NEEDHAM MARKET TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES of the meeting of NEEDHAM MARKET TOWN COUNCIL held in the Green Room, Needham Market Community Centre, School Street, Needham Market, on Wednesday 15th April 2015 at 7:30pm. Present: Cllr S Phillips (In the Chair), Councillors, BE Annis, R Campbell, TS Carter, RP Darnell, ED Nash, MG Norris, KMN Oakes, GF Oxenham, S Rowland and X Stansfield. Apologies for Absence: Cllr D Campbell – Family Commitment Cllr JE Lea – RBLWS National Conference Cllr T Simpson – Work Commitment AL Ward – Family Commitment Mid Suffolk District Councillor Wendy Marchant In Attendance:, Suffolk County Councillor Julia Truelove, three members of public and Town Clerk Kevin Hunter. C051/15 To confirm the Minutes of the Town Council Meeting held 1st April 2015. The Minutes of the Town Council Meeting held Wednesday 1st April 2015 were accepted as a true and correct record and signed by the Chairman. C052/15 To receive Councillors’ Declarations of Interest for matters on the Agenda. Cllr BE Annis – Accounts for Payment (Community Centre), Planning (Needham Chalk Quarry) Cllr R Campbell – Planning Matters (PA 3679/13, Hill House Lane) Cllr MG Norris – Planning Matters Cllr KMN Oakes - Accounts for Payment (Community Centre) Cllr X Stansfield - Accounts for Payment (Community Centre) Standing Orders were suspended at 7:32pm to receive reports from County Councillor Truelove, District Councillors Marchant and Norris, the Police and to take questions from members of the public County Councillor Julia Truelove presented her report, which was tabled and a copy of which will be appended to the Minute Book. The report referred to: Parking Restrictions Review – proposals for additional parking restrictions in Needham Market have now been formalised Suffolk County Council’s Better Broadband Report – details of new improved broadband coverage have been released Housing Related Support – sheltered housing accommodation in Needham Market is included in the County wide programme to review service costs and value for money Cllr Darnell said he agreed with County Councillor Truelove’s view that the County Council has taken far too long on bringing the parking restrictions issue forward and asked, what is the County Council going to do to speed the process up? County Councillor Truelove explained a legal process is necessary and there had been a delay whilst trying to minimise cost by bringing numerous locations into a single application for additional parking restrictions. Cllr Phillips endorsed the need to minimise the expense of the legal process albeit it had cost time. Cllr Darnell, commenting on better broadband, said it is not much better than the standard service but broadband providers are now able to put their customers onto a better broadband service ‘pipe’. District Councillor Mike Norris presented the District Councillors report, which was tabled and a copy of which will be appended to the Minute Book. It included reference to: 1 Fly Tipping, Recycling, Litter on A14 Verges – successful prosecution by Mid Suffolk District Council of a fly tipper plus details of additional items which can now be recycled and, MSDC is aiming to discourage motorists from throwing litter out of their vehicles on the A14 Needham Market Railway Station – details of the improvement works being undertaken by Abellio Greater Anglia Cllr Annis said, in view of the extended range of items that can now be recycled, the information provided on household bins is out of date. District Councillor Norris agreed to take that issue up within the District Council. Cllr Darnell said he found roads in the USA free of litter and the reason for this is those that litter face a $10,000 fine, which is enforced. There was no Police report. A member of the public, referring to the Planning Appeal on a proposed residential development off Hill House Lane, said the appeal documentation contained ‘new information’. Despite the Mid Suffolk District Council claim that the ‘new information’ should be the subject of a fresh planning application, the Planning Inspectorate had nevertheless registered the appeal for hearing. He asked if the Town Council could bring pressure to bear on the Planning Inspectorate. Cllr Stansfield advised his Planning Section report to be presented later in the meeting would address that request. Cllr R Campbell suggested a K Baker is the Planning Inspector dealing with the appeal. A further member of the public said she could not understand how the Mid Suffolk District Council claim had been overridden by the Planning Inspectorate. Cllr Phillips thanked the members of public for their attendance and comments. Standing Orders were resumed at 7:51 pm. C053/15 To receive a report of the activities of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor on behalf of the Town. The Mayor reported attending: Thursday 2nd April – Needham Market Art Show Preview Evening held at Needham Market Community Centre The Mayor presented his final report for his term of office, a copy of which will be appended to the Minute Book The Deputy Mayor was not present. C054/15 To receive a report from the Strategic Planning Working Group. Cllr Norris presented his report, which was tabled and a copy of which will be appended to the Minute Book. It included details of the next steps to be taken in the Needham Market Neighbourhood Plan process. Cllr Oakes asked whether the Neighbourhood Plan referendum process involved the typical ballot box approach. Cllr Norris said he is not aware of the detail of the process at this point. C055/15 To receive an update on creation of a Gipsy Lane Rail Crossing Project Board. Cllr Oxenham reported he had drawn up a proposal for a GLX Project Board which stemmed from discussion with Network Rail following the 23rd March public meeting.The Board will include a Parish Councillor from Creeting St Mary and its purpose is to assist Network Rail in drawing up an acceptable solution to the closure of the over-rail crossing. A response is currently awaited from Network Rail in that respect. 2 Cllr Oxenham confirmed he will be the local contact for Board matters. Cllr Oxenham tabled a document which showed how a reduction in height of an underpass solution might be achieved. He proposed a letter be sent to the Suffolk County Council Rights of Way Officer stating the Town Council endorsed the suggested reduction in underpass height. Cllr Stansfield seconded the proposal. Council agreed the proposal. C056/15 To consider arrangements for the Annual Town Meeting 27th April 2015. Cllr Oakes reported the Council’s Annual report was compiled and with the Printer. Printed copies of the report will be included within the May edition of the Town Council’s Newsletter. The Clerk said he will be sending all Councillors an agenda for the Annual Town Meeting and general arrangements will be in keeping with past years, C057/15 Clerk’s Report and Correspondence to be noted. 1. Actions from Town Council Meeting 1.04.15: None 2. Issues: Elections 2015 – There are 16 nominations for the 15 seats on the Town Council therefore an election will be necessary on 7th May Annual Town Meeting 2015 – reminder this will be held on Monday 27th April at 7pm in the Community Centre 3. Correspondence to be noted: Email dated 13th April from the Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner inviting views on policing in the County, at a series of events. The Mid Suffolk event is on Wednesday 13th May at Eye Community Centre (6:30pm start – no need to book) Cllr Phillips said that despite his attendance at the last event held, at which he raised the issue of vehicles parking on pavements, no action to deal with that problem has been taken. Letter from The Ipswich Hospital Charity received 13th April asking if the Council would ‘adopt our ward’ and help with their fundraising during 2015 (Day 3 of a 200 mile cycle challenge comes through the town on Sunday 28th June Acknowledgements and thanks received for grants/donations for 2015/16 awarded to: Mid Suffolk Citizens Advice Bureau Needham Market Neighbourhood Watch Needham Market Community Centre Ashburnham Over- 60’s Club C058/15 SECTIONS. C058/15/1 Finance/General Purposes C058/15/1a Accounts for Payment and Confirmation. 3 Cllr Annis presented the accounts for payment, which were tabled and a copy of which will be appended to the Minute Book. Cllr Nash queried the payment due to Gipping Press. Cllr Norris explained the charges which were for the design, production and printing of the draft Needham Market Neighbourhood Plan. Cllr Phillips proposed Council adopt the Accounts for Payment. Council agreed the proposal. C058/15/1c To receive a report from the Section Leader Cllr Annis reported the next Finance and General Purposes meeting will take place after the forthcoming 7th May elections. C058/15/2 Recreation & Sport C058/15/2a To receive a report from the Section Leader. Cllr Phillips reported the Town Warden had stopped a member of public from flying a drone on Crowley Park and the Warden is also carrying out a deep clean at Crowley Park pavilion, now the youth football club’s season has come to an end. C058/15/3 Town Property and Services C058/15/3a To receive a report from the Section Leader Cllr Oakes reported attending, with the Town Clerk, a meeting at the ‘Needham Maltings’ development to discuss and agree final details of the ‘Public Realm’ areas of the development which the Town Council is to take ownership of and responsibility for. Taylor Wimpey are to produce a definitive document setting out the final agreement. Once that is to hand, the financial contribution which will come along with the transfer of the ‘Public Realm’ area, to the Town Council, can be agreed. Cllr Oakes added, the brass plaques which will be installed on the monolith structure on the ‘Needham Maltings’ site had been produced and were available for Councillors to view plus, the Town Council will provide the time capsule which is to be sealed into the monolith. An event for unveiling the plaques and sealing the time capsule is to be arranged. Cllr Oakes reported agreement with Needham in Bloom over the summer season watering arrangements was close and proposed an appropriate item be included on Council’s 6th May meeting agenda. Council agreed. C058/15/4 Newsletter C058/15/4a To receive a report from the Section Leader There was no report. C058/15/5 Planning. Cllr Stansfield presented the Minutes from the Section Meeting held on Monday 13th April, which were tabled and a copy of which will be appended to the Minute Book. C058/15/5a To receive Planning Decisions. Cllr Stansfield reported the following decisions had been received: 0527/15+0526/15 (Complimentary Planning Application) - The Cart Lodge, Coddenham Road, Creeting St Mary - Retention of double five bar gates. Retention of close boarded fence. Erection of post and wire fence to perimeter of site. Planning Permission has been granted. 0468/15 - Land between 12 & 14 Clover Close - Erection of two storey dwelling and associated parking following the demolition of 2 no. single storey garages. Creation of new permeable parking area to serve numbers 14 and 15 Clover Close. Planning Permission has been granted. C058/15/5b To consider Planning Applications Cllr Stansfield reported the following planning application had been received: 1084/15 – The Lion Inn, 44 Ipswich Road – Fell Horse Chestnut 4 The Section has now identified the particular Tree that it is proposed be felled in this Application. The Horse Chestnut concerned is a most significant amenity benefit to the local area and of great importance to the landscape. Felling it would have an extremely detrimental effect on the visual attractiveness of the area. The applicant should seek professional advice (Tree Surgeon and Drainage Specialist) to find alternative solutions to the problems described in the Application. MSDC's Tree Officer’s recommendations and advice should be adhered to. Cllr Stansfield proposed the Town Council recommends Refusal of this Application. Council agreed. C058/15/5c To receive a report from the Section Leader. Councillor Stansfield reported he, and the Town Clerk, attended a meeting at MSDC Offices on the afternoon of Tuesday 14th April to discuss two Items with various District Council Officers. The two items discussed are as follows: Having declared an interest Cllr Annis left the meeting temporarily. 1 Town and Country Planning Act 1990. Appeal by: Mr P Haylock. Site: Land West of Anderson Close, Hill House Lane, Needham Market (part in the Parish of Barking). Proposed: Residential development. Planning Inspectorate Reference: APP/W3520/W/15/3004749. 2 Revenues under Section 106/CIL derived by the development of the Chalk Quarry known as Lake Park. Cllr Stansfield reported (under separate cover): Planning Appeal: Land West of Anderson Close, Hill House Lane, Needham Market (Part in the Parish of Barking) Planning Application 3679/13 for proposed Residential Development Following consideration of the Appeal documentation and a meeting with Mid Suffolk District Council on 14th April 2015, I make the following proposals: On the basis the Appeal documentation includes fundamental changes to the scope and detail of the original Planning Application; I propose Council send its strongest concerns to The Planning Inspectorate challenging its decision to register the Planning Appeal and not dismiss it as invalid Should the Planning Inspectorate not cancel the Appeal Hearing set to take place on Tuesday 19th May; I propose comments are sent, to The Planning Inspectorate, prior to the deadline for submission of comments (1st May 2015), reiterating its objections to the original Planning Application 3679/13 and adding: 1) The impact the development would have on a Special Landscape Area 2) Reference to the Draft Needham Market Neighbourhood Plan and its importance in articulating the local community’s acceptance of Brownfield site development but rejection of Greenfield site development over the Plan period Cllr Carter seconded the proposals. Council agreed the proposals. Cllr Stansfield referred again to Revenues under Section 106/CIL derived by the development of the Chalk Quarry known as Lake Park and explained Mid Suffolk District Council is seeking advice from the Town Council as to its community project priorities in relation to potential funding. He presented a draft list of priorities. The Clerk explained the fuller context in which the discussions with Mid Suffolk District Council and the provision of the information being requested are, at this point, necessary. 5 Cllr Oxenham asked for details of funding arrangements. Cllr Stansfield gave his estimates of the timing for the funding and what proportion would be included in each tranche. Cllr Annis rejoined the meeting. Cllr Stansfield reported the Planning Section will next meet on Monday 4th May in the Town Council Office at 7.00pm. C058/15/6 Highways, Lighting and Footpaths C058/15/6a To receive a report from the Section Leader Cllr Norris presented his report, which was tabled and a copy of which will be appended to the Minute Book. It included: Outstanding Needham Market Highways Issues – parking restriction implementation consultation document received from Suffolk County Council but likely timescale before the work is carried out is, disappointingly, in the order of 4 to 5 months Damage to the beacon shroud on the pedestrian crossing near the Post Office reported some weeks ago, to be chased up C059/15 Questions under Standing Order 40. There were no questions. The Meeting closed at 8:33pm Chairman ………………………………………….. 6 Date ………………………………
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