,
Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC), Factory Act 1948, Contract Labour
Regulation, and Abolition Act 1970, Shop and Establishment Act 1948, and other
Statutory regulatory bodies shall solely lie with the Selected/Empanelled Bidder. The
Selected/Empanelled Bidder(s) shall also be solely responsible for payment of wages,
provident fund, bonus, retrenchment compensation leave, etc. applicable as per various
statutory regulations to their entire workforce,
E. The following Statutory Clearances shall be obtained by the Selected/Empanelled
Bidder wherever applicable:
Building and Architectural Drawings approvals from relevant authorities
Electrical System approval (Chief Electrical Inspector)
Fire System approval (CFO)
All equipment, accessories, materials, civil construction & erection works should
comply with statutory requirements, IS and required and highlighted IEC standards.
All statutory requirements for working at the Site like labour registration, workman
compensation policy, ESIC etc. to be complied with by the vendor before
deployment of resources at the Site.
2.1. The operation & maintenance of the plant would include wear, tear, overhauling,
machine breakdown, insurance, replacement of defective modules, invertors, PCU’s,
spares, consumables & other parts for a period of five years. This shall also include
operation and maintenance of the evacuation infrastructure, as well.
2.2. The Selected/Empanelled Bidder shall be responsible for following activities,
2.2.1. Regular operation and maintenance of the plant as well as the evacuation
infrastructure/infrastructure for interconnection with the electricity distribution
2.2.2. Daily monitoring of plant performance and supply of all technical,
production/operation data and information through a monthly report. Daily
Management Information System (MIS) reports with generation and down time
analysis data shall be made available to the primary beneficiary with a copy of such
report to Uttar Pradesh New and Renewable Energy Development Agency and
respective Primary Beneficiaries.
2.2.3. Prepare and submit detailed report on the operation and maintenance
requirement, if any to the respective Primary Beneficiaries every six monthly basis.
A copy of such report shall also be submitted to Uttar Pradesh New and Renewable
Energy Development Agency.
2.2.4. Undertake day to day checks and maintenance activities, on round the clock
basis, required to be carried out, as a recommended practice by the manufacturer of
the equipment, on all the components of the power plant to minimize breakdowns
and to ensure smooth and trouble free operation of the plant and to get maximum
output from the panels. The supplier shall be responsible to carry out routine and
preventive maintenance and replacement of each and every component / equipment
of the power plant and he shall provide all labor, material, consumables etc. for
routine and preventive maintenance at his own cost.
2.2.5. Carry out maintenance activities as a result of sudden failure/breakdown of any
particular component or equipment. It shall be responsible to carry out breakdown
maintenance of each and every component of the power plant and shall provide the
required manpower, materials, consumables, components or equipment etc. for
breakdown maintenance at his own cost irrespective of the reasons of the
2.2.6. Undertake major overhaul of any component or equipment of the plant necessary
on account of excessive wear & tear. Such maintenance of plant and all civil
structures shall normally be planned to be carried out on an annual basis. For this
purpose a joint inspection by the Selected/Empanelled Bidder and concerned
department shall be carried out of all the major components of the power plant,
about two months in advance of the annual maintenance period, in order to
ascertain as to which components of the power plant require maintenance.
2.2.7. Prepare and maintain records on daily basis towards maintenance of the plant,
electricity generation, electricity injected into the distribution system etc.
2.2.8. Undertake inspection of meter towards faultiness regular intervals, report to the
concerned department and replace the meter with a meter of similar specification
complying with the requirements of Central Electricity Authority/Uttar Pradesh
Electricity Regulatory Commission/concerned Distribution Licensee at its own cost.
2.2.9. The Selected/Empanelled Bidder should not misuse the area and/or assign
responsibility for the safety of machinery within the premises.
2.3. The Selected/Empanelled Bidder shall be responsible for undertaking the operation and
maintenance of the plant for a term of five (5) years from the date of entering into handover agreement of the plant to respective Primary Beneficiaries.
2.4. The term for operation and maintenance of the plant may be extended for another five
(5) years on mutually agreed terms and conditions and charges as quoted by the
Selected/Empanelled Bidder.
Electricity Generation
2.5. The Selected/Empanelled Bidder shall be solely responsible for the performance of the
plant(s) and shall make all necessary efforts to maximize the electricity generation of the
2.6. The bidder shall be responsible for supply of all spare parts as required from time to
time for scheduled and preventive maintenance, major overhauling of the plant,
replacement of defective modules, inverters, PCU’s etc. and maintaining log sheets for
operation detail, deployment of staff for continuous operations and qualified engineer
for supervision of O&M work, complaint logging & its attending.
Metering and associated facilities
2.7. The metering of electricity shall be carried out as per the regulations stipulated by Uttar
Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission and/or Central Electricity Authority. The
Selected/Empanelled Bidder shall have to accordingly arrange for the specified meter
and metering facilities. It shall also be responsible for the requisite testing and
inspection of meters, if required at authorised testing facility. It shall also be responsible
for required interactions with the distribution licensee and shall state progress to the
concerned department.
Failure to rectify the problem
2.8. If the Selected/Empanelled Bidder fails to rectify the plant downtime within seven (7)
days from the date of identification of such defect, unless the extension in time is
mutually discuss and agreed between the bidder and the respective Primary
2.9. Following clause 12.8, if the Selected/Empanelled Bidder fails to rectify the problem, the
respective Primary Beneficiary shall rectify the problem at the expense of the
Selected/Empanelled Bidder.
2.10. A penalty calculated on the basis of generation loss equivalent to four (4) units per day
per kW and a tariff of Rs 6.5/kWh shall also be imposed and recovered from the
contract performance guarantee.
Completion of Term of Operation and Maintenance Contract
2.11. On completion of the term of Operation and Maintenance the Selected/Empanelled
Bidder shall apply to the respective Primary Beneficiary for the issue of power plant
transfer certificate. All the formalities shall be completed within one (1) month in all
respects, after verifying from the documents & tests and satisfying himself that the
Operation & Maintenance has been completed in accordance with details set out in the
control documents & Prudent Utility Practices
2.12. The respective Primary Beneficiaries and the Selected/Empanelled Bidder shall, six (6)
months in before the date of expiry of the operation and maintenance contract shall
negotiate to extend the contract for another term of five (5) years.
The detailed technical specifications to be followed by the Selected/Empanelled Bidder are
4.1 Solar PV Module
Only indigenous modules of reputed brand such as BHEL, BEL, CEL, REIL, Tata BP
Solar, Moser bare, Vikram Solar, or equivalent ( IEC Tested) shall only be used in the
Crystalline high power/efficiency cells shall be used in the Solar Photovoltaic module.
The open circuit voltage of the PV modules under STC should be at least 21.0 Volts.
PV module must be warranted for output wattage, which should not be less than 90% at the
end of 12 years and 80% at the end of 25 years.
The terminal box on the module shall be designed for long life out door operation in harsh
environment should have a provision for opening for replacing the cable, if required.
The offered module shall be in accordance with the requirements of MNRE.
Latest edition of IEC 61215 edition II / IS 14286 for Crystalline and shall be certified by
MNRE authorized test centre. The bidder shall submit appropriate certificates.
PV modules must qualify to IEC 61730 Part 1- requirements for construction &Part 2 –
requirements for testing, for safety qualification.
Protective devices against surges at the PV module shall be provided. Low voltage drop
bypass diodes shall be provided and if required, blocking diode(s) may also be provided.
Each PV module must use a RF identification tag (RFID), which must contain the following
Name of the manufacturer of PV Module
Name of the Manufacturer of Solar cells
Month and year of the manufacture (separately for solar cells and module)
Country of origin (separately for solar cells and module)
I-V curve for the module
Peak Wattage, Im, Vm and FF for the module
Unique Serial No and Model No of the module
Date and year of obtaining IEC PV module qualification certificate
Name of the test lab issuing IEC certificate.
Other relevant information on traceability of solar cells and module as per ISO 9000 series.
The RFID should be placed inside the module laminate
Test reports/ certificate from IEC/NABL accredited laboratory to be mandatorily
enclosed for relevant IEC/equivalent BIS Standards .
4.2 Module Mounting Structure
Structure would be so designed that it will last for minimum of 25 years without much
maintenance and replacement.
Table 1: Specifications of Module Mounting Structure
Sr. No.
Specifications for proposed module mounting structure on the roofs of
the building
The array structure shall be so designed that it will occupy minimum space
without sacrificing the output from SPV panels.
The structure shall be designed to allow easy replacement of modules while at
the same time be in line with Site requirements.
The structure shall be fixed type with option of periodic change in the tilt angle
The array structure shall be made of hot dipped galvanized MS angles of
suitable size and minimum 85 micron thickness of galvanization. Alternatively,
aluminum structure specially designed and manufactured by an experienced
company for solar module mounting can be used.
The mounting structure steel should be as per latest IS 2062: 1992 and
galvanization of the mounting structure should be in compliance with latest IS
The support structure design &foundation shall be designed to withstand wind
speed up to 150 km/hr. The same must be tested and certified by a reputed
third-party inspection agency.
The module alignment & tilt angle shall be calculated to provide the maximum
Annual energy output and this shall be decided based on the location of array
All fasteners shall be of stainless steel of grade SS 304.
The array structure shall be grounded properly using maintenance free earthing
kit suitable for mounting over building terrace
The mounting of solar modules shall be done in such a way that the lower
position of solar module shall be of min 500 mm above the terrace level
Mounting structure shall be grouted in PCC foundation columns made of 1:2:4
cement concrete
4.3 String Combiner Boxes
Table 2: Specifications of String combiner boxes (Applicable in case of central inverters)
S. No
Specifications for string combiner boxes to be used in proposed Rooftop
Solar Power Plants
The string combiner boxes shall be dust, vermin and water proof and made of
thermo plastic or metallic and shall have protection minimum as per IEC 62208
and IP 65 type, Class II protection.
The string combiner box will also have suitable surge protection.
S. No
Specifications for string combiner boxes to be used in proposed Rooftop
Solar Power Plants
The string combiner boxes should be designed to operate at 50 degrees Celsius
and 85% humidity.
The string combiner boxes should provide arrangement for disconnection for
each of the groups.
It should provide a test point for each sub-group for quick fault location to provide
group array isolation.
The current carrying rating of the string combiner boxes shall be suitable with
adequate safety factor to interconnect the Solar PV array.
The string combiner boxes shall have suitable cable entry points fitted with cable
glands of appropriate sizes for both incoming & outgoing cables.
Suitable markings shall be provided on the bus bar for easy identification & cable
ferrules shall be fitted at the cable termination points for identification.
4.4 Inverters (Power Conditioning Units)
The power plants can be installed using either a central inverter or string inverter/s as
per the design. The requirements for these would be as described below.
A. Central Inverter
One central inverter with MPPT can be used with each power plant. The kVA rating of
inverter for each PV system shall be according to the technical design and system
Inverter shall include a facility to convert the DC using its MPPT (Maximum Power Point
Tracking) control to extract maximum energy from solar array and produce AC power as
per following.
The AC output voltage and frequency of the inverter must synchronize automatically to
the exact AC voltage and frequency of the grid. Grid voltage shall be continuously
monitored and in the event of voltage going below or above a preset value, the solar
system shall be disconnected from the grid within the set time. Both over voltage and
under voltage relays shall have adjustable voltage setting and time settings (0 to 5
seconds). The nominal AC voltage tracking range shall be +10%, - 15%, the nominal AC
frequency tracking range shall be +1.5 Hz, - 3.5 Hz. The output power factor should be of
suitable range to supply or sink reactive power.
MPPT controller, IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) based inverter and associated
control and protection devices etc. all shall be integrated into power conditioning unit. DC
bus can be either integrated or can be provided separately.
The continuous power rating of this individual unidirectional inverter shall be equivalent to
minimum 80% of peak power rating of each power pack array.
Each individual inverter will have all necessary protections against disturbances in
frequency, voltage and current of the grid due to internal or external faults, abnormal
temperatures and islanding. Its prime function will be to protect itself and solar array from
any factors as well as avoid unintentional islanding.
There will be following modes of functioning
o Standby Mode
The control system shall continuously monitor the output of the solar power plant
until pre-set value is exceeded & that value to be indicated.
o Basic System Operation (Full Auto Mode)
 The system shall automatically “wake up” in the morning and begin to export
power provided there is sufficient solar energy and the grid voltage and frequency
is in range.
o Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT)
 MPPT control algorithm shall adjust the voltage of the SPV array to optimize solar
energy fed into the grid.
o Sleep Mode
 Automatic – “sleep” mode shall be provided so that unnecessary losses are
minimized at night. The power conditioner must also automatically re-enter
standby mode when threshold of standby mode reached.
The inverter shall include adequate internal cooling arrangements (exhaust fan and
ducting) for operation in a non-AC environment.
The degree of protection of the indoor inverter panel shall be at least IP 20 and that of
outdoor at least IP 65. Additionally, the specifications given in table below shall be
B. String Inverter
String inverter/s with MPPT can be used with each power plant. The cumulative kVA
rating of inverter/s for each PV system shall be according to the technical design and
system wattage.
Inverter/s shall include a facility to convert the DC using its MPPT (Maximum Power Point
Tracking) control to extract maximum energy from solar array and produce AC power as
per following.
The AC output voltage and frequency of the inverter must synchronize automatically to
the exact AC voltage and frequency of the grid. Grid voltage shall be continuously
monitored and in the event of voltage going below or above a preset value, the solar
system shall be disconnected from the grid within the set time. Both over voltage and
under voltage relays shall have adjustable voltage setting and time settings (0 to 5
seconds). The nominal AC voltage tracking range shall be +10%, - 15%, the nominal AC
frequency tracking range shall be +1.5 Hz, - 3.5 Hz. The output power factor should be of
suitable range to supply or sink reactive power.
Inverter shall be IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) based with associated control
and protection devices. DC bus can be provided separately.
The continuous power rating of this individual unidirectional inverter shall be equivalent to
minimum 80% of peak power rating of each array or sub array connected to this inverter.
Each individual inverter will have all necessary protections against disturbances in
frequency, voltage and current of the grid due to internal or external faults, abnormal
temperatures and islanding. Its prime function will be to protect itself and solar array from
any factors as well as avoid unintentional islanding.
There will be following modes of functioning
o Standby Mode
 The control system shall continuously monitor the output of the solar power plant
until pre-set value is exceeded & that value to be indicated.
o Basic System Operation (Full Auto Mode)
 The system shall automatically “wake up” in the morning and begin to export
power provided there is sufficient solar energy and the grid voltage and frequency
is in range.
o Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT)
 MPPT control algorithm shall adjust the voltage of the SPV array to optimize solar
energy fed into the grid.
o Sleep Mode
 Automatic – “sleep” mode shall be provided so that unnecessary losses are
minimized at night. The power conditioner must also automatically re-enter
standby mode when threshold of standby mode reached.
The inverter shall include adequate internal cooling arrangements (exhaust fan and
ducting) for operation in a non-AC environment.
The degree of protection of the outdoor unit shall be at least IP 65. Other than this, the
following specifications shall be incorporated.
Table 3: Additional Specifications of Inverter
Detailed Specifications
Power factor
0.95 Inductive to 0.95 Capacitive
Pure Sine Wave
AC side total harmonic current distortion < 3%
AC side single frequency current distortion < 3%
DC voltage ripple content shall be not more than 3%.
>97% at full load and >90% at 20% load
 Maximum losses in sleep mode: 2W per 5kW
 Maximum losses in stand-by mode: 10W
Casing Protection
 Should withstand temperatures from -10 to +60 deg Celsius
 Should withstand Humidity up to 85%
Completely automatic including wake up, synchronization (phaselocking) and shut down
MPPT range must be suitable to individual array voltages in Power
Internal Wirings
Copper wires shall be insulated with flame resistant material
Indications through
LED/LCD display
Over voltage; both input & output
Over current; both input & output
Over/Under grid frequency
Over temperature
Short circuit
Surge voltage induced at output due to external source
Manual intervention must be possible through an accessible
emergency switch-off button
Inverter ON
Grid ON
Inverter Under / Over Voltage
Inverter Overload
Inverter Over Temperature
Detailed Specifications
Display on Front
Accurate displays on the front panel:
DC input voltage
DC current & AC voltage (all 3 phases and line)
AC current (all 3 phases and line)
Power factor
Ambient temperature
Instantaneous & cumulative array power
Instantaneous & cumulative output power
4.5 DC and AC Cables
 All DC and AC cables shall be terminated using suitable crimped cable lugs/sockets
and screw type terminal strips. No soldered cable termination shall be accepted. Only
terminal cable joints shall be accepted. No cable joint to join two cable ends shall be
 Conduits/concealed cable trays shall be provided for all DC cabling on the terrace.
Conduits/concealed cable trays shall be adequately secured onto the terrace.
 The DC and AC cable type shall be PVC/XLPE insulated, suitably armored, 1100V
grade multi-stranded copper conductor. Appropriate color coding shall be used. DC
cables from array combiner box on the terrace to DC distribution box in the control
room shall be laid inside cable duct where available or secured with
conduits/concealed cable trays where duct is not available.
 DC and AC cabling between inverter and distribution boxes shall be secured with
conduits/concealed cable trays.
 The DC and AC cables of adequate electrical voltage and current ratings shall be also
rated for ‘in conduit wet and outdoor use’ and the cable size shall be selected to
maintain losses within specified limits over the entire lengths of the cables.
 All cable conduits shall be GI/HDPE type.
 All cable trays shall be powder coated steel or GI or equivalent.
4.6 DC and AC Distribution Box
 The DC and AC distribution boxes shall be wall mounted inside the control
room/closed space.
 DC distribution box shall incorporate DC disconnect switch, lightening surge
protectors, any other protection equipment, screw type terminal strips and strain-relief
cable glands.
 AC distribution box shall incorporate AC circuit breaker, surge voltage protectors, any
other protection equipment, plant energy meter, screw type terminal strips and strainrelief cable glands.
4.7 Earthing for Solar Rooftop Panel
 PV array, DC equipment, Inverter, AC equipment and distribution wiring shall be
earthed as required.
 Equipment grounding (Earthing) shall connect all non-current carrying metal
receptacles, electrical boxes, appliance frames, chassis and PV panel mounting
structures in one long run. The grounding wire should not be switched, fused or
 The equipment grounding wire shall be connected to one grounding electrode per PV
power plant.
A separate grounding electrode shall be installed using earth pit per power plant. Test
point shall be provided for each earth pit.
4.8 Energy Meters
 There would be installation of single directional meter and bi-directional meter
depending on voltage of connectivity with the distribution system of the licensee.
 The energy meter shall be of approved make of the off-taker and shall conform to the
requirements laid down by the CEA’s (Installation and Operation of Meters)
Regulation, 2013 and any amendments thereof. These shall be inspected, tested and
calibrated at the time of installation and also during operation lifetime of power plant.
The following are technical specifications of the energy meter that shall be used:
Table 4: Technical Specifications of Energy Meter
Applicable IS
IS 13779 or IS 14697 depending on accuracy of meter
Accuracy Class Index
Power factor range
Display parameters
Power consumption
Starting current
Test output device
Billing data
MD registration
As per the Central Electricity Authority (Installation and
Operation of Meters) regulation 2006 and its Amendment
Regulation 2010 and 2013.
As per specifications by Central Electricity Authority or
Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission
415 V (P-P), +20% to -40% Vref, however the meter
should withstand the maximum system voltage i.e. 440 V
LCD (Six digits), pin type
Zero lag – unity – zero lead
Display parameters:
LCD test, kWh export, MD in kW export, MD in kW
import, Date and Time, AC current and voltages, power
factor and meter cover open tamper with date and time
(Cumulative kWh will be indicated continuously by
default and other parameters through push button)
Display order shall be as indicated elsewhere
Less than 1 W and 4 VA in voltage circuit and 2 VA for
current circuit
0.2% of lb
50 Hz with + / - 5% variation
Flashing LED visible from the front
Meter serial number, Date and time, kWh export, MD in
kW export, MD in kW import, for last 6 billing cycles
along with TOD readings
All these data shall be accessible for reading, recording
and spot billing by downloading through optical port on
MRI or laptop computers at site
Meter shall store MD every 30 minutes period along with
date and time. At the end of every 30 minutes new MD
shall be compared with previous MD and store
whichever is higher and the same shall be displayed.
Auto reset of MD
Auto resetting of MD shall be indicated at the time of
finalizing GTP and provision shall be made to change
MD reset date through MRI even after setting up meter
at site
Manual MD resetting using sealable push button is
TOD metering
Meter shall be capable of time of use metering for kWh
and MD in kW with 8 time zones (programmable on site
through CMRI)
Security feature
Programmable facility to restrict the access to the
information recorded at different security level such as
read communication, write communication, etc.
Non-volatile memory independent of battery backup,
memory shall be retained up to 10 years in case of
power failure
and Optical port with RS 232 compatible to transfer the data
locally through CMRI and remote through PSTN / optical
fiber / GSM / CDMA / RF / any other technology to the
main computer
The supplier shall supply software required for CMRI and
for the connectivity to AMR modules. The supplier shall
also provide training for the use of software. The
software should be compatible to Microsoft Windows
system (Windows 98 system). The software shall have
polling feature with optional selection of parameters to
be downloaded for AMR application.
Copy of operation manual shall be supplied.
The data transfer (from meter to CMRI / AMR
equipment) rate should be minimum 1200 bps.
The supplier shall provide meter reading protocols.
Climatic conditions
IS 13779 or IS 14679 for climatic conditions
The meter should function satisfactorily in India with high
end temperature as 60oC and humidity up to 96%
Meter sealing
As per CEA regulations; Supplier shall affix one utility /
buyer seal on side of meter body as advised and record
should be forwarded to buyer.
Guaranty / Warranty
10 years
A meter shall withstand an insulation test of 4 kV and
impulse test at 8 kV
Resistance of heat and The terminal block and meter case shall have safety
against the spread of fire. They shall not be ignited by
thermal overload of live parts in contact with them as per
the relevant IS.
Lithium with guaranteed life of 15 years
RTC and micro controller The accuracy of RTC shall be as per relevant IEC / IS
Glass epoxy, fire resistance grade FR4, with minimum
thickness 1.6 mm
Power ON / OFF hours
Along with billing history parameters meters shall log
Tamper logging
monthly ON / OFF hours as history.
Last 200 events of magnetic tamper, single wire tamper
and top cover tamper shall be logged in memory along
with occurrence and restoration event data. Logic of
defining tamper and OBIS code shall be agreed before
supply of meter.
HV Meter shall continue to record energy or log the event, in
case it is disturbed externally using a 35 KV spark gun /
ignition coil.
Influence parameters
In the following conditions and disturbances the meter shall not get affected and shall at least
keep on recording forward energy.
Incoming and Outgoing interchanged
Phase and Neutral interchanged
Incoming neutral disconnected, Outgoing neutral and load connected to Earth
Incoming neutral disconnected, Outgoing neutral connected to Earth through
resistor and load connected to Earth
Incoming neutral connected, Outgoing neutral connected to Earth through resistor
and load connected to Earth
Incoming phase and neutral interchanged, load connected to Earth
Incoming and outgoing (phase and neutral) disconnected, load connected to Earth
The meter shall work satisfactorily with guaranteed accuracy limit under the presence of the
following influence quantities:
External magnetic field – 0.5 Testa
Electromagnetic field induction
Radio frequency interference
Waveform 10% of 3rd harmonics
Voltage variation
Electromagnetic HF field
DC immunity test
Display sequence
A. Default display:
Cumulative kWh to be displayed continuously without decimal
B. On-demand display:
After using push-button the following parameters shall be displayed:
1. LCD test
2. Date
3. Real Time
4. Current MD in kW
5. Current kW generated by solar system
6. Last month billing kWh reading
7. Last month billing Maximum Demand in kW
8. Last month billing Maximum Demand in kW occurrence date
9. Last month billing Maximum Demand in kW occurrence time
10. Instantaneous AC current and voltages
11. Power factor
12. Display for tamper
13. MD reset counter
14. % THD of current harmonics R, Y, B
15. % THD of voltage harmonics R, Y, B
16. % THD above threshold value with date and time
In case push-button is not operated for 6 seconds the display shall return to Default
display as mentioned above.
It is also required to install a utility controlled manual disconnect switch located on the line
side of the meter. Said manual switch shall have the capability of being locked out to
isolate the facility if an electrical outage occurs. The manual disconnect switch may also
be used by the distribution utility as a means of isolation during maintenance, testing,
outage, and/or emergency activities.
4.9 Warrantees and/or guarantees and its compliance by the Selected/Empanelled
Table 5: Warranties and/or guarantees for solar rooftop systems
System/component Warranty Performance Requirement
PV 25
Workmanship /
(Years) with an
Minimum CUF of 13% (annual
Power plant Performance Ratio
minimum 70%
Solar Modules
Minimum 90% power output at
the end of 10 years & minimum
80% power output at the end of
25 years
Warrants the products including
functioning of built-in options and
against defect of material
Power Evacuation and
Balance of Systems
10 (parts and
Plant -
PV Array Installation
5.0 Standards and Limits
Following specifications shall be applicable for the activities related to meters and grid
Table 6: Standards and Limits
Service conditions
Relevant regulation/order by Uttar Compliance
Grid Central Electricity Authority
Standard) regulations 2010
(Grid Compliance
Authority Compliance
(Installation and Operation of Meters)
Electricity Regulatory Commission
Safety and Supply
Authority Compliance
(Measures of Safety and Electricity
Supply) Regulation 2010
Harmonic Current
IEEE 519 and CEA (Technical
Standards for Connectivity of the
Distributed Generation Resources)
Regulations 2013
Harmonic current injections
from a generating station shall
not exceed the limits specified
in IEEE 519
IEEE 519 and CEA (Technical
Standards for Connectivity of the
Distributed Generation Resources)
Regulations 2013
Photovoltaic system must be
equipped with a grid frequency
synchronization device. Every
time the generating station is
synchronized to the electricity
system. It shall not cause
voltage fluctuation greater than
+/- 5% at point of connection.
IEEE 519 and CEA (Technical
Standards for Connectivity of the
Distributed Generation Resources)
Regulations 2013
The voltage-operating window
tripping and should be under
operating range of 80% to
110% of the nominal connected
voltage. Beyond a clearing time
of 2 second, the photovoltaic
system must isolate itself from
the grid.
IEEE 519 and CEA (Technical Operation
Standards for Connectivity of the system should
not cause
Distributed Generation Resources) voltage flicker in excess of the
Regulations 2013
limits stated in IEC 61000
standards or other equivalent
Indian standards, if any.
IEEE 519 and CEA (Technical
Standards for Connectivity of the
Distributed Generation Resources)
Regulations 2013
When the Distribution system
frequency deviates outside the
specified conditions (50.5 Hz
on upper side and 47.5 Hz on
lower side), There should be
over and under frequency trip
functions with a clearing time of
0.2 seconds.
DC injection
IEEE 519 and CEA (Technical
Standards for Connectivity of the
Distributed Generation Resources)
Regulations 2013
Photovoltaic system should not
inject DC power more than
0.5% of full rated output at the
interconnection point under any
operating conditions
Power Factor
IEEE 519 and CEA (Technical
Standards for Connectivity of the
Distributed Generation Resources)
Regulations 2013
While the output of the inverter
is greater than 50%, a lagging
power factor of greater than 0.9
should operate
Islanding and
IEEE 519 and CEA (Technical
Standards for Connectivity of the
Distributed Generation Resources)
Regulations 2013
The photovoltaic system in the
event of fault, voltage or
island / disconnect itself within
IEC standard on stipulated
and IEEE 519 and CEA (Technical
Standards for Connectivity of the
Distributed Generation Resources)
Regulations 2013
The inverter should have the
facility to automatically switch
off in case of overload or
overheating and should restart
when normal conditions are
Paralleling Device
IEEE 519 and CEA (Technical
Standards for Connectivity of the
Distributed Generation Resources)
Regulations 2013
photovoltaic system shall be
capable of withstanding 220%
of the normal voltage at the
interconnection point.
The following formats are required to be submitted as part of the Bid. These formats are
designed to demonstrate the Bidder’s compliance with the Qualification Requirements set
forth in Clause 1.1 and other Bid submission requirements specified in the E-BID
Format of Covering Letter (Envelope I)
Formats for Power of Attorney (Envelope I)
Format for Bidder’s Details (Envelope I)
Format for Qualification Requirement (Envelope I)
Format for Documentary Evidence (Envelope I)
Format of Minimum Guaranteed Generation (Envelope I)
Format for Earnest Money Deposit (Envelope I)
Format for Financial Bid (Envelope II)
Format of checklist for Bid submission requirements (Envelope I)
A Bidder may use additional sheets to submit the information for its detailed response.
1 Covering Letter:
(The covering letter should be on the Letter Head of the Bidding Company)
FROM:(Full name and address of the Bidder)
The Director,
Uttar Pradesh New and Renewable Energy
Development Agency (UPNEDA)
VibhutiKhand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow- U. P.
Subject: -Offer in response to e-tender specification No: 01/UPNEDA/Grid Connect/Rooftop/2015
Bid for Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Grid Connected Rooftop Solar
Photovoltaic Power Plants in the State of Uttar Pradesh including its five (5) years
Operation ,comprehensive warranty and Maintenance in response to E-BID
DOCUMENT dated 30.4.2015.
Dear Sir,
We, the undersigned …….
[insert name of the ‘Bidder’] having read,
examined and understood the terms and conditions of the E-BID DOCUMENT for Supply,
Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Grid Connected Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Power
Plants including 5 years operation comprehensive warranty and maintenance hereby submit our
Financial Bid(s) and Non-Financial Bid, in State of Uttar Pradesh.
We give our unconditional acceptance to the E-BID DOCUMENT, dated 30.4.2015, issued by the
UPNEDA, as amended. In token of our acceptance, the same have been initialed by us and
enclosed to the Bid. We shall ensure that the work as elaborated under the E-BID DOCUMENT
shall be executed in accordance with the provisions of the E-BID DOCUMENT which shall be
binding on us.
Earnest Money Deposit & Tender Fees
We have enclosed an Earnest Money Deposit of Rs 8 Lakh, in the form of a Bank
Guarantee No. …………. (Insert number of the bank guarantee) dated ………. [Insert
date of bank guarantee] in the format prescribed at Format 9 of the E-BID DOCUMENT
from ………… (Insert name of bank providing the Bank Guarantee) and valid up to
fifteen (15) months in terms of Clause 1.7.1 of the E-BID DOCUMENT.
We have also enclosed a Demand Draft/Banker’s Cheque No. ---------------- dated ---------of Rs11025.00 towards Tender Fee, in the favour of Director Uttar Pradesh New and
Renewable Energy Development Agency (UPNEDA) payable at Lucknow from
nationalized bank only in terms of Clause 1.7.9 of the E-BID DOCUMENT.
We have submitted our Financial Bid(s) strictly in the format prescribed for financial bid of
the E-BID DOCUMENT, without any deviations, conditions and without mentioning any
assumptions or notes for the Financial Bid in the said format.
We hereby unconditionally and irrevocably agree and accept that the decision made by
the UPNEDA in respect of any matter regarding or arising out of the E-BID DOCUMENT
shall be binding on us. We hereby expressly waive any and all claims in respect of bid
Familiarity with Relevant Indian Laws and Regulations
We confirm that we understand the provisions of the relevant Indian laws and regulations
as required to enable us to submit this Bid and fulfill the requirements of the E-BID
DOCUMENT, in the event of our selection as Selected Bidder. We further undertake and
agree that all such factors as mentioned in Clause 1.11 of the E-BID DOCUMENT have
been fully examined and considered while submitting the Bid.
Familiarity with the Schemes/Guidelines of Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
We declare that we have understood the provisions of the relevant scheme/guidelines as
specified by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy and the plants shall be
implemented following such scheme/guidelines and minimum technical requirements as
specified by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy from time to time.
Contact Person
Details of the contact person are furnished as under:
Contact No.:
Fax No.:
E-mail address:
It is confirmed that our Bid is consistent with all the requirements of submission as stated
in the E-BID DOCUMENT and subsequent communications from UPNEDA.
The information submitted in our Bid is complete, strictly in accordance with the
requirements stipulated in the E-BID DOCUMENT and is correct to the best of our
knowledge and understanding. We would be solely responsible for any errors or
omissions in our Bid.
We confirm that all the terms and conditions of our Bid are valid for acceptance for a
period of One Hundred and Eighty (180) days from the Bid Deadline.
We confirm that we have not taken any deviation so as to be deemed non-responsive
with respect to the provisions stipulated in Clause 1.3.1 of the E-BID DOCUMENT.
We confirm that there are no litigations or disputes against us, which materially affect our
ability to fulfill our obligations with regard to supply of power. We confirm that no order
and/or ruling has been passed by an Appropriate Commission or a competent court
against us in the preceding two (two) year from the Bid Deadline for breach of any
contract and that the bid security submitted by us has not been forfeited, either partly or
wholly, in any bid process of similar nature, in the preceding years from the Bid Deadline
in accordance with the provisions of Clause 1.1.7.
Dated the _________ day of _________, 20___
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Signed by
Name, Designation and Digital Signature of Authorized Person in whose name Power of Attorney
is issued
Note: The e-tender is to be uploaded in two separate files named Part-A for
technical bid & Part-B for Financial Bid only.
2 Formats for Power of Attorney
(To be on non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value in accordance with Stamp Act
relevant to place of execution)
Power of Attorney to be provided by the Bidding Company in favor of its representative as
evidence of authorized signatory’s authority.
Know all people by these presents, We …………………………………………….(name and
address of the registered office of the Bidding Company) do hereby constitute, appoint and
authorize Mr./Ms …………………………………………………(name and residential address) who
is presently employed with us and holding the position of ………………………………. as our true
and lawful attorney, to do in our name and on our behalf, all such acts, deeds and things
necessary in connection with or incidental to submission of our Bid for Supply, Installation,
Testing and Commissioning of Grid Connected Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Power Plants in
response to the E-BID DOCUMENT dated…… issued by Uttar Pradesh New and Renewable
Energy Development Agency (“UPNEDA” or “UPNEDA”), including signing and submission of
the Bid and all other documents related to the Bid, including but not limited to undertakings,
letters, certificates, acceptances, clarifications, guarantees or any other document which
UPNEDA may require us to submit. The aforesaid Attorney is further authorized for making
representations to the UPNEDA, and providing information and/or responses to the UPNEDA,
representing us in all matters before the UPNEDA, and generally dealing with UPNEDA in all
matters in connection with our Bid till the completion of the bidding process as per the terms of
We hereby agree to ratify all acts, deeds and things done by our said attorney pursuant to this
Power of Attorney and that all acts, deeds and things done by our aforesaid attorney shall be
binding on us and shall always be deemed to have been done by us.
All the terms used herein but not defined shall have the meaning ascribed to such terms under
Signed by the within named ........................................... [Insert the name of the executant
company] through the hand of
Mr. ……………………………………….
duly authorized by the Board to issue such Power of Attorney
Dated this ………………………. day of ………
Signature of Attorney:
(Signature of the executant) (Name, designation and address of the executant)
Signature and stamp of Notary of the place of execution
Common seal of ……………… has been affixed in my/our presence pursuant to Board of
Director’s Resolution dated……
Name ………………………………….
Name ………………………………….
The mode of execution of the power of attorney should be in accordance with the
procedure, if any, laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the
Also, wherever required, the executant(s) should submit for verification the extract of the
charter documents and documents such as a Board resolution / power of attorney, in
favour of the person executing this power of attorney for delegation of power hereunder
on behalf of the executant(s).
3 Format for Bidder’s details
Name of Bidder
Postal Address
Mobile no.
Telephone, Telex, Fax No
Web site
Name, designation and Mobile Phone
No. of the representative of the Bidder to
whom all references shall be made
Name and address of the Indian/foreign
Collaboration if any
Have anything/extra other than price of
items (as mentioned in price Schedule)
been written in the price schedule.
Have the Bidder to pay arrears of
income tax?
If yes up to what amount?
Year of Incorporation (attach
incorporation certificate)
Company's Business Activities.
Have the Bidder ever been debarred By
any Govt. Deptt./ Undertaking for
undertaking any work?
Details of offer (please mention number
of pages )
Reference of any other information
attached by the Bidder (please Mention
no. of pages & no. of drawings)
(Signature of Bidder)
with Seal
Vibhuti Khand,
Gomti Nagar,
Lucknow - 226010
Dear Madam/Sir,
Sub: Bid for Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Grid Connected Rooftop Solar
Photovoltaic Power Plants in the State of Uttar Pradesh including its five (5) years
Operation Comprehensive warranty and Maintenance
We submit our Bid for the Category I/II/III/IV/V (strikeout which is not applicable) for
implementation of Grid Connected Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Power Plants in the State of Uttar
Pradesh for which we submit details to satisfy the Qualification Requirements. The documentary
evidence is also enclosed in sequential manner.
Experience Satisfying Technical Criteria
Name of the
of Site
Main Scope
of Work
Mounted /
Total Installed Capacity
Documentary proof to be mandatorily attached
Parameters Satisfying Financial Criteria
S No.
FY 12
FY 13
FY 14
Net Worth
Paid up Share Capital
Revaluation reserves
Intangible Assets
Miscellaneous Expenses
Mandatory to attached Audited Certificate from Registered CA
Yours faithfully
(Signature of Authorised Representative and rubber stamp of Bidding Company)
Name: Date: Place:
(Signature and Stamp (on each page) of Statutory Auditors of Bidding Company)
Name: Date: Place:
………………………………………………. (Signature)
Name ………………………………….
Designation...........………………….. Date:
………………………………………………. (Signature)
Name ………………………………….
Minimum Guaranteed Generation (kWh)
(To be on non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value as per Stamp Act relevant to
place of execution.)
In consideration of the ……………. (Insert name of the Bidder) submitting the Bid inter alia for
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Grid Connected Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic
Power Plants including 5 years operation ,comprehensive warranty and maintenance for meeting
the terms and conditions in response to the E-BID DOCUMENT dated 30.4.2015. issued by
Uttar Pradesh New and Renewable Energy Development Agency (“UPNEDA”), and
UPNEDA agreeing to consider the Bid of ……… [Insert the name of the Bidder] in accordance
with the terms of the E-BID DOCUMENT, the ……………………… (Insert name and address of
the bank issuing the Bid Bond, and address of the head office) (here in after referred to as
“Guarantor Bank”) hereby agrees unequivocally, irrevocably and unconditionally to pay to
UPNEDA or its authorized representative at ………………….. [Insert Name of the Place from the
address of UPNEDA] forthwith on demand in writing from UPNEDA or any representative
authorized by it in this behalf an amount not exceeding Rupees eight lakhs on behalf of M/s.
………………………..[Insert name of the Bidder].
This guarantee shall be valid and binding on the Guarantor Bank up to and including
……………… (Insert date of validity of Earnest Money Deposit in accordance with Clause 1.7 of
the E-BID DOCUMENT) and shall not be terminable by notice or any change in the constitution
of the Guarantor Bank or by any other reasons whatsoever and our liability hereunder shall not
be impaired or discharged by any extension of time or variations or alternations made, given, or
agreed with or without our knowledge or consent, by or between concerned parties.
Our liability under this Guarantee is restricted to Rupees …………………….. (Rs… ………….).
UPNEDA or its authorized representative shall be entitled to invoke this Guarantee until
……………………….. [Insert Date, which is six months after the date in the preceding sentence].
The Guarantor Bank hereby expressly agrees that it shall not require any proof in addition to the
written demand from UPNEDA or its authorized representative, made in any format, raised at the
above mentioned address of the Guarantor Bank, in order to make the said payment to UPNEDA
or its authorized representative.
The Guarantor Bank shall make payment hereunder on first demand without restriction or
conditions and notwithstanding any objection, disputes, or disparities raised by the Bidder or any
other person. The Guarantor Bank shall not require UPNEDA or its authorized representative to
justify the invocation of this BANK GUARANTEE, nor shall the Guarantor Bank have any
recourse against the UPNEDA or its authorized representative in respect of any payment made
This BANK GUARANTEE shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of India and the courts
at ……………. shall have exclusive jurisdiction.
The Guarantor Bank represents that this BANK GUARANTEE has been established in such form
and with such content that it is fully enforceable in accordance with its terms as against the
Guarantor Bank in the manner provided herein.
This BANK GUARANTEE shall not be affected in any manner by reason of merger,
amalgamation, restructuring, liquidation, winding up, dissolution or any other change in the
constitution of the Guarantor Bank.
This BANK GUARANTEE shall be a primary obligation of the Guarantor Bank and accordingly,
UPNEDA or its authorized representative shall not be obliged before enforcing this BANK
GUARANTEE to take any action in any court or arbitral proceedings against the Bidder, to make
any claim against or any demand on the Bidder or to give any notice to the Bidder to enforce any
security held by UPNEDA or its authorized representative or to exercise, levy or enforce any
distress, diligence or other process against the Bidder.
The Guarantor Bank acknowledges that this BANK GUARANTEE is not personal to UPNEDA
and may be assigned, in whole or in part, (whether absolutely or by way of security) by UPNEDA
to any entity to whom it is entitled to assign its rights and obligations.
The Guarantor Bank hereby agrees and acknowledges that UPNEDA shall have a right to invoke
this Bank Guarantee either in part or in full, as it may deem fit.
Notwithstanding anything contained hereinabove, our liability under this Guarantee is restricted
to Rupees Eight lakh and it shall remain in force until ……………………….. [Date to be inserted
on the basis of Clause 1.7 of E-BID DOCUMENT], with an additional claim period of 6 (six)
months thereafter. We are liable to pay the guaranteed amount or any part thereof under this
BANK GUARANTEE only if ……………the UPNEDA or its authorized representative serves
upon us a written claim or demand.
In witness whereof the Bank, through its authorized officer, has set its hand and stamp on this
…………….. day of ……………………… at …………………….
Designation with Bank Stamp Signature
Designation with Bank Stamp Signature
Name and address
Attorney as per power of attorney No. …………………
For:……………………………………………. [Insert Name of the Bank]
Banker’s Stamp and Full Address:
Dated this ………………… day of …………… 20…..
Note: The Stamp Paper should be in the name of the Executing Bank.
(To be on non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value as per Stamp Act relevant to
place of execution.)
In consideration of the ……………………..[Insert name of the Selected/Empanelled Bidder with
address] agreeing to undertake the obligations under the E-BID DOCUMENT dated ……….
[Insert date of E-BID DOCUMENT] issued by …………… Uttar Pradesh New and Renewable
Energy Development Agency (“UPNEDA”) for Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and
Commissioning of Grid Connected Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Power Plants, the
……………………… (Insert name and address of the bank issuing the Contract Performance
Guarantee and address of the head office) (here in after referred to as “Guarantor Bank”) hereby
agrees unequivocally, irrevocably and unconditionally to pay to the ---------------------------------[Insert the name & address of Primary Beneficiary] herein after referred to as ‘Primary
Beneficiary’ forthwith on demand in writing from -------------------------- [Insert the name of the
‘Primary Beneficiary’] or any representative authorized by it in this behalf an amount not
exceeding Rupees [__________] [amount to be calculated at the rate of 10% of the total contract
value], on behalf of M/s. ………………………..[Insert name of the Bidder].
This guarantee shall be valid and binding on the Guarantor Bank up to and including
……………… (Insert date of validity of Contract Performance Guarantee in accordance with
Clause 1.8 of the E-BID DOCUMENT) and shall not be terminable by notice or any change in the
constitution of the Guarantor Bank or by any other reasons whatsoever and our liability
hereunder shall not be impaired or discharged by any extension of time or variations or
alternations made, given, or agreed with or without our knowledge or consent, by or between
concerned parties.
Our liability under this Guarantee is restricted to Rupees …………………….. (Rs… ………….).
Primary Beneficiary or its authorized representative shall be entitled to invoke this Guarantee
until ……………………….. [Insert Date, which is 30 days after the date in the preceding
sentence]. The Guarantor Bank hereby expressly agrees that it shall not require any proof in
addition to the written demand from the Primary Beneficiary or its authorized representative,
made in any format, raised at the above mentioned address of the Guarantor Bank, in order to
make the said payment to the Primary Beneficiary or its authorized representative.
The Guarantor Bank shall make payment hereunder on first demand without restriction or
conditions and notwithstanding any objection, disputes, or disparities raised by the Bidder or any
other person. The Guarantor Bank shall not require the Primary Beneficiary or its authorized
representative to justify the invocation of this BANK GUARANTEE, nor shall the Guarantor Bank
have any recourse against the Primary Beneficiary or its authorized representative in respect of
any payment made hereunder.
This BANK GUARANTEE shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of India and the courts
at ……………. shall have exclusive jurisdiction.
The Guarantor Bank represents that this BANK GUARANTEE has been established in such form
and with such content that it is fully enforceable in accordance with its terms as against the
Guarantor Bank in the manner provided herein.
This BANK GUARANTEE shall not be affected in any manner by reason of merger,
amalgamation, restructuring, liquidation, winding up, dissolution or any other change in the
constitution of the Guarantor Bank.
This BANK GUARANTEE shall be a primary obligation of the Guarantor Bank and accordingly,
the Primary Beneficiary or its authorized representative shall not be obliged before enforcing this
BANK GUARANTEE to take any action in any court or arbitral proceedings against the Bidder, to
make any claim against or any demand on the Bidder or to give any notice to the Bidder to
enforce any security held by the Primary Beneficiary or its authorized representative or to
exercise, levy or enforce any distress, diligence or other process against the Bidder.
The Guarantor Bank acknowledges that this BANK GUARANTEE is not personal to the Primary
Beneficiary and may be assigned, in whole or in part, (whether absolutely or by way of security)
by the Primary Beneficiary to any entity to whom it is entitled to assign its rights and obligations.
The Guarantor Bank hereby agrees and acknowledges that the Primary Beneficiary shall have a
right to invoke this Bank Guarantee either in part or in full, as it may deem fit.
Notwithstanding anything contained hereinabove, our liability under this Guarantee is restricted
to Rupees [__________] [amount to be calculated at the rate of 10% of the total contract value]
and it shall remain in force until ……………………….. [Date to be inserted on the basis of Clause
1.8 of E-BID DOCUMENT], with an additional claim period of 30 (thirty) days thereafter. We are
liable to pay the guaranteed amount or any part thereof under this BANK GUARANTEE only if
……………the Primary Beneficiary or its authorized representative serves upon us a written
claim or demand.
In witness whereof the Bank, through its authorized officer, has set its hand and stamp on this
…………….. day of ……………………… at …………………….
Designation with Bank Stamp Signature
Designation with Bank Stamp Signature
Name and address
Attorney as per power of attorney No. …………………
For:……………………………………………. [Insert Name of the Bank]
Banker’s Stamp and Full Address:
Dated this ………………… day of …………… 20…..
Note: The Stamp Paper should be in the name of the Executing Bank.
8 Format of checklist for submission of Bid
Submission of Bid requirements Covering Letter as per Format 1
Original Power of Attorney as per Format 2
Bidder’s Details as per Format 3
Details of meeting Qualification Requirement. as per Format 4
Minimum Guaranteed Generation Format 5
Bank Guarantee Format for Earnest Money Deposit as per Format 6
Bank Guarantee Format for Contract Performance Guarantee as per
Format 7
Checklist of submission of Bid as per this Format 8
Calculation sheets detailing computation of Networth considered for
meeting Qualifying Requirements.
Last 3 (three) financial years’ unconsolidated/consolidated audited annual
accounts of the Bidding Company duly certified by the Statutory Auditor
.Documentary evidence for fulfillment of technical criteria
Initialing of all pages of Bid by authorized signatory.
Financial Bid as per Part B
Signature of authorized signatory in whose name Power of Attorney in accordance with
Clause 1.2 is issued:
Name and designation of authorized signatory: ………………..
Place: ………………..
Date: …………………
Notes for Bidder:
The installation should not be protruding outside the building and there should not be
overhang type structure on any terrace.
Location and area for inverter and other interconnection equipment should be located in
suitable and secure place and this should be approved by the R&B and / or the
respective Primary Beneficiary.
Installation diagram and wiring from array to proposed location of inverter and
interconnection should be clearly presented by the Selected/Empanelled Bidder before
work starts on the site. These should be approved by owner of the respective building.
Any installations on the terrace should be planned and executed in such a way that water
proofing will not be disturbed and harmed. In case any area water proofing is affected it
will be Bidders's responsibility to correct it and put it right.
Notes for Bidder:
1. The installation should not be protruding outside the building and there should not be
overhang type structure on any terrace.
Location and area for inverter and other interconnection equipment should be located in
suitable and secure place and this should be approved by the R&B and / or the
respective Primary Beneficiary.
Installation diagram and wiring from array to proposed location of inverter and
interconnection should be clearly presented by the Selected/Empanelled Bidder before
work starts on the site. These should be approved by owner of the respective building.
Any installations on the terrace should be planned and executed in such a way that water
proofing will not be disturbed and harmed. In case any area water proofing is affected it
will be Bidders's responsibility to correct it and put it right.
PART B (Financial Bid)
e-tender NO. 01/UPNEDA/Grid Connect/Rooftop/2015
Name of the Firm: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning including 5 years Operation, Comprehensive
Warranty and Maintenance of Grid Connected Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Power Plants in
various Districts in the State of Uttar Pradesh. as per technical specifications, Terms and
Conditions of the tender document
Unit Capital Cost (per /Wp) In words Unit Capital
Grid connected Rooftop for Supply Installation, cost per Wp
Solar Power Plant
Testing and Commissioning
Operation, Comprehensive
Warranty and Maintenance
of Grid Connected Rooftop
Solar Photovoltaic Power
1kWp to 5kWp
>5kWp to 50 kWp
>50 kWp to 100 kWp
>100 kWp to 250 kWp
>250 kWp to 500 kWp
Certified that rates quoted above are as per the requirement, specification terms & condition
mentioned in the e-tender document.
The rates are inclusive of all taxes & duties, storage, transportation up to site, insurance etc., and
any other job required to properly execute the work.
(Signature of Bidder)
With seal
To be uploaded in Part B.
Other document / condition, terms if enclosed will liable to be rejection of bid.