Researching at an Historical Society

Seema-Jayne Kenney
Ancestral Books, Legacy & Education
Researching at an Historical Society
Presenter Bio:
Seema has 15 years experience as a software instructor and 4 years as a professional
genealogist. Her known roots are deep in New England as well as England, Germany, and
Sweden. She is a BU and ProGen graduate and is active in many genealogical societies.
Lecture Description:
Genealogical Research away from the computer. Looking at the real items of an Historical
Society and the story they can help create about your ancestors' lives.
Syllabus Description:
These pages are intended as a supplement to my talk and do not include the details of my
searches or my findings as discussed in the presentation.
Genealogical Research
Genealogy is the study of family in genetic and historical context. It is the study of the people
who compose a family and the relationships among them. At the individual level, it is
biography, because we must reconstruct each individual life in order to separate each person's
identify from that of others bearing the same name. For many, Genealogy is the study of
Historical Society
A group of volunteers, sometimes called "townies", interested in and dedicated to preserving
local history.
A room or building where artifacts of local lifestyle are save, preserved, and revered.
A collection that includes written, physical, ephemeral, and photographic resources about a
local geographic area including information on the people, industry, folklore, and customs.
Benefits of Combining the Two
Similar Interests
Local Knowledge
Renamed Streets
Migration Patterns
Community Traditions
Family Connections
Knew your ancestor
Completed research on your family
Others researching the same surname
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UNIQUE Resources
Furniture & Furnishings
Audio & Video Recordings
Perceived Problems
Live far away
Not Open
Impossible to Reach
No Catalog of Holdings
Staff are not Researchers
My Ancestor was an
'Ordinary Citizen'
GAR Records
Town Records
Business Records
Industry Records
Organization Records
Find a place closer to home with a similar background.
Request an appointment!
Despite what you see and hear - not everyone uses a computer or
has a cell phone. Write a letter!
Make a suggestion after your research - send a copy of what
would attract other researchers for their website.
No - they are historians; they are volunteers.
Your visit is a chance to learn about resources that you haven't
seen before.
Most of our ancestors were. Life was different - little things were
in the newspaper; there were more social organizations; terms
meant different things than they do today.
Personal Success Stories
Grandma's High School Magazine (1909-1913) with three of her short stories.
Cousins in the Town Report for Perfect Attendance (1879-1882 )
Great Grandma's High School Graduation Ceremony Program (1855).
Resources Consulted:
Photos were taken at the following local Historical Societies:
Grafton, MA, One Grafton Common, open 2-4 every Sunday and by appointment
Upton, MA, 2 Main Street, open Tues, Weds, Thurs from 9-11, Thurs 6:30-8:00, Sat
9:30-11, and by appointment
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Historical Society
Ancestral Books, Legacy & Education
Seema-Jayne Kenney
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