are in this PDF - Neighborhood Allies

Posting Date
Proposal submission deadline
May 12, 2015
June 8, 2015
Purpose of the Request for Interested Agencies
Allegheny Health Choices, Neighborhood Allies, United Way of Allegheny County and The Forbes Funds
recognize that agencies must be poised to capture their value in more than anecdotal stories. For that
reason they have joined together to underwrite a small cohort of 10 agencies that would like to work
with Primm Research to create an economic impact statement about the value of its work. Economic
impact analysis is designed to help you quantify your organization’s economic value to your service area.
The findings you will create for your organization are typically shared with the legislature, funders,
private donors, and others interested in your economic contribution. The cohort represents a $6000
value per agency. We are asking that each participating agency agree to contribute $250 for
participation in the cohort.
David Primm will be the lead project consultant. He has produced economic impact studies, developed
informative reports, and presented findings for his clients and colleagues representing tourism
organizations, universities, hospitals, federal and state agencies, non-profit organizations, and regional
investment centers. More info available at
Overview of the Cohort
The cohort exercise will provide the participating nonprofits with the data, and more importantly, a
narrative on how their organization impacts the community from an economic impact perspective.
Primm Research will complete the analysis with IMPLAN, their preferred economic impact partner.
The “expenditure-based” economic impact model to be developed for this project will prepare
nonprofits for the increased adoption of performance-based evaluations. Data collection for this
assignment will be processed with benchmarking and evaluation in mind, similar to evidence-based,
cost-benefit analysis approaches utilized by the Pew-MacArthur Results First Initiative.
This cohort outlines the completion of research and data collection, economic impact analysis, and
reporting for the participating organizations. The reports will quantify economic benefits, job creation,
and tax revenues supported by the organizations.
Each of the 10 participating nonprofits will receive:
An introduction and awareness of economic impact analysis and the ways it can build capacity at
the organization
An understanding of the data and variables necessary for conducting a study
Project leadership from a local economic impact analyst
A complete economic and community impact report and an introduction on communicating the
findings to stakeholders
Terms of Engagement
Participation in the cohort is required during the time period: July 2015 through November 2015.
Responsibilities will include participation in meetings as scheduled, phone calls as requested, facilitating
data collection, and communicating organizational budgets and expenditures with the analyst. Total
time commitment to complete the cohort should not exceed 15 hours per organization.
Detail of Work to be Performed
Each participating organization will be required to assist the consultant with the completion of an
economic impact study of their organization’s operational expenditures. The project will follow these
steps which will require your organization’s full participation. The economic impact process is best
facilitated by team members or personnel with familiarity and access to financial details of the
Project Kickoff Meeting with Participating Organizations
The Forbes Funds will provide a meeting place space to accommodate a two-hour long workshop to kick
off the project.
Participating organizations will receive an overview of economic impact and IMPLAN, as well as a
briefing on the project requirements: project management, data collection, analysis, and reporting.
The data collection process will be reviewed. Participants will be encouraged to share information as
part of the workshop to address questions within the group.
The discussion questions for the stakeholder interviews will also be reviewed. Upon completion of the
kickoff meeting, all organizations should understand the process fully.
Stakeholder Interviews
Qualitative interviews supplement quantitative data to provide insight, explanation, historical
development, and future potential of an organization.
Following the kick-off meeting with participating organizations, upon authorization, the participating
organizations will provide the research team with a list and contact information of no more than 5
internal and external stakeholders of their organization.
Interviews typically include representatives of stakeholder groups such as: a) Development groups, b)
Local or National Foundations c) Community organizations, d) Local business, and e) Local
government/non-profit organizations.
Primary Data Collection
Primm Research will facilitate the data collection process working directly with the organization’s
project representative assigned to this project. Following the kickoff meeting, Primm Research will
provide a data collection request mapping key data sources requested to conduct the analysis.
The data request survey will be consistent among all participating organizations. All data requested
should be readily available through your operational budgets, Forms 990, and annual reports.
Economic Impact Analysis
Primm Research will conduct economic impact modeling to quantify the impact of the participating
organizations in Allegheny County.
The analysis will be completed with IMPLAN 3.0 utilizing 2013 datasets specific to Allegheny County.
Report Writing
Primm Research will develop a draft report template. Once complete, the draft report will be reviewed
by the participating organization prior to developing the final technical report in Microsoft Word.
The 10 organizational reports will follow the same reporting guidelines and format. Each report will
include an executive summary, narrative of the qualitative research results, economic impact findings,
and notes on the research.
Final Project Workshop
The Primm Research team will prepare a final presentation with the Forbes Funds staff and the study
results and findings to the group.
The final meeting will be structured to review the process and provide guidance in preparing a message
that demonstrates the economic contribution to the local community and appeal to donors, elected
officials, foundations, etc.
How to Submit a Proposal
Submissions must be received by Forbes Funds by or before 5:00 PM, June 8, 2015
A question and answer meeting will be held on May 26, 2015 from 9:30-11 a.m. in The Pittsburgh
Foundation board room. A representative from your organization is encouraged to attend.
Please submit your application via e-mail to:
Organizations are to use the application form that is found below. The form must be a minimum of 11
point font and not exceed 5 pages.
Below are the required documents to submit under this proposal:
1. Cover Letter. Your cover letter should not exceed two pages and must identify one contact
person by name, address, telephone number and fax, and email address. It should briefly
describe your organization and why it is a good match for the project. The cover letter is not
considered part of the 5 pages.
2. Application. The application describes your organization’s desire to participate in the cohort,
project management capabilities and capacity to complete the scope of services.
Why is your organization interested in participating in this cohort?
Key Personnel. Name and list of the qualifications of the key members of your organization
that will be involved in this project, this includes familiarity with your organization’s annual
budget and ability to participate in the project during the terms of the engagement. (NOTE:
CEO/President and/or CFO personnel are suggested.)
Experience. Please state if you have had any prior experience with economic impact analysis
and reporting
Stakeholders. Provide a list of community stakeholders, no more than 5 representatives of: a)
Local or National Foundations b) Community organizations, c) Local business, d) Local
economic development groups and e) Local government. Please include names and contact
information for three former clients as references.
Evaluation and Selection Process
Forbes Funds reserves the right to determine which organizations have met the requirements of this
Request for Consideration (RFIC). In addition, Forbes Funds may reject, in whole or in part, any and all
proposals, waive minor irregularities in proposals, and allow an offer to correct minor irregularities.
RFIA Provisions
The cohort participation will be awarded based on organizational qualifications and experience,
proposal content, and capacity. The Forbes Funds will provide verbal feedback on individual
submissions. Forbes Funds also reserves the right to cancel or to reissue the RFC in whole or in part,
prior to final award.
Summary of Key Dates
Economic Impact Analysis & Reporting
Project Component
RFP released
RFP Informational Meeting (participation strongly recommended
to one of the sessions)
RFP received
Selection of Participating Organizations
Project Kickoff Meeting with Participating Organizations
Stakeholder Interviews
Primary Data Collection
Secondary Data Collection
Economic Impact Analysis
Report Writing
Final Project Workshop
Brochure/Infographic Development
*Date(s) subject to change
Inquiries should be directed to:
Kate Dewey
The Forbes Funds
Estimated Timing*
May 11
May 26 9:30-11
June 8
June 22
July 7 9:30 -11 a.m.
July – Early August
July 7th – August 7th
July 7th – August 7th
Late August
End September
Early October
As requested